Mirza Yawar Baig – 4 Independent Responsibilities

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss independent responsibilities that each individual has, including doing good oneself, staying away from evil, and being a reminded of history. They stress the importance of fulfilling each responsibility individually and practicing values for one's own well-being. The speakers also emphasize the need to practice these values and pray for oneself. It is emphasized that avoiding evil, staying away from evil oneself, and being mindful of one's behavior are all important responsibilities for one's success.
AI: Transcript ©
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It's been our mother. I'm the real salamander, Rasulullah, my

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brothers and sisters. I'm here in Springfield Forest Park, where I

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walk in the morning.

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And one of the places I walk in the morning very, very beautiful

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place, as you can see, it's got water everywhere, and ponds and

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bulb rushes, and

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there's this stream flowing on this side.

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the bull rushes are

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amount of red shouldered blackbirds,

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they called Red shouldered and also called Red winged

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blackbirds. And these are Lily ponds. They look like lotuses, but

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they're not Lotus. They're lilies.

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And one of these ponds has also

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family of wood ducks. So I don't know if you can see them today or

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not, but they're also there, I

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remind myself, and you have this beautiful Hadees of Abu Sayyid al

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qudary Allah,

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which all of us have heard. Many of us quote.

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Many of us have memorized it. Maybe inshallah should be. We

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should memorize it.

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Why Rasulullah

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said that? He heard saying that any one of you who sees a munkar,

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who sees an evil must stop it with his hand,

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while him yesterday, and if he is unable to do that, then with his

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tongue, meaning, he must speak out against it. Oy laveister there,

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and if he is not able to do that, then he must with his heart,

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meaning that he must hate it in his heart.

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And hate it obviously means he stays away from it himself,

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because it doesn't make sense. You are you claim to hate something,

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and you're doing it yourself.

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So that goes without saying. Hated meaning, stay away from it

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the thing that I remind myself to new is that we as Muslims, we are

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unique in this that

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our responsibility in life doesn't end with ourselves.

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Each one of us individually has four independent responsibilities,

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four independent responsibilities,

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which means that each one of them must be fulfilled by itself.

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It's not dependent on one, is not dependent on the

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other. And what are these four responsibilities? The first one is

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to do good yourself.

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Is to engage in I am a Saleh,

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to make sure that you do good, that we do good ourselves,

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that we do not do any evil ourselves. So this is it begins

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with ourselves.

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Second thing is Arvid maruf that we also enjoin and order others to

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do good.

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The third one is to stay away from evil,

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avoid evil ourselves.

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And the fourth one is nay and mumkurt, which is to encourage and

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order others to stay away from EVAs so

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for independent, the reasoning independent is because sometimes

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this question

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arises that maybe I'm not doing everything that I should be doing

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You know, my life is not the best. I indulgence, something, some sin

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myself. And take, for example, somebody who is a smoker. So this

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person is smoking now, smoking is haram.

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He knows he should not be doing that, but he's addicted, and

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that's the reason why it's haram, one of the reasons, one of the

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many reasons why it's also because it's an addict, addiction,

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and so this person is smoke smokes, maybe 20 cigarettes a day

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or something.

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The question then comes, should he.

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He or she advise others not to smoke,

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because they might say, well, you know, what local standard do I

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have? I mean, why? On what basis will I tell somebody you should

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not smoke? It's bad for you. It's haram. Islamically, it's bad for

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you. In the religion, it's bad for you physically, because it's the

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source of so many evils and so many,

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you know, terrible illnesses and whatnot. It causes, among other

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things, lung cancer and whatnot.

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As I tell people, bro, you don't have to buy cancer. It's free.

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You know, it's crazy, completely. Imagine spending money to buy

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cancer. But you know, some people may Allah have mercy on us anyway.

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So this person might say, Well, I am doing it myself. So should I

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warn others? Should I tell somebody else? Or am I being

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Well, I do that. Am I? Will I be counted as hypocrites that? How

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come you do it yourself and you are telling me not to do it?

