Mikaeel Smith – In His Footsteps #22
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We ask Allah
to make this a blessed gathering for us.
A gathering in which we increase our love
and muhaba for Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
A gathering in we in which we increase
our appreciation for his sunnah Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam.
We've been going through different aspects of his
and we've reached roughly around the 5th year
of of Hijra.
Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wa sallam, tonight we're gonna
see that
the Prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam, he was
dealing with a lot of external enemies.
People that were trying to drown out the
light of Islam and trying to stop the
Prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam and the message
of Islam from people from hearing about the
But not only did he have to deal
with external enemies, he had to deal with
enemies within his own community.
And and he had to deal with attacks
against his own family.
So today we're looking at a moment that
was very difficult for Rasulullah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam,
and his family. And there's so many lessons
that we can gain,
from this lesson this evening, inshaAllah ta'ala.
It was the 5th year of hijrah
and the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam had
heard that there was a group,
Banu Mustalik, that was planning to attack Medina.
So whenever the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
would hear about a group that was going
to attack the Muslims,
Many times he would head out first and
just go after like, you know, the best
defense they say is a good offense. So
Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam many times he
would head out first.
And that's what he did. He heard that
this group in Bani Mustalik, they were going
to attack. So that Rasulullah
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, he gathered around 300,
And he said, Let's go. We have to
go take care of this.
And whenever Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam would
travel for one of these journeys, he would
always bring one of the one of the
Aswaj Mutahara. 1 of the our mother, the
Ummahatil mumineen. One of the wives of Rasul
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, they would go with him.
And on this journey it was our mother
Aisha Radhiallahu Ta'ala Anha.
And if we remember who Aisha Radhiallahu Ta'ala
Anha is,
she is the one where Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam was once asked by a man,
men, aha bin nas ilaikaya rasulullah.
Abdullah bin Amal bin Az, he asked Rasul,
who do you love the most? Because he
thought it was him. And Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam said, Aisha.
More than anything. I love her more than
And then the man asked, Thumma man. He
said, Abuha.
And this story today, this incident today touches
both of them so deeply.
So Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam set out.
There was a small battle that took place.
1 Muslim passed away in the battle but
the battle isn't the real story.
As they were coming back from the battle,
there was water that they settled down near.
Obviously the desert, there's a lack of water.
So they found water and they settled down,
the Muslims.
And there was one person from the Muhajirin
and one person from the Ansar. So just
so we remember, the Muhajirin are those who
migrated from Mecca to Medina. And they settled
in Medina. And the Ansar were the people
in Medina that brought in and welcomed with
open arms.
But there was still some Jahiliyah. There was
still some of the days of ignorance that
remained within us.
And so they're at the water,
while they're at the water,
this person and that person, they start fighting.
And the narration says,
it's the it's
They were at the water, something happened. Maybe
one dude was trying to take water before
the other. We don't know but they started
fighting. And the muhajir hit the ansar.
The moment the muhajir hit the ansar,
the ansari, he yells out,
Oh ansars, come help me. Come help me.
And the muhajir immediately,
he says, What? Oh oh, Muhajireen, come help
And the moment the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam heard this,
he responded so profoundly. He said He said
He goes, What is this call of ignorance
I hear? Meaning
that us calling to our people and identifying
ourselves other than anything as Muslims
is something
of My people, your people. No. Islam, we're
And the moment we start clicking up, the
moment we start, Oh my people, your people.
And we see this till today, subhanAllah.
That the Prophet shalallahu alaihi wa sallam, the
first thing he goes,
What is this this this call of jahiliyah
that I hear?
And they came to Rasulullah and they said,
You Rasulullah. They they were fighting.
And the muhajid hit the ansar.
And the prophet said to him, he says,
Stop. Stop this. It stinks. That's literally what
it says. This stinks. Meaning,
one group saying the other group hit them.
This is us. This is all of us
together. There's no groups amongst us.
And then he says something profound.
He says,
He said, listen.
You have to help your brother
regardless of of the fact of if they're
the oppressor or the oppressed.
The the
the Sahaba, they were like, Well, You Rasulullah,
what do you mean? We understand what it
means to help someone oppressed But how do
you help the oppressor?
The prophet said by grabbing their hand and
stopping them.
But what he did was profound. He shifted
the focus
from a muhajir hit a ansari
to this is our community. It doesn't matter
who it is. We're all 1.
Now when this happened,
there's still
like amongst us. And as I mentioned before,
the hypocrites were people that converted openly but
inside they hated Islam. They were upset that
Islam had come to their city. They didn't
like my immigration.
They would definitely never mind, I don't know
what you're gonna say. They didn't like migration,
immigrants, none of that. Send them back. They
didn't want anyone over here except who was
there from the Ansar.
Abdullah bin Ubay bin Salud. He was the
leader of the Munafiqin,
leader of the hypocrites.
They told him what happened
and he starts causing more fitna.
So he says, See, I told you all.
I told you. You kept letting these people
come to our place.
You kept giving them money, you kept giving
them resources.
And then he said some words that it's
almost Some scholars they would not even repeat
it because of what he was talking about.
He said,
the example
of us bringing them in is like an
Arabic saying.
