2021 Challenges and Solutions #06

Mirza Yawar Baig


Channel: Mirza Yawar Baig


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The use of AI to create fake videos and fake news has been a key factor in the negative impact of social media on people's views of themselves and actions. The use of algorithm to determine who is a " sightsee" and the potential for harm from social media creators is also discussed. The negative impact of drug addiction on individuals is also highlighted, and the importance of respecting privacy, re-learning to read, and not joining anyone until they are ready to make their own decisions is emphasized. The speaker provides links to recommended YouTube videos and encourages people to react with a mindful mindset.

AI Generated Transcript ©

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Hola Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen or salat wa salam O Allah Shafi lumbee I will mousseline Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sahbihi wa sallam, de Sleeman kathira Anca zerafa mavado. My brothers just as you will remember a time when we used to say Seeing is believing

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that is no longer true about videos.

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Use of AI to create deep fakes is so powerful that most people can't tell the difference. As time passes, the technology will develop to the extent that we will simply not be able to tell the difference between real footage and doctored or simply created footage about a person or incident that never happened, and so could never have been filmed.

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Remember the video of the smoking fish eating a snake? That's an excellent example of a fake fake video. Most are not so benign as that. People make fake videos to influence minds and hearts to serve their own reasons, and we are their unsuspecting victims.

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The fake video industry is worth billions of dollars and has massive official support in some countries. Its purpose is to promote hatred, racism, prejudice, and violence, to distract attention of the general population that is you and I from the real purpose, which is looting our resources and the legacy of our children.

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With these people compassion, justice, suffering deprivation, poverty, nothing has any value or meaning, except the predatory single minded pursuit of profit and power at any cost. That is because we pay the price, not the the merely gross the profits, thanks to our cooperation in being and remaining distracted and not getting organized, and not asking critical questions. Our biggest weakness is that we think we are intelligent enough to recognize a fake and can't be fooled. And when we do get fooled, which is all the time, our ego won't let us admit it. We are the fake video makers dream come true. What is the solution? Never look at a video that is not from a source you

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trust. I don't mean the person forwarding you I mean the one who made it. guarding our site, which was always Our solemn advisors to do has a whole new meaning to this world.

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Never has it been more necessary to sincerely ask Allah subhanho wa Taala alarm it

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was O'Connor divar Arenal ba de la Bob Dylan work zoeken St. Norbert

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Orla, show me the truth as truth and give me the ability to follow it and show me a falsehood for what it is also as falsehood and give me the ability to abstain from it never has been more critical to remind ourselves about the categorical statement that Allah Allah who made about what defines us as Muslims, justice.

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A lot around all that as always, we live in a shaitana regime. Yeah, you alladhina amanu Kurokawa, Amina will place the Shahada lillahi wa Taala and fussy comb. I believe it Dany Wallach, rabina, eoco Vani and ofera. follow Allah be Hema follow that rule Hawa under you know we're in Palo Alto raido for in Allah ha Can I be my Dharma Luna hubiera

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the item Zoltan Nisa, which means all you have to believe stand out firmly for justice as witnesses to Allah Jalla Janu even though it be against yourselves, or your parents or your kin, be the rich or poor. Allah subhanho wa Taala is a better protector for both than you. So do not follow your lust, the lust of your heart, lest you may avoid justice. And if you distort your witness or refuse to give it Verily Allah subhanho wa Taala is ever well acquainted with what you do.

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Justice is the bedrock of our fifth. Lying is the worst and biggest of sins in Islam.

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Our duty and signature is to stand for justice as witnesses to Allah subhanho wa Taala della della Lu from home, nothing is hidden.

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after the assassination of President john F. Kennedy on Friday, November 22 1963.

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I was eight years old. There was a small but very powerful picture in the papers.

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It was a picture of an automatic rifle with a caption. This is made for one reason only.

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That is the real story of social media.

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A story that most of us like all addicts refuse to believe. We try to convince ourselves that social media is value neutral, only a tool benign and something which is in our control, believe me, that is the root of the problem, and the reason for our addiction and enslavement.

