Maryam Amir – What if you hate yourself but Allah loves you #everlastingrelationship #quran #religion

Maryam Amir
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a scene where Jesus Christ's love for Angel Jibreel leads to a woman named Gabriel who is being sexually assaulted by Jesus Christ's followers. Jesus Christ's followers believe that they are being sexually assaulted by the woman they are watching, and therefore, they become sexual predators of the woman they are watching.
AI: Transcript ©
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What if you hate yourself, but Allah loves you. When Allah loves

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you, he calls Angel Jibreel Angel Gabriel, and Allah tells him, I

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love and then Allah says your name. Imagine Angel Jibreel his

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Salam, who went from one prophet after another. Imagine the Quran

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from Angel Jibreel being transmitted from God to the

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Prophet Muhammad, sallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam, that that very

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same angel loves you. And then that angel goes to the inhabitants

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of the heavens and reveals Allah's love for you. And so the

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inhabitants of the heavens love you. You're walking on Earth,

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hating yourself but the inhabitants of the heavens, Angel

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Gabriel and your Creator, who knows exactly what you're going

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through and why you're feeling the way that you do and all that you

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struggle with,

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love you you.

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