Maryam Amir – The Power of Duaa

Maryam Amir
AI: Summary ©
The speakers emphasize the importance of praying and finding a Muslim health professional to help with processing emotions and legacy, creating " recognize the name of Islam" through personal support and affirmations. They also stress the need for personal support and affirmations of one's abilities, and the importance of learning from the internet and finding the right person to ask for forgiveness when making the best decision. The book "ret forth" is recommended to learn the names of Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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He was

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happy he as everyone who

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has tuned in, we give you and we start with assalamu, Alaikum.

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Warahmatullahi wa Barakatuh Alhamdulillah. Today, we are

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blessed and privileged that we are joined with Shaykh MADI and Amir

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from the USA, who inshallah will be covering the

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important topic titled The Power of DUA and implementing dua in our

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daily lives. Of course, in a session which is one hour, which

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would consist of a presentation and a Q, A, we will naturally be

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limited, but Inshallah, she will try to cover as much and as much

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as possible, and inshallah. For those who have questions, you can

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ask your questions

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on the chat section on YouTube, inshallah which and we will try

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our best inshallah to cover as many questions towards the end.

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For sure, we cannot promise that we will answer each and every

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question, but we will envisage, Inshallah, to try to answer as

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many questions. Alhamdulillah, Sheik Ahmadiyya Ahmed is based in

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the USA, in California. She Alhamdulillah has a Bachelors and

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a Masters, and then further on, she went to study a BA in Sharia,

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in Islamic Studies at the prestigious Al Azhar University in

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Egypt. Alhamdulillah, she is also a half of the Quran, someone who

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has memorized the book of Allah, subhanho wa Taala from the

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beginning to the end, which we ask Allah to preserve her inshaAllah

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with this great nyama that Allah has blessed her. And

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Alhamdulillah, she is also black belt in Taekwondo, so something

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Alhamdulillah, diverse skills and so forth. So really, without any

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further delay, I don't want to take any more time. I'll pass it

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on to shayham, Madam Amir Inshallah, shukran, nakam,

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Abu Asmaa, rajim, Rahim, alhamdulillahi until even Mubarak

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in fee wa Salatu was Alamo Allah rasulallah, when I was so blessed

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to go for Haj al hamdilla. I was sitting in the Rolla. Excuse me. I

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was sitting waiting to get into into the Rolla. Any of you who

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have been blessed to go to Medina know that it's really difficult

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when you're a woman to go into the area where there's green carpet in

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the Rolla. There were 4 million people who made Hajj that year. It

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was insanely crowded. And in addition to the fact that women

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have very specific timings when we are able to enter the Rolla, the

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area is very small, so we're sitting there as a group, I was so

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blessed to go with my mom and my aunt and my husband, and it was

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just my mom and my aunt with this group of women from our hedge

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group, just waiting to see when we're going to get into the Roda,

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and as we're just waiting, I decided that I'm going to make dua

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and drink zems Water because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam

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taught us that zemzem is what you drink it for. So if you make a DUA

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and you drink ZEM with that dua, that is what that dua is,

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inshallah going to be answered because of the way you drink ZEM

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with it. So I sat, I drank some zemzon water, I made dua, and I

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asked Allah to open the way for myself and my mom and my aunt to

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please go into the Rolla, and not just any part of the Rolla, but to

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be able to pray on the green carpet of the Rolla, which,

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considering how many people were there and how many hours upon

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hours people were waiting to get in, seemed like an impossibility.

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I made this I walked back to where my mom and aunt were sitting with

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a group of women, and within moments, somebody came and said

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that it is our turn to go into the area to send our Salawat on the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And of course, you can

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send your Salawat to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi waslam from

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anywhere in the world. Allah Nabi no habina Muhammad,

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as we get up to start walking, a different woman comes up to me

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specifically. We are hundreds of women all over. I'm standing with

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other woman closely. This woman singles me out, and she comes up

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to me and she says, Excuse me. Are you part of this Hajj group? There

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is a woman who is outside on a wheelchair, and her son is asking

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if somebody can take her into the Rolla.

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When she asked this, I have to be honest and ask for forgiveness

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from Allah. Because there was a moment where I was thinking,

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subhanAllah, we just stood up, and I was supposed to go into the

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Rolla right now, but now I'm not going to be going. I'm going to be

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going out so that I can, Inshallah, support my sister. And

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it Washam, just a moment that I felt that.

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But May Allah forgive me for that. And sometimes in those moments

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where we think that our dua is being answered and we're standing

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up to go into the Rolla, Allah directs us to a different place. I

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turned the opposite direction. I walked out of the doors of the

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masjid, and I was so honored to meet this auntie, this beautiful,

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incredible auntie, who is here to make Hajj with her son despite any

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of the difficulty. And so I had the immense honor of wheeling her

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into the area where we're supposed to go. And then as I get closer,

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there is a special section, a specific section, just for people

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who are coming in with wheelchairs. And so I'm taking

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this beloved auntie and we're going through this section. And

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instead of the area where there are hundreds and then outside,

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1000s of women who are in this space together, who are all

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unfortunately fighting for space to just pray and make dua. There

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is so much chaos sometimes in the Rolla, and there's so many reasons

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for that, but in this place, with this place of wheelchairs, there

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are six people standing in a line, or excuse me, sitting in a line

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and standing and waiting for their turn to just peacefully be rolled

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into their special spot and to just sit or pray and make dua. I

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prayed to rakaz after to rakaz after Tul rakaz in the peace in

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the in the quiet of this special place of the Rolla with this

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beloved auntie. And I want to clarify that there are so many

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people in our Ummah who are so honored and blessed, and we are so

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honored and blessed to have members of our Ummah with

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different types of special needs, different types of disability,

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some of them are hidden and some of them are visible. And in the

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time of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam, some of the

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companions have disabilities, including Abdullah ibn umaqtom

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RadiAllahu, anhu, who was one of the muads of the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And so we are so blessed and so

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honored that even in the leadership of the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he chose to teach all of us as an

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ummah, that people with all types of different abilities are so

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needed in our ummah. And I had the honor of being somewhat in

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somewhat of a service to this sister, but in a in reality, this

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Auntie honored me, because it was through her that my dua of being

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able to pray in the Rolla was answered. And when I went out with

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this auntie, And Alhamdulillah, I'm so grateful that we became

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very close friends during that trip, my mom and my aunt came out,

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and I asked them, Did you also get to pray in the Rolla? And they

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both had huge smiles on their faces, and Alhamdulillah, yes,

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they had also been honored to pray in the green area where the carpet

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is green, and it sat a sign that, Inshallah, that's one of the

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places as if you're praying in paradise, but the reality of being

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able to pray in that special place wasn't really high because of the

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amount of people until that moment of making dua. I didn't know if it

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would happen, but with that dua, Allah subhanho wa Taala not only

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facilitated a way for us to enter and pray, but in a much better way

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than I would have even thought of doing and in a way where I got to

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be blessed with the companionship of a new friend

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when we make dua, sometimes we are hopeful, but other times we're

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making it from a place of pain. There are people who are going

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into because they so badly need it, and there are other people who

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are making dua casually, all of us, sometimes, we are going to a

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loss of hanhuata Ada with a need so great that our hearts are

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breaking, and the hope that he could just open this door because

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of his power is there. But sometimes we lose sight of why

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we're making it in the first place. We lose hope. After years

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of making dua, we wonder whether or not he's going to facilitate

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for us these doors of opening Salah into the Rolla,

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and what we need to do is take that pain that we feel, and

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instead of allowing that pain to cripple and paralyze us in our

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hope, we need to take that pain and pull it all, pour It our pour

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it all into the power of dua today, Inshallah, we're going to

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talk about what pain looks like when instead of allowing it to

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pull you down, you use it to lift you up into

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the P for pain stands for pain.

