Johari Abdul-Malik – DAH & MASCC Eid Al Adha Imam Johari Abdul Malik

Johari Abdul-Malik
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AI: Summary ©

The speaker discusses the importance of showing love for Allah and devotion to change the world. They encourage people to share their experiences and experiences with their neighbors to learn from their actions. The speaker also mentions the possibility of helping people in need through donations.

AI: Summary ©

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			Is witnessing
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			people of every color, of every race, of
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			every language coming together saying,
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			It is our father Ibrahim
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			who was given the challenge
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			to call
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			all of humanity.
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			made that call,
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			but he didn't make it by himself.
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			Ibrahim alaihis salam
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			had his wife, Hajar,
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			who said that whatever it is that Allah
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			is pleased with, then Allah will take care
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			of me.
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			That Abu Hamdulillah,
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			a son Ishmael,
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			who said, father, whatever Allah asks you to
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			do, I know that Allah knows what he's
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			doing. And, alhamdulillah,
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			you will find me obedient.
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			So you have in that family
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			a righteous husband,
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			a righteous wife,
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			and a righteous child.
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			That, walhamdulillah,
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			they will establish
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			the place that we turn to
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			every day,
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			5 times a day to worship Allah.
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			You will find in this time,
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			every village
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			will have some people
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			who are leaving their homes
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			and going to worship Allah answering that call.
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			Well, hamdulillah,
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			you will find
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			in that union
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			people who,
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			for the period of those
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			10 blessed days
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			that Allah mentions in the Quran,
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			followed by these days of Eid,
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			and Monday,
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			you will find
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			human beings
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			as any
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			top wings.
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			Acting as if they are made in the
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			best mode.
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			Made by Allah to be brothers and sisters.
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			To be friends to a stranger.
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			To provide safety and security
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			for their neighbor.
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			To provide food for those who are hungry.
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			You will find in this example,
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			for those who are on Hajj,
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			maybe 4,000,000,000,
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			maybe 6,000,000,000
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			who will say in those days, walhamdulillah,
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			I didn't see any racism.
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			I didn't see what they have in Ferguson,
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			where there's police brutality
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			and they're killing one group and not another.
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			You will find people protecting one another on
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			If you are
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			lost on the hand,
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			the people will take you in. SubhanAllah.
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			You will never have to worry once you
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			get on the journey for Allah.
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			My challenge for you today, Birmidillah,
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			those of us who are here,
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			let us live
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			like we are living in the days of
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			Let us, walhamdillah,
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			love each other the way the Hijayeds love
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			each other.
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			Let us take time to worship Allah
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			the way we take time to worship Allah
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			when we are on high.
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			It is for us a simple,
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			that will make
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			the earth that we live on better.
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			I ask Allah
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			to accept our prayer
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			that Allah will make us better,
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			to forgive us of our sins,
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			I want to remind you,
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			brothers and sisters, that Allah is great.
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			That Allah is great.
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			That no matter how many trials we see
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			around the world
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			that what? By the way, sisters,
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			sisters, we gather in * of a world.
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			The brothers can't see you, but I can
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			you. And I can hear you and they
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			can hear you. With that, give us just
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			a few minutes.
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			Then it's all right. They can concentrate.
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			If you can imagine, Wilhamdulillah,
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			in the turmoil that the world is in
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			today, in every part of the world, you
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			see violence.
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			You see disease.
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			Right now in West Africa, Ebola.
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			And I know
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			that the world is a global village. So
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			if something happens in a village in Africa,
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			if we don't attend to it, it may
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			affect the villages we live in.
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			And so was Ahmed Alai. We are all
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			joined together,
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			not just in the visceral of heights,
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			but in our environment, our mutuality
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			in this global village.
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			I want to remind you today,
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			in your own here,
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			share some of what you have
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			with your neighbor.
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			Take go and knock on the door of
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			your neighbor and say, I don't know if
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			you know what today is. Today,
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			we're celebrating the longest migration
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			internationally of any religion on earth,
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			And I wanted to share some of the
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			joy with us.
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			They will happily learn that they can see
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			a different face of Islam.
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			They will happily learn
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			right now
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			that people
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			behave as they do on high.
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			If we could
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			share that method
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			of love for Allah and devotion,
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			could change the world.
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			There are people who say
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			that there is no hope for our planet.
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			When you see the example of what we
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			did today,
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			I know that Allah has given us this
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			that we might have hope in Allah
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			for the best in this life
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			and the best in the hereafter.
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			May Allah reward you in this day. Enjoy
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			your family.
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			Spend time, alhamdulillah,
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			praising Allah in your
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			I never known Samir Abuisa to invite me
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			to a party before.
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			They'll eat if that is free
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			by your donations.
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			There will be a cost for the food.
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			and Allah might reward you.
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			Allahu Akbar Allah.