Mikaeel Smith – Jumuah Khutbah 19-07-2024

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The transcript describes a conversation between a man named Halina and his uncle about Jana's actions and potential future consequences. The conversation is difficult to follow and appears to be a distraction between two speakers. The speakers discuss Jana's actions and what she does, and the conversation ends with Jana saying she will return to her family. They also discuss the struggles of family members with anger and frustration, the importance of forgiveness, and the need for a strong will to deal with negative situations. The segment ends with a brief advertisement for Sun satisfaction of the Prophet and a statement from Kulu about the best animal to slips.
AI: Summary ©
Akbar Allah
as head to Allah
as Heather and I are more hands
Ash had your
Allah salah, hola
Haryana Salah
how your island fella
Hi Larry fella
bla bla
Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen
wa Salatu was Salam ala so you didn't know when to be in our
Maulana Muhammad wa ala early he was so happy he was salam
ala Allahu Taala Yeah, are you Halina? Amanu allotted Tabby Oh
kotoba to share it on well may it today hold the water shake on the
inner who yet Moodle Bill fascia e Wedeman kar Walla Walla for Billa
he Alikum warahmatu mazurka men come in AHA and Aveda. Wala kin
Allah yuzaki mania sha Allah who sent me on Arlene Walla Terry old
fort lemon comb was Sati and you to ol poor about when Messiah Qin
while Maha Julian ifisa vilella. While they are full well yes for
Allah to help buena and Yun fatale la hula
wala who afford a Rahim
will call in the US sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
and earlier on the Allah hawan Paula Cole le Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa salam Yagoona year in adata and Thomasville What
homeseer Laser vehicle because they are hidden
through Macaulay Yagoona year with Harley Cummins Wenatchee woman AHA
Sunette T fucka. Aha Bernie woman had Bernie Khanna my ear filled
Jana. Oh come on all Alayhi Salatu was Salam.
Brothers and sisters.
I would like to speak today about the topic of forgiveness.
Specifically not us focusing on gaining Allah's forgiveness, but
our capacity within our hearts to be forgiving people.
There was an incident narrated
by honest Ben Malik Radi Allahu Taala on
an honest Radi Allahu Allah, and he says, in a long Hadith, but
it's very beautiful and it speaks volumes.
He says that we were sitting with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam. They were sitting in the masjid around the rasool Allah,
His salatu salam, and he was teaching them.
And in the midst of his teachings, he paused. And he said, Yes, Allah
Aleykum al ontology, lemon or Halal Jana. He was just teaching
and he paused and he stopped. And he pointed towards the door and he
said, A man is about to enter this door who is a man of Jannah
you can imagine all of the next turn to look who would be walking
in the door.
Next, Fatah Raju, aluminium unsought
and it's been Malik says, A man from the unsought entered the
Masjid. We don't know his name. Till today the scholars of Hadith
say we don't know his name.
He was there was water dripping from his beard from Google. And he
was carrying his slippers in his left hand
for them I can't avoid.
The next day came they were sitting with it all sold out a
Salatu was Salam again,
bought into the mythos galica Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, he said the same thing. They were sitting and learning
from middle school on a set out to a salon, and all of a sudden he
pauses, and he points to the door and he says, A man is about to
enter that door right now who was a man of Jannah.
And everyone turns their necks and they're focused on who's going to
be that person. And lo and behold, it was the exact same person as
the day before.
On the third day, rasool Allah Allah His citta to wa Salam is
And I'm sure you can guess what happens next. He's teaching them
and all of a sudden, he pauses and he points to the door for a third
time now three days in a row.
And he says a man is going to enter that door who was from the
people of Ghana.
Everyone turns in for the third day, it is the exact same man.
Now, when the gathering was over, Abdullah bin Ahmed have been asked
about the Allahu taala. And
he went and followed the man.
And in his mind, he's thinking I have to learn what is so special
about this man? What is it that he does that for three days in a row?
