Lauren Booth – Update on Infamous Case of Injustice I Dr Fowzia Siddiqui Interview

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The conversation covers the story of Dr. Faurow's author, Asskouda, who was murdered by her father and her sister, Asskouda. The story is important for Muslims and the fight for freedom, as well as for those affected by the culture shock and fall in the Holy Spirit. The upcoming election and rallies for justice are also discussed, along with the importance of writing letters to support the clemency petition and holding rallies for justice.
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I recently had the privilege of meeting Dr.
Fauzia Siddiqui.
She's the dedicated sister of Dr. Afia who
remains unjustly imprisoned.
In our conversation we delve deeply into the
heartbreaking story of her sister Dr. Afia's kidnapping
and the painful injustice she's endured.
Her story is one that weighs heavily on
the hearts of Muslims worldwide and it resonates
with anyone who stands for justice and compassion.
Through this interview we aim to shed light
on her struggle and to inspire a global
audience to join in the fight for her
Assalamu alaikum and welcome back to my channel.
Today I am very honoured to bring you
a talk with Dr. Fauzia Siddiqui from Karachi
in Pakistan.
So watch to the end and learn about
the most maligned and tortured woman of the
ummah, arguably today, Dr. Afia Siddiqui.
Assalamu alaikum.
Walaikum assalam.
How are you sister?
Alhamdulillah, I'm fine and how are you?
You know we met 10 years ago.
Oh yes, I remember.
Do you?
I remember we met in a doorway.
Was it in Karachi, was it in Lahore
or Islamabad?
I think it was Islamabad.
Yeah and you immediately approached me and said
please do something about my sister.
Do you know about my sister?
Because I think the story of your family
is one of the crushing war on terror,
of lies but also of a family's love.
Tell us about your sister.
Tell us where she is now.
Right, well she's my younger sister.
She's my baby sister so and she's the
only sister I have.
She was kidnapped and she had a passion
of education.
She did her PhD from Brandeis University.
She had a full scholarship at MIT for
her bachelor's and then a master's and PhD
from Brandeis on learning through imitation and separating
the components of imitation and her passion with
that was how she could improve the learning
in children and how they could learn.
She felt that now that we are the
third world instead of the first is because
of the lack of the education system and
so that was her theory and her passion
was to improve the education system of Islamic
So what she believed was that Islam is
not a subject to be taught.
It's a way of life.
It's incorporated into every subject but there was
another interesting thing about her thesis which I
didn't know and I don't even know if
Afia knew about it and that was that
her PhD was on separating the components of
20 years ago we didn't know what this
meant but back then when Afia was doing
her research it seems that the robotics department
caught on to it because they funded her
PhD not the neuroscience or the cognitive education
department and it was interesting in why they
would but now we know why they would
because then we thought they're just nice people
and but the thing is that today what
is the basis of everything we do, AI,
it's through imitation and without separating those components
we could not build on AI, subhanAllah.
So there are lots of things that Afia
was first in and I mean the thing
is she was offered everything in the U
.S. but she said no she's going to
go back to Pakistan.
The U.S. admired her.
Naomi Chomsky said she is an institution in
She'll bring change wherever she goes but the
Muslims didn't even realize what an asset Afia
Instead they just kidnapped her, sold her for
a few dollars, her little children, little babies,
baby Suleiman, six months old in her lap
and just snatched, I mean they snatched away
her older two children, six years Ahmed and
three and a half years Maryam but obviously
the mother won't let go of her baby
and you know she was just clinging on
and they just snatched her and the last
memory that she has or the kids have
is seeing the baby on the ground in
a pool of blood yet we don't know
if he's alive or dead.
I mean just ask anyone, any mother, would
knowing that your baby is dead be better
than not knowing and just waiting every day?
You know with death there is closure but
not knowing is just torture but that's what
She got kidnapped and then you know she
went through a whole conspiracy when they found
out that poor Afia really didn't know anything
about the things they thought she knew like
she went to MIT so they thought she
must know physics and she's a you know
a nuclear physicist or that they found out
oh it was this education that she did.
Can we go back slightly because Afia was,
Dr. Afia was with her children on a
train going between cities in Pakistan and just
in brief she is really one of the
victims of the war, so-called war on
terror, not protected by her own country, not
protected by the Ummah and then actually sold
for money by people with no care for
Yes that's kind of, that kind of sums
it up.
It's a very sad and horrific story.
How do you live with it?
You know there's a saying, there's a couplet
in Urdu that you know I really
can't complain to the Zalimeen, to the Rehsans,
those who were who were doing this.
My whole thing is at the Rehbari of
the Ummah.
Where is the Ummah when their sister is
calling from the dungeons of America?
When she called out in court that when
she was strip searched and stripped naked and
then the Quran was torn and pages were
thrown in front of her and she was
asked to walk over it only then she
would get her clothes.
And she came in court when she refused
they beat her up and she lost her
first front teeth and she came bleeding in
court and she said where are the Muslims?
Is there any Muslim left in the world
that they can stop this from happening?
And this was reported on Channel 5 News
and and you know she actually said that
this was revealed in the heart of our
Prophet Muhammad and they want me to walk
over it.
How can I do that?
And they beat me.
Is there anyone who can stop this?
I mean she's under horrific conditions but that's
the thing that's painful.
It's you know it's your own that hurt.
I've heard things when I speak about dear
sister Afia to brothers and sisters who go
silent and there's no smoke without fire.
It's like American propaganda managed to cloud our
rational thinking as it clouded their many crimes
which are now being revealed in * technicolor
for the world to see in Gaza.
There is a link isn't there between Afia
and Gaza?
I really feel that there is a big
link between Afia and Gaza.