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Social media is not about communication. It's about the use of technology to achieve the purpose of powerbrokers and power wielders, which is mind steering, and mass control. They do it by creating anxiety, and fear which makes us willing even eager to accept surveillance and invasion of our privacy, which is the tool for mass control. How many of you saw the video of how China controlled COVID it was by literally tracking every single individuals every movement and directing it to control the disease.

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Very way, I'm not offering any prizes, to guess what will happen to all the cameras and the social media app that tracks the movement of every person, when COVID is finally a memory. The reality about surveillance and control is that once it is in, it never goes away.

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Another thing about social media is that it's like masturbation. It takes away the drive without achieving any result. How many times have you seen a Whatsapp Video about some great injustice and cruelty? The sunken cheeks of a starving child war torn Yemen or the Uighur and Rohingya genocide? How many times did this bring tears to your eyes? turmoil in your heart and a great passion to put a stop to this oppression? How many times did you then forward that message or video to all your friends doing that multiple times? Because WhatsApp does not allow you to forward it to more than five people at a time? And then how many of you?

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How many times did you sleep well that night?

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Did you sleep? Knowing that the injustice had been stopped? The Starving Children fed the murder of innocence stopped and the perpetrators brought to justice? Or did you sleep because your passion cooldown after forwarding the messages? So many times, results come from acting on the passion in meaningful ways. Not in forwarding messages. But do we learn

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as I told you, we are the dream come true of the people who want to and who do rule us.

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Social media creators are experts in psychology and masters at manipulation so that the individual becomes mentally dependent. And a blind and willing follower is every click his attention his involvement generates revenue for them. They become billionaires. Thanks to us.

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What do we get in the process? You must ask that question. Remember, that at one end of the string is an expert in psychology, unburdened by any ethics or values or morals, earning millions because he can manipulate you. And at the other end, is your child.

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Innocent, malleable, totally incapable of resisting, let alone combating the sweet poison that is being fed to him. And worse, a parent who thinks that he or she knows and is in control. In the words of Daniel Borstein

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who said, the greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance. It is the illusion of knowledge. We think we know. We think we are in control. We think it won't harm us. We are wrong. I'm not trying to be dramatic. It is as bad as that. Please remember that the biggest problem of the addict is to accept that he is addicted.

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That is our reality. We are living in a world of denial. But remember also that denial is simply that denial is not real.

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The truth is not dependent on belief for acceptance. It is not dependent on belief or acceptance. It is true whether anyone accepts it or not. gravity will not go away. If we refuse to accept it. Cigarettes will not become beneficial because we deny their harm.

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drugs will not stop intoxicating because we legalize them or make them tax deductible.

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Alcohol is a drug. Remember that? Social media is about fake news, mental enslavement, dopamine addiction, leading to ADHD and more toxic conditions. algorithm to determine what we watch and believe, how we vote, who we trust, who is suspect, who we love and who we hate. And in the end, who rules us. Deep fakes appear real thanks to technology.

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We know this, but we do not bother to verify because they appear to be so real. Most of us not even know how to verify. By the time somebody verifies it and publicizes that information, the damage is done. hearts have changed. stereotypes are reinforced, people are demonized, violence is legitimized, and prejudice becomes ever more ingrained.

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We are social beings and need company affirmation and friendship. Traditionally, we saw that in face to face interactions, the most remote form of it being the pen friend, someone we had never met but who we wrote letters to. We protected our identity and personal information and we guarded jealously and would go ballistic, if even our parents, our closest relatives, or friends or siblings, open any letter of ours or read our diary without our permission.

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Then came social media in 2004. Remember that? We are now in 2021 2004 and opened the doors for us to seek affiliation and affirmation without any boundaries or rules and without the tools to even assess its reality or affect. The first social media site to reach a million monthly active users was my space and was the beginning of social media as we know it. Yes, it is as recent as that 2004 Facebook, which owns Instagram, Twitter and WhatsApp has over a billion active users who volunteer their information for it to harvest and use for anything at all, is even more recent, only in February 2012. We are in 2021. Only in February 2012. Did Facebook become a public company? Its

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first IPO in May raised $16 billion, giving it a market value of 102 point 4 billion. Today it is worth over 300 billion. Ask yourself how your wealth increased from 2012 to 2021.

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I've given you the links to two articles in the text which comes with this hotbar do read them. Do yourself a favor. With social media. Suddenly, from a few real friends who we knew we ended up with 10s and hundreds of virtual friends and followers. platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and everything else in between encouraged us to share the most mundane information about ourselves and suddenly made it the means to become popular.

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They gave us role models like the Kardashians, and others who post what they post to induce us to do the same like faithful sheep we followed and putting words like friends and followers and popular in courts to underline the fact that none of that is real. However human nature is such that it does not analyze or deny pleasant experiences. And so if we have 2000 virtual friends on Facebook and 3000 followers on Twitter, we do not question the reality or check it against real evidence. We are happy to stay with the fantasy and given to the drive to increase our following. This also means that we will do whatever we need to to ensure that we don't lose any friends or followers. Remember

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that all this happens very unobtrusively and quietly and our behavior changes without our being aware of it rapidly. We get our own sense of identity hooked to this and start to look forward to seeing what our friends and followers think of us. We want them to like us. And so we do what they like. We think we are independent, we are not we are enslaved. Where we used to be upset if someone pried into our private lives now we voluntarily put it out there and get upset if nobody comments on it.

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And comments on it immediately. We keep checking after every post to see

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See if it is getting attention.

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How often do we check?

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How about once every three seconds.

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If you don't believe me other statistics, which I'm quoting here, just time yourself to see how long it is before you look at your phone, even if it is just lying there on your desk without the notification sound,

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we post a picture of our dinner in a restaurant on Instagram. Premadasa, which will be sacrilege as it combines that which is vegetarian with that which was

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and we immediately check to see who liked that picture.

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It doesn't matter whether we even know those people, all we are looking for is the like symbol. We conveniently ignore the fact that those who post likes are exactly as interested in our post as we would be in their similar post. Totally uninterested. But we're still hit the like button, because we want them to hit the like button for our posts. We hit the like button because we want them to do the same. That is what dopamine addiction is all about. Instant pleasant reactions which create a need for more and more of the same and create withdrawal symptoms sometimes very severe when we don't get that positive stroke. Even without this the need for strokes creates huge distraction of

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focus and a fall in productivity and the quality of life. Needless to say, while we are engaged with these apps, whether that's on the fore or some other device, we cannot do anything worthwhile. which impedes life goal achievement.

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Dopamine is a drug, which is created in the body like cancer. And just because it is created in your body doesn't mean it won't kill you. It will also like cancer. Imagine the effect of dopamine addiction on children. Yes, children, your children. Thanks to you. Yes, you parents who are too lazy to parent and leave parenting to the tablet or the phone. You are the cause of your child's addiction and the effect of the make believe world that you opened up for your child, which will have long term negative consequences on their attention span perseverance, social skills, resilience in the face of hardship, the ability to reflect and conceptualize life's lessons. And simply the

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ability to grow into a confident, ethical, compassionate and courageous adult.

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You are responsible. Dopamine addiction can lead to maladjusted individuals who have major problems, forming real relationships, dealing with disagreement, marriage, and increasingly frequent cases, suicide, it is as serious as that.

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This is where though, where those who found a way to exploit dopamine addiction to their advantage came in

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by writing algorithms to identify what we prefer and are attracted towards and then using that to create the dream of the advertiser the supremely targeted advertisement, that can almost guarantee purchase, this metamorphosed into mind steering and instigating action, buying behavior to begin with, and then more dangerous possibilities, like manipulating public opinion, and elections.

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The tragedy is that there is nothing that WhatsApp or Facebook or Instagram or anyone is taking from us, without our consent, we give consent because we are addicted jegging our consent is like the drug dealer taking money from my heroin addict, the addict will hunt the drug dealer down to pay him because he needs this fix.

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My principal and this is very simple. I say I may not be able to stop it, but I'm not going to help it to happen.

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Facebook and its owner may want to control the world and may even succeed. Remember the Cambridge Cambridge analytical scandal.

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And I have given you the links for that Read, read.

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They may want to control the world but that's not going to happen with my help. Please see the excellent Netflix documentary The social dilemma I have recommended before I'm saying it again and again, see it and watch it with your family and don't say this won't happen to me or my kids. If you said that it means that you are already addicted. Every addict denies his addiction. Everyone it happens to says the same thing. And that's the exact

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exactly the reason it happens that over and over again, those who accept that it can happen, take precautions and get out while they can save themselves. This document was made by the very people who created this monster. Listen to them, because there's nobody who knows it better. It's your call. I've heard the following statements or excuses from people, when I speak to them about social media addiction. Number one, they know everything already. What's the point of changing now? My question is, who is day by day, if you mean WhatsApp, or Facebook or Instagram or some or any social media app, that statement is simply not true. They know only as much as you told them, keep telling

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them more and more, and they will know more and more, stop telling them and they cannot do anything at all to your call.

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Number two, I have nothing to hide. So what do I care? Who knows anything? That's like saying, I have nothing to hide. So I'm going to walk around naked. Yes, it is as stupid as that. Privacy is a human right. It's the basis of dignity. We have nothing negative to hide, but that doesn't mean that strangers must have access to our personal data. Once again, your call. Third thing that people say if the police wants to know anything about me they can always find out.

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Hello, wake up. We are not talking about the police. We are talking about Facebook. We are talking about Instagram, we are talking about WhatsApp, we are talking about Snapchat. We are talking about social media. Maybe there is a difference, right? We're not talking about a criminal investigation, we know you did nothing. We are talking about volunteering information about yourself to help Facebook etc. to do all that I mentioned before better and more powerfully.

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There is a natural reluctance to change in all of us. There's no doubt about that.

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We all like the familiar, I say to recognize it for what it is. comfort with status quo. Like a woman with an abusive husband who will complain, but won't leave him because she fears the unknown. We are the victims of FOMO millennials don't need me to explain this. But for others FOMO is fear of missing out FOMO is real and is the hook for dopamine addiction. I remind myself when you that there was a time when we had BBM blackberry messenger remember, we used to call it Bob, but he was what

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we thought that life was not possible. Without it. Where is it today?

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So also WhatsApp or whatever else. Treat a tool like a tool and your spouse like a spouse, not vice versa.

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So what do you need to do? Five critical things. Number one, reclaim your dignity. Respect your own privacy. Get out of all social media.

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Use Email, knowing that it's not encrypted. And so it means that almost anyone can read it, not only the Facebook program.

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So write what you are okay with people reading.

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Be responsible in what you write. I know that free international calling is very attractive. So keep your

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one chat app for that only. Don't use it to send or receive images and videos or in the place of education. WhatsApp University is the site for ignorance, not knowledge. Keep one app delete all others. Facebook first, then Instagram, then Snapchat then WhatsApp.

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Remember that your children follow you.

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And when they meet Allah, they will remember you.

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Number two, re learn to read since he has stopped reading is the only way no one is not on or listening to lectures is not enough. It's not even close. A book is a book. Start a book club to encourage yourself and others to read. Read together. Believe me once you get into the habit, you will wish you had done it earlier.

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Number three, make real friends, not virtual friends. This is a skill we lose over time. And the reason why people are lonely in their old age. Loneliness kills and the solution is never to lose the skill to make new friends. Making friends is the best way to give our because you can only sell to friends

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and number four relearn together.

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Communicate. Smiley's icons GIS don't substitute for conversations. communication is the key to success in every aspect of life. You learn to communicate by communicating, not by having your face in your phone all the time. Talk to people face to face, even if now It means master mask until we can resume our normal interactions. And number five, Think for yourself and make your own decisions. It's your life. reclaim it. Let me reiterate. It's not about them. It's about us. What do we want to do with our lives, allow others to use us as commodities for their personal benefit, or take charge of our lives and live in a way that is positive and dignified and powerful.

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have real friends make real contributions, knowing that this takes time and persistence and leave behind a legacy?

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For those who want to say at the end of all this, what difference does my leaving this space make? After all, after all, I'm only one person if you think you're too small to make a difference, think of the Coronavirus it change the world.

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I say to you,

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even if you can stop them, don't join them for in the end. It's not about them.

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It's about you. It's about us.

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Robert toquilla woke up from NASA yandina Auto fund Mr. Robin it nafi dounia Hassan Otto felucca Diaz

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was Allah Hi, Lana Bukhari while he was iVh made

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me well hamdulillahi Rabbil alameen wa salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh