Kamil Ahmad – Reflections on Sūrah al-Fātiḥah

Kamil Ahmad
AI: Summary ©
The Surah Fatiha book covers the entire scope of Islam, including teachings from the Bible, and is meant to be read by everyone. It is a loss of pride and love, which can lead to a loss of hope. The book is also a loss of human pride and love, and the importance of fear and love in the relationship between fear and love is discussed. The book is used to guide individuals to pursue the right path in life, including following the straight path and finding guidance. The guidance for individuals is to keep on going, not just read and transcribe the words, but also contemplating their actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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To show you Boehner rajim Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim Al Hamdulillah.

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Me in a rush manual Rafi, Maliki, the name, he can our Moodle he can assist in adnoc rapo. stealthy, sweet all lady in and I'm telling him or

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me I

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smilla hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah while early he was so happy he ultramarine another

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this surah that I just recited is a surah that every single Muslim knows it is suitable Fatiha

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and it is the greatest surah in the Quran as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned.

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However, oftentimes

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we read this surah without reflecting over its meanings.

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And Iam, he rushes through it, especially in Ramadan during toto we

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and the people who are following behind the Imam, they listen to it. But they're heedless of it. They don't pay attention.

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Some of them who want to pay attention to the recitation of the Quran reflect over its meanings. They reflect over the other verses that are being recited. But how many of us reflect over this surah

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and So in short, Allahu taala in these few moments that we have, we're going to go over

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the surah not as an explanation of the surah. And so Tafseer is one thing and reflecting over the meanings of the Quran is another thing.

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And so Tafseer is basically the meanings, the intended meanings, behind the words of Allah subhana wa Tada.

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As for what is known as dub bura

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reflecting, pondering over the words of the loss of Hannah who would data then this is something different.

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And so in the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala has commanded us to reflect and ponder over the Quran. The Quran or Quran today not reflect and ponder over the Quran. And so in sha Allah Allah in these few moments, what we're going to do is go through these verses of the greatest surah in the Quran. First of all, we'll go through a translation of the meanings of these verses, then a chart Allahu taala. We'll go through some points of reflection.

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And so Allah subhanho wa Taala begins

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by praising himself Al hamdu, lillahi Rabbil alameen. All praise is due to the Lord of Allah, Allah mean. And Allah, Allah mean is basically everything besides Allah Subhana who were to Allah. Some have translated it to be the world's, the Lord of the worlds.

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However, the correct meaning of it is that Allah Al amin is basically everything besides Allah Subhana who without the man or mankind, the jinn and everything that exists or Rahmani Raheem the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful, Maliki oma deem the only Owner of the Day of Recompense

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he cannot do what he can sustain you alone. Do we worship and You alone to ask for help?

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Idina Serato Mr. Team, Guide us to the straight path serrata Latina and anti Lee him The path of those who you have bestowed upon them. Your favor your bounty, while you didn't want to be IE him What a ball lien not the part of those who have earned your anger nor the past.

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Those who went astray.

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And so

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this surah if we were to reflect over it,

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if we were to contemplate over we would see that in fact, it is a prayer it is a dua, that Allah Subhana who were to Hannah has taught us.

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And it is a duality of us of Hara who Allah has taught us

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to make before we,

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before we sit down and try to study the Quran, and that's why it is a first surah in the Quran. And so it is like a preface and introduction for the Quran.

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And so it is as if Allah subhanho wa Taala wants to tell us

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this is an introduction.

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If you sincerely want to benefit from the Quran, if you want to benefit from what comes after this surah

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then you should make this dua to your Lords tapana who want to add and that is basically the dua for guidance.

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And so, from this theme of the surah, it becomes clear that

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the real relation between Surah Fatiha this first surah of the Quran, and the rest of the Quran

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is not

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just an introduction to a book. And so every book has an introduction. But this is this surah is more than just an introduction. It is a

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and its answer is there as well.

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And so suited to that is the prayer from the hub, the servant of Allah subhana wa tada and the Quran is the answer.

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And the Quran is the answer. And so the servant he prays to Allah subhana wa tada to show him guidance. This is what we say in Surah Fatiha de la Serato Mr. Cream, Guide us to the straight path.

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And after we finish this surah we finished this to her.