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Power and protection. We're going to look at how we can make dua a

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place of protection, a place where we feel powered, empowered, a

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place where we feel it is a safe space.

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How do you look at dua as your safe space, as your refuge, as

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your place of protection.

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Listen to Maryam alaihi salam's mother as she makes dua in the

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Quran and a very famous dua, she is quoted to say,

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if all a

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team like a mafia Muhammara,

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me in the

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semi she says to Allah subhanho wa taala, talking about who is in her

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womb that she she, she gives This baby to Allah subhanho wa taala,

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muharra Rah fat, accept it from me in Nakia, anti Semir

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a semi the All Hearing, Allah alim, the one who is always

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knowledgeable, the one who was well aware. Why is the mother of

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Maryam making this dua? It is because, after so much excitement

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and hope and longing to have a baby and the celebration for which

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she is pregnant, she's so excited about this pregnancy with her

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husband. Her husband passes away. Amran ALA, his Salam passes away,

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and so now she went from being an excited potential first new mother

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to the fear of having a child on her own and being a single mom

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she's facing the rest of her life now, raising a daughter on her own

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or a son. She didn't know it was a daughter at that time. She, in

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fact, thought it was a son, and she's making dua by two of Allah's

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names, a Samir and Al alim.

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And these are the same two names that in Surah Yusuf, when Yusuf

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alaihi salam is asking ALLAH to protect him, he's already been

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thrown in a well. He's been sold the manipulation of his brothers,

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he hasn't he separated from his father. He's gone through so many

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things, and now the woman who was basically kind of like a kind of

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like she adopted him into her household as a child, now she's

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trying to seduce him, and also brings in all these other women to

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do so. And so he is making dua to Allah and asking him, saying that

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it's better to be thrown in prison than to be dealing with this. And

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what does Allah say?

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And okay, the one in in Nahua, Sammy on Ali, the same exact names

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of Allah, Subhanahu wa that mariam's Mother alayha Salam

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called to him with Allah is using those same names in the distress

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of Yusuf alaihi salam when he's calling out, when he's in this

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position as a slave in this household of a privileged person

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of power, he has no control and no idea where he can find refuge with

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except with Allah. Allah answers him and says a semiar and ALA.

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Why? Because a therapist told me that one of the most healing parts

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of your process in going through pain is being able to call out,

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make dua and know that you're going to be heard uninterrupted.

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Psychologically, it is validating for you to simply be able to speak

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without anyone stopping you and saying that's not what happened,

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or stop you and saying, Get over it, or stop you and saying, that's

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not a big deal. Get into comparison to what everyone else

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is going through. Think about all the people who are going through

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those things. Think about all the people who are going through those

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you're not over that yet. You're still not over that. Why are you

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still crying over that? All of those voices that you hear when

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you're trying to just express how much pain you're

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in, and you can do that without obstruction.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala is not only constantly listening. He is

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not only hearing everything that you're going through. He is also

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Allah alim. He knows it very personally. He knows very

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intimately why you're asking for what you're asking. He was

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witnessing what happened to you. He saw the trauma that you

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experienced, and he saw the joy that you hoped for. He knows all

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of it and so in this safe place of.

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Dua, in this protection of dua, in this powerful moment when you call

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out in dua, he hears you. He already knows exactly what you're

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going through. And that is why it is so powerful when you call out

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to Him, that you call out by these names so panhuta Allah, that he

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knows exactly what you're going through.

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Dr Jinan Yusuf wrote an incredible book which alburu Press, may Allah

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bless all of you. They published recently. It's called reflecting

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on the names of Allah, and in it, she talks about a very powerful

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point. She says that the very first ayah of the Quran that was

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revealed from Angel Jibreel alaihi salam to the Prophet Muhammad

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came at a time in which the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is constantly going into the cave of

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Hira and he is searching he has lost babies in infancy. He himself

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was orphaned. He never knew his dad. He lost his mother at such a

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young age, the grandfather who took him in was already deceased.

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He was raised in poverty. He has gone through so much pain as an

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individual, and now he's looking for meaning and purpose, looking

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out over the Kaaba from this mountain, and in this isolation,

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in this cave, which was a safe physical space for him, An angel

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appears and says, What

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bismero bikin levy ha Bismillahi, Rob,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala uses the name Rob. Why

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a ROB is often translated as your Lord. But who is Rob?

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Allah subhanho wa Taala is

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the Nourisher, the Sustainer. He is the one who is the master, the

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one who the rub. Is the one who ensures that you have a

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ceiling over your your head. He is the one who ensures that you have

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a shelter. He is the one who ensures that you are nurtured and

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nourished. A RAB is comforting to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi

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wasallam, because he has consistently lost people who were

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supposed to be

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caretakers for him. He has consistently had to depart with

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people who have comforted and nurtured him. And so Allah

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subhanahu wa reveals himself through angel Gabriel to the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in the midst of this face

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of isolation with the name Rab, the one who takes care of him, the

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one who is there as someone who is going to nurture and nourish him,

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the one who is his master and will guide him, sallAllahu, alayhi wa

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sallam. And so when you are in these places, when you are in

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school or at work or in the middle of quarantine with your children,

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and you are going crazy, or you're wishing that you had children to

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go crazy with whatever you are going through. He is your safe

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space, and his names are the ones that we call out to because he

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Subhan wa Taala teaches us who he is through them. There is a woman

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who told me she's an older woman whose husband passed away over

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almost 10 years ago. May Allah have so much mercy on him and

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enter him into the highest paradise and all of her loved

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ones. And she said that she used to walk on a cliff that would

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overlook a beach, and just walk there every single day, looking

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out at an apartment building. And this apartment building had

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patios, and on these patios, there was one with a chair, and she

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would look at that specific patio and stare at that chair, and she

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would wish that she could just sit on that chair and look out at that

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ocean drinking some tea.

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And one day, her loneliness just became too much to bear. She sat

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in her home and she broke down to Allah, and she asked Allah to

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bring someone who could be her friend, somebody who could help

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her not be so so lonely, calling out to a rub, calling out to the

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one who she knows is listening as Sameer, to Allah alim, who knows

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her circumstances. And then after she poured out her heart, and she

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told me, this wasn't a regular dot. This was her heart breaking

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and everything coming out into a week later, she was walking back

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on those cliffs, and she saw a woman who looked like she was

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looking just for her. She made a beeline just for this auntie. She

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just went straight to this auntie, and she was.

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Like, who are you? This is my name. How are you? And they

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started to talk. They were both in similar life, life, life

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experiences, both in their 70s and 80s, talking to one another about

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their lives. And then this woman asked this Auntie to come back to

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her home and continue their conversation over tea. Now this

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Auntie was like, you know, I just met this lady, but she felt

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comfortable with her. And so she went, where did they walk to that

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apartment building that the auntie was always seeing. And she invited

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this Auntie into her home and asked her to go onto the patio

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while she made some tea. And so now she opens the patio door, and

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she sees that very same chair she used to see while she was walking,

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wishing that she could sit on that chair.

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And now she's being invited to sit on that very same chair, and she's

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drinking the tea that this woman is inviting her to drink on her

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looking out over the ocean that she so long to sit in that chair,

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drink that tea, look out at the ocean with and now she's made a

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friend, and this friend with her goes everywhere. And subhanAllah,

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look how ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala didn't just answer her dua.

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Answering her dua would have simply been sending someone.

