Majed Mahmoud – The Virtue Of The People Of The Quran

AI: Summary ©
The gathering for Islam is described as beautiful and a beautiful month, where students recite holy month's words and receive gifts. The organizers encourage practice recitation and parents to participate in the program. The Q----
The gathering for Islam is described as beautiful and a beautiful month where students recite the holy month's words and receive gifts. The Q----
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The gathering for Islam is described as beautiful and a beautiful month where students recite the holy month's words and receive gifts. The Q----
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AI: Summary ©
Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim, alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen,
wa salatu wa salamu ala ashraf al-anbiya
wal-mursaleen Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa
ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali Sayyidina
Ibrahim wa ala aali Sayyidina Ibrahim fil alameen
innaka hamidun majeed All praises due to Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala We praise him, we
seek his help We ask him to send
the salutation upon the Prophet Muhammad, peace and
blessings upon him His companions, his spouses and
whomsoever follow his footsteps until the end of
time It's a beautiful gathering Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala bestowed his mercy and blessings upon
every individual person, young and old And everyone
who come to this beautiful gathering As I
mentioned in my khutbah today That this gathering
is witnessed by a special noble angels of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala Inna lillahi malaikatun
sayyaratun futla Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has
a special angels That they look and search
for a gathering That comes upon the surrounding
or the members of Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala That they mention the name of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala in it And they
remember the name of Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala in it You recite in the Qur
'an seeking the pleasure and seeking the knowledge
of Islam To praise Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala, to magnify Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
And nothing better than the remembrance of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala through the Qur'an
Again, it's a beautiful night Truly honored to
have our beloved Sheikh Majid Mahmood with us
Who came all the way from Michigan And
masha'Allah he made his arrangement to fit
our program He came last night to get
rest and to have his time with us
Insha'Allah ta'ala Since this morning he
came and visited the school Him and Sheikh
Jibreel Sheikh Jibreel will be with us insha
'Allah ta'ala tomorrow night To support the
school through the fundraising Insha'Allah ta'ala
the fundraising is gonna be in the gym
The multiple horse hall So we ask Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala to reward you all
To accept from all of us And we
ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to bestow
his mercy and his forgiveness upon all of
us And for those who are supporting the
path of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, the
Qur'an And ask Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala to put barakah in your lives To
put barakah in every risk that you have
To put barakah in everything that you do
in your lives Allahumma ameen Insha'Allah ta
'ala we are going to start with some
of the recitation of the Qur'an To
start our programs with our students Those who
masha'Allah achieve good quality of recitation through
this year And after we finish the recitation
of the Qur'an We'd like to reward
some of the students who did very well
Since the beginning of the year academically and
behaviors and manners And progressed very good in
the Qur'an It was very hard, tough
decision to pick which students So insha'Allah
ta'ala anyone that we call his name
he really will deserve And everyone one of
them masha'Allah deserve a reward But insha
'Allah ta'ala this for those who masha
'Allah never come to the principal office And
no one complain about them, they don't give
any hard time They don't have any problems
with anyone So those masha'Allah ta'ala
dedicate their time and efforts to memorize the
Qur'an Easy coming, easy going as they
say So ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
to bless their parents And ask Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala to bless their teachers And
everyone who put efforts and contributes to their
lives of memorization of the Qur'an Allahumma