From the time of our Holy Prophet ﷺ
we know that when a Muslim woman's chador,
her hijab was pulled by a Jewish person
just out of you know malice.
How upset our Holy Prophet ﷺ was.
And then we know from then on they
conquered places just for the sanctity of a
single woman.
So here this modern day Afia called out
to the Ummah but the Ummah did not
And then the enemies of the Ummah realized
that there is no soul left.
There are all these rituals but there's no
soul because the soul is with the women.
The honor and dignity of the women.
That's what I feel.
I strongly believe that.
It's not because Afia is my sister.
I just think everything happens for a purpose.
You think we've just been formed for nothing?
Everything has a purpose and I believe that
was Afia's purpose to wake you all up.
But unfortunately much as I tried the Ummah
did not come through.
One of the things that moved me when
we met all those years ago was from
a phone call that you managed to place.
The cruelty of the American administration knows no
They accuse us of being medieval.
They are medieval in their torture.
Medieval in their cruelty.
And I just want to say right now
I'm so sorry your mother passed before seeing
her beloved daughter.
May they be united in the highest of
But you told me that your mother managed
to place a call to her daughter after
over a decade in incarceration.
And what did your sister tell her that
we should all have in our hearts?
I mean it was a dream that she
She did say to my mom and now
my mom's passed away so I feel a
little uncomfortable you know.
But the gist of it because it does
include our Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
and the gist of it was that she
saw our Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam in
the dream and he was there and she
asked him Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam that when will
my test end?
Ya Rasulullah.
And he looked at her and smiled and
said it's not your test.
And then she said that I said then
why am I locked up in here?
And then she started crying and she said
that there wasn't a response for a bit
and when I looked up there were tears
coming down his cheeks and he said it's
the Ummah's test.
We're literally making him cry.
And then she started crying and she said
I wish I had never asked that and
then my mom was consoling her and that
was the last phone call that my mom
ever got from her.
We're failing as Muslims and we're believing the
propaganda that's told about us and yet there
is incredible courage from yourself and determination.
Is it the backbone of the Qur'an
that keeps you going?
Um yes exactly.
I mean this was my mom's you can
say this is what she would want on
her epitaph if she was the Qur'an.
She said hold on to the Qur'an
and that is your salvation.
Whenever you feel down just pick up the
Qur'an and it will guide you.
It will always and it always has and
it always does and there's no doubt about
And I think today Afia is calling all
of you and don't expect our political leaders
to be that.
It could be any one of us and
we don't we just need to write letters
and keep writing them and keep asking and
keep asking until the door opens.
We have to keep knocking.
Someone will hear us.
It's been under Biden.
It's been under a variety of the last
four five American presidents have sat there.
Obama sat there with this injustice you know
and knowing what was going on at some
point you know Carswell is a major you
know incarceration center in the states.
It will have crossed their desk.
No you know we have to make more
What was your message to to to Kamala
Harris who's done nothing either for justice.
For all these years we were having a
The people of Pakistan millions came to the
streets so the politicians obviously I mean if
they see a crowd of millions on a
cause they're going to take up the cause.
But they would take it up and you
know make all these emotional speech speeches yet
when they get into power they get the
votes and they get into power they just
don't do anything and put it in the
back burner and go ahead with that.
So all this time what we've needed was
a letter an official demand letter from the
top executive to the top executive to the
president at a time that they're leaving when
it's easy for them to do and it's
a tradition that they pardon a lot of
It is a big achievement and I am
hoping that this one letter is going to
change also the direction of Pakistan and it's
the dignity of Pakistan and now it's time
to bring them back.
Because he did finally sign and write and
sign the letter asking for Aafia's release and
supporting our clemency petition and this was just
two days ago.
Allahu Akbar!
So I didn't know.
Oh this is amazing.
This is the news.
So we have the letter from our top
We need your help.
We need help from the Muslim Ummah.
We're not asking you to go into the
merits or demerits of the case whereas you
know Sister Loren when you said that there's
no smoke without fire do you know that
99.5% of all the people in
Guantanamo Bay were a hundred percent innocent completely
So what do you think Aafia is?
All the Muslims that were captured post 9
-11 out of those 99.5% they
could find nothing on them and they're still
locked up.
Majority of them are still locked up just
because they're Muslims and they have nowhere to
So let us make a move on this.
We have the letter by the grace of
I didn't, I really didn't know.
I will share that letter.
I will share that letter, yes.
So the message, the call out then?
What they can do is write letters, fill
the, or do a protest just a peaceful
picket outside the U.S. Embassy in Istanbul
and hand over signed letters hundreds and thousands
of them to President Biden that please we
support this clemency petition too.
Could this be in Biden's gift then or
is it too late now for that to
be because they were the electors?
No it's after the election that they'll do
So it'll be December, January.
So there's time.
If Allah wills.
Just before Biden leaves.
So we're aiming for before Christmas and if
Biden could do this as a Christmas gift.
And look at our fear not in the
political way as a human being.
Don't judge by the color of the skin
or a hijab on the head.
All human beings are born equal.
Thank you so much.
As always, it's wonderful to see you.
The appeals are going to be below.
Take action.
Make a sound within your community.
This is a new moment in a 20
-year case of injustice that has shamed the
Ummah and made our Prophet salallahu alayhi wa
sallam cry tears of anguish and that alone
should be our impetus inshallah as well as
love for our dear Afiyah inshallah.
Imagine and I want us all just to
have one second here.
See her arriving home in Pakistan.
See her hugged by her children.
Feel the ease on the heart of one
release of the Ummah and inshallah the barakah
that will come from that inshallah to Allah.
Thank you so much.
Together we can amplify the call for justice
and stand in solidarity with those who face
Thanks for watching till the end.
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