Lauren Booth – Great Homecoming I The Victory March

Lauren Booth
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The transcript describes the struggles of the Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial

AI: Summary ©

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			As-salamu alaykum.
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			So Gazans are finally going home after more
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			than 450 days of horrific bombardment, agony, pain
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			and hunger.
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			And I want us to look at their
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			great return through three different lenses.
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			The first lens, as somebody returning, what are
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			they finding?
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			What is the carnage that they face?
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			Secondly, through the mouths of the occupier, who
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			are so frustrated that their job was almost
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			done, but not quite.
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			And finally, through the lens of true faith
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			and goodness, which is allowing the budding shoots
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			of hope to spring from the rubble of
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			Only the Palestinian people, chosen, handpicked by Allah
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			Ta'ala, could possibly make beauty out of
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			such ugliness.
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			Imagine your first night after 450 plus days
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			without the sound of drones or rockets firing
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			or shooting or the screams of agony.
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			That in itself must bring such peace to
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			the hearts of every man, woman and child
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			in Gaza.
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			But where are they spending those nights?
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			On the rubble of their homes?
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			Back in tents because they found their homes
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			Or in the broken vestiges of what was
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			It must be sinking in now, just how
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			much there is to do and how much
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			pain they have to work through.
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			Subhanallah, Allah gives them strength.
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			It's estimated that more than a million people
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			right now are without any fixed place to
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			Most utilities such as sewage, water, communications, schools,
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			universities, hospitals, roads have all been completely damaged.
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			Gaza is still cut in two by the
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			Netzarim corridor, which Israel installed below Gaza City.
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			Meanwhile, in northern and southern Gaza, whole families
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			continue making the long journey back to their
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			towns, to their villages and the refugee camps
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			that frankly no longer exist.
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			How are they doing this?
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			Well, they're either on foot or they're in
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			donkey-drawn carts and the roads are littered
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			with unexploded missiles, with broken glass and worse,
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			the unburied martyrs.
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			And now the real search is underway.
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			Housing is just an issue, but going back
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			and searching with your own hands for the
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			vestiges of a loved one, or perhaps everyone
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			you loved, is something that I pray to
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			Allah we never have to experience.
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			I've seen mothers hugging bones and saying, my
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			son, my son, I'm not afraid of you.
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			A lot of the footage we can't show
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			here, but people gathering bits of clothing from
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			someone from the last time they saw them
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			before a missile took their lives and that's
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			their memory of them because they were there
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			in the last moments and then they were
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			vaporized or they decomposed so completely they can't
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			be put together, but Allah will bring them
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			back together.
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			But beneath the pain and sorrow there's another
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			emotion, one which the occupier still fails to
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			get any handle on.
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			Natural, fearsome, overwhelming feelings.
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			There's another one that is gifted by the
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			sakinah of Allah Ta'ala to the dignified
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			of Gaza and it is hope and belief
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			and determination.
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			SubhanAllah, in writing we can recite it, but
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			for the Palestinians, no.
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			He, our Habib, he stood here and he
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			led all of the other prophets in prayer.
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			He was momentarily here.
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			He spoke of this place.
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			He loved Al-Aqsa.
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			He prayed towards this direction.
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			They will never forget and they will never
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			give up.
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			The steadfastness is utterly confusing to the murderers
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			in the offense forces who can't understand why
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			the carnage they wrought isn't enough to drive
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			them away.
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			Listen to this.
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			Okay, so
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			that's an admission of looting, of wanton destruction,
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			of war crimes, of deliberately targeting civilian infrastructure.
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			Anybody listening?
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			International community?
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			Never mind.
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			He's listening.
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			He knows all and sees all and retribution
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			is certain.
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			These people may be without paperwork and without
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			physical mementos of the ones who went past,
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			but we are an oral tradition.
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			They will pass on the stories as they
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			always have of who, what, where, and when.
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			The Arab tradition is made on lineage.
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			They know who their great-grandfathers were and
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			great-grandmothers and they know where they lived
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			and what they farmed and who they were
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			and how many stanzas of the Quran they
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			You won't wipe them out.
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			Bits of paper don't make a people.
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			Huge conflict here, isn't there, between good and
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			evil, between understanding and devastation, that a bit
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			of paper makes you a human being in
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			the eyes of the state.
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			No, no, no.
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			The humanity of the Palestinians, by the grace
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			of Allah, is different.
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			It's on a different standard.
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			So some of the occupiers on TV have
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			been asking, where will they go now?
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			That's the question.
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			Where will the Palestinians go?
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			And the answer is clear.
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			They're not going anywhere.
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			They're staying home in their land.
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			And the question should be, but where will
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			you go now?
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			Because your attempt at an ethno-state has
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			failed because it rested on the murder and
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			displacement, entire displacement of the people and they
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			won't sit for it.
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			Today, today belongs to the Gazans.
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			Today belongs to their healthcare workers who, through
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			everything, stuck to their word to look after
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			the people, even when it was dangerous to
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			their own well-being, to the journalists who
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			lost their families and their limbs.
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			Subhanallah, it belongs to everyone who stood fast
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			with their families, everyone who has been praying
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			to Allah Ta'ala in Gaza and for
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			whom the angels heard their prayers.
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			Today is for Gaza, who gave up everything
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			in dunya for the dream of freedom and
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