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It is as if Allah has given us the answer, basically the rest of the corridor.

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And so the rest of the Quran is a guide.

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This is the straight path that you have asked Allah subhanahu wa tada to guide you to. And so this is the guidance that you have begged from Allah subhana wa Tada. So read it and take heed from it.

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And it is said that the verses of the Quran, all the verses of the Quran revolve around three main themes or three main elements.

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Firstly, a sound Akita.

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through worship, and what does true worship mean. And thirdly, the way of life for the Muslim.

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And so the entire Quran revolves around these three main points.

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And so Allah subhana wa tada has taught us the correct belief what we're supposed to believe in, and he has taught us how to worship Him. And He has basically taught us how the life of the Muslim should be throughout the Quran.

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And if we were to reflect over the verses of surah TopHat, how we will find that these three elements are mentioned and basically comprise of Surah Fatiha

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and so, it is called omal keytab, the mother of the book, that is because, it comes in the very beginning.

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And the first three verses, if we were to reflect over them, we find that they basically talk about sound arcada

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the first three verses as we will come across, we will find that they basically mentioned the correct belief that we are supposed to have regarding Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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The next verses basically talk about worshiping Allah alone. And so, this talks about the second element and that is true worship. And then the rest of the verses talk about the straight path and that is basically the life of the Muslim dreading the Straight Path of Allah subhanho wa Taala and so although this surah

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it only comprises of

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787 verses yet it covers the whole essence of Islam.

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And the scholars they mentioned that

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the, that Allah subhanho wa Taala has sent to mankind, many scriptures and many books.

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And they say that three of these books

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that are all the teachings of Allah subhanho wa Taala can be found in these three books. And then

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the teachings that are found in those three books, they can basically be summarized in one book, and that is the Quran

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and that the entire message of the Quran can be found in this Surah Surah Fatiha

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and they go on to say

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that the entire message can be summarized even more

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in which verse of Swords refer to how he cannot do what he can Stein, it is you alone, who we worship, and You alone, who he asked for help.

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And so,

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we can see that this surah is very, very important. It is the very essence of Islam. This is why it is this surah out of all the suitors of the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala has chosen for us to read it in every single solar in every single rocket.

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One of the beautiful things that we find in Surah Fatiha is in the very beginning where Allah subhanho wa Taala starts it by praising himself and hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen All praise is due to a loss of heritage is due to rob Bell alameen The Lord of the worlds

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and so this is the opening of the Quran.

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This is how the Quran starts. Now let us look at how the Quran ends.

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The loss of Hannah Hua data says in the last surah resorted to mass, mineral genetti oneness

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from among jinn, and from among human beings. And so what this shows us is that this book, The Quran

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is not something that was sent to a select group of people. Rather it was sent for all of mankind.

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It was sent for everyone,

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not only mankind, but also the jinn.

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And so Allah starts by mentioning that he is a Lord of the land, I mean everything that exists besides a lot, mankind and the jinn. And he ends locker and by mentioning that he is a Lord of both jinn and mankind proving that this message is for all of humanity, not only human beings, but also the jinn.

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And so we start a loss of Hannah, who Allah says, and hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen.

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All praise is due to the Lord of the worlds.

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Abraham Rahim Allah He says, that unhemmed

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is praise.

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But it is not just praise on its own. When you say ahem, it is not praise. And that's it. Rather it is praise, accompanied by complete love, and complete veneration.

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And so when we say unhemmed, it means praise, that is associated with complete love, and complete veneration. He goes on to say, this is very appropriate with the description that comes after the hemmed in this verse.

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And so, Rob Bell, Al Ameen, Lord of the land, I mean,

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a rub is basically the one who provides and the one who sustains and the ones who create etc.

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And so, this is one of the characteristics of a loss of Hannah what data that belongs to Allah alone. And so Allah alone is the creator. He alone is the one who provides the one who sustains the one who gives etc. And this is known as a rubia. lordship.

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And so if Allah Subhana who says if Allah subhanaw

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Who is the one who sustains and provides for the servant, then it becomes binding upon the servant to love Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And if Allah is able to do that, if he is the one who is able to create, to sustain etc. If he is all capable of being Arab, then it becomes binding upon the servant to venerate Allah subhanho wa Taala. And so we can see

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that we can see basically how

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we can see how unhemmed

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praise must be associated with love and veneration. So, once you understand that Allah subhanho wa Taala is the rub. Once you understand the meaning of that, you will love him and once you understand that Allah is all capable of being the rub.

