Karim Abuzaid – Abu Bakr As Siddique Part 3
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AI: Summary ©
The Prophet sallam's statement of no harm at all, the importance of the Prophet's actions, and the holy month of the Holy Spirit. The Prophet's son Omar is also mentioned. The importance of reciting the book of Islam and acting according to the mercy of Allah Subhana absolute is emphasized. The speakers also discuss the history of Islam, including the legalization of sexuality and the use of the symbol "has been revealeded" to obtain honor. The importance of working hard to achieve four deeds and wake up early to avoid negative consequences is emphasized.
AI: Summary ©
I really did.
Mohammed's message from
the prophets faithful friend trust protected him, his love had no
in companion
Allah Nakamoto who want to stay in who wanna stop for one hour the Villa
fujinami say, tr Marina Maria de la hufa mobila woman you will follow her the Allah.
Allah Allah Allah Allah, Allah, Allah wa shadow. Say Donna wannabe Anna Mohammedan Abdullah he was a solo brothers and sisters in Islam as salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. And welcome again, to righteous companions, the Companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the prophets faithful companion, the second of the two. avi records in Saudi Arabia law when I talk to the oma at large, and I'm addressing a certain segment of the oma and I'm echoing the statement that called the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made you know what he said? * and tomb, Terry coonelly Asahi, leave my companion alone. Do not attack the buck. Do not curse him. Don't do that. The Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is calling upon you. If you love Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you should not harm his friends. You should not harm his best friend. You should not harm his faithful friend, Aviva Sadiq. And I'm amazed
at someone who has the courage and the guts to curse someone who already we know is called the truth for who we already know that he is at will or have gender
unexplained brothers and sisters in Islam, and I'm talking to all of you and I'm talking to that certain segment of the oma, please don't and hear me carefully and listen to what I'm about to what I'm about to say.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam one day and Hadith Sahih al Bukhari mean Hadith NSE nomadic radi Allahu
Allah Subhana Mallika, the Allahu unsaid, one day the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Abu Bakr and Omar of man went to the top, up the top of the mountain have offered and offered the mountain of offered and we know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made a very interesting statement regarding the mountain of offered he said this,
or Holden jet balloon. You have buena one Hippo is a mountain that we love and offered loves us. So when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and Abu Bakr Siddiq and Omar Abdullah top of man have not offend the four of them, went to the top of the mountain of a cheeked, shaked. otalgia then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam hit the mountain with his feet like this. And he said this earth would stay still offered for in alayka on the top of you know, the a prophet was a deep and a truthful watch a hidden meaning Omar, an automatic na fan of your loved one home, brothers and sisters in Islam. In this Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, someone who does not
speak out of his vain desire, he always receives revelation when I anticlinal However, in Hua Illa, you knew ha, he said that the that Abu Bakr Casa de casa de la Juan is so the is a truthful and he will die as a truthful. This is what we call the rank of a deity, the rank of the truthfulness and we know that rank is the next after the profits immediately. What is the evidence? The verse in Surah? Nisa, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, What am I
How old was hula hula ecoman Latina nama lawai him. Mina Nabil was Cydia 18 and whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger he will be in the company of
Those whom Allah Subhana Allah Allah bestowed his favor upon. Amongst them are the prophets. And then the truthful. Not only this brothers and sisters in Islam are Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam named Aviva Casa de Radha Mohan to be a dweller of Jenna. How dare you accuse and curse someone who already in Jannah who already will be in Jenna decided in Jenna, I'm talking about the Heidi that was narrated by Abdul Rahman, Ravi, Allah Juan and the Hanafi Sunni tirmidhi and the Hadith is authentic. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned 10 companions and he said they are in Jannah. You know who is the first of the list, the first in that list? Abu Bakr so the
Abu Bakr infil Jana Omar Winfield Jana, of man, Phil Jana, Ali Yun, Phil Jen, Paul halfhill. Jen,
Jen side of Lucite Phil Jen.
