Mikaeel Smith – In His Footsteps #14

Mikaeel Smith
AI: Summary ©
The importance of having clear examples of one's life to elevate them and prevent suicidal thoughts, as well as the need for a culture of pleasing the Prophet sallavi alayhi wa sallam. The importance of recognizing one thing for a person to hook them up and finding a way to make them happy is also emphasized. The importance of gaining insight from God and finding a way to make them happy is also emphasized. The difficulty of finding a partner in a difficult situation is also discussed, along with the importance of not letting fear control the decision.
AI: Transcript ©
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So now

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we're just waiting for the live stream to turn on shortly.

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Before I start, there was a young brother, cinnamon,

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who he used to come to Holika him and his brother. And

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he got a rare form of cancer, like three or four months ago, and

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Hamdulillah I got to see him last week, Friday. And he just passed

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away earlier today, in the LA when I live here Rajang.

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you know, we never know hamdulillah these gatherings are

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truly truly so beneficial for our hearts, y'all.

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These gatherings are like, literally soul food for us. These

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gatherings where we talk about those schools that Allahu alayhi

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wa salam. And we have to really on a deep level, I don't know if the

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livestream started, I'm just starting and

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we have to really on a deep level, connect our hearts to Rasulullah

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because the Prophet sallahu wa

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Salam is that guide. He's that light, he's that guide. Right. And

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his life is a number that is an example. In every portion of your

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life in every moment of your life. You have to have the capacity to

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tap back into him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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and I truly mean that in your highest moments, and what you

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think are your lowest moments, so much as you can connect back to

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the Rasulullah sallallahu, alayhi salam, so much, you will be able

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to get through those difficult moments persevere, and as I said

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before, not just survive hard moments, but truly thrive in hard

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moments. truly realize that Allah is making you and elevating you in

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those deepest, darkest moments. Those darkest moments aren't dark,

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if you truly gain from them what God wants you to get from them.

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But you have to have that, that that example before you have had

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to face difficulties, you have to have that example in front of you

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of how to handle hardship. In our last session, we talked about what

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was called Ahmed who was in the year of sadness.

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And this was a year in which the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam he lost two critical people he lost, maybe most importantly,

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Khadija, the Allahu anha. And we have to understand that what she

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meant to him because only when you understand what she meant to him,

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will you understand what he lost in that moment when he lost her.

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He came down the mountain after receiving revelation scared

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worried. But she was the one that fortified him she was the one that

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gave him strength.

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And if there's any dua you make, and I'm speaking to the Shabaab

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right now, one of the greatest do eyes is you make a dua Allah give

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you a spouse that will help you on your deed.

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A spouse that will complete your deen Forget the money. Forget the

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looks, looks fade, gravity hits us all y'all

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trying to say

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money comes in goes.

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If you marry someone for money, when the money goes, where's the

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If you married someone for looks, when the looks goes, where's the

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love? But if you married someone and you ask Allah Allah gives me

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someone that will complete my faith and helped me get close to

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you and be my Khadija for me. You got the world.

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You got the world you got everything.

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And so Sudha LaSalle I send them after coming out of the boy cup,

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three years, three years of a boycott, where the Quraysh they

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weren't letting any resources in

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so similar to Lhasa.

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And it was so hard that it broke Khadija she was aging, but it

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broke her even more and she passed away. And the Hadith are so clear.

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The Prophet wasn't like this, this stoic robot that was so connected

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to Allah that nothing hurt him he hurt. He felt pain and he taught

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us especially men.

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He taught us that there's nothing wrong with pain. There's nothing

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wrong with tears. It's not it's not. It's not strong to suppress

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its strength to allow yourself to feel and release that in a way

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that pleases Allah.

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And so when he lost Khadija Roddy, Allah Juan, he didn't leave the

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house. For more than a week he couldn't go out.

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That's how much his heart was broke.

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And, and he taught us something. People aren't replaceable.

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Yes, you will have good people come back into your life. Yes, you

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will have people that will, will will be there for you in moments

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you'll lose people. But you can never replace a human soul.

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And the most valuable thing that we have are the sacred people, the

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special people around us. So what are suicides sell them he lost

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Khadija. And that that name should just give you goosebumps if you

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understood what she meant, how strong she was.

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And then he lost Abu Talib.

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And that was hard because seditious loss was losing a

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She has a house in Jana. She's a believer, but something that some

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of us struggle with.

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Are some of our family members haven't converted. We've given

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them Dawa. We given them Dawa. I remember when I first converted.

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My uncles and aunties be funny sometimes. Yeah. I'd be like,

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Yeah, my mom's not Muslim that you'd like give her dollar.

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I'm like, yo, it ain't that easy. It's not just like, Oh, you want

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to come like, it? Ain't that easy? There's a lot of baggage there. Is

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it? There's so much there? So he worked on Ableton Live, he worked

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on him, he worked on him, he worked on him so much.

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And in that last moment,

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see, it wasn't that Apple thought it didn't know the truth. I will

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thought they knew the truth. But the pressure of the society, the

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pressure of what people think and this is what I was trying to

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impress last week, that when are we going to mature to a level

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where we stop caring what people think about us?

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Because you think it's temporal, but it's a quality inside that

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will lead you up into your last moments of life. What are people

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going to say? What are people going to say? What are people are

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gonna say? Who cares about people? What are they going to say when

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they see you walking into agenda? That's what you should be

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Hey, I wish I roll with her. I wish I roll with him.

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Just don't worry about what people think.

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And something there's see that's not easy for us though. Some of us

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have been searching for recognition, searching for to be

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recognized for so long, that we seek it out from anyone and

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But you got to recognize one thing for somebody to hook me up because

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the inika the kunena have patience with the Command of your Lord

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because Allah is watching Allah's eyes. Allah is watching Allah is

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with you.

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So I'm on host and it's called the year of sadness. That was at that

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was this year of his life when he lost two critical people. One that

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protected him outside, had his back, but didn't believe and the

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other one who was his his, his rock inside the house, the one

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that he held and she helped him

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through all of the days of rejection

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you know, one more thing I want to share. Everyone be trying to get

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married. After everything's all figured out.

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You know, I'm talking about Amen.

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Amy's got a job to whatever whatever the like, Yo, you got to

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have the gig ready? You got to have the house ready. You got to

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LA Yo, you gotta grow together. You got to do the one bedroom

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Yeah, share the same car. You got to Khadija was there in the

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roughest moments.

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She was there in the toughest moments, but that's where the love

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was made. That's where the bond was real.

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Tell you let's get back on the Sierra.

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Y'all want some marriage advice? Let's focus.

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So now,

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before I get into this, you have to understand

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is his life. He saw his

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life as nothing for the sake of God.

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What do I mean by that?

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In the lush dot Amin and Mina and Fusa Hawala, whom the Anala

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homeowner, Jana, indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers,

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their lives and their wealth in exchange for agenda. Everything of

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his was put on the line for the sake of Allah.

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The prophesy centum had presented himself to over 40 tribes of

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Yeah, when I say presented that means he went up to them he's

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knocking at doors. Who La ilaha illallah c'est la ilaha illallah

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toeffler C'est la ilaha illallah and everyone's slamming the door

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in his face. But it wasn't about him see me and you it's about me

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and you.

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It's about how we feel for him. It wasn't about him anymore. It was

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about the cause of Allah it was about pleasing Allah that was it.

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So what happens?

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The prophets of Allah Azza wa sallam, his uncle passes away and

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now the Quraysh are unleashed on him.

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Because people thought it was his protection. It was a tribal

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society. I will thought it was a check. No one can touch it. Anyone

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from the godfather? You know, I mean, you'll see that it's how you

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love him, you know unto him, well,

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no one could touch him. But when I will die, they passed away. Oh,

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could HR say free game? Who's gonna stop us now?

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made a decision.

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And then they Raiders they say lemma halacha Abu Talib when it

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passed away,

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the Kadesh up their their attacks against the Prophet salallahu

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They went further than they ever went before the prophets. I said I

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made a critical decision. He realizes that the coolish they're

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not helping, and it's only getting worse. So he makes a decision. He

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says I'm gonna go to the neighboring city 100 kilometers

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away. But if

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I'm gonna go to the neighboring city, that maybe I can go there

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and get some support. See, I need that support. I need that back. I

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need that in this tribal society. I need someone to protect me

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still. So he says let me go to thought if 100 kilometers away.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he leaves and he leaves

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You know why he didn't take a camel or even a mule? Because this

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trip was low key. The trip was low key no one could know. He couldn't

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let the kurush No, oh, I'm going to the next city to get some new

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people. Now we're not going to let you do that. So he leaves walking

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because if he's walking, it looks like he's not going far. So he

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leaves walking but he's not alone. He has Zaid ibn and Mohamed

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Zaid ibn Mohammed. Later on his name is changed to zeta Benny

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Hadith. Who is aid. Zaid is the one who chose the prophesy Salam

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over his own family. Khadija he was he was in bonds he was a

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bondsman he was owned by Khadija is that he's a gifted him to the

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prophets I said of the Prophet freedom. And his family came and

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he said no, this man Mohammed is special. This was before

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prophethood This was before pro he said this man is special. Baba,

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Uncle I love ya. But no one can talk this man Muhammad sallallahu

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alayhi wa salam. So the prophesy Selim is with his son.

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This is like his son. And they're walking 100 kilometers in the heat

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of Arabia alone. And I want you to understand as he's leaving,

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there's nothing behind me there's no protection. He's just looking

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for the next opening the next way to spread this message.

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So, he left him and ZEDA been hadiza

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looking for help from the tribes in five, hopeful that some of them

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would accept this message and help him

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he arrives and thought if

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and when he reaches thought if the first thing he goes is to the

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leaders, three leaders, they were all brothers. He goes to these

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three leaders let me let me start at the top let me start with the

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notable because if they accept the message the whole city is going to

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support me.

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So he goes through each one of them.

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He reaches them and he speaks to each 111 on one one to one for

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jealous a la him rasool Allah He He sat down before them what

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Kalama home and he spoke to them about helping him in his deen and

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protecting him and sticking with him. He gave them Dawa.

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The first one he looked at the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam, and I want us to imagine the gentleness, the forbearance I

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want you to imagine the prophets character. This is a gentleman, a

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forbearance man.

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And there's a proverbial hostage. There's a proverbial type of

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hospitality that the Arab showed, but they didn't show that. The

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first one looks at the prophets of Allah who it was salam he says,

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who are Yamato to Theobald kava and cannula who are Celica

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He says if Allah sent you, I will tear up the the curtain of the

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Kaaba. I want to look at you.

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Some Allahu alayhi wa salam.

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The second one, he goes and talks to him, he sits with him. He

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brings up dialogue he's giving him Dawa.

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The second one he says, I'm out with jet Allah who I hadn't your

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single Gradec he says what Allah couldn't find anyone better than

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you to give this message.

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Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Lo que lo and behold, 1400 years later, he didn't realize what he

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was rejecting.

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The most well known name around the world use name is Muhammad.

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And what he said at that moment

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was, Allah couldn't find someone else. It was arrogance. It was

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The third one, he had some real weird logic. He says Wallah, he

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likes to kill me. I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to talk

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to you. Let him continue to assault me in Allah. If you are

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actually a prophet from God, you're too big to talk to I can't

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talk to you.

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And if you're not, then why would I talk to someone who's just

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making it up weird logic

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the prophets of Allah Azza wa sallam

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he he got up from these three people and he says listen

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okay, you haven't accepted inside zoom fuck to meet fuck to move

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money. He goes but hear me out. Please don't tell the Kool Aid I'm

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here right now. You have to understand the politics. If the

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Kool Aid come to find out that Mohammed sigh Salam went to

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another city to get help against us.

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How can I ever go back

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with Katie Hara suicide Salam and you Bella coma.

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The prophesies Salam, they sent someone by the way immediately to

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tell the Kurdish immediately

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for karma be taught at Ashra Iam for 10 days. He stays in thought

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if now, just talking to everyone. One by one putting his honor on

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the line. He doesn't matter anymore. The message is what

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matters. And that's the that's the key here. I read a narration that

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says if you want to know your status in the sight of Allah, just

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look at Allah status in your site.

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Yeah, in filling me

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if you want to know where you rank in the sight of God, where does

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Allah rank in your site? Do what do you put before Allah? What do

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you put now the villa before Allah? What do you put after?

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In a practical level time for Salah entertainment becomes before

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that Game Six, five, whatever, I don't even know where we are right

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What do you put before Allah subhana wa Tada

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versus what you put Allah subhanaw taala before truly ask that

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question deep.

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So he stays there calling everyone that was his style. He gave Dawa

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to everyone

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in La Jolla, la he Kalama who he would speak to them for them ug

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boo. But the leaders they saw him giving Dawa. And this message

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always affected the young folks. This message was powerful. Because

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the young people have, they can see the potential of this message.

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So they started to fear the impact of this message on the youth of

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yesterday. A youth of thought if so, what do they do? They say

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yeah, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa Salam o clergyman belt, Deena,

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leave our city now. But they didn't just let them leave.

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They got all of the

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super high

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ignorant folk.

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They got all of the rough people.

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They got all of the silly heads. Why be doom?

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You said? You said behind why you say he's gonna be for them to

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curse the prophets. Allah. It wasn't just leave. It was harass

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him. It was get in his face. Make them never want to come back.

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Who sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the one who stood at nights in

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prayer and said Almighty Almighty, the gentle one that was worried

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about everyone's pain. They were in his face cursing him, cursing

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him. I happen to scroll today I saw a video of some young Zionist

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in the face of people of Philistine

00:19:45 --> 00:19:49

and I'm like Subhan Allah. If these aren't the chosen people of

00:19:49 --> 00:19:51

Allah, I don't know who are

00:19:52 --> 00:19:56

step by step following his sunnah. I know it's hard

00:19:59 --> 00:19:59


00:20:00 --> 00:20:02

They started cursing the Prophet and they're, they're spitting in

00:20:02 --> 00:20:04

his face and they're yelling at him.

00:20:06 --> 00:20:08

Hit that each time I lay him nuts and they're crowding him. You have

00:20:08 --> 00:20:11

to see it. You have to picture it. You have to picture this man who

00:20:11 --> 00:20:14

was the epitome of kindness and gentleness.

00:20:15 --> 00:20:17

Some Allahu Allah, he was salam.

00:20:18 --> 00:20:19

And he's taking this

00:20:21 --> 00:20:27

for Waka Fula, who's suffering, they stand in two rows. On the way

00:20:27 --> 00:20:29

out of the city, they stand in two rows.

00:20:31 --> 00:20:34

Fella ma Mara, and they forced the prophesy set them to walk down the

00:20:34 --> 00:20:36

middle of the two rows.

00:20:37 --> 00:20:43

What yada yada originally he was a young woman in La Rocca, the Houma

00:20:43 --> 00:20:48

Bill has been Ijarah say they start to pick up rocks and they

00:20:48 --> 00:20:51

start to throw them at the ankles of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam

00:20:51 --> 00:20:56

like like subhub bone, you know, bone on bone. how painful that is.

00:20:57 --> 00:20:59

So they're throwing the rocks at the ankles of the prophets I send

00:20:59 --> 00:21:04

them and the narration says that whenever the Prophet either as

00:21:04 --> 00:21:08

Lukka to Hey Jarrah. Yes, I do Elan out whenever a rock would hit

00:21:08 --> 00:21:12

his his ankle, he would fall to the ground. He wasn't just walking

00:21:12 --> 00:21:16

through. He would fall to the ground and he would cover up but

00:21:16 --> 00:21:20

then they would take two people to stand them back up and force him

00:21:20 --> 00:21:21

to keep walking.

00:21:23 --> 00:21:27

So yeah, who's gonna? The other day he were you team owner who is

00:21:27 --> 00:21:30

standing back up and force him to walk? Well, whom you have Hakuna?

00:21:31 --> 00:21:32

Well, who womb Yup, hakuna.

00:21:34 --> 00:21:35

As I read this.

00:21:36 --> 00:21:39

It really makes me think about how worried I am.

00:21:41 --> 00:21:44

I'm worried about what people are going to look at me weird. The

00:21:44 --> 00:21:47

Prophet sacrificing everything and rocks are being thrown at his

00:21:47 --> 00:21:48


00:21:51 --> 00:21:56

They've been in hot water. He's not alone, his his Mohib His

00:21:56 --> 00:22:00

beloved Son, who he's known for the last 20 years.

00:22:02 --> 00:22:05

He's there and he's covering the profit as much as he can.

00:22:06 --> 00:22:10

He's covering the profit. Imagine this is your father. What would

00:22:10 --> 00:22:13

you do you're covering however you can until he himself was hitting

00:22:13 --> 00:22:14

the head.

00:22:16 --> 00:22:21

The prophesy Salam finally makes it through that, that that those

00:22:21 --> 00:22:26

two rows and blood is just flowing down his legs flowing down his

00:22:26 --> 00:22:27


00:22:28 --> 00:22:34

And he collapses in a garden outside of the city.

00:22:36 --> 00:22:37

He gets to this garden

00:22:40 --> 00:22:44

and they've been harvested is cleaning the blood off. He's

00:22:44 --> 00:22:46

tending to the wounds of the Prophet so I Salem

00:22:48 --> 00:22:51

and the prophets of Allah Who are they will sell them after he's

00:22:51 --> 00:22:52

cleaned off.

00:22:53 --> 00:22:56

He does will do with some water.

00:22:57 --> 00:23:00

And he stands up and he prays to the car

00:23:01 --> 00:23:02


00:23:04 --> 00:23:09

Wallahi we have to beg Allah to give us the love for Solana a love

00:23:09 --> 00:23:13

for prayer that whenever things are are dark or difficult or hard

00:23:13 --> 00:23:15

when life is throwing rocks at you.

00:23:17 --> 00:23:22

Financial rocks, emotions, emotional rocks, absentee parents

00:23:22 --> 00:23:23

style rocks.

00:23:24 --> 00:23:28

So you all of us have rocks being thrown at us. But what do you do

00:23:28 --> 00:23:31

in that moment? Where do you where do you go? Do you go to a dark

00:23:31 --> 00:23:32


00:23:33 --> 00:23:37

Or do you gain inspiration from Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa

00:23:37 --> 00:23:37


00:23:39 --> 00:23:42

So they live in Hadith as cleaning him off. The Prophet makes will do

00:23:42 --> 00:23:46

when he stands up. He prays to their carts, and he makes a DUA.

00:23:47 --> 00:23:50

This dua is a dua that shook the heavens.

00:23:51 --> 00:23:52

He says

00:23:54 --> 00:23:54

Allah Houma

00:23:57 --> 00:23:57

O Allah

00:23:59 --> 00:24:01

in the Ushguli lake for Kuwaiti

00:24:03 --> 00:24:04

Oh Allah,

00:24:05 --> 00:24:08

I complain to you about my weakness.

00:24:10 --> 00:24:14

My weakness your ally, I should have did more for you. I should

00:24:14 --> 00:24:16

have tried harder for you ya rasool Allah.

00:24:17 --> 00:24:22

I complain about my weakness will tell it to heal it. I complain

00:24:22 --> 00:24:26

about my ability, inability to plan better to strategize better,

00:24:26 --> 00:24:28

I complain about my weakness Yola.

00:24:29 --> 00:24:33

Well, Hawaii Island NASA. I complain about how low I am in the

00:24:33 --> 00:24:34

sight of people. Yeah, Allah.

00:24:38 --> 00:24:41

Yeah, are hamre he mean he never forgets Allah is Most Merciful.

00:24:43 --> 00:24:47

feeling the pain of those difficulties. He still focused on

00:24:47 --> 00:24:52

Allah subhana wa it's either and this is what I truly this is what

00:24:52 --> 00:24:55

we have to get from this moment. Even otol skandi he says

00:24:58 --> 00:24:59

if when God holds

00:25:00 --> 00:25:02

is back something from you.

00:25:03 --> 00:25:07

If you gain understanding from him holding back, then truly His

00:25:07 --> 00:25:08

holding back was giving.

00:25:11 --> 00:25:11


00:25:13 --> 00:25:18

if God holds back something, and through that holding back, you

00:25:18 --> 00:25:22

gain understanding you gain insight into who you are what God

00:25:22 --> 00:25:26

wants from you, you gain insight, you know, sometimes we struggle,

00:25:27 --> 00:25:29

you go through a hardship and the question everybody asks is, how do

00:25:29 --> 00:25:33

I know if this struggle is a punishment for God? Or if this is

00:25:33 --> 00:25:36

something lifting my status in the sight of God? The answer is easy.

00:25:37 --> 00:25:41

If the hardship pushes you back to God, Allah was lifting your

00:25:41 --> 00:25:46

status. But if the hardship pushes you away, you give up prayer, you

00:25:46 --> 00:25:50

give up this you give up, then that might have been a punishment

00:25:50 --> 00:25:53

for some sins you did before you. But that tells me something that's

00:25:53 --> 00:25:57

inspiring because that tells me no matter what the hardship is, I

00:25:57 --> 00:26:00

have the potential to make that hardship, a way to lift my status

00:26:00 --> 00:26:01

in the sight of Allah.

00:26:03 --> 00:26:08

So in this moment, the prophet size to them never loses sight. On

00:26:08 --> 00:26:11

who Allah is yah, or Hamra. He mean

00:26:13 --> 00:26:16

and Tara terrible monster that I've seen, YOU ARE THE LORD OF THE

00:26:16 --> 00:26:17

WEEK people.

00:26:19 --> 00:26:22

He's speaking about Himself in this moment. I have no one in

00:26:22 --> 00:26:27

Mecca. I have no one in thought if I'm in between two places how many

00:26:27 --> 00:26:29

of us right now feel like we're in between two places

00:26:31 --> 00:26:33

I don't got this place. I don't got that place. I don't know where

00:26:33 --> 00:26:36

I'm going. That's where the prophet was right in this moment.

00:26:36 --> 00:26:39

And this is why I say we connect our hearts to the prophesy Salam

00:26:39 --> 00:26:42

because how many times if it's not right now, you know, you've been

00:26:42 --> 00:26:44

through it where you felt like you were in between two places you

00:26:44 --> 00:26:45

don't even know where you're going.

00:26:47 --> 00:26:50

But what do you do in that moment? This is what you do.

00:26:51 --> 00:26:53

He says, I'm terrible. Monsters are thin.

00:26:55 --> 00:26:56

We're Antara b

00:26:57 --> 00:27:00

He says Elam and tickle Looney

00:27:01 --> 00:27:04

Yeah, Allah it this is something else we got to learn. Yeah, we got

00:27:04 --> 00:27:05

to learn just to talk to Allah.

00:27:07 --> 00:27:11

You got you ever heard a stat of Murphy's laws in Ramadan? My man

00:27:11 --> 00:27:12

is just talking to a lot.

00:27:14 --> 00:27:19

We were too formal into ah, were like or been a teenager for dunya.

00:27:20 --> 00:27:25

Robbing Allah to say, Yeah, cool. Read those to us. But where's your

00:27:25 --> 00:27:28

personal? Yeah, I need a job.

00:27:31 --> 00:27:36

You're gonna be protecting me from haram. Y'all help me. Where's your

00:27:36 --> 00:27:37

personal talk to Allah?

00:27:39 --> 00:27:42

Where's that personal relationship? Allah is waiting for

00:27:42 --> 00:27:45

you. He won't leave you on read promise?

00:27:46 --> 00:27:50

Promise the only one that won't leave you on read? Leave you not

00:27:50 --> 00:27:50


00:27:52 --> 00:27:57

the point I'm trying to make is notice the style of the DUA. He's

00:27:57 --> 00:27:58

just talking to his rub.

00:27:59 --> 00:28:03

He's just talking to his rub. He says Isla mentor Colonia de la

00:28:04 --> 00:28:05

ilaha Eden

00:28:06 --> 00:28:10

it's a Gemini Yola Who who are you putting in charge of me? Some

00:28:10 --> 00:28:13

foreign person? He's speaking about five. Some foreign people,

00:28:13 --> 00:28:15

you're putting them in charge of me?

00:28:16 --> 00:28:19

Oh, ILA I do in my lifetime. And he's speaking about quotation or

00:28:19 --> 00:28:22

my enemies are you going to give them control over meet ya Allah?

00:28:23 --> 00:28:24

Where who?

00:28:26 --> 00:28:31

He says, and this is the climax of the DUA. And this is where we have

00:28:31 --> 00:28:33

to ask ourselves,

00:28:34 --> 00:28:43

he says it lamb. You Yaqoob aleja verbum Illa Mucuna Vika Allah Yaga

00:28:43 --> 00:28:44

Boone Fela Valley.

00:28:46 --> 00:28:51

He says your Allah, he's hurt. The wounds are still fresh. The blood

00:28:51 --> 00:28:55

is still dripping. My son's head has a head laceration in it from

00:28:55 --> 00:28:58

rocks for protecting me. I'm in the middle of the desert. I'll

00:28:58 --> 00:29:02

have nowhere to go. In that moment. In that moment. He says

00:29:02 --> 00:29:07

Guess what? You're up. If you're not angry with me, I don't even

00:29:07 --> 00:29:07


00:29:09 --> 00:29:10

You know what that means?

00:29:11 --> 00:29:12

That means

00:29:18 --> 00:29:19

I was speaking to a friend

00:29:20 --> 00:29:22

and he said something deep to me.

00:29:23 --> 00:29:25

He said he had to go through something difficult.

00:29:27 --> 00:29:29

He knew it was around the corner and he had to go through it.

00:29:31 --> 00:29:33

And he said he was so scared of it.

00:29:35 --> 00:29:37

He said but there was a moment where

00:29:38 --> 00:29:43

I let go of it and just completely focused that Allah was in control.

00:29:44 --> 00:29:48

And he said the moment I did that, everything came what he expected

00:29:48 --> 00:29:50

it came but he was good.

00:29:51 --> 00:29:52

He was good.

00:29:53 --> 00:29:58

The moment he let go and put God's pleasure above every here's my

00:29:58 --> 00:29:58

question to you

00:30:00 --> 00:30:05

If you lose your job, if you lose status, if you lose wealth,

00:30:07 --> 00:30:10

but you got Allah's pleasure, and I want you to ask yourself deep

00:30:10 --> 00:30:12

inside, what have you lost?

00:30:14 --> 00:30:17

Now, here's the I'll put it in a different way. I'll give you the

00:30:17 --> 00:30:18

best job.

00:30:20 --> 00:30:22

I'll give you the sickest house.

00:30:23 --> 00:30:27

I'll give you the wealth. But you just got to live a life that Allah

00:30:27 --> 00:30:28

is displeased with who's gonna take it?

00:30:31 --> 00:30:32

Is it worth it?

00:30:33 --> 00:30:39

No. This moment is heavy. Because what he says is, at the end of the

00:30:39 --> 00:30:44

day, this is hard. But what's harder for me and I what I won't

00:30:44 --> 00:30:48

deal with, and I can't is your anger with me? That's it.

00:30:51 --> 00:30:54

He says, y'all Allah. If you're not upset with me, if you're not

00:30:54 --> 00:30:59

angry with me, I can go through this. But then he says Subhanallah

00:30:59 --> 00:31:04

he teaches us he goes, Well, I can ask you to stay here. Oh, sadly.

00:31:04 --> 00:31:07

He says but tranquillity would be real nice right now.

00:31:08 --> 00:31:12

Look how he follows it up. Like I'm okay. If this is where you

00:31:12 --> 00:31:15

want me to be right now. Because wherever Allah puts you, there's

00:31:15 --> 00:31:16

something you're supposed to learn from that moment.

00:31:18 --> 00:31:20

And if you learn it, you're elevated.

00:31:22 --> 00:31:23

Al Hajj Malik el Shabazz

00:31:25 --> 00:31:29

lowest point, criminal drug dealer, pimp everything you name

00:31:29 --> 00:31:29


00:31:30 --> 00:31:34

lands up in the second lowest point.

00:31:35 --> 00:31:36

But from there

00:31:37 --> 00:31:39

from that lowest point.

00:31:42 --> 00:31:43

That's it.

00:31:44 --> 00:31:45

That's it.

00:31:46 --> 00:31:52

That was it. He says, Well, I can well, I can offer you a toolkit

00:31:52 --> 00:31:56

here. Oh, so really? I love to do all because he's not like,

00:31:56 --> 00:31:59

sadistic. Like, yeah, I love pain.

00:32:01 --> 00:32:04

No series is so beautiful. He's not saying Oh, I love pain. Like

00:32:04 --> 00:32:08

y'all I just keep punishing law. That's not the Sunnah. He's

00:32:08 --> 00:32:12

saying, I want what you know is best for me in this moment. As

00:32:12 --> 00:32:15

long as you're not an angry with me, I don't care what you put me

00:32:15 --> 00:32:15


00:32:16 --> 00:32:20

This only you know you can only do this. When you truly truly have a

00:32:20 --> 00:32:22

connection with Allah and you know who Allah is.

00:32:24 --> 00:32:26

When you know who Allah subhana wa Tada is.

00:32:29 --> 00:32:34

Like I said, if Allah holds back, but through that holding back, you

00:32:34 --> 00:32:38

gain understanding, then his holding back was actually given.

00:32:40 --> 00:32:41

That's what it was.

00:32:44 --> 00:32:48

I will be naughty watch HC. He says, I seek refuge in the light

00:32:48 --> 00:32:52

of your of you Allah. The light which

00:32:54 --> 00:32:59

takes away all darkness. When I read this dua, I thought about the

00:32:59 --> 00:33:02

darkness that comes in us when we go through difficulties. When

00:33:02 --> 00:33:04

we're put through hardship, there's a darkness that comes

00:33:04 --> 00:33:08

inside, our hearts shrink down and we feel small as an ant and we

00:33:08 --> 00:33:12

feel like the world is collapsing. The only way to bring light to

00:33:12 --> 00:33:14

that is through connection to Allah in that moment.

00:33:15 --> 00:33:19

You can be in the darkness of a cell. You can be at the darkness

00:33:19 --> 00:33:20

have a bit

00:33:23 --> 00:33:24

of an open air prison.

00:33:25 --> 00:33:27

But that connection with Allah will bring light to the heart.

00:33:30 --> 00:33:31

He says,

00:33:32 --> 00:33:37

the light of you which brings goodness to the dunya and akhira I

00:33:37 --> 00:33:41

seek refuge that your anger ever come down. He's not focused on the

00:33:41 --> 00:33:46

pain. He's not focused on the loss of job, the loss of spouse, the

00:33:46 --> 00:33:50

absentee parents, whatever you're going through. It's not about

00:33:50 --> 00:33:52

focusing on that. It's about focusing on Allah.

00:33:54 --> 00:33:59

He goes, I seek refuge from your anger. And Allah Allah Sokka took

00:34:00 --> 00:34:03

Well, uh Hola Hola, Quwata illa avec

00:34:04 --> 00:34:07

un all Pio power and might is with you.

