Kamal El-Mekki – Jumuah 03-01-2025
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The conversation discusses the strongest and most dangerous temptation against men, including women, children, and animals. It also touches on the struggles faced by men in society, including fear of women and their partner's temptation. The segment also touches on the importance of dressing women in Islam, as it is a natural behavior and not part of Islam. The importance of texting and chatting, learning religion, and fasting to offset the pandemic is also emphasized.
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In the
name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most
the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the
Most Merciful.
Brothers and sisters in Islam, and especially because
this is the last Friday of the winter
break and there will be a lot of
youth in the audience, we decided to speak
about the fitna or the temptation, the strongest
temptation against men, and that is women.
And we'll begin in this verse in Surah
Al-Imran where Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
says, In
this verse Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is
saying, what has been made attractive to people,
the love of desires, and then the first
thing from these desires Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala mentioned, women, and then children, and storing
heaps of gold and silver, which means money,
and horses, or in our days, cars, and
cattle, and cultivated land.
Those are the enjoyments of this life, while
Allah has the most excellent return with him.
So the first desire and the strongest one
that was mentioned in the ayah is women.
And this is also confirmed by the hadith
in Sahih Al-Bukhari, narrated by Osama Ibn
Zaid, and Nabi ﷺ said, I have not
left any fitna, any test, any trial, any
temptation that is more harmful upon men than
So it is the strongest temptation.
And the scholars said, it's not just talking
about women who are strangers, that you are
not married to, that you are not a
mahram to, but even relatives, women who are
your relatives and wives, if they are not
righteous, if they are not righteous.
So they said for example, and how many
times have we seen this in our life,
and heard stories like this, where a wife
will get a man to turn on his
own mother.
And we have seen women who are working
in people's homes, or they're begging in the
streets, because the husband or her son's wife
doesn't like her, and manipulated her husband to
stop spending on his own mother.
Or how many times have we seen a
man who has not spoken to his siblings,
his sisters, for decades or for years.
Because his wife doesn't get along with them,
and she doesn't want him, or she ruined
the relationship where they can't talk anymore.
Or a man kicking his children out of
the house, because his wife, who is their
stepmother, cannot tolerate them, and she manipulates him
until he gets...
So not just the stranger, but even a
woman who's a relative, if she's not God
-fearing, the control she can have over the
Or on the flip side, the mother, and
we have seen this story so many times,
causing a divorce between her son and his
wife, because she doesn't like his wife.
So the strongest fitna, and the strongest temptation,
the most dangerous one for the man, is
the woman.
And yet, we are very relaxed with this
And I've chosen this topic, like I said,
because our youth are available this Friday, but
also because we have done the worst thing
we could possibly do to them, and most
of us, because we don't have a choice,
and that is putting them in public school.
And public school is an utter disaster, because
we put them with children who are amoral,
not immoral.
The difference, the immoral person, he has a
moral compass, he has a sense of morality,
but doesn't act upon it.
The amoral person doesn't even have a moral
compass, doesn't even have a sense of morality.
So, what do we think is going to
happen to them in these types of environments?
But we are very relaxed and very confident
with ourselves when it comes to the opposite
Whereas the righteous before us, they were extremely,
extremely careful with this.
And Nabi ﷺ once pointed to a door
in the masjid, and he said, we should
leave this door for women.
And Abdullah ibn Umar, he was a young
boy at the time of the Prophet ﷺ,
or a young man, and he later on
lives until the age of 100, and he
has a servant known as Nafi'a al
And Nafi'a al-Daylami later on becomes
one of the great scholars from At-Tabi
'in, the next generation.
Nafi'a says, Abdullah never ever entered nor
exited from that door until he died.
From when he was a young man until
the age of 100.
He never once, if the masjid was empty
or full or in the middle of the
night, he never once walked in from that
door or exited from that door.
Because the Prophet ﷺ said so.
Because of the obedience and because of the
fear of the strongest temptation.
And Nabi ﷺ one time led the salah
in his masjid.
Then when he came out, he found the
men and women who prayed with him, they're
walking back home.
So they're not talking to each other, they're
not intermingling, but everyone's just walking home on
the road.
So there'll be a man, a few steps
behind him is a woman, and so on
and so forth.
And he said the men should walk in
the middle of the road and the women
on the side of the road.
Just to further separate the most righteous believers.
And they said from that day on the
women would walk so close to the walls,
to the edge of the road, that the
walls would get snagged onto their garments.
Imam al-Hassan al-Basri, one of the
great scholars of Islam, he said, I would
never be alone with a woman, even if
I'm teaching her Qur'an.
So someone who is a scholar, with his
level of taqwa and righteousness, and he's saying,
I would never be alone with a woman,
even if I'm just teaching her the book
of Allah.
I would still never do it.
Listen to what Said ibn al-Musayyib, the
great scholar, what he said.
He said, بلغت ثمانين عاماً وأخشى على نفسي
فتنة النساء He said, I reached the age
of 80 and I still fear for myself
from the temptation of women.
وما أيسى الشيطان أيسى يعني يائسة, same thing.
He said, and the shaitan has not lost
hope من الدخول على الصالحين إلا من باب
النساء Basically he's saying, the shaitan lost hope
from every angle that he's tried to come
at the righteous, except for one, except from
this door of women.
Meaning the shaitan, the only way he can
get to a righteous man is through women.
He's not going to convince a very righteous
man to steal or to consume alcohol or
to do these haram things.
But he can always come to them from
the strongest temptation, and in many cases people's
weakest point, through women.
And that's why the righteous were very cautious
in their dealings with women.
Imam Abu Hanifa, he used to sell fabrics.
He was a successful businessman and he had
a lot of centers.
And who would buy fabric more than anyone?
Most of his customers were women.
So he would tell his students, very refined
manners, he would tell them that if you
just describe the size of a woman's shoe,
you've described her foot.
He would not allow his workers, his employees,
his students to even describe the size of
a woman's shoe, because then you're describing part
of her body.
He would teach them that if a woman
gets up from her seat, don't sit back
right behind her.
Because her warmth, her heat is still on
that seat and don't sit on it.
Some people hear this today and they're like,
how does this mean?
This is not part of Islam.
These are refined manners, like I'm not going
to sit on that chair until it cools
off, until your body heat is gone before
I sit on it.
There was a righteous man by the name
of Hassan Ibn Abi Sinan.
And he went out on the day of
And when he returned, his wife asked him,
كم من امرأة حسنة نظرت اليها اليوم ورأيتها؟
How many beautiful women did you look at
today and how many have you seen?
So he tells her, وَيْحَكِي مَا نَظَرْتُ إِلَّا
فِي إِبْهَامِ مُنذُ خَرَجْتِ He says, may Allah
have mercy on you.
I have never looked at anything but my
And he kept his eyes on this body
part here to keep it away from going
loose and looking at women.
This is the day of Eid.
He says, I have not looked at anything
besides my thumb since I left from you
until I returned.
This is a righteous man and this is
how careful he is with the most dangerous
And of course we're not just addressing single
brothers in the audience.
We're addressing those who are single and those
who are married.
And even if you're married to four, it's
still the same situation.
One of the scholars said, لَوْ أَنَّ رَجُلًا
تَزَوَّجَ بِنِسَاءِ بَغْدَادِ جَمِيعًا He said, if a
man married all the women in the city
of Baghdad, ثُمَّ دَخَلَتْ عَلَيْهِمْ رَأَىٰ مِنْ دِمَشْقِ
And then a woman enters Baghdad or enters
upon him from Damascus.
He married all the women in Baghdad and
a woman from Damascus enters upon him.
لَظَنَّ أَنَّ عِنْدَهَا مَا لَيْسَ عِنْدَ نِسَاءِ بَغْدَادِ
That he would think that she probably has
something that the women of Baghdad don't have.
