Kamil Ahmad – Pardoning And Forgiving Others #1
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The speakers discuss various paraphrasal concepts used in various paraphrasal concepts, including the birth of Saudi Arabia individuals, the creation of Adam, the birth of a woman without a father, and the birth of a child without a mother. They stress the importance of understanding the meaning behind these concepts and the significance of the paraphrasal concepts in their understanding of the internet. The transcript describes four different paraphrasal concepts, including the creation of Adam AlayIF, the Sadie's, the importance of holding onto the Quran, and the importance of unity among Muslims. The importance of execution, uniting against enemies, and cultural acceptance of different cultures is emphasized.
AI: Summary ©
He needs to show you up on your Raji in MFL, or use
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Fall call who means to raw
knock on Ella who coo
Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala atta Manuel UK Melania Anna hierophant kala he Ultramarine Well, hello early he was so happy woman that you had you were still gonna be so naughty Hilario Medina Allahumma, alumna and owner when foreigner Bhima alum Turner was it now? From the struggle years? Rubbish roughly soldering uncle Emery wash Lulu orchidectomy Lisa and yet Babu Kohli Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatu.
We move on to the next parable, which is in surah Ali Imran,
in verse number 59.
Allah subhanho wa Taala gives us the parable and the similitude of the birth of a Saudi Sena.
And so Allah subhanahu wa taala says, Indeed, the example of the ISA
in the sight of Allah is like that of Adam
Holika Hulan to rob for called Allahu
Allah Who confer cool, He created him from dust, and then said Be and there he was, in existence.
And so here, ALLAH SubhanA, who would the highlight compares the birth of their Isa, at least salaam, to the creation of Adam.
And this verse
comes in Surah to Allah Imran,
among many verses,
that were revealed when a delegation came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
from Niger, Ron.
And so this was a Christian delegation who came to Medina in the ninth or the 10th year of the Hijra.
And they came and they had public debates with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
And so Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed many ayat
from Saudi Arabia Imran
in response to the claims of these Christians, and that's why we noticed earlier Imran Allah subhanho wa Taala talks a lot about
the previous prophets
like reciting Salaam and his birth, and also Allah subhanho wa Taala commands a Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to address al Kitab
many of the ayat start with kuliah Lal Kitab o al Kitab. So this verse, verse number 59, comes along with these verses.
And so
among the things that these Christians had asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they said, Why do you insult our companion?
Meaning Why do you insult a Saudi?
So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he asked them, What do I say?
So they said, You say that he is a servant of Allah.
And so this was their objection. And they consider this an insult. And so he said, Yes.
He said, Allahu Allahu wa sallam said, Yes, he is the servant of Allah and His messenger. And the word that Allah breathed into Miriam, who was a virgin.
So they became even more enraged.
And so they said,
Have you ever come across
a human being who was born without a human father?
So it was here that Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed
this verse
in the meta are you sir and Allah, MF le Adam
Calaca, whom to Robson makalah, who confer Co. Indeed, the example of an ISA in the sight of Allah is like that of Adam. He created him from dust. And then he said, Me, and there he was. So in order to refute the Christians, Allah subhanahu wa taala brought an example from something that they already believed in.
And that was the creation of Adam, without a mother, without a father.
This is something that they already believed in.
So if Adam Alayhis Salam was created without a father,
rather without even a mother,
then why is it difficult to believe that he said his Salam couldn't be born without a father?
And so their objection was?
How can we accept that a human being is born, you know, comes into the womb of a female human being without a father. This was their question. This was something that they couldn't understand. Or it was, you know, what they were trying to justify their belief that ASA has a father. And there are ISA is the son of Allah with AI.
And so, if Adams creation was a miracle,
if the creation of the first human being was a miracle, since
he came into being without a father, and without a mother, but rather he came into existence, by Allah's word couldn't be
and then there he was, then the birth of the ISA it has Salam was also a miracle, without the need to attribute to Him a father.