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She not only answered her dua with friendship,

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but he perfected that answer by giving her a want of her heart

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that she never asked for she wanted, but she never made dua for

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simply sitting and looking out of that ocean in the chair

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Subhanallah, when you make dua your safe space, when you know

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that Allah, subhanho wa Taala is the only one who will answer you,

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you know that you can go there with all of your fears and all of

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your tears, and that he will respond subhanho wa taala, and

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that is making dua protection. That is the P in pain, taking your

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pain, pouring it out into dua as a place of protection, as a place of

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safety, as a refuge. Let's go to the A in pain. That is assurance,

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being assured that when you make dua, Allah will answer you why?

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Because it's not about the person who's making dua. It's not about

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you. It's about the one you are making dua to whether or not you

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are doing all the deeds that you used to do in the past. So many

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people tell me, I used to be so on top of my worship, I would make

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tahajjud. I would pray extra fast, but now with the reality of

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responsibilities of life, I can't do all of those things. And

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Ramadan, specifically, I hear all the time from people who used to

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be able to spend hours in the masjid, and now they're at home

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with responsibilities, and they can't give the same type of

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worship sacrifice, and they feel terrible about it. I myself have

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gone through this. I would just spend so much of Ramadan weeping

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because, not weeping out of piety, weeping out of regret, like I used

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to be, this person of worship, and now my reality is I can't do that

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anymore. One of my teachers taught me. He said that Ibn Al Taw Allah

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says that you wanting to do something,

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you wishing that you could do other types of worship that you

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cannot do because of the responsibilities Allah has put

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into your life right now. That is your own desire. It's your own

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desire to do all of these extra things, which is wonderful. It's

00:23:33 --> 00:23:37

wonderful you have that desire. But that's not the type of worship

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that Allah is asking of you. He is asking of you to work full time so

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you can support your family. He is asking of you to to emotionally be

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there to support someone you love. He is asking you to physically

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take care of someone in your life that you need to. Allah is having

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these responsibilities in your life. Well, we look at ourselves

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and we think I'm not reading Quran like I used to, or we think about

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other people and how look at their righteousness and look at us in

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So what about people like us? What about people who you make dua, but

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you think I'm not good enough for my dua to be answered? But then

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what listen to what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says,

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He told us that dua is the ay Bada, and then he recited,

00:24:29 --> 00:24:31


00:24:33 --> 00:24:42

your Lord says commands. It is an actual command. Make dua to me, I

00:24:42 --> 00:24:46

will respond to you. It is a promise that if you make dua,

00:24:46 --> 00:24:56

Allah will respond. And he also says, well, either and if the I

00:24:56 --> 00:24:59

either the.

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And then, when you, when you ask about Allah, he is close, kharib,

00:25:07 --> 00:25:14

ujib. Ujib, I either he answers the one who calls, when that

00:25:14 --> 00:25:20

person calls, what are these? Look, kharib, he is close. Ujib,

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one of the names of Allah is Al Mujib. He is the one who responds.

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He answers you, and he's pairing up this name and this attribute of

00:25:30 --> 00:25:34

his name, Mujib al hujeeb. He is the one who answers. Al Mujib is

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the one who answers. He's pairing these up and saying that when you

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ask something, when you ask Allah, no matter where you are, whether

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it's something in your heart or a whisper or you're screaming out

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loud, begging him, whatever it is, he is close, and he answers. And

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that is a promise. It is a promise from Allah, the Prophet salallahu,

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alayhi wa sallam taught us odo Allah, make dua to Allah, and you

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are certain well and to move in unabil, that you are certain, have

00:26:10 --> 00:26:16

this assurance that He will answer you. And again, it's not about who

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you are, it's about who you're asking, because in dua, you are

00:26:21 --> 00:26:26

affirming all of the names of Allah and His attributes. He is Al

00:26:26 --> 00:26:31

Kareem. He is the constantly generous. You affirm to him that

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you know his generosity, which is why you are asking the Prophet

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salallahu alayhisam taught the companions to make to even it's

00:26:38 --> 00:26:40

for even if it's for their shoelaces, make to offer

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everything for the big and for the small. You might lose your car

00:26:43 --> 00:26:46

keys, and you're like, Oh, am I really going to, like, pour, like,

00:26:46 --> 00:26:51

pour my heart out and to offer my car keys? But at the same time, we

00:26:51 --> 00:26:54

need, you need your car keys to get out, and you can't find them

00:26:54 --> 00:26:58

anywhere. So yes, make pour your heart out and to offer your car

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keys. And add a phrase, add a phrase I know, Allah, anything

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else I should have made dua for right now, Oh Allah, everything

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good, everything good in this life and the next. Give it to me and my

00:27:09 --> 00:27:12

loved ones. You pour out your dua for the small include the big two.

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You never, ever lose with the DUA. The Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wa

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salam taught us that every single dua will be answered as long as

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you're not asking for something sinful and you're not asking to

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cut off ties with relatives. And I want to make a clarification here.

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There are lots of relatives who are very toxic. They are abusive.

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They are physically abusive to people. I get these questions all

00:27:33 --> 00:27:36

the time. Those are different circumstances. You have to protect

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yourself and your family. We're not talking about these, these

00:27:39 --> 00:27:43

types of circumstances. But when you are in circumstances where you

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are asking, and you are just asking for something that's not

00:27:46 --> 00:27:50

sinful and not harmful to someone else, you're asking for you, the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasam told the Companions about the

00:27:53 --> 00:27:56

Promise of Allah to answer. What are the companions reply? They

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said, so we're going to ask for it. We're going to ask. We're just

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going to make sure. We're going to make John. The Prophet sallallahu

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sallam said, the Prophet SAW taught that them that Allah is

00:28:04 --> 00:28:09

even greater than this, that it doesn't even whatever you ask,

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he's going to answer, and more. So keep asking, continue to ask,

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because whatever you ask, Allah promises to answer. And I'm going

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to share a story with you, which I have shared widely before, and

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you've probably never heard of me, so it doesn't matter anyway, but

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if you've read the story before, I'm going to tell you the story of

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when I asked for something which seems really minor, but it was a

00:28:31 --> 00:28:36

cell phone, and I was in Medina begging Allah to bring my cell

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phone back from a taxi, because I left it in a taxi, and I was

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making this sincere, serious dua, thinking to Allah and saying out

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loud, Oh Allah, you've promised that if you make dua, that if I

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make dua, you will answer. You've told me that you are listening.

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The Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam told us to have Yaqeen in

00:28:56 --> 00:28:59

our dua, and here I am making this dua to you, this cell phone to me,

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was a brand new gift from someone that I loved. It had all of these

00:29:03 --> 00:29:06

notes that I hadn't backed up that were really important, and they

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had so many pictures of my child with his great grandparents, I

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didn't want to lose that because of all that it meant. And so I

00:29:13 --> 00:29:17

left Medina and we went to Dubai and Subhanallah in transit. We

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were spending a few days there, and my husband texted an old

00:29:21 --> 00:29:26

number, and he texted it with a brand new number from Dubai. And

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if that number from Dubai had gone onto my cell phone, my old cell

00:29:32 --> 00:29:35

phone that I had left in Medina, it would have shown up with a

00:29:35 --> 00:29:38

whole bunch of string of numbers. But if he had texted with his own

00:29:38 --> 00:29:41

name on his regular cell phone, it would have shown up just as his

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Subhan Allah. I get a I get a phone call on that number that

00:29:47 --> 00:29:52

night, and it was a woman in Medina who told me, I found a cell

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phone in Medina, and this is the number that showed up. She wasn't

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she had Pamela. She had to be able to read that number.

