Mikaeel Smith – In His Footsteps – Class 31
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The importance of forgiveness and staying true to one's fees is emphasized in Islam, along with the need to pray for Islam and not pray too long. The royal family and media are also discussed, including clothing references to the Prophet's words and actions and the need to stay focused on Allah's message. Prayer is crucial to achieving Islam's teachings, and staying true to one's fees is essential.
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والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا ونبينا ومولانا محمد وعلى
آله وصحبه وسلم اللهم إننا نسألك حبك وحب
من يحبك وحب أمل يقربنا إلى حبك يا
أرحم الراحمين We ask Allah سبحانه وتعالى to
give us his love We ask Allah سبحانه
وتعالى to give us the love of those
actions that will gain his love and we
ask Allah سبحانه وتعالى to make us of
those people that love the ones that he
loves We ask Allah سبحانه وتعالى to make
this a gathering by which we increase our
love for the Rasool صلى الله عليه وسلم
And an understanding a deeper understanding and appreciation
for his seerah We're in the ninth year
of hijrah.
So we're only about Two years away from
the passing of the Prophet صلى الله عليه
وسلم And a lot of the work had
been put in for so many years for
the last 20 years The Prophet صلى الله
عليه وسلم He left no stone unturned to
get this message this message of la ilaha
illallah to everyone he was doing everything that
he could and he went through so much
difficulty and It was in the ninth year
that a surah was revealed and that surah
was surat al-fath and In that surah,
it's a small surah many of our children.
We learn it as children Allah سبحانه وتعالى
says إذا جاء نصر الله والفتح When the
help of Allah سبحانه وتعالى comes والفتح and
victory comes ورأيت الناس يدخلون في دين الله
أفواجه And you O Muhammad at that point
start to see people coming into the deen
أفواجه and groups and groups and groups of
people The ninth year of hijrah was known
as عام الوفود It was the year that
these these large Delegations were coming from all
around the Arabian Peninsula and they were coming
why to accept Islam They were coming to
meet the Prophet some of them had political
reasons some of them came and they didn't
even accept Islam But they came to say
that we're rolling with you guys.
We're rolling with the Muslims now.
You guys are in charge Ibn Ishaq he
explains he was like there were so many
Arab tribes that They were just waiting to
see what happened between the Rasul صلى الله
عليه وسلم and the Quraysh They just wanted
to wait they were a bandwagon they weren't
gonna do something themselves They just wanted to
wait and see what would happen And so
when Fatiha Mecca happened and all of the
subsequent things happened And then finally as we
talked about last week the Muslims went all
the way to Tabuk to face the Byzantine
Empire The Arabs they realized that this is
it Islam is the way and we should
all be with Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم
But here's the deal.
What do you do?
What do you do when you reach that
point All of us are grinding.
We're grinding at school.
We're grinding at and our families.
We're trying to make money for our families
We're trying to move forward right.
What do you do when you get there
What do you do when you know you
get wifey you get a husband you get
the children you got the square footage?
You got two cars in the garage.
You got all of it.
What do you do?
What I ate and nasia the hula the
Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم is reaching this
clutch moment where it's it's that's it the
job is over But what happens the verse
is so beautiful because the verse it says
What do you do at that point for
sub bih bihamdi rabika at that point go
back to what it was all for Subhanak
allahumma wabi hamdik The verse says glorify your
Lord and praise him meaning you've accomplished the
objective you got there now But the real
objective was the pleasure of Allah.
It was so that people could be connected
with Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala So now you
got there and the Prophet صلى الله عليه
وسلم is being told.
What do you do?
So they used to see him the Prophet
صلى الله عليه وسلم.
He started saying subhanak allahumma subhanallahi wabi hamdi
Astaghfirullah wa atubu ilayk Glory be to Allah
I seek forgiveness and I turn to him
and he was saying this regularly and the
Sahaba they said ya rasool Allah They used
to watch him close.
So they said ya rasool Allah we're seeing
you do something you didn't do before like
you're saying these words we never heard you
say before and The Prophet صلى الله عليه
وسلم said I was giving a given a
sign and when I saw that sign Then
I was told I was supposed to do
something and later we found out it was
this It was this surah When all these
people were now coming and accepting Islam and
they were coming one after the next the
whole ninth year all it Was or different
clans coming one after the next and the
Prophet interacting with them Abdullah Ibn Abbas, he
was only 13 years old when the Prophet
passed away But he was special because when
the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم passed away
He grabbed one of his other young young
sahabis young young young homies, whatever and he
said to him He said listen, why don't
we go right now and we go learn
from the Sahaba whatever they know he's only
13 years old and His friend he goes
Habibi, there's there's big Sahaba here your dad
Omar Abu Bakr who's gonna need anything from
Well, there's no need for me and you
to learn So Abdullah bin Abdullah bin Abbas.
He goes.
All right I went by myself and he
started to sit at the doors of companions
just to learn one hadith from them and
they would come out And they would see
him sitting there and they would say oh
you're related to the Prophet like you just
knock at the door And he would say
no, it's knowledge.
I have to humble myself for knowledge so
one day Omar has a whole group of
like that the senior companions I mean these
are budded people from way back and they're
all sitting in this gathering so he could
talk to them and take opinions from them
and Omar has next to him Abdullah bin
Omar who's only like 16 now 17 Because
the Prophet he passed when he was 13
two years later, so he's only a 15
14 15 or 16 So the Sahaba they
say we're here to talk.
