Maryam Amir – You dont love wearing hijab

Maryam Amir
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the issue of wearing incorrectly, which they believe is a sign of obligations and weakness. They ask the other person to reframe the situation for them, explaining that wearing it for the sake of Allah is a pleasing experience for Allah. The speaker also suggests that wearing it for a pleasing purpose only is not a sign of dedication to Allah.
AI: Transcript ©
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The fact that you think this is a problem, subhanAllah, why do you

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wear hijab? Because it's an obligation. That's it. That's

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literally the only reason you're not doing it because it gives you

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a high. You're not doing it because you're addicted to a

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feeling. You're wearing it out of obedience to Allah, subhana wa

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taala, and that's all. I fully understand the feelings of

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discouragement, but I want to reframe that for you, the fact

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that you wear it for the sake of Allah only as a sign of the

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dedication of your faith, what you might see as not being good

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enough. Or maybe Allah doesn't love the fact that you that you're

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not like skipping jumping for joy because you get to wear hijab

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every day. Maybe you see that as not as pleasing to Him, but maybe

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to Allah, he is so pleased with you because you're doing it for no

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other sake than for the sake of Allah. Do not belittle your

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struggle, because maybe in your sight it's a struggle, but maybe

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in the sight of Allah, it is what is elevating your status, because

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your commitment to it literally only for the sake of Allah, and

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that is all.

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