Lauren Booth – This Happened In The Holy Land

Lauren Booth
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AI: Summary ©

A young man tells a story about shopping with a young man who had all the bags and he asked him who he was shopping with. He then tells a story about a church he attended and how he lost track of time while doing so. He tells a story about a young man who lost track of time while shopping with him and asks him not to forget about them.

AI: Summary ©

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			On the trip in 2005, at the end
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			of the trip, I had all the bags
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			and bags of souvenirs.
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			And I asked the young man who was
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			shopping with me, can you please find me
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			a Quran in English?
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			I didn't think one had been written.
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			I mean, why would anybody translate a small
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			Middle Eastern religion?
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			Why would they bother translating it into English?
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			So I didn't expect him to find one.
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			So he goes, you know, Quran inglese, Quran
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			And he comes back and he's got the
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			Quran in English.
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			And I'm like, okay, great.
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			And then I look at it and it's
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			like 600 pages.
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			I'm like, I'm never gonna read this.
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			And then I remember I asked this young
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			Shabab from Jerusalem, how much do I owe
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			Cause he's been shopping with me.
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			And then he does this.
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			He goes, I forget it.
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			You don't tell us anything.
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			He said, the only thing I'm gonna ask
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			you is don't forget Palestine.
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			When you go, don't forget about us.
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