Kamil Ahmad – The Lives of the Sahabiyyat – 11 – Umm Habibah RA

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The Quraysh movement has been a conflict for a long time with the loss of the first-ever man and the rise of the first-ever woman leading to political crisis. The movement has also been a conflict for a long time with the loss of the first-ever man and the rise of the first-ever woman leading to political crisis. The segment discusses the importance of narrations in the spread of Islam and the weakness of certain standards. The segment also touches on the importance of umm principle in shaping one's life and their experiences with death.
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Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem We
continue on with the lives of the sahabiyat
and in particular the wives of Rasool Allah
sallallahu alayhi wasallam and today we move on
to the tenth wife of Rasool Allah sallallahu
alayhi wasallam and she is Umm Habibah radhiyallahu
anha, Umm Habibah radhiyallahu anha, Umm Habibah My
father is basically Abu Sufyan and Abu Sufyan
was the prominent leader of Quraysh that everyone
knows of and he especially rose to prominence
after the battle of Badr when many of
the leaders of Quraysh were annihilated and so
he survived since he was not there in
the battle of Badr, in fact the entire
battle took place because of his caravan so
he was bringing a caravan from Syria to
Mecca and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam went
out to intercept his caravan and when Quraysh
found out they sent their army, so Abu
Sufyan was not present in the battle of
Badr and all of their leaders, the leaders
of Quraysh were annihilated in the battle of
Badr and so Abu Sufyan rose to prominence
and he became one of the main leaders
of Quraysh and he continued waging the war
of Quraysh against the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam
after the battle of Badr all the way
up until the conquest of Mecca so this
was her father, her mother was Safiya bint
Abil Aas who is basically the paternal aunt
of Uthman ibn Affan her mother is the
paternal aunt of Uthman ibn Affan Umm Habiba
was born 17 years before the Prophethood 17
years before Rasulallah sallallahu alayhi wasallam became a
Prophet she had been married to Ubaidullah ibn
Jahsh her husband was Ubaidullah ibn Jahsh and
he was basically the brother of Zaynab bint
Jahsh and so Zaynab bint Jahsh was one
of the wives of Rasulallah sallallahu alayhi wasallam
who we covered her life already and so
she had two well-known brothers one of
them we mentioned he was martyred in the
battle of Uhud and the other one was
Ubaidullah ibn Jahsh so this Ubaidullah ibn Jahsh
was one of the few people of Mecca
who were not involved in idol worship in
the days of Jahiliyyah there were certain individuals
who were not involved in the customs and
the traditions and the religion of the Arabs
which was idol worship and so there were
four of them who got together four people
in Mecca got together and they made a
deal they were Ubaidullah ibn Jahsh, Waraqa ibn
Nawfal, Zayd ibn Amr and Uthman ibn al
-Huwairith these four individuals they were not involved
in the religion of the Mushrikun and they
came together and they told each other that
what our people are involved in of idol
worship is wrong and this is not the
religion of our father Ibrahim so let us
look for the truth so they all went
their own ways some became Christian like Waraqa
ibn Nawfal who was related to Khadija and
others remained upon what is known as Hanifiyah
where people would just worship Allah alone without
associating partners with Allah but they didn't have
a religion that they followed because there was
no religion there was no religion to follow
so these people were upon the Fitrah and
one of them was this individual Ubaidullah ibn
Jahsh and so when the Prophet ﷺ started
his da'wah Ubaidullah ibn Jahsh was one
of the first to accept he was one
of the first to accept and so now
he becomes a Muslim and soon after that
his wife Um Habibah also accepts Islam and
so the two of them are now Muslims
even though Um Habibah is the daughter of
Abu Sufyan one of the leaders of Quraysh
who were persecuting the Muslims but this shows
us that those who accepted Islam in the
early days they were not only from the
weak and the subjugated lower class of society
but they were also from the elite they
were also from the upper class and Um
Habibah is one of them Um Habibah is
one of them now after a few years