The prophets of Allah is seldom predicted that he would walk into
the masjid number one, that's a miracle in and of itself.
But on top of that, he said three days in a row that this man is a
man of Jannah what action could this man possibly be doing?
So he goes up to the men, Abdullah bin Ahmed Manasses, a young man,
shrewd, intelligent. He says the army in the law hate to OB. He
says, I mean, uncle, UNK. I got in an argument with my father.
And I swore by Allah, that I would not go into my father's home for
three days to in the eighth and we need a Laker hat that some of the
Would you mind if I stayed at your house until that that time passes?
I don't want to break my oath. I took an oath by God, I would not
enter that home. Me and my father, we had a bit of a disagreement of
And so the uncle sees this young man in a precarious situation. He
says, no, no problem. Come stay at my home, if you like, for calling
for the Anaconda, Abdullah, you had the thought? Abdullah bin
Ahmed bin as he says, After the incident, he says I stayed with
this man for three nights.
And the whole purpose of this thing was just to
to watch his character to see what he was like what was he doing that
was so special.
And I quote a beloved and I've been asked he says
further Muira Yakumo Mina les che and I didn't see him get up for
Tiama late
which for Sahaba was they were all doing it.
I didn't see him wake up in the middle of the night for the night
prayers. Later I don't know who either to out I mean a lady with a
caliber Allah Rashida Corolla Kabara, he says, but I did notice
that when he would wake up in the middle of the night, kind of like
changing his position to Allah means like to roll over, fix your
pillow. When he would wake up in the middle of the night. He would
remember Allah I would see him just saying Allahu Akbar. Allahu
He's not even getting up but he's just rolling over and as he rolls
over, and his eyes open just for a second he's saying the name of
Hut de Yakumo Lee Salah till fudge fortune and then he would get up
for sold out to the fortune. Bother Abdullah, later on Neelam
USMA who your Kulu Allah say, he says, but I did notice. I never
saw him except heard him speak anything but good. These three
days that I stayed with him I never heard anything negative from
him. It was all positive. It was great. Everything from his mouth
was good.
When the three days pass, we'll get to an active Armada. He says I
was this close to thinking nothing of this man's actions. I mean,
Abdullah bin Ahmed bin OS is comparing this man to Abu Bakr
Siddiq up the ramen been over him would have been a kebab Abu Abu
Musa la Shetty. These are giants of spirituality.
And he's comparing them. This man to them and he says, kit to an
athlete Ahmed. I was this close to thinking his actions completely
He says, I said to him y'all de la yami he says Uncle I gotta tell
you the truth in the lemmya Khomeini were being the husband
Well, I
I didn't have a fight with my dad.
What happened is in nice amount to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
wasallam your Colusa Lhasa Murat. I heard the prophets a lot. He was
salam say three days in a row, that a man would enter the masjid
next who was a man of Jannah and you were that man so I came to
study your life. I came to find out what is it that you do?
For Allah to an hour we like so I could watch you for actor dB. And
I could follow your example.
farlam araca yarmulke FIRA Aman. He kept it 100 With his uncle. He
says I didn't see you do a lot of actions.
I didn't see much.
Mulleavy, Bella's or Beco what is it that you do? That would allow
the Rasul Allah is set out to a salaam to say what he said about
The uncle looks at this young man most likely impressed that his
eagerness to learn
and he says to him, ma Hua Illa Mara, eight.
My life isn't what anything more than what you saw. I didn't change
my actions because you were over. I didn't switch anything up. Ma
Hua Illa Mara, eight, my life is exactly what you saw for these
three days. I didn't change anything for you
all. Furthermore, we're late to. He said, Abdullah says, I turned
around and I'm, I'm walking away.
And you know, he's scratching his head as he walks away. And the
uncle stops and he says, wait, wait, hold on, come back. Come
back here.