Which is, you you feed your dog so
much one day it bites you.
But he's talking about
Islam. He's talking about the Muslim. He's talking
So word is spreading.
And now instead of this fitna quieting down,
the fitna was actually like spreading more.
So in that moment, Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wa
sallam, he does something amazing. And
the purpose of this halaqa is to appreciate
the beauty, the brilliance in every amazing aspect
of who Rasulullah SAWAYSALAM
was. In this moment, we're out in a
We were just fighting against the enemy but
all of a sudden there's fitna amongst us.
And the haters amongst us love to see
us fight one another.
They love to see it. They love to
see that fitna.
So in that moment, Rasulullah SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam
does something. It was the middle of the
day. It was the time of the day
where everyone stops travel because it's too hot.
Rasulullah SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam in that moment, he
says, everyone get up, we're leaving.
Everyone's like, Right now?
It's like Texas heat midday.
It's too hot.
We're leaving.
Everyone packs their stuff, they get everything together,
they head out. They're on their way, they're
leaving. Headed back to Medina.
The narration says,
He told them it's time to go but
it wasn't normally the time that they would
And so they kept on going. They traveled
the entire day,
the entire night, and the next
day. So the Sahaba were at a point,
it was midday the next day, that they
were exhausted.
Scholars say
like the problem was he needed to keep
them busy so the fitna doesn't keep growing.
He needed to get them to do something
because so long that they were just chilling.
All in their feels as y'all say, right?
Right. All Just in their emotions and thoughts.
So long that they weren't doing something, the
fitna was growing. So Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam,
he said, Everyone get up. We gotta go.
Now there's 2 We're too tired for fitna.
We're too tired to argue.
Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, he travels, he goes
at the entire next day to midday
and finally midday, he says, Everyone stop. We
can rest. The Sahaba they say, subhanAllah,
that the moment we stopped, we barely laid
on the ground. We fell asleep.
Fell asleep. The fitna of a day and
a half ago was gone
but we fell asleep right in that moment.
So he handled this moment of
of of of potential breaking of the community.
And before I go to this next moment,
which is really epic, I want us to
the unity in the community that has to
be there.
That we we stop the identification
with all the other identities.
One of the things that brings people into
Islam is this idea that regardless of what
you look like, you're Muslim.
If you look at Al Hajj Malikah Shabaz,
Malcolm X.
One of the things that was most profound
on him is when he went for Hajj,
he realized that color didn't mean anything.
So how are we here in 2024 where
back again? Our communities sometimes divide on these
same issues.
Language, color, this
and the third. So Rasulullah
he told us, he said, No, break this.
Stop it completely.
But something else happened on this journey.
In this journey,
the Munafiqin
first started a fight amongst us by making
us remember our own nationality and not who
we are as a group.
But something else happened.
The pure, the righteous,
The one that has such a high maqam.
Highest levels of knowledge.
Highest levels of purity.
She tells a story. And we're gonna listen
to her.
I went on this journey.
And she says, I went on this journey
and, she says back in those days they
used to put,
I used to ride in a carriage on
the back of
the camel. So it was like closed off.
So she could chill, she would be comfortable
inside the carriage on the back of the
And she said whenever we would stop, they
would take it off the back of the
camel, they would put it down,
and then I could do whatever I needed
to do.
She says that, we finished
this battle, we were on our way back
and we stopped somewhere.
And now, subhanAllah, the story is profound because
we know why he left abruptly.
He left abruptly because of the fitna that
had just happened. This is the same same
So she says,
the prophet
said it's time to leave.
And it was sudden, I didn't expect it.
She says, so I got up when he
said it was time to leave and I
and I walked off so that I could
relieve myself.
And I went to use the restroom. I
relieved myself.
And she says, I was on my way
and I touched my chest and I realized
my necklace was gone. She lost her necklace.
It broke.
She's like, no, I need my necklace. I
ain't leaving all my jewelry. I gotta go
So she goes back and she looks for
She goes, and while I was gone,
the men came over and they picked up
my carriage. They put it on the back
of the camel
and they dipped. They left.
And she says like, you know, I was
young and she goes, we were in a
time of drought. We didn't eat a lot.
So she's like, I was very light. They
didn't notice that I wasn't in it.
So she says,
they didn't realize
I was young and they left.
She goes, I came back to where the
camp was, where the whole army was
and there's no one there.
There's no one there, it's empty.
Open desert, everyone's gone.
No one's there, it's empty.
So, subhanallah, I'm always amazed when I read
this. She goes,
She goes, I just stayed where I was
I was just It was funny, the other
day we were in the car, me and
wifey we were just, you know, so we
were talking to one of our kids. I
was like, Yo so if you were lost
somewhere, what do you do? If you look
around and we're not there, what would you
And so my oldest, she was like, Oh,
I'll be chill. I would just sit where
I was, I would look for someone, you
know? I wouldn't run around, I would stay
where I was at. So Ayesha, in this
moment, she says, I stayed right there.
I didn't move anywhere. I didn't even worry.
She says,
She goes, I knew they would miss me.
They'd realize I wasn't there and they come
back and get me.
She's like, I'm sitting there. I'm laying there.
