Khalid Yasin – Challenges To Muslim Youth In The West 1
![Khalid Yasin](
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The importance of choosing one's actions and faith in Islam is a choice and challenge. The choice of one's clothing and footwear is also important. The negative consequences of dysfunctional behavior, including loss of jobs and chaos, are discussed, along with the importance of avoiding adjustability and not giving up. The segment ends with a recap of lessons learned from the experience.
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I want to
ride on the last panel or Donna.
Yeah, you heard Edina amorosa la
la colo colon Sadie Daniel, Amanda como una de novo con
la Sulu. Sokka further falls on avina.
Brothers and sisters, we praise Allah subhana wa tada
we ask every kind of help from them. We realize that whosoever law guides no one can lead them astray. Whosoever lost power leads to stray. There is no one who can benefit them or guide them after that. We bear witness that there is none to be worship except Allah subhanho wa Taala that he is one without any partners and we bear witness that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is obedient to slave, His Messenger and His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. We asked the last panel to Allah to
bless Mohammed
Ibrahim Alayhi Salam Rahim Allah, Allah Majeed Allah
exalted Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the people of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam even as you have exalted Rahim Allah and the people who brought him in.
I remind you and I remind myself that Allah subhana wa tada he says, In the Quran,
Allahu Allah, eco who you
follow Allah, he was asleep.
I remind you that the prophets a lot of sense said, the most stingy of those
who mentioned me are those who mentioned me and they do not tend to follow up upon me.
So I advise all the brothers and sisters that whenever we take of the profits or loss and when we say the profit or loss or loss on the 100, some a lot of them and we mean the message of a lot, that we send citations upon him, since citations upon his family, and upon his companions, and all those people
who preserved the sun up until the day of judgment, me.
Dear brothers and sisters,
our discussion today is
to give naseeha to the Muslim youth. This is our discussion today.
And for the young Muslims, I don't want you to think that I'm talking at you.
And I'm not talking necessarily about you.
But I'm speaking with you.
And I'm speaking to you, as a person that has a relationship with you.
I'm not talking to you as an au head,
as you might call your father's in some others, somebody who's out of touch, I don't know what's going on.
I'm talking to you about somebody who knows exactly what you do, how you feel,
how you think.
And in the course of my conversation, I want to keep it real with you, I want to make it straight and clear with you.
So I'm not going to quote a lot of Hades.
When I do, I try to make it simple show up. I won't give you a lot of is of course, because you can't handle it.
But I'm going to try to talk common sense to you got to talk to you as your older brother.
Because the life that you live in is a reality.
And where you're headed is a reality.
As a matter of the choices that you make, where you're going to wind up that this is what we want to talk about
your life
which is a reality and where you're headed, which is also a reality. And what are you gonna wind up at, which is also a reality. All of it involves choices and challenges. So that's the nature of our talk today. challenges and choices facing the Muslim youth.
The first challenge of choice that you have to make is to be Muslim.
Now No, you born Muslim. That's not what I mean.
Not that your name is a Muslim, not that
You live in a Muslim house? Not you have a Muslim family, but what's in your heart?
Not what's on your tongue, not the languages speak what's in your heart?
How you act, when you run them Cafritz? How do you act?
When you hit those streets? How do you act? How do you think? How do you feel? That's what you really are.
What you are when you're by yourself, how you think, how you feel and how you act. That's who you really are.
Now, the choice you have to make is your choice. And we're going to talk about the choices.
As we got to the Islamic faith,
it's either a matter of faith,
or immorality or disobedience.
No gray area.
There's just like a woman is not almost pregnant, either she pregnant or she's not.
Water is not almost wet is either either you wet, or you're not.
Either you Muslim, or you're not.
Again, we're not talking about the tone, or the name, or your family. We're talking about how you feel, how you think, and how you act.
When we talk about faith, we mean faith in Allah subhanho wa Taala. That is having a bond with a law, a bond with a loss of $1 when you hear the call and
how does it how do you respond to the court and
when you hear that jungle music, I know how you feel. I know how you respond to it. That jungle music you know what I'm talking about?
The music for the apes and monkeys and the dogs and animals.
That jungle music, how it makes you feel hot, make your act, how it makes you think how it makes you how you respond to that. My question is for you. Don't Ask Don't answer the question. Answer yourself. When you hear the voice when you hear the words of Allah subhanho wa Taala
in English or out of it, how it makes you feel
how does it make you respond?
