Mirza Yawar Baig – Advice for life

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary ©
The speakers emphasize the importance of remembering one's grave and being cautious with behavior during life, especially during a climate-controlled environment like the use of mini buckets and guns to avoid heat and drinking water. They also stress the need to be mindful of social media and consider living in a climate-controlled environment. The speakers warn against regretting actions and offer suggestions for covering up for one's own sake. They also emphasize the importance of dressing with modesty and avoiding false assumptions, and urge voluntary ta conservatives.
AI: Transcript ©
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used to advise and say,

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get used to a difficult life. Get used

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to a tough life.

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He used to say don't mount a horse

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from a stationary

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standard position.

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Leap onto the horse.

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You leap onto a running horse.

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He say used to say walk barefoot.

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Let your feet the soles of your feet,

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let them

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get used to

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walking on a rough surface.

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Don't be in a situation where the soles

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of your feet are so soft that you

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are paralyzed if you don't have shoes.

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Get used to

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heat and cold.

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Today, we live in an environment where

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in a in a in a temperature controlled,

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climate controlled environment,

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where if you do not have air conditioning

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in the summer, we feel we are we

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are going to die.

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I can understand about heat

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because in the winter, it is literally

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a matter of life and death. If you

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do not have heat, then it's not possible

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to survive in these in these climates anyway.

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summer is not like that. Right? But yet,

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this is how we,

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we feel. Today,

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in the name of hydration, in the name

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of drinking water, which is a good thing

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to do,

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we have got this new trend

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of people walking around with, mini buckets,

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in their in their in their in their

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hands, you know, carrying that. So one one

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hand is now useless for anything else.

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You're carrying this bucket of water,

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which you drink constantly throughout the day. I

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mean, completely

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you must think about this. You know?

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Yes. You should be hydrated, but does that

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mean that you have to be like a

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tap or something with continuously water flowing inside

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to say, do not be overly pleased by

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easy times.

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Do not be overly pleased by easy times.

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Verily, gold is tested

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for its purity by fire.

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Likewise, a righteous

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slave of Allah

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is tested by trials and tribulations, by difficulties.

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He used to say that it pains me

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to see born Muslims

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chasing the lifestyle of the disbelievers by drinking

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and clubbing and so on.

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Why do you think the reverse run away

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from that life, to the deen of Allah?

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to your and because

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his mercy

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his wrath.

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So don't tempt the mercy the wrath of

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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How long will the person be happy with

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his worldly life

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knowing that his ultimate home is the grave?

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I think this,

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is something that we need to continuously

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remind ourselves about because,

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we live as if in this world as

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if we are never going to,

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you know, to face death.

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Because no matter how,

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I I continue from what, some of the

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advices of

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even. No matter how beautiful your face is,

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you will still be the food or worms

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when you are when you are buried.

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Yeah. You will still be

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the food or worm when you're buried. So

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set aside your arrogance and remember your grave.

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The remembering of the grave was something that

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Rasool, rasool, rasool, himself did and he advised

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us to do.

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He said, be

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very careful.

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He said the the the wisest of you

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is the one who remembers his death

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most often.

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That is something that, really we need to

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ask ourselves and we need to think about

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and, say, how can I live in a

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state where I'm so heedless

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that I do not remember my own death?

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How can I live like this? Because every

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single limb and organ in your body will

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speak up and bear witness

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against every action that we committed in this

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just think about that. And you say if

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if you are

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if the fingers

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of your hand

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with which you searched for,

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haram content on the inter content on the

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Internet or your phone,

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and they are going to be a witness

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to say that

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I was used for this purpose.

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Today, Allah

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gave us power

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over our bodies,

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and the body remains silent.

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Our tongue says whatever we want it to

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But on the day of judgment, Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala will give

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speech to the body

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and the body will speak, and the body

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will complain to Allah

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and say that this man or this woman

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made me do things

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which were haram. I didn't want to do

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them, but I was under the power of

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this man. So now punish this man.

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Not a word is said.

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Not a word is said except

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that there is a watcher, there is a

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recorder by him ready to record it. And,

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of course, this includes

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everything that you posted,

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everything that you put, you you put onto

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the Internet.

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Believe me, my brothers and sisters,

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social media is the biggest trap.

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Social media is witness against us on the

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day of judgment.

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Social media is

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azaabajaria for us. May Allah protect us from

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this because all the stuff we watch and

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all the stuff we post and all the

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stuff we

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agree with and disagree with and we,

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thumbs up for and you put stars for

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and you put ticks for,

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All of that is evidence either in favor

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of us or against us.

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We talk about hijab.

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Of course, it includes,

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the the way of the way we dress,

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but in hijab includes the way a person

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walks and talks and looks and thinks.

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All of it should be done

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modestly and it applies to both men and

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women. It's not only for the women. It

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applies to both men and women

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that they must behave in a way which

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with the sunnah of Rasool Allah,

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a way of behaving with dignity,

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behaving with

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As far as the sisters are concerned, SubhanAllah,

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all I can say is

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cover up for the sake of Allah before

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it's too late. As today, you are over

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the soil, on top of the soil, but

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tomorrow you will be under it.

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Don't wait. Don't wait for that day.

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Yes. Hijab

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doesn't necessarily indicate your level of piety,

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but it is a fault.

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It is a fard.

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All of these are excuses

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that people,

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make up. They say, oh, so what? Hijab

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doesn't show.

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There are these girls I know, they wear

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a hijab, but they do this, they do

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that. That is forget all that. Regardless of

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what you say, you have to wear it.

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This is farr than you from Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala.

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Don't play games with Allah.

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Wear your hijab

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and let that be a sign of your

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piety. Nobody said you should not be pious.

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You should not be pious. If someone is

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wearing a hijab and not being biased,

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that's not an excuse for you and that's

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not evidence in your favor. You don't

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be like that. You'll be different from them

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and maybe they will change looking at you.

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Wear the hijab

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and make sure that you're all surprised.

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And when you say hijab, it means not

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only covering of the head and and and

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the ears and so on on the head,

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but also

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the rest of the dress must be in

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a way must be of a kind which

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is not see through, which is not too

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tight, which does not show the same shape

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of the body,

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which does not

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show the body itself. It's very important to

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dress with modesty and to dress with dignity.

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Even though even in the afternoon, they said

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make sincere tawah.

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Not just for sins that you have committed,

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but also for obligations that you have not

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So we make tawah for what we chose

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to do

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and what we failed to do. Both.

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What we chose to do and what we

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failed to do.

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Because doing something which Allah has prohibited is

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a sin.

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doing something which

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told us,

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by not doing that is also the same.

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To make tawah.

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told us that.

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Oh, you believe, turn towards Allah

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with sincere repentance. So make tawba not just

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for sins that you've committed,

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but also for obligations that you have not

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We ask Allah

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to make to take our souls away when

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he is most pleased with us and to

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make us

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of those who are always conscious of Him.

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I pray that the comfort of our graves

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is more than the comfort of our beds.

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Much more, Insha'Allah.

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May Allah accept it from us all and

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may Allah reward us and put it in

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our scales of good

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