Kamil Ahmad – The Lives of the Sahabiyyat #13 Mariyyah al-Qibtiyyah RA

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The history of slavery in the United States is discussed, including the European Middle East's strict laws preventing slavery and the loss of victims. The segment also touches on the concept of being a slave and the importance of human rights, including the practice of being a slave. The transcript describes various stories of people being punished for their actions and the loss of loved ones. The segment also touches on the myths of death and death, including the myth of being allam and the shia alayhi being allam. The segment ends with a discussion of protecting against death through protecting against allied events.
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله رب العالمين
حمدا كثيرا طيبا مباركا فيه كما يحب ربنا
ويرضى والصلاة والسلام الأتمان الأكملان على خير خلق
الله أجمعين وعلى آله وصحبه ومن اهتدى بهديه
واستنى بسنته إلى يوم الدين اللهم علمنا ما
ينفعنا وانفعنا بما علمتنا وزدنا علما وأرينا الحق
حقا وارزقنا اتباعه وأرينا الباطل باطلا وارزقنا اجتنابه
واجعلنا ممن يستمعون القول فيتبعون احسنه وبعد السلام
عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته last week we finished
going through the lives of the wives of
rasool Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم the ummahatul
mu'mineen the mothers of the believers and so
our prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم had a
total of 11 wives he had a total
of 11 wives and we covered pretty much
all of them now two of them passed
away before he did right as we mentioned
khadija رضي الله عنها and zaynab bint khuzaimah
so he left behind nine wives he left
behind when he passed away he left behind
nine of his wives but then there were
other women whom the prophet صلى الله عليه
وسلم also had intimate relations with but they
were not his wives and they did not
count as ummahatul mu'mineen the mothers of the
believers and so these were basically his concubines
or as allah refers to them as mulk
al yameen that which your right hand possesses
and you know allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala has
permitted men to only be intimate with to
only have like intimate relations with two kinds
of women either uh their wives or mulk
al yameen right as allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala
says those who guard their private parts except
for their wives or those that their right
hands possess and they are basically their concubines
uh their uh slave women allah says for
indeed they will not be blamed whoever seeks
anything beyond that meaning whoever you know has
relations with women beyond these two categories then
they are the transgressors they are the transgressors
now some may wonder why allah subhanahu wa'ta
'ala would permit his prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam
to take women as slaves and even have
intimate relations with them firstly regarding slavery in
islam we've already spoken at length about uh
about it when we covered the stories of
some of those women who fell into muslim
captivity and rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam took
them for himself we mentioned juwayriyya as well
as safiyyah but then the prophet sallallahu alayhi
wasallam freed them and he married them and
we mentioned that the enemies of islam will
often criticize islam uh and claim that you
know uh islam promotes and encourages slavery and
so we responded to those allegations we responded
to all of that we said that you
know slavery was always prevalent in human societies
and civilizations and you know when islam came
there were many ways of becoming a slave
but islam basically limited it to one right
so the only way that one could become
a slave is through war through jihad and
so you know these prisoners of war uh
you know uh either before islam they would
either be killed or enslaved right but then
islam brought two more options to the table
and that was unconditional release or ransom right
islam did not abolish it altogether because we
mentioned that the kafir uh prisoner of war
they were opposed to the truth they were
opposed to islam and letting them go free
would give them the opportunity to spread their
kufr and their aggression against others and we
also mentioned that when islam came it changed
the way in which slavery was dealt with
so slaves were not considered to even be
human beings and they were treated worse than
animals and you know this continued in western
society until only a few decades ago right
uh islam you know gave them a lot
of rights that they did that they didn't
have before nor after right also uh slavery
among muslims had nothing to do with race
or ethnicity ethnicity you know like in the
west where slaves were limited to the black
race and the owners were white right in
islam it was not it had nothing to
do with race or ethnicity and you know
uh as we said there were many ways
of becoming a slave whereas there were virtually
no ways of leaving slavery and islam created
many new ways of uh having slaves to
be liberated and freed you know islam also
encouraged muslims to free slaves for the sake
