Lobna Mulla – The Quran Hope and prosperity
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Introduce our next speaker who has been, trekking
and and and and coming also not all
the way from Virginia, but still from far
away if we know Southern California, which is,
the valley,
with with a couple of stops on the
way. So I don't know how many freeways
you had to pass by on that 405,
for I know, sometimes it's you start counting,
like, we passed this freeway and that freeway,
and we're still on the same one, but
may Allah reward you. May Allah reward you.
So Sadah Lobna Yusuf Molla is a motivational
speaker. Many of you,
probably are familiar with some of her,
YouTubes that she does in a very humorous
humorous way too and gets us excited and
optimistic with her beautiful smile.
She's a community educator, a member of the
board of directors of Yaqeen Institute For Islamic
She serves as an IOK Muslim Chaplain at
She's a former National Terbeah director of the
Muslim American Society, where she's still an active
and she is also the cofounder of the
Muslim Marriage Rejuvenation
Retreat. So all you couples or you're not
couples here, but all you sisters who have
who have a husband at home,
or out in the work or somewhere, but
anyone who has a relationship,
who's married,
that is the Muslim
we do a little pitch for you there.
The Muslim marriage rejuvenation
retreat. And so she's going to be talking
to us today about the Quran
hope and prosperity.
So join me in welcoming Ostadah Lobna.
You know, sort your affairs and and and
make your way over here then. Zechmohan for
organizing this, and and for our lovely, guest,
speakers too as well. So,
intella, today I wanted to talk about
hope in the Quran,
and really how can we read the Quran
and listen to it, and
really get the message of hope in it.
You know, as we're gonna be talking about
throughout the entire day today, the Quran
was sent as a guidance for us. What
a blessing.
These messages
were sent to prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam, and they were meant to guide him
and soothe him, the stories, the commandments, the
And in turn, as we pray every day,
and we read these ayats in our in
our prayers, and as we listen to Quran,
and as we memorize it, and
as we read Quran,
is talking to us.
He's giving us these stories of the prophets,
these stories of people that are like you
and I.
These these these ayat, these signs that he
has in his universe, they're meant for us.
So when
Allah shares these stories and these inspirations of
hope in the Quran, it is meant to
uplift us, inshallah,
and meant to give us that that same
feeling, inshallah.
Nice to see you ladies up there too.
I just know that you guys are up
there too.
You know, oftentimes when we think about hope,
we kinda think of, like, this lofty
feeling. You know, when, like, the it's it's
raining right now, and it's been partly cloudy.
You know, when the clouds part, like, that
ephemeral heavenly music, like,
you know, it's it's hope. Well, you know,
yes, hope is like that,
but it's in some it it's
we can call upon
that necessary
feeling of hope in really, really dark times.
That's the beauty of hope. It's not just
like this happy feeling, like, I'm hopeful
that we're gonna have lunch today, you know,
and that's a pretty good that's what we're
pretty much gonna have lunch today, Insha Allah.
You know, God willing. You you never know
what can happen.
That's like a very near we're excited about
it. But the but hope is also something
that we need for a lot of situations,
but including
really difficult times.
Like, we're in situations and we don't know
what the end of it is going to
be. There's, like, we just have no idea.
And there's so many stories in the Quran
where our beloved prophets or their mother or
or a relative or a brother
is in a really dark situation, and they
don't know what the end of it is
going to be, and yet they call upon
this this quality of having hope in Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. And so these are some
of the things I want to share with
you all today,
and hopefully to inspire us to to have
the same to have the same feeling. So
hope in Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala known as
is to
really, you know,
have this idea of Allah
mercy, and to have full confidence in his
That's hope in Allah
It's it's really understanding the vastness of his
and having full confidence in his generosity.
And this confidence
is sometimes difficult to come by,
because when you're you don't see the way
forward. It's cloudy. It's dark.
How is this gonna how is this possible
that I'm going to get out of this
situation? Or how is it possible that Allah
is gonna answer my dua?
This confidence in his generosity is so important,
and the confidence in Allah's
love for us is so important as well.
So just kind of,
you know, getting getting, our our minds wrapped
around this concept,
from a definition perspective.
And this is my just personal reflection
on what are some of the necessary ingredients
for hope. Because a lot of times when
we think about these characteristics
by themselves,
we feel like, well, we should just be
hopeful in Allah. It should just be there.
But in my you know, some of the
things that I've been reflecting upon,
there's 2,
and I'm sure there's more, there's 2 necessary
ingredients in having hope.
One of them is patience.
Right? And we know that Yaqub alaihis salam
says this when when Yusuf is gone. He
doesn't know where Yusuf alaihis salam is, and
he knows that his sons have betrayed him.
Right? So having patience. Why is this important?
Because when you don't know the way forward,
when you're not sure what's going to happen,
when you're not sure how you're gonna get
cured, you're not sure how this loved one's
gonna be returned back to you, you're not
sure how you're gonna get that job, or
that spouse, or all the other things that
we hope for,
you have to be patient.
You have to be patient
and wait, and know that Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala loves you, knows that he has a
plan for you, and that even in your
he's going to give you something better.
You will achieve a higher status, insha'Allah.
Something better will come out of this difficult
situation. And the second goes very much along
with his patience is trust.
Trust in Allah
You know, a lot of some of these
stories, we're just gonna highlight a few,
stories in the in the Quran that that
gives us these glimpses of hope.
There was there were key moments of trust,
one of the ways in which we can
trust Allah
is seeing in these stories how there was
difficulty, how there was uncertainty,
there was hardship,
and through the full circle of seeing the
full story in the Quran
that we that the prophets themselves
or like I said, their relatives, and we'll
talk about that, they got to see, oh,
yes. Allah
promised this that he would help me. I
didn't know exactly how,
but in the end it happened. I have
to trust in Allah.
So do we each need to wait for
all of these ayats? Allah
does give us signs.
He does give us glimpses. I'm sure how
many of you, if you were to look
back on a difficult moment in your life,
something that you waited for or some really
difficult situation,
How many of you can look back
5 years, 10 years, and say, yes. Yes.
I I understand. I understand why this happened.
I get it. It was difficult. It was
not easy, but I get why it happened.
Allah is sending you signs.
Right? He's also giving us Quran.
He's also giving us these stories so that
we can not have to wait for decades.
We can see it. Oh, Allah did this?
Okay. I trust Allah
That makes sense.
I'm going to also before I I share
a couple of stories, I wanted to talk
a couple
of difficult
scenarios in people's lives,
in in in which we really need hope,
and how Allah highlights that theme in the
Quran. And one of them is divorce,
in Surah 65, Surat Talaq.
Verses 2, 3, 4, and 5,
All talks so greatly about hope in the
of a relationship
breaking up, in the midst of a family
breaking up, in the midst
of families
breaking up. Is the woman expecting? Is she
not expecting? Is this something that she wanted?
And now the marriage is falling apart. This
is a very difficult situation in a person's
life. And like I said, not only affecting
the person who's getting married, but the I'm
sorry, divorced. I know my mind is on
marriage because of the marriage retreat. Right? Not
only the the person themselves who's getting divorced,
but the children, the spouse, and the families
on both sides, and subhanAllah, even beyond that.
The end of of, verse number 2,
in Surah, Talaq, when Allah says well, I'll
start from the beginning. Then when they have
almost reached the end of their waiting period,
meaning the women when they're waiting for their
ada to finish, either retain them honorably
or separate them from them honorably. And this
is a commandment, subhanahu, there's so much reminder
in this in this Surah of Talaq
for men to have taqwa, for men to
really be god fearing, subhanahu, and women, of
course, as well. But this is such a
sensitive and and and delicate,
difficult period.
So, after, you know, a previous,
either bring them back or you separate from
them, but either way, honorably. And call 2
of your reliable men to witness either way,
and let the witnesses bear true testimony for
the sake of Allah.
This is adjoined on whoever has faith in
Allah in the last day. Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala is giving very strict commandments on
how talaq should be done with ehsan, that
divorce should be done with excellence, right, and
not to hurt somebody.
And the last part of this this ayah,
this is all a number 2, and whoever
is mindful of Allah,
he will make a way out for them.
Such a powerful, powerful
ayah. Whoever has god consciousness doesn't mean you're
like the best Muslim in the world, you're
so high, you know, you're the most pious.
You have taqwa, you're trying. You're trying to
do the things that please Allah
and you're trying to stay away from the
commandments that Allah
has prohibited. That is taqwa, and it's simple
as a very simple explanation.
So what about those people? Allah
will make a way out.
How many of us are looking for a
way out of something?
A difficulty,
a mental health illness,
a situation,
you know, a
job that we're trying to get out of,
something that we're trying to get out of.
And the hope continues. The hope continues.
And Allah
will provide for them from a place
you would have never imagined.
You don't know where it's gonna come from.
You have no idea. How many of you
too? Like, we've heard stories. I was planning
on going somewhere, and I didn't have enough
money, and all of a sudden, this thing
came through, or someone just hands me an
envelope. You know, I remember my uncle telling
me that he'd been wanting to go to
Hajj, and he really you know, this is
pre days of of Internet and and what
have you and and trying to book tickets,
and he really wanted to go badly, and
he just did not have the money. And
somebody, he forgot that he had loaned money
years ago,
literally came up to him and gave him
an envelope full of cash.
Talk about like the old days. Right? Who
who deals with cash anymore? An envelope full
of cash. That that that would have been
and he was able to go. So from
a place you would have never imagined,
And whoever puts his trust in Allah Allah
is enough for him. Allah is enough.
You just have to believe.
You just have to believe.
Certainly, Allah achieves his will, and he has
set a destiny for everything.
Okay. So we have this this one reminder
about hope in Allah
Then that's and and that was going into
verse 3 as well.
And then the ayah, continues and talks about
if, you know, those women that are waiting
for their ibda to finish, that that waiting
period, if those who are pregnant, what have
you, we have to wait. And Allah Subha'ala,
This is the first time Allah Subhanahu wa
Ta'ala is using this phraseology
in this Surah. It comes again,
in a and number 4.
And whoever is mindful of Allah, whoever has
taqwun Allah, he will make their matters easy
for them. How much difficulty is there in
divorce? How much difficulty is there in any
painful situation, any traumatic situation, any tragedy that
may be going on around us? Allah
is saying what?
That Allah will make their matters easy for
him. He's promising us this.
He is promising us this. And then,
the last time, the next ayah where Allah
mentions again,
And whoever is mindful of Allah, he will
absolve them of their sins. This will be
a means
of of of of excusing your sins.
We sin so much as human beings. This
is normal. It's going to happen.
Some much greater than others, but some just
in the day to day, we're going to
be piling up sins. That this difficulty
may have been a means for our massive
expiation of sins. This may have been the
test that we needed, whatever test. Here in
in particular, we're talking about divorce, but the
but any test may have been our means
of just
taking us to the next level.
And and Allah as the,
and reward them immensely.
Who doesn't want immense reward from Allah?
If you were to look back now and
say, oh,
that difficulty,
if all of us are, you know, in
in in in Jannah, and we're relaxing, and
we're having a good time, and if we're
to look back, wow.
That 6 months difficulty, that 1 year, that
5 year, that 10 year difficulty that I
had to endure maybe decades long.
Wow. That was worth
it. That was worth it. Because Allah forgave
me my sins,
and he made me elevated in my reward,
and that was worth
it. Allah gives us so much hope in
the Quran
that we don't have to search for it.
It's talking to us. Allah it the Quran.
Allah is talking to us through these verses.
There's also hope in so many other situations.
So one, I'm talking about breaking up a
family. Right? The family is falling apart,
and there's there can be hir in that.
Right? And and some of you, I know,
you've you've
you've experienced goodness out of that. It was
a necessary thing that had to happen.
What about when we have made great error
and we can't forgive ourself?
Allah gives us hope after sin.
Grave sins. Some people, you know, I'm a
chaplain at UCLA, and I'm really sorry. I'm
I didn't do any warnings of, like, trigger
subjects, so gonna get a little bit heavy,
so I apologize. I talked about divorce,
and I'm just going to mention Zina just
in passing. But, you know, some students, they
come to me and they they're
they just feel horrible.
They committed Zina or sometimes they've approached it
so closely,
and they don't know what to do. They
feel so bad. They're like, how can I
pray? Oh, and then of course, unfortunately,
then they stopped praying because they felt hypocritical.
Well, I I'm doing this thing or I've
done this thing,
and I can't believe I got myself into
this situation,
And now how do I turn back? I
I can't even pray because I feel like
I'm a hypocrite.
Because I feel like Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
won't accept from me. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
gives us hope after the gravest of sins.
Even if people have left Islam
and they've come back, I mean, that's shirk.
Right? Or people who are searching. Allah guide
all of us.