Teenagers love to sleep.
They'll be sleeping like how many hours a
day? SubhanAllah.
She falls asleep right there in the open
Now the prophet
whenever the whole like army was moving, he
would always keep someone in the back to
pick up anything that dropped. It's a whole
army, things fall. Having 1 person in the
back is brilliant. Just pick up anything.
She goes,
so I was laying there
he's in the back by purpose. The prophet
put him there, a sole individual person to
come behind the whole army.
And he's walking up and from a distance,
he just sees this
this black, like, cloud on the ground or
some something there.
Fa'atani, he came close.
he looked at me. I was sleeping. He
looked at me and he saw me. He
knew exactly who I was.
Waqana yarani qabalal hijab. He saw me before
hijab. So he knew who I was.
She says, I woke up because he said,
Inna lillahi wa inna illahi rajirun.
Va'ina tura rasurullah.
He goes, Inna lillahi.
We we come from Allah, we return to
Allah. The wife of the prophet just laying
here in the open desert.
She says, I covered myself because I was
sleeping so I covered myself.
And she says,
He never said a word to me.
his decency, he never said a word to
me. He just brought his camel over, he
sat it down, I climbed on the camel
and he walked it in. She says,
I never heard him say any word to
except when he said,
She goes, So he takes me all the
way back
until we catch up to the rest of
the army and it's midday now.
And now the Sahaba and the Munafiqeen, the
hypocrites, they're all there. Now they're waking up
from having slept when the Prophet
stopped. They're all waking up. And as they
wake up,
they see
Safwan coming
by himself
And she These are her words.
She says, When they saw us coming
They said what they said.
They started to talk.
And those who were destroyed were destroyed by
what they said. We're gonna see what's going
on in a moment.
And then she says,
when we got back to Medina,
I got sick.
I got sick.
And she says, I was sick for like
a month.
And she says, and I didn't know, I
had no idea
that people were spreading rumors around about me
throughout the entire city.
People were talking about me. They were accusing
her of Zena fornication.
The Munafiqin saw this moment and they said,
I saw 1 guy coming with 1 sister.
Oh, they must have did something.
And they're spreading this, spreading this, spreading this
in the community.
She goes,
this righteous girl, this righteous woman who has
never even thought such foul thoughts ever in
her life, she goes, I had no clue.
Like unaware of this type of stuff.
Completely unaware.
She goes,
The only thing that I noticed during this
She goes, I noticed that there was something
bothering the prophet shalallahu alaihi wa sallam.
She noticed she's so close to him that
when you know someone close, you could tell
when something small is off. The smallest thing.
Smallest thing you're thinking about.
Right? Sometimes I'll be going to sleep and
my wife will tap me. She'll be like,
Stop thinking.
I'm like, How do you know? It's just
It's been 12 years, honey. She'll be like,
I know you. Stop thinking, just go to
So, so subhanallah,
she goes, I didn't see the same him.
There was something that was bothering him. But
she says, I had no idea.
She goes, until one day.
She goes,
I went out with a woman by the
name of Ummi Mista.
Her name was Ummi Mista, the mother of
Mista. And she was our cousin.
Kind of like our cousin. Meaning her
the the mother was actually the the the
cousin of Abu Bakr. So like,
second cousin, you could say.
So, she goes out to the to relieve
herself with Umme Mista. She says, in those
days, when we had to use the bathroom,
then we would get a bunch of girls
together, we would all go together. Y'all still
do that today.
I still be going, Brothers, we don't do
that. Like, Bro, I'm going to the bathroom
and come with me. Nah, bro.
We don't do
that. We don't do that. Bro, that'd be
weird, man.
The sisters still be like, Oh, come with
me. So, Ayesha, I guess this soon to
never change. Ayesha,
she goes, Me and Umimista,
me and the mother of Mista, we went
to go relieve ourselves.
And she goes, In those days we used
to relieve ourselves way outside of the city.
We didn't have bathrooms near our houses.
She goes,
fantalaktu anawawam mista.
And she goes, we went out,
anaw. We were on our way back. We
were done. We were on our way back.
And and when we were done,
when she was walking, she tripped in her
Right, her abaya is in front of her
and she trips in it.
She trips in it. And when she trips,
she says, Taissa Mistah.
May Mistah be damned. Now Mistah is her
right? But she just said it kind of
like, out of nowhere.
So Aisha, Aisha radiallahu anha, she's kind of
Like, why would you say that? She
Like, why would you say that? That's your
son. And Mista, subhanAllah,
is a Sahabi from Badr.
There are so many lessons for us this
evening, SubhanAllah.
He's from Badr and Badr are people that
are the the top of the top of
They're the top of the top of Sahaba.
So she goes,
May mister be damned.
And Ayesha goes,
Don't say that. That's not good.
So she looks at her and she goes,
Sister, you don't know what he said?
And Ayesha,
for the last month she has no clue.
She goes, Maqala,
what did he say?
For Akbaratni.
Ayesha tells us, she goes, She told me
everything that people said.
She goes, for.
I was already sick. Now I got really
I'm I'm I'm devastated.
I'm someone that has never I've lived a
life of righteousness.