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Her, charge my phone, take it off airplane mode. She had to know how

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to do all of these things. Allah, panata. Allah brought a very

00:30:07 --> 00:30:10

truthful person who knew how to work with this type of phone, who

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was willing to make that call. And then Subhan Allah the fact that

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she was able to see that number instead of just my husband's name,

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so she was able to make a call with it, because it's locked so

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she couldn't open it. So then may Allah bless Sheik Haseeb Noor and

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Sheik Ahmed Bilu their with their help, sheib was able to get my

00:30:29 --> 00:30:33

cell phone from the woman in Medina meet one of my friends who

00:30:33 --> 00:30:38

went to make Amra in Mecca, from California. Gave her that phone

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and she came back. She lived seven hours away from me, but I was

00:30:41 --> 00:30:45

speaking at a conference in her city the day after she arrived

00:30:45 --> 00:30:50

from Mecca and Subhanallah, her sister gave me that cell phone

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that I left in a taxi in Medina. This is so minor a cell phone. Who

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cares about losing your cell phone? Obviously, cell phones are

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important to us today, but at the end of the day, are you going to

00:31:01 --> 00:31:06

pour your life out into dua? Yes, you are. Why? Because it's not

00:31:06 --> 00:31:10

just that Allah Pana Taala can bring the heavens and the earth

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together to answer Abdullah, still minor, like a cell phone. But what

00:31:14 --> 00:31:18

about you who is going through depression? What about you who has

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just lost someone you love? What about you, who is struggling in

00:31:21 --> 00:31:26

your marriage, whatever you are going through, if he can answer my

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job by bringing everything together for it, then what about

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the reality of what you are going through, which is so much greater

00:31:33 --> 00:31:38

than a cellphone? And what are you doing? You are hoping in him. You

00:31:38 --> 00:31:42

are trusting in Him. You you are showing your love to him while you

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doubt yourself, while you wonder whether or not you're good enough,

00:31:46 --> 00:31:49

while you question the sins that you commit. But you're still

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trying to pray, even if sometimes you struggle with it, you're still

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trying. Don't you think that he sees that? Don't you think that he

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loves that Allah subhanho wa Taala appreciates he is a Shakur. He

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appreciates even the smallest amount of good that you do. And he

00:32:08 --> 00:32:13

doesn't just appreciate by saying thank you. He appreciates it by

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rewarding it, not just through your small action,

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but it can be 10 to 700 to even an infinite amount, greater amount of

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times of reward for what you've done in this life and especially

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in the hereafter. Because he is a Shakur,

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he is so grateful for everything. He is the appreciative. And that's

00:32:35 --> 00:32:40

why we should never put our hope and our job being answered because

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of us. He answers our dua because of who he is, not because of who

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we are, and in your hoping of him, when you make dua with certainty

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and you say, Oh Allah, I am not deserving of this blessing, but I

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ask you anyway, because you are the one who has the full power and

00:33:03 --> 00:33:07

capacity and the generosity to give it to me. You are doing

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worship. You are doing one of the highest forms of worship,

00:33:12 --> 00:33:17

and he is so grateful for that. It is beloved to him, and he promises

00:33:17 --> 00:33:20

to answer you. Subhanho wa taala.

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So when we're talking about turning our pain into dua, and we

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look at it as a place of protection, and we look at it as a

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place in which we are assured that Allah SWT will answer us, we then

00:33:37 --> 00:33:41

go into the next part, and that is i, that is insight.

00:33:43 --> 00:33:46

When we make dua, there are so many times that we don't feel like

00:33:46 --> 00:33:47

our dua is answered.

00:33:48 --> 00:33:54

So often when we make dua, we feel like he's not answering us this

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And I get this question very often from people who say things like

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they've been making a specific dua for 10 years, or they've been

00:34:01 --> 00:34:05

making a specific dua for a certain amount of time, and

00:34:05 --> 00:34:08

they're emotionally overwhelmed. They don't know if they should

00:34:08 --> 00:34:11

still make this dua, because it's too hard for them emotionally to

00:34:11 --> 00:34:15

keep making it. Should I still make dua for this? Is it a sign

00:34:15 --> 00:34:19

that Allah Pana Taala just doesn't want this to happen in my life?

00:34:19 --> 00:34:20

Should I give up on this,

00:34:21 --> 00:34:26

the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam told us that, again, as

00:34:26 --> 00:34:29

long as we're not making dua for something sinful or breaking ties,

00:34:29 --> 00:34:35

then what? Then he promises to reply. And these are two different

00:34:35 --> 00:34:40

narrations, and one of them it's as long as we don't say I made

00:34:40 --> 00:34:44

dua, I made dua, I made dua, and Allah is not responding.

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And in another narration, the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wa

00:34:48 --> 00:34:51

salam teaches us there are different ways for dua to be

00:34:51 --> 00:34:57

answered. Your dua can be answered by give being given exactly what

00:34:57 --> 00:34:59

you asked for, and maybe in an even better way, a.

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Your dua can be answered by some type of evil, being removed from

00:35:03 --> 00:35:07

your life, being protected from something. The Prophet sallallahu,

00:35:07 --> 00:35:10

alayhi wa salam told the companions that dua is for what

00:35:10 --> 00:35:13

has already happened, what is already happening in your life and

00:35:13 --> 00:35:18

what's going to happen. So always make dua. So Panu to Allah,

00:35:19 --> 00:35:21

because in these, in these,

00:35:22 --> 00:35:26

in these different ways, Allah can answer you. So whether it's going

00:35:26 --> 00:35:30

to be through that dua specifically being answered, or

00:35:30 --> 00:35:33

whether it's going to be some type of evil averted, or whether it's

00:35:33 --> 00:35:37

going to be on the Day of Judgment, you coming on the day of

00:35:37 --> 00:35:41

judgment, and you see the blessings of your DUA there,

00:35:41 --> 00:35:45

that's when it's given to you. And you say, I wish that I had men

00:35:45 --> 00:35:49

received nothing except for for it for in the Hereafter, or it could

00:35:49 --> 00:35:53

be given in a different way at a different time. And so there is no

00:35:53 --> 00:35:57

way that your DUA is not answered. Ibn hajab, he mentions he's a

00:35:57 --> 00:36:01

great scholar. I'm a pastor, with a commentary of Zahi Abu Khari. He

00:36:01 --> 00:36:04

mentions that your da, every single da, is answered. You can

00:36:04 --> 00:36:08

make the claim that all of my daughters are answered when I ask

00:36:08 --> 00:36:13

sincerely, as long as you also recognize, like Ibn heads and

00:36:13 --> 00:36:17

might be in a different way than what you expect. What about when

00:36:17 --> 00:36:20

you're so emotional over something specific that you are asking for?

00:36:21 --> 00:36:26

Then what? In that case, you don't say I made dua and I made dua and

00:36:26 --> 00:36:32

Allah didn't answer me. Why? Because Allah's canatala says I am

00:36:32 --> 00:36:36

as my servant thinks I am. He is as you think he is. So if you are

00:36:36 --> 00:36:39

making dua and that whole time you are thinking

00:36:41 --> 00:36:45

Allah's not going to answer me. Why would he answer me? He's just

00:36:45 --> 00:36:50

going to test me. He knows how badly I want this, and because he

00:36:50 --> 00:36:53

knows how badly I want it, he's not going to give it to me, and

00:36:53 --> 00:36:56

he's going to test me instead with the exact opposite of what I'm

00:36:56 --> 00:36:57

asking for.