Allah forgives everything, including shirk, as long as
make tawba,
which I just caught the tail end of
doctor Zayeb. So you talked about it. Right?
So we we're we're familiar. Allah is so
generous in that,
and one of the most beautiful ayats in
which Allah reminds us of this.
Say, oh prophet Muhammad,
that Allah says, oh my servants who have
the limits against their souls. When we make
a mistake, when we sin, we're sinning against
our we're
exceeding the bounds against ourself. We're hurting ourselves
when we sin. We're not hurting Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala. So Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is
reminding us of that.
Oh, my servants. He's still calling you my
servants. You've gone far away. He's calling you
my servant who have exceeded the limits against
your own soul. Do not lose hope in
Allah's mercy. There's hope. Right? Don't lose hope
in Allah's mercy for Allah certainly forgives all
You just have to make tawba.
He is indeed most forgiving,
I don't want him to say, all forgiving,
most merciful.
Allah is so generous. So even when we
have really fallen off of the track massively,
Allah wants us to come back, and we
always have that road to come back.
What about hope in challenging times?
The story
so I talked about a couple of themes.
1 is during divorce, one's after we have
committed grave sin, and now I wanted to
to highlight a couple of stories. 1 will
be of Musa, alayhis salaam, just briefly because
I know we have limited time, and that
of Yusuf, alayhis salaam, touching upon how
trauma and tragedy has affected these prophets and
how Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala was constantly there
for them. Not only that, but also planting
the seeds of hope
planting the seeds of hope for them.
He meets Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala,
and Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is teaching him
now the signs. He Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
doesn't give him any warning what these signs
are for. He just says, oh, nice stuff.
What is that? Okay. Now throw it down,
and it becomes a snake.
And then and then Allah says, don't be
Many, many times in Surah Taha,
verse Surah 20 is,
Musa alayhi salam's story is throughout the entire
Quran, but one one
long section of it is in, Surah Taha,
and Allah
says many times in the Surah,
Do not fear. Do not fear. Isn't that
giving hope to prophet Musa alayhi salam? Here's
a sign. The snake is your staff is
gonna turn into a snake. Don't be afraid.
Go to Firaun.
Don't be afraid.
Right? And and then we know Musa alaihis
salam, he makes that famous dua. He asked
for his brother to help him in this
affair. And now Allah tells again in the
in this story,
the, sorry. Musa alaihi salam and Harun alaihi
salam, they both say now they're commanded to
go to prophet, to to go to Firaoun,
they are worried. He says, well, what if
what if Firaun transgresses against us? What if
he does something horrible to us? And Allah
Allah reassured them, have no fear. I'm with
you. I'm with you hearing
and seeing. Your journey, you're gonna go far.
You're going to face the most oppressive
I believe to have ever lived on this
And and especially at that time,
we can think of now some really oppressive
tyrants that we've experienced in our lifetime or
have heard of. Can you imagine you going
to them and giving dua?
So Allah
is reminding them, to both of them, have
no fear. I'm with you. I know. I
can see everything. I can hear everything that
that that you're going through.
And finally, when they, you know, moving forward
in the story, when they reach the Red
Sea, the ocean is in front of them.
The army of Faroan is behind them.
And and his people, Musa alaihis salam's people,
was like, what are we gonna do? We're
doomed. We're lost.
Musa alaihis salam Musa alaihis salam, he says,
That Allah is with me, and he will
not let us,
be lost. He will not leave us. And
of course, then he's commanded to strike his
staff, and the sea is parted for him.
SubhanAllah, how would how would Musa alayhi salaam
know that this is going to happen?
I'm the the ocean is the sea is
in front of me, the army is behind
me, and the ocean is just the sea
is gonna open up for me. Isn't this
a beautiful let's go back to that
that that whoever has god consciousness, Allah will
make a way out for you. Isn't that
a way out?
You have you have an obstacle before you
and an obstacle behind behind you, and you
have no idea how it's gonna happen. Because
Musa alayhi salam is amazing, and because
Allah keeps reassuring him and showing him the
signs and reminding
him in the end when he's really put
to the test, he's like, don't worry. I
know Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will not leave
I know Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will not
leave us.
And subhanAllah, part of the reassurance,
Allah gave Musa alaihis salaam,
when he was worried that I'm gonna face
Firaoun, and I'm worried what's going to happen.