And now all of a sudden, I'm finding
out that people are saying something like this
about me.
Like this story tonight
is about anyone
that no one really believed you when you
said something happened to you. Or you were
blamed when something Someone's saying you did something
that you didn't do. And you know between
you and Allah, you're free.
She goes,
She goes, The first thing I did is
I went back to my mother and father.
I went back to my parents' house. She
comes in and and and she's weeping. She
She comes in and and and she's weeping.
Her heart is broken.
Just imagining what's going on. The whole community
talking about this.
And she goes,
She says, What are the people saying about
Pa, that's her mother. Her mother had already
heard everything. Everyone knew.
She says,
She goes, Try to relax. Try to relax.
She's trying to calm her down. She goes,
you know whenever there's a beautiful girl
whose husband loves her, everybody hates on her.
She's trying to make your daughter feel good.
She goes, You're beautiful and your husband loves
you more than anything. That's why you got
That's not helping Ayesha at all right now.
Ayesha goes, SubhanAllah.
She goes,
She goes, People are actually saying this. This
is setting in that people are saying this
about me.
And I need you to imagine this this
righteous soul that has grown up in the
house of Abu Bakr as Siddiq
has grown up every day hearing about Islam.
Remember we said before she goes, I don't
remember a day except that the prophet came
to our house. We always were Muslim.
We were always Muslim.
She says,
Does my dad know?
She's broken you all, she's broken. She goes,
Does my dad know?
The mother mother says,
My husband?
Does he know this?
My mom goes,
She says,
I screamed, I shrieked.
That shriek, you know, sometimes someone in your
home ever got a phone call of some
bad news. Assafairallah.
You know that shriek when you hear it
and your your your It's like your heart
She shrieks.
She shrieks that everyone heard this.
She goes, well, but Kate, I just, I
just started crying.
She goes, Wasemi Abu Bakr. My father was
on the top of the house reading Quran.
Now, I want to stop here for a
What is he Where is he and what
is he doing? At this moment of fitna
where rumors are spreading about his daughter.
He's on the top of his roof
reading Quran.
There's some times when an issue is so
big, your only recourse is connection with Allah.
So he hears his daughter and he comes
He comes down
and he says, what's going on?
He didn't know what the scream was about.
He comes down, what's going on? Her mother
goes, She found out.
He starts to weep.
I mean, I told you all, we read
the seerah over and over again but it
hits different.
I never read this story.
It's been I haven't read this story so
deeply being a father before you all.
But as a father,
I connect to Abu Bakr so deep right
His eyes well up with tears.
And he says these words. He says, no
household has gone through a calamity like we're
going through right now. And then he says
something. He goes, he goes, We never did
this in Jahiliyyah. How would we do it
in Islam?
Allahu Akbar.
He goes, We wouldn't do this back in
the day of Jahiliyyah. We were good people.
You think we would do this now?
But he's weeping now. He's weeping now.
No one knows what to do.
It's been 30 days, no revelation of Quran
has been revealed.
The prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam doesn't know
how to handle this new situation because you
you guys gotta understand something. He's not only
dealing with this as a husband, he's dealing
with this as a prophet. Someone who legislates.
Like what he says is Sharia.
His ruling is like a qabi, a judge's
ruling as well.
So he calls the closest people to him.
Osama bin Zayed. That's like his grandson.
He calls Ali.
And he says, what do y'all know about
our family?
They both say, You Rasulullah, we only know
good about this family.
There's nothing bad about this family. Your family
is a good family.
salallahu alaihi wa sallam caused Zayna binti Jahesh,
his wife.
And one of the reasons he called her
is because her sister was one of the
ones spreading the rumors the most.
The sister
the Prophet
So the Prophet's wife Not the wife.
The sister.
How many times the people in this situation
are good? But it's the friend, it's the,
it's the other person spreading the fitna, girl?
Girl, yo.
Zaynab bin tijash?
Clean. I'm not saying nothing.
But her sister,
she was the one.
He calls these close people and they all
say, Our family is a good family. Aisha
is a good girl. There's no way. Rasulullah
he comes out onto the member. This is
the first public address.
How do you handle this? How do you
accusations in Islam? He doesn't know. There's no
How do I handle this as a husband?
I don't know what to do.
SAW, he goes on the member.
He gathers everyone.
He knows what everyone's talking about.
He says, You matshalal muslimin.
like, Please excuse me for what people are
trying to say about my family.
Please excuse me. Like, SubhanAllah.
Excuse me for what people are trying to
say about my family.
Wallahi, I only know good from my wife.
Wallahi, I only know good from her.
And then he speaks about Safwan because I
told you Safwan was a good man. He's
from Badr.
He goes, And Wallahi,
I only know good of Safwan.
he went to Badr, he's this. He's a
muhajir, he's a good man.
So one of the Ansar stand up. Now,
remember, we gotta stop for a moment. Remember,
we said amongst the people in Ansar, before
the Prophet came, there were 2 tribes. Os
and Khazraj.
And they always had a little bit of
Like beef before.
So now one of them stands up
and he says, You Rasulullah,
if it's someone from our tribe,
we'll take care of him. And if it's
someone from that tribe, we'll take care of
him. When he said that,
the other tribe goes, you ain't gonna do
nothing to anyone from our tribe.