That's how simple the message that ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada wanted to get across to them. And
not only that, but the Christians did give their isa Ali has Salam divinity, because of his miraculous birth.
So we say, based on this logic,
Adam Alayhis Salam would be more deserving of divinity
than the ISA because he also does not have a mother. Whereas
he sadly said I did have a mother.
So this is another
way of refuting the Christians we say that.
you give a Sadie has said I'm divinity
and you say that He is Allah or the son of Allah, you give him
attributes that only belong to Allah, divine attributes.
Then you should say the same about Adam Ali salaam, but rather, you should give Adam and Islam more
because he was born without a mother and without a father.
And so this is the example that Allah subhanho wa Taala gives us here, the parable, the similitude, comparing the birth of reciting sunnah to the creation of Adam Eileen. So now we have many lessons that we can learn from this area. Among these lessons is, first of all,
that Allah subhanahu Attallah created our isa Ali Salam in this particular way, in order to show us what Allah subhanahu Uttara is capable of doing.
And that everything goes back to Allah has power to his will and to his decision.
And so Allah creates what He wants, as he wants and there is none who can stop Allah subhanahu Attallah from doing as you wish.
So this is why even Marian was shocked when the angel came and told her
that you know, I am coming to you with the glad tidings
of a son.
You are going to be pregnant with a son.
So she was shocked all that rugby and you're Kulu LEE Well, I don't want me MCSD Bashar.
She said, Yeah, Rob.
How can I possibly have a son
when no, he
Human being has ever touched me. What was the response of Allah subhanahu wa Tada. It's like a dirty killer who your local nyesha. Thus, Allah subhanho wa Taala creates what he wishes.
EDA COBOL Omran for Indiana kulula. Who couldn't fire cool, if he decides on matter. All he has to say is B.
And that's it. There it is.
So the lesson that we learned from this is
the lesson that we learned from this statement couldn't fire cool
is that everything is in the hands of Allah subhanahu wa taharah.
Allah subhanho wa Taala can create things
according to
the laws that govern this universe that he has created. Or if Allah wills, He can create things that are outside of these laws that govern this universe and his creation.
And so, all he has to say is clear. And there it is,
no matter how impossible, it may seem to us. The second lesson that we learned from this parable is
that the strength of an argument is
the strength of an argument whose premise
is something that is agreed upon by our opponent, and
its strength is stronger
than most arguments out there. So if you're debating with an opponent, you should use an argument that
is based upon a premise that they agree to.
So for example, with an atheist, you're not going to
say to him, that Allah exists, because look at these
verses in the Quran that prove Allah's existence. And,
you know, for the atheists, he doesn't agree on the fact that this Quran is real.
And so here, the Christians, they agree that Adam Alayhis Salam was born without a mother and without a father.
And so this is why Allah subhanahu without uses this particular analogy, instead of any other.
If Allah wanted, he could have given another example.
Or some other kind of argument.
If Allah wanted, he could have, he could have said
he doesn't have a son. And that's the end of discussion. As Allah has mentioned in other places in the Quran,
well, I'm yet to see the wall again,
that he has not taken any sun.
But in the context of these, yet, we understand that he was a dialogue and a debate that was happening. And so in a debate you need to use, you need to use arguments that are convincing. And the third lesson that we learned from this parable, and this idea
is the permissibility of debating with the people of falsehood
by using convincing arguments that destroyed their positions.
However, what we should understand here is that debates should only be held at the right time,
with the right people,
and in front of the right audience,
and also
something very, very important. And that is, with the right people representing the Muslim side.
So many times
those representing the Muslim side of the debate,
are not the best people to be debating.
And so what happens is that the truth that we possess,
ends up becoming diminished. And people leave from the debate. And
having been convinced that falsehood is a truth.
This is as a result of
the wrong people getting up to debate.
And so, a Muslim who wants to debate he should have a strong foundation
in terms of Islamic knowledge. At the same time, knowledge is insufficient without having gills for debating, and that's why even Taymiyah He has a beautiful statement he says
not any
No one who has some form of knowledge is necessarily able to express it. You can be a scholar, but you may not have the ability to
teach or your teaching skills are not as strong. And
he goes on to say, for knowledge is one thing and explaining it is another and debating with it is yet another and then refuting the arguments of the opponents is yet another thing. So, these are four different things, having knowledge is one thing, and being able to express that knowledge and explain it is another and then debating with the knowledge that you have is another thing, and then responding to the opponents and their arguments, having that skill and that ability is yet another thing.
And so,
this is a very, very beautiful lesson that we learned from the statements of Ibn Taymiyyah.
We move on after that to the next parable.
And this is once again in
Surah Al Imran
in verse number 103
Allah Subhana Allah Allah says
why Telsey moody heavy Lila huger me
for Roku with guru near under the law in Ireland equal is equal to either
the you know guru decom for the you know Kulu the CONFER us back to the near naughty who wanna work whom to eyelash for our team Meenan river el corte
Kedah Lika Yuda, you know, hula
de la
Allah subhanho wa Taala says here in verse number 103 of Ali Imran
Well I tell Sri Moo be heavily Lehi journey, I'm one at a
hold firmly to the rope of Allah altogether and do not become divided.
What's Kuru, infinite Allah He it.
And remember the fever of Allah upon you. It couldn't come Ida and LFO but you know, Kuru recon, for us to be an easy one, to remember the fever of Allah upon you, when you were once upon a time enemies, and then he brought your hearts together. And you you became by the favor of Allah, you became brothers. And then Allah gives us the example of what could have told Elijah who Pertamina narrativa uncle, the community
and you were upon the edge of a pit of fire. And then he saved you from it.
Because only a human you know who did not come if you will, a Lakota duel. This is how alarming these revelations clear to you. So that you become guided.
And so here, we actually have two things that Allah compares. The first is in the beginning of the ayah. When Allah says Where else will you be heavenly law he Jamia hold on fast to the rope of Allah.
Allah uses
the Quran or Allah
resembles and compares the Quran to a rope.
And so here this rope what it what does it refer to? It refers to the Quran. Allah subhanahu wa taala wants us to hold on
to the Quran. So the Quran
is the guidance that leads to where that leads to Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah subhanho wa Taala specifically chose a rope to resemble the Quran. Why because a rope is something that leads to somewhere
it is something that leads to somewhere. For example,
if you want to fetch water from a well
you take the rope
and attach it to a bucket
and you send it into the well to get the water
and likewise, the Quran
is the means by which we reach Allah subhana wa Tada and the only way that we can reach Allah subhanahu wa Tada is through the Quran.
So this rope it resembles the unity that we must have as believers. What should we unite upon? Because Allah here says that we should hold on to the Quran and we should not be divided.
So Allah subhanho wa Taala wants us to
unite upon the Quran.
How does one hold on to the Quran?
How do we hold on to this Quran, this rope of Allah
by holding on to it,
reciting it. And by understanding it by referring all of our matters to it, when we dispute, we should meet up for an our source of guidance and our judge
by inviting to it, by calling to it, by having patience, over the difficulty that comes with it.
And so all of these meanings
come under, holding on to the rope of Allah subhanahu wa time.
And then Allah subhanahu wa taala
us being saved from disunity. He compares that to being saved from the edge of a pit of fire.
And so after Allah subhanahu Attallah commanded the believers to hold fast to the rope of Allah. And he forbade them from this unit.
One after for Rocco,
not to become divided. And then Allah reminds us of His blessing upon us,
that He blessed us with
and that is the he brought our hearts together
after we were enemies.
And this refers to the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam,
especially the unsought
who were the inhabitants of Medina.
And so before
the guidance of Islam came to them.
They were always fighting among one another.
And their wars are well known, well documented in history, and almost 100 These two tribes were always at each other's throats, always having fights and wars.
