Maryam Amir – The companion who reached puberty in front of the Prophet
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the opportunity to be on a battlefield and is embarrassed by the situation. She later describes a situation where a young woman caught a bullet and killed herself, but the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon her, gives her a bath, and she refuses to be on a battlefield. The woman describes the impact of the situation on her relationship with Islam.
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A group of women from the tribe of RIF came to the Prophet Muhammad,
peace be upon him, asking if they could tend to the wounded during
the Battle of khaybar. The Prophet's response, peace be upon
him, was not to say, Why do you want to be on a battlefield, or
are you trying to compete with men? Instead, he, peace be upon
him, said by the blessings of God, literally giving them his
blessing. Peace be upon him. With them was a young girl. Her name
was umayyah bin space, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam
had her sitting on his camel, and there was also luggage nearby. As
the camel sits down, she realizes
there's blood on the luggage. She got her period, she's super
embarrassed, and she moves forward, trying to cover the
traces of blood with her body. And then the Prophet, peace be upon
him, sees what's going on, and he sees the blood, and he so gently
asks, perhaps you got your period? To which she says, yes. Now so
many women that I know remember embarrassing moments where they
bled somewhere in public without realizing that they were on their
period, and even 10 or 15 years later when they're laughing that
off, it's like it was so embarrassing. I've never heard
someone say that moment made me closer to God, but the Prophet
Muhammad, peace be upon him. So lovingly, so with so much
nurturing, he teaches her the thick of what to do, and then
later on, after the battle is done, he comes to her PC upon him,
and he puts around her neck and necklace honoring her, cherishing
her, and she stipulated that she didn't want to be buried except
with this necklace on her, getting her period in front of the Prophet
Muhammad. Peace be upon him. Was a moment in which she was mentored.
It was a moment in which she was nurtured and cherished as a young
daughter, as a young child. Imagine the impact that had on her
relationship with herself, with her self esteem, with the way that
she felt about Islam.