of living under difficult circumstances as Muslims in
Mecca all the persecution and the opposition of
the people of Mecca to the da'wah
of the Prophet ﷺ as a result of
that persecution the Prophet ﷺ gave permission to
the Muslims to migrate to Al-Habasha, to
Abyssinia and among those who migrated was Um
Habibah with her husband Ubaidullah ibn Jahsh although
Um Habibah would never have been persecuted in
Mecca no one would have been able to
touch her since she was the daughter of
one of the leaders of Quraysh however, practicing
Islam became difficult for her and her husband
her father tried his best to pressure her
and her husband to abandon Islam at the
same time for her to leave her luxurious
life and migrate was a big sacrifice and
so Abyssinia was a foreign land for her
but this shows us the power of her
Iman the strength of her Iman and the
Iman of those first Muslims their Iman was
so strong that they were willing to sacrifice
everything for the sake of their Deen add
to that, that Um Habibah was pregnant at
the time with their first child, Habibah their
first child, Habibah and it's mentioned that she
delivered her as soon as they reached Abyssinia
or that she delivered her baby in Mecca
and then they made Hijrah either way, it
shows us the huge sacrifice she made while
being in such a state she was either
pregnant or she had just delivered and yet,
she made this huge sacrifice to make Hijrah,
that difficult journey by sea, all the way
to Abyssinia now as Um Habibah settled in
her new home in Abyssinia she ends up
being faced with another huge test in her
life as if leaving her homeland was not
enough of a test for her she ended
up with an even greater test and so
she narrates the story herself she says I
saw in a dream that my husband Ubaidullah
ibn Jahsh appeared to me in the worst
and the most deformed state so I was
terrified I said to myself indeed his condition
has changed by Allah his condition has changed
something has happened so the following morning she
says the following morning he called me and
he said Oh Um Habibah I looked into
other religions before embracing Islam and I found
no religion better than Christianity and I was
inclined towards it then I embraced Islam and
I followed the religion of Muhammad but now
I want to return to Christianity she says
I was horrified by his words and I
said by Allah it is not good for
you I then told him of the dream
that I had seen about him but he
didn't care, he didn't pay attention to it
he continued drinking alcohol until he died until
he died and so based on this story
here you had Ubaidullah ibn Jahsh who had
a change of heart he was deceived by
Shaytan and he apostated he became a Christian
and it's mentioned in the narrations that he
would make fun of the Muslims and he
would say to them you are looking with
half of your eyes open while I am
looking with my eyes wide open I have
seen the light basically he was referring to
Christianity and so this is the story of
Ubaidullah ibn Jahsh however here we have to
point out that this story of Ubaidullah ibn
Jahsh converting to Christianity and dying as a
Murtad, as an apostate this is a very
very famous story mentioned in the books of
Seerah and in the books of history and
it's a story that has been accepted by
all of the past scholars like Ibn Abdulbar
and Ibn Hajar al Asqalani both of these
two scholars they have encyclopedias of the Sahaba
so basically they have books both of them,
Ibn Abdulbar and Ibn Hajar they compiled all
the lives of the companions in their two
books and they did not include Ubaidullah ibn
Jahsh because they consider him to have apostated
the same with Ibn al Qayyim and Ibn
Kathir all of these great scholars they accepted
that he died as a Murtad however many
later scholars they doubted whether this story is
true and that is for the following reasons
number one the narrations all of these narrations
mentioned in this story they do not pass
the standards of the scholars of Hadith the
Muhaddithun when it comes to the
science of Hadith we have certain standards by
which we accept certain narrations and the chains
of these narrations are weak they are da
'if number two those who accepted Islam early
on they were special they are known as
the Sabiqoon when you look at the Sahaba
and you divide them into who is best
you find that those who accepted Islam early
on this group of companions are the best
and that's because they accepted Islam when it
was the most difficult and so Allah gave
them the strength of Iman that he did
not give to those who came afterwards so
it's highly unlikely that someone who accepted Islam
in the early days that he would later
on leave Islam and number three Abu Sufyan
Abu Sufyan, the father-in-law of Ubaidullah
ibn Jahsh he traveled to Syria where he
met with the Roman Emperor Heraclius and Heraclius
had learned about the Prophet ﷺ starting his
da'wah and he was a Christian and
he wanted to test he wanted to know
whether this was a real Prophet or not
so he asked Abu Sufyan certain questions among
the questions he asked Abu Sufyan he said
do any of those who embrace his religion
become displeased later on they start to dislike
the religion and then they abandon it Abu
Sufyan said no okay, Abu Sufyan, he said
no later on after Heraclius asked all of
his questions later on he said to Abu
Sufyan I asked you such and such and
you answered in such and such way and
then he gave his explanation as to why
he was asking these questions he said I
asked you if there were any who after
accepting his religion they became displeased with it
and then they abandoned it and you said
no and this is the mark of true
Iman when its delight enters the heart and
mixes with it that's it you know nobody
would want to give it up so if
Ubaidullah ibn Jahsh had left Islam why would
Abu Sufyan not have mentioned it especially when
he is his father-in-law right and
this was years after this incident right so
anyways we say Allah knows best what was
the fate of Ubaidullah ibn Jahsh in the
end whether he died upon Islam or Christianity
we say Allah knows best because we have
this you know many many scholars accepted that
he converted to Christianity but many later scholars
they disagreed with that so we say Allah
knows best anyways now you have Umm Habibah
Radhiallahu Anha all by herself in a foreign
land with her baby girl Habibah and so
when news of the death of Ubaidullah reached
Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam he felt pity for
her and as we have seen in many
other cases the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam cared
for his companions and whenever you know one
of the female companions whenever one of their
husbands would pass away if there was no
one to take care of her he would
take on that responsibility and he would marry
them so the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam sent
a message to An-Najashil the king of
Abyssinia he sent him a message to basically
marry the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam to Umm
Habibah on his behalf to basically do the
Nikah on behalf of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam so Umm Habibah she continues her story
she says so as a result of my
husband passing away I was afflicted with immense
distress until I saw a dream in which
someone was calling me saying saying saying Ummul
Mu'mineen saying Mother of the Believers so when
I woke up I interpreted that to mean
that the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam wanted to
marry me because she knows that this title
of Mother of the Believers is reserved for
the wives of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
she says then as soon as my iddah,
my waiting period ended the Najashi he sent
someone for me seeking looking for me and
this was a slave girl she says it
was a slave girl who would attend to
to the Najashi basically his personal slave girl
so she came, she knocked on the door
and she entered and she said the king
says to you that Rasool Allah Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam has written to him sent him a
message requesting that he marries that he marries
the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam to you Umm
Habibah she says I was overjoyed and I
said may Allah bless you with good may
Allah bless you with good and then the
slave girl she said the king says to
you to authorize someone to conduct the marriage
on your behalf, so basically look for someone
from your family who can be your Wali
so I sent for my cousin Khalid Ibn
Sa'id Al-As Khalid Ibn Sa'id,
this was her cousin who was living in
Abyssinia who was one of the Muhajirun and
she says I appointed him to be my
Wali and then I gave the slave girl
all of the jewelry and the gems I
had as a reward for bringing me this
good news as a reward for bringing me
this good news and this generosity from Umm
Habibah it touched the heart of the slave
girl and as a result she ended up
accepting Islam and she told Umm Habibah when
you go to see Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
send him my Salaam and tell him that
I have accepted Islam and then whenever she
would see her she would constantly remind her
that don't forget when you go to Medina
and you meet the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
send him my Salaam and we also know
that Al-Najashi himself had also accepted Islam
and the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam later on
when he heard that he had passed away
he had prayed his Janazah so anyways the
Najashi then called the representative of the Muslims
the representative of the Muslims in Abyssinia was
Ja'far Ibn Abi Talib Ja'far Ibn
Abi Talib the brother of Ali Ibn Abi
Talib and he called all of the Muslims
to come and he called the Wali of
Umm Habibah Khalid Ibn Sa'id and then
he performed the Nikah he performed the Nikah
on behalf of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and
so this is how Umm Habibah married Rasulullah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and then he gave her
from himself from the Najashi himself he gave
her a mahr of 400 dinars 400 dinars
which was a very large amount and then
he prepared a massive Walima for this marriage
and then after that he sent her off
to Medina he sent her off to Medina
now this marriage was very unique in many
different ways first of all Umm Habibah she
was the closest of the wives of Rasulullah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam she was the closest to
him in terms of blood relations in terms
of blood relations she was the closest secondly
her marriage was also the most expensive the
highest mahr as it was being hosted by
the king of Habesha as we have seen
there was no other wife that had a
larger reception and a Walima and a mahr
and all that than Umm Habibah also it
is the only marriage that took place in
the absence of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
no other marriage occurred like this this is
the only marriage in which the Prophet Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam was not present when the marriage
took place now we previously mentioned that behind
every marriage of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
there was a reason and a wisdom and
there was something that the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam was aiming for right whenever the Prophet
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam would marry anyone he would
look long term it was not just he
married for the sake of marrying or he
wanted as many women in his life no
he would always have some long term goals
in mind and the same is true with
this marriage here not only was the Prophet
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam looking after his companions like
like we mentioned with other marriages it was
as a result of that woman becoming widowed
and so the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was
taking care of her especially in this particular
case a woman who is all by herself
in a foreign land right but also the
Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was able through this
marriage to bring his fiercest enemies close to
him right Umm Habibah's father Abu Sufyan was
a leader of Quraish who was one of
the most hostile enemies of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam and so by marrying her the Prophet
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam softened the heart of Abu
Sufyan he softened his heart towards Islam according
to Abdullah Ibn Abbas the verse in Surah
Al Mumtahina was revealed regarding this marriage where
Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says
and this is verse 7 of Surah Al
Mumtahina Surah Al Mumtahina Allah Subh'anaHu Wa
Ta-A'la says عَسَى اللَّهُ أَن يَجْعَلَ
بَيْنَكُمْ وَبَيْنَ الَّذِينَ عَادَيْتُمْ مِنْهُم مَّوَدَّةً perhaps Allah
will bring affection between you and those whom
you hold as enemies perhaps Allah will bring
peace between you and your enemies and bring
affection and love between you and your enemies
Ibn Abbas says and we shouldn't forget that
Ibn Abbas is the top in terms of
knowing the meanings of the Quran from among
all of the companions he is the top
scholar of tafsir.
Ibn Abbas says so the bond of affection
that Allah placed between them was the marriage
of the Prophet ﷺ to Umm Habibah bint
Abi Sufyan who then became known as the
mother of the believers and her brother Muawiyah
became known as the khal the uncle of
the believers and so Muawiyah the brother of
Umm Habibah he also embraced Islam later on
and he earned this title of being the
uncle of the believers why did he earn
this title?