ameen With that being said insha'Allah ta
'ala I would like to call the first
students To open this blessed night which is
Qanat Sayyid insha'Allah ta'ala Takbir
Masha'Allah may Allah bless you and bless
your teachers and your parents Allahumma ameen And
may the Qur'an is the spring of
your hearts Guidance and light for your lives
Allahumma ameen I would like to ask and
call upon Who am I going to call
Alright Maryam Muntasir Assalamualaikum
warahmatullahi wabarakatuh My name is Maryam Muntasir As
you all may know I will be reading
the last half of Surah Al-Hashr Come
on brothers
and sisters Give them some engagement insha'Allah
ta'ala Takbir There you go, that's what
I'm talking about Bismillah JazakAllah khair Maryam Alright,
with that being said I would like to
call One of our great students And this
is Aqeer Atlas Please come Assalamualaikum
I will be reading the last half of
Surah Al-Hashr Bismillah Aqeer
is born here His father is born in
America as well And look at the Surah
Al-Hashr May Allah
subhana wa ta'ala reward our teachers who
are doing this great job May Allah subhana
wa ta'ala bless them all Allahumma ameen
JazakAllah khair Aqeer Please give me this Thank
you We'll call Aisha Anas if she is
here Thank you Inshallah There are going to
be many many programs Like this inshallah in
the future I'm not going to be able
to Invite you all to recite But mashallah
some students today Here you go take this
mic And get ready until it Some of
the students Have recited this morning To Shaykh
Muhammad Jibreel And he was really really impressed
to listen to the recitation This morning and
I have witness here Shaykh Majid mashallah So
Shaykh Majid was there Listening a long time
ago Actually six eight years ago Shaykh Muhammad
Jibreel came here And he was not Surprised
he was not Impressed by the recitation But
when he come this time He was sitting
right next to us and keep saying Mashallah
tabarakallah Mashallah tabarakallah This is beautiful recitation It
was really good to hear that the Shaykh
Was happy especially when it comes from Someone
who is In that standard in that level
Judge or renowned judge of Quran And to
say this is very beautiful Recitation this is
beautiful And beautiful May Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala reward Our teacher and for those who
are doing A great job rather than his
parents And especially The teachers or The school
teachers ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala To
reward everyone Immensely Allahumma ameen Aisha Anas go
ahead Bismillah My name is Aisha Anas and
I will recite The first half of surah
Nuh One
more Alright It's time for fun time inshallah
ta'ala I'm gonna call the names and
then Sheikh Majid Mahmood will give you Your
awards So the first name that I open
the bag And look inside here Sara Muntasar
Takbir Well deserved Hiba Takbir
Where she is?
What's the award for?
I said that in the beginning but I'm
gonna say it again So the award is
For being a well rounded Student in Quran,
academics And behavior Takbir There you go And
then we have This is the fourth student
Hajra Siddiqi Takbir We
have She's not here?
Okay Alright Wajdan There you go
All of the students The same awards Yes
All of them Achieved in Quran Achieved in
behaviors Achieved in academics And this is going
to be for Harima Masha'Allah JazakAllah khair
Allah reward you SubhanAllah ta'ala Then we
have Malek Masha'Allah Where she is?
Malek is here?
I saw her somewhere Is Malek here?
No No Okay Then we have Here Asya
Firuz Masha'Allah Masha'Allah
Congratulation Then we have Hudan Abdi Masha'Allah
I'm gonna go to the other side See
the boys Bismillah Arman
Sayed Masha'Allah Takbir Ibrahim
Jamali Alright Someone copied my sound My voice
right here I heard you There you go
Congratulation Then we have Abdullah Ahmad Masha'Allah
Takbir Takbir Yahya Duari Masha'Allah
Takbir Last not least Abdul Rahim Firuz Masha
'Allah Again there are A lot of students
here Was rewarded for a special gift Alhamdulillah
May Allah reward you all And there are
some students Competing on different levels May Allah
make the Quran The spring of their hearts
I'm not gonna talk anymore Now I'm gonna
hand my mic To Sheikh Majid Mahmood Assalamu
Alaikum Bismillah Should I use this one or
this one?
Can I use this one?
See the sheikh knows I like to walk
around as I speak Masha'Allah May Allah
bless you all Assalamu Alaikum Assalamu Alaikum Bismillah
As always We start with the name of
Allah And we ask Allah To send His
peace and His blessings Upon Prophet Muhammad I
thank Allah First and foremost For everything that
Allah gave us And the Prophet taught us
He who does not thank the people Has
not thanked Allah, correct?
So we all would like to thank our
Mashayikh, may Allah bless them All our imams
May Allah grant them the highest levels in
Jannah And you know who else should deserve
it Insha'Allah as well, God willing Their
families, for the sacrifices Masha'Allah Seeing our
imams, may Allah grant them Jannah Night and
day Right, from the morning Jum'ah, multiple
shifts Asr, Maghrib, Isha' All day, may Allah
bless them And all the people who help
make The Noor, Qur'an, academy possible The
wonderful team, the board members Jazakumullah Khairan, may
Allah bless you and protect you And without
Allah and the parents This would have never
been happening This would not have been possible
So may Allah reward you as well And
the community at large I will tell you,
as we all were children One day, these
moments They will never forget, you agree?
So when these kids, may Allah grant them
Jannah Get older and older They will remember
what I read And I recited, and they
did Takbeer, and they attended Even though you
all, or many, can recite Even better at
times, right?
But you showed your humbleness, and they will
never forget that Insha'Allah, so may Allah
allow us To be of those who show
Appreciation to the good work that is being
done Amin Rabbil Alameen So speaking about the
Qur'an I'll give you insha'Allah, bi
'idhnillah A quick reminder, by the will of
Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala, about the Qur
'an The Prophet, Sallallahu alayhi wasallam Sallallahu alayhi
wasallam He said One of the last Sermons
he ever gave And he's speaking to over
100,000 sahaba This was one of the
highest documented numbers By the way, was the
farewell Hajj, so the time is Limited, you
have to be very Concise, the sun is
strong In Mecca, so give us the points
Powerful, and he is the best to do
that Sallallahu alayhi wasallam What will he say
Among the things that he Emphasized on is
the following, he said I will leave you
with something Now you can tell he's saying
it Because he's departing the dunya He says,
I will leave you with something If you
hold Tight to, you will never go astray
If you hold tight to You will always
be steadfast What is it, Ya Rasulallah, Sallallahu
alayhi wasallam What is it, Ya Rasulallah, tell
us He said, Kitabullah, the book of Allah
Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la If you
hold tight to it, you will never go
astray And speaking to the wonderful imams The
board members The wonderful teachers, may Allah bless
them all One of the things they emphasize
Is that this is not just memorizing The
Quran, but more It is understanding the Quran
And this is so important And so critical
And I'm very happy that this is part
of the curriculum Even, even If you see
your son, your daughter You see the students
in general May not memorize at the Pace
that you would like to But keep in
mind, there's understanding Which goes a lot further
May Allah grant us the best And then
you go to the third and the peak
of all Not just memorizing Not just understanding,
what's the best, you tell me What's the
best Implementing That is why one of the
sahaba He said, I went to Aisha Who
is Aisha, who is she Who is she
The wife of the prophet, salallahu alayhi wa
sallam You're right, and who is she Give
me another description, she's the wife of the
prophet Sisters, tell me one Who is Aisha,
try Excellent The daughter of Abu Bakr as
-Siddiq, excellent And who is Aisha Radiallahu anha,
what, there's more, yeah there's more How about
the bigger, older ones Ummul mu'mineen, may Allah
bless you The mother of the believers, radiallahu
anha Right, so she knows the prophet She
knows the prophet really well So the prophet,
salallahu alayhi wa sallam It was asked about
him, a man came to Aisha He said,
ya Aisha, ya ummul mu'mineen How was the
akhlaq of the prophet How was his behavior
How was his character, tell me how he
spoke Basically, tell me how he walked Tell
me how he moved Tell me how he
ate, tell me, tell me How was his
character overall How was his akhlaq, patience and
modesty and so on You know what she
told him She asked him a question What
was the question He asked her the question,
but she will answer in a question You
know people do that sometimes, right What was
the question she asked him Tell me, but
raise your voice Go ahead Yes Do you
not read the Qur'an Alasta taqra al
Qur'an Do you read the Qur'an
He said, yes She said, kana khuluquhu al
Qur'an His character was the Qur'an
And may Allah make you all like that,
say ameen She said That's the answer If
you want to know who Rasulullah is Read
the Qur'an You see how powerful the
connection is So the Qur'an says Do
not spy He does not spy The Qur
'an says Do not backbite one another What
surah Excellent Do not backbite one another He
doesn't backbite Allah says to the believers to
lower their gaze And not look at the
haram He doesn't look at the haram That's
how he was You know what's amazing about
the hadith The ending of it The man
says I did not see there's any reason
For any other question after this answer He
said There's no need to ask any more
questions Because if I read the Qur'an
If I understand the Qur'an My questions
in general are answered And it's very clear
for us So here the Prophet ﷺ The
way the Qur'an is honored is beyond
our imagination Rasul ﷺ says Allah has VIP
people Do you guys know what VIP is
Very important people One time I went to
Malaysia for a conference And then I saw
a room that said VVIP True story I
said VVIP So I asked the people What
is that?