of allah and mentioned huge rewards for those
who do so so the point here is
that when it comes to slavery in islam
it's completely different than uh the western concept
of slavery right that was pure loom and
oppression and you know subjugation whereas it was
not the same with islam you know this
is the first thing we need to understand
now how about taking concubines these female slaves
when they end up in the hands of
the muslims why is it that you know
uh the muslim men are allowed to have
intimate relations with them without marriage so to
answer this we say first of all first
of all whenever allah legislate something and allow
something it is part of our iman to
submit to it and not to object to
it even if we can't make sense of
it right because who are we talking about
we're talking about allah we're talking about allah
who are we to object to what allah
has legislated right allah is the one who
created us and he's the one who decides
you know uh he's the one who decides
the laws for us so we should never
object as allah says allah is never to
be questioned about what he does but they
will be questioned meaning we will be questioned
by allah number two it is also part
of our iman that when allah legislate something
to believe that allah legislated it for our
own good in our best interests there is
nothing that allah legislates except that there is
good in it for us even if we
may not see the good in it right
this is part of our iman to believe
in right this is because allah is the
just and as he says in the quran
he does not do injustice to anyone he
does not oppress anyone so if allah has
legislated something like this we should submit and
we should look for the the the benefits
of it right so this is what we
say first of all secondly we say that
this concubine or slave woman who is legitimately
possessed by by a muslim she ends up
in his possession right and so he owns
her no one else has the right to
have any relations with her unless he marries
her off to someone else and then in
that case even he is not allowed to
be intimate with her right this is something
very important to understand you know she's not
like uh you know a prostitute who anyone
can have relations with her no she only
belongs to to the master only he is
allowed to have relations with her however if
he marries her off to someone else even
he even though he's a master he's not
allowed to you know come near her so
we see from this that the right of
the master to be intimate with her is
actually something in the best interest of the
slave woman as it would keep her chaste
and you know not resort to zina or
prostitution as was common in the past you
know uh before uh slave women that's what
they would resort to and sometimes the masters
would push them towards prostitution and allah forbade
that in the quran you know uh in
in surat an-nisa uh or in surat
an-nur allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said
وَلَا تُكْرِهُ فَتَيَاتِكُمْ عَلَى الْبِغَاءِ إِنْ أَرَدْنَا تَحَصُنًا
do not force your slave girls into prostitution
when they want to be chaste they want
to keep themselves chaste finally thirdly when islam
allows such intimate relations this does not equate
to you know what the kuffar refer to
as * in fact as mentioned earlier islam
you know took great consideration of the human
rights of these slaves and taught us how
to take care of them and not to
mistreat them so how can a muslim possibly
imagine that rasool allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam whom
allah described as being a mercy for mankind
how could a muslim possibly imagine that he
would mistreat or do injustice to anyone even
if it was a slave right this is
rasool allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam who we're talking
about allah sent him as a mercy for
mankind he was the most merciful and compassionate
among us right he would never mistreat anyone
and never do injustice or oppression to anyone
so basically you know in conclusion when islam
allows this it is just it is not
injustice it is not oppression it is not
subjugation and our prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was
the best of mankind and he is our
role model not only did allah not only
did allah allow muslim men to do this
but he allowed even his prophet sallallahu alayhi
wasallam to do it and he is our
role model now coming to the women that
the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam had in his
possession the scholars mention that he sallallahu alayhi
wasallam had a total of four there was
rayhana and then there was maria and then
there was a woman whom his wife zainab
bint jahj gifted to him and then there
was a fourth uh whom he acquired through
one of the battles so as you can
see uh we only have the identities of
two of them and they are rayhana and
maria now the scholars have actually differed whether
these two were freed and then married and
thus count as ummahatul mu'mineen or not so
some scholars said that rayhana and maria the
prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam freed them and then
married them however however the correct view the
correct view that you know is based on