Jen, how do you go after? Actually there is another Hadith That is amazing. Listen to this. And the Hadith is Al Bukhari Muslim and Hadith Abu Salah Sharia law on one day Abu Salah shot he said, You know what, I want to go and hang around the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he went and he looked for the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam and he found him in a place
in a facility of a place called Bo Aires. A will basically was the province of Salaam would go and drink and make will do and maybe he would pray there. So that suits Allah Allah Sallam went and he basically after he made his will do and he decided to sit there and relax and he placed his feet in the ground Abu Salah Sharia law, one came and say salam alaikum Yasser Allah, and he found the prophets of Salaam seeking some basically seclusion by himself. Then he decided you know what? I'm going to be the doorman of the prophets of Salaam today. I'm going to just got the key to that will. Then our Casa de la de la and Kim looking for the prophets of Salaam and he wanted to go and see the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Abu Salah Shari told the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, Viva Casa de la vaca wait until I get a permission from the prophets of Allah wa sallam Musashi went to the Prophet salallahu rasulillah Abu Bakr would like to come. Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told Abu Salah ash IRA,
tell him to come with a shirt who will gin
the left weathershield who will give him a permission to come and join me and give him a glad tidings of gender. The same Hadith also talks about a pub and have married not a fan of the Allahu Anil Jamia May Allah Subhana Allah be pleased with all of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now the question to you, my brothers and sisters in Islam, how did Abu Bakr de reach that status? Just because he is the friend of the Prophet, just because he's a faithful friend to the prophets of Salaam know, Abu Bakr, Saudi Arabia lavon, like Omar has mentioned and he said and the author of the Muslim Imam, if the man if the faith of a worker so d would be pleased in one
side of the scale, and the man and the faith of the oma in the other side of the scale, the other pan of the skill, the man of Aviva Casa de la de la on the faith of Aviva Casa de Colombia. lavon would outweigh the fate of the oma from the beginning. Also Salam when he came to him, and he told him I'm the Messenger of Allah, he did not even hesitate a shadow Allah Allah Allah Allah wa shadow Mohamed el Rasulullah done. As a matter of fact, there is a very interesting Hadith, just for you to know the status of Abu Bakr
and Omar in this hadith as well, actually the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam and the Hadith will Bukhari Muslim and Hadith Abbey hora de Allah and the prophets Allah in the absence of Abu Bakr and Omar, they will not be when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam talked to the companions and he said that one day, a shepherd was basically going behind his sheep. And then a wolf came, the wolf came and then he took one of the sheep to eat it. And then the shepherd run behind the wolf asked him for his sheep back. And after he got it back, the wolf set on his basically, back feet, and when he spoke, he spoke to the shepherd. And he said, who will guard your sheep Yama? Saba, the day when
Prophet Isa is the Lamb, we'll come back, we'll come down to earth. We know that the sheep that the wolf will play with the sheep.
Then the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Dr. rasulillah, the boonie attack Allah
A wolf speaks. Look, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and often men will be there like I believe that this will happen. What will work what Omar and a worker believe that and Omar believe that because of their truthfulness because of their Eman, high level of Eman, this is how a worker so de la de la Juan reached that status because of his heart because of his truthfulness brothers and sisters in Islam. The Prophet Salah Salem actually in this Hadith, he also said one day, somebody is basically carrying stuff in a cow. And the cow spoke to the person and he told him, Mally, the alcoholic, I was not created to carry stuff I was created to help you basically cultivate
your land, and then the profits and then the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were amazed and they said about katakolon account speaks and then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made the same statement. And I mean, we'll be there like I believe in this and Abu Bakr and Omar.
Also we know the incident when Rasulullah Salallahu alaihe salam was taken in a journey by you know it from LSU that haram from Mecca, all the way to Jerusalem in one night, and he came back and when the the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told the disbelievers in Mecca about his journey about Islam, from Mecca to Jerusalem. All of them were in a state of disbelief. Actually, some of the Muslims turned back to this belief, because they for them, it was unbelievable. And then they came to our Casa de la Look what your friend is saying, look, talk your friend. He's sitting he went to a journey from Mecca all the way to Jerusalem, and one night, and we beat the necks of the camels to
get there. And almost a month. Look what he's saying. What did he say? Did he say that? Then he spoke the truth. Then he did it. How do you clear this is how our workers so de la de la one out Wade, the rest of the oma because of his Eman Shea Anwar Karachi will be because of something in his heart, his truthfulness, he would believe anything that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam and Allah Subhana Allah Allah will kill him, because he believes that Allah Subhana Allah would not say anything that is not right. The prophets of Allah wa salam would not say anything that is not right. And this is how our workers have decreased the status, but this is the act of the heart. What about
the act of the limbs? Let's take a short break and come back and talk about the Avada the sacrifice the word that Abu Bakr Sadiq actually did for the religion of Allah actually did for the Messenger of Allah actually did for Islam in order to gain and attain that rank of truthfulness, and also to be given a glass tiring of Jenna when he was a living individual walking in the face of this earth. Let's take a short break and come back talk a little bit more about the faithful friend of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the second of the two of the record
assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah.
panatela choose whom He wills Subhana Allah Allah for his mercy for his messenger ship, for the revelation to be revealed. This is not for the human beings to make that decision. If a person would turn to our last panel to Alison Seeley, truthfully, asking for forgiveness or las panatela promised to forgive, we have as Muslims a duty and that is to recite the book of Allah to ponder over the verses the words of our last panel to Allah and to act according to the the mercy of Allah Subhana Allah encompasses everything, but it who would this mercy will be for, and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was sent to all mankind. So the oma are the people of the prophets of the Lord will select
all mankind since the time of the prophets or send them till the Day of death. Why waste our life without getting to know every verse in the Quran? What Allah Subhana Allah wants from us?
I really do.
Miss Miss.
Miss Miss.
A Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Brothers and sisters in Islam. Welcome back to righteous companions, and we are talking about the faithful friend of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the second of the two of you back to Saudi Arabia lavon and at the beginning of the episode, we said that Abu Bakr Siddiq or the Allah and was given that step
is of the truthfulness also who was given the glad tidings of gender while he is living here in the face of this earth. Now how did he earn that? How did he gain that? Because he's the abubaker Sadiq Khan is the friend of the master of no lie he said the MN eu kumala M and E Ll kita. It is not wishful thinking. If you want to get to Jenna, if you want to be elevated in the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala you must work you must work look at the workers so they for the long run and the Hadith faesal al Bukhari Muslim and Hadith ebihara rhodiola one, one day, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked the companions who is fasting today, our worker said decrease his hand he
said O Messenger of Allah, who visited a sick person today, Ababa Casa de la jolla lavon raised his hand and he said, me O Messenger of Allah, Who given a sadhaka or fed me scheme today, Abu Bakr Siddiq raised his hand and he said, I am a messenger of Allah. And the fourth question are the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, who followed agendas who walked behind agenda today, I will say I am or messenger of Allah for deeds in one day, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made that statement, language Tamia and if he had illogical agenda, no one would actually do these four deeds in one day, but he will enter agenda. That is why you should be careful, you should
actually strive to get those four deeds together. For example, if you learned that you have a janessa in your community, all you have to do is wake up fasting in the morning, all you have to do is go visit a sick person, give sadaqa or feed me scheme. This way you end up doing at least try to work to do that sooner, at least once in your life. But if you can do it so often because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, anyone who does these things in one day, he will enter agenda. Brothers and sisters in Islam. Abu Bakr also did immediately upon accepting Islam, the Shahada upon saying a shadow Allah, Allah illallah wa shadow, Muhammad Rasulullah he mobilized
himself with our he actually went and called six of those who are giving lap hiding of gender off man, not a fan came to Islam because of Abu Bakr Saudi Arabia. lavonne Abdul Rahman now came to Islam because of Viva Casa de la de la Juan
Carlos came to Islam because of Viva Cristo de la Juan
de la became a Muslim because of our Casa de la de la one hour and became a Muslim because of our Casa de la on what you require in avoiding Java. six of those who were given glad tidings of gender will come in the Day of Resurrection in the skill of Allah, because he was the one who given them that hour. He's the one who invited them to Islam, how long you've been a Muslim, you probably are born a Muslim, how many people did you help to bring to Islam? How many people did you give that were to look at Abu Bakr, Saudi Arabia lavon. Immediately upon accepting Islam, he mobilized himself. He actually mobilized all of his money. And the other famous American hacking, and the
narrator of this offer is honorable hopper the alarm on he said, because he always sees a worker, so de la one giving, giving, giving, and he said one day, I have some money, I have some wealth with me. And I said,
because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked the companions to give sadaqa and I said, Today I will be a worker so deep, I will give more than what a worker gives. I will be more generous than a worker so de cobia Juan
Omar decided to take half of his wealth, and he came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and said Dr. Rasool Allah, this is for the sake of Allah
Rasul Allah wa sallam asked, What did you leave for your family? Omar said I left half of this. Then while he was standing our workers to declare the alarm on Route all of his wealth, all of his wealth. And he said O Messenger of Allah. This is sada
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked me back to Saudi Arabia lavon Why did you What did you leave for your family? Oh, I'll be back to serve the he said tarak Tula whom I left for them Allah and His Messenger of Allah Juan said no way I can defeat you, Abubakar I will stop doing that. Look, our Casa de la de la on his Abaddon, his worship, the four things that he did his money. There is a wording out there. There is a hadith out there that is I know it's authentic that a worker so the karate lavon had to begin with something like 40,000 dinar he spent it all in the sake of Allah. He freed slaves at the land was freed when Bilal was was persecuted by the disbelievers Rasul Allah wa
sallam actually hinted and he said, Who can free will and who can free Bilaal from slavery, he's being punished by those
disbelievers have overcome so decra de la Juan was the one who went to the master of Milan raphaela Juan and he paid his money for his freedom and freedom I would have never for hire. It was mentioned that he freed up to seven companions, male companions and female companions from slavery. This is Abu Bakr Siddiq, Claudia Lohan. This is how he reached the status brothers and sisters in Islam. He worked he was also he was also a follower of the Sunnah of the Prophet some of the of the commands of Allah Subhana Allah, when Allah subhana wa Taala would command him to do something, he would not hesitate for a second to do it. Listen to this. When the people spoke about the honor of the mother
of the believer, I shall be allowed to honor what we know in the Sunnah had to feel if
there was one of the people whom our Casa de la and basically sponsored. His name is Mustafa.
Mustafa Mustafa was sponsored by Abu Bakr sadhika lon, he used to take care of him financially. And you know what most was one of the people who circulated the rumors
about Ayesha de la Juana our Casa de casa de la Juan became upset that is his daughter, and this is the wife of the messenger his beloved and faithful, beloved friend, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he said what he said what I will not spend on mazepa anymore. But look when Allah subhana wa Taala revealed the verse in Surah t know when I tell you old folk Leeming Kumar Sati Are you too? Old koruba Alma Sakina almajiri Nafisa de la Walia Fulani us for whom Allah Tawhai buena yo fear en la una calm while la Hoover funan Rahim basically the overall of overall meaning of the verse that Allah Subhana Allah commanding Abu Bakr Siddiq de la one to carry on spending on muster
and then Allah Subhana Allah is asking me Becca, so d, wouldn't you like Allah to forgive your sins? Look what Avi vacasa de Colombia lavon said, I love for Allah subhanho wa Taala to love my sins by Allah I will not stop spending on you almost Ah, and the Hadith few Sahih Bukhari keytab tafsir narrated by Ayesha Viola Juana brothers and sisters in Islam, this is how our Casa de karate Allah Juan reached that status. It is not because of his birth, it is not because of his name. It is not because of his nearest to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but he worked. He did a lot of work. on our behalf Tara de la Juan made a statement. Laila min Abby buck, Laila min Abu Bakr Al
Sadiq. Hi urine minnow, Maria Ali
and I are from Abu Bakr Sadiq is better than Omar and the family of Omar. You know what he's talking about? What is Omar is talking about the night of the hegira laylatul hegira. When the whole family of our workers Satya Nadella won World War Two working for Allah, we're working for Allah have Have you seen anything like this in the daughter asthma carrying the food to the cave. I'm very happy for her era, the shepherd taking the sheep next to the cave where they could milk and give the milk to eat up the rock man. The son of Aviva Casa de radi Allahu I'm going around Mecca and finding out what they are uploading and what they are planning, so that he would bring the news to the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam at night. And he is in order for the prophets of Salaam to make decision based on the facts that Abdul Rahman would bring to them in the cave. Our workers so the karate Allah Han is guarding and taking care of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in the cave, the whole family brothers and sisters in Islam, working for Allah, what you have done, what did you do for Islam? This is why we are sharing with you the stories of our righteous companions. And the top of the list is Abu Bakr of Serbia, to motivate you to work for Allah is your family, all of your family working for Allah, serving the deen of Allah giving our helping the cause of Islam to
become successful and victorious wherever you are. This is a worker so dear brothers and sisters in Islam, and this is how he reached that status of the truthfulness, acidity. And this is how he was given qualified to be given the glad tidings of gender when he was walking in the face of this earth. Brothers and sisters in Islam. Don't miss the next
Episode of righteous companions,
an event that will show you the quality of Viva Casa de
la casa de for the long run always has been that merciful, compassionate friend of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
and we'll shed more light about this in the next episode. But when the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam died, the caliber of the leadership of Abu Bakr is so deep emerged.
I'm talking about the event of the death of the prophet SAW Selim. And the reaction of all of the companions, including the strongest of them, almost
the old were shaken.
But Abu Bakr Casa de was the one who stood firm and wise and helped all the companions to be steadfast and he helped them to handle the situation wisely and properly. Brothers and sisters in Islam, the faithful friend, the second of the two of you, Becca said the, the beloved Companion of the friend of the prophet SAW Selim, may Allah Subhana Allah be pleased with him will continue the next episode of righteous companions, please join us till then Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh campaigns spreading
to the people needed
I really did
Mohammed's message
the prophets faithful friend trusted protected him his love had no
i love it please with pm companion
or blessing by
the prophets faithful