But why why is this young one in
And they said we got sons his age
We got sons his age and and Omar
says why hold on hold on.
I Want everyone to tell me what Surat
Al-Fath means?
He's not John Nasrullah.
He was but what I tend not yet
a colonel He didn't lie of wajah, but
something behind the record because I started in
new Canada Waba.
Tell me what the Surah means So they
all went around and they all said Fatima.
They all said who they be.
Yeah, they said all this He listened to
everyone and then he looks at the 16
year old Abdullah.
He says Abdullah.
What do you say?
he said the Surah is just announcing the
Prophet is about to pass away and And
Omar said see That's why he's here.
This whole Surah was telling the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam.
Your mission has come to a close and
now that the mission has come to a
close you're gonna see people coming in one
after the next accepting Islam and Now your
focus is just to focus back on Allah
turn your heart towards Allah But sub bit
behind thee and here's the crazy part about
it What's amazing is it says glorify your
Lord was stuff it you would think at
the end People get arrogant like I made
it but for the believer as we reach
the goals, we become more humble So that's
why the verse says seek forgiveness Astaghfirullah astaghfirullah
astaghfirullah and so this Surah was revealed and
Slowly, but surely all of these tribes start
to arrive in Medina all of them for
different reasons So we're gonna go through some
of the tribes.
There were over 50 tribes that came There's
no way we could do all of them
But there were some that were really special
encounters and we learned so much about who
he was sallallahu alayhi wa sallam There was
one man by the name of the man
been talibah the man been talibah he came
and He's a Bedouin and you got to
understand something about the Bedouins they're not from
the city and so the Bedouins are a
little rougher and they would say whatever came
to their mind and The sahaba low-key
loved them The sahaba loved them because the
sahaba they were used they had edib So
they would ask questions really politely this that
when the Bedouin came he would just ask
anything He would just ask anything and the
sahaba are like, yes, it's about to get
lit in here.
They would love it Almost that we love
when the Bedouins came So so the man
comes into the masjid and he's a leader
of his people So he comes into the
masjid and Anas bin Malik says Baina man,
I know Jalouse.
We're sitting with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam fill masjid for daqal a rajul a
man comes to the masjid door and he
Anakha Gemma who he parks his car you
could say and Then he comes into the
masjid and the moment he walks in just
imagine a group sitting down He goes are
you cool Muhammad?
He goes which one of y'all is
Muhammad Bro bro No, he comes in which
one of y'all you know, what's amazing?
The sahaba say they say this one shining
their words.
They say this one shining right here leaning
The one shining right there that's him that's
the words they use like you can't see
that nor you know what the scholars they
say subhanallah You walk into his masjid.
You can't tell the difference He's sitting with
everyone else He doesn't have a special spot
for him put up in the corner He's
just sitting someone walks in that's never been
He sees 30 40 people and he goes
which one of y'all's Muhammad But the
humility of this man sallallahu alayhi wasallam at
this stage of his life He's just sitting
amongst them So they so he says are
you cool Muhammad when they be more tech
it the Prophet was leaning back amongst us
So we said how the regular up?
Yeah, this man's shining right here.
That's the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam But call
a little Rajul He says even a Abdul
Muttalib He's like confirming you're the you're the
grandson of Abdul Muttalib He goes.
Yeah, Paula.
The Prophet says, but I jumped toka.
He didn't even say like yes He says
you've been replied to you know who I
am But Paula in the S Luka he
goes I'm gonna ask you some questions and
I'm gonna be straightforward.
Don't get angry Like like subhanallah, he's not
cutting around any corners.
He says I'm gonna ask you straightforward Please
don't get angry.
The Prophet looked at me says I don't
get angry.
I Don't get it.
You don't know me.
I don't get angry over these things Ask
what you want to ask He says, um
That's a look at the Arabic.
I ask you by Allah and By the
Lord of those before you Allah sent you
to people with this message The Prophet so
I said I said Allah human arm.
He says oh Allah.
Oh Allah.
Yes He says, uh, I asked you By
Allah Did Allah order you to pray five
times a day in the night in the
day in the evening?
He says Allah human arm.
The Prophet says yes He says by Allah.
Did Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala tell you to
One month in a year.
He's going through what he learned The Prophet
says yes He says by Allah did Allah
order you that you take charity from the
rich and then you give it back to
the poor The Prophet sallallahu salam.
He says Allah human arm He looks at
him in his eyes and he says I
meant to be magic to be I believe
in what you have brought Well, I'm a
Um, and what are you?
I'm I'm a messenger for my people Men
call me and my name is the mom
and I'm from Benno Bucker Another narration says
that as he walked into the masjid he
was whispering something under his tongue as if
he was like rehearsing what he was going
to say and the Sahaba say we saw
him walk in but we couldn't understand what
he was saying and so he comes and
he starts to ask about Islam and He
asked the Prophet are there five prayers that
we have to pray the Prophet says yes
He says * alayya ghaira This is important
Look at how the Prophet is spreading Islam
in the earth in these days He says
do I have to pray anything else?
He says no, except if you want to
do extra he says and We have to
fast one month in Ramadan, right?
* alayya ghaira.
Is there anything else I have to do?
Is there anything else?
The Prophet says no, except if you want
to do extra And then he mentioned charity
and he says is there anything else?