He says, There is one thing
later, Ernie, he says, There's one thing I don't allow myself to go
to sleep at night, having any anger, hatred, animosity, any
problem, any beef, whatever word you want to put there. I have
nothing in my heart for any human being. When I lay my head on the
pillow, I let all of it go. And I sleep with a clean heart.
Abdullah bin Amara. He looks up.
He says that's it.
That's it.
He says that's the option that made you reach where you reached.
And then he says something so profound. He says with Alec Allah
de la NewTek. He says and that's the thing that most of us cannot
I asked you to reflect on this narration. Because when the
Prophet alayhi salaatu wa salam said that this man is a man of
Jannah our minds immediately went to a lot of prayers at night and a
lot of Quran a lot of tahajjud a lot of sadaqa
this was an average man.
But there was something special about him. And this is what I want
us to focus on for today. Because as and I share something personal.
As for the last nine months, we've watched our brothers and sisters,
my brothers and sisters, your brothers and sisters, your
mothers, your fathers, this is one OMO we are one family. So we
watched our own family suffer from losing siblings and losing parents
and losing limbs. It has forced me to realize that when the loss is
so great, I must so show so much gratitude for what Allah has given
And how dare I walk around with hatred and animosity and anger for
my fellow brothers, Muslims, my own family? How dare I not allow
myself to clean my heart every evening.
In another narration
that I shared at the beginning of the chutzpah
we all know that the prophets of Allah they was telling him he
looked at Isley like a son.
What are the Allahu Taala on?
And one day he said to Ali? He says yeah, Bonilla
says my favorite Hadith. He says, Oh my dear son,
and daughter and to speak with Tom see if you can have the ability to
wake up in the morning and go to sleep at night. And your heart has
no ill
feeling feelings for anyone?
Your heart is clean.
This is a beautiful aspect of our deen Imam Ghazali Rahim Allah to
Allah. He said something profound. I wrote it down here. In my notes
fell around Imam Ghazali. He said about jealousy specifically. My
topic is more about our ability to forgive. But we can learn
something profound from this thing. Imam Ghazali said, Imam
Ghazali said, I've never seen a volume, more punished than the
person who has hassled jealousy for someone. He says, because the
object of his jealousy the person who's jealous up, feels nothing.
But he's walking around with anger. He's walking around with
with rage, he's walking around with a dark heart. He is the prime
victim of his own anger. How many of us in this room have been
walking around for years with anger at our own brother? Actual
blood brother, our own sister.
How many of us in this room forget one night this Sahabi says I don't
let one night how many of us in this room have allowed our
relationships whether it be with a Muslim brother or someone to break
because of anger that we kept inside? Or a suit Allah said
allottee was certain they used to some of the scholars used to call
him for be able to collude. The doctor of hearts because what he
taught us, cleaned us and and purified us.
He's teaching us to let go. He's teaching us to wake up every
morning and give people a new beginning.
So Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in this hadith, he says, if
you can wake up every morning, and you can go to sleep at night, and
your heart has no ill feelings for another believer. He says First
I'll do it. Do it clean your heart, wipe it away. Focus on your
Focus on this. And then he looks at it and he says Yabu mania
because some of us trivialize it. Like Like there's bigger things we
can talk about. No, there's not. The purification of the heart. The
rectification of the heart is the foundation of the believer. And
when the hardest clean, the families come together when the
families come together, the community is strong.
But if we all walk around for months and weeks and years
with anger and animosity, look what he says next. He says yeah,
Bonilla, was that he come in Suniti he says yeah, Punia and
that action and I just told you to do that's my sunnah.
That's my son,
woman a higher Suniti and whoever revives my sunnah whoever gives
life to my sunnah can Amaya Phil Jana.
He'll be with me and Jana. Why? Because when you woke up in the
morning, you said everything is petty. All that matters is I want
to be with Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam and Jana, let me squash
it. When you went to sleep that night, and there was still
something about in your head about something that happened that day.
You said you know what? I'm going to let go of it.
A bucket acidic. A bucket acidic.
He went through different tests.
