Kamil Ahmad – Al-Shama’il Al-Muhammadiyyah #07

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The Prophet's hair is discussed, highlighting its importance in shaping one's image and the use of it for personal reasons such as personal reasons and personal reasons. The hair is addressed, including the loss of the Prophet's hair at the age of 63 and the use of it by his servant. The importance of hair in shaping one's image is also emphasized, with "stress and anxiety" leading to "canions" and " comfort and joy" in Mecca. The theme of "the Prophetipping of Allah" is also discussed, with "stress and anxiety" leading to "canions" and "people" in the region.
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I'm going to give you a quick demonstration.
Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim, Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin,
Hamdan Katheeran Qayyiban Mubarakan Feeh, Kama Yuhibbu Rabbuna
Wa Yardha, Walhamdulillahi Kama Yanbaghiri Jalali Wajhihi Wa
Azeem Sultanih, As-Salaatu Wa As-Salaamu Al
-Akammani Al-Akmalani Ala Khayri Khalqi Allahi Ajma
'in Wa Ala Alihi Wa Sahbihi Waman Ihtadha
Bi Hadeeh, Wastanna Bi Sunnatihi Ila Yawm Al
-Deen Allahumma Aallimna Ma Yanfa'una Wa Anfa
'ana Bima Allamtana Wa Zidna Ilmah Wa Alina
Al-Haqqa Haqqan Wa Rizukna Ittiba'ah, Wa
Alina Al-Baatila Baatilan, Wa Rizukna Ijtinaabah Waj
'alna Minnan Istami'una Al-Qawla Fa Yattabi
'una Ihsana Wa Ba'd As-Salaamu Alaykum Wa
Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh We continue with our weekly
halaqa in which we're going through this book
by Imam al-Tirmidhi called Al-Shana'il
Al-Muhammadiyah referring to the personality, the person
of the Prophet ﷺ his outward appearance as
well as his character and there's no one
on the face of the earth if we
think about it throughout history whose person has
been described with such great detail more than
Rasulullah ﷺ as we'll see today especially we're
talking about small, minute details of how the
Prophet ﷺ looked which shows that the sahaba
r.a they gave special attention to passing
on this knowledge to us to his ummah
who did not have that privilege to set
our sights on him ﷺ and learning about
the shana'il of the Prophet ﷺ is
actually a form of ibadah when we get
together here and learn about how the Prophet
ﷺ was we're actually getting nearer to Allah
and that's because getting to know someone who
you respect, who you honor the more you
learn about them the more your love for
them will increase and loving Rasulullah ﷺ is
something that is mandated upon every believer your
iman is not complete unless you love the
Prophet ﷺ and so last time we basically
went through the hair of the Prophet ﷺ
how he kept his hair we went through
some hadith related to that and then looking
at how the Prophet ﷺ used to comb
his hair and now we move on to
the next chapter and this is chapter number
5 baabu ma ja'a fee shaybi Rasulullah
ﷺ the chapter on the white hair of
the Prophet ﷺ and so in the previous
two chapters we looked at the hair of
the Prophet ﷺ in general how long his
hair was how he used to comb his
hair etc now we're going to look at
what has been mentioned about the Prophet's hair
when he grew in age when he grew
in age we all know that the Prophet
ﷺ died at the age of 63 he
passed away at the age of 63 and
by this age most people they end up
having quite a lot of white hair it's
natural, it's normal by this age you usually
have quite a lot of white hair but
as we're going to see from the hadith
in this chapter although the Prophet ﷺ did
have some white hair he did not have
that much he did not have that much
the first hadith that we have here is
a hadith of Anas ibn Malik radiyaAllahu anhu
hal khadaba qultu or qatada, the tabi'i
is narrating, he's saying I asked Anas ibn
Malik hal khadaba rasulullah ﷺ qala lam yablugh
zalik innama kana shaydan fee sidghayhi walakin Abu
Bakr radiyaAllahu anhu khadaba bil hinna wal katam
here, qatada asks Anas radiyaAllahu anhu was one
of the companions who was with the Prophet
ﷺ very close to him, his servant for
the years that he was in Medina he
asks Anas if the Prophet ﷺ ever used
to dye his hair did he ever used
to dye his hair?
so Anas responded by saying lam yablugh zalik
that it didn't reach to the level where
he required to do that it didn't reach
that level the scholars say this statement of
Anas either means it either means that it
didn't reach the level where the Prophet ﷺ
needed to because he had very few white
hairs or they say it could mean that
it didn't reach Anas that he ever dyed
his hair it did not reach Anas that
the Prophet ﷺ dyed his hair and then
he said that the white hair of the
Prophet ﷺ was only on his sidghain a
sidgh is basically the hair that connects the
hair of your head with your beard right
the hair that's at the side of your
ears that connects the hair of your head
with with your beard so he's telling us
that that's where the white hairs were now
in another hadith narrated by Anas right he
tells us that there were three places where
white hair was spotted on the Prophet ﷺ
in a different hadith that Imam al-Tirmidhi
did not include in this book and this
hadith is actually in Sahih Muslim it's in
Sahih Muslim he says he
said there were three places he said the
Prophet ﷺ didn't need to dye his hair
because his white hair was only in three
places number one this is the hair that
is under your lip and above your chin
so not the hair on the chin but
this hair over here that comes right under
your lower lip so he had some white
hair here and the second place he says
what's been mentioned in this hadith in Tirmidhi
over here on what's known as the sideburns
and the third place the third place a
little bit on his head a little bit
on his head now here he doesn't say
where on his head but as we're going
to see in a hadith that's going to
come down the middle of his head because
as we mentioned last time how did the
Prophet ﷺ used to comb his hair he
would comb it down the middle and so
they spotted some white hair down the middle
so anyways this is what Anas says and
then he goes on to say however Abu
Bakr radiallahu anhu used to dye his hair
with two things al-hinna and al-katam
Abu Bakr radiallahu anhu was similar in age
to the Prophet ﷺ there was only a
difference of two years between them he was
two years younger he was two years younger
than the Prophet ﷺ and Anas says that
he would need to dye his hair perhaps
because Abu Bakr had more white hair and
he says he used to do it with
two things al-hinna and al-katam these
are two powders that come from two trees
and people they dye their hair until this
day with this dye al-hinna gives you
a reddish color but al-katam it gives
you a black color now we have in
hadith of the Prophet ﷺ that you're not
allowed to dye your hair with pure black
so as we can see Abu Bakr would
mix the two so when you mix red
with black what do you get?
a brownish color right?
you get a brownish color and that's the
best thing to do anyways when Anas says
here that the Prophet ﷺ did not dye
his hair we're going to learn more about
dyeing the hair did the Prophet ﷺ dye
it or did he not?
we're going to learn more about that in
the next chapter the next chapter is specifically
about the Prophet ﷺ dyeing his hair the
next hadith is the hadith of also Anas
ibn Malik رضي الله عنه and Anas says
و لحيته إلا أربع عشر شعره بيضاء إلا
أربع عشر شعره بيضاء Anas رضي الله عنه
tells us that I didn't count that I
didn't count on the head of Rasool Allah
ﷺ on the head of Rasool Allah ﷺ
on his head and his beard more than
fourteen white hairs more than fourteen white hairs
now this count of Anas رضي الله عنه
is you know an estimate right basically he
tried to count whatever was on the hair
on the head and the beard of Rasool
Allah ﷺ and that's what he counted but
it's very possible that he missed some hairs
now in another narration in another narration by
Abdullah ibn Umar again At-Tirmidhi didn't mention
it here and this hadith Abdullah ibn Umar
says إِنَّمَا كَانَ شَيْبُ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ صلى الله
عليه وسلم نَحْوًا مِنْ عِشْرِينَ شَعْرَ بَيْضًا the
narration of Abdullah ibn Umar he says that
the white hair of the Prophet ﷺ was
approximately twenty white hairs twenty white hairs and
so what we learned from both of these
is that these are estimates and what we
learned from this is that when the Prophet
ﷺ grew in age unlike most men he
didn't develop that many white hairs he did
not develop that much white hair and this
tells us something about the Prophet ﷺ that
even in his old age he was still
young even in his old age even his
physique and physically being active etc he was
not like an old man he was active
perhaps even more active than some young people
today right we can easily say this about
Rasool Allah ﷺ the next hadith is the
hadith of Jabir ibn Samurah رضي الله عنه
and this hadith is found in Sahih Muslim
and other books of hadith he asked or
he said that I heard Jabir ibn Samurah
being asked about the white hair of Rasool
Allah ﷺ he says Jabir ibn Samurah رضي
الله عنه so he said he
says that he was asked Samurah ibn Jabir
this companion or Jabir ibn Samurah رضي الله
عنه he was asked about the white hair
of Rasool Allah ﷺ so he responded by
saying when he would oil his hair when
he would apply oil to his hair and
this is something we spoke about last time
it was mentioned in a hadith that Rasool
Allah ﷺ would put oil in his hair
and his beard so he says when Rasool
Allah ﷺ would put oil in his hair
in the hair of his head إذا أدهن
رأسه when he would apply oil to his
head you couldn't see any white hairs but
if he would not apply any oil then
you could notice some white hair because oil
especially in those days it's not like the
kind of oil that they process now you
have oil for everything including for your hair
where if you put it in your hair
it's invisible in those days if you put
oil in your hair it would basically cover
the white hair maybe give it an orange
color a reddish color because that is the
color of the oil so he says when
he would put oil you couldn't see any
white hairs but when he would not then
you could see and he says you could
see a little bit of white hair again
confirming what was mentioned previously and as we
said in the head where was it?