the various evidences is that they remained as
concubines they remained as slaves both rayhana and
maria the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did not
free them he passed away and they passed
away as slaves of his now we'll quickly
mention rayhana since she actually passed away in
the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam
before he passed and so there's not much
information about her for us to dedicate an
entire session for so we'll quickly mention uh
rayhana and then we'll move on to maria
inshallah so uh rayhana her name was rayhana
bint zaid ibn amr and she belonged to
the jewish tribe of in medina uh
but she was married to a man from
banu qurayza now after the battle of al
ahzab in which the remaining jewish tribe that
was left in medina banu qurayza they backstabbed
the muslims in the battle of al ahzab
and so they broke their covenant with rasool
allahi sallallahu alayhi by aiding the enemy so
rasool allahi sallallahu alayhi wasallam after the battle
of al ahzab he immediately sent to round
up this tribe of banu qurayza because you
know they they committed treason you know in
a state of war they're helping the enemy
right so uh basically the final uh decision
was that uh their men are to be
executed and all of their women and children
would be taken as captives so among the
captives that was taken was rayhana now her
husband was among those who were executed and
then she was taken by rasool allahi sallallahu
alayhi wasallam as a slave now the prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam invited her to islam gave
her dawah in the beginning she refused but
eventually she ended up accepting islam then rasool
allahi sallallahu alayhi wasallam gave her the option
he said do you want to remain as
a slave or do you want me to
free you and then i will marry you
remember that this was similar to what he
did with juwayriyya radiyallahu anha however unlike juwayriyya
you know rayhana preferred to remain as a
slave she said oh messenger of allah rather
leave me as your slave for it is
easier for me and you it is easier
for me and you so the reason she
preferred to remain as a slave was that
the burdens and the responsibilities of being a
slave for her were easier or more suitable
for her you know uh it's a huge
responsibility to be a wife uh right so
anyways this is what she felt and this
was her decision so rayhana she remained as
a concubine of rasool allahi sallallahu alayhi wasallam
until her death she ended up passing away
upon returning from hajj the farewell hajj with
rasool allahi sallallahu alayhi wasallam and this was
in the 10th year of the hijra so
you know before the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam
passed away rayhana passed away and she ended
up being buried in albaqeeq she ended up
being buried in albaqeeq we now move on
to maria her name was maria bint shamaun
alqibtiya coming from the coptic christians of egypt
who follow the orthodox church of alexandria her
father was a copt uh an egyptian copt
but her mother was a roman her mother
was uh you know a roman so she
was from egypt so how did she end
up in the possession of rasool allahi sallallahu
alayhi wasallam you know all the way from
egypt when our prophet sallallahu never ever sent
an army there the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam
never you know himself ever went to egypt
nor did he ever send an army in
that direction so the story is that sometime
in the seventh or eighth years of the
hijra upon returning from al hudaibiyah the treaty
of hudaibiyah when the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam
entered into a peace treaty with you know
uh his enemy the quraish of mecca upon
returning the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam started reaching
out to the kings of the world and
uh you know to expand the reach of
the dawah and he did this by sending
letters with uh messengers so he sent letters
to all of the notable world leaders of
his time the roman emperor the persian emperor
the najashi of abyssinia and many others and
among the leaders that he sent a letter
to was uh the leader of the coptic
christians in egypt the leader of the coptic
christians in egypt and his name was al
muqawqis his name was al muqawqis now each
one of these kings and leaders reacted to
the letter of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam
in a different way so some of them
honored the letter of the prophet sallallahu alayhi
wasallam and the messenger right that the prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam sent while others you know
uh disrespected uh the letter uh as was
the example of the persian emperor uh when
he read the letter he tore it apart
he tore it apart so what did allah
do allah tore up his kingdom allah tore
up his kingdom uh so al muqawqis he
was the governor of the coptic christians of
alexandria in egypt and he was an educated
and learned man he was very educated and
so the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam sent the
letter with the companion haatib ibn abi balta
'a who was one of the uh companions
who participated in the battle of badr so
haatib presented the letter to al muqawqis and
it read in the name of allah the
most gracious the most merciful from muhammad ibn
abdullah to al muqawqis the ruler of the
copts peace be upon those who follow right
guidance i wish to convey to you the
message of islam accept islam and you will
be safe accept it and allah will double
your reward should you turn your back on
it you will shoulder the sins of all
of the copts and then uh the prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam mentioned the ayah from surah
ali imran say
oh people of the scripture let us come
to common terms a common word that we
will worship none but allah associate no partners
with him nor take one another as lords
besides allah but if they turn away then
say bear witness that we have submitted to
allah so when al muqawqis read this letter
he asked haatib some questions right he he
asked him i have some questions for you
and i want you to help me understand
so haatib he said please go ahead ask
and haatib was very intelligent right he was
very intelligent he was very knowledgeable he knew
how to answer questions and so al muqawqis
said tell me about your master is he
not a prophet so haatib he said yes
he sure is so al muqawqis said if
that's the case then why did he not
pray to have his people destroyed since they
drove him out of his city out of
his land so haatib you know look at
his answer he said take the example of
isa ibn mariam do you not bear witness
that he is the messenger of allah he
said yes he said well what about him
when his people took him and wanted to
crucify him could he not have prayed for
the destruction of his people when allah raised
him up to the heaven al muqawqis said
you are a very wise man who has
come from a very wise man and then
uh he said these are gifts i am
sending with you for muhammad and i'm going
to send with you a guard who will
accompany you to safety so as we can
see al muqawqis his reaction to the letter
of the prophet was polite however he did
not become muslim and then he sent with
haatib a bunch of gifts uh you know
an animal a mule and uh garments and
whatnot and among the gifts that he sent
were two very valuable slave girls from among
the copts and these two girls were actually
sisters they were maria bint shamoon and her
sister sirin or shireen bint shamoon so on
the way to medina haatib he tried his
best to give both of them da'wah
and have them accept islam and so his
efforts paid off and as a result allah
guided their hearts and they ended up accepting
islam on the way before arriving in medina
so once they arrived the prophet took maria
for himself but he did not free her
as for her sister sirin or shireen he
gifted her to his poet his uh his
poet was hassan ibn thabit now rasul allah
not only loved maria for her beauty she
was very beautiful but also he loved her
for her relation to him what was her
relation to him you know she's all the
way from egypt basically through his mother hajar
right the mother of ismail she was the
slave woman of sarah the wife of ibrahim
who would later give birth to ismail right
hajar was the slave woman of sarah and
ibrahim had with hajar he had ismail and
perhaps this may be the secret behind why
rasul allah did not free her and marry
her like the others to follow in the
footsteps of his father ibrahim which the prophet
used to do you know he always liked
to follow in the footsteps of ibrahim and
allah also commanded him to do so so
follow oh muhammad follow the way of ibrahim
and the religion of ibrahim so you know
imagine the prophet you know a gift comes
to him a slave woman from egypt and
immediately it reminds him of his father ibrahim
who had his slave woman hajar right and
so he also decided to keep maria as
his slave now abu dhar radiallahu anhu narrates
and this is in sahih muslim abu dhar
narrates that rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam said
you will soon conquer egypt which is a
land in which the qiraat is mentioned when
you conquer it treat its people well because
protection and blood relationship apply to them what
did he what did he mean that you
know we have blood relations with them what
he meant was hajar and also now maria
right and that's exactly how the sahaba radiallahu
anhum treated the people of egypt when they
later conquered it when they later conquered egypt
they treated the people very well as we'll
mention later on now after many years after
many many years allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala granted
rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam a child a
baby boy and so in dhul hijjah of
the eighth year of the hijrah a son
was born to maria the last time that
the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam ever had a
child was way back in mecca with his
wife khadija you know all of his children
were through her and so now after years
of having been married to many women allah
blesses the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam with a
baby boy so this would obviously lead to
the wives of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam
becoming extremely jealous you know since maria was
blessed with a boy while they were not
blessed with any children aisha radiallahu anha says
there is no one that i had more
jealousy for than my jealousy for maria and
so perhaps because of this when maria was
pregnant the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam sent her
off to the outskirts of medina an area
known as al aliyah or al awali for
her to spend you know the rest of
her pregnancy there and even to deliver there
uh in order to be far away from
his wives who may uh you know harm
her because of their jealousy for her and
allah knows best now rasul allah sallallahu alayhi
wasallam had a total of seven children three
boys al qasim abdullah and ibrahim and four
daughters zainab ruqayya and fatima all of them
were from khadija except for ibrahim and so
it was the will and the plan of
allah that only his daughters would live on
while all three of his sons would pass
away while they were young now some scholars
said that the wisdom behind this is that
if any of his sons had lived he
would have become a prophet or a messenger
as was the case with uh prophet ibrahim
you know he had ishaq and then ishaq
had yaqub right and then yaqub had yusuf
and also we have the example of davud
he had sulayman right and that's why ibn
abbas he says if ibrahim the son of
the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam if he was
to live he would have become a prophet
now others they said that the wisdom behind
why allah decreed for all the sons of
the prophet to pass away was that it
was feared that the people would fall into
fitna because of them right uh they would
end up revering and respecting the sons uh
beyond what is permissible right and this opinion
is probably stronger because this actually happened in
history with excessive reverence and love for who
the grandsons of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam
al-hassan and al-hussain right so imagine
if he actually left behind a son you
know if this is what they did to
al-hassan and al-hussain right the shia
then and and they were grand grandchildren then
imagine what would have happened if the prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam had left behind uh a
son now although only his daughter survived and
they all grew up and they got married
all of his daughters the four that we
mentioned towards the end of his life the
only daughter who remained with the prophet sallallahu
alayhi wasallam was one and that was fatima
all of his other daughters passed away before
him so rasool allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam you
could imagine he went through the pain of
losing all of his children except for fatima
and now after years allah blesses him with
a son so you could imagine the great
joy when the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam got
the news that you know uh maria delivered
a baby boy as soon as the news
reached him he rushed to see his newborn
son and he held him and he kissed
him and he told his companions tonight i
have been blessed with a son and i
have named him by my father's name ibrahim
i have named him by my father's name
ibrahim again we can see that perhaps um
you know uh the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam
was reminded of ibrahim and hajar uh through
maria right and so uh look at how
he named the son ibrahim rasool allah sallallahu
alayhi wasallam loved ibrahim greatly he loved him
dearly he would always go and visit him
and hold him in his arms and kiss
him and as he would grow he would
play with him and you have to imagine
the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam at this age
he is around 60 years old the prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam is around 60 years old
anas radiallahu anna narrates i have never seen
anyone more merciful towards children than the messenger
of allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam ibrahim was being
nursed in the outskirts of medina there were
various women who were uh basically breastfeeding him
he says the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam would
go there with us he would go out
there with us and then he would enter
the house where uh ibrahim was being nursed
and he would hold ibrahim in his heart
in his arms he would kiss him he
would spend time with him and then he
would return with us to medina however allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala had willed and decreed
that this joy would soon come to an
end and rasool allahi sallallahu alayhi wasallam would
have to once again go through the pain
of losing a child once again the wisdom
behind this was that perhaps allah did not
want rasool allahi sallallahu alayhi wasallam to leave
behind a son who would become a source
of fitna for the ummah after him so
you know we have to understand that allah's
plan is the best plan even if it
will involve suffering for us right that suffering
is temporary and there's a greater good involved
ibrahim fell ill towards the end of the
10th year of the hijrah barely reaching the
age of two when rasool allahi sallallahu alayhi
wasallam heard that ibrahim was unlikely to survive
because of his illness he went to visit
him in the home where he was being
cared for anas radiallahu anna narrates and this
