Mikaeel Smith – Forged- Reflection on Surah Hadid – Class 3

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The Surahs and their importance in context with daily acts and belief in Prophet's teachings and spending time with loved ones. The importance of pursuing the light and faith in pursuing the W presence, pursuing the Sh pattern, and watching the light of Jannah to bring people to Christ is emphasized. The Sh pattern will be visible among people, and the Sh pattern will be used to pray. The light will be out, and the brothers will be watching the light of Jannah, which will bring them to Christ.
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Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim, alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen,
wassalatu wassalam ala sayyidina wa nabiyyina wa maulana
muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salam,
allahumma inna nas'aluka hubbak wa hubba man
yuhibbuk wa hubba amalin yuqarribuna ila hubbik ya
arham al rahimin.
We ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to
give us his love, we ask Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala for the love of those
actions that will gain his love, and we
ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for the
love of those people that he loves.
Before I get started, if the brothers in
the back a bit can just move forward,
our space is different now, so we have
to use all of it inshallah, so get
as close as you can, that way there's
tons of space for people to get room
in, inshallah, likewise for the sisters, inshallah ta
Oh, but just right here for the camera,
jazakallah khair, hayakallah, barakallah feekum, alhamdulillah.
Tayeb, tayeb, nabda inshallah, bismillah, we're continuing our
journey through suratul hadid, suratul hadid is a
beautiful surah in which Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala is reminding us that we have to
keep grinding for the sake of the deen,
like we can't stop grinding because once we
stop grinding, that's when our zawal happens, that's
when we start to decline in our actions
and our devotion and everything, and so it's
a surah that was revealed in Medina, and
Medina typically was a time in which all
the rulings came, and Aisha radiyaAllahu ta'ala
anha, she says that all the surahs that
talked about the akhira, all the surahs that
talked about the hereafter, heaven, *, the day
of judgment, what it would be like, those
surahs that motivate us and get us focused,
all of, many of those were revealed in
Mecca, and the reason why those were revealed
in Mecca is because that's the foundation for
all action, everything that we have to do,
everything from prayer and abstaining from haram and
doing what Allah wants, all of those things
are based on a foundation of the belief
of the akhira, the belief in the hereafter,
and that's why Umar, Umar is amazing, I
was talking to a friend of mine today,
and he was saying how Umar is so
relatable for so many of us, because Umar
saw jahiliyya, the days of ignorance, Umar knows
what it was like to be out, you
know, be out there, put it like that,
and he made that transformation, and Umar radiyaAllahu
ta'ala anha, he says about himself, he
says, walaw la qiyama lakana ghayra ma taroon,
if it wasn't for the day of judgment,
I would look different, if it wasn't for
the day of judgment, I would look different,
what that means is, everything you see of
my character now, is all based on one
foundation, it's based on the foundation of this
day of judgment, this day of resurrection, this
day that I'm going to stand before Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala, and the stronger the
iman is on that, the more tagheer, the
more change you see towards that righteousness, and
so surah al hadid is a surah that
was revealed in Medina, but it was revealed
at a time when we started to chill,
we started to chill a bit, we started
to take things easier, because the victories were
coming, and all of these things were happening,
and so the believers started to chill a
bit, and this surah comes right at the
right time, saying no, the key to success
is that we keep grinding, and so let's
look at it inshallah ta'ala, I'm just
going to back up so that we can
get the flow of the surah, Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala, he says, everything, everything in
the heavens and the earth glorifies Allah, the
question you should ask yourself is, am I
synchronized with everything else in the heavens, everything
else glorifies Allah, he is almighty, but he's
not just almighty, he's all wise, whenever we
see Muslims going through anything, whenever you're going
through anything, you have to remember, he's almighty,
but he's also hakeem, and hakeem means all
wise, which means there's a time and place
for everything, to him is the dominion, the
dominion of the heavens and earth, the one
verse, he gives power to whoever he wills,
and we saw the power taken away this
week, we saw a victory given to the
people of Syria, after how many decades, he
gives it, he gives it, and we should
see this as just one of many victories
to come, say ameen, one of many victories,
one of many victories, and that's not hard
for God, yuhyi wa yumeet, he gives life,
he gives death, whenever we think of the
one who gives life and death, you should
always think of the life of the heart
and the death of the heart too, how
many people are living bodies but dead hearts,
and the Quran comes to give life to
the heart, because in the body there is
a lump of flesh, if it's good, everything
is good, the prophet said it's the heart,
and so this revelation came down to give
life to hearts, and it's not that physical
life, it's that spiritual life, when you're aware
of the akhira, you know your purpose, yuhyi
wa yumeet, wa huwa la kulli shayin al
qadeer, huwa al awal, he is the first
Allah, wa huwa al akhir, he is the
last, huwa al zahir, he is the most
apparent everywhere you look, huwa al batin, and
he is hidden in everything, that's Allah, everywhere
you look, Allah, wa huwa bi kulli shayin
aleem, it is he Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala that is aware, knowledgeable of everything, waladhi
khalaqa al samawati wal adha fee sitati ayyam,
he is the one that created the heavens
and the earth in six days, and established
himself on his throne, he knows everything that
enters the earth and everything that comes out
of the earth, and that which is coming
down from the heavens and that which ascends
up, wa huwa maakum, and he's with you
wherever you go, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
is with you, that is the, that's the,
I said when we did that, that's the
level we want to reach, where you realize
Allah is with me, that's the level of
the prophet in the cave with Abu Bakr,
that's the level of Musa at the Red
Sea when he split it, and they said
inna la mudrakoon, we're caught, he goes na
na, chill, inna ma'ia rabbi, you know
what's interesting, I didn't say this before but
I just want to break this down real
quick, when Moses, when Moses was at the
water, and Pharaoh was about to catch them,
everybody with him wasn't with him, so he
said inna rabbi ma'ia, he said my
Lord is with me, chill out y'all,
but when the prophet was in the cave,
and he was with Abu Bakr, because Abu
Bakr had that level but he just needed
to be reminded, so he said inna allaha
ma'ana, Moses said me, the prophet said
us, because Abu Bakr was at that level
but he just needed that reminder, we all
need that reminder, we all need that reminder,
wa huwa bima, wallahu bima ta'maluna basir, lahoo
mulku assamawati wal'al, again Allah reminds us
he has the kingdom in his hand, so
we never get deluded, we never forget, lahoo
mulku assamawati wal'al, wa ila allahi turja
'u l'umur, everything will go back to
God, tuwrijul layla fil nahar, he causes the
night to enter the day, wa tuwrijul nahar
fil layl, he causes the day to enter
into the night, wa huwa alimun bithati al
-sudoor, and he tells us watch what you're
thinking about, huwa alimun bithati al-sudoor, he
knows what's in your chest, the prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam said, inna allaha la yanzuru
ila soorikum, walakin yanzuru ila qulubikum, Allah doesn't
look at your external form, it doesn't matter
what your external form looks like, the prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in one hadith, he
said a man will come on the day
of judgment, that was in the dunya, massive
brolic we used to say, y'all know
what brolic is?