because he is the brother of of Umm
Habibah and there were people who had enmity
with Muawiyah so this is one of his
notable features that he is the uncle of
the believers so now what was the reaction
of Abu Sufyan when he heard that Rasulullah
ﷺ had married his daughter surprisingly he was
actually happy that this marriage took place even
though he was who he was even though
he was leading this war and this campaign
against the Muslims he said when he heard
that the Prophet ﷺ had married his daughter
he said and who is better to marry
than Muhammad ﷺ who is better to marry
her than him and so Abu Sufyan knew
the lineage of Muhammad ﷺ he knew the
family that he comes from he also knew
the kind of man that Muhammad ﷺ was
that he was a noble and respected man
right so he was proud that his daughter
was married to such a man who was
you know the noble man that he was
and you know being a member of the
family of Banu Hashim which is the most
respected family in Quraish his only issue with
Muhammad ﷺ was over religion right his only
issue with Muhammad ﷺ was over religion but
when it comes to the ideals and the
customs of the Arabs you know they used
to be proud of these kind of things
you know they used to be extremely proud
of of you know ancestry and you know
coming from a noble family etc so anyways
this marriage softened the heart of Abu Sufyan
and this was now the beginning of his
path towards Islam now this marriage took place
in the 7th year of the Hijrah in
the 7th year of the Hijrah and it
was after the treaty of Hudaybiyyah in which
the Muslims and Quraish agreed on a 10
year peace treaty and so over a little
only a little over a year had passed
only a little over a year had passed
and Quraish already violated one of the terms
of their agreement and so now Quraish they
were in a frenzy realizing the great danger
that they were in this truce was meant
to last for 10 years and they had
already broken it with just a year into
it so Abu Sufyan he decides to travel
from Mecca all the way to Medina to
meet the Prophet ﷺ to try to do
some damage control right they had broken the
treaty and this was a huge problem for
them so he went himself all the way
to Medina to meet the Prophet ﷺ to
see if he can negotiate you know the
terms of the agreement so anyways Abu Sufyan
he arrives in Medina and where would he
go obviously he would go to the house
of his daughter Umm Habibah who was the
wife of Rasulullah ﷺ when he enters into
the house there was a rug on the
floor like a rug or a mattress or
a cushion and he went to sit on
it he went to sit on it so
Umm Habibah she immediately rushes towards the rug
and she pulls it away from him and
she wraps it up Abu Sufyan he doesn't
know what's happening he says I don't know
did you take the rug away from me
because you don't see that it is befitting
for me that it's suitable for me or
do you see that I am not suitable
for the rug so Umm Habibah she says
this rug belongs to Rasulullah ﷺ and you
are a filthy Mushrik and I don't want
you to sit on the rug of Rasulullah
ﷺ Abu Sufyan was shocked he said my
daughter in the name of Allah some evil
has befallen you ever since you left me
and so there is a huge lesson in
this incident that shows us the loyalty of
the companions their loyalty to the Prophet ﷺ
how much they valued Rasulullah ﷺ this was
her own father but yet Umm Habibah like
many other companions had a great sense of
Al-Wala Wal-Bara this concept of Al
-Wala Wal-Bara loyalty and disassociation loyalty for
Allah his messenger and the believers and disassociation
from the Mushrikun and the Kuffar and the
enemies of Islam where their religion and the
Prophet ﷺ was a red line for them
and the dignity of Rasulullah ﷺ came before
the dignity of a Kafir even if it
was their own fathers and this should not
come as a surprise for someone like Umm
Habibah she was one of the early Muslims
she was one of those who migrated to
Abyssinia and then migrated to Medina she was
deeply immersed in Islam she had cut off
her ties to the Jahiliyya and the people
of Jahiliyya and the Mushrikun and their customs
and their norms and so here she hadn't
seen her father for over a decade when
she finally meets him she doesn't see a
man who deserves any respect or honor but
rather she sees a leader of Kuffar and
an enemy of Islam who for years stood
in the face of the Dawah and fought
against the Muslims and so this should teach
us a huge lesson this is the kind
of Al-Wala' that we Muslims are lacking
today and we need to uphold this kind
of Al-Wala' in our lives.
