Kamil Ahmad – TIC Series- The Beautiful Names of Allah #08
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Here with Jacob bear el Majeed and Laura Jalali.
So today we're going to continue along that same theme
moving on to names that specifically relate to Allah's
power and might
have lost power and might.
So, the first readings that we have
are Aziz
and Alma team, Al Aziz
al Kawi. You and Elma team
so of these three names that we have li Z's
is the one that has been mentioned the most in at least three names.
In fact, it has been mentioned approximately 100 times in the
Quran. It has been mentioned approximately 100 times in the
and often it is combined with
other names like Al Hakim, and Al Ali.
But especially al Hakim
usually comes with Allah's name Al Hakim.
So lots of Hernan all the data says for example, why LM and the
key and know that Allah is as easy and hacky.
And an example of an ICS with Aileen
in Surah trc was Shamu to JD Mustapa Villa Del Taco de realizes
entirely dedicated taco do it.
That is the design of Aziz and
second name and Kawi
it's been mentioned in the Quran nine times.
Most of the time
it comes with Allah's Name
and so for example, of Watson turnable Italia says it
shady don't want to wrap your
eyes in the
What is this name? Ben Cohen twice it comes with Allah's description
of shady dual icon.
Allah's description of shady dual aircard Severe in punishment.
So, in surah Taha fear, Allah subhanahu wa Jalla says in the who
call we human, shady doula, in who can we
Yo shaadi.com He is Kawi to all powerful and shaadi.com Severe in
as for El Mateen Allah has an email Mateen it's only been
mentioned what's in the Quran
and that is in surah ajar yet and sorta dheireadh in the water, who
are reservable Izuku what till my team, Lulu, were telling my team,
Allah is a result and this is the name that we have previously
covered, the one who provides and he is the Kuwa which means the
possessor of might.
And the name from that is Kawi.
And he is L Mateen. Alma team, which is similar meaning of BMV
ever made.
And so,
as we can see, from all of these three names, they all indicate the
the strength, and the mate of Allah subhanho wa taala.
But what is the difference between these names as for Al Aziz,
then al Aziz means, the one who is almighty and that's how it's often
translated as Al Aziz is often translated as the Almighty.
But it also has an element of
honor and glory.
Allah's Name Allah Aziz does not just mean so all mighty or the all
It also has an element of
and that's because it comes from the root word of Aiza. And there
is it means glory and honor.
And so for example, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Min Can you redo
layers Zetta fairly law Hilary's that to Jamia whoever seeks
which is, you know, honor and power and glory, then let him know
that always belongs to Allah subhanho wa taala.
And so someone who is a disease,
the name ISIS, when it's used for human beings,
someone who has status
or a position or a position of authority and power.
the example of that, that we have is in Surah Yusuf
in Surah, Yusuf
the King who you know, we have in the Surah he is referred to as the
disease of missile
disease of Egypt.
And then,
so, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions,
that, the ICS of Minnesota Aziz of Egypt,
he is the one who has the reins of power
as for a Wii and Alma team,
these two names are karoui and Al Mateen. They refer to the ultimate
strength and might have Allah subhanho wa Taala that no one can
overcome, that no one can overcome the difference between the two.
So, can we and and my team, it means the all powerful, the
strongest, the mightiest the difference between the two is that
El karoui refers to Allah's all encompassing
ability and power.
El karoui refers to Allah as all encompassing ability and power and
While l Mateen refers to the great extent of Allah's strength and
the great extent that it reaches
and so this is why I'll Kawi is often translated into English as
the all powerful
whereas Elma team is translated as the ever mighty
alchemy is often translated as the all powerful, while Mateen is
often translated as the ever mighty.
So, one tells us about Allah's, all encompassing might and power
and the other tells us how great that reaches of Allah's might and
power and that is enmity.
So these are the three names that tell us about
Allah Subhan, Allah,
the Almighty, the all powerful,
the strongest and so on and so forth.
And so, let us go through some of the lessons that we learned from
these three names, number one,
believing that Allah subhanahu Attallah is Allah disease should
humble oneself
to none other than Allah subhanho wa Taala and it shouldn't make us
to seek glory and might from anyone besides Allah.
As Allah says, Men can you realize Zetta fairly law hilarious Eliza
to Jamie Ha, whoever seeks riser, glory might power then to Allah
belongs all of that.
And we have in the famous story of our humble revenue, kabob Radi
Allahu Allah when he had arrived in a liquids
to the keys of the city.