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This will make you to venerate and glorify Allah subhana wa Tada.

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Now suited to fat hair is basically built upon Allah Buddha, servitude worship, and so we say yaquina Buddha,

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it is you alone, Oh Allah who we worship.

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And so,

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the scholars they say that who Buddha or servitude and worship. It is basically comprised of three things, fear,

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love and hope. Fear, love and hope.

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And so,

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in the verse Alhamdulillah, hirable alameen

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in this is an indication of love. As we mentioned,

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as we mentioned,

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that when you understand that Allah subhanho wa Taala alone is the one who created you and provides for you etc. You will automatically love him

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and in Allah statement or Rahmani Raheem

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in this is an indication of hope.

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And so once you understand that Allah is the most merciful, then you have hope in Allah subhana wa Tada. You have hope in the laws mercy. And in Allah statement Maliki oma Dean in this verses indication of fear.

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Maliki omic de the owner, the judge on the Day of Recompense, and so you fear Allah subhanho wa Taala. And so when you read these verses of Surah Fatiha, keep this in mind

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that you are loving Allah subhana wa tada and that you have hope in his mercy, and that you fear Him. And you fear the day in which you are brought before a loss of Hannah, who will

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now reflect over how Allah subhanho wa Taala after mentioning that he is Rob will Allah mean the Lord of the land, I mean, reflect over how Allah Subhana who has data immediately after that follows it up with a Rahmani Raheem,

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that he is the most benefits, the Most Merciful.

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And so

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Rob will help me in the lord of Atlanta mean this has a fearful connotation to it.

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When somebody hears or up behind me,

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the Lord

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of the worlds

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that he is the master the Lord, He is the Creator.

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It brings a sense of fear to him.

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And so when he hears right after that,

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when he hears right after that o Rahman Rahim

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it brings to his heart a sense of relief. That Yes, my lord is all powerful. He is the one who created this universe, but at the same time, he is

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full of mercy.

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And so on the one hand, you may fear him, but on the other hand, you are brought nearer to Allah Subhana. Who, what to Hannah, and this is a very message and theme in the Quran. Allah subhanho wa Taala combines in the Quran, between these two aspects. Wherever Allah subhana wa tada mentions something that will make us to fear him.

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He immediately follows that up with something that will immediately cause us to love him to hope for his mercy. And so we don't go to one of two extremes. We don't go to the one extreme of worshipping Allah, full of fear, nor do we go to the other

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Extreme of worship in the law, only hoping for his mercy and His forgiveness.

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Another way of looking at it.

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Another way of looking at it is that a loss of Hannah who had to had a first says horrible I mean, then he follows that up with a Rahmani Raheem.

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And so

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it shows us that

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it shows us that him being the rub, him being the Lord

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and His creating us, sustaining us, etc. This is all part of His mercy to us. This is all part of Allah's mercy to us. The fact that Allah created us and has given us everything that he has given us. It is from the mercy of a loss of Hannah who attended towards us. And so that's why Allah subhana wa tada says Rahmani Raheem. Now these two names of Allah subhanho wa Taala or Rahman r Rahim, they come from one attribute, and that is the attribute of a Rama, the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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But what is the difference between the two between a Rahman and Rahim the scholars have mentioned that basically, a man refers to the vastness of a larger mercy that extends far and beyond, while a regime this refers to the effect of laws mercy on his creation.

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And so our Rahman is the owner of vast mercy.

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And Rahim is the owner of mercy that encompasses a lot creation.

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So, among the scholars who have mentioned this is shaping who they mean and so he says that the phrase R Rahman r Rahim, he indicates that the mercy of Allah is vast as is understood from from his name or arena

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and encompasses his creation as is understood from the name or rain. This is what some of them meant some of the scholars, this is what they meant when they said that arena refers to the mercy in general allows mercy in general. And Rahim refers to

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it refers to the specific mercy for the believers shows the same he says, however, what we have mentioned here is more accurate. And so some of the scholars they have mentioned that a man

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is basically referring to Allah as mercy for all of creation.

