Johari Abdul-Malik – Ramadan What Have You Prepared For The Hour
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brothers and sisters,
Allah has blessed us.
Allah has blessed us
to be able to live
into the days of shahrramadhan.
This month, alhamdulillah,
there are many
who wished,
maybe who thought,
others they were planning
what they would do in Ramadan.
And Allah has blessed you and I
to live to this month.
has informed us
that this is the month in which Allah
sent down the Qur'an as a guidance
and a mercy.
A mercy
and a guidance not just
for those who say
but it is a guidance
as Allah describes in Surat Al Baqarah.
It is a guidance, alhamdulillah,
for those people, alhamdulillah,
have taqwa,
who are trying to gain
a connection with Allah.
This is the book that they can kitaboo
la raybafihe.
There's no doubt
in it.
And this is the month, alhamdulillah,
where we will celebrate the Quran.
Many of us, alhamdulillah,
for us, this is the pinnacle
of our year that we will spend the
days and the nights with the Quran.
I like to think, alhamdulillah,
of the Quran,
the risala
from Allah
like a love letter.
You know, when you love somebody, back in
the old days, we used to get letter
by mail.
And that letter would be written in the
hand of your loved one.
when you miss them,
you will open that letter and you read
it over and over again.
And maybe,
maybe you read that love letter again and
again, and when you open it, you find
and you learn something that you didn't know
There was a small message that maybe we
weren't mature enough
to understand.
This month, shaha Ramadan,
is a month, walhamdulillah,
where we will rehearse the Quran
every night.
And, walhamdulillah,
Sheikh Mohammed al Hanuti
Raheem Al Ali, he used to say to
every time I stand in Ramadan,
I learn something new from the Quran that
I didn't know before.
And I spent my whole life
studying the Quran.
And always the Quran is bringing something new.
I know there are some people who say,
brother, we're just standing and reading, and some
of us we don't really understand what what
Allah is saying.
is a book.
Whatever level of understanding
that you have,
you'll benefit.
The Quran is the only book I know
Kitab Allah,
only book I know of.
Even if you recite it or you listen
to it, and you don't know what it's
saying, it is still a valid to love.
Somebody said, imam, how can a person say
something they don't know what they're saying, but
the words still have power.
I said, okay. I can prove it to
I can tell you some words in Spanish,
that if you go to the corner where
the Spanish men are standing in front of
7:11 and you say these words and you
don't know what they mean,
if they're not the right words, you'll
get a reaction.
You said, well, I don't know what I
was saying. That's not gonna stop them from
abusing you
because maybe from your mouth, you said some
words, they had power.
Maybe you don't know what the power is,
but there's power.
Well, hamdulillah,
the Quran is a book. Well, hamdulillah, that
when it's recited, subhanallah, it has power.
So every night, umdulillah,
when we gather and we're reciting the Quran
from the beginning until the end, Subhanallah,
there's a benefit for
you. Maybe some of you, it will inspire
you like it inspires me
to get closer to the Quran.
Anyone who says, imam, I'm already close to
the Quran, you're already lost.
If you say, oh, I don't need that,
you're out of your mind.
This is the month, alhamdulillah.
It is the pinnacle of our learning
as an ummah.
The whole world, subhanAllah, I know we're in
false church,
and we're surrounded by people who are going
about their daily lives as if nothing is
While we know, alhamdulillah,
that around the world,
over a 1000000000 Muslims
are all connected
day and night.
Day by fasting
and night by standing and praying.
Well, alhamdulillah, there's a special
connection that we have, and I know there
are some people they're going to say, yes
imam, but the rest of the year,
many of these people, they are away from
the masjid.
Then I say, thank God we have Ramadan,
that for 1 month we can come and
be connected to the masjid.
Maybe, alhamdulillah,
this will be an opportunity
our transition.
Our transition, alhamdulillah,
to be mindful
of Allah, to have taqwa.
Many people say, well, you know,
Allah is saying that this is a book
that is for
the mutakun.
Somebody said, well, how how how could we
How can we get it?
SubhanAllah, Allah tells us in the same surah
Yeah, are you
Through your fasting,
through your prayers,
through your commitment to Allah, your mindfulness,
In the fasting,
will provide you with a sense
of that taqwa.
So you want to know how do you
get it?
And Allah has prescribed it for us as
Allah has prescribed it for people before.
I want,
I wish, I beg you.
Tell your neighbor.
You know Allah is so wonderful, subhanAllah. Allah
could have said in the Quran.
That's it.
Allah ordered you, you believe,
Allah adds,
the people before you were given fasting.