00:36:59 --> 00:37:05

May Allah forgive us for thinking this way. How can we make dua? How

00:37:05 --> 00:37:09

can we make dua? Asking, and that whole time we're saying he's not

00:37:09 --> 00:37:12

even not only not going to reply, he's going to test me because he

00:37:12 --> 00:37:16

knows about the I want this by giving me the exact opposite, he

00:37:16 --> 00:37:21

says, I am as my servant thinks I am. You will make dua to him with

00:37:21 --> 00:37:26

insight, knowing that he is listening, He will answer you, but

00:37:26 --> 00:37:31

also trusting that he might give you something different, because

00:37:31 --> 00:37:35

that is what is better for you, or he might give you exactly what

00:37:35 --> 00:37:36

you're asking for.

00:37:37 --> 00:37:40

Or sometimes people who get exactly what they're asking for

00:37:40 --> 00:37:44

regret what they got, and they wished that they had not asked for

00:37:44 --> 00:37:48

that thing. So make sure, when you're asking, you say if it's

00:37:48 --> 00:37:52

best for me or give me something better. Which is why in the dua of

00:37:52 --> 00:37:55

istikhara, it's so beautiful, because in the DUA itself, when

00:37:55 --> 00:37:58

you're making this prayer, asking Allah for guidance on what to

00:37:58 --> 00:38:02

decide, that you leave it up to him to guide you to what is best,

00:38:02 --> 00:38:05

and you trust that if it's not best, when you make istikhara, do

00:38:05 --> 00:38:09

you know what happens? Allah removes what you made, what you

00:38:09 --> 00:38:12

made, the decision for you might make a certain decision, but then

00:38:12 --> 00:38:15

it wasn't the right decision, Allah will remove it and instead

00:38:15 --> 00:38:18

bring you back to the right decision. You can never go wrong

00:38:18 --> 00:38:22

with dua. You can never go wrong with istikhara, but if it becomes

00:38:22 --> 00:38:26

too emotional and too difficult for you to make that dua, because

00:38:26 --> 00:38:28

every single time you make it, you're pouring all of your

00:38:28 --> 00:38:30

emotions into it. You're weeping, you're getting headaches because

00:38:30 --> 00:38:33

you can't handle the amount of emotion you're pouring into this

00:38:33 --> 00:38:37

dua, then it's okay to take a break from the intensity of your

00:38:37 --> 00:38:43

emotion and instead say, for example, Allah knows that when you

00:38:43 --> 00:38:48

make the jaa, Rana Atina, hasana, wafirati, hasana, wakina, Ada

00:38:48 --> 00:38:52

Binna, oh, Allah, give us goodness in this life and goodness in the

00:38:52 --> 00:38:57

next life and save us from the hellfire, when you make that dua,

00:38:57 --> 00:39:02

you intend that that also includes that thing that you passionately

00:39:02 --> 00:39:05

want, that you would be making dua for, put you just emotionally

00:39:05 --> 00:39:07

can't handle right now. You just need a short break. You need a

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break until you're ready to go back to that dua. That's okay, but

00:39:10 --> 00:39:14

keep making dua. You can still make that dua in a different way,

00:39:14 --> 00:39:18

in a way that you can handle it, but never give up. And I want to

00:39:18 --> 00:39:21

tell you that what you're asking for, realistically, maybe it will

00:39:21 --> 00:39:27

come true, but maybe it won't, and accepting who he is and that He

00:39:27 --> 00:39:31

knows what is best for you is part of the process of taking your pain

00:39:31 --> 00:39:37

and turning it into something that will not leave you feeling so hurt

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from but instead helping you feel uplifted through when I was in

00:39:41 --> 00:39:45

college, there was a I was making all the time, everywhere,

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SubhanAllah. I remember making it in Ramadan in the elevator on my

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way up to the different floors in the library in sujood, while I was

00:39:52 --> 00:39:57

fasting all the time. And the more I made this door, the more one

00:39:57 --> 00:39:59

door would close after another would close. I.

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After another would close. The doors would constantly close for

00:40:03 --> 00:40:08

me And subhanAllah, I kept making this dua one year after the next

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year after the next year, and I felt like no matter how much I

00:40:11 --> 00:40:15

prayed, I was being steered onto all these different paths away

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from it

00:40:17 --> 00:40:21

from the time I made that dua. Do you know when that dua was

00:40:21 --> 00:40:22


00:40:23 --> 00:40:28

that dua that I made in college when I was Subhanallah, constantly

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praying, wasn't answered for another 10 years, 10 years of

00:40:34 --> 00:40:36

making that same dua,

00:40:37 --> 00:40:42

and in the moment when my dua was answered, I realized that all

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those doors that closed over and over again, they had to close to

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put me onto a path which would guide me to that job being

00:40:52 --> 00:40:52


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And when it was answered, It wasn't answered in the way I

00:40:56 --> 00:40:57

envisioned it in college.

00:40:58 --> 00:41:04

I couldn't have envisioned it even being answered in the beautiful,

00:41:04 --> 00:41:10

perfect way, in the perfect timing that Allah SWT chose for it to be

00:41:10 --> 00:41:15

answered. Sometimes our DUAs are going to take a long time. But you

00:41:15 --> 00:41:19

know what you lose in that process? Nothing. Do you know what

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you gain in that process, every time you make dua, something

00:41:23 --> 00:41:27

better is coming, some evil you're protected from, some other

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blessing is coming. You're getting something in the here after your

00:41:30 --> 00:41:35

sins are being forgiven. But most importantly, you are building a

00:41:35 --> 00:41:39

connection with Allah subhanho wa taala. You are building a

00:41:39 --> 00:41:42

sweetness in that relationship that is only born out of

00:41:42 --> 00:41:46

desperation. That type of sweetness comes when you have

00:41:46 --> 00:41:48

nowhere to go except for

00:41:49 --> 00:41:53

Allah illAllah. There's, excuse me, there's no

00:41:54 --> 00:42:00

illay. There's no refuge from Allah except with Allah Subhan,

00:42:00 --> 00:42:03

Allah, that process brings you closer to him. So how can you lose

00:42:03 --> 00:42:05

with the power of dua?

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So that is looking at the insight of dua, knowing that when you're

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making dua, you're looking at it in an insightful way, looking at

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it with this perspective that no matter what you are praying for,

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he will answer just maybe not an exact way you expected, but you

00:42:22 --> 00:42:26

trust Him, because He is Al Hakim. He is the most wise, and he knows

00:42:26 --> 00:42:30

what is best for you. And with that, let's look at N for

00:42:30 --> 00:42:36

narrative. Sometimes in the DUA that you make, you are a given.

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You're making this do I, you're, you're, you're saying these words

00:42:39 --> 00:42:43

with a narrative that you don't fully understand. So for example,

00:42:43 --> 00:42:48

let's look at the mother of Musa. Alayhima salam, the mother of Musa

00:42:49 --> 00:42:54

is given this baby boy, not a girl. She's born, she bears a baby

00:42:54 --> 00:42:58

boy. Now, when she has this baby, there is a hunt for baby boys.

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They are being slaughtered by the Pharaoh. She could have said, Oh,

00:43:02 --> 00:43:06

Allah, why didn't you give me a girl instead? Then I could keep my

00:43:06 --> 00:43:08

baby and not have to go through any type of worry.