How does it make you sing
when the time for the Salah comes
and you hear the bond or you know the Adonis call or you know the time for the salon Is that
how you act?
How you think how you feel
when you think about the profit so a lot of a seller,
say some Hollywood seller.
When you think about the profits on a lot of a salon, his name is mentioned or Heidi, or you know Asana or you know what he told you to do, how you say
how you feel how you act
this is a this is a choice and the challenge that you have to make.
Because every day a loss of Palawan taala every day that the sun rises, and that you are alive. A lot of giving you the choice and putting that challenge in front of you to choose the trash or the treasure.
And nothing else in between the trash.
Or the treasure. You know what the trash is? It's all around.
It's free. All you got to do is plug in the street is that you have to pay for it. You hang with it. You see it you feel it? It's not the trash is there. What about the treasure how you feel? How you think how you act?
The next challenge is the challenge of Islamic knowledge.
I know you're born Muslim, your father's Muslim you probably do at least know the fact that most young Muslims don't want to fight Yeah, even if you don't pray. Even if you start forgot the rest of the court and you don't have Satya you know the Salah.
What what kind of knowledge do you have about Islam?
What kind of knowledge do you have? If someone asked you a non Muslim? One of your homeboys that you go to school with?
capitals that you call home boss
when they asked you Mohammed Ahmed
Abdur Rahim.
What is what is this lamp?
What do you tell them? What can you tell them if you don't have any knowledge?
And do you know?
Thomas correct.
Can you explain
a verse?
A surah?
How much? Can you recite one Heidi?
correctly? authentically from the Prophet sallallahu? wasallam?
Do you know the five pillars of Islam? Can you explain them to somebody?
Do you know what our relationship is to Allah? subhanho wa Taala? Who is a law? Where is the last panel of Allah? What is our relationship to our last panel data? That's your job as a Muslim?
That's your job as a Muslim. Somebody as you address you know, it.
Somebody asked Who's your father? You know?
Somebody asked you, who's a top football players, you know?
What's the top 10 songs? You know?
All the things about the dunya. You know, you can call it straight up
and compete with each other about knowing
what do you know about Islam? And what do you know about the end? What do you know about the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam?
This is the treasure
this issue of your identity, who are you?
Who are you really?
Are you Abdul Wali? Or are you willing?
Now there's a difference now
is after Wally who acts like a capital
that's willing.
Oh, Ricky
Abadi. Abdullah,
who acts like a Catholic, but he's a Muslim. That's Bob after roe.
When you with those cameras in the street, and they pass that split to you. Who are you?
Oh, you don't know what the splits is? What do you call it here?
A giant
When I pass that stick to you, or that glass pipe to you,
or that bottle to you, when they pass it, what they call you? What do you call yourself?
When you walk around the streets out there, how you dress, how you dress in life?
When you put your clothes on, are you dressing as a Muslim?
are you dressing basically, so that when you hit that jungle out there, you can blend in with the trash that's out there? Because that's what everybody has to do with if you walk into the jungle, most people want to blend in with the jungle. The jungle where you know the jungle where monkey suits, donkey suits.
gorilla suit,
animal suits. Why because you don't want to be blending in with the other animals who's acting like animals and then somebody's gonna ask you abdulah what you're doing drinkin
abdulah you get high
abdulah Why are you in this party?
So in order not to be known as a Muslim, but you have to do you got to disguise yourself.
And once you disguise yourself, you lose yourself. Allah subhanho wa Taala said to us in the Quran, he said out of alignment ashitaka regime. Yeah, otaku la Waltons or NASA mapa de
la, la, la la la,
la la, la la Latina su la
la chica
listen to what a loss upon with Allah said young Muslims Listen Listen well.
He said Oh, you will believe
Oh, you will see a loss of Panama's Allah. Oh you will believe Be mindful of a law. Think of a law, a law and look
about what you send forward for yourself on tomorrow.
Early Allah subhanho wa Taala can see and knows very well. Exactly what you do.