And now, instead of this being about clearing
the air, another fight starts to break out.
And they're arguing, no. And so, I need
you to envision it. The prophet is saying
to this person, please sit down. And the
other person stands up and he goes, please
sit down. And before you know it, now
their boys and their crew are jumping. And
the prophet is just quieting everything down. And
then the prophet
he just goes back.
He just goes back.
He he says, Everyone stop. Stop.
This is
But you know what I want you to
see? Look how rumors cause more fitna in
the community.
Look how spreading And this is in families.
This happens most in families, subhanAllah.
Because now people start taking sides.
And instead of it being about Haqqan truth,
it's all about our people.
And what you'll notice is when Fitna comes
in the family, 2 groups break up right
Right away. There's one group that just is
on this side. The other group is on
this side. Where's the truth? Where's the Let's
get to the bottom. No, it's just about
my side and your side.
We lose focus on Adal. We lose focus
on justice and it just becomes about defending
people that agree with me.
So, Rasulullah Aisha
back to her.
She goes,
that whole day passed after the prophet went
on the member. She goes, that whole day
she goes, I couldn't stop crying.
I'm heartbroken. I can't handle this accusation and
what people are saying about me and what's
spreading around the community about me.
She goes, I couldn't sleep either.
Her sickness had doubled
and and she can't stop crying. She's
devastated is the word. She's devastated.
She goes,
I was with my my my parents
and I cried the whole day and night
and my parents are just keeping
staying with me.
She goes,
I thought that
my heart would break. She's actually said like
Like, I thought that my liver would burst
because of what I was going through.
She goes, another lady from Ansar came to
sit with me and be with me.
I let her come in to just help
me. She came just to cry with me.
Sometimes you just need somebody to cry with
Don't talk to Just sit here and cry
with me, that's it.
We're sitting there like that. It's the day
after he went on the member, sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam.
The prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam comes in.
This was the first time we actually were
talking since like we had able to talk
about this since it happened.
There was no revelation. The prophet did not
know how to handle this as a leader,
as a statesman, as a leader of the
community. He didn't know what to do.
Before I go forward, I want you to
understand something that's amazing about the character of
the Prophet
He never let the community see him as
an impartial leader.
He never let the community see him as
an impartial leader.
Like, SubhanAllah, there's one moment where the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam was talking about
the had or the the the the, punishment
for stealing.
And we know how much he loved Fatima,
right? So he says in that chutba, he
goes, if Fatima was to seal steal something,
the punishment would be applied to her.
The punishment would be applied. He always
showed the community that hak is hak no
matter who.
It doesn't matter where it is. The hak
is a a haqq. So he used the
closest person to him that the whole community
knows. This man loves Fatima more than anyone.
He loves Fatima more than anyone.
She's the one that resemble him the most.
And he goes, If Fatima was to steal,
oh Fatima, the punishment would be given to
you as well. There's another moment.
Just to I want you to distinguish between
the prophet giving a legal ruling and acting
as a leader for the community.
But then having
a other understanding as well. There was a
there were 2 Sahaba
that had a kid from There was a
woman that had a baby in Jahiliya.
Right? Y'all following me?
And so there was a dispute about who
should take the father, who should take the
And so when the prophet
looked at the evidence,
it was clear that the the baby should
go to one family.
So he judged. But then he told Saudah,
he said, But you should wear hijab from
this kid.
So despite the fact of him ruling that
it goes there, between him and Soda he
said, Soda, you should still wear hijab. Meaning,
he gave a ruling on one side but
his heart still When he talked to Soda,
he said, But my heart feels like this.
I can't do anything.
He says,
comes in, in Alhamdulillah.
He reads some praise of Allah and he
I've heard what people are saying.
He says,
If you didn't do anything, Allah will exonerate
If you did something, seek forgiveness from Allah.
Meaning, this is general advice to anyone in
this moment.
If you are free, Allah will clear your
name. And that's my my message for all
of us is like, we've all been in
situations where no one believed us about something
or we were accused of something we didn't
did and you're like,
what do I do? In this moment, the
is like, focus on Allah.
He goes,
a servant whenever they commit a sin. If
they do tawba, Allah accepts the tawba.
He's reminding her focus on Allah. This is
between you and Allah and Allah will clear
your name. What happens to her when she
hears that? She says, The moment I heard
him say that,
My tears stopped.
My tears stopped.
She said, I couldn't cry, it was done.
She goes, I looked at my dad.
I said, Ajib Rasoolallah.
She goes, I said to my dad, Dad,
say something to the prophet
Abu Bakr looks at her and he says,
What heaven
will cover me and what earth would hold
me if I spoke about something I don't
have knowledge about.
Y'all don't get it. Y'all don't get it.
You ever had somebody,
My kid would never do that.
He would never
He would never I love the old days
because when I sound old. I'm doing unk
mode. It's all good. Y'all just haters.
When I was a kid,
if the neighbor gave me a spanking,
my mom would be like, Good.
Good. What happened?
Okay, cool.
