Johari Abdul-Malik – Its About Faith Its About Trust
![Johari Abdul-Malik](
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The speaker discusses the realities of Islam, including thanking family members for their beautiful smile, trusting Allah, and speaking about the importance of having a relationship with him. They also talk about the realities of Islam, including the realities of having a relationship with Allah and the impact on people's lives. The upcoming holiday in China is also discussed, along with the importance of Islam in bringing people back to their regularly-occurring locations and reciting the talbiya. The speaker encourages support for the product and a speech, while also reminding people to be mindful of global thanksgiving.
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praising Allah thanking Allah for
the blessing,
of this day.
I have three things for you, I won't
even look at my notes. I just look
at the
clock. Three things, alhamdulillah.
I want you to think about first
what the significance
the life of Ibrahim alaihis salatu wasalam
and his family.
The second,
to talk about the phenomenon of Hajj al
the 5th pillar of Islam.
The third,
to talk about
as we experience it here and around the
The subhanAllah,
we as an ummah, we should be so
excited and happy today, even though to the
average person it's just Thursday.
It's just another day for them.
But for us, we
have the benefit
of the family of Ibrahim.
Three things from the family of Ibrahim I
want you to think about.
The first,
is a man of Allah.
The second
love for Allah.
The third is trust in Allah.
The first, walhamdulillah,
is to have iman, to have a connection
with Allah.
To the degree that Ibrahim khanifa alaihis salam,
he was
He was the friend of Allah.
You like to have a relationship of iman
is calls you his friend,
When you have a friendship like that,
then you have a love for your friend
you rely on them,
that they'll come through for you
in every situation. That's what friends are for.
Am I right?
Not the Facebook friend, Nakhi. The real friend.
Look at the life of Ibrahim alaihi salatu
wa salam.
As a youth,
he was thrown in the fire.
Now maybe,
if he didn't have a relationship with Allah,
And he didn't have a relationship when you
know Allah loves him, and he loves Allah.
This is the real reality.
So he knows
when they put him in the fire, Allah
has something for him.
He's not worried.
A lot of us, I'm telling you, your
friend, they invite you like they invited Ibrahim.
Come to our hangout.
You know the the what I'm talking about?
Right? They invited Ibrahim
to come to the idol fest.
Ibrahim said, no,
I'm not going
I'm sick.
When your friend call you and let we're
having to going, just hang out to the
poker bar or wherever we're going,
say, man, I'm I'm like Ibrahim, man. I'm
You're not physically sick. I'm sick of you
I'm sick of all the stupidness that you're
doing. I'm sick.
They say, oh, you sick of us?
We're gonna throw you in the fire.
There are many of us, we're afraid of
the fire.
We're afraid of the fire that they have
for us. Maybe you want to get a
job, but because you say I want to
be I need to be off on the
day of Eid, I don't want to say
anything because I might not get the job.
Oh, so now
when they find out, oh, so and so
they're Muslim, don't give them the job.
Oh, that guy, he won't hang out at
the club with us. That girl is not
gonna give me no plan. No. I'm she's
not gonna take that hijab off.
I don't wanna be her friend.
We're gonna talk about her on on Instagram.
That's what they do.
They try to throw you in the fire.
I got news for you.
If you
a relationship with Allah
and you have to seek it,
you gotta want it.
And if you get it, will hamdulillah, you
start loving Allah. Allah will make the fire
cool for you.
30 years ago,
Allah made Islam
cool in America.
Well, I was on the college campus. The
brother said to me, hey, man. You wanna
come to this party? I said, no, man.
I'm a Muslim.
He said, wow. That's heavy, man. You a
Muslim? You a Muslim? Yeah. I'm a Muslim
I said, that's cool, man.
Where it used to be that you think
people throw you in the fire, I'm telling
You're really practicing Islam, it's gonna be cool
for you. I can prove it to you.
They had this guy running for president of
the United States,
Uncle Ben
I call him uncle because he older than
Uncle Ben
says that a Muslim shouldn't be able to
be president. Right?
That's what he said.
He didn't know that he was saying that
the same week that 6,000,000 people are on
their way to make pilgrimage in Mecca.
Everybody now talking about Mecca.
Everybody's talking about can Muslims be president of
the United States.
They tried to put out the light of
Allah with their mouth.
Allah gonna be preaching like
By the way,
Uncle Bill and Donald Duck, both of them
have made it now cool to be Muslim.
Everybody looking, what is Islam? What is Muslim?
What is steen? You say: Alhamdulillah.
It is to have 1,
to have a relationship with Allah. 2, that
I love Allah. And 3, I put my
reliance, my trust in Allah. It's about faith,
it's about trust.
The Hajjib,
she has a relationship with Allah.
Allah tells Ibrahim, leave your wife and your
baby in the desert.
The wife said, well, subhanallah,
I have a relationship with Allah. If this
is what Allah wants you to do, I
love it,
and Allah will take care of me.
She's not thinking she's gonna die. Ismail,
everybody's talking about on Hajj.
Oh, they're gonna sacrifice,
your son.
He said, well, get it. Guess what?
If I were in the family of Ibrahim,
I would know
When I was young,
Allah made the fire cool for me.
When Ibrahim left me in this desert with
nothing, Allah provided the well of Zamzam for
me. It will flow until the day of
I am not worried if I'm Ishmael.
What's going to happen to me?
I know without a doubt
Allah is going to do something
amazing for me and my family.
And so I'm saying to you as we
look at the family of Ibrahim,
may Allah bless Muhammad
and the followers of Muhammad
as he bless Ibrahim
and the family of Ibrahim.
Allahum Asambi Allah Sayyidina Muhammad.
According to my clock, I have 4 more
But I'm gonna keep to my time, wullay.
The three things, hajj
is left, and
the day of Eid will sacrifice.
If you think about this,
I want all of our young people
to hear me well.
the day of
It is following
the largest
of human beings
every year
to worship
The only other migration that is as large
as Hajj
in China, they have a national holiday and
people travel
go to go back to their countryside.
Or inside India. They have a millions of
people. They go inside India. But this is
the largest international
movement of human beings
in human history.
It's going on right now,
and you are a part of
it. Every year,
we ask Allah's mercy on those who risk
their lives
to make this journey. May Allah grant them
the reward of
the best in this life and the best
in the hereafter.
Now, I I did an interview while I
was late this morning, I did an interview
with NPR. They were asking about Hajj, National
Public Radio.
They said, well, imam, if people risk their
lives to go for Hajj,
Why do they go?
I said, well, you know, maybe there are
a lot of Christians listening, maybe they understand
because I grew up a Christian.
In Matthew, it says
in order for you
to enter
into paradise, you must be born again.
I said, yeah, that's so that's why we
go for Hajj.
Right? Because
Hajj is an opportunity to be born again.
They said
in this old in the new testament,
these old words,
they have been making Hajj forever.
Even before the time of Rasulullah
It said, if you perform Hajj,
Hajj Magruur is acceptable Hajj.
You live like you were from your mother's
And Matthew, they said, can I enter to
my mother's womb and be born again?
Said no, you have to be born again
by making Hajj
to Makkal.
Alhamdulillah, that Allah will wipe away your sins.
There are people on hajj now, they are
making dua not for themselves only,
but making dua for us and this ummah.
We ask Allah to accept
their dua
and their Hajj
The last part
is us here.
I want you to know
We are now celebrating
and I want you to tell your neighbor,
global thanksgiving.
They said, what do you mean global thanksgiving?
Said, yes. Our people who are on Hajj,
each one of them they have to sacrifice
and give to the poor.
So every family, walhamdulillah,
they will have something on the day of
Eid from our sacrifice.
you are in Makkah, there's 6,000,000
people, each one of them sacrifice.
They cannot eat it.
All of it goes to the needy and
the poor.
The airplane is leaving, going to Malaysia, going
to Indonesia, going to Mali, going to Senegal,
going to everywhere
to feed the hungry of our planet.
Today, tell them
today is global thanksgiving.
The pilgrims that you're thinking about in November,
they're eating the turkey.
Our pilgrims are sending the land,
the sheep,
the cow, and the camel
to feed the multitude
around the world. Those of you who participated
in our Uhiyyah program,
tell your children
I paid for this and
1 third we will keep it and the
rest is going to the poor and the
needy in our community.
1 out of 5 children
in this county goes to bed hungry.
But today, walhamdulillah,
from our adhiyyah,
many of them will be fed. Today,
I want to tell you, if you want
to have power
like Ibrahim Haniva,
take those three things
Build your relationship with Allah.
It will make you fearless.
Increase your love for Allah.
And we will be reciting the talbiya after
this adkar for the next few days. Increase
your love for Allah. And 3rd,
put your trust and reliance in Allah
that Allah will turn your catastrophe
into success, your tragedies into triumphs,
your obstacles into opportunities
you put your full reliance and trust on
Allah as Allah's messenger sallallahu alaihi wasallam
put his trust in Allah
and Muhammad
put his trust in Allah.
If we put our trust in Allah,
Allah will correct our affairs,
set them aright
and give us power
that we might spread the love of Allah
throughout our communities, our nation and our world.
May Allah
bless you and congratulate you all
as part of the Ummah of Rasulullah Salaam.
E Mubarak?
E Mubarak.
E Mubarak.
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi.
Don't forget this Saturday, we have
fun day in the Masjid.
Saturday. Right? Saturday,
12 o'clock.
Nice speech. Have fun.
Don't go to work.
Oh, so support the Masjid. Don't go to
Donate generously to support your Masjid so we
can have a good fun day
on Saturday.
You're gonna give me the email.
My email? Yes. Because I want somebody.
From the
the way, I have a microphone on. Don't
say anything like Jesse Jackson.
Oh, look at that wonderful.