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And so

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the mercy that you see,

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between animals, the mercy that you see between a mother and her child, this is a last gen mercy for all of his creation.

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Whereas a Rahim This is a laws of mercy. This is the mercy of a law being referred to which is specific for the believers.

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And then Allah subhanho wa Taala says Maliki Yomi de

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Maliki oma Diem, the Owner of the Day of Recompense yo Medina is the Day of Recompense which is basically the Day of Judgment.

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matters Molly kiyomi. Dean, he is the only owner on that day, the only judge who will judge between the servants on that day

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Abraham, he says, reflect over how this verse comprises of several points, this one verse,

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short verse, it comprises several things, the first is affirmation of the resurrection.

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And so right from the very beginning, a loss of Hannah who attalla has told us that there will be resurrection after death.

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Allah mentions this only in the third verse of the hora.

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So here is affirmation that there will be a day in which we will all be gathered before a loss of Hannah who would data to be called to account for our deeds.

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The second point that this verse comprises of is,

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Allah mentions that there is recompense for the servants for their deeds, both good and bad.

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And so here Allah Subhana, who attallah chooses the word, yo, Medina, The Day of Recompense Allah did not call her You're welcome.

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or any other name from the many names of that day, Allah specifically mentioned, your Medina The Day of Recompense, to prove that that day is a day in which every single person will be recompensed for his actions,

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the good that they did, they will receive the reward for that, and the evil that they did, they will receive the recompense for that. The third point that is indicated from this verse is

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that Allah subhanho wa Taala alone

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will be the judge. And he will bring judgment between creation on that day.

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And so Allah subhanho wa Taala alone will be the judge. All the judges of the world will not have any authority on that day. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala will be the only judge to judge between the scenes on that day. And the fourth point that is indicated from this verse, is the fact that his judgment, the judgment of a law, will be affair, and just judgment, not like the judgments that take place in this dunya

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that are unfair,

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that come with injustice, rather, the justice of a loss of Hannah, who would data is the ultimate justice that has no injustice, no oppression in it, whatsoever.

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After Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned that He is the Most Merciful. He followed that up by mentioning that he is the Master of the Day of Judgment.

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And this is so that the qualities of mercy

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and kindness

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that these qualities, do not mislead a person

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from forgetting that there will be a day in which they will be brought to account for their deeds.

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And so some people when they hear a Rahmani Raheem, they may think that you know, Allah is the All Merciful, no matter what I do, Allah will forgive me. He will show His mercy to me in this life and in the next because he is a Rahman r Rahim.

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So that is why a lot immediately after that, he mentioned Maliki oma Dean, he is a master, the owner of that day. And so once again, like we mentioned earlier, this causes the believer to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala between hope

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and fear,

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between hope, fear and love of Allah subhanho wa Taala balancing between these three aspects

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he cannot do, what he can sustain, it is you alone, who we worship, and You alone, who he asked for help.

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And so here Allah subhana wa tada shifts

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in the surah, from informing us about himself

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to now addressing us.

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And so Allah subhanho wa Taala has finished from telling us about himself

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from praising him mentioning his name, mentioning some of his attributes, some of his characteristics, some of his titles, informing us slaves about him subhanho wa Taala. Now Allah subhanho wa Taala shifts over to addressing us human beings or rather from us addressing him subhanho wa Taala.

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So now he is teaching us

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how we should address him.

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And so

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here Allah subhanho wa Taala he says, he can do what he can to stay in we human beings, we should say it is you Oh Allah subhanho wa Taala who you worship alone.

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Why because You alone are deserving of praise.

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You are the Most Merciful. And you Oh Allah subhanho wa Taala are the master

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You alone are the Master of the Day of Recompense. Now usually in most sentences,

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the verb

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of the sentence, it comes first gender, object

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And so

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if it was any human being who was who wanted to say that he worships Allah, he would say,

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I worship.

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I worship you Allah.

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But you're a loss of Hannah who with Allah does not say that.

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here Allah Subhana Hannah who what to how to, he brings the object first. And then he brings a verb afterwards. And so he says he cannot do what he can sustain. The verb here is not good

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worship, and Nesta in to seek help.

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And so here Allah subhanahu wa tada says, He yakka you alone?

