Mirza Yawar Baig – Brotherhood of Faith #1

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The importance of Islam is highlighted, along with the need for everyone to be on the same page. Discussions in religion and issues of pride and pride within the company are also discussed. The culture of man is emphasized, and students are encouraged to make up their differences and obey guidance from the speaker. The current mess in school education is discussed, and students are encouraged to make up their differences and obey guidance from the speaker.
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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious,
the Most Merciful.
All praise is due to Allah, Lord of
the worlds.
And peace and blessings be upon the Messengers
and Prophets, Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, peace
and blessings be upon him and his family
and his companions.
Peace be upon you.
My brothers and sisters and respected elders, Rasulullah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam once asked the Sahaba to
name the biggest sign of Islam.
Somebody said Salah, somebody said Zakat, somebody said
Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said no.
So they said, Ya Rasulullah, please tell us
what is the biggest sign of Islam.
And he said Muhabba.
He said Muhabba is the biggest sign of
Islam, of being Muslim.
Muhabba is brotherly love for one another because
the other person is a Muslim.
No other reason.
Because the other person is a Muslim.
I ask you and I ask myself, where
should we place ourselves with this criteria?
State of our Islam, our words, our actions,
our thoughts, our society, where should we place
The correct position with respect to Allah's command
and the Hadith of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam,
all of which, not all of which, most
of which I will tell you now in
this Qutbah, that every Muslim is a brother
of every other Muslim.
Every Muslim woman is a sister of every
other Muslim.
This is our position in Islam.
We have two issues.
One is brotherhood of humanity and brotherhood of
Every human being is a brother or sister
of ours, no matter what their faith is,
irrespective of their faith.
And every Muslim is a brother or sister
of ours.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said in Surah
Al-Anbiya, Allah said, which means, truly,
this Ummah, this brotherhood of yours, Ummatukum, is
one Ummah, Ummatan Wahida.
And I am your Rabb, and therefore worship
me alone.
Ana Rabbukum.
In the Surah after that, alternate after that,
after Surah Al-Anbiya, in Surah Al-Muminoon,
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said, Wa inna
hadihi Ummatukum Ummatan Wahida, wa ana Rabbukum fattaqoon.
And verily, this Ummah of yours, this brotherhood
of yours, is one Ummah, and I am
your Rabb, so have my Taqwa.
In these two ayats, Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala told us that we Muslims are one
Ummah, defined on the basis of our unity,
that we worship only Allah, and we have
Taqwa only of Allah.
We worship only Allah, and we live our
lives in obedience to Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala alone.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala honoured us by
saying, Ana Rabbukum.
He associated his Rabubiyat with us, Ana Rabbukum.
Allah is not only Rabbul Muslimeen, Allah is
Rabbul Alameen.
But Allah said, Ana Rabbukum.
We have one Rabb, one Nabi, one Book,
one Faith.
That is our brotherhood of Faith in Islam.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mentioned differences of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said, Wa A'tasimu
Bihablillahi Jamee'an Wala Tafarraqu.
Wadhkuru Ni'matallahi Alaykum Idh Kuntum A'da'an Fa
'allafa Baina Qulubikum Fa'asbahatum Bini'matihi Iqwana.
Wa Kuntum Ala Shafa'a Khufuratin Minan Naar
Fa'ankhazakum Minha.
Kathalika Yubayyinullahu Lakum Ayatihi La'allakum Tahtadoon.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said in Surah
Al-An'am which means, and hold fast
all of you together to the Hablillah, to
the Rope of Allah, which is the Kitab
of Allah, which is the Sunnah of His
Nabi, which is this Deen of Islam.
And Allah said, Do not be divided, La
Do not be divided among yourselves.
And remember Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala's favour
on you.
For you were enemies to one another, but
He joined your hearts together, so that by
His grace you became brothers in faith, brothers
in Islam.
And you were on the brink of a
pit of fire, and He saved you from
Thus Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala makes His
ayat clear to you that you may be
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala warned us against
converting difference of opinion into points of opposition.
A difference of opinion is not opposition.
If somebody disagrees with you, he is not
your enemy.
This is a big problem with us.
I am your friend only as long as
I agree with everything.
The minute I disagree on something, I am
your enemy.
Then instead of focusing on the point of
disagreement and saying, this is my understanding of
something, this is the understanding of my brother,
my teacher, my sheikh, my father, my whoever,
we say he is a lousy sheikh, he
is a lousy brother, he has no Iman,
he is a munafiqi.