down the middle as is going to be
mentioned in another hadith the next hadith is
the hadith of Abdullah ibn Umar رضي الله
عنهما and this was narrated by his student
Nafi' Nafi' is one of the most famous
students of Abdullah ibn Umar he narrates that
Abdullah ibn Umar said إِنَّمَا كَانَ شَيْبَ إِنَّمَا
كَانَ شَيْبَ رَسُولِ اللهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم
نَحْوًا مِنْ عَشْرِينَ شَعْرَ بَيْضَاء Abdullah ibn Umar
said that the white hair of Rasulullah ﷺ
was about 20 white hairs so I mentioned
that this hadith was not mentioned here but
it was mentioned here this hadith was mentioned
here the hadith of Abdullah ibn Umar so
again it shows us that it wasn't that
much right?
Abdullah ibn Umar says the Prophet ﷺ didn't
have more than 20 white hairs or approximately
he had 20 white hairs the next hadith
is the hadith of Abdullah ibn Abbas Abdullah
ibn Abbas and the one narrating from Abdullah
ibn Abbas is Ikrima Ikrima was one of
the top students of Abdullah ibn Abbas he
narrates from Abdullah ibn Abbas Abdullah
ibn Abbas said narrates that Abu Bakr said
to the Prophet ﷺ you have white hair
you become old you have white hair so
the Prophet ﷺ answered he said what brought
me this whiteness is Surah Tawud and Al
-Waqi'ah and Al-Mursalat and Surah An
-Naba' and Surah At-Takwir we'll mention the
next hadith which is similar and then we'll
talk about this hadith this next hadith is
narrated by Abu Juhayfa he said the companion
said he says
that the companion said Ya Rasulullah we can
see that you have white hair so the
Prophet ﷺ said what brought me this white
hair was Hud and its sisters Surah Hud
and these surahs which are similar to Surah
Hud which are similar to Surah Hud now
what do we mean by these surahs first
of all why did the Prophet ﷺ tell
the companions that this is the reason why
he has developed white hair to basically give
them the reason that unlike most people who
develop white hair because of stress and matters
related to the dunya with our Prophet ﷺ
what brought him white hair was his distress
about the akhira this was his major concern
for our Prophet ﷺ he never used to
care about the dunya you know you lose
a loved one you lose your job you
have marital problems you have all of these
problems related to your dunya for our Prophet
ﷺ we saw that related to dunya he
went through a lot a lot of his
dunya was taken away from him and one
would expect that that would cause him to
grow white hair because generally speaking you grow
white hair because of stress and anxiety and
concerns in life that's what they say that
brings white hair so the Prophet ﷺ was
telling the companions that look for me it
wasn't any of that but rather it is
because these surahs were revealed to me these
surahs were revealed to me what are these
surahs about they tell us about the day
of judgment they tell us they give us
a vivid picture of the events of the
day of judgment right starting from the very
beginning of the change in creation right I
mean if you were to look at for
example surah takwir right the sun will be
rolled up this will happen to the mountains
this will happen to the sky all of
these things will happen a huge massive change
in the creation and then these surahs tell
us about how people will be resurrected what
will happen on that day etc the hellfire
will be brought jannah will be brought etc
and this would bring a lot of concern
to Rasulullah ﷺ it would make him stress
out and this shows us that our Prophet
ﷺ used to live with the Qur'an
something that we unfortunately do not do we
live with the concerns of our worldly life
but not the Prophet ﷺ he would live
with the Qur'an he would live with
the Qur'an and this is what we
call not just reading the Qur'an not
just reciting it not just reading its meanings
because that's the tafsir of the Qur'an
but there's something else called al-tadabur to
reflect and ponder over these meanings to not
just read the meaning but just sit down
and stop right, ok you've read you know
Allah says وَإِذَا النُّجُومُ الْكَدَرَتُ وَإِذَا النُّجُومُ الْكَدَرَتُ
you read these ayat you read the meanings
right, that gives you the meaning the interpretation
of the meaning but tadabur is where you
stop and then you look at it again
and you read it again and then you
reflect over, you just sit down and think
you know, what is Allah saying here you
start imagining the Day of Judgment and all
of this this basically develops a fear in
your heart this would develop a fear it
would cause you to cry right unfortunately many
of us we cry over worldly reasons but
how many of us cry when we hear
ayat of the Quran which is why Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala says فَلْيَضْحَكُوا قَلِيلًا وَلْيَبْكُوا
كَثِيرًا فَلْيَضْحَكُوا قَلِيلًا وَلْيَبْكُوا كَثِيرًا let them laugh
very little and let them cry more and
the Prophet ﷺ says if you guys know
what I know meaning of the Akhirah you
would laugh very little and you would cry
more often you would cry more often so
we see the reason why the Prophet ﷺ
developed white hair even though it wasn't that
much but he tells us the reason with
it being very little he tells us the
reason why he developed these white hairs now
what's interesting here is that these surahs that
were mentioned in this hadith surat Hud, al
-waqi'ah, al-mursalat عَمَّ يَتَسَأَلُونُ إِذَا الشَّمْسُ
كُوِّرَتُ are they Meccan surahs or Medina surahs
all of them were revealed in Mecca all
of them were revealed in Mecca when the
Prophet ﷺ left Mecca how old was he?
53 he was 53 years old so around
51, 52, 53 he developed these white hairs
right because he tells us that is why
he developed white hair and generally speaking the
surahs of Mecca the theme was about the
Tawheed of Allah warning against shirk and talking
about the day of judgment, talking about the
day of judgment and the Prophet ﷺ says
in hadith من سره أن ينظر إلى يوم
القيامة كأله رأي عين فليقرأ إذا الشمس كورت
وإذا السماء انفضرت وإذا السماء انشقت the Prophet
ﷺ says that whoever wants to see the
day of judgment as if he is seeing
it before his very eyes they let him
read these two surahs or three surahs تكوير
انفطار انشقاق إذا السماء انشقت again these three
surahs will give you a vivid description of
what will happen on that day what will
happen on that day the next hadith is
the hadith of Abu Rinthah
al-Taymi Taym al-Rabab this companion he
says أتيت النبي ﷺ ومعي ابن لي قال
فأريته فقلت لما رأيته هذا نبي الله وعليه
ثوبان أخضران وله شعر قد علاه الشيب وشيبه
أحمر this companion he says that I came
to see the Prophet ﷺ and as you
can see he is not a known companion
so perhaps he came from far away to
meet the Prophet ﷺ he says that I
came to Medina basically with my son and
it seems like his son must have been
young he says I was shown the Prophet
ﷺ meaning that he must have asked around
where is the Prophet ﷺ so he says
أريته I was shown who the Prophet ﷺ
is he says when I saw him I
said meaning he probably said to his son
I said this is the Prophet of Allah
and then he said he was wearing two
garments that were green and he had he
had hair white hair and there was whiteness
in it and his white hair had become
reddish his white hair had become reddish and
so again he is describing the Prophet ﷺ
as having white hair how much was it?
we take that from the other hadith so
we don't understand from this hadith when this
companion said قَدْ عَلَاهُ الشَّيْب it doesn't mean
his entire hair was white right or most
of his hair because that contradicts the other
hadith right so it means that he had
white hair that was apparent that you could
easily spot how much was it?
we go back to the other hadith and
see that it wasn't that much he says
that whatever white hair he had it had
turned red it had turned red and the
reason for that is either because of as
we mentioned previously the oil either because of
the oil that would make the white hair
turn red or as we're going to see
in the next chapter dye that the Prophet
ﷺ because of the dye that he used
it became red and finally one last hadith
that's mentioned in this chapter the hadith of
Jabir ibn Samura رضي الله عنه his student
Sinak ibn Harb said that the Prophet ﷺ
was asked was there any white hair
in the head of Rasool Allah ﷺ he
said وَرَاهُنَّ
الدُّهْنِ إِذَا اِدَّهَنَ وَرَاهُنَّ الدُّهْنِ Samura Jabir
ibn Samura رضي الله عنه says when he
was asked was there any white hair in
the head specifically the head so here we're
not talking about the beard we're talking about
specifically the hair on the head he said
was there any he was asked was there
any white hair in the head of Rasool
Allah ﷺ he said no the Prophet ﷺ
didn't have white hair except meaning if you're
asking did he have a lot of white
hair like some people their entire head is
white he said no he didn't have white
hair except a few white hairs going down
the middle of his head going down the
middle of his head he says when he
would apply oil it would hide it the
oil would hide those white hairs the oil
would hide those white hairs as we already
mentioned so in those days when you would
use oil it would change the color obviously
not like dye why?
what's the difference between oil changing the hair
and dye?
yes oil is very temporary you wash it
and it's gone whereas with dye it stays
that's the only difference but either way what
we learn from all of this is that
the Prophet ﷺ had some white hair on
his head on his beard but not that
much and many a times they would not
be noticeable because of either oil or because
of dye as we're going to see in
the next chapter the next chapter what has
been mentioned regarding the dying of Rasulullah ﷺ
but we'll stop here in sha Allah and
we'll continue next week