Now Umm Habibah she was known for her
courage her strength her steadfastness her perseverance her
patience imagine she put up with the difficulty
of practicing Islam in the early days in
Mecca coming from the household that she did
it's not easy to be in that kind
of environment to come from such a family
you come from the elite class you come
from a family that is enjoying the luxuries
of the dunya and then your family is
not with you in terms of accepting Islam
nor are they being passive about it they're
not saying if you want to accept Islam
if you want to remain a Muslim we'll
respect your decision no they're completely the opposite
they're leading the war against Islam but yet
she remains strong then she put up with
the difficulty of migrating to a new foreign
land all by herself with her husband then
she put up with the difficulty of losing
her husband but then Allah rewarded her for
all of that by marrying her to the
best of mankind but then the rewards of
Allah did not stop there the rewards of
Allah did not stop there and this is
where you know we're reminded of the statement
of Allah وَمَن يَتَّقِ اللَّهَ يَجْعَلْ لَهُ مَخْرَجَهَا
whoever has the taqwa of Allah Allah will
make a way out for him وَمَن يَتَّقِ
اللَّهَ يَجْعَلْ لَهُ من أَمْرِهِ And whoever has
the taqwa of Allah, Allah will make his
affairs easy for him.
And so if you're ever going through any
difficulty, remain firm, remain steadfast, persevere patiently and
you will see the fruits of that later
As Umm Habibah radiallahu anha sahib.
So first Rasulullah ﷺ marries her and then
after 20 years of fighting against her and
the Muslims, Abu Sufyan embraces Islam.
And this was at the time of the
conquest of Mecca.
This was at the time of the conquest
of Mecca.
And so obviously she's overjoyed.
And many of the other leaders of Quraysh
did not enjoy the same fate.
Many of the other leaders of Quraysh, they
were killed like Abu Jahl, Abu Lahab, etc.
But Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala blessed Abu
Sufyan by guiding him to Islam.
And so this was when the Prophet ﷺ
conquered Mecca.
And then al-Abbas, the uncle of the
Prophet ﷺ came to the Prophet ﷺ and
said that Abu Sufyan is a man that
loves status and position, so give him something.
On this day, on the day in which
you have conquered Mecca, give Abu Sufyan something.
So the Prophet ﷺ, he announced to the
people of Mecca, imagine, this is the day
he conquers Mecca.
And he is now dealing with these people
who opposed him and fought their wars against
him for years.
He grants them amnesty.
He pardons them all.
And he says, whoever stays at home and
closes his door, he is safe.
And whoever enters the masjid, stays by the
Haram, the Ka'bah, he is safe.
And whoever enters the home of Abu Sufyan,
he is safe.
So here the Prophet ﷺ gave this position
and this honour to Abu Sufyan.
Umm Habibah went on to live many years
after the death of the Prophet ﷺ.
She lived through the Khilafah of Abu Bakr,
of Umar ibn al-Khattab, of Uthman and
And into the Khilafah of her brother Muawiyah.
She lived into the Khilafah of her brother
And her brother honoured her during his rule.
And Umm Habibah she was the third highest
narrator of hadith from among the women.
We mentioned previously that Aisha narrated the most.
And then after that, Umm Salama.
Who comes in third?
Umm Habibah.
Umm Habibah comes in third.
And so she narrated some 60 ahadith in
One of the famous ahadith that she narrated,
and this is in Sahih Muslim, is the
hadith in which the Prophet ﷺ told us
that Whoever prays twelve rak'ahs of sunnah
in a day and a night, Allah will
build for him or for her a home
in Jannah.
Whoever prays twelve rak'ahs of sunnah every
day, then Allah will build for them a
home in Jannah.
This is referring to what is known as
sunan al-rawatib.
The sunnahs that we pray before and after
each salah.
So two rak'ahs before Fajr, four rak
'ahs before Dhuhr, two after Dhuhr, and then
two after Maghrib, and then two after Isha.
Two after Isha.
So that totals how much?
That totals twelve rak'ahs.
Umm Habibah says, when she narrated this hadith,
when she narrated it, she said, and I
have never left them.
I have never left these prayers.
Ever since I heard it from Rasulullah ﷺ.
She says, I never missed a single one
of these twelve rak'ahs ever since I
heard it from Rasulullah ﷺ.