That should be a message for you.
That should be a message for you
when the companions of the Prophet sallallahu
alaihi wasallam
in the early days
of the message of the Prophet alaihi wasallam
in Makkah.
There were just a few people who were
waiting in anticipation,
to come and give Muhammad
alaihi wasallam
the next installment
of the Quran.
They were waiting.
They wanted the news. What's the news from
Allah? What's Allah gonna tell us about today?
And, alhamdulillah,
Allah didn't bring down the Quran like he
gave the message to Musa
Allah brought the Quran down,
and then dispensed it over 23 years.
And Allah's Messenger sallallahu alaihi wasallam on occasions
would share those parts of the Qur'an that
would resonate with those people.
We know of some of the the asbaab
of of the revelation,
the occasion, what was happening when it was
So that for the companions,
they contextualize
the Quran,
not as history,
but as news.
The news for them, alhamdulillah,
was the latest news
from Allah.
And I think about Surat Al Duha,
the companions have been living and waiting for
the Quran
next edition.
And the Quran stopped coming.
There are many in
Mecca, they would have said,
you see, this was a fluke. Islam is
a fluke.
Islam is a one off.
That whatever this episode
of Mohammed,
Ibn Abdullah
is over.
You know, there are some people who think
like that today, you know, they think Islam
is finished.
And then there was a period, some of
the scholars of the Quran, they say maybe
40 days no Quran,
Which for
them would be like
not having oxygen.
They're concerned.
And then Allah reveals,
Allah informs and then
that I have for you Mohammed,
that's coming is better than whatever you had
behind you.
Well, I know for some of us, we
see we feel so dejected.
If you had that missing feeling of the
Quran, you get back in touch with it.
Allah will remind you what's ahead of you
is better.
In this life, and, alhamdulillah,
for the people of Taqwa
and in the hereafter.
But my reminder to you, alhamdulillah,
that while we are having this feeling,
Allah reminds us at the end of Surat
Al Duha,
that fasting was given to the people before
so you can tell them.
So that you can tell them, alhamdulillah,
in this month.
If you thought you were cut off from
the message of Allah 2000 years ago, we
have news for you.
That, alhamdulillah,
the Quran
of Muhammad
revealed over 23 years in Arabia
is still, alhamdulillah,
guiding and teaching people.
And I'm here to invite you, my friend,
my neighbor. Did you follow Musa alaihis salaam?
He was a Muslim,
and he used to fast.
And you now, you say you're a Jew,
you don't know how to move so fast.
You say, oh,
well, I'm I'm a Christian. I don't need
to fast Ramadan. You say, but
didn't you have something from Isa ibn Maryam?
How to fast?
They say, yes, Jesus, he fasted 40 days,
40 nights. They say, okay, well,
how did Jesus fast?
They say, well, I don't know.
How Musa fast?
Well, I don't know. They say, okay, alhamdulillah.
Says, we, alhamdulillah,
we believe in Hussain, we believe in Islam,
then alhamdulillah,
we know how the prophet, sallallahu
alaihi wasallam,
observed fasting.
So why don't you leave what is doubtful,
and join us in what's sure?
It's a global
to remember Allah.
I'm gonna say to you today, walhamdulillah,
a man came to the prophet sallallahu
alaihi wasallam,
And he said, Yeah, Rasulullah,
is the hour?
When is the hour?
We're in the month of Ramadan, alhamdulillah, we're
fasting. We're trying to prepare ourselves to be
connected with Allah.
There are many people, they wish that they
could have lived into this month. They would
have been sharing, alhamdulillah
their their food and their drink, alhamdulillah, with
the needy people around them. They would have.
This man, he said, you, Rasoolallah, I want
to know when it's down.
The prophet may answer this question different ways
at different times.
Maybe the prophet
he could have narrated
the hadith of Jibreel
that there was a man that he came
from the desert
surrounding Medina,
and his clothes were exceedingly white and his
hair was exceedingly
And there was no sign of travel on
him and none of us knew him.
That man, he asked the prophet
many questions.
But when he asked the prophet sallallahu alaihi
tell me about the hour.
The prophet
said, the one who is asking and the
one who has asked, come forward, brothers.
So they go,
I'm looking at you.
Come forward.
I remember my son, when he was little,
if he wasn't doing what he was supposed
to do,
and you call him, he would cover his
that if he covers his eyes, then you
won't be able to see him.
Wallahi, I see you.
Please, brother on his side, please come forward,
for you, because people, they can enter
the area that the other brothers made available,
Bayat al
The Prophet
said the one who asked and the one
who's asking,
neither one of them have any knowledge of
Brothers and sisters,
the prophet
answered this man
this day
by saying to him,
the question
with a question.