So from going, from addressing the argument, argument
of addressing the point of disagreement, you start
attacking the individual.
This is the worst kind of humanity.
Absolutely the worst.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala told us and
reminded the Sahaba that when they used to
oppose each other and they had enmity over
trivial things, and that enmity divided them and
made their own lives miserable.
Just look at ourselves today.
Who is miserable?
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said, Allah said,
I joined them.
I remind myself and you that Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala said, la tafarraku.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala did not say,
la taqtalifu.
He said, do not have ikhtalaf.
He did not say, don't have ikhtalaf.
He said, don't have fark.
Fark bayna hadha wa hadha.
Ikhtalaf wa ra'ai, jayyil masha'Allah.
Nothing mushkala.
But ikhtalaf bayna lakhi wa bayna lakhi, hadhi
Not my fatwa.
I will tell you the fatwa of the
Prophet in a minute.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said, la tafarraku.
Yani, la taqtasim.
Qasam bayna hadhi bayna hadhi.
A difference of opinion only means that several
intelligent people are engaged in thinking about a
particular matter.
So they have differences of understanding their matter.
That's all it means.
But when the intelligence leaves the arena and
egos take over and when solving the problem
is not the objective but dominating the discussion
takes precedence, then the intelligent difference of opinions
turns into ignorant posturing and opposition.
Intelligent difference of opinion is welcome, it is
desirable and it results in bringing people together.
In my corporate consulting practice, in any corporate
organisation worth the name, we deliberately introduce differences
of opinion.
The company may have a particular policy.
Then we do what is called what-if
We say, what if this is wrong?
You do that with Muslims, instant Kufr Fatwas,
at least three.
Say, what if this is wrong?
So when you say, what if this is
wrong, then you are forced to look for
evidence and the purpose is what?
Show that it is wrong.
Prove that it is wrong.
So what happens?
One of two good things.
If you can prove it is wrong, Alhamdulillah,
you found the truth.
And if you cannot prove it is wrong,
Alhamdulillah, now you are absolutely firm on the
truth from a position of understanding.
I don't even want to go into that.
We have a number of problems we have
in our traditional education system, especially Islamic education.
That's why I don't want to go into
that here.
But believe me, today we are in this
mess, not without reason.
And that's good news.
Alhamdulillah, we are in a mess, no problem.
But we know why we are in a
So do something about that if you want
to be in a mess.
If you love the mess, stay there.
But we have to get off our sit
-ups and take action.
We have to stand up and speak that
which is unpopular.
We have normalised what are signs of deficiencies.
We have normalised dysfunctional behaviour.
We have normalised things which should be alarm
calls in our mind to say we have
spiritual sickness.
We say, no, no, that's not sickness, that's
Let the rest of the world modify itself
to suit by sickness.
This is the tyranny of feelings.
This is what we are going through.
Believe me, this is what is happening in
the rest of the world and it is
happening also with Muslims in our societies in
how we approach our religion.
Allah did not discourage questioning.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala not just discouraged
but prohibited and made haram attacking another Muslim,
attacking another person because you disagree with them.
No other reason.
No other reason.
Till yesterday you were fine.
Today what happened?
The same guy.
How come suddenly he is your enemy?
Because you changed your mind.
He doesn't agree with me, therefore he is
my enemy.
I won't pray behind him, I won't go
to his house, I won't invite him, I
Inna lillahi wa inna la ilaha ilayh.
And what is the result of that?
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said, Wa atiullaha
wa rasulahu wa laa tanaza'u fa tafshalu
wa tad'abarihukum wasbiru.
Inna allaha ma'as sabireed.
Allah says, Obey Allah and His Messenger sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam and do not dispute with
one another.
Do not form differences.
Otherwise you will lose courage and your strength
will disappear.
Allah said, be patient.
Wasbiru, be patient.
Surely Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala wa ma
'as sabireed.
He is the one, He is with those
who are patient.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said, Rizal, make
up your differences.
Fattaqullaha wa aslihu thata baynikum.
Wa atiullaha wa rasulahu in kuntum mu'mineen.
Allah said, so fear Allah subhanahu wa ta
Have Allah's taqwa and reconcile whatever differences are
there among you and obey Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa
If you are believers, I leave you with
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala cause us
to look at our lives, look at differences
that we have with people.
Go and make up before we face Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala.