Kamil Ahmad – Prophetic Parables #34 – The Status of Islam, Salah and Jihad

Kamil Ahmad
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a parody of a Prophet's statement about a woman named Heidi who was killed by a cow and is now in distress. The transcript describes a scene where a Prophet sallua alayhi wa sallam gives a greeting to a woman named Mohammed bin Salman reminding her of the head of the matter and the three parts of the cow. The discussion touches on the importance of the Hadith, the deen, and the five daily prayers. The speaker emphasizes the importance of praying for Islam, as it is the only way to become a Muslim, and the act of praying for Islam is the only way to become a Muslim.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala terminal milania Allah. Allah He ultramarine while early he will Sahih woman beheaded Western Nabisco net de la Yomi. Dean, alumna alumina and foreign Sedona when threatened habima alum Tina was it

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at bay or arena develop Lila Belton was looking interesting.

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Would you allow me Manya sturmey una cola failure to be una semana mean we are I mean, a Madonna salaam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

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we continue with our prophetic parables going through various parables that our beloved Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned

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tonight we have two parables. The first of these

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is a famous Hadith

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was even listed among the 40 ahaadeeth

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in the collection of mmm and no he is 40 Heidi's and ottobre own and now we are

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and it's a long Hadeeth but the part that we want to focus on is towards the end, but we'll mention the entire headaches nonetheless.

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This Hadith narrated by Mirage in Japan over the long run on a coup to Nan Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he suffered for us back to Yeoman Caribbean men who went to zero for coal to Yasuda la

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the MLA new loony agenda will you bet you do need Mina now.

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mahadji bingeable for the long run, he says that we were traveling with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And so one day I happen to be near the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And so we were traveling.

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And so I asked the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, inform me of an act.

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Something that I could do that will cause me to enter agenda and keep me away from the Hellfire

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Club local Sultani and now we are in Lacey rune Island and yes sir hula hoop le taboola her when she went to pee masala toe to toe de su mamajuana with the foot drill by

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the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to him, you have asked me about a grave matter of very important matter.

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But it is easy for the one whom Allah makes it easy for him.

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And then the process of them said, worship Allah, associate nothing with him in that worship.

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Offer your Salah

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pay desica fast in Ramadan and perform Hajj to debate of Allah the house of Allah if you can afford it.

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So McCall, Allah I do look at the life

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of someone who's Sadako to totally own hobby can not masala to Roger he jiofi late then the prophet SAW Selim asked him shall I not guide you to the gates of goodness. Fasting is a screen from the Hellfire charity sadaqa extinguishes sins, just like water extinguishes fire and standing in Salah during the middle of the night.

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Then the prophet SAW Selim recited those are yet or that the ayah from Surah two sajida Tata Jeff julu manual najbolji yet the owner of the home hoven wautoma.

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Till the end of the ayah

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were basically Allah subhanho wa Taala praises those who

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they get up in the middle of the night they forsake their sides forsake their beds,

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then, then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to Muhammad, Allah Kaberuka and this is the part of the Hadith that we want to focus on. He said Allah ob Roca, bureaucracy ama,

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when he was here what he sent me.

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Then the prophet SAW, Selim asked Muhammad, shall I not tell you about the head of the matter?

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Its pillar and its peak.

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he said cool, too.

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Then I also the law, of course, or messenger of Allah. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, All right, so Emery and Islam,

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what mu do, who

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will deliver to send me al Jihad?

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the head of the matter is Islam.

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Its pillar is Salah,

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and its peak is jihad.

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And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Allah habido can be malaki daddy cuckoo, Li shalina, inform you, of that which will hold all of this for you together, meaning everything that the process Allah mentioned in this hadith of of good,

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good that we could do good deeds that we could do.

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The promises and as more as Shall I not inform you of what will help you to keep all that together.

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And so

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will attitude belajar suit a lot of course on Mr. Avila. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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qualified for their beliefs and he for call kousaka. So the Prophet also took a hold of

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his tongue. And he told him, hold on to this, control this

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phone call to Ghana Viola. We're in Nanaimo, Sedona vimana telemovie

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messenger of Allah, Prophet of Allah, shall we be really brought to account for that which we use to talk with?

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And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that he let go mukaiyama while Yakubu NASA Finn Ariana will do him? Oh, Allah manavi to him. Illa how sorry, do l cilenti him?

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He said, Omaha's me Your mother lose you. This was a phrase used by the Arabs, you know, to basically denounce somebody like,

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you know, a very strong term. And so the professor Salim said, Will the people who will be thrown into the Hellfire on their faces,

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will they not be thrown into the Hellfire except because

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of their tongues? Meaning that it is because they did not control their tongues that they end up ended up in the hellfire.

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And so this hadith

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is recorded by a committee.

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And, as we can see, it is a very, very great Hadith that teaches us many many important things.

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Although it has been graded by many scholars of Hadith as not being authentic, but it can be elevated to the level of sahid of or to the level of Hashem to the level of being a good

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chain of narrators.

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And that is due to

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the fact that there are many narrations of this hadith. And so, the scholars put all of those narration together and say that it could be elevated to happen.

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And this is the greeting that was given by Chef abahani for this hadith.

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And as I mentioned, this hadith was also

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one of the Hadith that was compiled by Imam nawawi in his 40 A Heidi.

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Now, as I mentioned earlier, what concerns us from this hadith is only the last part

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where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asks Muhammad, shall I not inform you? Of the head of the matter?

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Its pillar and it's peak.

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And so what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam meant by

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matter here,

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shall I not inform you of the head of the matter? What is the matter? Basically,

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this refers to the dean,

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the Dean of Islam.

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And so he wanted to teach more as the most important parts of our Deen

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and it's as if the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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As we will see, it's as if he compared this Dean to a camel

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and so he mentioned shalina is

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form you have the head of the matter, its pillar and did what to send me

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send them

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in the Arabic language is the hump of the camel

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is it what is the peak? So, the peak of the hump.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Here he mentioned three parts of a camel, the head

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and the pillar which could either be the legs, that it stands on or it could be the spinal cord, because in the Arabic language, the term for spinal cord is a mood and fuckery

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and a mood is a term the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used which translates to pillar

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and the third part of the camel is the, the hump or the peak of the hump. There what a center.

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And so when my dad

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answered, when the process I asked him this question, shall I not inform you of the head of the matter? Its pillar and its peak, Mohammed when he answered affirmatively that yes, old messenger of Allah, please inform me. Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told him the head of the matter is Islam.

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And its pillar, its mood is a Sala

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its visual what a serum it's pure its peak is

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a jihad.

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And so what is meant by Islam here?

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He said,

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its head is Islam.

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This is explained by another narration of this hadith in the Muslim head of Imam Ahmed

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where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam explained that the head of the matter and Tesh had a la ilaha illallah wa the hula, surely cara, no Mohammed Abdul surah, that you testify that there is not worthy of worship except Allah.

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that he is alone without any partner and that Muhammad is His Servant and Messenger. And so

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this shows us that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam meant by the head of the matter, the head of this Deen

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it is the Shahada.

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And it is still here.

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So this shows us that the most important part of our Deen

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is the Shahada

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testifying to the oneness of Allah and testifying to the messenger ship of Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, both believing in it with your heart, and then also uttering it with your tongue.

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And so the head is the most important part of the body.

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If the head is cut off, then that's it, there is no life. Likewise, if a person does not testify to the Shahada, both inwardly and outwardly, then he has no place in this Deen. He has no place in this deep, odorless lab.

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And so if he claims to be a Muslim, but he doesn't believe in the very foundation, that makes a person Muslim, that he is not a Muslim no matter what he claims.

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As for the pillar of the deen

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that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned

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when he said what a Whoo hoo, a Salah. It's a mood. It's pillar is a Salah.

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And so the pillar of the deen that a person's Dean stands upon is

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praying the Salah. And what is meant by this is the five daily prayers. And so just like the camels body

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any animal for that, for that matter, just like it stands together.

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And, you know, it moves its movements, or because of its spinal cord.

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Likewise, a person's Diem is kept intact by establishing the soul and there's no doubt that

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The most important physical act of a Muslim that connects him with his Lord subhana wa tada is the Salah.

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And so whoever

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does not pray

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the five daily Salawat then there is no Islam left for him.

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And this is based on the Hadith in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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that between

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a man and Kufa, between a person and falling into Cofer and leaving Islam is Salah, and then he said, Whoever abandons it, he has left Islam.

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Whoever abandons of Salah he has left Islam and Mr. Ravi Allahu and he says, Let hava Islamic mentor cashola there is no place in Islam for the one who abandons praying, the one who abandons the Salah.

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And so the Salah is the most important part of the deen after testifying to the Shahada, and that's why it comes second in the Pillars of Islam.

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In the narration, in the other narration of this hadith in the Muslim of Imam Muhammad,

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it says

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that the pillar of the matter is to establish the law and to give the cap. So there's an addition of Givens occur. So, based on this, based on this, what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam may have meant, when he compared the pillar of the matter to or he

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Hee compared salaat and zakaat, to the pillar of the matter, he may have meant the legs of the camera,

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so the head we understood.

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As for its legs, they are the remaining pillars. So, we all know that Islam stands on five pillars, as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned in the Hadith have been rumored for the long run, when he said that booni Islam Allah Hobbs, Islam is built upon five pillars, and then he mentioned the five pillars. So if we consider the Shahada, the first pillar to be the head of the matter.

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Then the legs, the four legs would be the remaining four pillars of Islam, Salah, zeca, fasting, and hatch.

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As for the peak of the matter,

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam explained it to be jihad.

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And this is because

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jihad is a means by which Islam is elevated.

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And it is brought to the top.

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As history has witnessed, from the time of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam,

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that whenever

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Muslims fought against their enemies, it elevated Islam in the world. And so Islam was elevated through

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this great virtuous act.

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And just like the camels, distinct feature is its hump.

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Which, you know, that's what it is recognized by.

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The most distinct feature of the camel is its hump.

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And this is what

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this is the part of the camel that is the highest

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and the most elevated, then likewise, Jihad

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fighting against their enemies in the cause of loss of Hannah horchata is the distinct feature of Islam that makes it unique

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and elevates it and makes it to stand out

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among all the other religions

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and something that brings fear to the hearts of enemies. And that's why they have tried

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since the beginning of time to extinguish this, this feature of our Deen of Islam.

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And perhaps the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam compared

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compared jihad in this way because a Muslim can only reach

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This level after having sacrificed everything else in his life

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and so, he reaches the top

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he reaches this, you know, top as a professor solemn, mentioned that it is the peak, it is a top of the dean. He only the Muslim only reaches that level after having sacrificed everything else in his life.

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His knifes

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he has brought it under his control,

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his desires, his worldly aspirations,

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his family, his wealth, he's put it all behind.

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And he has come before Allah subhana wa tada and said, Oh Allah, this is my life. I'm giving it to you. He sacrificed everything. And now all that's left is his life. So perhaps, this is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam compared

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Jihad to be the peak of the matter.

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And there are many Hadith where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned that the greatest act

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and the most beloved act to Allah subhanho wa Taala, the most beloved deed in the sight of a lot after, after the personal obligations, such as Salah,

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fasting, zeca Hodge, so on and so forth. After all of these obligations, the most virtuous

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deed that a person can do is

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to fight in jihad. And there are so many Hadith where the Prophet also was asked, you know, what is the most beloved thing in the sight of a lot and he would mention, he will mention different things, and among the things that he would mention is fading Jihad feasterville Allah in the, in the, in the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And so among the lessons that we can learn from this Hadith, or this part of the Hadith, this parable that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave us is, firstly,

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there are certain aspects of Islam, which basically form the basis and the foundation of it.

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If these aspects are missing,

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or if there is a defect in them,

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such a person is treading a very, very dangerous path.

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If good foundation is not there, or if it is lacking,

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and you're falling behind, on these core matters of your deen, then you need to wake up before it's too late.

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And by that we mean

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the Shahada and so the second lesson that we learned from this hadith is that there is nothing more important in Islam than belief in Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Which is why a person has to profess it openly.

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He has to say hello to Allah ilaha illAllah

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Muhammad Rasulullah he has to profess

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this belief, and it can't be just something that he says it's in my heart. And that's it that doesn't bring a person into the fold of Islam.

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And so Allah subhanho wa Taala meetic, a condition for a person to enter into Islam, that he has to Professor, he has to say it,

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he has to testify to it.

