Maryam Amir – Do you feel like you arent doing enough this Ramadan
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The speaker discusses the importance of helping others, especially those who are struggling with their own worth. They suggest that helping others is a fundamental part of their job, and that they should shift their intentions to help others. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of focusing on their own worth and not trying to be the person they
the Prophet peace upon them.
the Prophet peace upon them.
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Story Time. I have a friend who was sitting in Egypt, and she
would often be approached by women and their children to give them
money. And she didn't have enough money to be able to give
frequently. And so instead, what she made the intention to do is
just to spend time with them. She would ask them their names or
kids' names, what they like to do. And over time, every time she
would see them, they would never ask, and instead they would ask
her, what prayers can we make for you? What do I do? Do you want us
to make for you? And so she said, every single thing that she asked
them to pray for her came true. Adnan alayam talks about the fact
that you might be asleep, but 10s of supplications are knocking on
the doors of heaven from someone that was sad and you made them
happy, someone who was distressed, and you gave them relief. Maybe
the reason why someone else is praying for you at a time when
you're sleeping, but others are making dua for you. The Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teaches us that Allah is with you
as long as you're helping your brother or sister. I don't know
what you do in the medical field, but literally, even if you were
filling out paperwork, you are helping someone at all times of
the day and whatever else someone else is doing, whether you're
studying, working, taking care of kids, you are supporting yourself
and other people. That's and it's very, very kind of you to help
your roommates. That's super nice. Mashallah, it's not something that
you would need to do, but you're choosing to do it, and that is
such a blessing for them. At your generosity, you feel guilty for
not giving enough to Ramadan, but your every day is giving to
Ramadan. So what you need to do is just shift your intention. Indeed,
actions are by intention. So what is your intention to help, to have
Allah aid you, to be relieved of your own burden on the Day of
Judgment. All of these are what the Prophet peace upon him have
taught us. Are rewards and blessings of helping others. And
you might be asleep, and people are praying for you, including the
angels. The angels are ordered to pray for you. If you were in
Mecca, your prayers would be very different than they are with the
chaos of your life, it might not taste sweet. You're not crying
tears of faith when you are doing the dishes, but Allah sees what
you are doing, and he is a SHA cool. He is the most appreciative.
And if your roommates or the people that you work with are
grateful or not grateful when they should be for what you're doing.
Then think about, what about Allah? What about Allah, who knows
that if you had all the time in the world, you would try to focus
on your relationship with him even more, and yet you're still trying
with everything you have going on that
is someone who truly believes and truly truly loves him.