He keeps repeating.
Is there anything else?
Is there anything else the Prophet says?
No, that's it.
Unless you want to do extra SubhanAllah sahaba
the sahaba they say fa adbara he turned
around he he got his answers He asked
his question.
He got his answer.
He turned around and as he's walking away
from the Prophet salallahu salam He says something
so profound.
He says wallahi la azidu ala hadha wala
anqus He said wallahi.
I'm not gonna do any more than what
he said, and I'm not gonna do any
That's it The Prophet heard him as he
walked away the Prophet looked at the sahaba.
He said aflaha insadaqa This man will be
successful huwa fil jannah if he just stays
You know, what's so profound?
What's so profound is that the scholars say
a lot of us we're trying to grow
in our spirituality So someone will message me
and like yo shake can I get a
special vicar?
You know, like give me that special joint
That yeah, I'm trying to I'm trying to
get better the message you like yo, what's
the hack?
What's the like special of God?
I'm like fudger Fudge and I said, bro
They're like no like no more the scholars
They say subhanAllah the Prophet knows that if
you just if this man just does the
base His heart will naturally want to grow
His heart will naturally but what we do
dude becomes Muslim.
How many how many raqqa for dhohr?
We supposed to say four but you got
him doing sunnah muakkadah sunnah ghair muakkadah You
know tahiyyatul masjid entry when you come in
the masjid make sure you drop two then
get up make sure you drop four more
And then the imam's gonna pray for then
when the imam is done praying for you
gotta drop two more dude's like La Start
people at a point at the base The
mom he says is there anything else the
Prophet says?
No, that's it Just do that in the
brilliance the brilliance is the Prophet knows when
you're when you're a new Muslim or you're
new on your Dean What Shaitaan loves to
do is make you go all out first
week all out you try to do everything
first week and Shaitaan is pushing you on
Like go ahead why cuz week two we
already know what's gonna happen week two You
ain't showing up, bro Why because you put
too much on you so the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam in a brilliant hadith is
brilliant because he says Aflaha in sadaqa to
a man that said he was only gonna
do the fard He will be successful if
he stays true to his word and this
man only said he was gonna do the
basis of what Allah Subhanahu wa'ta'ala one
brilliant Brilliant, so the mom goes back Omar
says Omar loved him because Omar was a
matter-of-fact man So Omar afterward he
says well what he goes back to his
people and he gives that way and his
whole clan becomes Muslim He was sent by
them anyway But Omar says wallah.
Yeah, I never saw a man that asked
better questions and gave a rather better reply
then the mom then the mom The Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam There was a tribe
another tribe came the tribe of Abdul case
Again, all of these tribes are coming because
they want to meet the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam It's time now to build that
relationship with him.
It's the ninth year.
There's only a little time left The tribe
of Abdul case they show up and It's
a beautiful it's a beautiful story the the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam He's in the
masjid and he says from the masjid.
He goes there's a tribe coming right now
very righteous people But they're outside of the
city Omar says I got up right away
and I went to meet them and I
went out and I saw the delegation coming
So he said I went to the delegation.
I said the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
just spoke of y'all He's looking forward
to meeting you come this or I like
like hurry, come on and So he travels
with them into the city and as they
get close to the masjid Omar Ibn Khattab
radiyallahu ta'ala and he goes how that
sahiba come he goes your man is here
I love you to redo the one you
want to meet.
He's in this masjid go For a male
poem be and pussy him.
They're traveling now.
I need you to appreciate this moment.
So beautiful These people have been traveling from
far away days worth of travel They're covered
in in the dust of the desert and
they're going to meet the Prophet of Allah
alayhi salatu wassalam the most distinguished meeting you
could ever imagine having and Now they're so
excited that they're right there.
The narration says for a male poem be
and pussy him Allah I'm ready to be
So they just dropped their luggage and They
start walking and some of them running into
the masjid The men whom a shot some
of them walking one men whom how do
I some of them are running?
Some of them are running fast Until they
get into the masjid Fuck to the rule
who called they all swarm him.
They all come close to him and The
Sahaba say well, I'm yeah, he's who in
Yeah, but suffering him.
They're still wearing the clothes from their journey
They grabbed the hand of the Prophet.
They kiss his hand There was one young
man, and he was the youngest of them
a Shedge was his name.
Well, who are us got home?
He's the youngest When they arrived close and
everyone ran forward a such he stayed back
He untied the the luggage from the camels
He took it down He tied up the
camel so they wouldn't run off He opened
up his his his luggage and he took
out his best clothes He takes out his
best clothes and he puts them on So
yeah, but so he put on his best
clothes To my job.
I am she and Then he comes just
walking with composure into the masjid.
Now, you got to imagine he's just as
excited as everyone else But he said he's
He's thinking about this differently And so what
does he do He comes into the masjid
But I thought that be Eddie he goes
and he grabs the hand of the Prophet
and he kisses it So Allah who are
He was send him.
He was an unattractive man What can I
let you lend to me man?
He was unattractive man and the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam looks up at him and
he looks at his face and He says
ya Rasul Allah a Man is not judged
by his face, but judged by something two
small things their tongue and their heart That's
what he says to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam He looks at him he says
ya Rasul Allah a man is not judged
by his face But judged by two small
things his tongue in his heart The Prophet
looks at him and he says he got
hustler tame There are two qualities you have
You have become a lot of a Rasul
Allah loves these qualities and the Prophet loves
these qualities that are in you and Helm,
you're forbearant you you you take things you're
able to take difficulties You don't break under
pressure under stress.
You have him like the word like Halima
Hey, you could take your forbearance well, Annette
and You're deliberate.
You take your time as If the Prophet
saw everything that had been happening and some
narrations say that where they parked everything he
could see him He could see him Now
you would think the Hadith is over.
He's like wow great Allah loves me.
Yeah, he says something deep.
He says ya Rasul Allah And at the
kind of could be Hema I'm in a
jabalani alayhima.
He goes are these qualities that I have
developed and worked on in me I mean,
this is a deep psychological question subhanAllah.
He goes are these qualities of forbearance my
deliberateness my slowness He goes are these qualities
that that that at the kind of will
be ha that I have developed and built
them Or these qualities that Allah has just
placed in me The Prophet saw he says
bell a lot.
I'll a job jabalika alayhima.
He goes no.
No Allah has placed this in you This
is beautiful because this tells us it doesn't
matter where a person is in their Dean
they have within them some of the most
beautiful qualities that when they come into the
Dean they'll shine and The Hadith to remember
is where the Prophet said that human beings
are like mines They're like mines of gold
and silver and what me and you have
to be are the people that can go
into a mine Covered in dirt and smut
go into the mine and pull out the
gems that people don't see clean them off
so that the world then sees it shining
a Nasu Kalma ad and Then the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
He said the best of people in Jahiliyya
the days of ignorance The ones that have
good qualities in Jahiliyya.
We have neighbors.
We have friends.
We have co-workers have amazing qualities I
have family Amazing qualities But when they come
into Islam, it only accentuates the beauty that
they have So so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam.
He tells this man.
He says yeah mashallah up the place and
Then they they sat and they learned and
they sat with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam And he taught him so much, but
this is a beautiful hadith Because the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells each of us
to look with inside of ourself and see
what temperaments and qualities a lot Of us
just follow everybody else What's so amazing is
a shed?
He didn't go against his nature His nature
wasn't to run like everyone else and just
quickly his nature was to know that's not
me So he stayed back and he did
what was him He stayed within his nature
and the Prophet saw that and the Prophet
praised him and the Prophet told him that
these are qualities Allah has put in you
nurture those those hold them.
We don't have to follow the flock We
have to nurture the qualities that Allah subhanahu
wa'ta'ala has blip has placed within us
in this year It wasn't only delegations that
were coming in But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam he was also sending people out
But you have to understand that his tone
is different now His tone is different because
he knows sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that the
job is pretty much complete The job is
pretty much complete and This sort of has
been revealed and he knows that it's getting
close to time to leave so he has
to send people off for dawah and Send
people off to be in different places Two
people he sent off or more.
I've been Jebel more I've been Jebel and
Abu Musa Al Ash'ari, he's from Yemen.
He sent them both back to Yemen and
It's a beautiful story about how he sent
them he sent Muad to be in the
north part of Yemen and Abu Musa Al
Ash'ari to be in the south part
of Yemen and Then he said to them
a famous hadith He said yes, sir.
Oh, I got to ask you when you
go to people.
Yes, sir Make it easy.
You're going to give dawah make it easy
for some reason There's this mentality that the
rightest opinion in Islam is the strictest opinion
Where did this come from that?
Oh, yo, that shake is stricter.
That means that must be the right put
opinion What the Khawarij were stricter than everybody?
The prophets I said him said about the
Khawarij you'll look at them and make to
the Sahaba You'll look at them and think
your Dean is nothing But they're in and
out of Islam like an arrow.
He said In and out of Islam like
an arrow just go straight through no effect
on them The prophets I said I'm taught
he said yes, sir.
Ooh Go there make it easy for people
to act on the Dean.
Well, that's what I see.
No, don't make it hard on people Don't
make it hard on people and then he
said what Bashir ooh and give glad tidings
to people Well, that's who not fear ooh
Now this is crazy.
If you know Arabic was crazy is the
word Bashir the opposite of it is Nadir
But sheer means to give glad tidings Nadir
means to warn people and the Quran tells
us that the Prophet had two jobs, but
she don't wanna be wrong He gave glad
tidings like you do this.
You got Jenna, but he also told us
yo you do this it goes the other
direction So the prophets I said I'm said
well, but she do he didn't say well
out to know the rule He said well,
I to know fear.
Ooh He said don't repel people Give glad
tidings and don't repel he didn't say don't
give Admonishment people need to understand what we
need to be afraid of people need the
warning But if the warning or the Bashara
the glad tidings pushes people away you missed
the objective So the Prophet is so profound.
He says bus you do what I to
nothing to give glad tidings and don't push
people away and How many of our massage
it push people away?
How many of our communities push people away?
Brother convert comes in got a tattoo.
We are by staring at him right chill
chill You know one Hadith says all of
the sins of a person from Jaila become
good deeds All of the sins become good
deeds But here we are Everyone's staring everyone
looking and how many a lot the community
is becoming more woke But the masjid needs
to be a place where people just feel
welcome they feel like they could come in
it feels like home the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam he said bus you do what
I to nothing to and Help one another
It's the end of the ninth year Muaz
as I told you he's being sent to
Yemen Muaz was a handsome man, and he
had very good character, and he was extremely
generous For those three reasons he had a
lot of debt He had a lot of
debt He's very handsome He had great character
and extremely generous that mean he took a
lot of loans for other people not for
himself So he had a lot of debt
and so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
is sending him off to do work He's
going to work for the Dean.