And do not be like those who forgot about Allah. So he caused them to forget about themselves. Some kind of law. How you forget how other people forget about loss of Panama Darla, he didn't forget their name. They didn't forget the name of Allah. You all know Allah. You know some of the attributes of Allah subhanaw taala it means you forgot the orders of Allah. You forgot
the commandment of Allah, you forgot your duties to Allah. So when you forgot your duty to a lot the commandments of Allah, the orders of Allah subhanaw taala, Allah cause you to forget yourself.
Forgetting yourself means you lost your identity.
You lost your way
you lost your heritage, your legacy, you lost yourself.
He says, and do not be like those who forgot about a law so that Allah then cause them to forget about themselves. And so they became what
what is recipe
test it means the disobedient, the rebellious,
the criminals, they became disobedient.
They became rebellious. And as a result of that, they ended criminal conduct, criminal demeanor, criminal posture, criminal reputation.
It comes through association is the prophets a lot of Assam said.
He said
you will know a man
by his friend
and you will be raised up with your friend.
So if your homeboy the people that you hang with all day long on the corners, in the hallways, in their house, to your house, in the backyard, riding around the cars in the streets,
if those are the people that you hang with every day, those are your friends. That's your life. You think I feel like they do.
And you will be raised on the Day of Judgment. Wisdom, those will be the ones you will be raised with.
On the other hand,
what are your role models for your role models Puff Daddy
biggest mall
to pop.
The last two is dead dead.
Double dead man dead we're dead for a diet not a dead again.
W two I just mentioned they are alive that as you can see them and hear them but they brain dead.
Those are role models. That's what you want to dress like that's who you want to be like, Puff Daddy.
eight ball.
So you want to just like
that's what you want to listen to.
I'm begging you to the hellfire.
I'm begging you to destruction and disgrace.
They calling you away from your dean, calling you out of your name, calling you out of your identity, calling you to fornication, calling you to adultery, calling you to fill
calling you away from your legacy and your identity as a Muslim.
Brothers and sisters, young brothers and sisters, what I want to talk to you about today, I want to take you from zero to hero.
That's what we want to be Muslims. We want to be heroes. We don't want to be a zero.
A zero means worth nothing. No, nothing will be nothing and got nothing coming on the Day of Judgment but rest zero.
Allah subhanaw taala told us who the hero is. For the
sixth successful will be
the believers, workers. They are heroes, they heroes to themselves and also to their families. On a day of judgment, Allah raised them as heroes, martyrs, scholars,
people whom Allah loves.
And that's what we want to talk about. And anybody, anybody can start out as a zero and one and up as a hero. If you see a loss of Parliament's Allah and he made the right choices,
even a stumbling bumbling fumbling man
turn into a hero because stumbling blocks can be turned into stepping stones. The same thing you stumble over, you can turn it into a stepping stone. It's a matter of choice. As a matter of meeting the challenge
is about making the correct decision.
We're talking again about leaving the trash
holding on to the treasure
You young Muslims, you were born with the treasure in your mouth. You were born with the treasure and your heart. You were born with the treasure in your mind. What's the treasure? The treasure is law in the law, Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam
what the treasure?
The treasure?
Muhammad Rasulullah the message ever lost a lot of us I'm saying
mama don't assume a lot. The whole agenda
What do you mean by that? Not just by the statement night I got a lot, but by the feeling in the heart
thinking about Allah subhanaw taala and saying to yourself, La Ilaha Illa la
thinking about Mahatma so a lot of us insane. Muhammad Rasul Allah, a lot of us and them and feeling it in the heart and wanting to be a Muslim, and being grateful for being a Muslim and preserving the right to be a Muslim. The person who has that feeling Allah will protect them.
I love and forgive them. And the law will also give them His mercy and the loss of political end to allow them to enter his gender.
They're young Muslims.
What's the alternative to faith and knowledge and I correct identity?
what's the what's the alternative?
I'll tell you what the alternatives are.
The alternative of responding to Allah subhanho wa Taala is responding to a shaytaan
g the dunya itself has his own dour. The dunya the world, your own voice. Allah subhanaw taala is calling us a lost hundreds Allah said to you and me. Oh you believe is the G Boo.
illallah wa salam o you believe
respond to Allah and His messenger. So a lot of him when he calls you to that which gives you life? What kind of lights dignity,
decency, honesty, power, responsibility respect. That's like
he said,
Yeah, then the Adam
has been awesome stuffing.