00:34:09 --> 00:34:14

In that moment, the prophet sighs Salam, he made this dua and it was

00:34:14 --> 00:34:20

a heavy dua. It was the Habib of Allah, making a heartfelt dua in

00:34:20 --> 00:34:21

his lowest moment.

00:34:24 --> 00:34:28

And in that moment, the Prophet says sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

00:34:28 --> 00:34:31

for a heart to see I lifted up my head.

00:34:33 --> 00:34:34

I lifted up my head

00:34:36 --> 00:34:37

and I saw

00:34:38 --> 00:34:42

a cloud coming felt like a cloud coming close to me.

00:34:43 --> 00:34:45

And when I looked closer, I thought it was Gabriel.

00:34:46 --> 00:34:47

That's my guy.

00:34:48 --> 00:34:50

That's That's my comfort right there.

00:34:52 --> 00:34:54

By Gabriel wasn't alone.

00:34:55 --> 00:34:59

There was another angel he's like, who is he?

00:35:00 --> 00:35:04

Who's like I never seen another angel I seen you before. I never

00:35:04 --> 00:35:06

seen another angel.

00:35:07 --> 00:35:11

Paula Gabriel speaks to the prophets. I send them Jabra eel.

00:35:12 --> 00:35:19

He says in Allah Tada, send me out Tolu Komik luck. Allah has heard

00:35:19 --> 00:35:22

what your people said to you. Doesn't that feel good to know

00:35:22 --> 00:35:25

that Allah heard the other side too. He didn't start off by saying

00:35:26 --> 00:35:29

Allah heard your DUA. He goes, Allah was watching the whole

00:35:29 --> 00:35:32

thing. Allah is there for you. Allah heard what they said to you.

00:35:35 --> 00:35:38

What Mara do alayka Allah heard how they talk to you.

00:35:40 --> 00:35:45

What are their data lake medical devel Allah has sent this angel of

00:35:45 --> 00:35:46

the mountains

00:35:48 --> 00:35:52

for top Morrow who will be my shift to fee him. Do what you

00:35:52 --> 00:35:55

want, tell him what you want. If you want the mountains over

00:35:55 --> 00:35:57

thought after crushed thought if and five be done

00:35:58 --> 00:36:01

for you Habibollah that will happen in this moment because of

00:36:01 --> 00:36:02

what they've done to you.

00:36:03 --> 00:36:04

That's yours.

00:36:05 --> 00:36:09

For now, Danny medical GBL the angel on the side, the angel of

00:36:09 --> 00:36:13

the mountain he spoke he spoke to me for Salim Ali, he gave salam to

00:36:13 --> 00:36:16

me said I want to come yeah rasool Allah.

00:36:17 --> 00:36:21

The Prophet gave Salam back to the angel of the mountains.

00:36:22 --> 00:36:27

He said yeah, Muhammad, in Allah the semi of bola CalMac. Allah has

00:36:27 --> 00:36:32

heard what your people said, I'm the angel of the mountains. Allah

00:36:32 --> 00:36:35

has sent me to do whatever you command. And then he gave him a

00:36:35 --> 00:36:41

look like he gave him like what I can do. He goes if you want these

00:36:41 --> 00:36:43

two mountains can be crushed over them and they will be destroyed in

00:36:43 --> 00:36:44

this moment.

00:36:48 --> 00:36:50

You know, if we don't sacrifice for the Dean

00:36:52 --> 00:36:56

our machinist may be full, but it won't be transgenerational.

00:36:59 --> 00:37:04

If we don't, the amount you sacrifice for the dean, is how

00:37:04 --> 00:37:05

deep is gonna go on your progeny?

00:37:07 --> 00:37:12

Hear what I'm saying? The amount you sacrifice is how deep is going

00:37:12 --> 00:37:13

to go after you.

00:37:14 --> 00:37:18

Were you when you're AMU you old and your grandkids running around?

00:37:19 --> 00:37:22

Whatever you sacrifice when you were young, that's how deep is

00:37:22 --> 00:37:23

going to keep going.

00:37:24 --> 00:37:26

How do I know that in this moment?

00:37:27 --> 00:37:30

The Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam he says

00:37:33 --> 00:37:35

I mean what was this man's heart like?

00:37:38 --> 00:37:39

My ankles still hurt.

00:37:41 --> 00:37:44

My son's head has a laceration like okay, I'm hurt you hit my

00:37:44 --> 00:37:45


00:37:47 --> 00:37:48

You hit my son.

00:37:51 --> 00:37:52

My ankles hurt. I'm *.

00:37:54 --> 00:37:58

My pride is just nothing my my name.

00:37:59 --> 00:38:01

I'm humiliated in a whole city.

00:38:03 --> 00:38:05

I can't even go back because of y'all.

00:38:07 --> 00:38:09

I want you to connect to his heart in this moment.

00:38:10 --> 00:38:13

Because here's the deal. You're gonna go through dark moments but

00:38:13 --> 00:38:15

will you become darkness?

00:38:17 --> 00:38:20

You'll go through hard moments where you become hard. Will you

00:38:20 --> 00:38:23

stay soft? Will you say gentle? Will you stay compassionate?

00:38:24 --> 00:38:27

That's the key. That's the key A lot of us we've gone through very

00:38:27 --> 00:38:30

difficult moments. Unspeakable hardships.

00:38:31 --> 00:38:36

I'm talking about family trauma, drama. Trauma, economic mental.

00:38:37 --> 00:38:38

We've gone through so much.

00:38:40 --> 00:38:45

But will you make hard times make you hard? Will you say gentle like

00:38:45 --> 00:38:46

he did.

00:38:47 --> 00:38:54

What does he say? He says Belle La la la? No no.

00:38:55 --> 00:39:02

Our job do I have hope. He never lost hope and people he never lost

00:39:02 --> 00:39:03

hope and people

00:39:05 --> 00:39:10

are jus and Yahoo joola who made us lebih him? Me Abdullah wala

00:39:10 --> 00:39:13

used to be he che he goes Nah.

00:39:14 --> 00:39:20

I got I have expectations and hope that Allah subhanaw taala will

00:39:20 --> 00:39:20


00:39:21 --> 00:39:27

from their progeny. People that c'est la ilaha illa Allah, this is

00:39:27 --> 00:39:31

the yo Okay, so a sign of like maturity. Like when you know you

00:39:31 --> 00:39:35

old when you start thinking of generational wealth. Like when you

00:39:35 --> 00:39:38

were young, you'll think about that. Let me get 401k like you

00:39:38 --> 00:39:41

won't even be thinking about generational wealth. But when you

00:39:41 --> 00:39:44

get older, you'll be like, Man, my kids, I'm gonna try to leave some

00:39:44 --> 00:39:48

money for them. You start thinking about generational wealth, a sign

00:39:48 --> 00:39:52

of spiritual maturity. You start thinking a generational faith

00:39:56 --> 00:39:58

you start thinking a generational faith

00:40:00 --> 00:40:03

You start thinking about how we can invest in people. I had a

00:40:03 --> 00:40:07

friend of mine say, he was like, this Masjid is right in the hood.

00:40:08 --> 00:40:12

He's like, we had people, young, young people, non Muslims, they

00:40:12 --> 00:40:17

will come over, we will help them, help them pay their rent. Let them

00:40:17 --> 00:40:19

come to the masjid, whatever we would help them.

00:40:21 --> 00:40:24

And other people from the community will be like, the money

00:40:24 --> 00:40:28

you're spending could be spent on like parking lot, a new bathroom,

00:40:28 --> 00:40:30

Masjid chandeliers.

00:40:32 --> 00:40:35

You know how it'd be just so we can be a little bit you'll beat

00:40:35 --> 00:40:36

the other Masjid.