And so this shows us how Umm Habibah
was also known for her devout ibadah and
worship as we have seen in the lives
of the other Ummahatul Mu'mineen, the wives of
the Prophet ﷺ.
And this also shows us how she would
put knowledge into practice.
And this is a lesson for all of
That whenever we hear something from the Prophet
ﷺ, we should immediately put it into action.
Here, Umm Habibah, she says, ever since I
heard it from the Prophet ﷺ, I have
never missed a single one of them.
And this is a common theme among the
Sahaba, that whenever they would hear something from
the Prophet ﷺ, they would immediately implement it,
and many times they would implement it for
the rest of their lives.
Another hadith that Umm Habibah narrated, and this
is in Bukhari and Muslim, and there's an
important ruling of fiqh that's taken from this,
and that was when her father passed away,
when Abu Sufyan passed away.
After the third day, Umm Habibah, she made
it a point to come out of her
period of mourning.
Of her period of mourning.
And she put on perfume.
She put on some perfume, and she addressed
the people and she said, I have no
need to put on this perfume, however, I
have heard Rasulullah ﷺ say that a woman
is not allowed to mourn for any member
of her family besides her husband for more
than three days.
And for her husband, four months and ten
And so the period of mourning, that period
in which you're allowed to mourn your dead,
if it's a husband, then we have the
ayah in the Qur'an, in Surah Al
-Baqarah, Allah says, for a woman whose husband
passes away, her period that she stays away,
she stays at home and her iddah basically,
is four months and ten days.
But for everyone else, for everyone else, a
woman, whose father passes away, or her uncle
passes away, or her brother passes away, she's
not allowed to mourn for more than three
And so again, look at how Umm Habibah,
she was keen, and she had a great
interest in teaching the ummah, the sunnah of
the Prophet ﷺ, in teaching the ummah the
ahkam and the rulings of our deen.
She did it not only by narrating it
in words, but also by putting it into
action, by putting it into action.
And so this shows us a characteristic of
Umm Habibah, رضي الله عنها, this quality of
wanting to teach, wanting to teach whatever she
learnt from the Prophet ﷺ, not just by
narrating it, but by putting it into action.
Umm Habibah, رضي الله عنها, then went on
to pass away during the governance of her
brother Muawiyah, in the year 44 of the
In the year 44 of the Hijrah.
It's mentioned that when she was approaching death,
when she was about to die, she called
on Aisha, رضي الله عنها, and when Aisha
came, Umm Habibah said to her, there had
been between us what usually happens between co
You know, there occurs disputes and this jealousy
and these grudges between us co-wives.
So she says, may Allah forgive me and
you for whatever happened in the past.
So Aisha, رضي الله عنها, she replied, she
said, may Allah forgive you for all of
that and I have pardoned you for it.
I have pardoned you for it.
Umm Habibah then said, you have brought joy
to my heart, may Allah bring joy to
Then she sent for Umm Salama, رضي الله
عنها, and she said the same to her.
And she said the same to her.
And so this was the kind of spirit
that Umm Habibah, رضي الله عنها, had.
There's a huge lesson for us in her
life of how Muslims are not supposed to
have any enmity, any animosity for our brothers
and sisters in Islam.
Especially those who are close to us, those
who are close to us, our family.
They had this spirit of brotherhood and sisterhood
among them and they had the spirit of
forgiving and pardoning one another.
Something that, you know, we Muslims lack greatly
And so again, you know, let us learn
from the life of this great companion and
mother of the believers and, you know, implement
what we learn from these examples, from the
lives of these great companions.
With that we come to the end of
today's session.
We have one last mother of the believers,
one last wife of the Prophet ﷺ that
we will cover her story next week.
And then after that we'll move on to
the other female companions, the صحابيات.
سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك أشهد أن لا إله إلا
أنت أستغفرك وأتوب إليك وصلي اللهم وسلم على
نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين والسلام عليكم
ورحمة الله وبركاته