Kamil Ahmad – Death and COVID-19 – A Reminder of a Reality we All Face
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The COVID-19 pandemic is causing deaths and complications, causing fear and hesitation for many people. The importance of writing a will to protect others from infection by the virus is emphasized, and the need for everyone to act as if they have it. Pranksters are encouraged to write the will and avoid future mistakes, and to pray for others and not just sit on the line. The rise of fear and hesitation is also highlighted, and the importance of writing a will is emphasized for those living in the West.
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In Alhamdulillah,
National Zoo and isteri
when out Rue de la, Rue de and fusina woman sejati Amina
Maria de Hilah who Fela Malala woman who Fela de la
what I should do Allah, Allah illovo hula hula sharika
wash Mohammedan Abu Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi woman Toby. One v San in Isla Yomi de
Yeah, you
know taco hopko tokachi while at a moon
Muslim moon
yeah you heard NASA Taku rock documentary hola kakanin Fc wahida wahana Kamini has vija Westerman. humeri jalin Cathy wrong one is a what Taku la la de Luna de Waal or ham in no longer can he come Rokita
yeah you
know Taku Taku Colin said EDA, useless
while goofy raccoon, raccoon, woman you boil water Sula, who
was in Hawaii
my dear brothers and sisters.
the world wide Coronavirus pandemic continues to spread,
with no end in sight,
there is one reality
that has not
escaped the minds of most of us.
And that is what we are hearing
of every single day, rather every single hour
of the number of deaths
in the hundreds and the 1000s
This is a reality
that is unescapable for any human being.
But it is a reality
that we don't think about manage
but rather it is a reality that only comes in hits us most times in times of calamities. Like
the times we're living in today
one jayalalithaa Sherry min curb illegal hold.
Law says and we have not need for any human being before you Oh Mohammed eternity
no human being will live on forever of emitted emitter, for whom will hardly do. So if you die, will they live on forever?
Cool lunasin eco to denote every single soul will taste death.
When abbulu condition we will hide effects.
And we will try you with good and evil as a test.
Some Elena total Sharon and then
to us to Allah will you all return?
And so my dear brothers and sisters, the problem is not
our knowledge of this reality.
Because each and every single one of us knows
that essentially our time is coming.
But the problem is
that we are heedless of this reality.
We live on our lives heedless, not thinking about this reality.
thinking about our present situation that we're alive. So let us make the most of our lives.
Not thinking of that eventual reality that each and every single one of us
is destined for.
And so my dear brothers and sisters, it is our heedlessness, not our knowledge of this reality
and that's why
after death
and on the Day of Judgment, a law tells us
that this is how we lived our life.
Local Couldn't you have let him in haha.
You are heedless of this day
of the Day of Judgment, you are heedless of death and what comes after death
for Krishna, and
so today,
we have removed that veil of heedlessness from you
for Basile, Raquel, Yama, Hadid. And so your sight on this day is short.
There's no obscurity.
There's no heedlessness, whereas in this dunya,
concerning the alcohol concerning death, and what comes after death, it's as if we're wearing glasses that are blurred,
that can see that reality. And so on that day, a lot tells us that he will remove those glasses. And our site will be sharp on that day.
And so my dear brothers and sisters, wherever you may be,
most of you,
if not all of you
have heard,
someone you knew
who has met their fate
due to this virus.
Most of us if not all of us, have heard of people we knew
whose time has come. And that's it. They're gone. The same people, none of them had expected that their lives would come to an end so soon.
Just like me and you today,
we don't have that on our mind.
We think we're going to live on till the age of 6078 years old,
not realizing
that the time of death is not something in my hands or your hands, the knowledge of it is not with us.
But rather,
it is something that Allah has already written.
And he could come today, it could come tomorrow,
it could come in a few days, it could come next month, it could come before the year's end. It could come because of this virus, or it could come through any other way.
And so it's coming closer to home.
And many people
are starting to become anxious, are starting to become afraid.
As we hear the tools. And the number of deaths increasing.
Just yesterday. In Canada, it was a few handful.
And then it reached 100 200 300. And now it's more than 500.
South of the Border it has reached in the 10s of 1000s.
And around the world, it is about to reach 100,000.
Why is it that now
we are afraid of death? Why is it that now most of us have that on our minds. But not only that, but why is it
that most of us are now afraid?
Why is it that we are fearful of death?
It's because of either one of two reasons.
we don't believe
in what comes after death.
And so the kuffar
and those who don't believe in life after death, they're afraid because they don't know what's going to happen to them.
They're clueless
Even some Muslims, unfortunately,
it's not that they don't believe but
that their belief is weak.
They don't have the Hakim there are Muslim must have concerning what comes after death
concerning the Euro, and everything in the euro.
Or the second reason is
because we believe.
And we're also convinced, and we're certain and we have your theme of what comes after death.
we're not ready for it.
We're not ready to meet that reality.
We know that gender is real. We know that the Hellfire is real. We know that the punishment of Allah is there after death.
And we're certain about it.
But because of the way we are living our lives,
we're afraid to meet Allah subhanahu wa tada in the state that we're currently in.
And so my dear brothers and sisters,
what's wrong with us?
is not
our knowledge
of death and what comes after death?
We're certain of it.
But the problem is we're not ready. Why are we not ready.
The reason is,
because of the way we're living our lives.
It's because of our heedlessness.
It's because of our attachment to the dounia. And what we have in this life. It's because we want to please our desires, our hella,
and the desires of our knifes.
It's because of the dunya. And it's glitter and its beauty and attracting us to it.
It's because shaitan and the way he interrupts us.
It's because
we don't want to let go.
of our ways. We don't want to change, even though we know that this is in our best interests.
We don't want to change our ways, even though we know where it's gonna lead us to.
It's because our him
our determination, the level of our determination to change is at its lowest levels. Many of us we think we can change. We think that's it.
This is the way I am.
And that's it. Let me live as I am.
Even though we know where this will lead us to. Thus is our fear.
Not because we don't believe in what comes after death.
No, we know.
But because of the way we have lived our lives. And because
we think and because shaitan has made us to believe that we can't change that is where the problem lives.
But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us
that not all of us are the same.
And so yes,
some of us
are afraid.
While others know they're not afraid,
but rather,
they look forward
to meeting Allah subhanahu wa Tada. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Men have barely caught Allah He have below Holika
the whoever loves to meet Allah Subhana who went to Allah, then Allah subhana wa tada loves to meet that person, meaning whoever looks forward to that deed, in which he will meet Allah subhana wa Tada.
Then Allah subhanahu wa tada also looks forward to that day.
And this is only for the true believer.
And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, woman can
Have you caught a law firm called carry hawala
and whoever
dislikes meeting Allah subhana wa Tada. Then Allah also dislikes to meet him. And so the companions asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam does this mean?
Does this mean fearing death? Does it mean disliking death, all of us dislike death, who doesn't hate to die?
So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said no, but rather, this refers to
the believer
who when he is given the glad tidings of the mercy of Allah, and the reward that awaits him the Acciona then he loves to meet Allah subhanho wa Taala. On the other hand, the disbeliever
when he hears of the punishment of Allah subhana wa tada that awaits him at the time of death.
He hates to meet Allah subhanho wa Taala Why? Because he knows what awaits him
it was one set
to a bed when
it was one set to a bed when
in the coma hit on
that you're gonna die.
So he said, Well,
he said
so what's the big deal what comes after death?
And so they said
you're going to Allah
and so he said in response Well hello Jana Allah hi ru Ella, me Nova.
Has it all good that has come to us, isn't it from Allah subhanahu wa Tada.
And so why should I hate meeting a loss of data?
When I know
that whatever good has touched me in this dunya It is only from Allah subhanho wa Taala.
And so my dear brothers and sisters, what we learned from this
is that the believer
he is optimistic at all times, and especially
when he nears death, he has good hopes in a loss of Hannah who attalla he looks forward to meeting the loss of Hannah who Adana.
He looks forward to the mercy of a loss of Hannah who Atlanta that awaits him. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us from among those believers barakallahu li walakum filco annual Avi whenever anyone can be Murphy he mean it was declared Hakeem aku matters marone are still a futile law heavy welcome. Elisa. edmc mean and include leedham bin wahaca festival Pharaoh who in now who can have a pharaoh what to boo la he in no can utter water
Alhamdulillah Europe alameen
wa sallahu wa Kiba to limit takim what are the wanna Illa Allah volley mean? What a shadow Allah ilaha illallah wa de la sharika what a shadow Mohammed Abu Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi woman 37 in Isla Yomi de facto que la hora de la
ciudad de unicon
la hora Sula, who, in kuntum, meaning
My dear brothers and sisters.
The problem is not
about death and about dying.
But rather
The problem is,
in which state
do we want to die?
In which state
do we want to meet Allah subhanho wa Taala.
And so those who have been afflicted with this illness and this virus
they're actually far better
After most of us Why?
Because at least this for them was a chance to turn back to Allah subhanahu wa tada
for those who among them have been told that they're not gonna see many more days ahead of them.
At least they can prepare themselves to meet Allah subhanahu wa Tada.
But for most of us,
we won't have that chance.
And so for those who think that such calamity
or they wonder about the wisdom of a lie in such calamities, why would Allah afflict the believers with such a calamity,
that this is just one example
of the wisdom of Allah subhana wa Tada. This is just one example of how through such calamities, Allah subhanahu wa Tada, is actually doing good for you.
This is just one example of how through such calamities, Allah subhanho wa Taala, is being merciful towards you.
And so for most people, they won't have that chance. But rather, for most people,
death will come to them,
when they least expect it.
Death will come to them
when they're not ready,
when they're not prepared.
And that's why
we fear this reality.
My dear brothers and sisters,
these days, we're being told,
we're being told to act as if every single one of us
is infected by the virus.
Why? Because this will help
to put an end to it spread.
Because if each and every single one of us acts as if he has it, he'll stay at home, he'll take all the precautionary measures
to not pass it on to others.
each and every single one of us
has to act as if
our appointed time has come.
Every single one of us
from this day forward has to act as if our debt is near.
That it's only a matter of a few moments. We don't have much time.
And so with that in mind.
With that in mind, there are a few things that each and every single one of us needs to keep in mind.
Getting ready,
getting ready for death.
The first thing is
that each and every single one of us
has to start
by writing our will.
How many of us have thought about that before?
Most of us
have not written a will.
We think that writing a will is only for all people
who they can die at any moment.
But no.
We need to write our will
from today.
For the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said that it's not permissible for the Muslims, who has something too will to be questing for him to delay
and sleep for even two nights without having written His will.
And so he should write it and he should keep it with him.
The first thing that we should write in our will
is advising
those who are closest to us,
our spouses, our children,
advise them with the best wasabia with the best will and that is to advise them with taqwa
and then to advise them to live lives of righteousness and
obedience to Allah subhanho wa Taala.
Then after that, to write down anything that you owe somebody, you may have borrowed some money, write it down, so that it is known that you owe this money to so and so. So that if you die those who pick up your will and read it, they know that they should take from your money and return it to those people.
Then if you have a lot of money, or you have possession of property or anything else, and you want it to be
given giving in charity to others,
then write it in your will. But make sure that you don't exceed a third of your wealth for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam forbade us from doing so. Why? Because our here, those who will inherit from us, they have a right to your wealth. And so you cannot give it all away.
After that, for those of us who are living in the West, and we have to buy a grave,
because the costs are very expensive. Then put your money and invest it in the various associations that we have that deal with this.
fix up your relation
with your family members,
your relatives,
your Muslim brothers and sisters,
fix those relations today. Before a day come
when you will not be able to fix them
and return the rights of those
who you harm those who you wronged those who you did injustice to, for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, Whoever
has done something wrong
to his Muslim brother
in his honor, meaning he spoke ill of him in his dignity,
or in his wealth, meaning he may have stole something from him.
Then let him to go and return to it return it to him today, before a day comes when he won't have a single D nor nor a single dude.
And so
seek forgiveness
from your brothers and your sisters.
Ask them to pardon you.
