Maryam Amir – Single mothers

Maryam Amir
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a woman named Virgin Mary who was a mother and was nurtured by her father, Abraham alaihiippedaihi. The woman was a single mother and was born as a result of a proposal from her father. She was also a woman who put her life on the line by actively making videos about illegal sex and creating content for the world.
AI: Transcript ©
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Especially hate seeing these comments within the like the

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context of mother of Virgin Mary, as she is calling out and making

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dua as a single mother, Virgin Mary herself as she is giving

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birth as a single mother. Queen Assia was not technically a single

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mother, but her husband, the pharaoh, was a genocidal abuser

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who murdered her. And the story in the Quran which focuses on the way

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that Moses was nurtured was only specifying her role queen as his

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role in that nurturing. The mother of Moses is mentioned only the

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Quran only gives us her narrative, and in practice, we can benefit

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from that, as if, in the case that someone is a single mother, Hagar,

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the mother of Ismail, the son of Abraham alaihi salam had Ibrahim,

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but Abraham was ordered to leave Hagar and Ishmael in a desert. And

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practically, even though he had, he had a father who was present.

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She raised him as a single mother for most of her years. And we go

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and make Hajj in commemoration, make sari in commemoration of her

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sacrifice. There are too many more examples of women who are single

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mothers and who are some of the greatest scholars of Islamic

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history, those who raised some of the greatest scholars of Islamic

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history, and if you are going to claim that something is haram,

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especially to a woman who is an amazing single mother, who is a

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recent convert, who is putting her livelihood and life on the line by

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actively making content for Palestine, who was shown in an

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Israeli war room as an example of how Tiktok is being effective on

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making videos about Palestine, someone says something is haram,

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like this, I often wonder if they have ever read the Quran.

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