Maryam Amir – Youre not a hypocrite

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The speaker discusses how Allah's actions speak to one's personality and how they act as an reflection of his success. They argue that one's actions speak to oneself and not to others, and that one's actions speak to oneself and not to others. The speaker also emphasizes that one's actions speak to oneself and not to others, and that one's success is not reflection of others' actions.
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This Ramadan when you are sitting and telling yourself that you
haven't focused enough in your prayer, or you're not good enough
because you're not doing the most in Ramadan, or you're not feeling
it, and so therefore Allah must be mad at you, or you sinned many
different types of sins while you were fasting and wondering if it's
even going to be accepted. And you're having those thoughts about
how you are the absolute worst. I want you to remember that when you
have self talk, it is self talk you are talking to yourself that
is not Allah talking to you. The way you see yourself and the way
that you speak to yourself is not a reflection of how Allah's Panama
Taala sees you and witnesses your struggle and your effort to come
back to him. And you're making mistakes, but then trying to
correct it, feeling bad and feeling guilty,
and you're trying to go back to him. You're not a hypocrite.