And the question is,
in this month of Ramadan, as we are
planning and hoping and preparing
What have you prepared for him?
It doesn't matter what hamdileh,
how long you live,
how many days you you fast,
How much sadaqa
you gave in the past?
What matters, mukhamdulillah,
is are you preparing
the time when the medical amount will come
to you.
So you say, alhamdulillah,
I'm prepared.
Muhammad al Hanuti, he will remind you if
he were here today.
Prepare yourself with your salah.
Prepare yourself with your salah.
This connection will will
be the best service for you
and Ramadan is a great month
to step up your game.
That Allah might find our deeds acceptable.
Forgive us of our sins
and enter us into his paradise,
For us today, alhamdulillah,
shahr Ramadan.
They have an expression in
latin, carpe diem.
Seize the time.
I I have to
confess that
many of you, I see you now, you
are very happy.
Allah blessed us. We're all here together. We
look so beautiful.
We have bad breath and we'd love to
smell the bad breath of the other person.
It's okay.
We feel tired, a little bit, maybe.
It's okay.
We're enjoying this
but I want to fast forward for you.
Many of us, when we reach the second
of Shawwal,
we will have regret.
Yeah, you have regret.
Day of Eid, alhamdulillah,
you're happy.
The day after Eid,
you start having regret.
And it's not the it's not like the
regret that companions
of Muhammad
They used to spend 6 months before Ramadan
in anticipation,
And they used to spend the next 6
months in reminiscing.
But for many of us,
it is not anticipation or reminiscence.
It's regret.
Oh, Allah.
You gave me this great hidayah,
and I wasted my time.
Oh, Allah.
I should have spent more nights in salaam,
but now Ramadan is over.
Oh Allah, I should've spent in Ramadan, and
I miss my chance.
Allah. Oh Allah. Oh Allah. Yeah.
The prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, he said,
live in this life as if you are
a traveler.
His companion Ali radhiallahu, and he said, therefore,
you should plan
as if you're going to live forever
and pray as if you're going to die
I would invite you, alhamdulillah,
to leverage the month of Ramadan
for your own personal growth.
Those of us who
We have things about us
that we need to change.
By the way, you start talking about telling
people they need to change, if people start
coughing, scratching,
Not talking about you in particular, just in
general, as a sense of anxiety.
This is the month, walhamdulillah,
for your transformation.
If you are off track, the Quran is
guiding you. In the month of Ramadan, every
night you're gonna hear a a a durooz
every night. Let's say every night. Quran every
night. Tasir every night.
Just come to the masjid.
But then you need to be strategic.
Take a look at yourself.
I believe this is a
if Hanuti was here, he would tell me
this hadith is week.
Shaitan has chained up in the month of
But I'm saying to you, this is a
month where you can start working on yourself.
I can work on myself.
I know I have issues, you have issues.
If you don't have any issues, ask your
If you don't think there's anything wrong with
you, sister, ask your husband.
If parents, if you think you have everything
going right, ask your children.
And if you want to get a sincere
answer from them,
ask them,
do I have areas where I could
benefit from growth?
Don't tell them, don't tell me what's wrong
with me. You might
get your feelings hurt.
Other areas that we have for growth.
There are people who have addictions, smoking.
Some people have addictions, lying.
Other people are addicted to other types of
of behaviors.
Many people I know, alhamdulillah,
they pray in the morning. They go to
work, and they work all day, and then
they come home at night, and they make
It looks like this.
1 and 4.
Like I said,
Allah, through the example of prophet
he made salah like this, let me make
some improvement.
I have a tendency, maybe
I pray Duhur just before Asar.
And then I think I'm gonna pray Asar,
and then why is it being just before
And I'm always chasing my tail. Binhulah,
the month of Ramadan, this is an opportunity
for you and I
to make change.
Psychologists say it takes 23 days to create
a habit.
Make a list
of your objectives in Ramadan.
How you could get the most benefit from
Make a list.
Plan is if you're going to live
Say, SubhanAllah.
It's Ramadan.
I want to get the best out of
I'm going to commit myself. A, I'm going
to make salaam on time. B, I'm going
to pray in the Masjid more. C, I'm
going to study the tafsir
of the Quran, Quran, which we will read
E, I'm going
to visit the cemetery.
I'm going to go visit the sick. I'm
going to visit my relative. I'm going to
correct bad relationships with my brother. I'm going
to apologize.
I owe money and I never paid him.
I'm going to, make restitution.
I'm going to I'm going to I'm going
to and make a list.
So that as the days of Ramadan close,
You don't leave the month of Ramadan with
but you leave it with reward.
know that for many of us, planning is
not our strong suit.
I invite you to write it down,
and I'll tell you something
about Ramadan I find amazing.
There are many people, they try to benefit
from the financials.
So whenever there's a special in the supermarket,
they get the coupon.
And they know the coupon is only good
from this day to that day.
And they cut the coupon because they want
the the risk
from the coupon.
And then on Hamdi Lila, they plan what
they're going to eat
based on what they have from the coupon.
And then when the day comes for the
coupon, they only go to the store which
they get
the double coupon.
Well, I didn't I know.
Allah has given us the gift of Ramadan.
There's a special.
is worth a farft.
Every sunnah worth farft.
So maybe in our life, maybe we missed
some some farb, or maybe we were making
salah. Our mind was way away, alhamdulillah, in
the month of Ramadan.
your sunnah.
You know that salah and jamaat is 25
or 27 times the reward? Then come, and
increase your prayer in jama'at.
And if you do it, in the messjeans,
you ask Allah
to multiply it 70 times or 700 times
or 7000 times or 7,000,000 times.
This is the month, alhamdulillah,
where Allah is offering special.
Now somebody told me whenever they see Imam
their their wallet starts to talk
to them. You know, like, you you know
that all of the creation testifies
to the
existence of Allah,
and people say, I don't believe there's so
But your wallet talk to you when you
see Johari.
The wallet says, Awudullah billah is going to
ask for money.
Talking wallet.
Today I'm not going to ask
for money.
I'm going to ask you to share
The relief that you feel at the time
of iftar,
to share that
with someone
who doesn't have that belief. Just
share it.
In Darajjara, we have iftar
every night.
Every night in Ramadan until
the last few days,
to feed 1 person
every night in Ramadan.
don't have regret.
You Allah, I wished
I had.
I read one narration. They said, this is
the most common cry
of the people of the hellfire.
Oh, I wish, I wish, I wish. Make
a list
of what it is that you would like
to save for yourself
from this month, alhamdulillah,
and then execute it, alhamdulillah,
that Allah might reward you with the best
in this life and the best in the
You Allah, we ask, Alhamdulillah,
that you might help us, that we might
spread the message of La ilaha illallah Muhammad
Rasulullah in this month.
O Allah, we know that you are peace,
You Allah, as we know yesterday, 1st day
of Ramadan, You Allah,
9 people were killed, murdered in a church,
You Allah.
O Allah, we ask, alhamdulillah,
that you cause us to be agents of
your peace, You Allah. Oh, Allah, that we
would help to usher in an environment that
is free of racism, you Allah, and hate.
Oh, Allah, that we would spread the rahma
and the mawadah of Allah
to our society.
O Allah, cause us to be agents of
change, Alhamdulillah.
O Allah, let us not, Alhamdulillah,
be caught only in the concern about lafsi
You Allah, help us while we are in
this life, alhamdulillah,
that we will spread, alhamdulillah,
your message and your love.
O Allah, we ask, alhamdulillah,
for your mercy and your peace on our
young sister. She is a baby in the
hospital, you Allah. O Allah, have mercy on
her. Her parents have asked. We make dua
for her. Oh, Allah, have mercy on her
and cure her, walhamdulillah.
Oh, Allah, we ask for your shifa'a, walhamdulillah,
on all of the members of our community,
You Allah, who are suffering with difficulties.
O Allah, we ask you to increase them
in their risk their risk will pay you,
you Allah. O Allah, for people who are
struggling with financial difficulty, you Allah. O Allah,
for those of us alhamdulillah, difficulties
in our families, you Allah, join our hearts
together and love for you and love for
and his Rasool, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. O
Allah, we ask alhamdulillah for your mercy and
your peace on those who are suffering, you
Allah, around the world, oh Allah, and those
who are suffering, you Allah, around the corner,
you Allah.
Oh Allah, help them, alhamdulillah,
to be steadfast, alhamdulillah,
through the masiva, you Allah, through the trial
and tribulation, you Allah, that they may be
drawn closer to you, you Allah, and that
you might shower upon them, alhamdulillah,
your tuskunu, your sakinah, your your tranquillity, You
Allah, oh, Allah, because of their faith in
You. Oh, Allah, we ask for your mercy
and your peace on the prophet
and on his family and on his companions,
and all of the MBI, you Allah, and
those who follow the way of your haqq,
you Allah, until the day of judgment.