00:40:38 --> 00:40:42

Like, no, he's like, No, we're investing in these people. A

00:40:42 --> 00:40:44

friend of mine. He said, we invested in these youngsters they

00:40:44 --> 00:40:49

were 1617 when they went through life and hit rock bottom, they all

00:40:49 --> 00:40:53

came back to the masjid. All of them except Islam. Because who was

00:40:53 --> 00:40:56

there for us? Your Muslims were there for us?

00:40:57 --> 00:41:00

A sign of spiritual maturity, as you start thinking of

00:41:00 --> 00:41:02

transgenerational faith.

00:41:03 --> 00:41:05

What seeds can I plant right now?

00:41:07 --> 00:41:09

That other people will sit under the shade of that tree?

00:41:12 --> 00:41:16

The prophets of Allah Who are they he was wa sallam, so beautiful.

00:41:16 --> 00:41:21

The prophesy Salam in this moment, he goes, No, no, no, no. I have

00:41:21 --> 00:41:27

hope that from their progeny will come people that worship Allah

00:41:27 --> 00:41:34

subhanho wa taala. And in the end, the angel then looks at him Subhan

00:41:34 --> 00:41:40

Allah. The angel looks at him and he says and come some knock out a

00:41:40 --> 00:41:47

book, or Ufa Rahim, the angel says you are just as your Lord said you

00:41:47 --> 00:41:52

are or Ufa Rahim comes compassionate and merciful. This

00:41:52 --> 00:41:58

reminds me of a verse locked by didja comb or solum and full

00:41:58 --> 00:42:03

sequel as he is on Allah Hema on a tomb Hadees so not a convenient

00:42:03 --> 00:42:08

meaning and I don't move forward Rahim Allah. Allah says about the

00:42:08 --> 00:42:13

prophet in the Quran. Indeed there has come a profit from you to you

00:42:14 --> 00:42:20

as easily either he might I need to. He is deeply hurt by what

00:42:20 --> 00:42:20

hurts you.

00:42:22 --> 00:42:26

He's deeply worried about your welfare, your well being he it's

00:42:26 --> 00:42:30

not about him. That's what I began with. For the prophesy. Selim. It

00:42:30 --> 00:42:33

wasn't about him. It was about this message. It was about other

00:42:33 --> 00:42:37

people. I season I lay him out on it too. How do you Sonali come he

00:42:37 --> 00:42:41

wants to good for you. Hadees means he wants good for you.

00:42:41 --> 00:42:43

That's all he was worried about? How can I give good to other

00:42:43 --> 00:42:44


00:42:46 --> 00:42:50

about Ooh, for him the meaning or for him and his Most Compassionate

00:42:50 --> 00:42:55

and Most Merciful. Before I go forward, the message for me in

00:42:55 --> 00:42:59

this is there are going to be dark times in life.

00:43:01 --> 00:43:03

Let's all come to that and understand it. Let's all mentally

00:43:03 --> 00:43:07

prepare for it. But what we learned from this moment is that

00:43:07 --> 00:43:11

you have to have an unwavering, unwavering connection with your

00:43:11 --> 00:43:16

Lord so strong, that you're able to see through the pain

00:43:17 --> 00:43:19

and find that lesson.

00:43:21 --> 00:43:23

And guess what I'm gonna say something else and then we're

00:43:23 --> 00:43:24

gonna go forward.

00:43:25 --> 00:43:28

This thing something you know, this, you know, like muscle

00:43:28 --> 00:43:29


00:43:30 --> 00:43:33

Muscle memory, when you play a sport, you practice it over and

00:43:33 --> 00:43:37

over again to gain muscle memory. Because when the game time comes,

00:43:37 --> 00:43:39

you're only going to do what you practice.

00:43:40 --> 00:43:45

Right now if you're in a position of like, Aafia, tranquillity,

00:43:45 --> 00:43:48

things are good. You got to prepare this right now. Because

00:43:48 --> 00:43:51

when game time comes, only thing that's going to kick in is what

00:43:51 --> 00:43:54

you practiced. Does that make sense?

00:43:56 --> 00:44:00

Because when the moment comes, I can't give this dark to you. When

00:44:00 --> 00:44:05

the moment comes, of a difficulty, when that moment comes, you only

00:44:05 --> 00:44:07

going to fall back on what you practice in your heart.

00:44:09 --> 00:44:12

So you got to you got we have to work on this deep inside

00:44:13 --> 00:44:15

the prophets of Allah who today was salam.

00:44:17 --> 00:44:19

He's laying in this garden.

00:44:20 --> 00:44:21

The story is not over.

00:44:23 --> 00:44:26

He's in this garden, and he doesn't realize that the garden

00:44:26 --> 00:44:32

that he collapsed in was the garden of two of his, like, arch

00:44:32 --> 00:44:36

nemesis. These are Qureshi people that are against him. They had a

00:44:36 --> 00:44:38

garden far out, but it was their garden.

00:44:39 --> 00:44:42

So he collapsed in the garden of the two sons of an Obeah.

00:44:44 --> 00:44:47

And they're watching they saw the whole thing. They're in their

00:44:47 --> 00:44:50

garden, and they see him come in * they see the whole scene.

00:44:51 --> 00:44:54

They watch him pray, they see the whole thing breakdown.

00:44:55 --> 00:45:00

They had a young teenage servant maybe in his 20

00:45:00 --> 00:45:00


00:45:02 --> 00:45:06

They say to the servant here there's a tray of grapes can you

00:45:06 --> 00:45:09

take these grapes and just give it to that man over there. Just give

00:45:09 --> 00:45:11

it he tell him to eat some of this food.

00:45:14 --> 00:45:17

The servant he he picks up the tray.

00:45:18 --> 00:45:20

His name is desse

00:45:21 --> 00:45:26

Fila address sumach Weatherby he puts the drapes on the tray and he

00:45:26 --> 00:45:29

comes and he puts it in front of the prophesy selling the profit is

00:45:29 --> 00:45:33

sitting down on the ground. He's in really rough shape.

00:45:34 --> 00:45:36

His heart is great, but his body is in rough shape.

00:45:37 --> 00:45:40

He brings the grapes and he puts it down in front of the prophets

00:45:40 --> 00:45:42

of Allah Who are they who was salam?

00:45:43 --> 00:45:45

And he said to him, cool, please eat some.

00:45:46 --> 00:45:52

The Prophet so Latif Saddam looks at IDAs he smiles at him. And the

00:45:52 --> 00:45:54

Prophet takes his hands and he puts it on the grapes and he says

00:45:54 --> 00:46:00

Bismillah Bismillah R Rahman Rahim right before he started to eat

00:46:00 --> 00:46:00


00:46:03 --> 00:46:03

su McCullough

00:46:05 --> 00:46:07

when the when the when the prophesy centum said Bismillah, ar

00:46:07 --> 00:46:12

e in the name of Allah. For another I dust a dust just was

00:46:12 --> 00:46:16

taken aback. And he looked at the face of the Prophet sallallahu

00:46:16 --> 00:46:17

alayhi wa salam.

00:46:18 --> 00:46:22

And he says, well, Allah He, in the heart that kala Maya Kulu

00:46:22 --> 00:46:25

Allah has a valid bellette. He goes what you just said, People

00:46:25 --> 00:46:29

here don't speak that way. Those words you say? People don't say

00:46:29 --> 00:46:33

that. They don't speak that way. Bismillah in the name of Allah

00:46:33 --> 00:46:34

before you eat

00:46:36 --> 00:46:40

the prophesy Salam, he looks at him. He says, Where are you from?

00:46:41 --> 00:46:47

See, some of us. When we meet failure, we're so blinded by the

00:46:47 --> 00:46:49

failure. We can't see the small victories.

00:46:50 --> 00:46:54

The prophets I send them gave to give Dawa to a city he gave to

00:46:54 --> 00:46:59

give Dawa, to these notables. But that didn't happen. But now

00:46:59 --> 00:47:02

there's 120 year old servant

00:47:04 --> 00:47:05

in his face talking to him.

00:47:06 --> 00:47:09

And the Prophet realizes, oh, there's a soul here.