One of the tests that he went through and I'll have to
paraphrase it for the sake of time. One of the tests that he
went through was that our mother, Aisha Radi Allahu Taala on her and
this pure Medina Society of values and high morality.
Rumors started to spread that she committed a heinous act Zina.
And these rumors were going around the city, and people were
gossiping about that which they had no knowledge of.
It was very difficult time for Aisha, it was a very difficult
time for Abu Bakr Siddiq. He's her father,
and the whole city is
gossipy. Finally, the verses were revealed, exonerating I should
have the Allahu taala. And
that is a cookbook of its own.
But what happened is we also found out in that moment, who were the
people that did most of the gossiping. One of those people was
a man by the name of Mr.
Ruddy, Allah hawan. He's a muhajir he's a great companion of the
prophet Isaiah is set out to set up but he was also the nephew of
Abu Bakr Siddiq. And this way I spoke about families. It's easy to
forgive the mom if I go over five minutes and chutzpah you'll be
angry but you'll walk away you can forgive me it's hard to forgive
your brother. I'm talking about your blood brother.
It's hard to forgive your father or your mother or your child.
Those are the ones that stick in our hearts for a long time.
It was his nephew,
but he was poor Mr. He was poor. So Abu Bakr Siddiq, he used to
give him a stipend every month to live on every month, check in just
auto pay.
Every month mister has a check from our bucket acidic.
All of a sudden word spreads that mister was one of the primary
people spreading this rumor.
aboubaker did what any reasonable father in this room would do.
I'm supporting you.
I'm taking care of you. And you say this about my own family, my
daughter, your cousin.
I'm cutting off all payments.
Immediately aversive Koran that was revealed. And this will be the
key I know you're listening. And in this football, you're saying I
have this anger in my heart. But how do I let it go? I'm going to
talk about that. Now.
A verse was revealed ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. He says, Well, I tell you
all fugly men Khumba
let not those people have virtue of a bucket was a man of virtue
was saw and a man of wealth. Let not those people of virtue and
wealth namely a bucket acidic
let them not take oath that they will not care for the family
member the poor and the Mahajan namely Mr.
FISA beat Illa for the sake of God, when the full well yes for
who let them forgive and for a moment bear with me yes for the
word in Arabic Yes. It means to Imam quote to be he says is Allah
to them and enough's. This is profound Imam quote to be says
that the word suffer ha. It actually comes from like the side
of your face, it means to out of the turn away. Imam Ghazali says
it means to wipe away completely the effect of the
sin against you. completely wipe it away. Like it wasn't there.
Like it didn't happen. Allah says well, you're full Well, yes. So
forgive and act like it didn't happen.
Act like it didn't happen.
And then Allah asked the question, and I want all of us to reply to
the question in your mind,
towards the people that you have anger with right now. Allah says,
I'll add to hipbone I am Fetullah hula Chrome. Do you not want Allah
to forgive you?
Do you not want Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to forgive you?
When Abu Bakar heard that verse? He was in tears, and he said Bella
Yaga be wala he a nun who Hibou Yara and takfeer Alanna, he says
Yara wala he caught up. I would love for you to forgive me. Here's
what I want to say. The forgiveness of the other person
isn't even about the other person. It's about you and Allah subhana
wa Tada. That's it.
You going to sleep with a clean heart has nothing to do with your
coworker who snitched on you to the boss.
You going to sleep with a clean heart has nothing to do with your
your sister who's always bothering your mother and giving her drama.
We all go through the same thing. Don't worry.
You forgiving that sibling has nothing to do with the sibling. It
has to do with the cleanliness of your heart and your relationship
with Allah subhanho wa Taala That's it.
That's it.
Allah subhanho wa Taala asked Abu Bakr Siddiq, I don't want you to
focus on Mr. I want you to focus on me. Do you want my forgiveness,
then embody this quality within you? I led to a buena on your feet
Allahu Allah calm.
I want to say this. But don't take it out of context.
