Lauren Booth – Visit to The Fatih Complex – Islamic Heritage Series

Lauren Booth
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AI: Summary ©

The great Turks in Istanbul are a hub for market stalls run by Syrian- identity speakers, with names like Jannah being promised to those who were promised. The architecture of the mosque is described, including the names of individuals who were promised Jannah. The speaker describes the struggles of Islam and the importance of staying safe in the mosque, as well as the rise of Islam in Europe as a major charity. A young Mehmet II with a mission to achieve Islam in Europe and was trained by Ak drafts bi, found himself in a city with many books and animals, including a hospice, school, and culture center, leading to becoming the most influential city in Bosnia.

AI: Summary ©

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			As-salamu alaykum, I'm afraid this finds you
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			well unblessed.
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			Welcome to one of my favourite areas of
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			It's called Fatih and today it's a hub
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			of market stalls run by largely Syrian-Arab
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			speakers, masha'Allah.
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			As-salamu alaykum.
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			How are you, okay?
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			Some people like to tell us that Islamic
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			heritage is dead and buried, that the great
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			times are past, that there's nothing to remember
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			and we feel bad as Muslims but I'm
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			here to tell you, Sopanaland, to remind me
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			that in the salams we give each other
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			and in Istanbul, in the very walls, are
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			the heritage and legacy of the great.
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			So there's lots of Syrian children around here.
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			They've been welcomed in the earlier years by
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			the Turks and we pray that that heart
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			and soul is found to maintain that relationship
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			and to treat them as Muslims fleeing oppression.
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			Hey, as-salamu alaykum, what's your name?
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			Look at this, what's your name?
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			Oh yeah, okay.
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			These kids, unfortunately, have had to learn to
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			give hugs for money.
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			The situation for the Muslims here is really,
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			really difficult, okay?
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			Allah bless you.
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			I'll get you some sweets later on, okay?
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			Originally, this area was built up by Fatih
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			Mehmet the Conqueror who wanted to set up
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			a foundation for a new empire by helping
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			the people.
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			We're about to visit the magnificent mosque that
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			bears his name.
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			This is the Fatih Complex and it was
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			built in the first decade after the conquest
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			of Constantinople and it shares essences of the
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			Medina Complex, okay?
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			Because when you build a mosque, you don't
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			just build a place to pray and then
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			you go home.
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			If you look around here, you can see
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			there are gardens for people to rest in,
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			fountains for people to get water in.
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			It's a very rare thing here, and that
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			is that the names of the ten who
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			were promised Jannah by the Prophet, peace be
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			upon him, appear in this mosque.
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			So if you look up there, there's the
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			names of the ten sahaba, friends of the
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			Prophet, who were promised Jannah.
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			I can see Talha up there.
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			That is not a normal thing, it's not
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			a traditional thing, but it's here and it
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			was chosen by Sultan Fatih.
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			Look at
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			these beautiful inlets here, these eaves.
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			So these are for travellers and the Sultan,
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			peace be upon him, Mehmed II, he commissioned
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			these himself specifically.
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			Now what are they for apart from being,
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			these are rebuilt ones obviously in the Baroque
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			style, but they close and they can be
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			And what would happen is travellers would come
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			here and they would put their belongings there,
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			They'd probably be stacked to the sky, they'd
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			be locked by the Imam or somebody who
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			looked after the mosque, and then the travellers
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			would go and find somewhere to stay, knowing
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			that their things were safe in the mosque.
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			Allahu Akbar, makes you think of Medina, doesn't
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			Nothing was missed in this design.
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			So when I was looking for information on
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			Mehmed II, and it's all in English, right,
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			on the internet, all I found were words
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			like vengeful, materialistic, conqueror.
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			It was as if he only lived to
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			take European cities, to cause problems to the
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			And don't get me wrong, he was a
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			conqueror, subhanAllah, he deserved that name.
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			He and his soldiers pushed into more than
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			20 campaigns, getting into Macedonia for the first
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			time, into Serbia, and even into parts of
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			But did he really do that just for
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			fame and money and wealth?
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			Well, from a Muslim perspective, we know that
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			our decisions are first and foremost made so
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			that Allah is pleased with us.
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			This is the same young man who, at
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			19, conquered Constantinople, subhanAllah, on the words Allahu
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			Akbar, and then days later went to his
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			Sufi teacher and said, can I please become
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			a dervish in your order?
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			To live a Sufi life is to live