He's going to give dawah the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam he looks at him he
says Yeah, Muaz Perhaps Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala
will amend your state, and he'll pay off
your debts through this work you're doing He
says you're going to the people of the
book you're going to Christians and Jews There
was a large Jewish population in Yemen.
He says you're going to the people of
the book He says call them look what
he says call them to the oneness of
Allah don't focus on all the other stuff
don't focus call them to the oneness of
Allah and Call them to the prophethood of
Muhammad if they listen look what he says
he says if they agree Teach them that
there's prayer And he says and then if
they agree and they start acting Teach them
that there's fasting and if look at the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam's method He didn't
say walk up to the people of the
book like yo, this is the Dean right
there You could read through it if you
want We got Hajj you got Ashura too
you can fast La Rasool sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam said no oneness of Allah Oneness of
Allah, and if you look in a practical
perspective when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
was working with Abu Talib He said on
his deathbed.
He says just say la ilaha illallah Just
say that that's all I want from you.
I'll fight.
I'll argue with Allah on the Day of
Just say that much for me So the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says if
they agree to that if they agree to
that and he keeps telling him I want
you to learn the method of Tadreej progression
and growth in people's in people's Islam Look
at this brilliant method the Prophet taught us
Tadreej slow progression for people slow progression for
people and Then he said beware of the
beware beware About the doubt with the dua
of the oppressed Don't oppress people you're going
as a leader.
Don't oppress anyone Because there's nothing between the
dua of the oppressed and Allah Allah hears
the dua of the oppressed.
They're not unheard They're not unheard his final
words Abu Musa Muad.
He says that the final words he gave
me He says I placed my foot in
the stirrup of the of the of the
horse and The Prophet is under me because
I'm on the horse I'm up on the
horse and I put my foot in the
stirrup and I climb onto the horse and
the Prophet is looking Up at me sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam He said O Muad Let
your behavior and your akhlaq your manners be
the best towards people O Muad This is
the advice he's giving to the man.
He's sending to do dawah It wasn't the
intricacies of aqeedah.
It wasn't the intricacies of fiqh He said
let your manners and your akhlaq your character
be your best guide that's all people should
know you for and Muad says as my
camel was leaving he walked past walked with
me to see me off He always did
it but it felt different this time and
then he stopped and he looked up at
me and he said O Muad It could
be that this will be the last time
you see me perhaps you will not see
me after this year Perhaps you will pass
by my masjid and It will be my
grave Muad at that moment realized that he
was talking on a different level and Muad
started to weep like a baby I've known
this man for so long and this has
been the man that has been guiding me
helping me What do you mean you won't
be here next year?
We can't imagine life without you.
What does that mean?
You won't be here and then the Prophet
looked at him and he said O Muad
The people who deserve me the most are
the people of taqwa Wherever they are and
whoever they are They're the ones that are
closest to me The people of consciousness of
God the people remembering Allah He said you're
leaving me, but you're with me as long
as you're a people of taqwa He said
the people can you imagine what he's feeling
when the Prophet is saying perhaps you won't
see me next year Do we know what
he was for them?
What he what it what it symbolized and
so Muad's Heads off and the next time
he comes back is well after the Prophet
sallallahu sallam has passed away and He's sitting
with Omar and Abu Bakr and they're just
remembering The good old days of what it
was like when the Prophet sallallahu sallam was
arrived, but his last words to him Were
let your behavior and manners towards people be
the best O Muad That's his final advice
to a man that he's saying.
I'm gonna see you for the last moment.
That's his final advice to him And then
he says that the people that are closest
to me will be the people of taqwa
whoever they are and wherever they are Wherever
they are around the world Banu Thaqeef another
tribe Banu Thaqeef are from Taif Do you
know what the people of Taif did to
him his whole life They were the ones
who stoned him when he was with his
adopted son They threw rocks at his ankles
Just because he wanted to spread this message
la ilaha illallah that God is one and
that he's a messenger of God These are
the people who the angels came and said
if you want we can crush these mountains
over them he said no, I have hope
that from them will come righteous people and
Then the battle of Taif came Hunayn and
Banu Thaqeef.
We talked about it two weeks ago and
They fortified themselves.
They didn't come out and the Prophet just
went back to Medina After some time of
being in Medina Banu Thaqeef shows up.
Well, actually Urwa bin Mas'ud al-Thaqafi
shows up He was someone that We spoke
about before He comes and he meets the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam He takes his shahada
and he says ya rasool Allah I'm going
back to Taif and I'm gonna bring them
all back Muslim.
The Prophet says I don't think you should
do that They don't like me over there
he goes no, but they love me and
They'll follow what I'm saying And so he
goes back He goes back he starts to
talk to them.
They reject him You're the worst of us.
You're a traitor The next morning Fajr time
he goes up outside of his house and
he starts to give the Adhan they pounce
on him.
They kill him The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam
said he's like the man from Yassin surah
to Yassin The man who went to his
people and said yeah late to call me
a moon Oh, I wish my people knew
I he was Shaheed But he was as
he was dying the Quran says he's dying
and it looks like he's in punishment It
looks like he's in pain.