Like, I wasn't automatically
SubhanAllah, now,
we defend our children irrespective of anything.
Irrespective, doesn't even matter. I don't even care
if my kid was right. Why you say
something to him?
Don't even matter.
My kid would never do that.
Abu Bakr as Siddiq is not about, Oh,
this is my kid. He's about Haq. His
name is Siddiq.
He won't speak
He's like, How can I speak on something
I don't know about? What me and you
are thinking is, Dad, defend me no matter
what. Abu Bakr is like, we're people of
yo. We're not people of emotion.
You want me to stand up? I already
said to you face to face that our
family would never do something like this. But
to give testimony,
public testimony about something I never saw?
He goes, What? I can't say anything. He
didn't accuse her.
But he didn't speak on what he didn't
know about because And this I want to
highlight this.
The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
he taught there's the verse of Quran is
Like stand up for justice even if it's
against yourself.
It doesn't matter you're my kid.
Wrong is wrong. Haq is haq
Abu Bakr as Siddiq one day, many years
after when his father converted
Yeah, I'll probably gonna take So, he saw
his father, his His father converted.
So, his father said, you know, son, they
were reminiscent.
He goes, you know, back at the day
of Budder,
I saw you in the battlefield
and I went the other way.
That's what the dad said.
Abu Bakr said, Baba,
I didn't see you. And if I saw
you, I wouldn't have went the other way.
Like, this was for Allah.
This was for Allah. That family relation didn't
mean nothing. This is for Allah.
And now think about how many fitnas come
up in our family and people just chose
a side.
Don't even know the facts.
Don't know nothing. You said it, girl, I
got you.
Bro, I got you, Habibi, don't worry.
Bro, I went through the same thing, I
got you.
He goes, what sky can cover me? What
earth could hold me if I spoke a
word that I truly don't know about? To
me that speaks honor, that speaks principle, that
speaks justice.
She looks at her mother and she says,
say something.
Her mother says, What can I say?
In this moment,
Ayesha comes to a realization that is so
She goes
she goes, I was young. These are her
words not mine. She goes,
She says, I was young. I didn't know
a lot of Quran. I knew a little
bit of Quran but I didn't know a
lot of Quran.
She goes,
But I knew something.
She says,
She goes, I knew this. She goes,
Y'all heard something
and because you heard it, it came into
your heart. There's no way of getting that
out. She says, If I say I didn't
do it, you won't believe me. But if
I And Allah knows I didn't do it.
She goes, But if I say I did
it, you'll believe me. She says something so
profound which is why we have to be
careful of a community about what we share.
She says, she says,
You know you share something. You know how
many times, SubhanAllah, we deal with this in
the media dealing with Israel and everything. They
say a lie and then it's once it's
said, they never got to come back and
revisit it.
3 weeks later, we find out, oh, they
was lying straight up. But it's gone now.
We already heard it. And the lie just
keeps going.
She says something so profound which gives us
insight. Why we never share what we don't
know about.
Because once it's said, you can't unsay something.
You can't undo it.
So she says, I didn't know a lot
of Quran. I didn't know what to say.
She says, I didn't know a lot of
Quran. I didn't know what to say.
So she says,
all I could say to y'all and she
says her words, she says, I was so
flustered, I couldn't remember
Yaqoob's name.
So she said, Abu Yusuf.
Like the father of Yusuf. She was so
flustered she couldn't get his name. So she
says, all I could say right now is
the same thing that the father of Joseph
said. She said,
She's she has this moment
of clarity in the eye of the storm.
I can't control society. I can't control what
people say. I can't control any of this.
There's literally nothing I can do. And it's
in the moment that you realize you're helpless,
that you're strongest if you turn to Allah.
If you turn to Allah. She goes,
That's why she stopped crying.
will help me in this moment.
She says,
Oh, by the way,
the Quran isn't just a book of stories.
These are books These are stories of inspiration.
These are people we look back at for
our hard moments too.
You're dealing with an abusive husband?
You're dealing with a You're dealing with a,
a disobedient child? No.
You're dealing with a belligerent father? Ibrahim.
You're dealing with siblings giving you a hard
At least they ain't throwing you in a
But it's inspiration.
These aren't just stories. These are lessons to
look back and gain inspiration from. As Allah
That I gave you these stories to make
your heart strong, O Muhammad
So she says in that moment,
I love this moment
because despite the pain,
there's a clarity at that moment.
That it's only Allah. Me and Allah.
She says,
I turned around.
She says,
and I laid on my, on Tarashi. I
laid on my bed.
She's not crying. She goes,
She goes, I know I didn't do anything.
She goes, and I knew Allah
would clear my name.
She goes,
but I never thought
Quran would be revealed about me.
She says, I thought I was too miskeen.
I was too She says her words
I was so small that Allah would speak
about me.
She says, the most I hoped would happen
is Allah would show the prophet a dream.
And then he would wake up and he
would tell the revelation.
She says, I would never imagine that Quran
would be revealed where Muslims recite it to
the day of judgment.
She says,
we were right there. I laid down and
I thought to myself, I am free. She
says, in that moment,
revelation started on the prophet.
They knew when revelation came that he would
he would he would be he would be
burdened down.
He would force him to the ground and
he would he would sweat
He would sweat
She said like very profusely sweat in the
middle of the winter.
So she knew. So she says, SubhanAllah.
She says, right in that moment.
Sweat started to come.
I saw. She's lived with him. She knows
what revelation looks like. She sees it's coming
right in this moment.
It's winter too. It's freezing at nighttime.
She goes,
As for me,
when revelation began,
I was smiling.
She goes, But my parents,
they were sweating.
They didn't know.
They don't know.
They have a
but who knows reality? She
goes, Umma Anna.
When revelation began for Umma Anna,
she goes,
I wasn't worried and I didn't care. I
was good.
She goes, well, I'm my abawaya, but my
Oh, they were going through it in that
She said, I thought they were gonna die
out of the anxiety of waiting for the
revelation to end.
And then the revelation stops.
And when the revelation stops,
the prophet he
looks up
and the first thing he does is he
smiles at Aisha.
She already knew.
She already knew. You could see her in
this moment. She already knew.
smiles. And the first thing he says
As for Allah, he has exonerated
Right in that moment, her mother was still
So, her mother says,
Go hug them.
I want to read this with respect.
I don't want us to read this in
any derogatory way, but it's so profound.
She says,
She goes,
I'm not going to stand to him but
I'm going to praise Allah first.
Every person must have their own relationship with
How many relationships
break and because the relationship broke, you a
relate your relationship with god breaks.
You ever heard of that?
Every one of us has to have an
exclusive connection with Allah. And in this moment,
because Allah
revealed the verses, she goes, right now, it's
a me and Allah moment.
Right now, it's me and Allah.
I have to praise Allah. I gotta do
shukr to Allah. After that, I'm gonna meet
everybody. I'm gonna meet my mom. I'm gonna
meet dad. I'm gonna go to the Prophet.
I'm gonna hug him. But right now, she
goes, All it's about right now is me
and Allah.
And to me that's so profound.
Because she she she showed us a moment.
She showed us something that there'll be times
in in life
when you must realize
all you have is Allah.
That's it.
And her words were strong. She says,
She goes, Nope. Right now is a moment
for me and Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
And then the verses, the prophet recited the
verses. And I want us to go over
these verses
because they're a lesson for the community.
Those who brought this lie,
They're a small group from amongst you.
Allah says, don't think that this moment was
bad for you. It was good because
we learned so much from it.
There was so much the community gained. See,
hold on. Let me stop for a moment.
How do we learn the rulings
of stealing?
How do we learn the rulings
of various things that happen?
We learn those rulings because they happened in
his lifetime.
And because they happened in his lifetime, we
learned the ruling from it.
So we have the ruling now. Do you
know SubhanAllah.
This is going to sound
severe but I'm not gonna hold back. This
is beautiful.
The ruling for those who accuse a person
of zena
without witnesses or anything
is 80 lashes
for accusation.
Why? You might be like, shake, yo. I
thought you was chill. I'm chill. I'm a
keep it real too.
Because a person's honor
is the most sacred have you ever seen
something where someone committed suicide because of their
honor lost?
A teenager in high school committing suicide because
their honor was lost?
A young person committing suicide because their honor
was lost?
Honor is like life.
Names are precious.
So Islam says, if you don't know, don't
And if you speak, your speech will have
consequences on you.
Protect people's name.
It's beautiful, y'all.
It's beautiful.
So, so, so the Quran says,
Don't think this was bad. This was good
for you. There was good that came from
Then Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
says, Everyone that spread some of those rumors,
they get a share of the sin. Brothers
and sisters, you like, you share, you repost.
I heard Ashaik talking about this, he said,
is so important in the age of social
You read something
Some of us are smart, we won't reshare.
But we'll like it.
And now likes is private too. Stop for
Stop for Allah.
If you don't know
Then Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says,
What we should have did is when we
heard it, the first thing we thought was
This is this is lies. These are lies.
Why are we listening to this?
Why don't they bring 4 witnesses? This is
where the Quran teaches us if you accuse
someone of zina, you have to have 4
If you don't have the witness, Allah says
you're a liar. Don't speak.
If it wasn't God's blessing upon you,
then the punishment would have came in this
dunya for what you were talking about.
When you were spreading it around on your
tongue, did you hear? Did you hear? Did
you hear?
Let me explain. SubhanAllah.
One day the prophet he came out of
his masjid. This is a separate incident. He
came out of his house and he came
to the masjid. He said, don't tell me
stuff about people. I want to come out
to the masjid with a clean heart towards
I don't want your garbage. Don't give me
other people's garbage. I want to come out
to the masjid with a clean heart towards
The Prophet
SallAllahu 'Alaihi Wa Ta'la
says, You were spreading this with your tongue.
You said with your tongue,
That which you had no knowledge about.
And Allah says, but you thought it was
it was small.
But it
is it is big in the sight of
God. Meaning someone's honor is big in the
sight of Allah. Someone's name is sacred in
the sight of Allah. If you don't know,
don't say anything.
Why not when you heard it? Why didn't
you say?
We shouldn't be talking about this.
And and and I want to say something.
We need to be more courageous, y'all.
