Khalid Latif – Five Wisdoms Part 22
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We try to understand how can the word
actually and effectively be a dua and what
the shiuk say is that when you say
this word Alhamdulillah,
when you praise Allah, Azawajal, saying Alhamdulillah,
that all praises to you, You Rabbi You
Allah, not only are you praising him for
what he has given to you, but in
effect you are asking him that, you Allah,
give me more so that I can continue
to praise you for what you have given
to me.
But we forget the namaz and the blessings
and all we focus upon our shortcomings and
flaws that really have no effect on us
in the long term at all.
Thereafter the prophet, sallallahu alaihi wasallam, thirdly, he
says to Abu Harayra,
That be good, be kind to your neighbors.
You will be a believer.
And in this day and age, when we
try to understand primarily what we have to
understand from this point is the word asan
itself. That the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam in
the Hadith Jibrael, he is asked by the
angel Jibrael that what is this thing of
Hassan? What is this thing of Hassan?
And the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, he
says that it is to act in such
a way that you that you can see
Allah, azza wa jal. That you worship, you
live your life in a way that you
can actually see Allah, azza wa jal. For
you understand the fact that you cannot see
him, but he can see you.
That when you treat someone with Hassan, when
you treat them with the kindness, when you
treat them with the respect and the generosity
that is due to them, this is the
way the prophet alayhi salaam is prescribed for
us as Muslims, as believers to actually believe.
That indeed Allah
has prescribed this thing of asana and everything.
And before we would even understand how we
as human beings should be treating each other,
let alone our neighbors, let alone the people
in the community that we have or we
are a part of, we would see that
even in our deen, even in the law,
we have mandates as to how we would
prescribe asaan on the treatment of animals.
Then the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam on one
occasion, he sees one of his Sahabis with
a knife in his hand and a goat
in his other hand that he's about to
slaughter with a knife and he goes to
the Sahabi and reprimands him saying that, why
are you torturing this poor animal? That the
animal knows that you will take its life
by this thing. You are not honoring the
rights of the animal by doing so. That
Umar radhiallahu an on one occasion, he sees
a man that is about to slaughter an
animal, a lamb, and he puts the lamb
on the ground and he holds the lamb
down with his foot And Umar
goes to the man and starts beating him.
And he says, Yeah, Umar, why are you
hitting me? Why are you beating me? And
Umar says that, why are you disrespecting this
animal? Who are you to not honor its
And if this is the way our deen
is telling us to treat those things that
we actually consume, what do we think is
the manner in which we should be treating
the community in which we are living in?
And right now there are so many who
are trying to understand our deen. There are
so many who are trying to understand the
way of Islam, not
keeping us from going out and educating
them about what our deen really stands for
and all they have to go on is
what they read in the headlines and what
they see on the television,
is because we are not honoring the rights
of our neighbors. We are not honoring the
rights of the community in which we are
part of. We are not engaging the society
in the way that we need to do.
And the prophet, sallallahu alaihi wasallam, he is
telling Abu Horeira, be kind to your neighbors.
You will be a believer.
And thereafter he says to him,
The love for man kind which you love
for yourself, you will then be a Muslim.
And we would see even the point before
this and the point after the prophet alaihis
salam is making a distinction between iman and
Islam and in the interest of time, we
can't really go into it. But the prophet
alaihis salam here is saying that and it
it echoes the hadith that he tells us
also that we will not enter into paradise
until we love for our brothers what we
love for ourselves.
And so when we are engaging on a
daily practice, when we are going out and
engaging the society in the world in which
we are part of, we should not be
treating other people. We should not be treating
individuals in a manner in which we don't
want to be treated ourselves.
I like to eat a certain food. I
like to wake up at a certain hour.
I like to watch a certain kind of
TV show. I like to have a certain
security, a certain comfort in my life. So
too with the people around us.
And so we have to treat the people
in the way that we want to be
treated. It might sound very elementary, but here
the prophet alaihis salam is recommending it to
Sahabi, and he is telling him to go
out and tell the people after you as
well that they need to do so also.
And again, it is something that we have
It's all about me. It's all about myself.
It's never about the other person that the
prophet is the personification, the epitome of selflessness
to the extent that this man, Muhammad ibn
that when he leaves from this world, when
all of us leave from this world and
we're going and standing in front of Allah
on that day, and the only thing that
we're thinking about is ourselves
running here and there in utter chaos saying,
myself, myself. The prophet alaihi wasalam's voice alone
will be standing over everyone saying, Ummati, Ummati,
my Ummah, my Ummah.
His only role was to serve the people
around him.
And here he is telling his companion that
don't think only of yourself, but think of
the people around you and treat them in
a manner in which you would want to
be treated.
And thereafter, he tells Abu Herrera lastly and
that do not laugh very much
because indeed laughter, excessive
laughter will weaken your heart. It will cause
your heart to die.
That in another hadith, the prophet
he makes our nafs, he makes our kalb
analogous to land.
And he would say that the things of
this world, the laughter and the mirth and
all of these kind of things, it would
actually dry this land.
But in order for it to have some
kind of vegetation, for order it to have
some kind of viruses, some kind of life,
for it to have the rains of mercy
shower upon it, it will require the individual
to actually shed the tears that would water
that and cause the sustenance and the growth
to come out of it.
And so by no means is the prophet
alaihi salam telling us to be the somber
and serious individuals that we have become where
we cannot engage the society around us, we
end up engaging them in a very awkward
way either coming into a place where we
are highly exclusive or going to a point
where nobody wants to talk to us.
But amidst the amusements, amidst the laughter, amidst
all of the joyous occasions, we should also
take the point in the night, the time
to think and reflect and let a tear
roll from our face. Let our tears come
down from our face and reflect upon everything
and anything that Allah has given to us.
Whether there are tears of mercy, whether there
are tears of fear, we should allow our
faces to never be dry. The male
law of protect us from eyes that are
dry. But these are the things that we
have to reflect upon.
And we are in a situation now where
we are not doing any of it.
That the prophet, alayhis salam, he is not
reflecting. He is not recommending to his Sahabi
that, yeah, Abu Hureira,
go out and pray a 1000 nights.
Go out and pray a 1000 rakas every
night of your life.
You Abu Huraira, go out and tell the
people that at every single month of their
life, they should be making a pilgrimage to
the house of Allah.
That you Abu Hurairah, go out and tell
the people that they should be fasting every
other day of the week. That you Abu
Hurairah, go out and tell the people that
they should be committing the Quran and they
should be carrying it in their hearts, memorization,
all of these kind of things. Yeah, Abu
Hurairah, go out and tell the people to
engage in ritualistic practice.
But when the prophet alaihis salam has asked
his sahabis, he has asked his companions, when
he is leaving behind his advices, when he
is leaving behind his legacy, when he is
leaving behind his recommendations,
his word, he is telling his Sahabi and
in turn telling that Sahabi to go out
and let it be known amongst the entire
community so the likes of you and I,
1400 years later can still be talking about
it that just treat the people good.
They just have a good character, have a
good personality that, yes, we can't ever undermine
the ritualistic practice and the obligations that are
upon us in terms of our 5 daily
prayers, in terms of fasting the month of
Ramadan, in terms of performing the pilgrimage to
the house of Allah in Mecca, and in
terms of giving of zakat and charity to
provide social equity in the community.
But we should also not forget about the
internal things. We should not also forget about
the manner in which we have relations amongst
the people that we are around. We should
not forget about the way we treat one
That the prophet, alayhis salaam, when he is
standing on the day of Arafah and the
blessed place of Arafah near the confines of
the city of Mecca in the month of
Dhul Hijjah, he asked his companions. He asked
his people that what place is this? What
month is this? What day is this? And
when they respond to him in accord, he
tells them that the way that you treat
one another, the rights that you have over
each other, they are more sacred than this
day, in this month, in this place.
And we have forgotten it today.
He left behind us no male relatives that
he had as his sons. He left behind
us none of the people that could say
that I am the son of Muhammad ibn
He did not have to leave a legacy
like this the way that the people behind
him had to leave behind.
That they were remembered only by the fact
that they had children that would say that
look at who my father was, look at
who my grandfather was.
But the prophet to
this day, he is being praised because of
the things that he had left behind for
the likes of you and I in terms
of the wisdoms that he had taught us
We have to become those individuals that reflect
upon these advices and seek to implement them
into our lives. That the prophet
on that day,
you act upon this and you teach the
who will to practice it. Now
if how you and I heard it, we
should strive to become people who will as
we act upon it. Well, man, that he
had recommended. He had said, Quran, the Yeah
Abi, let us stay away from the haram.
It will be of the most virtuous of
people. The
will be amongst
people. Neighbors with to your mind. Be kind.
You will your neighbors
be a believer. They love for what you
love. The people love for yourself. You will
Don't don't want too much to live. Have
excess that ex be laughter Excessive as your
heart will cause your heart to
weak and that we have to somewhat upon
what you have the time to also to
do may
guide us and
May he take us with knowledge that he
benefits us. May he bless us with a
to understand and implement that knowledge into our
daily lives, and may he guide and bless
us all.