But as his soul is leaving and the
angels are Mitch taking him he goes I
wish my people knew how joyful this was
I He's Shaheed He's dying for no other
reason than saying la ilaha illa Allah Yeah
late to call me a moon be my
ghafla li rabbi.
What do I mean?
He the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said he
died the death of the the man of
Yassin They kill him After a month they
realize you know, what what are we doing?
Let's go.
Let's go meet Muhammad.
Let's go talk to him alayhi salatu wasalam
So a month passes They say let's go
They had no other option for them There's
a lot of political motivation here because what
are we going to do?
How long are we going to go against
But the narration is beautiful.
They start to arrive and Mughir bin Shoaibah
He's outside of Medina He's like shepherding the
the camels and he sees them coming and
they get close and he says who are
There's a whole entourage of them they go
we're we're we're From Taif Banu Thaqeef.
He gets excited He starts running into Medina
Because he knows there's nothing that will bring
more joy to the Prophet than these people
coming and accepting Islam these were the people
that stoned me out of the city 15
16 years ago and These were the people
I may do all for so much He
goes there would be nothing greater than them
taking shahada he's on his way into Medina
Abu Bakr sees him coming Abu Bakr stops
him and he goes where are you going?
He goes Taqeef is coming in Abu Bakr
goes by God.
Let me take the news to the prophets.
I said By Allah, let me please bro.
Let me be the one to bring happiness
To the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, I
don't know he pulled rank cuz Mughira he
said, okay Mughira put he said, okay Mughira
Okay, go tell them they're on their way.
I'm gonna go back and tell them like
come on in so Mughira goes back and
And he stops them and he says let
me teach y'all how to say salamu
alaykum I'm for real seriously.
Yeah, he's like, let me teach y'all
how to greet him All right, repeat after
me right and he's teaching them the greeting
of Islam So so kafa you hey Russell
how to greet the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa
sallam, don't just yeah Muhammad You know like
a fuck.
Yeah Do it the right way.
There's ed up.
There's ways to do this So he taught
them They come in they meet the Prophet.
They forget what to say.
They say the Oh jahiliya thing The Prophet
salallahu alayhi wa sallam, they brought gifts for
him the Prophet took the gifts they put
him to the side and The Prophet salallahu
alayhi wa sallam.
He ordered that an area of the masjid
be marked off For them to stay in
the masjid the ends of the whom fill
masjid Why?
He knows in their heart.
There's still reservations But that's only because you
haven't seen how we roll That's only because
you haven't been in the masjid wallahi all
of these hardcore like I'm trying to behave
yo If they just came in the masjid
if they just sat in Ramadan if they
just saw the come to sohba just sit
in sohba Just come and watch the prayer
Just come and be a part of the
community the prophets like I don't have to
give dawah this Dean is dawah This is
profound this Dean is dawah.
I don't have to speak to you.
He said there's a spot in the masjid
y'all stay here Liya kuna rock a
leak will be him I already know what's
gonna happen when you hear be loud call
the other dog and Then you hear salatul
Fajr And you see all the believers praying
in this dark masjid simple masjid, but you
feel the nor done Done it's beautiful Rasool
Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
Yeah, neither.
But I won't go back.
He not yet He he had a tent
put up in the masjid in the corner
Hey, yes, my own no Quran so that
they could hear the Quran.
We want you to just hear it.
Just hear it Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam Every day there was a young
boy He was like 13 14 He was
with them, but his heart wasn't with them.
His heart was already with the Rasool sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam Every day this young boy
would go to the Prophet on his own
Teach me this teach me that if the
hadith says if the Prophet was sleeping he
would go to Abu Bakr He said teach
me another surah teach me this teach me
that What Rasool sallallahu alayhi wa sallam every
He would come to the to the delegation
and he would sit with them you had
the to whom Iman, I'll articulate he would
stand in the back of the masjid and
just talk to them It says caught him,
but then it says he would stand so
long that he would have to actually like
switch feet Because he's standing so long talking
to them What was he talking about the
oneness of Allah?
the Dean the Day of Judgment That what
I thought of my you had to whom
I left him in Tommy Quraish He was
talking about what he was going through against
the Quraish man Quraish were giving me a
hard time The masjid is doing Dawa, I
don't need to keep beating your head with
Dawa So he would just talk to them
about what's going on man the Quraish.
They gave me a hard time.
That was tough And he's just talking to
them One day and look at his organization.
We all struggle with time management, right?
We struggle with giving people their haq one
day what to occur on whom you that
a lay lesson one night He came a
little late to sit with them and meet
with them and talk with them But call
you look at up to Anna Layla you
came late tonight But caught it in the
who thought I lay a juice II Mina
Quran He said I didn't get to read
my juice of Quran today the Prophets eyes
I said he said I didn't get to
read my portion of the Quran today The
credit to an idea had to attend ma.
I didn't want to come and talk to
y'all till I read my Quran Look
at the prioritization of the Prophets Allah Don't
let the Dawa be an excuse for you
to not have your personal Ibadah Don't let
your Dawa.
You can't put your mask on first Habibi
The Prophet himself he came late to a
Dawa meeting.
Why were you late?
I had to finish my Ibadah.
I There was a juice of Quran.
I didn't get to read yet The Mecca
through they stayed in the masjid for some
time Yes, tell you Pune.