When someone comes and backbites to you,
we need to build courage to stop them,
A lot of us don't have backbones.
I'm a just tell you this. You heard
me say it before. The one that will
backbite to you will backbite about you. You
just the person of convenience right now.
I'm a say it again.
The one that will backbite to you
will backbite about you when you're not there.
You're just the person that's in front for
Stop them.
Have the courage like, Yo, chill.
You ain't here to hold up? I'm like,
Yo, chill.
Please, I don't need to hear that right
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, he says,
He says, indeed those who love to see
indecency spread in the community. Listen. This is
a sickness, you.
This is a sickness. Listen closely.
He speak Allah
is saying that sometimes in our hearts we
love to see fitness spreading.
We just love to see it spreading.
Just it spread around. This person knows. That
person knows. That person knows. That person knows.
We get excited as we see it spreading.
says this is not the akhlaq of the
This is not the akhlaq of the believer.
I wanna share one more thing.
One of the peer one of the people
spread this rumor was misthaught. Remember him at
the beginning of the story?
Mistaught was was kind of poor
So Abu Bakr as Siddiq actually before this
this incident, he used to give him a
stipend every month because it was his family.
When this happened, after these verses were revealed,
not before
not before because he doesn't know,
he cuts off Mista completely.
Cuts him off. That's my daughter.
That's my beloved daughter. That's that's everything to
me. And you'll say that after I've been
taking care of you?
revealed the verse. What's the verse?
Let not those people of wealth and
and and honor.
Let them not take oath that they won't
help people. And then Allah asks a question.
Allah says, do you want Allah to forgive
you? When Abu Bakr heard the verse, he
He heard it. He heard the question. Do
you not want Allah to forgive you? He
said, yes. Yes.
He started giving mister double what he gave
him before.
He started to give him double what he
gave before.
Here's the thing.
Forgiving people is not about the other person.
It's about you and Allah.
See, a lot of us struggle with forgiving.
How could I ever forgive that person? It's
not about the person.
This is about you and Allah. You having
a clean heart and going to sleep every
night with a clean heart. Your heart is
clean with Allah
See, what was the motivation for him to
pay double?
Not, Oh, do you want to be close
to Him? Do you want Him to love
No. Do you want Allah to forgive you?
Yes. I'm giving Him double now.
Mistah, I don't care what He does.
My relationship with is with Allah. You know,
I haven't been humble.
Ahmed been humble. We gotta wrap up. It's
almost time.
Ahmed been humble.
He was being flogged.
He was being flogged for not doing what
the khalifa at the time wanted him to
And after the flogging, they asked him, you
know, what was going through your mind when
you were being punished?
He said, he said, every time I was
being punished,
I forgave the one that was flogging me.
And they said,
how? Like, what were you processing in your
He said he said,
I know that the prophet loves everyone in
his ummah.
And I didn't wanna be the cause
of bringing the prophet sallaihi wa sallam sadness
by cursing someone from his ummah.
Meaning it had nothing to do with the
person. It was about me and my relationship
with Rasulullah.
Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
In this moment, Abu Bakr as Siddiq is
not about mista anymore.
And that's what a lot of us have
to understand.
This forgiveness,
letting go, doing good to people,
irrespective of what they do is about you
and Allah, not about you and the person.
And so much as you're able to look
above that and make it about you and
Allah, you're able to see past that and
become the better person.
Everyone's like, How you being so good to
your dad? He's been absent.
How you being so good to your mom?
She was never around.
You're like, Yo, this ain't about her.
I need a law.
I'm a end with this. There was a
companion, subhanAllah,
that he came into the masjid 3 times
in a row.
And the prophet
said, He's a man of Jannah. You heard
this hadith before.
And then one of the companions, he went
to stay at his house to watch him.
He stayed at his house for 3 days.
He was watching him trying to see what
he did special.
At the end of the 3rd day, he
told him the truth. He said, I just
came to watch you, that's why I was
at your house. Because I heard the prophet
say this about you.
He says,
but you don't do anything special. Like, you
read Quran like us, you you work like
us, you pray tajah like us, you don't
do anything special.
He goes, yeah. What you see is what
you get. Sahaba were like that. There was
nothing. What you see was what you get.
So that the one who came to watch
him, he turned around and he was leaving.
He called them back, he goes, wait, wait,
wait, there's one more thing I do that
you couldn't see. He's like, what is it?
He's like, every night I go to sleep,
I clean my heart for any ill feelings
toward any other believer.
When the Sahabi heard that, he said, that's
That's what made you a person of Jannah.
It wasn't Quran. It wasn't a lot of
prayer. It wasn't a lot of sadaqah. It
was going to sleep every night with a
clean heart.
Abu Bakr Sadiq's daughter was accused of something
that in their society and our society is
It broke his heart. It ruined his name.
And the one that did it, he started
to give him double what he used to
give him before.
That's Islam right there.
That's Islam.
But the true
hero of the story is Aisha radiAllahu anha.
She has taught all of us, men and
how to handle a situation
where the world won't believe you
but you have a connection with Allah.
And at the end you know
May Allah accept from us inshallah.
May Allah accept inshallah.
What time is my group?