Anyway, whatever, like what do y'all say?
Whoa, there you go, man I'll give it
to you, inshallah, sorry I had to man,
that's my guy right there, that's my guy
right there, the prophet said a man will
come swole on the day of judgment, but
when he's placed on the scale, he won't
be the weight of a mosquito, because it's
empty, but hold on, here's the other side
of it, Ibn Mas'ud, Ibn Mas'ud
was a dark complexion, very skinny man, but
his iman was next level, one day he
was climbing a tree, the prophet was there,
all the sahabah are chilling, the prophet was
like someone go up there and get the
dates, Ibn Mas'ud was like I'll go,
Ibn Mas'ud went to the tree, he
lifted up his izar to climb the tree,
and he had skinny legs, so the sahabah
started roasting him, see sahabah used to crack
jokes, but the iman never left their heart,
that's what they say, they used to crack
jokes, but the iman was still there, so
he lifted up his izar, and they saw
his ankles, and they start cracking on him,
but the prophet is such, he won't let
you get roasted if he's there, that's Rasulullah,
he's okay because he's a human, he's going
to let people be people, but when he
sees someone he's going to, that's being picked
on or someone that's, he's going to stand
up for you, so I said this before,
so he looks at everyone who's roasting Ibn
Mas'ud, you know he skipped leg day,
who knows what they were saying, who knows
what they were saying, but they were roasting
him, and then the prophet says yeah, those
legs are skinny, but they'll be heavy as
the mountain of buhd on the day of
judgment, so what are you focused on is
the question, what are you focused on, are
you so focused on the external that you
forgot what truly makes you who you are,
what truly makes you who you are is
not the biological, it's the spiritual, it's the
ruh, it's the soul, and you have to
work on the soul and beautify the soul
and focus on the soul so that it
can become perfected, and so that when that
ruh is taken out and it ascends through
the heavens, the hadith says as it's ascending
the angels, they say what's that fragrant smell,
what is that smell passing through the heavens,
and they say such and such, Abdullah, Muhammad,
he passed away, and his soul is being
taken to Allah, the angels are like what's
that beautiful smell, it's that ruh that was
worked on, how do you work on your
ruh, fast, it's winter time, fasting is like
what, it's like 8 hours, you get off
work, get off at 6.35, it's maghrib,
instead of complaining about how short the days
are, see the beauty in the shortness of
the days, you can stack fast in these
days, yo, easy, easy, and what else is
beautiful about the winter, the nights are long,
5.30, still getting tajid, still getting tajid,
5.30, my neighbors walking their dog at
5.15, winter is beautiful for the believer,
man, it's beautiful for the believer, because it
allows us to, you know how you have
balking season, balk season, no for real, that's
when the believer balks, man, summers be tight,
you know, but winter is where we balk,
see the beauty in the winter, work on
your hearts, Allah then said, he said, aminu
billah, believe in Allah, this is Quran speaking,
aminu billah, it's already speaking to believers externally,
but the reality is sometimes it's not there,
so the Quran is saying, oh you who
believe, believe, oh you who believe, believe, bro,
wake up for fajr, bro, do your dhikr,
obey Allah, lower your gaze, aminu billah, aminu
billah, anfiqoo, now here's the beautiful part, the
Quran teaches us over and over again to
spend in the path of God, anfiqoo, like
just Google, ask GPT how many times anfiqoo
comes in the Quran, dozens and dozens of
times Allah says spend, spend, spend, spend, and
the reason is that Allah will take this
love of dunya out of your heart, and
the way you do that is by investing
in the akhirah, wherever you put in an
investment, you want to see the dividends, and
the more you invest in akhirah, you start
looking forward to akhirah, so he says, anfiqoo
mimma ja'alakoo mustakhlafina fee, spend of the
thing that Allah has given you temporary custodianship
of, such a beautiful way for God to
tell us, like use what I gave you
to, use what is yours for now, it's
not yours, and I gave the example of
my kids arguing in the back seat about
what's theirs, I'm like bruh, ain't nothing yours,
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is saying, spend
out of this stuff that you're the khalifa
of just for now, 40 years from now,
you're not going to have that car, that
house, or that wealth, it's going to be
getting cut up, like man, uncle was nice
bruh, he put me in the will, uncle
took care of me, you grind it, grind
it, grind it, can't take it with you,
Allah says mustakhlafina, spend it, spend it, and
the way you motivate yourself to spend is
remember that it's temporary, mustakhlafina, you'll have it
for a short time, falladhina aamanu minkum, Allah
says those of us who believe, wa anfiqoo
lahum ajrun kabheer, we'll have an amazing reward,
a great reward, I heard this and it's
always stuck with me, Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala never takes, he only gives, you gotta
remember that, because doors will close but if
you don't realize that it's not a closing,
it's an opening, you're setting yourself up for
misery, Allah never takes, he only gives, Ibn
Ata says his taking is giving, his taking
is giving, man there's so many examples, when
you become a parent, this happens all the
time, you're like yo give me that, no,
no, I'm like bro I was literally about
to give you something better, but now you
wanna act funny, okay cool, his giving, his
taking is actually giving, but what we have
to learn is to see the giving and
the taking, that's it, that's it, that's the
key, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala he says,
wama lakum, I love when Allah talks to
us, the Quran is different, coming from Christianity
the Quran is different, the Bible was mad
third person, it's like in the beginning there
was, the Quran, I'm not roasting it, I'm
just saying, I'm saying it's a different style,
it's different, it's like oh this guy went
here, he went there, he did this, the
Quran is different because Allah's speaking to you,
Allah's speaking to you, like you're the addressee
of the book, and Allah says right here,
wama lakum, what's wrong with you, and you're
kind of like oh me, like you're talking
to me, oh wama lakum, Allah says wama
lakum, la tu'minuna billah, what's wrong with you,
why don't you believe in Allah, and it's
already speaking to believers, so it's like why
aren't you doing the actions of the believers,
because you're already believers, wama lakum la tu'minuna
billah, wal rasul yad'uukum, while the Prophet
is calling you, like you have someone actually
like working on you, like yo do this,
do that, do this, wal rasul yad'uukum,
al rasul al Rasul sallallahu alayhi wasallam, the
Rasul, he's so beautiful, the Rasul sallallahu alayhi
wasallam is so beautiful, his bil mu'mineena ra
'uf al rahim, gentle with the believers, gentle
with the believers, you have to develop a
personal relationship with Rasul Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam,
you gotta get to a point with Rasul
where he's not the Prophet, he's my Prophet,
that's the, I'm serious, that's where you got,
for many of us it's like yeah the
Prophet went here for where it should be
saying yeah my Prophet he did this in
the fifth year of his life he did
this my Prophet my Prophet because he knows
you by name he knows you by name
how come you don't have that personal relationship
with him well Rasoolu yada'oukum li tu'minu
bi rabbikum and you've already pledged you've already
given your word you said la ilaha illallah
then Allah says in kuntum mu'mineen if you're
actually a believer in kuntum mu'mineen a bit
of reverse psychology for us because we're all
like yeah I'm a believer yeah I'm a
believer okay then then we have to act
that way huwa allathee yunazziru ala abdihi ayatin
bayyinatin it is he Allah who sent down
on his servant this is the beauty of
our deen that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam taught
us the highest level of a of a
servant of God is a slave of God
that's it the Quran calls Muhammad abd abd
what's abd slave of Allah slave of Allah
which teaches us the lower you get the
lower you humble yourself the higher you are
the lower the more you humble yourself the
higher you are some kid he's looking for
his mama yo okay please brothers just move
forward a little bit just so that everyone
has space on the carpet a little bit
jazakumullahu khair barakallahu feekum Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala
says he is the one that sent down
upon his servant clear verses clear beautiful Quran
for you to reflect on why were these
verses sent liyukhrijakum minadhulumati ilan nur to take
you out of darkness to light here's an
example umar ibn khattab umar he's in the
he's in the midst of darkness he's on
his way to kill the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wasallam it doesn't get darker than that he's
literally trying to put out the light of
guidance and on his way he hears verses
of the Quran faha and it breaks him
liyukhrijakum minadhulumati ilan nur connect to the book
of Allah what we're doing tonight why does
he send these verses to bring you out
of darkness the darkness of not knowing purpose
the darkness of not know the darkness of
having all your life together but not knowing
what you're for you don't know what that's
like y'all the darkness of having all
your stuff together you got the house you
got the family you got the car you
got everything that society says you supposed to
be happy with and you don't know what's
happening that's darkness the darkness of not knowing
purpose what am I even here for and
that's what the Quran gives us that's what
la ilaha illallah gives us that knowledge of
what we're here for liyukhrijakum minadhulumati ilan nur
wa inna allaha bikum la ra'ufur rahim
Allah says again wa ma lakum la tunfiquna
why aren't you spending in the path of
God again spending is a proof that you
truly believe because it's about sending it forward
why don't you spend in the path of
God when to Allah belongs the treasures of
the heavens and the earth la yastawee minkum
man anfaqa min qabal al fati wa qatal
Allah says guess what there's different times when
the need of the deen is gonna ask
you to spend and those of us who
are able to invest before the victory that's
the real that's the real spending la yastawee
man anfaqa min qabal al fati wa qatal
those who spend before all of the victories
they're at another level Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala
says ulaika a'dhamu daraja minalladhina anfaqu min ba'du
they have a higher level but both of
them will get good in today's verses bismillah
man dhalladhi Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala asked a
question listen hold on before I go forward
y'all ever seen those Baptist preachers when
they preach and and they asked the crowd
a question and the crowd like all right
let's try this a different route we're gonna
try a different route here the Quran is
meant to be transactional with you many of
us listen to Quran as if it's a
storybook being read to us it's a conversation
I'll give you an example the Prophet one
day he recited surah to Rahman surah to
Rahman the surah the surah of the most
merciful the most compassionate all of us know
there's a verse in that that repeats what's
the verse that be a yeah I like
it I think you might to cut the
back what's the meaning of that verse which
of the favors of your Lord will you
deny so the Prophet was reciting this surah
to the Sahaba for the first time and
when he recited it the first time the
Sahaba were sitting like y'all be sitting
right so the Prophet looked at everyone and
he said Mali a rock and Sukuta and
why are y'all so quiet why these
are this hadith Mali a rock and Sukuta
why are you so quiet he said let
Jen can you can you any algebra jawabin
minkum oh come I thought he said the
jinn were better in how they responded the
Sahaba were like what what do you mean
the Prophet so I said him said whenever
I recited have you a lot it up
become a to cut the band which of
the favors of your Lord will you deny
the jinn would say none of them y
'all Allah what I'm saying is for many
of us we just read the Quran hmm
no Allah speaking to you he's asking you
a question the question the hooves a respond
and that's called dialogue and that's what it
means to read the Quran and be in
conversation with God so so why am I
saying that because the next verse is a
question and you have to at least in
your heart answer it you don't gotta be
loud here y'all shy I get it
but the Sahaba answered it look at the
next verse men that'll be you could have
a lot of card then Hassan and but
you thought if I you thought if a
hula who well oh I didn't I didn't
Kareem Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala says who is
the one that will loan Allah a good
loan so that Allah can multiply it for
them and for them to have a gracious
reward the question ain't hit I'm gonna try
it again you know who is the one
that will give Allah a good loan so
that he can multiply it for them and
for them to have a gracious reward me
can I tell you something Abu Dada I'm
about to tell y'all something that you
can't act upon but if I don't teach
it to you then we don't keep striving
for that level so what I'm about to
say can we disclaimer can someone sign the
disclaimer I will not do this tonight I
cool Abu Dada heard this verse Abu Dada
heard this verse he's a Sahabi he's a
companion of the Prophet his Iman is through
the roof he heard this verse he said
I know y'all Rasul Allah he said
y'all Rasul Allah he said y'all
Rasul Allah can you does Allah want a
loan from me now first of all the
usage of the word loan is crazy because
it all belongs to Allah it all belongs
to he gave it to you so if
he said give it to me he has
the huck but he doesn't even say give
it he says can you let me borrow
that for a little bit I'm gonna give
you something better but for many of us
Akhira hereafter isn't real enough for that and
that's why Akhira has to get real and
how do you make it real start sending
stuff there that's why I told you I'm
gonna repeat it because it's powerful there was
a brother who when when Abdul Rahman Mufti
Abdul Rahman brother passed away in a car
accident there was a brother who had converted
he was from the streets they were at
the janazah and the brother was standing at
the cover and he looked at Mufti Abdul
Rahman and he said Jenna just got personal
yeah Jenna just got personal like I got
something I'm waiting for there a mother or
a father who loses a child man they
just in the dunya temporary they like now
I'm trying to get to my kid yo
people that lose people the dunya they just
like yo I just gotta get through here
y'all I'm just on the clock I'm
trying to get home how do you build
faith start sending stuff there your time your
wealth your energy whatever you have you put
it towards Akhira you put it towards Akhira
now Abu Dahda I told you don't do
this he said ya Rasulullah does Allah want
a loan from me the Prophet said yes
yes yes he said ya Rasulullah give me
your hand give me your hand and I
always wonder why I asked him to give
him the hand you'll see he said give
me your hand ya Rasulullah the Prophet gave
him his hand he held the Prophet's hand
and he said I have given a loan
to God of my garden Abu Dahda had
a garden in Medina of 600 date trees
do y'all have any idea how massive
that is how I can't explain it I
don't even know how to explain it then
what he does next he gets up he
heard the verse one time man then let
the ukulele lock on the Hassan and and
he stood up he said does Allah want
a loan from me everything I have is
his course I'll give it to him and
it's about giving what you love the most
but let me keep going it wasn't he
didn't like the garden he loved the garden
but that's what a card Hassan is Imam
Razi says one of the conditions for a
card Hassan because the word Hassan means good
is that you give what you love the
most that's when Jenna starts get real when
you start giving what you love the most
you love the most Lenten a little bit
hot that tune people mimato hit boom mimato
hit boom so what did he do this
is the part you can't do y'all
y'all might even have some objections but
he's Abu Dada he says uh he goes
back to the garden this garden of 600
date palm trees just for you to get
an idea the next time you go to
Medina say soon inshallah next next to much
of Cuba there's a date farm there's a
palm farm there's a date palm it's probably
about 200 trees but you walk in you
feel like you in a different country temperature
drops like 20 degrees because of the shade
the Springs water it's like Jenna in the
desert 600 trees he gives it he walks
back to his garden he stands at the
door of the garden and he yells yeah
I'm a duck duck who's on me the
wifey oh yeah he was married and had
kids he just sold the house he just
gave them he just gave the the deed
to the musket they needed a sudden crazy
not crazy real belief in Africa he says
yeah I'm she's there and the kids are
there yeah I'm a duck duck she said
the bake you know she's real she said
the bake what do you need mind you
he didn't walk in you know why cuz
it ain't his no more cuz it ain't
his no more he didn't walk in he
stood at the gate yeah I'm a duck
duck she said the bake you know she
was real but Carla Oh Rugee he says
you got to come out I gave this
as a loan to my lord she yells
from inside rubby habaic good business deal good
business deal I'm on my way out man
yeah say inshallah inshallah but when you have
a leader like that a sister will be
like bismillah uh-huh your brother's quiet now
when the man is a Buddha dad then
it's like all right you got things together
cool lead me in dunya and akhira I
ain't even ready for this conversation she says
the bake she says rubby habaic beautiful transaction
he moves his stuff he moves his children
out and the Prophet didn't looked at the
Sahaba and he said to them how many
trees with fruit will this man have in
Jannah it was real for them it was
real for them it was real for them
Allah asked the question man then let the
you could have a lot of cotton hasana
who is the one that will give Allah
alone and I told you it's not about
money it's not about money it's about whatever
you have to give some of you have
skills some of you have influence some of
you have strength some of you I whatever
you have that you can give to the
sake of the Dean for the sake of
Allah time Imam Razi says in order for
a loan to be a good loan here's
some conditions y'all ready conditions number one
the money has to be Halal there's ten
of them number two it should be the
best of what you own best of what
you own you know when the masjid is
doing the raising for the you know like
clothes and people get the like worst stuff
out of the closet suffer a liar I've
seen people that would go and shop for
the clothes donation tax still on let me
give this to the mustard let me buy
it and give this to the mustard so
it should be the best number three you
should give sadaqa what I'm dead so hip
boo-hoo what the hedge elate you give
sadaqa of something you love and that you
need to oh don't worry it's gonna get
harder and harder yeah I'm it's not gonna
get easy it's gonna get harder but but
I mean this is what we're doing for
a lot this is for Allah you give
that what you love and that what you
need Imam Razi says number four and test
it of sadaqa ila ahwajul ula be ugly
huh you give it to someone that really
deserves it really needs it number five you
hide it as much as you can yo
hide your sadaqa hide your sadaqa why is
tahajjud so powerful because it's hidden because it's
hidden any worship or anything done hidden is
way more powerful because there's no other motive
yo when you wake up in the middle
of the night so much so your parents
or your brother siblings don't even know you
pray tahajjud you make wudu you get back
in bed like you didn't do anything yo
you a G yo no that's next-level
only a stuff that's next-level only a
now a little lower under that is you
get up you do the tahajjud you just
stay awake they wake up you like they're
like oh you look fresh you like yeah
I've been up for a minute here you
still you yo mashallah like but you a
little lower bruh if you just gotta be
real with yourself you gotta be real and
when you want something truly for Allah or
for someone you hide it you hide it
and that's why tahajjud is so so powerful
and so and that's where we got to
start we have to start being real with
ourselves that's it when you stayed up and
just wanted to let everyone know in the
house you was awake just be real with
yourself so that you know hmm that's something
I still need to work on I still
need to work on that how did I
got up but you know what that's I
can work on that a little bit I
feel that a little bit it felt good
that they knew that all right I'm gonna
work on that be real with the self
be real with the self number what number
number six don't remind the favors that you
give don't remind you give it forget about
you give it the believer is the one
hear me out on this never forget make
it hard to forget the evil you do
but forget the good you do I don't
know if y'all can handle that though
what I mean by that is the good
you do should be so much and so
thing you just like oh yeah I gave
I did that oh yeah like you want
to be surprised on the day of judgment
from good but the bad no you shouldn't
let that slip past like not today I
messed up I'm not gonna forget that I
messed up today stop for a lot let
me do over but the good oh well
I opened the door for someone oh well
I I gave you two bucks I gave
you three dollars or forgot it bro he
says don't remind of the favors number seven
and the order is just the order he
says only intention is a lot number eight
whatever you give you deem it little so
so so do you think Abu Dahda thought
he gave a lot exactly Abu Dahda who
just gave 600 here we are 1,400
years later the man made a decision in
a moment and here we are 1,400
years later talking about him what type of
a class did he have do you think
he felt like he gave a lot he
probably thought like I wish I had more
to give 600 because it's for a law
and and that's what sacrifice is all about
the one sacrificing doesn't realize it's a sacrifice
everyone else is like man how'd you do
that to the person that does it it's
just like yeah it just made sense to
me I was just doing what I needed
to do so so you you don't deem
it as a lot number nine it's kind
of repetitive it should be of that which
you love the most and number ten that
you don't see yourself as you don't see
any honor to yourself over the one that
you're giving to in fact you should see
them as the as the as the one
blessing you it's cuz of you that I
have the opportunity to gain this Jenna I
thank you so much for being here for
me to help because low-key I'm not
you're not helping I'm not helping you you're
helping me can you imagine what our society
would be like if that's the mentality of
Sadaqa and charity Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala he
says man that lady you could have a
lot harder than Hassan and who is the
one answer Allah when he asked you a
question y'all man that lady you put
it all our car than Hassan ah who's
the one that will give Allah alone a
good loan I will y'all whatever I
can y'all but you thought if I
who know who so that Allah can multiply
it so Allah can multiply it the multiplication
of the of that thing is based on
your sincerity the multiplication of the Sadaqa is
based on your level of charity of sincerity
how much it was purely for Allah well
who I don't kareem on and this person
will have a great reward and now the
tone switches the Quran is so beautiful because
before you know it the tone just switches
he Allah brings us to something different and
right now this Sura gets really heavy y
'all the Sura gets very heavy look look
what Allah says let us bask in the
beauty of the Quran Allah says next yawmata
al mu'mineena wal mu'minati yas'a nooruhum bayna
aydihim wabi aymanihim Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala he
says on that day what day day of
judgment instantaneously Allah says I want you to
think about the day of judgment I want
you to focus on the day of judgment
block everything out it's the day of judgment
you are standing there you are about to
be judged you are there, your whole life
is behind you, all of the creation is
Allah says I need you to be there.
So go there in your mind, be there.
يَوْمَ تَرَىٰ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ The day that you will
see الْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَالْمُؤْمِنَاتَ You will see, Allah speaking
to me and you, you will see on
that day believing men and believing women.
يَسْعَىٰ نُورُهُمْ Light running in front of them.
Now this is powerful because the Prophet taught
us what it means.
The Prophet ﷺ he taught us that on
the day of judgment after we're resurrected there'll
be complete darkness.
There'll be complete darkness and in that moment
Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى will start to give
out people their light.
Yes, your light.
Meaning the light you earned back in the
The hadith is so powerful that Ibn Mas
'ud he said يُؤْتُونَ نُورَهُمْ عَلَى قَدْرِ أَعْمَالِهِمْ
Everybody will be given light according to their
See the day of judgment is about making
the hidden manifest.
The iman was hidden.
That iman was a light.
That light is what I walk by my
life with.
That iman is what helps me walk through
the darkness of this dunya.
But on the day of judgment the darkness
will become real and the light will become
real too.
Y'all with me?
So it will be complete darkness and Ibn
Mas'ud he says everyone will be given
out their light.
Their light.
The narration he says سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى he
says some people will be given a light
the size of a mountain.
Allah make us a mountain.
Some people will be given a light the
size of a nakhla, a date palm tree.
Some people will have light the size of
a human being.
And the Prophet ﷺ he said and someone
from this ummah will have light the size
of their thumb.
The size of their thumb.
And even that it will flicker.
They can't see where they're going.
It's because they didn't live with that iman.
So now in the akhirah they're not given
that light.
يَسْعَى نُورُهُمْ بَيْنَ عَيْدِيهِمْ وَبِأَيْمَانِهِمْ The hadith of
the Prophet he said إِنَّ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ there are
believers من يُضِيءُ نُورُهُ their light will be
so bright he said it's as if it's
from Medina to Yemen.
Medina to Yemen that's the light.
But what you see okay hold on what
we don't realize is in this room right
now there are some friends of Allah.
We can't see the light but they're here.
The Prophet said anytime 40 there's a narration
that anytime 40 believers gather together one of
them is a wali Allah.
Now I don't know the number here but
whatever number it is we probably got five
in here.
Five low-key hidden heads.
Low-key they sitting in the back like
Legs crossed like yeah.
Tahajjud tonight?
No doubt.
And it's not about action it's about the
It's about the faith.
Doesn't matter where your actions are y'all.
The light is about iman, faith.
How strong that iman is.
So the Prophet ﷺ he says everyone's light
will be given will be will be handed
You are written in the with your names
are written.
All that you do your features, your clothes,
your gatherings everything is written and on the
Day of Judgment they'll call they'll say here's
your light.
My light?
Yeah that's your light from the dunya that's
what you brought right there.
That was that was your light.
That's my light right there?
Yeah that's your light.
The question is how bright were yours yours
How bright will your light be?
That's the question.
The Prophet ﷺ one day he he went
to the graveyard.
This was just a few days before he
passed away.
He went to the graveyard and he was
with some of the Sahaba and he said
salam to the people at the graveyard and
then he looked at the Sahaba he said
I wish I can meet my brothers.
I wish I can meet my brothers my
sisters I wish I can meet them.
This was only a few days before he
passed away y'all.
The Sahaba are with him they're like ya
Rasulullah we're here.
He said no no no you're my companions.
My brothers are those who I've never seen
they've never seen me but they will wish
they could sacrifice anything to see me.
They'll believe in me and they never saw
me before.
Those are my brothers and sisters.
The Sahaba they said ya Rasulullah how will
you recognize people you never saw on the
Day of Judgment?
The Prophet ﷺ said man he said can
you recognize your camel amongst a bunch of
other camels?
They said yeah for sure.
It's a bunch of cars outside.
You know your car?
He said my ummah will come faces bright
with light and all of the places that
they washed in Wudu shining.
Allahu Akbar.
This light is real.
How do you get more light?
There's seven actions or seven things that gain
We all want light.
We seek light in the times of darkness.
Maghrib, Isha, Fajr.
When you're walking to the masjid and it's
dark out you're building light bro.
That's light.
I mean you you you you surrounded yourself
in darkness for the sake of Allah seeking
out light in the masjid.
Seeking out light.
Allah is like I got your light for
Don't worry.
Just when you need it the most though.
Number two complete Wudu.
Some of us do that sloppy Wudu yo.
You know what I mean?
Yo Wudu is part of prayer yo.
Stop seeing Wudu as like oh I gotta
do this real quick.
Yo Wudu is cleaning your sins before you
even start praying.
So the same way you think of Salah.
Like Alhamdulillah we take Salah seriously.
We're like yo I gotta pray.
But Wudu we're like yo I gotta do
Wudu is a part of the Salah yo.
Wudu is a part of the Salah and
that's why I wanted to share this hadith
the Prophet ﷺ said from the Wudu that
they do wherever they did the Wudu all
of that will be shining.
All of that will be shining.
Speaking about Wudu, Abu Huraira.
Abu Huraira yo.
Abu Huraira is amazing because he came only
in the last three years.
But when he came he dedicated himself to
Some people think oh I gotta I wasn't
raised memorizing Quran like these dudes.
I didn't learn it when I was a
No no excuses man.
Abu Huraira came in the seventh year of
That means the Prophet would only be alive
for three more years.
He narrates the most hadith.
But later they would say like yo Abu
Huraira how you gonna narrate the most hadith
and you were with him the shortest.
He was like my brothers had businesses and
I only had the Prophet ﷺ.
They had businesses.
They had farms.
Umar think about that there's a hadith of
Umar where he had a farm and him
and his neighbor used to take turns coming
to the masjid.
Abu Huraira's like nah I didn't have nothing.
I say that the Prophet's masjid the whole
Abu Huraira one day he was doing Wudu
and when he did the Wudu he did
the Wudu up to up to like right
He did the Wudu up to here.
One of the his students was like yeah
Shaykh yeah bid'ah.
That's how y'all be man.
Y'all be tripping online bruh.
Youngins man.
I think everything's bid'ah.
They said Shaykh what are you doing?
What are you doing?
How you gonna do Wudu up to there?
Abu Huraira goes you saw me?
They're like yeah we saw you.
He's like alright since you saw me I'll
tell you.
If you didn't see me I wouldn't have
told you this.
The Prophet ﷺ said that a believer a
believer they're they're they're they're Bengals.
You know what Bengals are?
They're Bengals of gold and silver will be
as high as they did Wudu.
I'm just trying to get more drip.
Don't tell nobody though.
Allahu Akbar.
Wudu is real.
Wudu is a way of getting light.
But just take it serious though.
Take your time.
You know what I mean?
And make sure you know how to do
Maybe someone never really learned.
You just like watch people.
You know what I mean?
Learn how to do Wudu properly and do
The Prophet ﷺ he said you finish a
complete Wudu you walk away with no sins.
See that's what I'm saying.
We treat the Salah like the Wudu is
just I just gotta do it real quick.
No that's part of the prayer.
They say if you want khushu in Salah
do a good Wudu.
It's like if you want a good workout
you got a stretcher right?
You got to like warm up.
I think.
That's what they say.
No stretching?
Just go straight in?
Alright whatever.
That's different methods yo.
The Prophet ﷺ number three he said the
people that come early for Jummah will have
light on the Day of Judgment.
They come early.
You know some of us pull up last
Imams, you sitting down.
Come early, sit, wait.
MashaAllah here at Qalam they got the Surah
Al-Kahf going on.
Y'all be thinking it's Bid'ah.
It ain't Bid'ah.
Chill out.
Number four.
Surah Al-Kahf.
Now I know some of y'all you
look at Surah Al-Kahf.
Surah Al-Kahf the Prophet ﷺ said it'll
give you light.
It'll give you Nur.
Now some of y'all hype you're gonna
go open Surah Al-Kahf.
Oh that's a long one.
But let me tell you something.
Start reading it.
Before you know it it will be so
easy for you.
But you got to start.
What did they say?
They said you don't got to be great
to start but you got to start to
be great.
You got to just start the Quran.
You got to start reading Surah Al-Kahf.
And before you know it it may take
a year may take two but before you
know it you have Surah Al-Kahf down.
Yes it's a long Surah.
I know.
And there's other narrations that say the ten
verses of Surah Al-Kahf.
Number five.
Oh my favorite.
The Prophet ﷺ he said man shaaba shayba
fil Islam.
Whoever grows gray hair in Islam.
Meaning you put in work and you grow
old in deen.
White hair starts to come.
Whoever grows old in the deen.
All of the gray will be nur on
the Day of Judgment.
And that's just about being consistent.
Being on the deen.
Being on the deen.
Staying consistent and putting in time.
May Allah give us that light.
Allah give us that light.
The Prophet ﷺ whenever he would leave the
house and go to the masjid he would
read this dua.
You guys ready?
This is a beautiful dua.
Read it in English.
I think a lot of us are so
caught on duas.
It's like you're like Allahumma aja'al ni'ma.
Like chill out.
Just read it in English habibi.
Just read it in English.
We're like I gotta read perfect tajweed, makharish.
Al ma'na.
The meaning is in English.
If you read it with English I even
think the meaning hits you more.
That's why back in the day I used
to tell people don't say inshallah say God
Yeah it sounds different.
Are you coming around God willing?
God willing.
You alright bro?
You okay?
I remember when I first converted and I
said like God willing to my mom she
was tripping.
She's like are you okay?
Michael we love you.
We love you Michael.
Don't do anything dumb.
We love you.
No a lot of these duas we should
say in English.
This dua is beautiful.
This is a dua I took from Imam
Noah's Kitab al-Adhar.
And it says whenever the Prophet would leave
you're gonna have to write it down because
if you don't write it not right now
anytime but if you don't write it down
you won't have the habit.
And so I'll recite I'll read it to
you and then maybe if someone after wants
to get it or like just work together.
Whenever the Prophet would set out to go
to the masjid he would read this dua.
I'll read the Arabic and then I'll translate
Allahumma ja'al fee qalbi noora.
Oh Allah put noor in my heart.
Wa ja'al fee lisani noora.
Oh Allah put noor in my tongue.
Allahumma ja'al fee sam'i noora.
Put noor in my listening.
Allahu Akbar.
Wa ja'al fee basri noora.
Oh Allah put light in my sight.
Allahumma ja'al min khalfi noora.
Wa min amami noora.
Oh Allah put light behind me and in
front of me.
Wa ja'al min fawqi noora.
Put light above me.
Wa min tahni tahti noora.
Allahumma a'tini noora.
Oh Allah give me light.
Whenever the Prophet was leaving the house to
go to the masjid he would read this
Let's review it.
What's the beginning?
Oh Allah.
Allahumma ja'al fee qalbi noora.
Number two.
Oh Allah put light on my tongue.
Number three.
My hearing.
It's easy.
We got it.
We're gonna leave her knowing the dua.
Allahumma ja'al fee sam'i noora.
What's next?
Basri noora.
All right now what's next?
Khalfi behind me light.
In front of me light.
Above me light.
Below me light.
Oh Allah just give me my noor.
Give me, just give me my noor ya
I want my light.
Allahu Akbar.
What time is salah?
8.15. Allahu Akbar.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, we'll stop here
We'll finish this verse because the next verse
is heavy, but hold on.
Their light will be shining in front of
This is the darkest moment of qiyamah.
They need this light to get to jannah,
but the only light you have is the
light you brought from dunya.
That's it.
Their light will be going in front of
them and on their right side.
The scholars say why right side?
Because that's where they got their book from.
They got the book from the right hand
so their light is there, but they can
see everything and because they can see everything
they're flying over the Sirat.
They're moving fast because I can see everything.
To me this is beautiful because this life
without Islam is dark.
Islam gave me light.
It taught me how to eat properly, how
to care for my children, how to care
for my wife, how to pray.
I didn't even get to ibadah.
It taught me how to live.
It taught me how to clean myself and
at a time where everyone is searching for
light on YouTube, how I live my day.
Huberman, he's good, but I'm saying he ain't
got nothing on like Islam, something like that,
whatever, you know what I mean?
I don't even know.
Okay, cool.
No, what I'm saying is people are searching
for light and the Quran says, we gave
you light.
We gave you a light by which you
walk amongst people.
Hold this Islam proud, man.
Hold it proud and realize the light that
you have.
And that's why when the Prophet came to
Medina, what was the name of Medina?
And that's why when you come back from
it, you get sick.
That post Medina sickness is real, bro.
Because your heart, honestly, I realize it's your
heart's broken, man.
You were just in that light.
You were giving salat to the Prophet, salam
to the Prophet.
You were there and you get off that
plane, land in JFK or DFW like, man,
I'm sick of this.
Like Ibrahim, in that spiritual separation, I feel
creates a real sickness, man.
And that's why people, I tell the Shabab,
Alhamdulillah, some of the Shabab went recently.
Keep make recent, like you got to do
reps of Umrah, man.
Umrah, it rejuvenates you.
Everyone here who hasn't been for Umrah, make
an intention.
I'm going for Umrah in the next few
Say inshallah.
Do it.
That's why Medina became so bright.
It's because the Prophet, salam, he was there.
And they say the moment we buried him,
the moment we buried him, immediately they said,
listen, it got dark, visibly dark in Medina.
They said, we buried him and immediately we
couldn't even recognize our own hearts anymore.
That light was gone.
I was like, who am I?
What's going on?
Hold on.
We're not done.
Light will be shining.
These people, these believers on the day of
judgment, the angels came.
They said, there's your light, Abdullah.
There's your light, Haytham.
There's your light, Ayman.
There you go.
Take your light and run.
Now they're running into Jannah because their light
is bright.
The angels look at us coming into Jannah.
What do the angels say?
Bushraakumul yawm.
Glad tidings.
In another verse of the Quran, the angels
are watching us come in and they're saying,
salamun alaikum tibutum.
They're saying, salamun alaikum.
Y'all did good, man.
Y'all did good.
You know, you know how appreciation, you know
how much we value appreciation.
We, our lives are based on, so much
of us, we want to be appreciated for
what we did.
And the Quran says that as you're walking
into the gates of Jannah, the angels are
all watching.
They're like, yo, this, we watched the whole
No, for real.
They were there from day one, said, are
you going to create that thing?
And Allah said, watch what this thing does.
It'll be amazing what he does.
This thing will show love.
This thing will sacrifice.
This thing will watch what this thing, human
And here we are walking into Jannah.
And what are the angels saying?
Salamun alaikum tibutum.
Salamun alaikum.
Y'all did good.
Y'all did good, man.
40, 50, 60 years of Mujahidah, taking care
of kids, a family, earning a living, praying
on time, holding onto your deen, holding onto
your religion in the face of all the
Angels say, you did good.
You did good.
You did amazing.
You held onto this deen in that horrible
You did amazing.
Glad tidings today.
You get a garden with rivers flowing underneath.
Till today, waterfront is the best property.
That's why Dallas is horrible.
Ain't got nothing.
Somebody's like, what do you like about Dallas?
I was like, Muslims.
That's it.
No one roll like the Muslims in Dallas,
But if it came to property and a
Allah knows what the nafs loves.
We love to see moving water.
Moving water just refreshes you.
Allah says Jannah.
Lakefront, water flowing right in front of you.
And you know how this verse ends, y
That's the real success in life.
Bro, I don't care how much money you
You're going to reach a point where you're
like, what do I do with this?
You're going to feel empty at the end.
Allah's telling you in this book right now,
that success on the day of judgment, when
the angels say, yo, good job, bro.
Allah says, that's success.
That's success.
So don't let the losses of this dunya
really trouble you.
And don't let the successes of the dunya
really hype you up.
That is true success.
When do you need that verse, that phrase?
I would write that down.
That's the true success.
When do I need to see that?
When I fail in life.
I'm like, yo, that ain't the real failure.
The real failure is on the day of
judgment not to get my life.
That's the real failure.
That's the real failure.
And then when life is successful, things going
good, I'm like, I love this dunya.
I need to see that verse to remind
The real success, real success is over there,
not this one.
May Allah accept from us, inshallah.
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala continue to
open victories for our ummah.
May Allah continue to open victories for the
people of Syria and the people of Palestine.
May Allah make us a means of contributing
to their khair and their goodness in any
way possible.
May Allah give us a love for the
May Allah give us a love for the
May Allah make us of those that get
their light on the day of judgment by
which we walk into the gates of Jannah.
SubhanakAllahumma wa bihamdik nashhadu wa la ila ila
Nasakfiru wa atubu ilayk.
All right, a little bit of logistics here.
So obviously, y'all know we're doing construction
on the other side.
I believe the women's prayer hall is that
back room right there.
Obviously, this is temporary.
Y'all know how our setup typically is.
But the room, y'all gonna have to
go back that way and pray.
There's an exit out of this door too
when it is time to leave.
The brothers will pray here.
This is the prayer hall, inshallah ta'ala.
So once the sisters clear out to the
prayer hall there, then we could slide over
for Salah.