is in sahih al-bukhari anas says we
entered the house of abu saif basically uh
abu saif uh his wife um saif was
uh basically breastfeeding uh ibrahim he says we
entered the house of abu saif along with
the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam he
took hold of ibrahim he kissed him and
he smelled him then we entered after that
as ibrahim was breathing his last breaths this
made the eyes of the prophet sallallahu alayhi
wasallam to shed tears when abdur-rahman ibn
awf saw that he said even you oh
messenger of allah you know even you are
crying so the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said
oh ibn awf this is mercy this is
the mercy that allah has put in the
hearts of human beings then the prophet sallallahu
alayhi wasallam cried some more and then he
said you know his famous uh statement the
prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said indeed the ear
the the eyes shed tears and the heart
is grieved and saddened but we will not
say anything except what is pleasing to our
lord we are indeed saddened by your departure
oh ibrahim losing a child is not easy
and it's a tragedy that only those who
go through it can understand but that's why
we have the best role model in the
prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam you know we all
face tests and trials in our lives but
the most severely tested of all was without
a doubt the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam he
went through the loss of all of his
children except one and then when some joy
comes to his house after such a long
time he was then tested with with his
loss as well you know anyone who loses
a child should remember that if allah took
away the children of the one who is
the most beloved to allah from all of
creation muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam if allah took
away his children then who are we you
know uh when we are going through that
or any other you know trial or test
or calamity we should always remember our messenger
sallallahu alayhi wasallam and what he went through
and this will really allow us to cope
with such tragedies the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam
then had the body of ibrahim washed and
prepared for the janazah then after praying his
janazah they buried him in al-baqi' now
it so happened that on that same day
right after his death a solar eclipse occurred
in medina so rumors started spreading in medina
that this solar eclipse was due to the
death of ibrahim in the sense that allah
was showing his condolences to his prophet sallallahu
alayhi wasallam by eclipsing the sun a kasoof
now when the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam heard
what the people were saying he immediately came
out and he gathered them for salah so
they prayed what is known as salatul kasoof
the eclipse prayer and after they were done
and the eclipse was over the prophet sallallahu
alayhi wasallam wanted to dispel these myths and
these superstitions so he said to them the
sun and the moon do not eclipse because
of the death or the life of anyone
but rather they are two signs among the
signs of allah when you see them immediately
rush to salah now maria she continued
to live in the outskirts of medina after
the death of her son obviously you know
imagine if this is how the prophet sallallahu
alayhi wasallam felt then you could imagine how
the mother felt for losing her son but
she continued to live uh in the outskirts
of medina and even after the death of
the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam she maintained a
private life and to you know ibadah and
worship and devotion uh but she eventually passed
away in the khilafah of umar ibn al
-khattab it was in muharram of the 16th
year of the hijra in year 16 of
the hijra and so umar he gathered everyone
for her janaza and he led it and
then she was buried in al-baqi' next
to her son ibrahim now maria passed away
before the muslims completed their conquest of her
homeland egypt it was a few years after
her death that egypt fell in the hands
of the muslims and they held on to
the advice of rasool allahi sallallahu alayhi wasallam
to treat the people of that land well
so among those who were sent by umar
to conquer egypt was ubada ibn samit after
the conquest he went to the town that
maria was from and it is mentioned that
he built a masjid at the place where
she was born and later on in the
time of muawiyah radiallahu anh al-hassan ibn
ali made a special request to muawiyah to
waive the jizyah you know the tax uh
from the coptic christians of that particular town
where maria was born and where she was
from and all of this was to honor
maria and to hold on to you know
the advice of rasool allahi sallallahu alayhi wasallam
to treat the people of this land well
and so with that we come to the
end of the story of uh maria al
-qibtiya radiallahu anha and next week inshallah we'll
start to go through the lives of the
daughters of rasool allahi sallallahu alayhi wasallam and
so with that we will conclude for today
subhanakallahumma bihamdik wa ala
alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in wasalamu alaikum warahmatullahi