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And testifying with the tongue means that it has to be there in the heart. And so the to go hand in hand, the Shahada

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is a belief in the heart that comes out onto the tongue. And so there is no more. There is no other, more important aspect of Islam after or or other than

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belief in Allah subhanho wa Taala and in his oneness, and that he alone deserves to be worshipped.

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And so when we say la ilaha illa Allah, we are the first thing we are doing is we are negating.

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We are negating all that is worship. besides Allah, we are saying La Ilaha there is no God.

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And so you can only you can only become a Muslim. And you can only be a true believer. Once you have this believed in everything else that's out there in the world that is worshipped.

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And then there's affirmation when you say Illallah

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except Allah here you are affirming that the only one who deserves to be worshipped is a loss of Hannah who went out. And so the Shahada contains negation before it contains affirmation. Unlike what many Muslims think, that when we say la ilaha illAllah, we are just affirming our belief in Allah and that's it. No, you have to disbelieve in shit.

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And you have to disbelieve in everything that is worshipped besides Allah, you have to actually believe that there are false religions out there false ideologies. You actually have to believe that nothing deserves worship, when you see someone worshipping an idol, or a statue or even IE Sally has Salam.

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You have to denounce it, at least with your heart. And this believe in it, and believe that, you know, these people are treading a dangerous path. And then you profess that only Allah deserves to be worshipped. The third lesson that we learned from this Hadith, and this parable is that Salah is the most important part of Islam, after the Shahada, because it is basically proof of how true you are to what you are testifying to.

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And so when you say the Shahada,

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you're making a declaration, you're making a testimony.

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But it doesn't stop there.

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Because if it stopped there, then anyone could claim to be a Muslim, and to say the Shahada. That's something very easy. But that's only the beginning. And that's why the most important

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pillar after the Shahada is

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a physical bodily act, that we do not once in a while,

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not even once in a day, but rather five times in the day.

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And also,

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this Allah is your connection

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with Allah subhanho wa Taala, the one who created you to live in this world in order to worship Him, that is our purpose in this life to worship Allah.

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And so Allah subhanahu wa tada made the salaat to be the number one and the most important way of connecting with him of worshiping Him. And some Muslims they find it heavy and burdensome five times every day, they find it difficult. And so they should remember that

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Allah subhanahu wa tada actually reduced it for us. Because Initially, it was going to be 5050 prayers every day. And so from the mercy of Allah subhanahu wa tada is that he reduced it down to five.

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But look at the bounty of Allah subhanahu wa Tada. We're, although he reduced it to five. When we pray, we get the reward of 50 as a prophet, Sal, Allahu Allah, he was seldom mentioned.

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And so, because the Salah is so important, this is why the one who abandons it, he is not considered to be a Muslim, as we mentioned earlier,

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this is not my ruling or any other scholar, but rather it is the ruling of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And if we were to look at, you know, how did the Sahaba look at the Salah.

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There is unanimous agreement among them, unanimous you won't find a single

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Companion of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who had a different opinion on this issue, and that is that the Sahaba they did not consider anything

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to be Cooper, if a person abandons it, other than the soul. they differed over other things. But they unanimously agreed that whoever abandons praying, he is considered a Catholic.

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Finally, among the lessons that we learned from this hadith is that jihad is among the most virtuous aspects of Islam after the fundamentals

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and what is meant by jihad. There are different kinds of jihad but when jihad is mentioned in the Quran, and the Sunnah without you know, without restricting it to

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a certain kind of jihad

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if it's just mentioned in general then refers to physical combat fighting on the battlefield that is what is meant by Jihad feasts Avila wherever you find the term in the Quran or in the Sunnah, unless there is evidence to suggest that it means something else.

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such as

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when Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned, fight Jihad with the Quran

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wa he will be Jihad and Kabira or the Jihad of the knifes and so on and so forth.

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And so

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is an important and integral part of the deen that no one can deny.

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You know the importance of it, the virtue of it is not something that anyone can deny, because of the countless proofs that are found in the Quran, in the Sunnah and in the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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but obviously, just like everything else in our Deen all the other legislations in rd, it has rules, it has conditions. It has certain

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rules that must be followed

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in order to in order to carry out this great act in Islam.

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