And so they were enemies.
And then Allah subhanaw taala came and united their hearts until they became brothers.
More bonding
they became more bonded to each other. Their hearts became more united with one another.
blood brothers
and that's why Allah subhanahu wa Tada reminds the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam of this blessing.
He reminds him that Allah reminds the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, that if you were to do everything in the world, if you were to
everything that you have in the world, and
bring their hearts together,
you would never have been able to
Allah subhanahu wa Tada says, wouldn't it be a good reason? What will mean? What a letter that you know could be him.
And Allah, united to hertz, lo unfucked. Enough, you'll all be Jeremy Hunt.
Not a lifter, but you know who will be
if you were to spend everything in the dunya.
In order to bring them together to unite them, you would never be able to bring their hearts together while I kinilaw her and never been home, but rather it was a lot who brought their hearts together.
And so this is one of the greatest blessing years of our was
to bring two individuals
who are enemies, sworn enemies
whose hearts are opposing one another.
They're staunch enemies.
And yet
they're able to come together.
Their hearts are able to come together and be united until they be kept until they become like brothers. As Allah tells us here
have a spat.
So Allah subhanho wa Taala compares their spate
when they were enemies, to that of a group of people who are fighting one another,
upon the edge of a cliff,
at the bottom of this cliff is a pit of fire.
And so these people who are fighting, they're doomed, unless someone comes and saves.
And so imagine there's a group of people they're fighting, and they're on the edge of a pit.
When you're fighting, Doom, that's it.
You're gonna fall into that fire
unless someone comes and saves you, that
is what was heard of water. And it did. And so this is the example that Allah subhanaw taala gives us in this area, and in this parable.
And when we look at each other
Yes, this idea was referring to the Companions,
but it can be applied
from their time until today, with regards to the believers. If we were to look at each other, we would find
we Muslims come
from a variety of different
ethnic backgrounds
and races and colors and nations.
And we are bonded together with the bond of Eman and Islam.
What is it? Or who is it that brought our hearts together?
None other than Allah subhanho wa taala. So this is what Allah subhana wa Tada reminds us of in this verse, that it was only he he alone, who blessed us with this unity. And that's why What does Allah subhanho wa Taala say here in this area.
For us to be near I met de Aquila. In the beginning, Allah says with Quran Yamato Allah, Allah starts by saying and remember, remember, the bounty the favor the blessing of Allah upon you. And
that's how Allah starts. Then
when Allah mentions the end result, that you are enemies, fighting one another than he united you. Then Allah says, for us to be near naughty one once again, reminding us that we became brothers. How? Through the blessing of Allah, by the name of Allah be there naughty, he'll be one.
So this shows us
the importance of unity
and the danger
of being disunited.
As we see, unfortunately, distinct of the Muslims today is a sad state in which we Muslims are disunited a lot.
The lessons that we learned from this
from this parable is first of all,
if it was not for the blessing of Allah to save us,
we would all have been heading
or he was alone saved us starting from the
Day of Judgment.
Allah saves
all that Allah saving
is the greatest if not the greatest blessing of Allah.
So this Islam
is more valuable
than the blessing of being alive.
Eat and drink a
breathing, eating and drinking benefits you in this leg
from the Hellfire
This is a blessing.
The second lesson that we learned
is that there are two ingredients that must be present
In order for us to be saved from the hellfire
and these two ingredients are
and remaining united.
And so in the previous verse, this was verse 103. Of Alia and Ron, if we look at verse one or two, Allah subhanho wa Taala says,
Yeah, you have Lavina Aquila, helper two Kati Walter Mutanda. illa Anta Muslim moon, or you believe. Dear Allah had the Taqwa of Allah, the taqwa that he is most deserving of and do not die except as Muslims.
Then Allah said what I tell sui mu we have lillahi Jamia and when after for Rocco and hold on to the rope of Allah do not become disunited.