What they're saying is, they're all the same.
But once you get to that level, nothing
satiates the individual.
They're just always hungry, always looking.
And in that regard, the scholar said, whoever
is not satisfied or suffices with one woman,
a hundred women would not suffice him.
Or a hundred women would not satisfy him.
It's ongoing, it never stops.
So the single and the married are in
the same boat.
And we belittle being friendly with co-workers
and belittle being friendly with classmates and exchanging
phone numbers and chatting and texting.
Even now in Muslim student associations, you'll find
every male member has every woman's phone number
and every sister has every brother's number.
And the texting is relaxed and there is
no restriction.
And so people even starting off working for
Allah, but it can end with something besides
And that's why the Prophet ﷺ mentioned in
this hadith narrated by Imam Ahmad, rahimahullah.
The Prophet ﷺ said, إياكم ومحقرات الذنوب فإنهن
يجتمعن على الرجل حتى يهلكنه.
That beware of muhaqqarat al-dhunub here, it
means the minor sins.
Beware of the minor sins.
Because they pile up upon a man until
he is ruined.
So we belittle texting over here, being friendly
over there, having lunch together with a co
-worker over there.
We just keep piling up these minor sins.
But what happens?
They compile until they ruin an individual.
So the scholar said, they'll pile up until
a man or a woman will be ruined
for minor sins.
In another narration, the Prophet ﷺ likens it
to a group of people who camped and
settled in an area.
And then they start to build a fire,
and everyone brings a small twig or a
small branch.
So what happens if a number of people,
each keep bringing a small twig, a small
What happens to the fire in the end?
In the end it becomes a large fire.
So that's one reason.
The other is that the scholars have always
said, that the minor sins can eventually lead
someone to committing the major sins.
And other scholars added another explanation, and they
said, because they could become major sins.
A minor sin can be counted as a
major sin.
If the person doing it belittles it, and
gives it no weight, and doesn't care that
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is watching, or
does it so regularly that he can't even
remember that it's a sin anymore.
Just the lack of care that you have
given this minor sin, can make it written
and count as a major one with Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala.
أقول ما تسمعون وأستغفر الله العلي العظيم لي
ولكم من كل ذنب فاستغفروه قد أفلح المستغفرون
الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على رسوله
الأمين وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين أما بعد So
I didn't want to make this khutbah a
very negative khutbah.
So I didn't want to share the stories
that we know of things that are happening
from how relaxed our youth are with girls
Muslim or non-Muslim or how many women
come and complain that their husband is chatting
or meeting or talking to other women and
this is very very rampant very rampant in
our community and the major reason behind that
is we're very confident and we don't see
this as a big deal or we don't
think something will happen but we should treat
it just like it's poison if someone offers
you poison you don't try to smell it
and get a small taste of it and
keep it near your other food item you
keep it far away from you and you
don't want to touch it this is exactly
how we should behave and on top of
that for our youth خلاص we said there
is no choice but to put you in
public school which is probably the worst thing
that can happen to a Muslim in North
America the worst thing ever but with that
then you have to offset it you're in
public school you have to offset what's happening
to you day in and day out for
hours upon hours per week you have to
offset it by learning your religion by coming
to the house of Allah azza wa jal
by fasting which is one of the solutions
that were presented by the Prophet ﷺ today
we're so proud of our young man who
fasts Mondays and Thursdays you're in public school
Habibi if you fast every single day we
would say yeah do but it's enough but
every other day is the fast of Dawood
ﷺ and in his most beloved fast to
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and when we
were in college we had colleagues that fasted
every other day for 8, 9, 10, 12
years non-stop non-stop because they understand
what they have to fight against and they
weren't even living in America you have to
always fight against whatever it is that's pulling
you away from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
with that we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala to make us of those who recognize
the truth as clear truth and follow the
best of it and we ask Him to
make us of those who recognize falsehood as
clear falsehood and abstain from it Arabic
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