Mirza Yawar Baig – Concern yourself with yourself

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The speakers discuss the benefits of sharing news and events online to avoid distraction and harm. They recommend setting goals and benchmarks to improve one's understanding of Islam, and emphasize the importance of learning about Islam through reading the Quran and practicing daily prayer. They stress the importance of measuring goals and setting goals through setting goals and reciting the Quran, and encourage people to practice these activities.
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In the name of Allah, the most Gracious,
the most Merciful.
All praise is due to Allah, Lord of
the worlds.
Peace and blessings be upon the Messengers and
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, peace and
blessings be upon him and his family and
One of my very dear friends, my brother
Anil, who sent me some really good stuff.
Alhamdulillah, Allah bless him.
He sent me something from one of the
sayings of Sheikh Muhammad Ghalib, hafizallahu warah, who
said, Do not busy yourself with following people's
private matters.
Do not busy yourself with following people's private
matters or seeking to know their personal affairs.
It may be that due to this, you
will be trialed, you will be tested with
turning away from rectifying your own state of
affairs and your uprightness about Islam and your
worship of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
And by Allah, what a tremendous loss that
would be.
Because Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said, O
you who believe, protect yourselves and your families
from a fire whose fuel is men and
Today, the whole purpose of social media is
to do the opposite.
It's to get us involved in everyone else's
affairs and invite others to be involved in
our affairs by sharing with them things which
really are personal and there is either no
benefit in sharing them or there is actual
harm in sharing them.
So we share them.
We talk about our successes and we don't
know that there are people out there who
when they see you succeed, they become jealous
and they wish ill for you.
You talk about something that you enjoy.
You talk about something that makes you happy
and you don't realize that there are people
out there who don't like to see you
And some of those people can be quite
close to you.
That is why silence is such a huge
benefit because the word that does not leave
your mouth cannot cause any harm.
In the khatab, he said, I have regretted
my speech many times but I have never
regretted my silence.
Now this does not mean being silent about
things where you should speak out like for
example against injustice.
That is something that you should not be
silent about.
You should speak out about that.
But being silent about other things which are
personal and which really should not be in
the public space.
So what must you do?
Focus on yourself.
And focus on yourself by doing two things.
One, by setting goals.
And second, by having benchmarks.
Who do you compare against?
So first and foremost, learn about Allah.
The way to learn about Allah is to
read his kalam, the Quran al-Karim.
Make it your mamool, your daily practice to
read at least one juz every day.
One sipara every day.
So that way every month you complete one
And then in Ramadan you do your one
juz plus you pray Taraweeh.
And in the Taraweeh in most places the
Quran al-Karim is completed.
So that means you would have completed 13
times the Quran al-Karim in one year.
And if Allah gives you tawfiq, do more.
But at least minimum 13 times the Quran
al-Karim would have been completed.
If you follow this method.
One juz every day.
The best way to do that is to
wake up say an hour, hour and a
half before the time for fajr starts.
And pray tahajjud.
And after that read Quran until the time
for fajr.
And so then you can easily finish one
And then go to the masjid for salatul
So learn about Allah by reading the Quran.
Then memorize the Quran.
Do whatever you do.
One ayah more today.
Each day one ayah.
Two ayahs, three ayahs.
Memorize Quran.
Ask yourself how much Quran do I know?
How much do I know?
Some people know, you can say I know
one juz, two juz, three juz, ten juz.
Others may not know an entire juz.
But they may know different surahs.
And if you add all of them up.
That may be equal to one or two
juz or more.
Whatever it is.
So how much do I know?
And then compare and say how much did
I know last year?
How much more this year?
You know there is something that I May
Allah give me the tawfiq to follow what
I preach also.
And the same thing to all of us.
Which is that what you don't measure you
don't know.
What you don't know you cannot change.
You cannot improve.
So measurement is critical to all improvement.
So ask yourself how much Quran do I
know now?
And then measure yourself one month later.
How much more did I learn?
Next month how much more did I learn?
And so on.
How much more did I learn in this
And make the niyyah to memorize the entire
Because we know there are hadiths of memorization.
One of the most beautiful of them is
The Prophet said on the Day of Judgment
Allah will call The people of the Quran.
The people who have memorized the Quran.
Who know the Quran.
Allah will call them and say Now read
as you used to read in your life.
And Allah will increase their darajat as they
Until the last of what they know.
And that will be their darajat in Jannah.
The Prophet said when a person recites Quran
Allah listens for that.
So try to recite.
Not in a loud voice but audibly.
Because Allah listens to that.
Also if you recite then you can correct
According to the rules of Tajweed.
If you have a doubt record yourself.
These things have become so easy.
Just turn on your phone and record yourself.
And then play it back or play it
before your Qustad.
And correct your Tajweed.
So recite because Allah listens to that.
We know the hadith of the Prophet.
He said that when a person recites Quran.
When he reads Quran.
Allah gives him one hasana for every letter.
And he said one hasana is ten rewards.
Because Allah said The one who comes with
one hasana I will give him ten likewise.
So one hasana is ten rewards.
And then he said to clarify it further.
He said I do not say that Alif
Laam Meem is one letter.
He said Alif is one letter.
Laam is one letter and Meem is one
So when we recite Alif Laam Meem.
We are getting three hasanas.
For which the rewards are thirty.
Imagine how beneficial that is.
And remember if somebody is memorizing.
You are reciting the same thing over and
And Allah did not say Allah will give
you that reward only for the first recitation.
If I have to recite Ten times Then
I am going to get the reward For
the total number of letters in that ayah.
Multiplied by ten.
So ten times the reward because of the
Each letter one hasana.
Each hasana ten rewards and I am doing
this ten times.
So I have got ten rewards.
So try to do this.
Just the other day I was reading somewhere.
Somebody said this methodology of memorizing Quran.
May Allah make it easy for us.
He said he called it the rule of
And he said the way to do that
Is take one page of Quran.
Start from wherever you want to start.
Take one page.
And he said each page read it ten
times after each salah.
So ten times after Salatul Fajr.
Ten times after Dhuhr and so on.
So in the five salats you have read
that page 50 times.
Next day do the test yourself.
And if you need to do it again
then do it again next day.
And he said this is how you will
memorize the entire Quran.
Quran is very easy, simple.
Ten times after each salah.
Doesn't take long.
And if it takes long it takes long.
This issue of not taking long and something
being too long is I think overemphasized for
no reason.
Something is good.
Something you enjoy you don't say it takes
too long.
The question of long and short happens only
when you are not enjoying something.
So if you feel that something is too
long then ask yourself am I enjoying this
or not.
Or is this something which I am really
not enjoying.
And if it is the Kalam of Allah
then I am not enjoying it.
So ask yourself.
And say if you try and memorize the
Quran as much as possible let me keep
on trying.
So inshallah even if we don't complete it
whatever we do because we make this Niyah
and we do it like this then inshallah
I am not saying a particular method I
am saying we do it consistently then inshallah
we hope that Allah will give us the
reward of memorizing even if we have not
And that will raise us inshallah with the
Hufadh of the Quran.
Al Fatiha.