So if we take these two ingredients, taqwa and remaining united we find that these are the two ingredients that are needed in order for us to be saved from the punishment of Allah and the hellfire. And
the third lesson that we learned is
how to execute.
How to execute
and unity among the believers.
How do we execute? How can we?
How can we make the believers to have taqwa and unity?
We find this in the next verse, verse 104. Allah subhanahu wa Tada says, What is the coming?
Year do Luna Ilahi
Maroun a bit of a roof while you're in Helena annual Moncure. What we like
and let there be a group among you
who will call to what is good and who will enjoin
the good and forbid the evil and they are the successful ones. So if we want success in this dunya and akhira.
And we want to execute a taqwa and unity among the believers, then the way to do it is through a dowel
and an Obioma rule for Neha Animoca. You're the ruler it'll hire a dour. They call it what is good. Wear maroon, or Bill Maher, who have you ever known and Moncure.
The amount of good and forbidding.
The fourth lesson we learned is that all of the above
that we have discussed, are essential ingredients that are needed for this ummah to be saved by Allah.
And so look at how Allah ends these verses.
Look at how Allah subhanahu Attallah ends these verses, Walter Kulu kalorien Atta for Rocco Waterloo member or the manager, member or the manager, and when will the unit what will help you to log on either a whim and to not be like those
who disputed and became divided
after the hour yet, seem to them the clear cut idea came to them. And so as if to say, if you do not execute these two things, that dour and ummer, Bill Meru for NASA and Mancha, then you will remain divided
as the nation's before us, Al Kitab. Allah tells us here do not be like them.
They divided among themselves, they disputed and they lost their unity.
So Allah is telling us not to be like them.
And not to give up on Bollinger to what is good, amending the good and forbidding the evil. The fifth lesson that we learned is
that if Islam is not made the greatest bond between us Muslims, and then the bonds of
and race and nation.
Well, basically, there are support
and then our enemy will exploit our differences.
And then they will make us legitimate targets.
And then we will not support one another against our enemies.
And this is what we
have seen over and
over and over again over the last several centuries, and especially in modern times.
And so
if we do not make this deem
to be the greatest bond between us, and that is what will happen. And that's what did end up happening.
This is what
the sad state of our Ummah,
especially in our recent history,
bears witness to
that we no longer meet Islam, the thing to bond us by.
Instead, we made our race
and our tribe and our ethnic background, to be the thing that bonded us.
So our enemies exploited that.
And when our enemies attacked a group of us,
we did not come to help them. Why? Because we said they're not one of us.
They're of a different language. They're of a different race.
They have their problems and we have our problems.
When did this happen? This happened when we do not consider the bond of Islam to be the important thing that unites us.
The last lesson that we learned from this is
that Allah subhanahu wa Alamitos have different ethnicities and races, for the purpose of getting to know one another. And
we have different colors, we have different racial backgrounds, ethnicities, we come from different nations.
Allah made us like that,
for the purpose of getting to know one another,
but Allah subhanahu Attallah need of Islam for us
to bond and bring us together,
not the other way around.
And so, a Muslim,
who may be of a different
ethnic background, the new is closer to you.
Then a cafe who may share the same blood is
and this is what the Sahaba understood.
And they understood it.
Based on the mini ayat in the Quran, for example, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, water under control Ruben waka Isla, betta ruffle, we made you into nations and tribes for the purpose of getting to know one another.
That is why we made you to be of different racial backgrounds ethnicities
simply for you to get to know one another
in a chronicle Angola here at Koco.
And then Allah ends the area by reminding us
that the most superior of us are those with the most Taqwa
why one race is not better than the other. One tribe is not better than the other.
But rather
those best in the sight of Allah, the most superior in the sight of Allah are those with the most awkward the most piety, the most righteousness?
We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to
make us of the people of Taqwa We ask Allah subhana wa Tada to unite the Muslims
wherever they may be, we're asking without wanting to come to the level of denial Amin was Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh