Maryam Lemu – SEXUAL ABUSE

Maryam Lemu
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the taboo subject of sexual abuse and how many people are left to carry scars and wounds. They explain that victims are often left to feel bitter, broken, in love, or painful, and that sexual abuse is a taboo subject. The speaker warns that victims are often blamed for what happened and that actions like keeping silent or denying the existence of the situation can lead to victimization.
AI: Transcript ©
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I want to talk about sexual abuse. This is sadly a taboo subject in

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many cultures, where victims are left to feel bitter, broken, in

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denial, ashamed and left to carry scars and wounds and suffer in

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silence. They're made to feel guilty and even blamed. The sad

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thing is that the perpetrators of this offense are often people we

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know. It could be teachers or lecturers, guests in our homes,

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our parents friends, could be our friends, strangers, healthcare

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practitioners, neighbors, it could happen in school, it could be

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relatives or guardians house help even siblings, and sadly and

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tragically, even parents. Those who try to speak up are told to

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keep silent in order not to bring shame to the family, or they are

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simply told to forgive. And if you're not careful, they are

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actually blamed for what happened to them. If you happen to be a

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victim of sexual abuse, or * or *, the first step to

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lightening your load is to acknowledge that it actually

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happened. Some people are able to shut it in their minds and

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actually act like it never even happened. They block it

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