And that was because
when the Muslim commander
Abu Zubaydah Ibn Al Jazeera Radi Allahu Akbar,
the city felt in his hands, Jerusalem
basically, they leave, they leave.
Until that's it, the people had given up however, the people of
the city they said, we will not we cannot hand over the city to you
We can only hand it over to your leader.
And that is because they knew from their scriptures that it must be
the Khalifa
of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who receives the keys of
the city
and so on would have been Qatar he was back in Medina.
And so they sent for him and he came.
Now, when he came, he did not come with a huge entourage and, you
he didn't enter the city and style like kings usually do. conquerors
usually do.
This point I'm coming to his famous statement
because some of the companions or some of the Muslims, they said,
Why don't you dress in their clothes?
Enter in a beautiful horse.
So he entered walking while his servant was riding the animal.
So anyways, when he heard this, what did he say?
He said
Karuna Adela Coleman. We were the most humiliating of people
for ISIS and Allah who will Islam. And so Allah granted us there is
glory, and honor and light through Islam. Allah elevated us through
work through Islam, for Muhammad Maeby tell lane, Eliza,
mean lady, her adult Lenola
as long as we seek that visa from other than Islam, then Allah will
humiliate us, Allah will humiliate us.
And so even though
he had every right to do that to enter, you know, in style, and
whatnot, but he was teaching the Muslims a lesson.
And that is that we should not seek this riser through the dunya
but rather through what was heard of him, which Allah has taught us.
The second lesson that we learned
is that
data being Aziz is unlike anyone else who is described as being
And so when people they gain some kind of power and might
they what do they do?
They will use that to their advantage,
oppressing others and subjugating others unjustly.
But that is not the case with Allah subhanho wa taala.
That is not the case with Allah.
And that's why Allah subhanho wa Taala combines this name of his
disease with a Rahim
and several different places in the Quran, to indicate that
although Allah is described as being all powerful, the Almighty,
at the same time, he doesn't always use that power and light.
But rather he gives us a chance and he will delay punishing us and
instead he'll show mercy to us. mercy and compassion. And that's
the meaning of Rahim.
And that's why it's very important for us to contemplate and reflect
over you know,
the Quran
and whenever Allah combined certain names, we should reflect
over it Why Why does Allah do that?
And it's usually because of the context of the area
there is talking about something and so because of that, these
names are brought together
sorry questions about this
including a heavy
it's very repeated that said beheaded.
ever single sort of
correlation, why?
Basically, those sources are talking about the glory of Allah,
the fact that they start with Saba, glorifying Allah and you
know, glory, it has that it is, it means the one who is described as
being of having glory and might etc.
But we'll talk about
as he's coming with a hotkey
question like what's the
specific times for example.
Yes, armor type Rhodiola when he took that from the Prophet
sallallahu, he was selling without a doubt.
In fact, all four of the whole affair that's why they were the
rightly guided
and that's why no one who came after them could be described with
that description.
Because they truly did
you know, show how the Prophet SAW Saddam lived and ruled, basically.
hola combines hola Aziz with El Hakim.
Because el hotkey means the all wines.
And what does Hickman mean Exactly? It means, as they say,
what the reshape for you
to put something in its proper place
hikma with the means to put something in its proper place.
Sometimes you want to do what is right, and you think this is the
right thing to do. And yes, logically, it's the right thing to
But wisdom dictates that you don't do it at that particular time, for
example, right, so that's what we mean by wisdom to put things in
their proper place.
So Allah combines a disease with a team quite a lot.
And there's a story of
one of the leading scholars of
the Arabic language
from the time
from the early generations of Islam, his name was al Sunnah I.
His aim was a smile. He was once he says, I was reciting the Quran,
and I was reciting spiritual Magadha.
And next to me there was a Bedouin, sitting next to me, until
I recited the ayah in solitary Magda was Sadie who was Surya call
to throw Kotaro idea Houma. Jessa and Bhima Kesava Nicola mean Allah
as for the
male and the female thieves cut off their hands for what they have
done as a deterrent from Allah.
He says, But I mistakenly ended the idea by saying Allahu Allah
for or Rahim
Allah is the forgiving and the Most Merciful.
How does the eye end? Allah who
is even hacky? So the bed when he was sitting next to me, he said,
whose words it is?
I said, these are the words of Allah. He said, No, these are not
the words of Allah.
He said, repeat it. So I repeated it.