00:43:09 --> 00:43:15

You know what she did? She listened to what Allah guided her

00:43:15 --> 00:43:20

to do, which is to put her infant into a basket in a river, and

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where did it go? This baby was not taken to another country. It was

00:43:26 --> 00:43:31

taken to the palace of the murder of all baby boys. How many times

00:43:31 --> 00:43:36

have we made dua? And when we see that, we think, Allah,

00:43:38 --> 00:43:41

you feel like your trust is broken. I hear from people all the

00:43:41 --> 00:43:45

time who say that they're resentful of God. They feel like

00:43:45 --> 00:43:49

they can't trust him, that they feel like they don't believe that

00:43:49 --> 00:43:53

he is on their side. And that comes from a place of pain, very

00:43:53 --> 00:43:57

real pain. There are so many people who go through trauma,

00:43:58 --> 00:44:02

abuse, so many things that they feel like God could have prevented

00:44:02 --> 00:44:06

but when we look at the reality, many times those are because

00:44:06 --> 00:44:11

someone else has done something to that person, and their trust in

00:44:11 --> 00:44:16

God is broken because of the way someone taught them about God a

00:44:16 --> 00:44:19

parent who physically beat their child, may Allah, protect all of

00:44:19 --> 00:44:23

our children and help us be much better. Help us be great parents.

00:44:23 --> 00:44:27

That's insane. And so in telling them, read the Quran, read the

00:44:27 --> 00:44:31

Quran, read the Quran, and they're slapping them, which is haram.

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This is not permissible to do in any sort of way, this child

00:44:35 --> 00:44:38

becomes terrified of the Quran, and they're shaking when they try

00:44:38 --> 00:44:41

to read the Quran when they're in their 40s, because of something

00:44:41 --> 00:44:43

that happened when they were 56789, 10.

00:44:45 --> 00:44:51

That is not Allah harming this person, that is that parent or

00:44:51 --> 00:44:54

that Quran teacher or that individual who caused harm to that

00:44:54 --> 00:44:59

child, but because they've taught Allah to be this Tara.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:06

Find you know God who is out to get you their minds can't move

00:45:06 --> 00:45:11

past that feeling. Go to therapy. It's so important to go to

00:45:11 --> 00:45:14

therapy. Seek the help of a Muslim health professional who can help

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you process these emotions and recognize that Allah loves you,

00:45:20 --> 00:45:24

that He cares for you and that like the mother of Musa alaihi

00:45:24 --> 00:45:29

salam, alaihi masalaam, alaihima salam, when she sees her, her boy

00:45:29 --> 00:45:34

is delivered to a palace, and his sister comes and says that she can

00:45:34 --> 00:45:40

help this baby be taken to someone who can nurse him. So what happens

00:45:40 --> 00:45:44

Musa alaihi salam is returned to his mother, but now it's not a

00:45:44 --> 00:45:49

secret. Now it's in the safety and the protection of the pharaoh so

00:45:49 --> 00:45:54

she can be with her child in safety and protection, and the

00:45:54 --> 00:45:58

state is actually providing her provision, paying her for this

00:45:58 --> 00:46:03

job, so that she can have her baby and not be afraid, just like Allah

00:46:03 --> 00:46:07

promised to give her baby back, and that baby had a bigger role.

00:46:08 --> 00:46:13

He had to free the people of Egypt, the Israel. He had to free

00:46:13 --> 00:46:19

them from the oppression of Pharaoh. He had to call Pharaoh to

00:46:20 --> 00:46:24

worshiping Allah into social justice. And how did he do those

00:46:24 --> 00:46:29

things? By being raised by the pharaoh in the palace, in a place

00:46:29 --> 00:46:33

of power so he could come back and deliver this message, which not

00:46:33 --> 00:46:38

only helped his personal life, but created a legacy, helped an entire

00:46:38 --> 00:46:43

nation. And until today, we make dua for Musa alaihi salam, and we

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we say about his mother, Musa alaihis Salam. Why? Because in

00:46:47 --> 00:46:52

your life, sometimes we only see the narrow view of what we see in

00:46:52 --> 00:46:56

the moment. But Allah knows our future. You don't know what they

00:46:56 --> 00:47:00

what, what type of legacy you're going to leave. You know when it

00:47:00 --> 00:47:05

matters what you did on this life in 500 years, what you did in this

00:47:05 --> 00:47:09

world, is going to matter in 100 years, it's going to matter when

00:47:09 --> 00:47:13

you're not on this world anymore. That is when it's going to matter.

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And Allah knows that about the reality of our lives, because when

00:47:18 --> 00:47:22

you are when we are gone when we are in our graves, before we're

00:47:22 --> 00:47:28

even resurrected, the deeds that we have planted, maybe from the

00:47:28 --> 00:47:32

tears that you cried because of something that you didn't

00:47:32 --> 00:47:37

understand. Maybe those tears nurtured the soil through which in

00:47:37 --> 00:47:41

which were seeds that the flowers were bloomed and those those

00:47:41 --> 00:47:46

flowers became fruit, and birds, birds are eating from that fruit,

00:47:46 --> 00:47:50

and you never even planted that seed. You just cried the tears

00:47:50 --> 00:47:52

that nurtured that

00:47:53 --> 00:47:56

bloom that came out, that helped all of these animals eat from it,

00:47:56 --> 00:47:58

that became set up a jettya for you when you aren't even here

00:47:58 --> 00:47:59


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that's when you need your DUA to be really answered. And of course,

00:48:04 --> 00:48:08

we want it to be answered now, but Subhan Allah, Allah sees that

00:48:08 --> 00:48:13

there is an entire, entire forever, an entire eternity, and

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so out of his wisdom, he answers what's best for us, out of His

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love for us, subhanAllah, and that is your narrative of dua, coming

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to Allah. With that narrative, coming to Allah in with the

00:48:25 --> 00:48:30

etiquette of dua, how do you call upon Him? Allah

00:48:31 --> 00:48:36

mentioned the Allahumma means that you are taking all of the

00:48:36 --> 00:48:39

Beautiful Names of Allah and His attributes, and you are calling

00:48:39 --> 00:48:43

upon him by these names and attributes. She's saying, Oh

00:48:43 --> 00:48:46

Allah. It's not just Oh Allah, it's Allah. I ask you by all of

00:48:46 --> 00:48:50

these incredible, beautiful, powerful names and attributes. And

00:48:50 --> 00:48:55

then you ask, but you praise Him first, and then you say, Allah,

00:48:55 --> 00:48:58

habibi na Muhammad, you send Salah on the Prophet sallallahu some and

00:48:58 --> 00:49:01

that can be, Oh Allah, please send your praise and blessings upon the

00:49:01 --> 00:49:03

Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu. Muhammad, sallAllahu sallam, in

00:49:03 --> 00:49:07

whatever way that you you send your peace and blessings to him.

00:49:07 --> 00:49:10

Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, why do we do that? You know what the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has gone through, and as

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you're going to make dua, whether it's something painful or

00:49:16 --> 00:49:19

something joyful or whatever it is, you remember you're not the

00:49:19 --> 00:49:23

only one who's alone? The Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam went

00:49:23 --> 00:49:26

through so much pain in his lifetime. You aren't alone. You

00:49:26 --> 00:49:29

are heard. You're sending Salawat on the one Salalah, walay wa

00:49:29 --> 00:49:34

sallam, who sacrificed so much for you, for our Ummah, and who keeps

00:49:34 --> 00:49:39

special duals just for you, his dua for you is continuing to be

00:49:39 --> 00:49:43

answered right now in our lifetimes and in the hereafter. So

00:49:43 --> 00:49:46

Allah Alaihi Wasallam, and then you ask, it's from the etiquette

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to be in wudu, to face the qlibla, um, make dua for people when you

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are not seeing them behind you know you can what, even if you're

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seeing them privately, because an angel will say, I mean, and when

00:49:58 --> 00:49:59

angels say, I mean, the.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:03

Angels when they say, I mean, their DUIs accepted. So the

00:50:03 --> 00:50:05

righteous people, when they needed something, they would make dua for

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their brothers and sisters, because they knew that the angel

00:50:08 --> 00:50:13

would say, Amin and for you too. So make Java for other people, and

00:50:13 --> 00:50:18

remember that you are going to Allah, and he is your safe space.