And if you have something that you owe them, something that you took unjustly return it to them.
turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala
in a sincere and honest Toba
innocence, sincere and honest repentance
or repentance that comes from deep down inside your heart
for all of those sins that you committed in your life,
and especially the major chimneys, because there is no way for the major sins to be forgiven, except through a tober.
As for those things that are related to the rights of others, than as we said, you have to return those rights. And so even if you ask Allah to forgive you, it's not enough. You have to still return those rights. Because Toba that Allah forgives, is that between you and Allah subhana wa Taala the rights of Allah as for the rights of others, then you have to return those rights to them.
And so turn to Allah insincere repentance today,
before it's too late, while a Saturday tober two little lady, Mr. Luna say he
had either
had whom will know to call a call in need to be told an
and tober is not accepted for the one who persistently sins and commit sins throughout his life. And then
And then, when death comes, he says, Oh Allah, now I repent. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that repentance
is amazing.
To us, before two things happen, either the soul is coming out from the body or
the sun rises from the west.
And so a sincere Toba
is one in which you regret your past, you will regret
deep down from inside your heart for committing the sin.
And then you stop them immediately. Not that you're persisting in the sins while asking a lot for forgiveness.
And thirdly, that you make the determination, the intention,
that From today onwards, you will never, ever go back to those sins ever again.
change your we, today.
change your ways from today. open up a new chapter in your life, not from tomorrow, not from next week, not from next month. Don't delay for a day that you may never see.
But rather start from today.
Because your past is behind you.
It's of no use to you.
Your future is not in your hand.
But what is in your hands? Is your present.
What is in your hands is today, not a day that has gone by, nor a day that may never come?
And so change yourself from today? Before it's too late. And finally,
finally, keep your tongue
constantly moving with the vicar of Allah subhanho wa Taala
keep your tongue constantly moving with the vicar of Allah subhanho wa Taala Why?
Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us man can you tell me he La ilaha illallah wa, the whole agenda, the whoever his last words in this dunya were La Ilaha Illa WA, then he has entered gender, gender is guaranteed for such a person.
And so coming back to the question of what state Do you want to die
if you want to die in a good state,
then be among those who remember Allah frequently with their hearts and their tongues. And this is an advice that we give. This is why we advise those who are on their deathbed. If you have a relative or a friend, who may be in the hospital right now
with the virus
and he may be with a ventilator. And he may not know whether he is going to read his last advise him to say these words from his heart
Illa Illa for whoever his last words are these words,
that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has guaranteed for them. Jen We ask Allah subhana wa tada to keep each and every single one of us safe and sound, to keep each and every single one of us healthy. And to keep each and every single one of us constantly remembering the reality of death. We ask Allah Subhana who Medina to make us from among those who prepare for that day. Before it's too late. We ask Allah subhanahu wa taala to make us from among those whose last words are either illallah
wa salatu salam
ala nabina Muhammad Kamara Moroccan VEDA Luca Rob boukenger Luffy Rola faqad Colin Karima. In Nova wanna eketahuna so Luna Highland Nabi
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Taslima
Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad what are the last time he he'll
be back in Warhammer? What else man oh Holly wangsa era Sahaja t edge marine where I'm
My own bureau medica worker worker Arnica,
Coronel Academy along I sell Islam while muslimeen Adela Shirakawa mushrikeen
de la Millfield muslimeen well mostly not. Me Nina may not
even one word in a casa Mian Caribbean Mooji but Allah, Allah Nana rubrica mean Allah barassi will julu will do them he will junoon on in Z score. Allahu
wa will holla was zillah zillah will Meaghan wosu il Phaeton email vahagn Rahman. How about one?
How you Yaqui you rock Donna, Tina Fey dunya Hassan
Hassan joaquina been out in the La Rue de la de Waal. Ito evil kotoba wion Hannah Sasha, you will military What does he Yeah, he will come to the karoun first Kuru La La we will Julius korakuen. Wash guru who Island. He has a comb, one of the crew La
La Jolla.
And if you're watching this right now live from home, then make sure that you pray for rock as absorber. And not salata. Luma you've only listened to the horrible for the sake of a reminder and so pray for her with your family at home.