Khalid Yasin – September 25, 2020
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The speakers discuss the need to approach legal briefing with caution and caution against minor controversial issues. They suggest identifying individuals who have previously addressed the topic and highlighting them as figures in the past. The importance of the "venth century Islam" and the need for representatives to avoid reactions and avoid reactions is emphasized. The three-pronged attack on Islam is discussed, including addressing fundamentalist's beliefs and desire to become more sophisticated, as well as addressing fundamentalist fears and fears of the digital age.
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tendrils Letho salam ala Rasulillah
sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam Allah Allah He was had to he was word you will men will have about.
Well Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah with regard to brother Abdullah.
And I'm sorry that
your colleague, I think,
brought up the Rashi.
So that's not the correct name. I know that we met.
And I really apologize that I'm not getting his name correct.
However, I want to
I want to thank him for
the legal briefing that he did the the legal abstract that he produced,
it was very informative and
allows us I think, to see that the legal
maybe the legal option is not the way we want to go with this, at this particular time.
It seems to be arduous,
will take quite a bit of time and energy
and may not produce the desired results in the long run.
the subjective legislation
in the Western countries
in spite of the fact that they might be
structured to,
to oppose and to prosecute hate crimes.
In actuality,
the so called freedom of speech
is designed to allow
people like David Wood and those kinds of people, those provocateurs
to say almost anything they want to say. And in the atmosphere that we're living in, if they said the same things about
about Israel.
and about Zionism,
they would most certainly be classified as hate crimes. But because it's aimed at Islam and Muslims,
we would have to climb uphill
and maybe even after that still uphill,
to be able to prove that this is actually hate speech. So I think that the way forward
is not to expend a lot of our time and energy
trying to
approach this from a
from a legal perspective.
So I want to continue my discussion with you about the dignified response to the islamophobe provocateurs and give you an update on what I've done.
And what I'm in the process of putting together as what I consider to be a viable approach to this particular issue.
Number one, I think that we have to approach this from a very clinical point of view and that we don't allow ourselves to be drawn into
mudslinging, like, some of the
if we want to call them Muslim daddies or Muslim propagators,
especially in the UK,
have been drawn into and it might be worthy to say at this point that
the UK has a certain
When it comes to these kinds of arguments,
we don't find we don't find Muslim preachers or teachers or dads
A diet, we don't find them talking that way.
In response to these provocateurs, like we find those in the UK, UK has a special
I think the word is preponderance towards reacting to this kind of provocation.
And those young
I would say ideologically immature individuals who are responding,
they just adding fuel to the fire and the provocateurs, they like
to agitate, aggravate and provoke those immature ideologically immature, intellectually immature Muslims, because it produces the result that they want. And as a matter of fact,
it's very clear
that there is a hidden hand behind these provoca tools,
a hidden hand that
perhaps funds them,
supports them
pushes them
to create this kind of provocation with the aim of getting
some kind of a profound
which would justify their
taking some other steps
in the UK society, in particular, in Europe, in particular, against Islam and Muslims. So, we have to be very careful that we are not one of those people who react to this provocation.
So, number one,
we have to select these provocateurs,
there seems to be four or five. Now, we need to make a very clear distinction between islamophobe provocateurs and the the conventional,
prominent or eminent
Islamophobes in the 21st century, there are seven eight or nine
people intellectual
who are who we would classify as Islamophobes, but based upon the dialectics their writings,
but the intellectuals
and we can approach them and they have been approached and they have we have been interacting with them for some years, in a very intellectual way.
That can be continued. So, we have to distinguish the islamophobe provoca tours from those conventional Islamophobes.
Next, we have to showcase their claims their behavior
dissecting their lectures,
their social media
and showcase
their claims
and where their claims involve
issues we should simply just respond to them
and do so objectively not subjectively.
And where their behavior
goes into cursing, maligning, slandering, castigating
and hateful rhetoric against Islam and Muslims and the Quran and Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam.
We should highlight that behavior and classify it as it is
without responding in kind
number three
we should recruit refute
their claims categorically. So whatever their claims are, regarding the Quran, regarding whatever their claims are regarding Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. Whatever their false claims are in regards to Islam,
we should refute their claims categorically. And there's a difference between behavior and claims.
