Tafseer of Surah Tabarak – part 3
Karim Abuzaid – Surat Tabarak – Reflections 03
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The importance of Islam as a source of pride and pride in one's life is discussed, along with its use as a way to avoid chaos and evil behavior. The segment also touches on the history of Islam, including its use as a way to prevent future generations from doing things and its use as a way to prevent people from doing things. The segment ends with a brief advertisement for a book and a song.
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we continue with Salatu.
Well, muku
a Huddleston effective Oui.
Oui, which is one of the characteristics of the Lordship of Allah subhanho wa Taala.
We are,
are removed via SSL UI.
The lordship is the premise for the worship.
Look, the first call to mankind and sola tillbaka. Yeah, Johan Nash or Buddha or Docomo lady
holla. Hakuna
all mankind worship your Lord who created you?
Mauer Remember we said, we're mainly our three, mainly,
mainly three, number one in Hulk.
a model.
Three, it'd be nice
that Allah created
and this is why by the way they teach our kids in the school in America here if you send your kids to public schools, they teach them that the Creator is ambiguous.
Nature sometimes ape sometimes they try to manipulate this one.
Because the moment that you begin thinking that there are other creator
That's right, this is the key to invite you to shake.
But when you know that the absolute or the sole creator, is Allah philos.
That's why Allah subhanaw taala made this crystal clear in the Quran. Allah who Hall you
could listen.
A lot created every single thing
for alcohol
he created and he owns Lowell milk.
He owns it. He owns it. pinata. Las panatela owns it.
Yeah, we have timperley ownership.
This is why Allah subhanaw taala. Sometimes like in Salatin for corn, he says, I'll muku my Avi Neil, half man.
The true Dominion On this day in reference to the day of judgment will belong to who?
Why because everybody's what
Maha between the two blows in the trumpet.
Allah Subhana, we'll call it nama local art.
He will call upon what are the what are the kings? What are the people who used to own in this dunya Where are you?
Where are you? Anil Malik, I
am the Absolute Owner now. Because everything goes back to who. And this is why one law who hire you unwary themed.
And Allah is the best who inherits. Because your children hurt you, then you die, then you then they die, then the children inherit them, then they die.
And at the end, everybody will work.
And everybody will return to who
to Allah subhana wa
sallam will.
Number three, it'd be it'd be the nourishment, and nourishment, you call it. Taking care of things he provides. He gives life he causes death, he benefits he causes harm. All of the above, it'd be a lower risk, the provision and all of this, those three, those three, there is
so much emphasis in the four on
about them, because they are the premise
for you to worship Allah.
Because you agreeing to the Lordship of Allah doesn't make you a Muslim. The attention to this.
Though he will rule via
a hardened fee in Islam.
That you actually attribute unity to ally in the area of the creation in the area of the dominion, the sovereignty
Lower the area of it that really doesn't make you a Muslim
because the Arabs never denied this Abu jehlen Abu lahab Sharif wala in CELTA, who if you ask them, man halaqa Sunnah wa T will Allah who created the heavens and the earth? They will say Who?
They are Quran Allah.
They never denied this only few people by the way, like for our like in the mood, people that they get some psycho issues, they will deny the Lordship of Allah
only, but the Lordship in itself doesn't make you a Muslim but what you're supposed to do, when you believe that Allah is the one who created you, the one who given you the life that you have, he provides for you. He owns you. Then you're supposed to do what?
worship him.
That's what is meant by and surah t mulk. provides more emphasis on this
the manifestation of the sovereignty show on Monday for sure.
The first of them Yahuwah Hello to all higher
you being a king
and the absolute King you make everyone else dies.
Imagine this everyone will die.
But Allah hi Yun
layer moolah hi Yun what a walk Allah Allah Hi, levy. Let me place your trust on the one who lives never dies. That look at the first verse. The Baraka lady via D Hill. muku Allah Konishi in Cadiz. Look at the first one that you make everyone else dies.
Everyone dies. You name him.
Surround die in Namu died
and lead the Hala Kanata will hire and he started with def Subhana because this is the thing that awaits the living. We're waiting for what all of us that this is the next thing that we have.
Mahajan qremote epidemic sapana La Liga, Docomo
the most truthful absent thing that we all waiting for. No one can deny that
had the gaffers now. Remote
lady hola como tal Hialeah blue Akuma Yocum accelerometer
I'm gonna have to do this quickly. So we finish in a half hour then Allah subhanaw taala is inviting you to look at the creation
Allah the halaqa savasana working through the creation of the heavens
the creation of the earth
and pay very much attention
Allah subhanaw taala is challenging us to look at the perfection of his creation
matter of your Nan min
min What the * do I need to felt the effects?
You don't see any? It's a perfect work.
is a message to you because it's an art will
they refuse to be what is known to be a Nana which we chose to be
what is eliminate
the freedom to choose.
Suddenly c'est la ilaha illAllah la I'm not gonna say La dama
some, some people decided not to say la ilaha
hi yah la sala.
You have a choice.
Some art will or they don't have a choice.
In the Arab Malema data,
indeed represented in a manner what is in America
the freedom to choose
Alice in amanatullah summer work you will have the world zhiban a billionaire, a millionaire how
basically the heavens the earth, set to Allah O Allah created us without a will.
in a state of submission to you, that we worship you unwillingly
and willingly. So alive still in your look to the creation which worships me and willingly how perfect they are. Now, if you choose
You will worship the you're going to be like them
you're getting the point
you're getting the point to know shall I say this again?
Wow look at the heavens and the earth below Alec one day Do you ever hear that the sun doesn't feel that the sun is sending you a text message I'm sorry I'm not coming out today.
You are in the sun is out the moon on everything work in perfect shape. Why? Because they are doing what Allah designed them to do. And they don't have a choice
is solely for select
some of our lsms We're here to home for Paula her wanting to power on our car her
Alaska to the heavens and the earth will you worship Me willingly or unwillingly? Galatia Athena pour in
make us unwillingly submission
look perfect, cheap, perfect.
And guess what? They get upset at the human
when when they violate the servitude to Allah
the heavens and the earth
so I will call Todd on rough man wallaga
they cry man has a fun
laqad eg tune shiny and
indeed this is an awful thing look, take care to send our to
the semi work out of the anger, the rage that they hear the human saying that Allah has a son about to break crack.
What unshockable on earth is about to split open what the Buddha had
said, Look, because Allah owns it, they don't have a choice. And they run the system which Allah designed for them to run. They are in perfect shape. They are in a state of servitude to Allah subhana wa and there is no defect to them. What What is wrong with the human? Why are we messing up? Why? Because we're not doing we're not applying the curriculum. Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed for us we're not doing it.
We're not taking the medication, the Quran and the Sunnah we're not a lot of us a lot of the humans and that's why there is corruption in earth. This is why there is killing there's bloodshed in
the corner attack geography maynooth Sufi why us we could deny
the angels one afternoon Serbia we humbly Kanaka
Allah subhanho wa Taala is inviting you to look at the heavens, the seven layers and how perfect they are, how intact they are, there is no defect in them because they are in a state of submission to Allah subhana wa Taala not only this one occurred is Ayana Santa adonia v masabi. I said a moment ago that these stars they attack work that I have in
room Alicia t
they attack the Sheltie.
What are that Nana whom are there besides?
Those are from the Jin Maha the two races in general ins they do have the freedom to choose what Isla de una cafaro Bella be him either Abu Jehan Modi Sal Macias and those who disbelieve in Allah, they will have the punishment. Inhale will be submissive.
And then that conversation between the Subhanallah the the Hellfire
and the Kufa
so like the Hellfire, the Hellfire is created, and it has rage and anger.
So salatu salam
wa jal may even be jahannam rocker Hadith of the life of nema soldati Allahu Allah. I'm sorry, Ravi Allahumma Salima Muslim, you Tabby jahannam the Hellfire will be brought in the land of gathering lassa Bruna emphysema it will have 70,000 rupee leashes McAleese ma'am in sub una Alfa mela Kenya Giovanna the helper will have 70,000 leashes with every row with every leash there are 70,000 angels holding the health
Fire down.
Why? Because the Hellfire is what angry. Upset
either at home mechanic eating semi Ola
was a fee.
Will will it Sora Tabarak Villa de la hora de ma ma ma si. No poofy Hasani Ola Shahid Khan, you know to shape, shape. You know what shape is, you know when you want when you want to beat somebody so bad. You don't
show him
so he Sri
Coloma will pay out when a delegation are thrown into it Sharon has another 18 angels who
Allah hottie Satoshi the 19 angels who got the * let me know
what was wrong with you didn't you receive a warner karlova and under these circles up now Poonam and Angela love woman che but we realized we never believed in the messengers for uttara fu
with me.
They will confess
first of all the US herbicides
then comes in air for this beautiful shift in the soul.
To to in a lady named Shona raba homebuilt
lahoma hirato we're at your own cabin.
Indeed those who have her share
of Allah belhaj while they are alone
doesn't matter what we do in front of one another.
It doesn't matter a lot you know when it matters when you're alone with Allah subhana wa
tafsir in the larina shannara Bahama
of one our uniqueness
when you're absent from the eyes of people
with a camera in a harness you need to actually will be shaded under the throne one of them is the Corolla hollein father tyna
he remember the law by himself and he studied what
theory will
mean he given us a data with his right that his left work did not know
in Subhan Allah enough's the knifes the soul has a Sultan has power.
The next one's to spoil the Act. The next one's the pleasure now. I want to be known. I want to be praised for this. If I'm gonna do this, I want to be praised. I want the people to speak about me. So when you force your nuts that you do something in secret, or you stay away from the Haram when you're alone. This is a sign that you fear Allah subhana wa tada in melodien I have shown up the humble pie. Well, okay, Hola. Hola. What is the difference between a Hershey our house? Those are two words Harsha and howth. Both can be named fields, but will Harsha the field with knowledge that you know the attributes of Allah subhana wa, that you know Allah is looking at you
with a common sense.
The status of affiliate
Vedic necropolis, Somalia that when the zulekha
Sahaja is the wife of Allah Z's when she called us in.
And she locked all the doors.
And she beautified herself and she invited him
while she's taking off her clothes, she used to have her idol next to her bed earlier than most of the power we don't believe it. We don't need
the light.
For she placed her dress on the head of the idle
covered his eyes, saying that you should lock the doors and why are you doing this? She said I don't want my idol to my god to see me doing this.
He said what about my god?
What about he sees me right now your God doesn't see.
In Harsha ohada mahkamah said when the Prophet salallahu Salam was asked about a woman
accent what is Alexa?
There is one word thing by the way that the famous wording that you all know and tabula rasa to Shambala is if you see a lot if you do not see Allah and Allah sees you, but there is another word in that not it's very famous was Imam Muslim and talk Shama
can Nikita that you have hatia of Allah as if you see Allah
so in the Latina shannara bamboo, a villa Masato also shows you that even those who have hatia Allah, Allah, Harsha of Allah, while they are alone, they still do bad things.
Because Allah say La homie, la Houma la what they will have what Matura forgiveness
so they are still going to have work, it doesn't mean that you're gonna have kucha that you're going to be Mr. Perfect now, there is no such a thing. Even though if you have the pleasure, but sometimes you're gonna fall short and you're gonna get in trouble. But you're gonna receive that master allow Matsuura to add your own cubbies,
then comes in reverse. Listen, what I say rucola Kumar was our ob.
If you're not going to be afraid of Allah when you are alone, you think if you conceal what you say or if you openly say it, Allah will not know it.
And if you go and hide someplace and do something, Allah is not gonna see you. If you hide the Haram in your heart, and you don't reveal it, Allah doesn't know it will still rule power will come away Jihad will be a navali Moon
be there too soon. He knows what takes place in your chest. Yeah, Allahu Silva. What he knows the secret and before the secret becomes a secret
and then comes in what
this knowledge
was actually before you will create it Allah Allah woman Hala.
Actually, Allah knew before He created you that this is what you will think about. This is what you will do
with the current effort.
tub I'm in Morocco, Qatar.
In the creation, Mahabharata, there are four levels of the four stages of
thirst is knowledge that Allah knew everything.
He knows what will happen until the day of judgment. He knows what you will do
until you leave this world.
Then he wrote that knowledge in a book
lm lm and Allahu Allah Allah Murphy center you will
Don't you know that Allah knows what's in the heavens and what's in the earth. This is one in Nevada Kathy keytab.
Indeed this is written in a book lower love Holly Hill mfu in Nevada, Allah La he is here indeed this is easy.
So he knew it. He wrote it he will for it to happen. lira will mushiya
lira, I will mushiya then He created you to make it happen.
So he doesn't know what you're doing. While la hola como forma de Lune
He created you and what you do but of course some of you will will now entertain will Jabari can
the faculty will have to move away so where is la you have a choice like a rod
you have a will
because you don't know what the law wrote for you.
You don't
and he told you this is the good way he sent you a messenger told you that this is the good way and this is the bad way. Which one should you take? You should take the good way
for mmm and ah what was the fabulous oh snap fest and we assume who will use
our stuff in our Kevin Costner fashion we assume who loves
for Allah Allah Allah, Allah wa who will not be full Habib.
Leticia is the detail oriented.
A lot of our time taala makes things happen in the small details. That's why we don't pay attention to it.
We don't pay attention to it.
After the heavens and the hill and the knowledge in Allah subhanaw taala is inviting you to look at what the earth is. Who will lead the jalila Kumu hula
feng shui man Akiva wakulla una, de la Hindu, shoo, look at the earth, you can Earth and so forth. Then comes in a series of questions about the Lordship of Allah subhanho wa Taala. The first of them your Aqua Ameen, to Memphis Santa.
And this is a question are you secure from the one who's in the heaven?
efa era it's very weird, in spite of almost 1000 evidence in the Quran, and the sooner that Allah subhanho wa Taala is above
and yet you ask a Muslim?
And whether he answers this from our perspective, because this is his Akita or he doesn't know you become sad.
You go into a community where there is no knowledge.
And you ask the mores of law.
First of all, some people are going to come after you Why do you ask that question?
As if it's a bit odd to ask that question. But we know that Allah Salam asked that question to a female girl. Yeah, God, Allah
or female girl in Allah.
He actually asked her what is Allah
then they tell you or the other group they tell you what Allah is what everyone
every wave
This is a very dangerous statement
because you really turning a lot into up into a spirit.
And this is worse than the Christians at least the Christians they exclusively said Allah came into the into the sun and the Holy Ghost
Mauer, what is the believes of the Christians?
That Allahu Allah How will fitness food came into the flesh of the human?
This is a dangerous statement. If you see our minds every will learn a lot but you know what they mean? They want to say that Allah knows everything. Now he knows while he's above the Throne, and look at the question. And mean to Memphis
Are you protected secure from the one who's in the heaven? And by the way, it's a mistake also to to say that Allah
when we say allies is Somalia, well, we're not saying that Allah is under the dimensions of the heavens here.
Then we say Allah,
Allah is above us. That's what we mean with a fitrah
photon Allah, Allah, Allah, leave something out of this world. just teach your child they will do this online and just do like this one time. Done is gonna stay with him and ask him to like this year
to throw
the hat after our little care for religion. What did you say? What did you say? Hey, man. Oh, Herman do what if Melissa Han,
build for me steals Lally. AppFolio Illa Illa hemos our center i wanna i want to go on unchallenged the God of moves. He knows the kind of moves as we
were saying.
His father is always
a sign of NaVi the father of Milan.
He came to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam at one time and he actually also Salam asked him
to sign Camila and Tabitha, how many gods Do you worship?
They said I worship seven sabar.
Look, look, look. See?
Six of them are in the earth. They're the idols.
And the seventh heaven the heaven.
Are you home at $1 Robbie Kamara
when you get in trouble, who do you call for call and
then when you watch soccer, I'm not asking you to watch soccer but watch soccer of
when an A. They are Christian. All of them are Barcelona Real Madrid. They are Catholics or whatever when they score up
What they do
most of
you go back to your
the way that a lot of fashion you into cases excessive joy excessive sort of
your shutter gets polished
you just go back to Allah when you experience what excessive joy or excessive distress look like we're either Miss circle mobile roofing very well
done one man said the uu net in last year
when you're sailing in the sea and you know there is a storm you're about to drown Who do you call for?
You only call upon Allah
Oh Allah This is not wrong Jani This is what is wrong that what after he saves you what do you do?
This is the duck thing.
This is the natural course that you call upon Allah because you want to be saved but the wrong here the wrong that after Allah saves you have Allah manager criminal very
you go back to your idols are of
excessive joy. Excessive soul
and maybe I can close with this because I promise half hour
is the half hour done.
You don't have a watch. How did you know?
Oh, you're watching naughty okay.
Okay, let me let me tell you that story if it happened in my village, I'm going to love this and then hammer this his name.
I retired from telling that story.
I'm hammered in my village in the countryside in Egypt. Man suddenly evident in our priests
who Subhanallah we would come out of the masjid in drama D of Juma Yannick sweet we come out and he's coming back from Elite bringing his cattles and his walk in front of
the Salah
he would actually look at you saluted
you pray for me?
Yeah, an entire lower layer resilience. lower jaw.
So Pamela
something solid and
me and you're gonna pray, you pray and I'll take care of business.
For sure. Subhan Allah Allah.
He woke up one day. In the morning he found his cattle that jiamusi buffalo like the buffalo hearing, water cattle school swagger Moses amalgams.
Did, he doesn't even know how it died.
By the way, a cattle for a farmer is like a stock market. This is like
the following day are falling down. hit his the head of his donkey fallen did
the donkeys like your Lexus? Like your beam?
BMW on
the third day, his sheep, three days in a row. This happened three days in a row.
So I was passing by his house.
Then we took a few shots in front of his house. They said yeah, the sun is setting up. It's a little bit dark. Fatima daddy kiddo. I'm passing by him. And he's looking my favor.
Enough, this is too much.
He knows that there is what
is amazing. is amazing.
couple of months later when domestic brain
and hammock finally entered the machine.
But he didn't pray he just wouldn't and he looked like this.
tamela Tina. What are you doing here?
on Sunday. I think it's Solomon. Ally who later on a month or two later. We started seeing in the backline
he ended his life. He was the more at the end of the machine
will lay
on his beard. He let his beard went like this. Why do you do it?
Look, imagine
15 minutes before his death on a Friday Salatu Lhasa the enam did not show up. He called the end meet the karma lead the Salah, went home. 10 minutes later
he passed away.
Baba Subhan Allah Hannon in the commentary in the Quran right after the story of Ibrahim
Abu amin Gunilla he man
whom ya
the worship beside Allah idols
Gods which does not harm them
nor benefit them and Allah given Yani he believes the harm before what
the question is why do you need to worship a God who can inflict harm upon you because some people do not come back but with the harm you have you must be inflicted with harm like mmm imagine I'm hammered the cows still there the donkey is still there. The sheep is still there. He would know Salah
but the harm got him What?
Got him back.
inshallah we stopped here.
For the sake of time.
Can you take five more minutes online and Las Vegas alas a kid with Andy. There's a camera here. So Haleakala shadow Laila Helen, Esther forgot to win a call handler blood