00:50:18 --> 00:50:22

So Sheik Rida, he was the message the Imam of the masjid that I used

00:50:22 --> 00:50:27

to pray in. I don't know if Shazia is here, but Shazi, if you

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remember when we used to make dua behind Sheik Rabah in the

00:50:33 --> 00:50:36

beautiful Masjid Bilal in Egypt, when we were studying there, this

00:50:36 --> 00:50:41

Imam would make dua, not like how most of us make dua, even all of

00:50:41 --> 00:50:43

the years that I've been so blessed to pray in different

00:50:43 --> 00:50:48

messages for taraweya, I've never heard a dua made like this. This

00:50:48 --> 00:50:51

is the way he used to make the DUA, of which he would praise

00:50:51 --> 00:50:55

Allah. And he would sense a law on the Prophet sallallahu, ala Salam.

00:50:55 --> 00:51:01

And then he would break down. He would say, Oh Allah, we are fuqra.

00:51:01 --> 00:51:08

We are so needy. We are so poor. Oh, Allah, subhanho wa Taala being

00:51:09 --> 00:51:14

don't turn us away. Don't turn us away. If you turn us away, who

00:51:14 --> 00:51:21

will answer us You told us, and your word is the truth. So here we

00:51:21 --> 00:51:26

are making dua to you. Answer us. Answer us. Answer us. He would

00:51:26 --> 00:51:31

beg, he would plead. And the duas that he made that I've never made

00:51:31 --> 00:51:34

for myself in my life, but I was there to say, I mean, his dua

00:51:34 --> 00:51:39

became true in my life because the power of his asking as someone

00:51:39 --> 00:51:44

who's who's in need and who's in love and who knows, Oh Allah, if

00:51:44 --> 00:51:50

you turn us away, who will answer us? Subhanhu wa Taala affirm that

00:51:50 --> 00:51:54

He will answer you. And there are two names of Allah, excuse me,

00:51:54 --> 00:51:59

two. A Hadith in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

00:51:59 --> 00:52:05

that if you ask that this person has asked Allah by names in which

00:52:05 --> 00:52:09

that if Allah is asked by these names, then he will answer

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SubhanAllah. There are two beautiful dua I'm suddenly seeing

00:52:13 --> 00:52:16

that we have very little time for Q and A so I'm going to ask

00:52:16 --> 00:52:20

inshAllah alburu to send out these dua to you in an email, and

00:52:20 --> 00:52:24

Inshallah, you can learn them on your own and make dua to Allah by

00:52:24 --> 00:52:27

these names that he promises will be answered the Prophet

00:52:27 --> 00:52:31

sallallahu. Some didn't specify which name is in is the one that

00:52:31 --> 00:52:34

he will answer with, but it's one of those names. And you can, you

00:52:34 --> 00:52:37

can make dua with all of them. And I really recommend, as I

00:52:37 --> 00:52:39

mentioned, this book reflecting on the names of Allah. So much of the

00:52:39 --> 00:52:43

names of Allah that I talked about today was from this beautiful book

00:52:43 --> 00:52:45

in English. It's the best. Where did I go? Is the best that I've

00:52:45 --> 00:52:48

ever read in English. It's called reflecting on the names of Allah

00:52:48 --> 00:52:52

by Gina and Yusuf. You can get it from El guruj and on Amazon and

00:52:52 --> 00:52:56

Subhan Allah. Take the names of Allah, learn them, make to add to

00:52:56 --> 00:52:59

them, and you will find your relationship with him a completely

00:52:59 --> 00:53:01

different one. Take your pain

00:53:03 --> 00:53:10

protection, assurance, insight and narrative. Take those four letters

00:53:10 --> 00:53:15

that cause you so much pain into feel empowered by them, uplifted

00:53:15 --> 00:53:20

by them, and feel your life change when you have pain. Ticket to dua

00:53:20 --> 00:53:23

Subhanallah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, said

00:53:24 --> 00:53:30

that Allah, He is shy and generous. When you take your hands

00:53:30 --> 00:53:36

up to him, he is shy to let those hands leave empty. He is so

00:53:36 --> 00:53:39

generous that he will always answer. Never doubt that your job,

00:53:39 --> 00:53:42

I will be answered. Pray, call to him, and he will answer

00:53:42 --> 00:53:48

Subhanallah behind Shala. We have a few minutes for

00:53:50 --> 00:53:54

Q and A now, just Hamadi and for your very beautiful speech.

00:53:54 --> 00:53:57

Alhamdulillah, we are going to take a few questions now,

00:53:57 --> 00:54:00

Inshallah, Alhamdulillah, just to let you know, Alhamdulillah, we've

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got many sisters who have tuned in from South Africa, Cape Town, from

00:54:05 --> 00:54:10

France, from Malaysia, from Singapore, bless you all so and,

00:54:11 --> 00:54:15

of course, from London, from the UK and so forth. But one of the

00:54:15 --> 00:54:18

real benefits of these live sessions is Alhamdulillah, that is

00:54:19 --> 00:54:25

that is able to connect a global community. Alhamdulillah. So the

00:54:25 --> 00:54:28

first question which we have, and if you feel you've covered it,

00:54:28 --> 00:54:32

please let me know. So then we can, Inshallah, just move on. The

00:54:32 --> 00:54:36

first question is, how long do you wait for your DUA to be accepted,

00:54:36 --> 00:54:41

and what if it doesn't get accepted? So the brief point is

00:54:41 --> 00:54:44

that as long as you're asking sincerely, your heart is present.

00:54:44 --> 00:54:47

Ahmad Ali lauan, who said that he wasn't afraid of his draw not

00:54:47 --> 00:54:50

being accepted. He was afraid that his heart wouldn't be focused and

00:54:50 --> 00:54:53

present in that dua. If you're doing those things and you're

00:54:53 --> 00:54:56

sincerely making that dua, and it's not for something sinful, for

00:54:56 --> 00:54:57

example, your jaw is accepted 100%

00:54:59 --> 00:54:59

it's how.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:03

Is the dua going to be accepted? That's the question. What will it

00:55:03 --> 00:55:07

look like in your life? We don't know. So you keep making that dua.