He remind him, he says, don't you remember
that I inspired your mom to put you
into the river, and that you would be
raised in the house of Firaun? Can you
imagine the tyrant that you're now going to
now? You were raised by him in the
lap lap of luxury, and in comfort, and
in safety, and you were able to be
nursed by your mom. Remember later when you
had to flee and you killed that man
by accident, Didn't I help you in that
us all the time, look, trust.
have and have and Allah.
You know, going back to Musa alaihis salaam's
imagine the situation that the the the ruling
is out,
that all male children that are born to
Ben Israel, they have to be killed.
Because, of course, according to, Faraun's dream
interpretation, when he went to us, interpreter,
that when he had this dream, that he
said there will be somebody who will raise
up from
Ben Israel, who will kill you and take
over your kingdom.
And so
as a coward, of course, he wants to
kill all the male children.
says in in in in, Surat Al Qasas,
verse surah number 28. He says, we inspire
the mother of Musa,
Nurse him,
suckle him, but when you fear for him,
put him into the river and do not
fear or grieve.
We will certainly return him to you and
make him one of the messengers.
Don't be afraid and don't grieve.
Why is Allah
telling her this? Because that's super super scary
to let go, and we can take this
even in a
type of situation, not only letting go of
something physically, as Musa alayhis salam's mother is
doing so with her child, but what about
letting go for us?
What are we afraid to let go of?
our children,
you know, a situation,
and we're afraid. It's like it's like literally
like putting your child into the river. And
Allah says, don't be afraid and don't grieve.
Why? We will certainly return him to you,
and make him one of the messengers. Not
only we're gonna bring him back to you,
but we're gonna elevate him in status.
And what did Allah do to comfort her
heart? Allowed her
that she they would make it so, so
that only she would be able to nurse
him. So she even had she even got
to be able to be with her child
and nurse him to be in the most
intimate situation with your baby,
and let him be safe. SubhanAllah. Under the
eye of the one who's trying to kill
him. SubhanAllah.
And And what does Allah say a few
ayats later? This is how we return him
to his mother so that her heart would
be at ease and not grieve. That she
would know
that Allah's promise is always true, but what?
But most people do not know.
Allah's talking to us.
Most people don't know.
Do we have to wait for that promise?
Do we have to wait that okay. The
kawas, the the the prophet was over. There's
no more prophets, so we're not gonna be
the mother of a prophet. Okay? This is
not gonna happen to us. This, you know,
putting our we're not gonna, inshallah, have to
put our child in the river.
But Allah is telling us this story was
telling prophet Muhammad this story for him to
be comforted,
and he's telling us this story so we
can be comforted,
so that she would know Musa alayhis salaam's
mother, but so that we would know that
Allah's promise is always true. But most people
do not know. You have to have patience,
and you have to trust.
Believe that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has something
better for you, and have the patience to
wait for you to be able to see
Inshallah. Maybe not 100% you'll be able to
see it, but that you'll be able to
get a taste of it. Inshallah.
And then we have
hope in the midst of tragedy and trauma
in the story of Yusuf, alaihis salam.
when his when, Yusuf, alaihis salam's brothers
conspired against him, they took him because they
were jealous,
that he was one one of the favorite
of his, father of their father, mutual father,
Yaqub alaihis salam.
They decided, should we kill him? And one
brother said, no. Let's not kill him. Let's
just throw him in the bottom of a
well. Maybe some travelers will pick him up.
You know, at least, I I I was
reading it again this morning. It was like,
you know, he had something in his heart.
Alright. Let's not kill him. Let's just throw
him to the bottom of a well. Let's,
you know, hopefully, somebody will find him. So,
you know what's amazing?
Again, let's think about that ayah. He's at
the Yusuf alaihis salam gets thrown to the
bottom of the well.
That's a deep, dark, removed, secluded
place, and I'm sure he did not get
in there safely. I'm sure he got hurt
along the way. Right? He's in pain. He's
alone. He doesn't know what's going to happen.
That whoever has god consciousness, who's mindful of
Allah will find a way out for him,
out of the bottom of a well. And
you know wells are deep. It's not like
it's just like a little like a little
ditch or something. Wells are deep. SubhanAllah.
And look what happened. Allah says in Surat
Youssef aya number 15. And so when they
took him away and decided to throw him
into the bottom of the well, we inspired
him. So Allah inspired
to use of
this beautiful part of the aya. One day,
you'll remind them of this deed of theirs
while they are unaware of who you are.
