Karim Abuzaid – Elon Musk said something reasonable

Karim Abuzaid
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses a recent interview with Elon Musk, who claims to have been shooting and killing people in a concentration camp. The speaker also mentions a recent statement from Israeli reactors, which they say is a result of holism. They suggest that politicians should not be caught up in the shadow of the pandemic and that America should not let politicians convince people to go against them.
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It's the first time I really I I

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always had second thoughts about this Musk guy.

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What's his name? The Tesla guy? Elon Musk?

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Yeah. Is is, you know but he did

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say something very reasonable. I don't know if

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you heard it or not. He said, how

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many enemies you're creating? These guys are out

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of their mind. Show sympathy. You think these

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children who's who who who are crying, seeing

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their parents being you're making enemies, future enemies.

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You see?

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I didn't see my grandfather shot. My mother

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told me, and I still remember it. It's

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here in my head. Yeah. I'm not gonna

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do crazy thing here. I live in America.

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I understand.

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But it's still there.

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Can you imagine these children, young ones seeing

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their parents

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shot in front of them or killed in

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front of them? How many enemies you're creating?

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That's what this Musk guy was was telling

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them. Elon Musk. Yes. And they didn't like

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that. They consider this anti semis

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And nothing. They went after him. They went

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after him. Yeah. Yeah. So continuing on, we

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often hear, hear, according to amnesty international and

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mostly all of the, even the Israeli, Jewish

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rights, organizations,

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they have declared this apartheid state. Yeah. It

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is. Yeah. So do you have any stories

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also from people that you know, like, what

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can they because we often hear in 2005

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that they pulled out.

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But they still controlled the food, the water,

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the calorie count, the fishing, the permits,

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building they couldn't build. Can you talk about

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little bit about this? I mean, the best

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description that I I heard, and it came

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from non Muslim politician,

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is an open

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This came for I just watched it the

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other day with, Piers Morgan, this, George,

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Norman Frank Frankly. He said it's a concentration

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And he's a Jewish, you know, thinker, you

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know. He's he's a heavy heavy duty guy,

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you know. He's he's not some.

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He said that's was exactly

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like the Germans placed

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them before,

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you know,

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holocausting them, whatever that word is.

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What's the word, holocausting?

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So that was Norman Finkelstein. He was describing

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now what was happening to them Yeah. That

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this was a open concentration camp. Yeah. So,

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I mean, and he said something, I watched

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this interview, Allah, I I I made dua

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for this guy, May Allah guide him to

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Islam. It's the first time I see somebody

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talks about with sincerity. I don't know if

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you guys know him or not, but you

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should watch

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him. The the the is is the guy

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said, these guys have no past,

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have no present,

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have no future.

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Imagine all how they make their money, you

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know. Israel will allow them to go and

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work as servants.

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And then they get some shekels and they

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come back.

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You got people hopeless.

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And this is the most intense

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I think the word indent you know, heavily

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populated area. 2,300,000

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people living in a very small area.

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Very small area. So you're really sending people

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to to to

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and that's a very dangerous when you send

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somebody to despair. You don't know what he's

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gonna do. And that's what we're trying to

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to to tell America, not to stand by

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But you see, for America, unfortunately, as politicians,

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they they don't want

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motto that the

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is undefeatable,

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And you can defeat them. You can defeat

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And and and that is why they are

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trying to kill as many people as possible,

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so nobody will even attempt to do that.

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But it's over.

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