They said that's very very important people So
am I VVIP or VIP Or just IP
May Allah protect us So to Allah There
is VVVIP Who are they Tell us He
ﷺ said Allahu Akbar The people that know
Qur'an The people that study the Qur
'an The people that try to recite the
Qur'an The people that go to the
tafsir of the Qur'an And definitely the
people that try to live by the Qur
'an May Allah make us of them That's
the real deal, that's the real VIP people
Brothers and sisters Rasul ﷺ Just to show
you what Qur'an does to people Just
imagine One time the Prophet ﷺ He went
to a sahabi His name is Ubay Ibn
Ka'ab What's his name?
You know why he's special?
Because he was one of the best Qur
'an people in all Medina So he's the
top top So the Prophet ﷺ says Ya
Ubay Allah told me to tell you something
Did you guys understand what just happened?
Allah told me To tell you something I
got new revelation I received a new surah
Do you know what surah was it?
What surah?
You're very close Al Bayyinah So he says
I received a surah Allah told me to
read it to you So what's in Ubay's
Allah told you my name Like Allah said
Ya Rasulullah talk to Ubay Like he said
Ubay Ubay So the Prophet ﷺ said yes
But he starts crying I'm the one that
Allah said his name How does it feel?
May Allah grant us the best In dunya,
when someone famous He mentions someone's name You
remember I'm Ahmed?
You remember from your last trip?
And you start getting emotional Bro the speaker
remembers my name And we're nothing Allah is
the best example Allah mentions Ubay by name
But brothers and sisters why?
Why mention Ubay by name?
Ubay may not have been like Abu Hurairah
A great man who memorized the hadith Which
is great Ubay was not like Uthman Ibn
Affan Who was a great what?
Donor Ubay was not like Khalid Ibn Walid
A great warrior Ubay may not be like
Anas Ibn Malik serving the Prophet Physically ﷺ
What made Ubay Ubay?
It was the Qur'an That's what made
Ubay Ibn Ka'b One of the greatest
Qur'an reciters Of all time That's what
the Prophet ﷺ Was he teach us?
He says the example of the one Who
does dhikr And recites the Qur'an And
remembrance and the one that doesn't Look how
powerful the hadith is The one who remembers
Allah And the greatest of remembrance is what?
What's the greatest dhikr?
The Qur'an And the hadith la ilaha
illallah He says it's like the one who
is alive And the one who is dead
So someone may be healthy Bench press 350
pounds Mashallah tabarakallah They can do wonders, pull
ups, everything Healthy, strong, powerful, fast Has the
money, has the world But they're dead That's
what Rasulullah ﷺ is teaching us Why is
he dead ya Rasulullah?
There's no Qur'an, there's no dhikr It's
like the fish outside the water Your water
to the soul The food of our bodies,
the soul The spirit is the Qur'an
So may Allah grant us the best That's
why we tell our young men and women
May Allah grant them jannah, say ameen We
tell them, sometimes you hear about celebrities You
hear about very rich people You're like, I
wish to meet this I wish to meet
that Few months ago a kid said My
dream is to meet Elon Musk May Allah
protect us from him By the way he's
very evil these days And those who know,
know He has never been more dangerous to
Muslims as much as now So be very
careful So that individual If I were to
tell you this man's heart Is empty He
feels there is emptiness He feels loss And
many people You're like, oh I want to
be like them Only if you were to
know they wish to be like you They
wish to have what you have When you
hear people They spend millions Talking to people,
I tried this, I tried that I'm not
happy Having the palaces and the mansions In
Southern California And other places in the world
But they feel empty, what do they end
up going to?