We have to develop the ability to see Allah in every person.
Don't take it out of context. Don't take a clip from YouTube and
then say this guy says weird stuff.
Take the context. You have to see that in dealing with my father
who's getting a little older in his things. I see Allah in that
moment. I see how I can please Allah in that moment. In dealing
with my my wife who gets frustrated with me, she sees in me
the rewards you can get from Allah.
See Allah subhanho wa taala. And there's a hadith. There's a hadith
Guzzi, that's too long for the time, but Allah subhanho wa Taala
says that I was sick and you did not visit me I was thirsty and you
did not give me drink. I was in need and the servant says your
Allah How could I have visited you? He says My servant was
sick in the hospital and you didn't visit him. If you had
visited him, you would have found me right there.
It's not about the other person. It's about you walking around and
waking up tomorrow with a clean heart that is ready to give
everyone a new chance in your life.
Can I bring this home?
But Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
he is coming back from thought if
and he's wiping away the blood from stones.
And do you know what the words that he is saying?
Oh Allah, forgive my people for they do not know.
Oh ALLAH forgive my people. For they do not know
the prophets of Allah they was salam. Number one, he made dua for
them all I forgive them.
He made dua, that person that you have something in your heart for
right now in your heart, make a dua for them.
And then he presented an excuse before God for their action.
Oh ALLAH forgive my people, for they do not know before I sit down
for the first clip ah, for the conclusion of the first clip, but
one of the things that we noticed in the first Hadith I shared with
you about the man that Abdullah bin Ahmed bin OS would stay with
is that he would roll over in the middle of the night remembering
One of the reasons why our hearts cannot stay connected to the
thicket of Allah because we have too much dirt filled in them.
It's when you clean the heart, that you can fill it with the love
of Allah. May Allah give us that a poodle Kali ha That was tough for
Allah Allah welcome what he said in Muslim InfraStop Pharaoh in
Navajo law for over.
In Alhamdulillah, Nam I don't want to study a lot of Saudi and put
him on my bed.
Some of the scholars mentioned practical steps for us to become
more forgiving.
The first step that they say is we should practice the action of
tough we've tough with means to let go.
Let go of the fact that you're not in control. Number one, let go. I
can't control my brother's actions, I can't control my
sister's actions, let go of those things.
Number two, they say that you should change your perspective you
should understand the perspective of the other person. It will give
you some empathy for them it will allow you to connect with them on
a deeper more
a deeper level
number three, they say as the Hadith says make excuses for your
Part of making excuses and this is something that we all suffer from
is always assume goodwill from the other person and I'm going to
speak specifically
about marriage
about siblings, these very close relationships.
Everything won't always be perfect. But what we can always
assume is a good intention from the other person not starting off
with the negative oh you must have done that they're just just a
bother me. No, I actually just forgot I'm sorry. You must have
done that. This is where shaytaan comes that has not been is the
quality that are suicides. I miss teaching. Assume good.
Number four. There's an Arabic saying Lee Cooley Jawwad cabbage.
Every stallion slips up.
Meaning the best horse will have a day that it slips for a moment.
Understand Kulu Benny Adam kappa Everyone makes mistakes. You to
make them as well.
Number five, make dua for the person that you're angry with.
Make dua for them.
Make dua good good to ask guys. Not bad to us, not against them
for them.
Ask Allah to bless them. Ask Allah to increase them ask Allah to open
their hearts ask Allah to give them the best of what they want.
You'll notice as I said it there may have been a bit of cognitive
dissonance where you're like, not gonna do that one.
Force yourself. Force yourself. This is the Sunnah of the Prophet
so you can't hate someone you're making dua for
you can't. The moment you raise your hand in that hamdulillah ya
allah Abdullah
you can't hate them.
You can't make dua for them.
And number six
I've been humbled Rahim Allah to Allah
He was whipped for some political issues.