00:47:11 --> 00:47:13

There's a soul here that can be saved.

00:47:15 --> 00:47:18

Maybe Allah took me out of this city and through those streets

00:47:18 --> 00:47:21

just for this one. Man, this one boy.

00:47:23 --> 00:47:26

Football or suicide said I mean a beloved answer. Where are you

00:47:26 --> 00:47:30

from? You know, small talk. Got to build the connection report.

00:47:31 --> 00:47:34

He sends me an IEP lead answer. Where are you from?

00:47:36 --> 00:47:40

Yeah, I guess. Well, not Dino. What religion are you

00:47:42 --> 00:47:45

calling us Ronnie? He goes I'm Christian.

00:47:46 --> 00:47:50

Well and I'm in Ireland. Nanoha. I'm from Manoa Iran.

00:47:51 --> 00:47:56

For call rasool Allah Prophet says back he has the grapes. The

00:47:56 --> 00:47:58

Prophet says Ah

00:47:59 --> 00:48:05

man, Katya to Ragini Salah Yun has been metab he goes oh, yeah,

00:48:05 --> 00:48:07

that's the city of of Jonah.

00:48:09 --> 00:48:10

Deus, it's up

00:48:12 --> 00:48:16

you know, you know you go for hide sometimes. The Hijab is about to

00:48:16 --> 00:48:19

leave, may Allah bless them and Allah accept their hugs.

00:48:19 --> 00:48:23

Inshallah, if you're going to keep us in your doors, inshallah you go

00:48:23 --> 00:48:26

for Hajj sometimes and you meet someone, and you ask them where

00:48:26 --> 00:48:30

they're from. And if they named the right place, all of a sudden

00:48:30 --> 00:48:30

you're like this.

00:48:32 --> 00:48:33

If they named the right place,

00:48:34 --> 00:48:37

you know, where are you from? Ethiopia. Amen. Say I'm from New

00:48:37 --> 00:48:42

Orleans. Oh, that's my guy. All of a sudden you don't even know each

00:48:42 --> 00:48:42


00:48:44 --> 00:48:49

You tight? So the prophesy sent me goes Oh, no, no. That's the city

00:48:49 --> 00:48:52

of Jonah. Yeah, yeah. He goes

00:48:53 --> 00:48:57

on that's why you delete Eunice What do you know about

00:48:59 --> 00:49:02

what you know? What do you know about Jonah? What might you

00:49:02 --> 00:49:06

delete? The unis What do you know about Jonah?

00:49:07 --> 00:49:07

He goes,

00:49:08 --> 00:49:13

Oh, Wallah, he. He he says he continues he goes, Wallah, he

00:49:13 --> 00:49:17

looked at the courage to mean when I left the city, there were only

00:49:17 --> 00:49:21

10 people that still remembered who Jonah was. How do you know?

00:49:21 --> 00:49:26

The men Aina out after and enter. How do you know Jonah bend Mattel?

00:49:27 --> 00:49:32

Well, until only He Almighty only your unlettered you don't read?

00:49:32 --> 00:49:35

Because he knows because all the items pretty much don't read. He

00:49:35 --> 00:49:38

goes, How do you know this man? You don't get text messages. You

00:49:38 --> 00:49:40

don't get up there. How do you know this? You've never been

00:49:40 --> 00:49:41


00:49:42 --> 00:49:48

The prophets I seldom he says so beautifully. That he is my

00:49:48 --> 00:49:48


00:49:49 --> 00:49:50

That's my brother.

00:49:52 --> 00:49:56

Who in the Wii U and we're Anana V. He's a prophet. I'm a prophet

00:49:56 --> 00:49:56

of Allah.

00:49:58 --> 00:49:59

In that moment,

00:50:00 --> 00:50:07

For kappa does the same feet and ankles that were just being hit by

00:50:07 --> 00:50:12

stones are now being kissed by a Deus. He fell down he's kissing

00:50:12 --> 00:50:14

his feet kissing his feet.

00:50:15 --> 00:50:18

The two sons are A B are they watching from a distance and one

00:50:18 --> 00:50:21

of them hits the other? He says you just lost your slave bro

00:50:23 --> 00:50:24

he's done brah

00:50:25 --> 00:50:28

you lost him on baby he's done. He's done.

00:50:31 --> 00:50:33

A das comes back over to his

00:50:34 --> 00:50:36

two masters whatever.

00:50:37 --> 00:50:37


00:50:39 --> 00:50:43

There he says, fella my job. My dad's father. They said way luck.

00:50:43 --> 00:50:47

Why are you kissing this man's head in his hands in his feet? The

00:50:47 --> 00:50:53

same feet hit by stones less than five hours ago are being kissed

00:50:55 --> 00:50:57

by the loving mouth of a servant.

00:50:59 --> 00:51:00

Isn't that beautiful?

00:51:02 --> 00:51:03

Isn't that beautiful?

00:51:05 --> 00:51:08

See, don't let the blindness of what you think is failure cause

00:51:08 --> 00:51:10

you to not see the small victories that Allah has put there for you

00:51:10 --> 00:51:11

that aren't even small.

00:51:14 --> 00:51:19

He we shut down. We shut down. The moment there's a failure you on

00:51:19 --> 00:51:22

the way out. Somebody is excuse me. I was wondering if I had a

00:51:22 --> 00:51:24

hard day today. Let's talk tomorrow.

00:51:26 --> 00:51:26


00:51:28 --> 00:51:32

Today is my rough day. I gotta reset. The prophesy. centum is

00:51:32 --> 00:51:33

still ready. He's still

00:51:35 --> 00:51:39

available for because he sees the sacredness of the soul of that

00:51:39 --> 00:51:42

person. And there's an opportunity for a dyer.

00:51:43 --> 00:51:44

Yeah, Robbie

00:51:45 --> 00:51:48

sallallahu alayhi wa salam.

00:51:50 --> 00:51:53

They say why are you kissing this man's head? This man's feet this

00:51:53 --> 00:51:57

man's Why were you what's wrong with you? He says yeah, say you

00:51:58 --> 00:52:02

Moffett on the other Rogers. He goes yeah, don't get it. There's

00:52:02 --> 00:52:05

no one on the face of the earth better than this man. You don't

00:52:05 --> 00:52:07

realize who he is. I see who he is.

00:52:09 --> 00:52:14

LaTonya Alemany be Amarin, ma alum who Elana V. He spoke to me on

00:52:14 --> 00:52:17

stuff. Only a prophet would know the way he spoke. I know he's a

00:52:17 --> 00:52:23

prophet of Allah. fall away hakea. I does. They said I does. Stop,

00:52:23 --> 00:52:24


00:52:26 --> 00:52:29

Stop. Your Dean is better than his Dean. He ignored them.

00:52:30 --> 00:52:31

He ignored them.

00:52:34 --> 00:52:39

They left thought if they left the garden and as they're leaving

00:52:42 --> 00:52:44

they'd have any Haditha. He asked a question.

00:52:45 --> 00:52:48

He says where are we gonna go in Mexico we can't get in.

00:52:50 --> 00:52:52

We can't go back to Mecca. I already explained that to

00:52:52 --> 00:52:53


00:52:54 --> 00:52:56

And in that moment,

00:52:57 --> 00:53:01

the prophets of Allah they was salam Listen to these words. kafer

00:53:01 --> 00:53:04

to the Hulu, I lay him. How are you going to go back to Mecca?

00:53:04 --> 00:53:09

Well home aka Juca they kicked you out? Yeah, Zaid in the la hija at

00:53:09 --> 00:53:15

only my Tara Farah Genua Maharaja and he said they don't worry Allah

00:53:15 --> 00:53:21

will make a way out for us on breakable things, faith and trust

00:53:22 --> 00:53:27

on breakable. And my message to me and you is when someone is coming,

00:53:27 --> 00:53:32

you keep talking about their hardships. Don't place it back on

00:53:32 --> 00:53:36

Oh, did you try this? Did you put in another application? Maybe you?