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			austerity and leave it all behind.
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			Lucky for us, his teacher said no.
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			You know what, it's incredible to imagine, but
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			at around 14 years old, the young Mehmet,
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			the Prince Mehmet as he was then, he
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			was still a young man, a child on
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			a mission, right?
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			He was 14 years old.
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			And one night he was in his bedroom
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			and his light, his candle was on until
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			late, almost to the dawn.
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			And he was being trained by Akşemseddin Gurani.
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			He was the highlight of the ulema at
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			the time in the region.
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			He went in and he asked the young
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			prince, what are you studying late in tonight?
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			And Mehmet didn't want to tell him, subhanAllah.
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			He said, this is a secret.
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			His Hodja looked through what he was studying
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			and all he saw were plans for how
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			to take Constantinople.
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			What a young man with a mission.
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			And so the Hodja gave him this advice.
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			He said that if you really want to
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			be the one blessed by Allah, to enter
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			Islam into the heart of Europe, if you
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			really want to be the man who fulfills
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			the prophecy of Muhammad, peace and blessings be
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			upon him, I do not want you to
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			be an ignorant sultan, but a wise ruler
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			with a heart and foresight.
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			How our prophet, peace and blessings be upon
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			him, said, Constantinople will certainly be conquered.
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			What a great commander, the commander who conquered
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			And what a great army, the army who
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			conquered him.
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			So this, this is the library with thousands
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			of books collected originally by Mehmet II, subhanAllah,
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			as part of an Islamic waqf, which is
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			a major charity, like a permanent endowment.
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			Part of this arrangement, this city that he
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			rebuilt with its heart right here in Fatiha,
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			fed the poor.
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			So there were public kitchens, gave water to
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			the city, animals and the people, of course.
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			There was a hospice where the poor and
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			the dying could go.
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			There was an inn where people could stay
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			There were madrasas, the schools here for the
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			students of knowledge, taught all of the relevant
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			sciences of the time.
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			Astronomy, medicine, literature.
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			He was known to invite some of the
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			greatest writers from the Greeks and the Italian
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			civilization or the old population at the time
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			to come and share their knowledge.
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			It really became a community hub.
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			By the grace of Allah, that meant that
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			there was so much care going around this
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			area that Constantinople, as it became Istanbul, within
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			50 years became, will be, arguably, the most
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			influential city in the world by the 1600s.
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			Allahu Akbar.
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			I'm going to go in and pray al
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			-Fatiha now.
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			There's a misconception that Sufis come and pray
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			to people.
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			The vast majority just pray al-Fatiha for
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			them, you know.
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			Please, Allah, forgive them, raise them in ranks,
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			bless them.
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			Bosnia, Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, once upon a time
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			Serbia, all of Islam, through that opening Sufano.
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			By the grace of Allah.
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			So I guess I'm a bit overwhelmed at
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			the tomb of Fatima Ahmed Rahimallah.
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			The takeaways are, I'm asking Allah for better
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			leaders, for the kind of leaders who care
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			about the poor in their countries, you know,
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			the kind of leaders who want educated people,
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			not ignorant people who they can control.
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			The sort of leaders who will, you know,
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			fight out of the love for Allah and
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			the want to bring justice and goodness to
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			other people in the world.
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			Not for material gain, you know, it's that
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			distance from, you know, Allah gifted him everything
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			and what did he want to do?
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			He wanted to write great poetry remembering Allah
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			and using literature in order to, you know,
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			manifest beauty, if you like, in his realm
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			and look after the poor above all else.
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			Subhan Allah.
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			I love this area, you know, there's kids
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			playing actually in the fountains there.
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			I don't think they're supposed to swim but
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			they are swimming.
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			And there's kids on bikes and people love
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			to come to this area, look at it,
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			it's so well maintained.
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			Well, that's been Fatih Complex Istanbul.
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			If you like these videos, give us a
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			like, don't forget to subscribe and let's continue
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			this journey together through Istanbul in our eyes.
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