00:55:07 --> 00:55:10

It could be tomorrow, it could be today. It could be 10 years from

00:55:10 --> 00:55:13

now. It could be never, in the way that you're asking. But that

00:55:13 --> 00:55:16

doesn't mean he's not bringing you other blessings and other gifts

00:55:16 --> 00:55:19

and other benefits and other protection simply because you're

00:55:19 --> 00:55:25

making dua. So keep asking, no matter what jazakam Next question

00:55:25 --> 00:55:29

is, sometimes we sometimes we make dua and we get something different

00:55:29 --> 00:55:33

to what we have asked for. How can we work on a tawakkul to accept

00:55:33 --> 00:55:37

what is given as an answer and not feel disappointed, ie, to be

00:55:37 --> 00:55:41

content. The best way to do this process is by learning who Allah

00:55:41 --> 00:55:44

is, and the two ways that I recommend you do that is, number

00:55:44 --> 00:55:48

one, reading the Quran every single day, in a language that you

00:55:48 --> 00:55:51

understand, whether it's just one ayah or one page or two pages,

00:55:52 --> 00:55:55

make the intention every single day, no matter what you're going

00:55:55 --> 00:55:59

to read, and in a language that you understand, knowing who he is

00:55:59 --> 00:56:01

allows you to trust the decisions he makes for your life when you

00:56:01 --> 00:56:04

feel like you don't have control. Sometimes we have control in our

00:56:04 --> 00:56:08

decisions. Other things we don't. Sometimes he's closing a door for

00:56:08 --> 00:56:13

you, as a mentioned, sometimes a door is closed for you, so an even

00:56:13 --> 00:56:15

better one opens. Sometimes one door is closed, so two doors open

00:56:15 --> 00:56:19

in his mercy. One door closes in his wisdom, two doors open in his

00:56:19 --> 00:56:23

mercy. So sometimes you don't know what's best for you. You have no

00:56:23 --> 00:56:26

idea, and that other thing might be the best thing, but it's hard

00:56:26 --> 00:56:28

to accept that, because it's not what we want. But when you know

00:56:28 --> 00:56:32

who is making that decision and it's out of love for you, then

00:56:32 --> 00:56:36

when you look back on that moment 15 years later, then you can see

00:56:36 --> 00:56:39

SubhanAllah. I didn't I couldn't see it at that time. That was what

00:56:39 --> 00:56:43

was best for me. So knowing who he is through the Quran and as I

00:56:43 --> 00:56:47

showed the book, going to this, reflecting on the names of Allah,

00:56:47 --> 00:56:50

but picking one name a week, reading that book that that name

00:56:50 --> 00:56:54

that week, and making dua to Allah by that name, and see how your

00:56:54 --> 00:56:57

relationship with him changes over that period of time. Inshallah,

00:56:57 --> 00:57:03

okay, JazakAllah khairan, next question is, when is the best time

00:57:03 --> 00:57:07

to make dua? Oh, thank you. Han, a lot. Yes, this is I was going to

00:57:07 --> 00:57:10

cover that in the etiquettes, and then I saw the time and I rushed

00:57:10 --> 00:57:12

through it. Thank you for bringing this up. So there are, like, a

00:57:12 --> 00:57:16

million different times to make dua, and they're accepted the very

00:57:16 --> 00:57:19

best time. I can't say there's a very specific best time, because

00:57:19 --> 00:57:22

there's so many. When you're fasting, when you're traveling,

00:57:22 --> 00:57:25

when you're sick, when you're in sujood in the time after you make

00:57:25 --> 00:57:27

it to Shah hood, before you give the salam, when you're here,

00:57:27 --> 00:57:32

between the advent of the akkama, when it's raining, there are so

00:57:32 --> 00:57:36

many times to make dua. So really don't limit yourself. Just make it

00:57:36 --> 00:57:41

your habit that you make dua all the time, anytime that you need

00:57:41 --> 00:57:44

something, and you don't, you just go and you make dua. And of

00:57:44 --> 00:57:46

course, there are certain times like these that I mentioned, and

00:57:46 --> 00:57:50

so many more in which that dua is extra special. Inshallah, okay,

00:57:50 --> 00:57:53

jazakallahu, khairan. And for those who are, for those who are

00:57:53 --> 00:57:57

asking about the book, the book is called remembering the names of

00:57:57 --> 00:58:02

Allah by Dr jinaan Yusuf, Alhamdulillah, you can you can

00:58:02 --> 00:58:05

send us an email to purchase a copy, or simply, you can go to

00:58:05 --> 00:58:10

Amazon to purchase a copy for worldwide delivery from wherever

00:58:10 --> 00:58:15

you are from. The last question is, at times I get scared to ask

00:58:15 --> 00:58:19

Allah for something because I fear that I will have to pay a price.

00:58:19 --> 00:58:20


00:58:21 --> 00:58:28

sorry. And as a weak human, I would not be able to cope. What do

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you advise

00:58:30 --> 00:58:33

sister or brother who asked this question? I want you to know that

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you are asking this question from a place of something that happened

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in your life, someone has taught you that there's a price to ask.

00:58:42 --> 00:58:47

That is not how dua works. Allah never, ever asks us for something

00:58:47 --> 00:58:50

in exchange for our dua. Of course, we are asked to try our

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best to worship Him, to try our best to ask for forgiveness when

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we make mistakes. Obviously, we are asked to do certain things in

00:58:58 --> 00:59:01

terms of our guidelines and the ways that we live, but that is

00:59:01 --> 00:59:06

different from having an exchange of this jaw is going to come true,

00:59:06 --> 00:59:09

and therefore I have to pay for in a different way. Allah is Al

00:59:09 --> 00:59:14

Kareem. He is the generous you. He needs nothing from you. In

00:59:14 --> 00:59:17

exchange, you don't have to pay for, as a result, for something

00:59:17 --> 00:59:21

that he's given you. So obviously we have to do certain actions. We

00:59:21 --> 00:59:24

have to do the work to get to where we need to be. But if you're

00:59:24 --> 00:59:28

looking towards Allah and you're thinking in this way about his

00:59:28 --> 00:59:32

answer, then I highly recommend you see where that thought is

00:59:32 --> 00:59:35

coming from, because that's not a thought that comes from Allah's

00:59:35 --> 00:59:38

Panama, Taala guidance. It's a thought that maybe came from

00:59:38 --> 00:59:40

something you've experienced in the past, or something that's

00:59:40 --> 00:59:43

that's something that's conditioned you to believe that

00:59:44 --> 00:59:48

Allah is generous. He is Al Jawad. He is Generous without measure.

00:59:48 --> 00:59:52

He's generous. He is Al menen. He's generous without cutting it

00:59:52 --> 00:59:58

off, with no with nothing except giving. So like I mentioned the

00:59:58 --> 00:59:59

previous steps, Quran reading the.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:03

Book, go to therapy. Those are things Inshallah, which will help

01:00:03 --> 01:00:07

us change our perception of him, and in doing so, be able to help

01:00:07 --> 01:00:10

us trust His Generosity without expecting something

01:00:11 --> 01:00:14

back. Jazakum, Allahu, khayran, we are going to finish this session

01:00:14 --> 01:00:18

here in sha Allah. So So we've kept it exactly to an hour.

01:00:18 --> 01:00:22

JazakAllah, may Allah subhanaw taala, reward you, Sheik Mariam,

01:00:22 --> 01:00:25

may Allah preserve you your family, your kids, your husband,

01:00:25 --> 01:00:29

your parents. Inshallah, and we ask Allah that He unites us in a

01:00:29 --> 01:00:33

better place, inshaAllah, in Mashu Al Aqsa first, and then maybe,

01:00:33 --> 01:00:34

hopefully, inshaAllah

01:00:36 --> 01:00:38

blessed in the Ramadan 2019

01:00:39 --> 01:00:43

where shaykha Mariam was one of the teachers for the for the

01:00:43 --> 01:00:46

students who went, and she was really one of the first western

01:00:46 --> 01:00:51

female speakers to be able to deliver sessions in the Haram

01:00:51 --> 01:00:55

itself, in the noble sanctuary. So we ask Allah to elevate you and to

01:00:55 --> 01:00:58

bring you again to this position again. Inshallah, Sheik Zayed,

01:00:58 --> 01:01:01

Baraka, lofiq, may Allah, blessed for all the work that they're

01:01:01 --> 01:01:04

doing. This isn't physically possible. Women being in spaces

01:01:04 --> 01:01:07

like this is not possible without the work of someone like Al guruj,

01:01:07 --> 01:01:08

may Allah bless you,

01:01:11 --> 01:01:14

and we hope to see you soon inshallah. And for those for

01:01:14 --> 01:01:17

everyone who has tuned in, for those who came late, you are going

01:01:17 --> 01:01:20

to be sent an email tomorrow inshallah so you can watch the

01:01:20 --> 01:01:25

video again inshallah and take notes Salam Alaikum wa rahmatulla.

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