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The answer is, no, you should tell you should tell people. It's not

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being hypocritical. It is an independent responsibility, so I

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should stop it myself.

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Number one, of course. Number two, because by telling others, it

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doesn't absolve me from the responsibility of stopping myself.

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So I have to stop myself, but I should also tell others to stop

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because it's an EVA, it's someone

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the benefit of doing that, the benefit

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of telling others not to do it when you yourself are doing it,

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is that somewhere your own conscience, Inshallah, will wake

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up and use it yourself. I really truly, even though I know what I'm

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doing is right, I really feel like a hypocrite, so I will stop doing

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this evil myself. Not stopping. Not stop warning others, but stop

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doing the evil.

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And that is also one of the purposes of saying, even if you

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don't do it,

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even if you are engaged in the munkar, don't stop telling people

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to stop. Don't stop telling people that it is bad, because,

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Inshallah, the warning others who is likely to be a reason for you

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to give up this nasty action yourself. So it's a very important

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thing to to do that, to do nahi anil munthar.

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Third responsibility independent is

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we said to to enjoy good and to do good ourselves and to enjoy good.

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So, for example, important for us to pray five times a day. Allah

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made it forth so we fulfill the varieties. And

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equally important for us to enjoy and good is to tell people that

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they should pray

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once again, the same logic, which is that even if I'm not praying

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regularly, as I should be praying, when I tell others that they

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should pray that, Inshallah, my conscience will wake up and I will

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remind myself and say, Look, this is not correct. You know, I mean,

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you're telling people do that. You don't do it yourself, so it is

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time that you wake up and start doing it to yourself.

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So Amar bin maharovs and nahi haril,

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enjoining good and forbidding evil

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is very, very, very important

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for all of us. And as I mentioned before, at the risk of repetition,

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it is an independent each one is an independent responsibility.

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Doing one doesn't absolve us from doing

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rather not doing. One doesn't absorb us from not doing all. The

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principle in Sharia, which we should remember is that

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if you are not able to do something completely, then do it

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as much as you can do, meaning even if it's partial.

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So we don't by this. We are not sort of

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encouraging evil.

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We're not saying,

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If you can't pray five times a day, Pray at least. You know two

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or three No, nobody has a right to permit what Allah did not permit.

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So Allah said, Pray five. We pray five. If I'm praying towards.

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Three, I don't know I'm being sinful, but at the same time,

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because I can't pray five, I don't pray at all. No, this is evil.

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This is really bad.

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So while we are not permitting and giving this ijaza to pray less

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than five at the same time, if somebody is saying,

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you know, I

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know I should pray five times, but I'm not able to do that because my

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work or this or that, and so I'm praying two or three. We don't

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castigate them. We don't, you know, lambast them, and we don't

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say, That's evil, that's terrible. You know, what's the point of even

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paying two?

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You may as well give up Indira. So never, ever do that.

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We don't force

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and we don't discourage. Say somebody is not praying five, he's

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praying two or three. We say, Alhamdulillah, may Allah bless

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Continue with that two and three and try and increase it right?

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Instead of two, make it three. So three, make it four. It's four,

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may five. So eventually you start praying all and another, put bulk

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in your life, and Asmaa Tala will make it easy for you if you decide

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to obey Anna swan.

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So four independent responsibilities as an ummah, as a

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people and as individuals, we have one to do good. Amal rasale, good

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deeds. Two, to enjoin good, to tell others, encourage others to

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do good.

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Amar willvaro, three, to stop yourself from doing munkar, stop

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ourselves from doing evil. And four is nahi anil munkar is to

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stop others from one others against doing evil. Four

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individual responsibilities, independent responsibilities. All

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four are important. All four must be done. And

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just because you don't do one, it doesn't mean that you should stop

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doing all of them. We ask Allah to make it easy for us and to help us

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to do what pleases Him and to stop us from and to send to help us to

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to stop doing what displeases Him was ALLAH Ali.

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He was main Alhamdulillah.

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