Maryam Amir – Gaslighting

Maryam Amir
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The Israeli media is discussing the recent killing of (Speaker 1) and (Speaker 2) by the (Speaker 1) and (Speaker 2). The media is criticizing Israeli officials and the (Speaker 2) officials, and calling for (Speaker 1) to be erased from the face of the Earth. The (Speaker 1) and (Speaker 2) officials have been criticized for their actions and causing (Speaker 1) and (Speaker 2) deaths.

AI: Summary ©

00:00:00 --> 00:00:03
			Israeli spokesperson was asked
about Amalek, and this is his
00:00:03 --> 00:00:05
			response, because the prime
minister knows exactly how that
00:00:05 --> 00:00:08
			will be understood by the Israeli
people, who clearly understand
00:00:08 --> 00:00:11
			biblical referee would mean kill
them all, which is what the Amalek
00:00:11 --> 00:00:16
			story was about of Hamas. Because
everyone in Israel understands who
00:00:16 --> 00:00:18
			the enemy is. We've been very
clear in Word, and indeed that the
00:00:18 --> 00:00:21
			Palestinian people. It's
interesting that he says that
00:00:21 --> 00:00:24
			Israeli officials and all the
Israel people understood that that
00:00:24 --> 00:00:31
			meant Hamas and not the
Palestinians. Can you see these
00:00:31 --> 00:00:37
			official spokespeople, how yev
Allah as a who, ha oyev, Atom Maho
00:00:37 --> 00:00:40
			say, Racquel come a good food?
00:00:42 --> 00:00:52
			Show? He no shame. Who tab Aleph
who yev, Hamish, Hamas who, hoef
00:00:52 --> 00:00:56
			is shabby hero. Young who owe
NAMA, chiroi Miss a yell, it in
00:00:56 --> 00:01:04
			shock a lot by yet, a * of
whom, a couple, no for real. I
00:01:04 --> 00:01:08
			mean babies, they're terrifying.
So of course, they are your enemy.
00:01:10 --> 00:01:15
			That's Israeli liquid MK that
anybody who stays behind needs to
00:01:15 --> 00:01:17
			be burned. There are no innocent
00:01:19 --> 00:01:24
			civilians, does the financial
Minister obviously the only way to
00:01:24 --> 00:01:28
			not have 2 million Nazis is by
establishing an Israeli settlement
00:01:28 --> 00:01:32
			in Raza. I mean, how could no one
see that? Obvious answer, that
00:01:34 --> 00:01:37
			was from Arab Israeli affairs,
saying that they should have
00:01:37 --> 00:01:37
			killed 100,000
00:01:39 --> 00:01:44
			from the get go. It cola. Okay, it
is clear we need to destroy all of
00:01:45 --> 00:01:50
			Brazil. Head of our regional
00:01:52 --> 00:01:55
			saying flat in the entire
00:01:56 --> 00:01:57
00:01:58 --> 00:02:04
			shows like this. MP calls, help
can MP calls for Gaza to be erased
00:02:04 --> 00:02:07
			from the face of the earth.
Israeli president says there are
00:02:07 --> 00:02:11
			no innocent civilians in Gaza,
obviously. Naomi said this is a
00:02:11 --> 00:02:17
			struggle between the children of
light and the children of
00:02:17 --> 00:02:23
			darkness, between humanity and the
law of the jungle. Moment, sis,
00:02:24 --> 00:02:28
			Nepal, the mother of an Israeli
soldier, already seen the many
00:02:28 --> 00:02:32
			videos of the IOF. Spare you all
of that, because this
00:02:32 --> 00:02:35
			spokesperson's response to when he
was questioned about that was,
00:02:36 --> 00:02:39
			soldiers will always act outside
of what's allowed. But what about
00:02:39 --> 00:02:42
			what played on the official
Israeli TV.
00:02:50 --> 00:02:53
			It is so sinister to teach
children to hate to the point that
00:02:53 --> 00:02:57
			they calling for genocide. 1000s
of Jewish anti Zionists have
00:02:57 --> 00:03:01
			spoken about how that was their
childhood, and it was their
00:03:01 --> 00:03:04
			experiences as an adult that have
led them to speak against Zionism
00:03:04 --> 00:03:07
			and against Israel, and they've
given up their Israeli
00:03:07 --> 00:03:10
			citizenship. There are over 11,000
children who have been murdered,
00:03:11 --> 00:03:16
			over 23,000 civilians, over 60,000
injured, 1000s still under the
00:03:16 --> 00:03:20
			rubble and unaccounted for. Over
1000 children amputated without
00:03:20 --> 00:03:23
			any type of medication the entire
world sees that you are committing
00:03:23 --> 00:03:23