He went through crazy torture.
he said after the incident, that every time the whip hit me,
I forgave the Khalifa, the person who was the for the for ordering
for this to be done. He said every time Muslim, he said, every time
he hit me, I immediately forgive.
They asked him, they said, share,
how in that moment? What was the psychological process that you
were going through to be feeling this still the sting of the whip,
but you're forgiving the person. He says, I thought of one thing.
I thought of this, and I'll conclude with this. He said, I
know that my hubby Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will
be hurt by any of his OMA being held back and taken away from
Jana. I forgave him for my love of Muhammad Sallallahu It was
nothing more needs to be said.
In Hola Hola, Mala Ekata who you saw Luna Island? Yeah. Are you her
Latina? No Salou Allah. He was Sally motors. NEMA Allahumma salli
wa sallam on him. Allah say he did not want to be in our monana
Muhammad Ali. He was so happy he was selling them while la Houma
and UBS having a big machine what Anil Hola. Rashid in a backlog of
man who early on back here to sit them you know, ashleigh Timo
Bashara when early beta the vehicle Adjumani why no matter
whom be faulted or judicata MC Yahama Rahim Allah whom are isn't
what are two Delena Yahama ra he mean Allahumma is in order to deal
in a Yahama bohemian Allahumma eyes and what else was Elena your
hammer Rahim? Allah monster f1 Enough equally mechanic or hammer
Raha mean about Allah Rahima como la in the LA yup motor will
deliver the sun or Ito either quarterback Willian ha ha Sha 811
Kotick well wealthy are either Kamala Allah come to the karoun
fourth Corolla to Allah yet corkum What the woohoo yesterday? What
are the Corolla? He Akbar? Allahu Yeah, and I'm gonna test it masala
Allahu Akbar Allah Akbar. A shadow Allah Illallah shadow Allah Allah,
Allah, Shadow Anna Mohammad Rasool Allah, a shadow and Mohammad
Rasool Allah. Hi Jana Salat al Assad. Hi yah. Hi yah
podoco mighty sada toccata comment is Salah, Allahu Akbar Allah Akbar
La La more
so wanted to
make sure the lines are straight from the gaps
along I keep up
Alhamdulillah you won't be non me in Ottawa nine you're walking
Malkia will meeting. Yeah, okay. Yeah, Kelowna snaring Dino slid
off on the stuffing slit off on Natalina and non dialing. Lady
Mangu Yanni in one a ball on me
in a Latina telephone
eager to volley me fusi him all Luffy Macoun tune all coin na
mustafina feed and all all who I'm talkin are both ma he was not
there to hurt you. He
number was
mostly of all 11 Most of our 13 I mean our Ricciardi one nice
one wind down Isla yester through your own lifestyle cleaning your
one i doing I said the
eager awesome long waiting
What can a long lawful I food one of food
anyhow long human hanging
on long walk you out
love like you on
a blog
I'm long like you Mom
Alhamdulillah you won't be learning Ottawa or hey meet my
Niki young Dean yes cannot move yeah again I mean it you know slid
off on him was stopping him slid off on Aladdin you know unarmed
darling lady it in my old the awning in one up on the knee
one last city in
Santa Fe Air Force in ladina hwam You know slightly hard he was a
while so in the water was slow this
send me along Neiman Hamidah
um all right you
love like you
and all right you
all along like you
should or
a siRNA I'm on a Gomorrah and that's all
Santa I'm on eco Moto Metal
stuff stuff
that I want to come to everyone just a few short announcements
inshallah to Allah number one. There'll be a lot of guests
visiting for the Koran intensive and the Koran camp that is
beginning today. Check in for that as at 3pm. So to the local to the
local brothers and sisters. Do you see guests meet them speak to them
say somebody come Where are you from? Welcome them insha Allah to
There's also a Academy table out front for upcoming classes.
Tonight. There's bloom family movie night at roots inshallah.
Tomorrow is one of my favorite programs fatherly at roots. So
that's tomorrow for our fathers to get together and cry