Allah subhanaw taala says, oh, Benny Adam, did I not warn you not to worship Satan, than he is to you? I do want Obi Wan bodoni but only worship me. How does Serato stuck in that this is the correct way? What does it mean to worship Satan? Does it mean to go to a building that says the message of shaitaan? No. Does it mean to have us idle a statue that says shut off? No. Does it mean to bow down to shake on? No. It means responding to the voice and the call of shaytaan.
Let's talk about the voice in the call of shift on
the first voice of shaytan is the music
now let's not get into what is there some music that's halab does not get into whether you can listen to a good beats is called Nasheed and some other foolishness. Let's not talk about that. Let's talk about music itself.
The Prophet sallallahu wasallam
never listened to it did not allow his companions to listen to it told us that we should not listen to it that it leads us to
foolishness, lewdness, rebellion, and morality. It diverts us from the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala.
But let's talk about the kind of music we're not even talking about some classical music. We're not talking about just some drums and whistles and beats. We're not talking about that. We're talking about the stuff that you brothers looking at these brothers and sisters are looking at on TV and and videos.
Straight up
triple x music just like * movies, no different
the music that
Young people are looking at today. listener today is * music.
The parents that allow them to watch it at home is given that children * music
because the woman is naked, and the men is naked, and they suggested naked things and salty things and to even do it in the movies in the videos. So now
what is this music? This is the devil
when they sang in it, when they dance in it, they memorize it and wrapping it, then making the dough out to the devil. And the devil answers them.
What does the music lead to? The music leads you to the places where others listen to it and dance to it.
Because you ain't gonna be listening to music and don't go to the place where people listen to a dance to it. You know that?
You know you ain't gonna be you ain't gonna be hitting no beats and singing Oh beats don't know rapping you ain't gonna be random girls.
And the girls ain't gonna be doing a wiggling and jiggling and fly bowling and and all that other kind of dances David dawn, butterfly and all that foolishness then I can be doing all of that. No boys around. So what that leads to what the music leads to.
It leads you to fat Shea and Mancha.
The girls and boys in the dancing and the singing is doing everything but the pen going into cup.
Fitness lounge just in case you brothers don't know those of you who already robbed somebody.
Those of you who look and robbed somebody
Let me tell you what, it's lamb looks at that. See here. It might only mean two three years in jail. But in Islam robbery, armed robbery
the sentence without his death
that's what it is. That's what you're playing with. You're playing with death.
Don't think that you're trying to get 50 pounds. Don't think you're robbing somebody for some drugs, you're playing with death
and even if a loss of power to Allah let you escape
that is you only get caught
buddies capless and you go to one of these jails and get to three years when you meet a recipient of $1 You still don't pay for the sit the sin and the crime of robbery
and all of this your leads inevitably the music and the drugs and alcohol and the guns and wanting to rob and the clothes and all that what led to
led to fornication
journey trying to get married
you don't want to know your man not you don't want to know those girls.
Those girls that's doing all what they do and they don't Same thing with you. They don't know how the guys you don't want them. And they don't really want you except for for a minute.
So what is that? girls want boys for a minute.
And boys who want girls for a minute.
Without responsibility they call it what free free * they call it. Free love is free disease.
Free at
three syphilis free gonorrhea
free some other diseases that you don't even know the names of it.
Three disgrace.
This was three
that leads you into being antisocial and dysfunctional. That's why you're gonna wear them pants hanging down on the floor.
With your belt all across you behind
looking like you're crazy.
Why? Because you're making a statement that you antisocial. You can't get no job looking like that. How you gonna go get a job. You don't get up in the morning, eight o'clock in the morning. You don't get up eight o'clock in the morning, put your belt on round you're behind and goes looking for a job.
You don't even know how to go look for a job. You're not adjustable job. You don't know how to ask for a job. You don't have to fill out an application for a job. That means what you dysfunctional. You get responsible. You can pay no bills. You're 25 years old living with your mom eating weed eating cornflakes.
drinking hot milk.
sneaking in but the back door at night because you've been out all night long where you don't pay rent.
Don't make your bed. Don't get up in the morning. Don't pay no rent. don't fit on life. Don't pay your phone don't pay for no he can't pay for nothing. Because you can't get a job and you're 25 years old. Or 25 year old, irresponsible bomb.