What do they end up going to?
Say it Drugs and so on, why?
Because I tried everything I tried this, I
tried traveling I tried buying cars I tried
buying homes, nothing is working So let me
go do drugs It's not working, then they
go heavy drugs Until many of them commit
suicide May Allah protect us What are they
looking for that they're missing?
May Allah guide them all They're missing what
you have They're missing what the school is
based upon The Qur'an, may Allah make
the Qur'an Fill our hearts So inshallah
brothers and sisters May Allah protect us And
allow us to fulfill the following In brief
steps To how to live with the Qur
'an, ready inshallah?
Number one The scholars they speak about how
to live With the Qur'an Is to
read the Qur'an That's number one, what
is it?
To read the Qur'an And the Prophet
ﷺ Emphasized this first point so much Read,
read the Qur'an Put the effort, he
says ﷺ The one who reads Qur'an
very well Is with who?
As-safarateen, good Al-kiram al-barara, excellent
If you are such a good reciter May
Allah make you all of them Get ready
inshallah to know where you will be Inshallah,
As-safarateen al-kiram al-barara Two opinions
regarding it May you both are accurate As
in together, they are the prophets You will
be with the prophets In Jannah inshallah That's
the reward of those who read Qur'an
With what?
With quality, with tajweed With tartil Then the
Prophet ﷺ did not forget That many of
the ummah If not most of the ummah
Has a hard time reading Qur'an Yes
or no?
We say al-hamdu, we cannot say al
-hamdu We say zaleen The struggle, it's okay
The Prophet ﷺ says What does that mean?
It's a word?
And you know what the meaning of the
You can know the meaning From the way
it sounds What's yatata?
Struggle Stutter So the Prophet ﷺ says The
one who tries to read the Qur'an
And he's like Is it nabiyeena?
And struggling, you get two rewards Not one.
The reward of what?
Trying The reward of the struggle And the
reward of actual recitation You get two of
the rewards I remember, subhanallah, one of my
teachers I had a hard time With the
shadda, and I'm going to share this with
you The shadda issue I had, is I
used to do a lot of Vibrations, so
I'll say it the wrong way I used
to say nabiyeena Nabiyeena And Allah's my witness,
the sheikh told me It's not nabiyeena, it's
An-nabi-yeena Nabi-yeena Nabi-yeena I
kept saying nabiyeena, he said imagine there's no
vibration Stop it Nabiyeena, wallahi Allah's my witness
20 minutes On one word, 20 You're upset
at half a page?
I took 20 minutes On one word, and
the sheikh sat And the sheikh sat, isha
finished, and he's like I'm not leaving the
masjid, until you say An-nabi-yeena, and
now look Nabiyeena, allahu akbar, right?
For many times, nabiyeena with vibration So struggle,
work hard, and Allah Will open the doors
for you, may Allah protect us Ya rabbal
alameen, the second What was the first one?
Read The second, to share with you, the
prophet Sallallahu alayhi wasallam, told us to do
Contemplation Yes you read, you want to memorize,
you would Listen, but you have to have
times In your life, where you go beyond
Reading, you go One ayah, maybe 15 minutes
10 minutes, what's a tafsir?
What's the meaning?
Especially words That we read night and day
Everyone in the masjid, everyone Should know, what
does as-samad mean You agree or no?
Some of us read as-samad more than
fatiha May Allah protect us, right?
Because when you sleep, you say How many
Three times, as you go to sleep After
salah So technically even more than fatiha Fatiha
is 17 times Sometimes you ikhlas a lot
more at times But what does as-samad
Here we have to pause A word that
you read so often khanas What does it
falaqa What does it mean?
All these matters should put the emphasis on
May Allah put barakah in our time, say
ameen So now we have to put that
in our time In our schedule, bit by
bit What do we start with?