Ila Rasul Allah Going back and forth to
the Rasul Sallallahu alayhi wasallam So finally they
say y'all Rasul Allah.
We're ready The Prophets like all right, what's
They're like we're ready But we got some
We're ready to become Muslim Condition number one
no salah Huh?
Condition number two y'all ain't ready Zina
is allowed Yeah, if you don't know what
I ain't translating that fornication It's allowed it
gotta be okay and number three We have
a idol called lat.
They had lat and uzza.
We need about three months to get rid
of it The Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wasallam was
so compassionate.
He was so understanding When that when that
when the weft of Najran came Give me
a second because I need you to see
the balance of him Sallallahu alayhi wasallam The
weft of Najran came they were all Christians,
and they brought the head Christians out They
brought the big guys out Bishop this dude
that dude everybody came when they got to
the masjid it was time for them to
pray Back in the day the Christians they
had their time set I'm just saying You
know I mean it wasn't just Sunday.
They had their times and they would face
towards Jerusalem So when they got to the
masjid it was prayer time Well who act
but they started to pray all the must
the Muslims are like oh, we owe the
prophets like chill let him pray Let him
pray That's how we do da what let
him pray Don't worry.
They'll see the Dean.
They'll learn the Dean.
They'll learn Allah is one But when these
people came and they said ya Rasul Allah
first condition we're Muslim no salah the Prophet
said What Dean is there if there is
no prayer?
That's heavy for us today Because we could
get as spiritual as we want y'all
we can get a spiritual feel the vibes
all of it.
I don't know what like Prayer yo prayer
is that connection?
Prayers that connection and what stops us.
I think if some of us haven't been
praying so long so Shaitan is like don't
start Now the opposite just start now Who
cares how long you didn't pray today is
the new day you may pass away tomorrow.
You're written as someone that prays now No,
you're not feeling me Shaitan just was like
yo you ain't been praying for like by
five years.
Why are you gonna pray now?
because I might pass away tomorrow and Because
I might pass away tomorrow if I start
now, I'm written as someone that prays Begin
the Prophet said something profound He says I'll
bend where I could bend but this I
never bend on what Dean is there if
there is no prayer so lalahu alayhi wasalam
and Then they asked for then I ain't
happening That ain't happening.
There was a young man.
There was a young man who came on
his own and He was Muslim But he
came really like straightforward and there were people
around and I don't know if they're the
same incident, but they're very similar He came
and he said ya Rasul Allah then leave
if it's in ah, he said Oh Oh
Rasul Allah Please allow me to commit fornication
and the prophets the Sahaba jumped up how
dare you talk to the Prophet like that
the prophets I said back off get away
from him and he sat him down and
Then he he sat with him and he
said young man, do you have a mother
and And and and subhanAllah that you got
to imagine this society that's so connected as
a family he's like, yeah, yeah, I have
a mother He's like do you have a
sister now?
He's remembering Baji.
You know, I mean, he's remembering his older
sister He's remembering her and all these memories.
He's like, yeah, I got a sister He
was like, how would you feel if that
was done with them?
He said stop for Allah The how do
I like what I love in that He
gets he get he gets a like a
guttural reaction to it And he's like, how
do you think other people feel and he's
like subhanAllah the Prophet said come close now
The Prophet didn't touched his chest and he
said Oh Allah remove this filth from his
heart He said he took his hands off
my chest.
He says wallahi.
There was no sin.
I hate it more after that moment than
Zena But he worked with him He didn't
run him out he sat down with him
he did a proper psychoanalyst like that was
a session right there yo Like yo, you
could charge for that joint like psychodynamic right?
That was he's going to your history, but
you have a mom I'm not trying to
whatever, you know, I mean, but it was
a beautiful moment where he was connecting him
to him to his family and other women
and Getting him to get a emotional connection,
but he didn't run him off he didn't
run him off and As a result that
man says there was no sin that I
hate it more after that moment then that's
in so the Prophet says no, you're gonna
have to pray I'm not giving up on
that and Zen is out of the question.
They said y'all don't suit a lot,
but the idol Now you may think like
wait, are they still holding on to the
That wasn't it.
They were scared that if we go back
And break this idol our nation is gonna
go against us We're gonna be killed the
way Abdullah bin Masood a thug if he
was killed So they said y'all still
give us three months.
He says no, I idolatry doesn't exist.
It's done It's done So then the Prophet
said I have I have a solution You
don't have to break the idol yourself.
Look at the compassion.
He said I don't want you to break
the idol I don't want you to break
I'm gonna sit hot it been will eat
after y'all leave No, but it's brilliant
Because because that's hard for them.
That's difficult for them.
He goes I'm a sin Khalid Khalid gonna
come handle business and y'all won't get
blamed for it.
And that's exactly what the prophesized them They
went back they gave dowel to the people
the people at first refused But then they
kept talking to the people talking to the
people and they all have been with the
thief becomes Muslim and Five is what it
is today because the Prophet sallallahu sallam had
so much compassion for them.
There's one more There's a longer narration about
the tribe of Najran and I'm just gonna
say it from memory because we only have
a few minutes until prayer time They Sent
about 70 Najran is south of Medina towards
Yemen and it was an enclave of Christianity
and a lot of Abyssinians have come over
with Christianity from there So it was just
as it was it was like 60 different
tribes in this one place and they were
all very strong Christians And so they got
letters from the Prophet sallallahu sallam inviting them
to Islam.
