Maryam Amir – Even shaytan is confused
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The speaker describes how shaytan is trying to take everyone away from Allah and keep them in contact with him, while still allowing people to create circumstances to profit from him. The Prophet has a similar opinion about shaytan, saying that he should forgive his sister and have mercy on her.
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Don't want hijab, putting on hijab to go to the masjid or even to go
to Mecca. And the comments are, even though shaytan is confused,
if shaytaan was confused, it's because he's trying to actively
take all of us away from Allah, and yet we still keep trying.
There was a companion who was publicly punished because of a
major sin, and the Companions started cursing him. And the
Prophet saw them said, do not age shaytan, against your brother. In
another narration, the companion started saying, Oh Allah, put him
to shame. Oh Allah, curse him. And the Prophet saw him, told him, Do
not say such things. Rather, say, Oh Allah, forgive him. Oh Allah,
have mercy on him. Do you know what else the Prophet, salallahu
alayhi wa sallam, did affirm this man's love for Allah and His
Messenger in that situation, publicly, when he's dealing with
the consequences of a major sin, and people are making fun of him
and cursing him. And the Prophet SAW affirms this man's love for
Allah and His Messenger, sallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam, many
of our sisters love Allah and His Messenger, sallAllahu, alayhi wa
sallam, no, anyone circumstances. So Don shaytan, aid you against
your sister.