Lobna Mulla – The Power of Optimism

Lobna Mulla
AI: Summary ©
The founder of Muslim Marriage Rejuvenation Retreat, Asad conscious, introduces the founder and discusses the importance of optimism and trust in Islam's implementation. He emphasizes the importance of trust in the implementation of Subhan regulations and the benefits of it, including the ability to see the good in the midst of difficult situations. The speaker also reminds the audience to be mindful of the strong belter and to be a stronger Muslim in the face of difficult situations.
AI: Transcript ©
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Let's welcome our now our next speaker,

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See, I said Asadullahumnayousef

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because I left out her last name, Mullah,

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because she's a Yousef. Asadullahumnayousef

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is a motivational speaker and community educator.

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She first served on the board and is

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currently their terbiyah director of Yaqeen Institute For

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Islamic Research. She's also the cofounder

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of the Muslim Marriage Rejuvenation Retreat, and Mashallah

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Asadullahabna was the former former National Tarbiyyah Director

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of Mass. And I have to say this

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every single year, not only my sister in

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Islam, but my biological sister. Let's welcome Asadullahobna.

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As salaamu alaykum everyone.

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It's a pleasure and honor to be here

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amongst all of you at hamdulillah, a real

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benefit, hamdulillah.

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Bismillah, assalamu

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ala Rasulillah.

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So inshallah, I wanted to spend these next

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few minutes talking about optimism, and wallahi, it's

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a wonderful gift that we have, that Allah

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has placed it amongst the prophets. We find

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it in the Quran,

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and we find it on the tongue of

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prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam. Oftentimes there's some

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people who say optimism, shmoptism, you know, I'm

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a realist. I just like to be realistic,

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which is a code word sometimes, sometimes for

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tending to be a little bit on the

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pessimistic side. Or sometimes people even talk about

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a concept like toxic positivity,

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where you're just no matter what is going

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on people are suffering or somebody's really upset,

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and you're like, it's just gonna be okay,

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and you you kind of bypass the emotions.

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But what I'm talking about is something that

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prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam mentioned, and

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he said something very beautiful. He said, I'm

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amazed by optimism,

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the good word, the kind word.

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It's words that uplift the spirit. It's words

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that give us hope. And he also said

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something very powerful, subhanAllah, that describes optimism, I

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think, in a beautiful way. And when he

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said amazing is the affair of the believer,

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for there is good for him in every

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matter, and that is not the case with

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anyone except for the believer.

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If he is happy, if something good happens

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to him, then he is thankful and that

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is good for him. And if something bad

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or a calamity befalls him, then he is

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he is patient and that is good for

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him. And this is only the case for

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the believers. SubhanAllah.

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So what's amazing is that we are seeing,

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I believe, the implementation,

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what it really means to be optimistic

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when we see our fellow brothers and sisters

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in Philistines. May Allah grant them strength. May

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grant them dignity, and may Allah protect them

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and give them the tebat, give them the

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the the the constants to keep going, the

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perseverance, I want to say.

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What do I mean by that?

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It's that that even when they see that

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some of their family members have been martyred,

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that they look towards the positive. They're acknowledging

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the pain,

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but they're saying, alhamdulillah,

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this person

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is in Jannah,

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being nourished

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in Jannah,

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happy with what he is being nourished with.

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That despite the pain and despite the rubble

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and despite everything else, it's being able to

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see the positive. It's, yes, I'm suffering, and

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yes, this happened to me, and I'm so

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grateful to you, Allah. Allah Subhaana Wa Ta'la

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reminds us in the Quran,

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that if you are grateful towards me, I

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will increase you. That's the beautiful thing about

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gratitude, subhanahu wa ta'ala. I think it's very

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closely tied to optimism.

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Have you guys ever been around somebody

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that maybe you're in a situation? Okay. It's

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a little bit difficult, and they just keep

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pointing out all of the negative things. Right?

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Oh, that we're late, and this has happened,

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and this is not good, and we're starving,

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and this is bad, and blah blah blah.

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Whatever the situation is.

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But you can be sitting there, subhanAllah, and

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you're in the same situation,

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but you're saying, alhamdulillah, that we're in a

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comfortable space. Alhamdulillah, that we're both here together.

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that we're, you know, not cold or we're

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not hot. We're we're okay. We're safe.

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It's being able to see the positive amidst

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the difficult times, and as Sheikh Omar and

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all of the esteemed, Sheikh Mustafa Omar and

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all of our other esteemed speakers have been

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talking about, we will be tested and there

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will be difficult times. But optimism allows you

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to see the good

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in the midst of all of the things

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that may be difficult. SubhanAllah.