And then I realized my mistake,
and how it should have been Allahu icwsm hecky.
So I asked the Bedouin, have you read the Quran?
Have you memorized opera? He said, No, I don't even know how to read.
So I said, How did you know that I made this mistake?
And so he answered, he said
he answered, He said,
I saw him back and
he said,
he is described as being the Almighty. And as a result, as a
he used his wisdom
and that is why he commanded chopping off the head
and if he did not come out chopping off the head here
then you could say well over four Rahim but you cannot say
that Allah is forgiving when he's when he's saying that we need to
chop off the head of the teeth.
And so anyways, we see here how
the these two names, what they mean when they come together, Al
Aziz and Al Hakim is that someone who is mighty
people who are mighty, they will misuse that might have theirs.
Whereas that is not the case with Allah subhanho wa taala.
And so whatever he commands
for example, whatever punishments he has legislated
based on hikma.
It is based on wisdom.
And it's not misusing that might have his
the third lesson that we learn here
is that Allah subhanho wa Taala believing that He is the all
powerful and the Almighty should make us realize that Allah can
never be defeated.
And as such, Allah subhanahu wa Tada is always there on the side
of the believers
as long as they show their commitment to him, so Hannah
as Allah subhanho wa Taala says wala Yong Soo Ron Allahu Manian.
in Allah, the Korean as is.
Allah will certainly help those who stand up for him.
Indeed, He is a weak and as is
right again, why does Allah use these names here? Because he's
talking about him giving victory
to those who stand up for him.
And Allah says Kitab Allahu Allah ugly Ben and what was already
in the law, how are we universities again?
Why does a lot end with these two names? Allah says, Allah has
decreed Me and My Messengers was certainly prevail. Me and My
Messengers will certainly prevail.
Indeed, Allah is cohesion as he is, he is the all powerful the
But as I said, this is on the condition that we show our
commitment to Allah and the deen of Allah.
When we fail in that, then we should ask where is the victory of
Even though he promised to hear in these areas, and other areas in
the Quran
the fact that he does not send his victory does not mean that he is
It doesn't mean that he is no longer
we and my team know.
It just means that we are not doing our part we are failing.
We are failing from doing
In our part
that's why the winner is in the state that we are in today.
All right, we move on after that
to another three names of Allah related to Allah is late and
And these three names are Angel
oh here and Belka *, and Jabbar
on call hero and alcohol
it's all we continue along that same theme of Allah's power and
might however here we turn to names that relate to Allah's
supremacy and his * and him being irresistible
and everyone being compelled to before Allah
and so, let us look at these three names The first is a Jabbar. It
has been mentioned only once in the Quran
which Surah Surah. Al hasher in those names,
those 17 odd names that Allah mentions at the end of suitor
Hesher who a lady who Allahu La de la ilaha illa who will medical
could do so. Salaam Minalima Hey Mineola Zizo Jabba muta kept
So this the only place that you Jabbar is mentioned, as for a call
twice in the Quran, and both times
the same phrase was used.
And both are mentioned in the same Surah which surah is.
So what is the phrase?
Well, who will call the roof al Qaeda D and this is in surah. Al
Anam Surah Al and
so Allah says in the first area who will call hero FOCA, humanity
he will who will Hakeem al Hadi
he is a call here the one who reigns supreme over his servants
folklore he died. Well who will Hakeem will Kabir and he is the
always the all aware.
The other is also in Atlanta will who will call you to photocopy
that he will you will receive Alikum half hour
and he sends recording angels watching over you.
As for alcohol
it has been mentioned six times in the Quran.
And in each time it was combined with two of Allah's names
every time
so six times it's dimensioned. And every time is combined with two of
Allah's names, what are they?
And why and
Allah who will wash it, Wahid. That's how it comes in the Quran,
Allah who will work he will.
And so for example, in suits use of when use of ITSM was in prison.
And he was trying to give dower to his prison mates. He said yeah,
Sahiba usage and eat out of baboon, whatever you're gonna have
your own amila hill where he did
which is far better. Many different gods or Allah. Allah had
the one alcohol.
And in Surah T Brahim, what talks about the Day of Judgment? Yama,
Tibet, Daniel,
out of the West Center, what Weber Rasulillah hill where he will
The Day when the earth will be changed into a different earth and
the heavens as well.
And Allah will appear before them. Hola. Hola. Hola. Hola.
So what do these names mean?
As for a Jabbar,
it comes from the root word of Jabara
which means to impose
or it also means to support
so it means to impose or to compel someone
or to impose your rule
but it also means to support for example,
how do we say cast in Arabic? gembira
asked that supports a broken bone.
So we say that Allah subhanahu Attallah is a Jabbar meaning, that
he is the one who
imposes and compels everyone and he cannot be resisted.
The one whose irresistible force is without limitation,
the one who is above his creation,
He is above all things, who compels the creation to be as it
And so, everything in this universe
is the way it is, because
Allah created it that way, and it could not resist,
there is no way that the creation could resist, how they are
They are all functioning by the will of Allah and none of them can
And Allah subhanho wa taala, we can see he is also algebra means
he is also the offender or the rectifier.
The one who repairs or restores or
completes or sets something right once again out of His mercy.
So he comforts those who are broken or oppressed.
He enriches the poor, he relieves the distress and the ill
and so on and so forth. And that is the meaning of the DUA.
When we say between the two salutes, what do we say? Allahu
Allah fiddly what how many
were had any what you bought me is also in there what you bought me.
So jabroni, which comes from the same root word, it means Oh Allah,
enrich me.
Help me.
So this is a Jabbar as for a QA here, and alcohol.
I'll call here and alcohol. They both come from the same root word
of calahorra.
But there's a difference between the two. And this is a difference
that we have repeated
several times already with similar names. And that is that in the
Arabic language, we have different skills
for the doer.
And so
the doer is alpha male,
on the scale of alpha male, and in this case, we'll call here is on
that skill.
And then we have the scale of fan.
And Allah is named alcohol is on that scale.
And we will explain what that means. What does it mean? What is
the difference between alpha and alpha
is when you're constantly
when you're doing your normal door
and so Allah subhanahu wa Tada. When we say he is a call here,
we say that he is
the Compeller.
And when we say he is alcohol, then we say he is the one who is
always compelling and ever dominating and ever irresistible
with no end.
In cathedra, he says in his Tafseer of the area, where who
will call him will felt very bad.
Well, what hachimura Sabir?
Here Allah says that he reigned supreme court here, over here.
Even Qatif says meaning that to Allah, the next are subservient,
the tyrants on will before him, and he has complete control over
all things. The creatures have all bowed to Allah, and are humbled
before his grace, his honor, his pride, his greatness, His
Highness, and his ability over all things. The creatures are
insignificant before him, for they are all under his irresistible
decision and power.
So this tells us the meaning of Allah being above his servings in
this by using his name alcohol.
As for alcohol, we mentioned that it has been mentioned six times in
the Quran. And each time with Allah's names
a lot and a wide
and what we notice is that there are generally two contexts in
which alcohol has been mentioned in the Quran
so all six times
we can put them in two of these categories
the first is
in affirming the toe heat of Allah
and refuting schicke and the arguments of the machinery cool
so here the meaning of alcohol is that Allah prevails and is
dominant over the machinery cool and they're weak arguments
justifying their shake. So he is the one who subdues all doubts and
false arguments with clear proofs and evidences.
Okay, so now let's look at each of these six times that you know,
Allah's Name and kahar is mentioned.
So twice or
not twice, but four times. It comes under this category. So we
mentioned the first insert use of when you're reading or he was
giving dower to his prison meats, right, he was talking about the
Oneness of Allah.
Right, he said, which is better having many gods are having one
and why alcohol
right? So he was using that as evidence.
The other time is
again in the context of refusing emotionally cool so to write, or
what kind of data says, I'm only learning
for the LA heart condition, were who were fiddle
are they associated with our partners who supposedly
produce a creation like his leaving them confused between the
two creations? Right here Allah is asking us, these other gods have
they created something like what Allah has created? Leaving the
people confused as to who's the Creator. And then Allah ends the
idea by saying, well who will walk into
he is the one alcohol
and in Sudha, sought Allah subhanahu wa Tada says good in
NEMA and a moon there. When I mean Isla him in Lola hula, he don't
say to them, oh, Mohamed, I'm only a warner. And there is no God
worthy of worship except Allah. Allah had alcohol. So again,
trying to prove the Tauheed of Allah refuting ship.
And the fourth instances in Surah to Zuma. Allah says, Lo Murad
Allahu and yet Tessie that well at the last Tata, Yasuko Masha, so
the Han who Allah who will work it will kaha
here Allah is refuting the Christians who claim that Allah
has a son. Allah says,
had it been Allah's Will to have a child, he could have chosen
whatever he wanted of his creation
and Glory be to Him, He is Allah the one alcohol.
So again, when it comes in the context of refuting shake, and
doubts and false arguments,
Allah's Name and kaha has mentioned
to show that Allah is the competitor, and everyone has to,
you know, submit to Him subhanho wa taala. The second context in
which alcohol has been mentioned in the Quran
and that is the remaining two times
in the context of the day of judgment
in the context of warning, the machinery cool of that day.
So the meaning of alcohol here is that Allah will prevail, and he
will be dominant over
Every one and over the machinery cool in the Acura and they will be
subjugated to him, they will all be subjugated to him. And so Allah
will resurrect everyone by his will. And he will bring them
before him to be judged, and no one will be able to resist any of
No one will be able to resist any of that.
And so in Surah, Ibrahim, we mentioned the ayah Allah says
Yama, Tibet, the herbal or Ural RV was somewhat about Rasulullah.
Hill, Washington.
The Day when the earth will be changed to a different earth and
the heavens as well and all appear before Allah and wide alcohol.
So when I was talking about the day of judgment, and how different
that day will be, and how tremendous it will be, he's
letting us know that no one can escape it.
And no one can show their mind. No one can resist it. Everyone will
be compelled to be to submit to Allah subhanho wa Taala on that
day, and in surah Taha fear a lot of young man combat zone now y'all
shape Lee Manuel Malecon young.
The data all of them will appear before Allah, nothing about them
will be hidden from him. And Allah will ask
who does all a milk?
Who does the Dominion the authority belong to understate?
And the answer will be to Allah, the One alcohol
and we mentioned a hadith previously, when we spoke about
Allah's Name, and we'll talk a bit
where the prophets are seldom mentioned that on the Day of
Judgment, Allah will fold up the heavens, in his right hand and
then he will see on the Day of Judgment he'll say,
I am the Melek I Am the King. He no job bow rule, amen Remotec
Bureau rune, where are the juggler
those who thought that they are irresistible,
and where are the proud and arrogant
so what we can see is a clear correlation between Allah's names,
right? So because of who Allah is,
is the one and only because of that, he therefore prevails. And
he reigns
over his creation, compelling all of them, none of them being able
to resist him Subhana whatever.
So as we can see from these three names, Al Jabbar,
al Qaeda and Al kaha.
Allah is the One who prevails over his creation.
He is the one who is always victorious over any opposition,
and he is the one who is irresistible, the one who is
dominant, the one to whom all submit and are compelled to submit
So we conclude with what we learned from these three names of
The first lesson that
prevails over his entire creation,
Allah prevails over his entire creation. And so no matter how
much might they may have, they can never resist the force of Allah.
If they could,
what would they resist?
If we had the ability,
let's say there's someone extremely mighty.
And he is known as being the irresistible, the most powerful.
you know, he resists everything.
Any attempt
on his life or any attempt on his power, he's easily able to resist
But what is one thing that he cannot resist?
That, right,
which is why Allah reminds us that he is uncaught Hillfolk identity.
And then what does he say? Well, you see to Alikum hahaha.
Let's look at that. One who will call who felt the heat while you
receive Alikum health over? had either Ajah ahead Akumal No.
To tell our fate who rose who Luna were whom love you for return.
Allah tells us that he is caught here over his servants. And he
sends these angels to watch over us they are the angels of death.
And then Allah says when death comes to any of you, our angels
take away their soul, never neglecting their duty. And so it
was suitable for Allah to tell us that he is call him over to
mention this
while you're still Alikum helpful, yes, those are the recording
And then Allah says,
towards that guru to Luna, those are the angels of death.
When death comes to one of you, Allah sends His angels of death.
The second lesson that we learn
is that Allah subhanho wa Taala prevails over us
and he subjugates US TO HIS WILL as he pleases.
without us having any say in his decisions.
As Allah subhanho wa Taala says, law use and
with whom use alone.
He is never to be questioned about what he does,
but they will be questioned, meaning we will be questioned by
Why? Because he is our Rob, he is our Creator.
Did he take your permission to create you
so who are we to object?
Unfortunately, you have a disease among many people today who object
either one of two things related to either
his legislations, what he has revealed what he has ordained in
terms of what He has commanded.
And number two, in terms of his career,
where he has decreed you have people who object to both
Why do I have to pray five times a day?
Why do I have to wear that?
Why is it like this? Why is it like that? Why is this haram? Why
is that haram?
And then you have people who object to the color of Allah? Why
is Allah making me go through the suffering?
why has Allah created me in such and such way?
Constantly objecting to Allah, not realizing that Allah is Allah
here, and alcohol.
And so these two names are these three names, they teach us that
Allah subjugates us as he pleases.
He doesn't take our permission when He decrees something for us,
right. So who are we to object? However, an important point here
is we should not
this does not mean that
Allah has therefore forced us
and not given us freewill.
So it doesn't mean now that because subjugated to Allah's
Will, that
you know, whatever I do,
it's the will of Allah, and I'm subjugated to it, I cannot resist,
right? No, that's not what it means. And this is what people use
to justify committing sins, right? Use in order to justify committing
And so
this is why we affirm that
although Allah has subdued us to His will, when it comes to actions
that will result in either punishment or reward in the
afterlife, then he has given us freewill to decide, he has given
us freewill to decide.
The third lesson that we learn
is that these names should make one to feel weak and humble before
and His might and His irresistible force.
Especially when you realize that everything happens by Allah's
command, and by his wish.
And then this should then
push you to, to worship Allah
and seek His protection from all harm.
Right when you understand who Allah is, he is other Jabbar on
call here, alcohol, that should put something in your heart, to
make you feel weak
in front of his force, his irresistible force
and then it should drive you to, to worship Allah.
As they say, There is none, who you run away from
in order to run to Him except Allah.
There is no one who you will flee from.
And then to look for protection you run to him, except Allah.
If you fear someone, you run away from him. If you fear something,
you run away from that thing. Except for Allah, when you fear
Him, you run back to him.
And so that is what these names should instill within our hearts
that yes, although Jabbar and I are here in Oklahoma,
we are weak,
But at the same time, Allah has promised us that as long as you
know we follow His commands
and we are in line with what He has commanded. Then he'll be there
to protect us from any harm.
Fulfilled rule it Allah.
So Flee to Allah subhanho wa taala.
The fourth lesson that we learn
these two names are pothead and alcohol are names that belong only
to Allah subhanho wa Taala and it is not appropriate for humans to
have such names or to be described with a with attributes of God.
We mentioned that you know certain names of Allah
use them
for people
such as Aziz
and Rahim, Karim
right but not a call here you cannot name someone call him or
the reason for this
is such he used he usually uses that,
in oppression, someone who is described as having cloud
he is usually someone who is a tyrant,
as Allah said regarding Pharaoh,
in fact, that is exactly what surrounds that
call as an urban home. Witness the Ye, Nisa.
He said about vinius who are ill we will kill their sons and keep
their women were in FOCA homecourt who were in FOCA home call hero
and we will completely be caught here
will be dominant over them.
And Allah subhanho wa Taala forbade his Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam from this attribute of
which Surah
Amelia Tina,
Salah, Dochart
right familia team of Allah taka, as for the orphan do not subjugate
him Do not use force against him.
Be kind and compassionate with the with the orphan. And this was a
command to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam specifically
the last lesson that we will mention
is that we should call upon Allah with all of his names. As we have
mentioned previously, while Allah Hill Asma UL Husna for the rule
will be to Allah belong the most beautiful name, so call upon a lot
by His names.
But here
there is a particular attribute
and that is the attribute of eligible root
which the name is from a Jabbar.
And so we should call upon Allah with this attribute because the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us to do so in a
and that liquor is
The Prophet SAW Selim would say this dhikr in his Roku, and his
in Roku and sujood we say Subhana wa Vilavi and we'll say Subhana
neurobiol Allah. This is also something else we should add, and
that is, so the hammer and anvil Jabba rooty? Well Melaku tea will
keep area II will have on
so the hand I didn't jump out route, while Melaku route, well it
keeps the
world out on
so you're glorifying Allah the one who possesses Jabba route
which is from Allah's Name Jabbar, and the one who possesses
Mallacoota which is the kingdom, the Dominion and l Kibriya.
Or pride belongs to Allah. And Allah, Allah
subhana dirigible rooty, well Malaguti will keep it here you
will have them It allows them to be in the greatness of Allah
subhanho wa Taala what do we notice here all of these
and, you know, his, his power and his irresistible nature
and so this is where we'll stop so
Allahu Allah Subhana Allah who will become dhikr dickish to Allah
Allah Hitler and Sophie look forward to like if there's any
questions we can take them now
nice to be
for ya
yeah, so in the KD Mateen.
Means Allah's plan.