And we should utilize all the existing materials which have addressed these provocateurs in the past. So there are a number of individuals,
noteworthy individuals, respected individuals who have responded to
both Muslims and non Muslims.
And we should use those materials without having to reinvent the wheel.
We should also prepare an intellectual treatise on the subject matter including examination of the pathology, assessment and treatment, we should make a diagnosis and prognosis towards this, this issue for other people to
to understand and make reference to.
And lastly, we should have a dignified response. Now, I've already begun that task.
I am preparing sort of like a white paper
on the pathology of Islamophobia. And inside of that I have a particular approach towards the provocateurs.
I'm hoping that I'll finish this within the next week.
It also happens to be one of the chapters in my book Islam, America and the world. Now, some notes on each of these points.
When it comes to selecting the provoca tours,
we we again, I want to just emphasize that we have to distinguish the 21st century Islamophobes from the recent phenomena of the provoca tours, the the provocateurs have, sort of they have
just taken root
in the last seven years,
seven years ago 2013 thereabouts. These provocateurs would generally unknown people,
but they began their provocations five or six years ago and
mostly young,
inexperienced, non intellectual
Street, dour Muslims began responding back to them and reacting back to them and this kind of give
this kind of gave rise
and even brought some notoriety to these individuals. And so in the last three years, they have become more they've become bolder
or emboldened
and more arrogant, more blatant, and more vicious in what they say because
fuel is being poured onto the fire.
Number two,
regarding the highlighting of or showcasing their claims
we should take excerpts which characterize and summarize these provocative claims.
But and and show
one the characteristic
the behavior
and indicate that they do not have the integrity,
the intellectual integrity to even be responded to.
And again, the reason being
that they have not been formulated in a very dignified way to be responded to in a dignified way.
And three when it comes to refuting their claims.
We need to avoid react
reactions to their provocations, just refute the claims.
When we don't have to mention the individual, we shouldn't shouldn't no need to mention the individual give the person more notoriety than they deserve.
Just refute their claims and avoid reactions.
We can create a set of video links and publications which have categorically addressed these challenges made by the provocateurs. You know, I think in the last 20 years in particular,
there is a very, there is a plethora
of video links and publications written by qualified
highly educated Muslims, about these claims the claims of the Islamophobes and claim of the provocateurs So, we should create a set of
video links and publications that we can offer the public as a reference.
As I mentioned, I have been writing
and there is a chapter in my book
Islam America in the world called the pathology of Islamophobia.
And I am adding
section to that dealing with the
phenomena of
the provocateurs, the the
the Islamophobia, provocateurs, so, I'm giving special attention to that,
since this is a phenomena that has a beast that has raised its head
in the last three years,
in particular,
so I'm hoping to finish that paper,
dealing with the Islamophobia provoca tours
probably within the next 10 days in sha Allah.
And when I finish that, I will deliver it
in a two part series
as a as a presentation, a video presentation. And I'm sure that when that happens those provocateurs, they will then turn some attention towards myself
with their usual viciousness,
but I will not be responding to them. It's just we will put out what we want to put out for our public
and especially for unwitting Muslims, so that they can equip themselves with
and understand the phenomena as it as it exists.
We need to recruit and include responses to the provocateurs by well known
non Muslim intellectuals, we should want to emphasize that that we need to recruit and include responses to these provocateurs by well known non Muslim intellectuals
and there are many who do not agree with this behavior and they have responded
they have written or they have spoken
about that. So, we should include that. Now.
It is, it is unfortunate
the well educated, popular
teachers or diet in the Muslim world, in the English language
is unfortunate that until now, they have not formed any kind of a union or platform
to be able to
synthesize or synchronize their talents, their sources, their tools
to deal with the onslaught of Islamophobia.
Whether it be the the atheists who are
who are doing tremendous damage in the Muslim world.
And we should take note of this
the damage that the atheists, the dialectical
the dielectric materials,
the damage that they are
the damage that they are giving or that they are causing in the Muslim world is unbelievable.
There's a statistic that says
that one out of seven young Muslims in the western universities
have yielded have
when compromised by the arguments of the atheists.
So, if we were to look at that statistic, and this statistic is it maybe it's a guesstimate, maybe it's not a statistic, maybe it's just a guesstimate. But even if it is just a guesstimate that is absolutely profound.
That means that one out of seven young men and women who are going to the Western universities, mean who are in the universities in the Muslim countries
and who leave their countries and come to the west to attend to universities, one out of seven of them are being penetrated or compromised, in the Islamic belief, by the challenges of the atheists, the dialectical materialist,
this is a staggering statistic or guesstimate.
And without
getting fixed on that statistic, we have to admit
that we have not addressed this issue properly.
So, these are not necessarily conventional Islamophobes these are people who are simply atheists.
They are the so called no God, no religion people
and they have created dialectical arguments to support their
behavior, their thinking, and Muslims have not sufficiently
addressed the young people or themselves
to deal with their dialectics. So, this is one issue.
The Islamophobes who themselves have a
Eros, irrational
hatred for Islam and Muslims.
This is another set of challenges within themselves that that is affecting the Muslim world.
Because these Islamophobes they are in every circle, they have penetrated every circle
whether it be the government, whether it be the universities,
whether it be the media,
they are in every circle.
And in most cases, they are
very intellectual people.
Most cases, they are very
well renowned,
people who who lecture
who make up who create publications,
who challenged
who advise governments and who advise
industrial bodies
and the Muslim preachers, teachers, the conventional scholars
have barely whispered
a response to them.
So this is what we're up against. Now, these these these these
this unethical
Well, belligerent
provocative tours are just like this
Just religious hoodlums.
While they do not deserve us to
react to them at all, they don't even deserve a reaction.
However, they do deserve a response.
We should not underestimate people who throw stones or missiles,
they have to be responded to.
And I think that our
should first be to do as much as we are able to do. And when I say we now I'm talking about the three of us, and we should try to duplicate ourselves.
Once we clearly agree as to what we want to do, and we're willing to take this bull by the horns, we should be we should be looking to duplicate ourselves because it's a very big job.
And in duplicating ourselves,
we should be trying to come up with a template
that that can be
marketed, distributed,
it can become more sophisticated, so that at some point,
it becomes a very comprehensive platform or a comprehensive
to be able to address the atheist, the threat of atheism,
the threat of Islamophobia, and the threat of the Islamophobic provocateurs
because I think that Sheikh Ahmed Deedat author Allahu Allah and Sheikh
Dr. Zakir Naik
and others have done a wonderful job
in addressing
the Christians
in their false beliefs in
religious dogmas.
And we can see
that the
the work of an individual in the case of Dr. Amin Sheikh Ahmed Deedat, the work of one individual
for over 35 years
and then the work of Dr. Zakir Naik for the past 20 years.
Over the period of 55 years, it was principally two individuals. Now, of course, there were others, some of their students and but principally we can say the era of Sheikh Ahmed Deedat and the era of Dr. Zakir Naik
who surgically
dealt with the
the threat
and the deviation
of Christian dogma
in regards to the their understanding of Islam and their understanding of the
of the Christian religion and doctrines, these two individuals they did a phenomenal
job. So just shows what an individual can do
in this case, now I think this three pronged threat
is not something for an individual
it's probably not something even for the three of us to be trying to, to thinking about addressing
but I think three of us
know because we come from three different coming from three different approaches. One a legal pragmatic approach, another one for myself
a research based
narrative approach. And in the case of yourself, Abdullah
mashallah you have a unique
in listening to your presentations and knowing you as an individual,
you have a unique skill
that you should continue to hone in
A sophisticate
and I think that each of us can duplicate ourselves, we can reach out
once, once the template becomes clear, I don't think that we should reach out and draw other people until our template is pretty clear.
So, these are my comments
to you two brothers and I want to thank both of you for
trusting me and
and entrusting my idea about this particular approach. And I will be waiting for your comments. And as I mentioned within the next 10 days,
I will be given to you or make giving access to you to two things one, my chapter one the pathology of Islamophobia. And then my
my dignified response to the Islamophobic provoca tours
mean as regard to the the the threat of the atheists.
I think this is a totally different issue.
But it is part of the three pronged
attack on Islam.
And make no mistake about it.
It is a well designed
attack on Islam.
In this case, it's a three pronged attack.
So please get back to me. Let me know what your thoughts are.
We asked a loss of home fellow to give us strength and consistency in the work that we're doing. Somebody could Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Subhanallah loving what you
want to share
with us to stop for a corner to Warwick or Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.