But you call yourself a gangster. I know you ain't no bombs.
gangster as you go, I'm a gangster.
I'm a player.
That's another name for a derelict or gangster. A player is another name for a derelict. D er e li, c, t deli. That means a person who is shiftless, worthless, irresponsible, and untrustworthy.
Y'all call it players and gangsters.
Now brothers and sisters, listen. Oh, let's see, I'm just trying to tell you that it leads to it all stems from and leads to disobedience. Just obedience to Allah subhanho wa Taala wants you to disobedient to Allah subhanaw taala you will be obedient to your parents. The prophets, a lot of Assam said
the crime, which is second to
associated partners with a loss of power to Allah is what?
disobedience to the parents.
And then it's the message of a loss of loss. And he said yes to a lot. So a lot of sin.
What did the Prophet Lawson say which action is the best, the most excellent, he said, a solid to Alan Watts, as number one
prayer in it proper time. What's the next one? He said,
respect for your two parents. And after that, he said, What and
then after that, what next? He said he had Disability Law. So we can just cancel out you have to submit that you're gonna do that.
You're making no prayer. So you definitely gonna disobey your parents. So when your parents say, Get up makes a lot.
You can't make no salad you've been smoking all night, you might not get up to 12 o'clock at three o'clock in the afternoon.
If you want to make the lottery we'll get up.
So all of this year leads to what? Shame and disobedience to the family.
you disobey your mother, you disobey your father, you disobey the elders inside the masjid. And you don't even want to come inside the mosque because we come inside the masjid. Somebody's telling you where to sit. somebody's trying to tell you to pull up your clothes. somebody's trying to take my tell you been put on you don't want to do that. So you just you don't we look at the mosque and you go around all women that way, so you can get any past about Masjid.
This is what shaytan does. Sit on make you ashamed of yourself. Make your family ashamed of you. Make you ashamed of being a Muslim, and the capitals that you hang with. You think that because you don't act like a Muslim. And because you don't, that you don't think like a Muslim. You don't talk like a Muslim. You think they respect you?
they don't respect you. They disrespect you even more.
You know what I'm talking about brothers, the harder you try to be like them, they remind you, you're not like them.
Now you Muslim,
but you're a hypocrite. They'll even remind you every now and then when I get angry with you say you didn't even know real Muslim. I mean, what are you
a Muslim?
Muslim pray I know what a mosque is. I just go around the mosque and tell them what you'd be doing.
That's what they do when they get angry with you.
All this leads you to disobedience, disregard for the word of the last Parliament Allah and inevitably it lead and you can land in four different places.
First, it's gonna land you in prison.
If you keep headed the way you are, I'm not saying all of you. Because probably most of the young brothers and sisters is good brothers and sisters, but a few of y'all in here.
Still yards in here. Humble army law bless you for coming up in here. And this might turn you around by spinning around this little device here might help you out. A couple yards in here. Y'all know that y'all right on the edge.
yesterday or the day before yesterday, or last week did something you know, are you thinking about something tonight or tomorrow?
But maybe, maybe, maybe you will think about it tonight and you will make Toba. You come back to a lot come back to yourself. Come back to your parents. Come back to the masjid come back to your identity. Come back to Islam because if you don't, I'm going to tell you where you're headed that
for the sisters, for the sisters who are disobedient sisters, who took up the clothes sisters who left Islam and the sisters are left this a lot and don't want to pray don't want to act like a Muslim. You had it for nothing but disgrace. You're going to be living in the garbage can from now on. Because everybody that Nietzsche is going to teach you just like another English. Y'all know they call
y'all know they call it your dignity sisters, your dignity is in your hijab your identity
See, your dignity is your family. your dignity is Islam. your dignity is your worship your belief, your fear the loss of animal dollar. That's your dignity when you leave your dignity, you're naked.
You can put a low bar on top of your head or act like you halfway Muslim.
You put a little scarf on with the little tight jeans on like you covered up something.
You got some little clubs and be ducking all down and everything but nobody know what the deal is.
You're gonna be Muslim.
Are you gonna be one of them female animals
and once them young boys, whether they Muslims or otherwise find out that you got no fear of a loss upon with either
one of them young gophers.
Find out that you don't have no concern about your family. no concern about this Dean. They don't care nothing about that little scarf you got on your head.