And so they came with everybody they came
with everybody and Amongst the bishops and amongst
the priests there are those who have already
in their heart understood who he is and
There are those in their heart that are
like no we have to resist this as
much as we can So they come to
meet the Prophet sallallahu sallam and they're coming
Completely like with gold and with their silk
robes and they're they're looking like top pristine
people They walk into the masjid and they
give Salam to the Prophet.
They greet him He doesn't even look at
them doesn't even look at them They greet
him a few time.
He doesn't respond They go to Abu Bakr.
They go to Omar.
Finally, they go to Ali Ali goes you
got that clothes on you got a change
of clothes Y'all two up there He's
not gonna talk to you dressed like that
He's not because there's a Hikmah here.
I'll tell you So they go and they
put on really just simple clothes right nice,
but simple clothes.
They come the next morning The Prophet sees
nice and I'm like, hi, how are you?
Nice to meet you.
They said we spoke to you yesterday.
You didn't talk to us.
He said yeah, I saw Shaitaan with you
I don't talk to people with Shaitaan with
them Those clothes put your mind in a
different state You weren't ready to listen with
that high horse.
You were sitting on you weren't ready for
Dawa I needed a humble mind that wants
to have dialogue that wants to understand He
said I say I saw Shaitaan with you.
I don't talk to me with Shaitaan.
I'm sorry So they come and they start
to do they start to talk the prophets
like become Muslim.
Yeah Just straight up become Muslim and you
can go do this If you go to
some of the inner cities, you only got
to explain just tell people you'll be Muslim
They'll tell you they're like, yeah, I'm thinking
about it.
See you like dang.
I didn't have to say none Cuz every
never mind anyways Every African American got that
Muslim uncle, you know, I mean Yeah Everybody
got that uncle.
So I was like anyways, so subhanAllah the
prophets I said him he goes he says
become Muslim They say we are Muslim, but
they mean we submit to God the prophets.
I some said no you haven't You still
worship Jesus and call him God You still
worship Jesus and call him God.
This is one of the moments where the
prophets I some has the most in-depth
interfaith conversation and This is the moment where
all of Surah Ali Imran Surah Ali Imran
is revealed Right at this moment the entire
Surah Ali Imran Ali Imran, the whole thing
is revealed at this time.
And So they push back they say what
do you say about Jesus?
He says I say that Jesus is the
Word of God.
The Prophet says this alaihissalam.
He's the Word of God He's the Spirit
of God.
He was he was blown into the the
womb of Mary who was chased in a
virgin They if they're like hallelujah Right, they're
like, yeah, so they say they say they
say well then he's God What do you
say about one who has no father?
The verse is revealed?
Mother who come after the Adam the example
of Jesus is like the example of Adam
if you think Jesus is God because he
has no dad and what is Adam because
he don't have either and The Prophet begins
to engage in dialogue with them dialogue and
he's talking to them Some of them realize
some of them are staunch So they want
to try something they say y'all Rasul
Allah, but then they're not calling him Prophet
yet So they say y'all Muhammad.
Let's know let's do Mubahala What is Mubahala?
Mubahala is crazy Mubahala is you bring your
family and He bring his family and we
both make dua that Allah whichever one of
us is lying strike him down if You
real The next morning the next morning the
Prophet comes with Fatima.
She's holding Hassan and Hussein their babies their
babies The Prophet's coming with Fatima with Ali
his family.
That's why I'm a Tahara He's walking over
and the the priest they see him and
they're like, bro.
We can't do this We cannot do this
if this man is a prophet we are
done and some of them already know who
he is So the Prophet is standing there
and what it was amazing to me is
he's holding Hassan and Hussein and This man
is gonna pray to God and say God
Whichever one of us is not true and
knows the truth and going against the truth
strike them down This is a man who's
worshiped God his whole life He believes in
God to the core of his existence and
So when that moment came and they saw
him holding these two grandchildren with his daughter
Fatima right next to him and in the
Azwaj And we'll talk about walking right next
to him.
They said now we're not about this It's
ain't happening.
They said go talk to him.
Tell him we're not gonna do this.
You know, we'll be allied We'll be allied.
We're gonna go back to our city.
We'll talk to our people.
We're not gonna become Muslim We're gonna go
back and so they go back a Week
later two of the priests sneak away and
come and accept shahada They come back they
say yo, we already knew what was up,
but we couldn't do it with all them
So we're gonna take our shahada right now
We're gonna take our shahada right now.
This was the year Amal Wafood.
This was the year the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wasallam received the indication that the his job
of spreading this message was coming to a
conclusion And a message for us is as
we see things working out as we see
things in our life working out What do
you do next?
Glorify Allah seek revenge seek forgiveness seek forgiveness
and stay focused in the who Canada Waba
Stay focused on Allah the whole purpose was
connection with Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala.
So never lose your connection We only have
a few more sessions of this left because
we can't extend the seerah There's a time
when it ends.
So we'll stop here inshallah Ta'ala Next
We'll talk about how just when we dot
in the week after that Will be the
very difficult conversation of how the Prophet passed
away and I'll make it easy for us
Subhanak Allahumma, I'll be Hamdika shahada la ilaha
illa anta nastaqfiru wa atubu ilayk Subhana rabbika
rabbi al-izzati amma yasifoon wa salamun ala
al mursaleen walhamdulillahi rabbil alameen