Start with what you Read the most Start
with what's as-sirat al-mustaqeem Start, who
is ad-dalleen?
Who is maghdoobi alayhim?
May Allah grant us the best The third
thing to share with you What's the first
To read Number two, to contemplate Number three,
to apply the Qur'an To go with
the rulings of the Qur'an The Qur
'an says Do this, you do everything Under
the sun to do it The Qur'an
says avoid, you do whatever you Can to
avoid, that's how you Live by the Qur
'an Last but not least, how to live
with the Qur'an I will ask you,
what's the last point I'll share with you
So we said read, to live with the
Qur'an You read it, you contemplate And
you apply the rulings What's another thing?
Huh, go ahead Spread it Teach it, excellent,
that's very good, what else?
Huh, what else?
Go ahead What is it?
Follow its rules, excellent That's the last point
we shared One more, huh Memorize, excellent Teach
it, excellent I'm taking my time because Insha
'Allah we're going to use this more than
ever before, insha'Allah How to live by
the Qur'an To use it as cure
Medicine Oh, you mean spiritual?
No, not spiritual, physical You have headache, migraine?
Qur'an Ibuprofen?
Okay, two if you have to But ask
your doctor if you have any allergies I
have allergy from ibuprofen, may Allah protect us
But cure physically The Prophet shallallahu alaihi wasallam
Authentic hadith A man was traveling, a group
of Muslims traveling So they passed by a
city They're not Muslims And then they were
not the most Kind of people, but no
problem They kept traveling On the way back
from the trip The leader, the boss of
the city Got stung by a poisonous Species
So the strong leader, the boss Collapsed So
the people in the village They tried everything
to cure him Medication, plants, shots Whatever they
have, nothing worked The leader of the village
Is on the ground, what do they do?
Who do they see traveling back To Medina?
The Muslims Oh Muslims, no no, we're friends
Oh Muslims, do you guys have Any medication
that is special in Medina We did this,
we did this, we did this And he's
still knocked out What do we do?
So one of the sahaba, he says, we
have cure What is it?
Fatiha Surah al-Fatiha, authentic narration So the
man said I will do the Fatiha and
they agreed on The payment What is it?
The Muslims back then They do their thing
We'll tell you if it's halal or not
at the end of the hadith So then
the sahaba said, I'll do this But you
give me money, so he said ok So
he went and read what?
Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim Alhamdulillah rabbil alameen
Till the end of the surah, the hadith
says And the boss, the leader Got up
as if there's nothing wrong Allahu Akbar, so
what is this?
This is the Quran, now what happened The
sahaba went back to Medina and they told
the prophet Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the story
So the prophet asked the sahabi How did
you know Fatiha is cure?
It's amazing I.e. confirming that it is
cure It's like ruqya, right?
So he said, ya rasool, we have one
question Is it halal what we got, like
the money and the food Also they got
He said, it's not just halal Give me
part of it, Allahu Akbar Sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam So use the Quran as cure It's
shifa linnas It's cure to the people May
Allah make us memorize the Quran Apply the
Quran, learn the Quran Contemplate the Quran And
use it as cure, ameer rabbil alameen Jazakumullahu
khairan Wassalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh Jazakumullahu
khair May Allah bless you all Do we
have any questions for the sheikh?
Do we have any questions from the parents
for our community members Any questions so far?
Jazakumullahu khair This has come to the conclusion
of the night Please in your way out
try to scan the code And we'll see
you tomorrow at our event here at 5
.30 Jazakumullahu khair We already did this morning
Alhamdulillah, all of us take picture with them
Alright guys Alright There is a free treat
for the new Quran students here So please
come, pick up yours Alright Assalamu alaykum Another
announcement inshallah ta'ala Whoever here for the
RISE program The check-in is gonna start
at 9 o'clock Now, now is actually
at the gym inshallah Now at the gym
inshallah for RISE program If you are here
for the RISE program Please check-in at
the gym inshallah Wa'alaikum salam