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Oh Allah, do we worship? He did not say we worship You, Allah. Rather, he said, You alone, you do we worship and You it is who we asked for help. And basically what the scholars have mentioned is

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this is intended.

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And the benefit that we gained from this is the importance of bringing a loss of Hannah who attended before everything else.

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The importance of the object here, the object, here is Allah Subhana, WA Tada.

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And also to prove

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that the true believers

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they worship a lot alone.

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The importance of this concept of tawheed

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the importance of worshiping a lot alone, directing our worship to Allah alone, seeking help from a law alone, not from anyone else, not from any of the last creation.

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And so,

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when we read ear canal would what er can sustain,

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this should make us feel that we are truly worshipping Allah subhana wa Tada, the way in which Allah wants us to worship Him, by singling him out in worship. And that is the very essence of tawheed the very essence of the message of all the prophets and messengers that they brought from Allah subhana wa, tada to their people.

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Now, notice how

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Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions this verse,

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after the previous verses describing him. And so it is as if to say, You alone we worship, and You alone, we asked for help. Why? Because we know that you alone,

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to you alone belong, all praises, you are the Most Merciful, you are the only judge on the Day of Judgment.

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And you have all powers, and you are the master of everything. Therefore, we turn to you and help for the fulfillment of our needs, and everything that we require.

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And so

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all of these words of Allah subhanho wa Taala, if we were to contemplate over them,

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we would see that they are intended. And this goes further to prove that these words are not words that were composed by any human being. It would take ages to sit and think about how to compose

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words like this.

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And yet we have only a few words and so many meanings we could derive from it. This goes on to further emphasize

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the authenticity of the Quran being from none other than Allah Subhana who went

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and so when we say he cannot wood,

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we are basically saying that this is our goal, our purpose, our objective in life, to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala alone. And when we say he can esteem, we are basically saying that this is the means.

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This is the means behind worshipping Allah. What do we mean by that? Even tanea He says, You will never be able to worship a lot except by Allah.

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You will never be able to worship Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, except by Allah, meaning by Allah's help.

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He goes on to say thus the beginning is from Allah and the ending is

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To Allah, for indeed we belong to Allah and indeed, to him We shall return.

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And so he cannot avoid. This is our goal to worship Allah. What yeah can is there in? This is the means

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behind worshipping Allah What do we mean by that what we mean is that if you want to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala then seek help from Allah.

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You will never be able to worship Allah subhana wa tada no matter how small or big that worship is, except by Allah subhanho wa Taala has help, except by Allah aiding you

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and supporting you.

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No matter how small that act of worship is.

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And this is true, no matter what we try to do in life,

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that we will never be able to achieve anything in life, except by the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And so we say, what er can sustain you alone, Oh Allah, it is who he asked for him.

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Even taymiyah he also says, he says I pondered over the most beneficial.

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And I found that the most beneficial

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is found in asking a lot for help.

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This is the most beneficial to her.

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He says, Then I found it. I saw it sooner to fattier what he can stay, he can avoid what he can study. And so the most beneficial to her that you can ask a lot for is to ask him for help. Because everything else that you ask Allah for it is by the help and the aid and the assistance of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Now this verse, er cannot put what he can stream.

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It also contains two cures

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to two very evil diseases.

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And they are the diseases of Riyadh. And el kebir. Showing off and arrogance. And so if you look at him, he says, the cure for showing off when we worship, the cure for this is in Iraq and output, you alone do we worship. And so the one who truly worships a lot alone, he will not show off, he will not perform his his worship for others, he will only do it for the sake of Allah, the One who truly understands the meaning of Iraq. And

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he goes on to say, and the cure for Cuba for arrogance is found in what he yaquina Stein, you alone do seek help. And so, the one

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who is arrogant, he will think that he could do whatever he could do on his own.

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He will think that he could worship a lot on his own.

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Whereas the one who does not have arrogance,

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he knows that he must seek the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And then a loss of Hannah who were to Allah says, Do you know St. Thomas?

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This is where we come to ask Allah subhana wa tada and make the dua.

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And so it comes after this long introduction. We're a loss of Hannah who without appraises himself. He tells us about him subhanho wa Taala and how we must single him out in worship.

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And so among the etiquettes of what we learned from this verse in the Nosferatu, Mr. Clean what we learned from Surah Fatiha is that if we want to make dua to Allah subhana wa Tada. We should first start by praising him subhanho wa Taala don't just go Raise your hands and say Oh Allah give me this Give me that. Start by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala. This is from the etiquettes also found in the Sunnah. This is how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to call upon Allah subhanho wa Taala by first praising him, mentioning his names, sending praises upon him subhana wa Tada. Then asking him for our needs.

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Now, some people they may be wondering,

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Why do I have to ask a loss of Hannah, who for guidance when a loss of Hannah who attalla has already guided me to the true religion of Islam

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And so

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we say that guidance is of two kinds.

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There is the guidance of

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an earshot or

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the correct path, or directing one to the correct path. This is one kind of guidance. And the other kind of guidance is the guidance of a tofield.

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Or what we can call divine guidance, the guidance of helping one to tread the straight path.

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And so if somebody wanted to know where, for example,

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Abu huraira is,

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Masjid Abu huraira, where is it?

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So you would basically explain to him how to get there,

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you would give him a map, you would tell him take this road, then take a right, take a left, you're gonna see, you know, a building, you're gonna see a church and then next to that is the machine.

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So this is basically the first kind of guidance, the guidance of directing, showing the path.

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But if you were to take that person

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by the hand and say him, I will take you to Mr. De Herrera. Then this is the second kind of guidance, the kind of guidance where you are basically helping somebody

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and showing him the way.

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And so when we say Idina street author, Mr. Karim, Allah Guide us to the straight path, we are basically asking the loss of Hannah who had to had a verbal

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guidance, directing us showing us the straight path, and then also helping us to tread that path, keeping us upon that straight path, not allowing us to go off a stray from that string path. And so, when you understand this, you will understand why it is that we ask Allah subhana wa Taala for that guidance, every single day, in every single salaat in every single Raka of our Salah.

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Now, there is also another kind of guidance that has been mentioned, or that basically is part of this da da da sirata Mr. Cream. And that is basically us asking the loss of Hannah who attempted to guide us

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not only the straight path in this dunya, but also to guide us on the day of judgment to the path that leads us to gender.

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And so, the one who treads the straight path in this life, Allah subhanho wa Taala will make him to tread that straight path on the Day of Judgment, to gender. And so every single one of us will be made to cross over the Surat, the bridge that goes over the Hellfire and takes us to gender.

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And so some will find it easy to tread that path, while others will find it difficult, each according to his deeds. And so those who basically had many good deeds, they lived a life of righteousness, then treading that path on the day of judgment will be easy for them, but those who did not live a life of righteousness, treading that path on the day of judgment will be difficult for them.

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And then Allah subhanho wa Taala says Scirocco Lavina and untie him.

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He explains to us the path the straight path,

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what is it?

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How can you be described? Sir Arthur larina Antara him the straight path for which we are praying to Allah subhanho wa Taala for

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it is the same path that has been traded by many of those who came before us. They are as Allah subhana wa tada mentions in Surah Nisa

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that Allah He cannot Latina and Ana Allahu Allah him. Mina Nabina was to do kina was Shahada, he was solid he has una una de karateka they are those whom Allah has bestowed his favor upon from among, from among the prophets, the righteous, the sweet deikun those

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Who are for most in accepting the message and the martyrs?

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Those who fought for the sake of Allah and died on the path of Allah subhanho, wa Taala and Asante Hoon, the righteous. And so these are basically those who tread Serato surah. muster Mr. Cream, the straight path that we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us firm upon.

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Now in this da Serato Lavina and I'm sorry him in this verse

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is basically a glass tiding

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for the one who has been guided to the straight path, and he finds that he is alone,

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he finds that he is a stranger among wicked and disbelieving people.

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And so, in this verse is a glad tidings for him, that although he may feel lonely, the reality is, that he is not alone, he is with

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he is with others, who are those he is with the righteous,

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he is with austro deikun the foremost he is with the prophets, he is with the righteous and the martyrs.

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This is his company, and he is not traveling alone, rather he is traveling in this caravan.

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Now, what is the reality of a Serato Mr. cream?

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What is the true meaning of the straight path that we ask a lot to keep us firm upon. It is basically having knowledge of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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and then acting upon that knowledge.

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So gain knowledge of the truth and then implement it. This is the straight path.

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In a few words, this is a straight path. It doesn't need any long elaboration

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and long details to explain what is the meaning of the straight path. And the evidence for this is the fact that here Allah subhanahu, WA tada mentions the straight path.

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Then he mentions the path of those who earned a large wrath, his anger, and the path of those who went astray.

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Those two paths

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are the opposite extremes of this middle path.

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The path of those who earned a loss anger are those who knew the truth,

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but did not act upon it. And the path of those who went astray or those who acted, but without knowledge. And so this proves to us that the straight path, it is basically the path

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of knowledge and action into words. If you want to follow the straight path, gain knowledge of the truth, and then implement act upon everything that you have learned.

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And then we move on to the final part of this verse where a loss of Hannah who with data says, Why you didn't want to be IE him? What a baleen

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nor not the path of those who earned a loss, anger, nor the path of those who went astray.

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So who are the people who earned a lot of anger? And who are the people who went astray?

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This was explained by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and so it had been Hatem. rhodiola, who and he asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the same question. And so he said, Who are those who earned a lot of anger? And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, he refers to the Jews.

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And so they had knowledge of the truth, but they did not act on it.

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And then he asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Who are those who went astray. And so he said, they are the Christians. And so the Christians they acted, but upon misguidance they did not act based on authentic knowledge.

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We can clewd with a hadith that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned regarding pseudo Fatiha and this is a great Hadith. It is a hadith could see where Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one speaking. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala says in this Hadith, I have divided the prayer which refers to exactly what I have divided into two halves

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between my

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Myself and my servant. So one half for Allah and the other half for the hub, the servant and my servant shall have what he asked for.

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And then Allah subhana wa tada says, if my servant says, Alhamdulillah Allah Allah mean, then I say, My servant has praised me.

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Then when the servant says, alright, manual Rahim, Allah says, My servant has glorified me. Then when he says, Maliki oma Diem.

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Allah says, My servant has glorified me or in another narration, my servant has left all of his matters for me.

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Then when the servant says, he cannot do what he can to stay in a law says, This is between me and my servant, and my servant, shall have my servant shall acquire what he seeks.

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Then when he says it, you know Serato Mr. Clean Serato larina and Antara him. vida mas de la mata bollin. Allah says,

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This is for my servant, and my servant shall acquire what he asks for.

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And so this is a doula. This here is the doula if we were to contemplate over

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this Hadees and these words of Allah subhana wa Tada. And realize

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whenever you recite Surah Fatiha in your Salah.

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Remember that it is divided into two halves, one for Allah one for yourself. And if you were to contemplate that the one who is teaching you this is a loss of Hannah who were to Hannah, and that he is the one who commanded you to recite these words. And he is the one who commanded you to read the surah in every single salon every single Raka and that Allah subhanahu wa tada has guaranteed,

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has guaranteed you that he will answer this to have for you, as long as

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as long as you are making this dua sincerely

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with presence of mind and hearts. Not that you're just reciting the sutra and making this do

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with an absolute mind, like most of us, but rather

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with sincerity.

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And truly wanting Allah Subhana who attempted to answer this gap?

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If you were to contemplate over these meanings mentioned in this Hadith, then you will realize

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how much the people have lost in the dunya and how much you have lost by not contemplating over these words. These are the words of a loss of Hannah who went ahead. And so this surah is the greatest surah in the Quran Surah Fatiha it requires for us to contemplate over its meanings to go over not just reading it, not just reading a translation of it of its meanings, but rather sitting and truly contemplating over its words. What is Allah subhanho wa Taala saying here?

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If we were to do that we would benefit from our Salah. We would truly benefit from what we are reading and from what we are saying We ask Allah subhana wa tada to keep us firm upon his straight path. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us the trophy to remain upon his street path will suddenly Allahumma salli ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi

Surah al-Fatihah¸¥ah is the greatest Surah of the Qurân, and yet very few reflect over its meanings. Every Muslim must take some time to go over the meanings of this Surah as it is read in every prayer five times a day.

Lecture delivered at Abu Huraira Center in Toronto.
Date: June 25, 2015 (Ramadan 8, 1436).

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