00:53:36 --> 00:53:40

Maybe you switch your recommendations. You need to be

00:53:40 --> 00:53:43

that voice of Allah will make a way out. Sometimes people just

00:53:43 --> 00:53:47

need someone to tell them that again. Sometimes you just need to

00:53:47 --> 00:53:51

hear that one person go, bro. Do you forget what lies like? Yeah,

00:53:51 --> 00:53:56

you're right. Okay. hamdulillah be that person for someone. Be that

00:53:56 --> 00:54:00

person. So in this moment, the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. He

00:54:00 --> 00:54:04

says, Don't worry Allah subhanaw taala will find a way out for his

00:54:04 --> 00:54:04


00:54:06 --> 00:54:09

We're going to wrap up spent about an hour we'll wrap up. So there's

00:54:09 --> 00:54:11

one more thing I just want to share, which is

00:54:12 --> 00:54:17

this was literally the hardest moment in the Prophet's life. So

00:54:17 --> 00:54:18

the Allahu alayhi wa sallam.

00:54:19 --> 00:54:24

I showed her the Allahu Anhu she later asked him Yato sort of what

00:54:24 --> 00:54:28

was the hardest day? And he said, Oh, the day of your people,

00:54:28 --> 00:54:31

meaning the people of Mecca and Tov, did they they kick me out. I

00:54:31 --> 00:54:35

thought this was the hardest day. But I want you to realize

00:54:35 --> 00:54:35


00:54:36 --> 00:54:41

Right after this hard day, came the insula and miraj what is the

00:54:41 --> 00:54:46

SR and Mal Raja is when Allah subhanaw taala took the Prophet up

00:54:46 --> 00:54:50

to the seven heavens. He took him up to the seven heavens for a

00:54:50 --> 00:54:54

meeting to him one to one. There was a clear indication there.

00:54:55 --> 00:54:59

The fact you know what a fats means? It means the opening

00:55:00 --> 00:55:02

The facts that comes right after the hardest moment, y'all.

00:55:03 --> 00:55:06

I'm telling this because in this room right now, there's some of us

00:55:06 --> 00:55:08

that are what seems like our hardest moment I know.

00:55:09 --> 00:55:12

But you have to understand that the Prophet went through this, but

00:55:12 --> 00:55:16

he passed the test and immediately after then the elevation came.

00:55:17 --> 00:55:18

Then he was lifted up.

00:55:20 --> 00:55:24

And the third The second thing I want to say is you have to say

00:55:24 --> 00:55:28

this do our every morning and every evening, are you already are

00:55:28 --> 00:55:32

the two Billahi Raba or Bill Islami, Dina will be Mohammed and

00:55:32 --> 00:55:36

so I Salam, Nabil Matsuda, I'll translate it for you. What are the

00:55:36 --> 00:55:40

two biller here but I'm pleased with Allah. It doesn't matter how

00:55:40 --> 00:55:43

good the day is how bad the day is, you say it

00:55:44 --> 00:55:48

are the two Villa here but I'm pleased with Allah. I'm pleased

00:55:48 --> 00:55:52

with Allah. I'm pleased with Allah just lost the job, please was

00:55:52 --> 00:55:53


00:55:54 --> 00:55:59

I'm pleased with Allah. The proposal didn't work. We started

00:55:59 --> 00:56:00

off on marriage, right? Yeah.

00:56:02 --> 00:56:05

It didn't work. You thought everything was gravy met the dad

00:56:05 --> 00:56:09

and everything. And I was juggling. What are the two been?

00:56:09 --> 00:56:15

What are the two bills? Or the two bills? Rob? I'm happy with Allah.

00:56:16 --> 00:56:21

As my lord. Number two. Well, Bill Islami Dena, I'm happy with my way

00:56:21 --> 00:56:25

of life and that I'm not even happy. I'm pleased with it. I'm

00:56:25 --> 00:56:28

pleased with it. Yes, I don't do as much as I could. And I don't

00:56:28 --> 00:56:32

always do what I should. But I love this way of life. See, a lot

00:56:32 --> 00:56:34

of us don't say it because we're like, Well, I'm not living up to

00:56:34 --> 00:56:39

it doesn't matter. You love it. You love the deen you love Allah

00:56:39 --> 00:56:42

you love go to school, and your love will conquer the sins that

00:56:42 --> 00:56:43

you do.

00:56:44 --> 00:56:48

Your love will conquer all of that. But shaytaan tells you how

00:56:48 --> 00:56:50

dare you say you love Allah. You love the deen when you're not

00:56:50 --> 00:56:54

practicing that? That's even more of a reason to say no, I love it.

00:56:55 --> 00:56:58

One man came to the prophets of Allah it was salah. And he said

00:56:58 --> 00:57:02

Alma are you hibel poem Allah Melaku be him. A person loves a

00:57:02 --> 00:57:04

group of people but he can't reach their level

00:57:06 --> 00:57:12

the prophesy centum said Enter my men had an ummah and then I had a

00:57:12 --> 00:57:16

person who will be with those that they love. Imam Abu Hanifa he used

00:57:16 --> 00:57:21

to say, Oh hey, bizarrely in our last two minimum lol Allah and

00:57:21 --> 00:57:25

yada yada and even whom I love righteous people, but I ain't one

00:57:25 --> 00:57:25

of them.

00:57:27 --> 00:57:29

Maybe Perhaps Allah will then make me one of them.

00:57:30 --> 00:57:36

Hold have have have. Don't let your sin stop you from saying what

00:57:36 --> 00:57:41

are the two Billahi Rubba Obon Islami Dena and last but

00:57:41 --> 00:57:42

definitely not least.

00:57:43 --> 00:57:44

What are the to

00:57:45 --> 00:57:49

be Mohammed? So I said I'm gonna be on Rasulullah and I am pleased,

00:57:49 --> 00:57:55

honored, privileged to have Mohammed sai Salah as my prophet

00:57:55 --> 00:57:56

in Messenger

00:57:58 --> 00:58:02

May Allah subhanho wa Taala allow us to get through our dark moments

00:58:02 --> 00:58:07

and see the beauty in them. May Allah alleviate the difficulties

00:58:07 --> 00:58:11

that we are going through. May Allah make it easy for us to find

00:58:11 --> 00:58:15

the lessons that he wants us to learn in every difficulty all of

00:58:15 --> 00:58:18

those who are in difficulties and struggling Yet Allah we ask you to

00:58:18 --> 00:58:21

make it easy for them your hamara he mean your Allah we ask you your

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Allah, we ask you to alleviate their suffering and make it easier

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Hamidullah human yeah Allah whatever hardships we have the

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Allah Ya Allah we turn to you and we beg of you you're hammered

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Allah He mean We beg of you to make it easy for us and allow us

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to learn what you want us to learn through those difficulties your

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Allah Ya Allah we Allah we asked you to give us a love of your

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hubby Bahamas sigh Salam Allah we ask you to give us the ability to

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use his life as a as an example by which we gain light on how to live

00:58:47 --> 00:58:51

and walk every day of our lives. Yeah Allah we asked you to have

00:58:51 --> 00:58:54

mercy upon the soul of someone who just passed away that Allah we

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asked you to give his family suffered Jimmy dolla we asked you

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to elevate his rank forgive his sins to Allah we ask you to give

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his parents suffered Jamil in these hard moments your hamara

00:59:04 --> 00:59:10

Eman Subhan Rebecca Rebecca is here is the phone was salam ala l

00:59:10 --> 00:59:14

Mursaleen. Will Hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen She's welcome

00:59:14 --> 00:59:17

Allahu Clara. May Allah accept from everyone in sha Allah to

00:59:17 --> 00:59:20

Allah. Salam aleykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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love I

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love to talk about Allah.

00:59:33 --> 00:59:34

We got some time right

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