Isn't that beautiful that
gave him hope in the middle of darkness?
He didn't say, don't worry. Your next meal's
coming. Probably in a couple hours, you're gonna
be fine.
Don't worry about it. There's some travelers. Maybe
just a day, you're gonna be good. No.
This is in the face of injustice.
This is in the face of tragedy. This
is in the face of trauma, of being
escape afraid alone.
One day, you'll remind them of this deed
of theirs
while they are unaware of who you are.
He's going to have some type of a
high position. Remember his dream? In the very,
very beginning of the surah that he shares
with his father that I have a dream
that the the
the stars and the moon and the sun
are bow prostrating towards me, and and and
tells his son, don't tell your brothers because
Shaytan may sow enmity between you. Subhanahu wa
without even telling the dream, Shaytan was still
there to sow enmity because there's envy. And
envy is, you know, it's a human nature,
to have that.
He will have a high position. Right? And
we see in the end that he is,
has a high status in Egypt being the,
what is it? I was gonna say the
wazir. The emir.
The the Azis. Azis. Just like, look. I'm
watching too many Osmen, so, you know, I'm
thinking of Al Qaeda.
The Azis.
He's going to have this high status where
he is in charge of the finances of
Egypt. So
Allah's planting the seed of hope
in this dark moment, which kind of reminds
and hopefully inspires us
that even in the face of difficulty, where
you don't know what tomorrow's gonna look like.
You don't know how you're gonna out of
it. You don't know how you're gonna have
the means, whether it be emotionally
or financially or psychologically.
What's going to happen? I don't know,
but, you know, this story is reminding us
in the midst
of being in the bottom of the well,
have hope in Allah
Have hope. He's there.
Even Yaqub alaihis salaam, his sons have betrayed
his son is lost,
and eventually the other son becomes lost too.
Right? Banyami alsavtaq banyami. It just gets worse
and worse and worse.
What does what does Yaqub alayhi salam say?
He says, oh my sons, go and search
for Youssef and his brother,
and do not lose hope in the mercy
of Allah, for no one loses hope in
Allah's mercy except those with no faith.
Don't lose hope in the mercy of Allah.
They've committed a big sin,
and they lied about it.
And now they've messed up, and they've lost
their brother, but that was part of the
plan. Right? That that was part of,
Yusuf Alaihi Salam's plan.
Things are really messed up, and Yaqub Alaihi
Salam's already amazing because he has this gentleness
about him too. He's still advising his sons
even though they have committed grave sin, and
they they've also lied to him and they
betrayed him. He's saying go and search for
your brothers,
and do not lose hope in the mercy
of Allah. Do not lose hope in the
mercy of Allah.
I don't wanna mess it up.
Don't lose hope in Allah's mercy.
This is a reminder to us as well.
You know, when we're in dark times and
we don't see forward, don't lose hope in
Allah's mercy. Trust in Allah
in times of difficulty,
when you don't know the way forward, when
you're wanting something and you're not getting it,
when you're oppressed,
when you're in a difficult situation,
trust in Allah
be patient.
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
will reward you. He will either reward you
and or also make this a means of
forgiving your sins or an expiation of your
sins as if they did not happen.
May Allah guide all of us. May Allah
all keep us hopeful in the mercy of
and even in our most difficult times, may
he make it so that we always
keep our hope and love for him.
get another.
Always inspiring us,
and, beautiful, beautiful talk on hope. And just
quick recap, she recapped multiple times, so,
but the main things are patience and trust,
and it's having that tawakkul
not knowing what it's gonna look like. So
it is in that depths of despair that
Allah still refers to us as his servants,
and keeping that connection
and being able to
know and have that full, full, full, that
I don't even know what would be like
the the,
certainty, but like absolute certainty,
in Allah
and in his generosity, and in his love
for us. So, Jazakkalahir.
How many of you are enjoying this so
far, have learned or have, Yes. Yes. We
can give
to the organizers
again, to everybody who made it out here
in person because, really,
this is where we build our connections with
each other. We strengthen our connections with each
other. We're reminded of our connection with the
Quran, with our with our Deen, with our
way of life,
and so everybody being here, whether it's in
person or those of you who are not
physically able to be here but are streaming
because the energy, the the love
is felt. And so
you all make this possible, so
for being here.