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As Isma'han also mentioned,

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that we see the implementation, we see the

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exercising of optimism in the Quran when we

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hear the stories of Nuh alaihis salam. For

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example, he was commanded to build an ark.

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Did you know that he had to plant

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the trees so he could harvest the trees,

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so he can build the ark? And where

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was he when he was doing this, by

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the way? He was doing it in the

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desert. People would mock him and make fun

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of him. Oh, where are you gonna? We're

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going to

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drive this ship in the sand.

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He had that optimism. He had that hope

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in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. He had that

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trust, and that's extremely important. What about Hajar?

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Hajar, when Ibrahim, alayhis salaam left her and

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baby Ishmael in the desert, and she's very

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Why are you leaving us? Why are you

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leaving us? And Ibrahim had to leave as

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he was commanded by Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala,

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and then the thought came to her. Wait

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a minute. Did Allah command you to do

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this? Then verily Allah will not leave us.

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Allah will not abandon us. That's optimism.

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That's optimism, Subhan, and her optimism

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is what has

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laid down the footsteps

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for for one of the most important aspects

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of of a Muslim's life in terms of

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Millions and millions and millions of people have

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followed in her footsteps due to her optimism.

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Not only number 1, in trusting Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala that there must be a reason

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that I was left here,

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and number 2, when she also made the

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endeavor, she also made the strife. Like Maryam

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when she shook the tree, she kept going

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between Safa and Marwa,

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looking, looking, looking. Even though there's nothing, she

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made the effort. That's optimism. That's a hope

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that Allah

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will open the doors for her. What about

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when Maryam

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was sent

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with baby Isa, but to go back to

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her people, but she was not allowed to

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How does she know what's going to happen?

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She just knows she's not allowed to speak,

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and how does she know that baby Isa

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was going to speak?

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Totally amazing. So that trust that Musa alayhis

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salam had when he,

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told his people, subhanAllah, not to despair when

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they're facing the ocean in front of them,

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the sea in front of them, and Firaun's

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army is behind them,

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And he said,

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don't worry that Allah will be with us.

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That's optimism.

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So it's very important to remember, and is

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and SubhanAllah, naturally,

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naturally, naturally, when we read about all the

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when we hear the disinformation,

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the lies, people who are getting punished for

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spreading the truth, it's natural to get frustrating

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during these difficult times, especially with what's going

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on in Gaza.

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But I hear just to remind you as

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I remind myself and my family, and subhanAllah,

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I'm listening to the good words, the optimistic

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words of other speakers that are uplifting me.

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Sometimes we want to just shut down. We

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feel horrible. Even when we saw the video,

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it's upsetting.

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You wanna shut down. It's a natural good

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reaction that you're having and just reminding ourselves

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that the strong believer is more beloved to

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Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala than the weak believer.

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Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala is testing you, and

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of course we're gonna have a whole another

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session next inshallah talking about how our test

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is to keep going in, inshallah, in terms

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of our belief in Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala,

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but to take action. And there's going to

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be so many ways that we're going to

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talk about through this entire convention and how

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we can take action. So that is the

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that is the beauty of optimism.

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It's being able to see through the present,

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to know that the reward with Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala is greater, to know that there

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is going to be exponential growth after this

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and with every difficulty that there's going to

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be ease.

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And guess what? Aside from a spiritual benefit,

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there is a physical benefit in terms of

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being optimistic. Studies have been done

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on people who are more optimistic in nature,

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that they are more healthy, subhanAllah, that they

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tend to live longer, that they, tend to

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have higher immune systems, subhanAllah.

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So it is a win win situation. When

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we put our trust in Allah,

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we will be the stronger Muslim insha'Allah. We

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will be able to be the soldiers for

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Islam in this country,

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and upholding, subhanAllah, hope for all Muslims.

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All Muslims who are able to do anything

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are upholding the hope for the ummah, and

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also to be able to be healthy and

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functioning Muslims, not only in the community, but

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in our own families. Your kids still need

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you. Your spouse still needs you. Your friends

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still need you. Your parents still need you.

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SubhanAllah, your siblings need you to be functioning

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and healthy so that optimism is something that

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can help us to continue despite these difficult

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times. May Allah keep us steadfast on this

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deen and to keep us up optimistic in

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the hope of Allah.

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Thank you, sister, for the beautiful reminder of

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the power of optimism

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and and being positive.

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