Jamal Zarabozo – Principles Of Hadeeth Part 1

Jamal Zarabozo
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The speakers discuss the history and meaning behind the internet's use, including the use of subhana wa to protect the public, recording and editing for YouTube videos, and the importance of learning and taking turns to avoid getting angry. They also discuss the history and importance of The Greatest Showman by the Sahaba, emphasizing the importance of finding a proper narrator in a given group and identifying the top performers in a group's performance. They stress the need to memorize headaches in relation to the theory of science and the importance of knowing the history of the headache in relation to the theory of science. They also emphasize the importance of finding a proper narrator in a given group and identifying the top performers in a group's performance.

AI: Summary ©

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			Zhang Rahim in Alhamdulillah
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			when I was learning missionary and kusina Molina manga De La Paloma when Allah.
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			Allah, Allah.
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			Allah Allah, Allahu Allah Sharif luxury color, when a shadow Mohammedan or a pseudo
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			never caught the most painting was gracious. I think there is no God but Allah and the Prophet
Muhammad peace upon him is his final messenger.
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			Welcome back to the second workshop.
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			Again, you have our business course on marriage You must or bozo who will shall continue with his
workshop. Today's subject, as we all know,
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			is the principles of hobbies and shall not be as usual for whatever then stay on after again, you
have the bookshelf, upstairs, and plus refreshments, sisters and brothers for a half an arrest. Then
after that session to shadow will be the rules of
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			rules of recess.
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			And that again is for whatever else you are NASA will have question as to session again. Again,
doors open for any questions written or from
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			the northwest who have a good feel for the brothers again upstairs and change the status quo
substitute. That's the low salary for a first session with a precipice of heartbeats and Shall we
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			him the delay
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			signal Sayyidina Muhammad
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			wa, ala washerwomen hominin Abu Hooray.
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			I've been given about one hours time to give you all of the principles of Hadith.
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			Obviously, that's not very feasible. So once again shala we just have to pick some topics of
importance and try to understand these concepts inshallah, given the time that we have.
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			Allah subhana wa Taala has told us in the Quran
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			after mentioning that Allah subhanaw taala has revealed that Allah subhanho wa Taala says waiting
Allahu Allah how to do that Allah subhanho wa Taala has revealed the vicar and Allah subhanho wa
Taala shall preserve the
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			there's some difference of opinion about what is meant by the word Vicar in this in this verse of
the Quran.
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			one conclusion or conclusion that one gets from the different interpretations of this verse is that
this word is inclusive of all of the revelation that Allah subhanho wa Taala gave to the problem.
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			It is inclusive of the Quran, and it is also inclusive of the Sunnah of the Prophet.
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			And the prophet SAW Selim and so stated that he was given the Koran in something similar to it. And
he was given the Koran as a corner of Revelation. And also the sooner as a whole was revealed to the
promiseland and forms part of that revelation, which Allah subhana wa tada has also preserved.
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			Now Allah subhana wa tada
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			preserved and preserved the sooner the problem
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			and most people are you hear this quite often that people say that Allah subhana wa tada preserved
the Quran but Allah subhanaw taala did not preserve the Sunnah. Or the look at how Allah subhanaw
taala preserves the Quran. And they almost say and I've actually heard people say this that Allah
preserved the Quran, the men preserved the Hadith. And so therefore some Hadith are not authentic
and so forth.
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			The fact of the matter, as I said, Allah subhana wa tada preserved both the Quran and the Sunnah.
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			And as we move on, and the sooner the farmhouse assylum were preserved by Allah subhana wa tada
through the medium of mankind. In other words,
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			in other words, if you look at the Quran and how the Quran was preserved, it was by the actions of
the Sahaba that it was preserved and listened to without a guided into those deeds and they
preserved the port on the revelation from Allah subhanho wa Taala.
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			They gathered together and so forth, we all know the history of the Quran. In the same way, or I
should say similarly, the Sahaba preserved the Hadith of the Prophet SAW Selim
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			Pradhan mantri
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			as it were different from the way the Quran was preserved, but obviously the nature of the pseudonym
or the Hadith is different from the nature of the Quran. The Quran is one concise book, exact
wording from the beginning to the end is no. So therefore the process was different. The both the
Quran and the Sunnah of the prophet SAW Selim were preserved by Allah subhanaw taala. For this oma,
they both form the teachings of the last prophet, the last messenger that Allah subhanho wa Taala
sent to mankind, and they will be preserved, they will both the sooner and the Quran will be
preserved until the day of judgment.
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			Now, the means, as we said, the means by which the sooner the prognosis was preserved,
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			is somewhat different from the the means by which the Quran was preserved, again, due to its
different nature. But we find, for example, the recording of heavy metal processing
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			and writing down the editing process,
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			this action of recording and writing down How do you process them, this actually began during the
time of the problem how Saddam Hussein
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			and I've been living in the US, for example, one of the companions of the process, I'm used to
record everything that the prophet SAW, Selim said,
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			and some of his
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			brother and some of his brothers said to him, and he did, he should not should not do that, because
the problem is still a human being. And sometimes he might get upset or be angered by someone. And
maybe he doesn't want what he's saying to be recorded.
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			So I've
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			went through the process.
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			And he could process it and what he's doing and
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			through the process, and and what was the comments that they talked to him, and the process Selim
told him to record for nothing leaves his mouth except the truth. And even if he's angered, even if
he's angered by the people, he does not say anything that goes beyond the truth. So therefore,
everything that he says is true, and everything can be recorded. So he gave up the limit, and allows
to record the permission to record whatever you wish of the promises.
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			The rule, the hurry to move sooner was understood from the time
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			of the promises. And the time the Sahaba, they used to study Harry learn how to use
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			these to take time to take turns being lifted from a hammer salon, and nod his head he of course,
obviously, many of them had their own businesses or their own life to take care of so they could not
spend all the time with the promises.
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			But even then, and it would make the efforts to learn what the Profit System has said and done on
the The classic example that many people are familiar with is the case of hotdogs. But one day he
would go to pasta, salad and soup with the province of Salem, and his neighbor would take care of
his personal name would take care of his own personal affairs.
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			And then in the evening, they would meet together and normal photographer, tell his neighbor what to
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			And then the next day, his neighbor would go through process 11 sit with the process in a way to
clear his personal affairs. And then in the evening, they would sit together and he would tell him
what the process and him said and did on the day. And this
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			adherence to the sun and this learning of the editing process and as I said discontinued,
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			and it started from the title of paramahansa salaam and continued after the time, they realize the
Sahaba realized the importance of the sooner and they realize the importance of the head ecosystem
and passing on that ID and passing on the return prop profession to the later generations.
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			We find for example, the case of burera
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			100. As we know,
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			he is
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			the narrator of the Sahaba who passed on more than any other of the Sahaba the promises
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			and in fact, the promises are made for him and he said that if anyone Falls is crooked you will not
forget any hurry to his after the day and worry to fulfill was the process cinnamon asked for him to
fulfill to make the job happen for him. But even him he takes the steps to memorize Hades instead,
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			used to divide his night into three portions.
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			One third was for sleep.
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			One third was for prayer. And one third was for memorizing and going over headings and problems.
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			And as we said to use to pass on to the prophets, I send them and they're ready for both so the more
than the other Sahaba. And even the spec was known to the Sahaba.
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			brought in and as you want it to us to make sure that when he's narrating it supposed to sell him
his narrative.
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			In the proper fashion,
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			and he's not making mistakes or adding anything to the format.
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			So he calls in and he asked him, do you remember such and such night? And you remember what the
policy Selim told us on that night?
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			And upgrader said, Yes, I remember what the boss has told us on
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			the policy send him to this
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			woman enough that whoever intentionally falsely triggered something committee shall take his seats
in the hellfire.
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			So then
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			you may go
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			and continue narrating this, I just wanted to make sure that you remember this aspect when it comes
to the narration of the heading? Well,
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			from the earliest times, they were concerned with making sure that people were never really
addressed in the proper fashion. And we're not making any mistakes in the narration of it. In fact,
many of the Sahaba when they used to narrate it used to perspire out of fear that they would be
saying something wrong on the authority of the front House or Senate.
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			In fact, many of them used to do their best to avoid narrating so that they would avoid the
possibility of making mistakes and narrating something to somebody from the promises. And in fact,
there's some narrations of that, that I mentioned, when kids evaluate
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			that you not mentioned the person that says there's also authentic nourish is the headache This is
when cavalleria palatable, aka dominant not because the word killer and it just means to say
anything which goes against the truth whether you state it intentionally or unintentionally. And if
the state anything, which is incorrect,
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			whether that is done intentionally or unintentionally in the language
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			and in the usage of the hijab, and if you say anything incorrect falls under the word color. So they
were very careful about making any mistake in the narration of the problem.
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			And as I said, even the government's are the rules that attaches on and off, man. They're also very
careful about this man.
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			In fact, one time,
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			Sahaba the companion the promises,
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			he came to this house to see
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			and he asked for permission three times to enter and he did not receive any response from
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			so then we turned and started to go away. So then our hotel came out and he saw him leaving. So I
asked him, you know, why are you leaving?
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			And I will also tell him that the process element is that if you ask for permission to enter three
times and it is not granted to you, then you should turn back you should return.
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			So, this was known
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			as we said, not none of the Sahaba were able to spend all the time with the promises.
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			So he is not familiar with this headed Lupo system.
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			So, he thought
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			that if you do not
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			bring a witness for what you have said, I will have you punished
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			You know, when
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			you punish someone is
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			inferior and he went to a group of unsolved who were sitting someplace close by and they told him
what happened. He told them what happened.
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			And from the narration has given us like the you know, they kind of chuckled about the matter and
they sent the youngest one among them to go with him to on top because it was it was well known to
the other people. So they sent someone with a mimosa to go to
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			and say,
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			yes, the province of cinnamon sits. So then on top of masa.
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			He said I had no doubt about you. And he did not doubt that what he's saying is incorrect or
anything of that nature.
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			He said I did not have any doubt or suspicion about you, but I wanted to make sure that the people
are careful and narrating a decent person.
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			So, this idea, this concept of being very careful in the narration of the Harry Potter cinema as we
said, it started we can even take examples from the time of Walker and Oman and so forth and the
Sahaba himself knew the importance of being careful in narrating Hadees and checking each other's
heads and making sure that people never had it properly. And all of this develops into are known as
the sciences of heady and the different branches of this field. It is a kind of a wide field, a wide
field. It encompasses many different aspects. And as I
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			if this short of a time, there's not many of the aspects that we can get into. So, after that kind
of introductory discussion, I want to discuss basically just one aspect related to the principles of
the sciences.
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			And this is what we mean when we say that, to say that a hadith is authentic.
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			In other words,
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			the scholars to conclude that this hadith is authentic, and we must accept it, and we must act on
it. And we must live by
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			basically the story that drove both conditions, that if it meets these five conditions, it will be
considered an authentic heady
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			and these conditions
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			and it did I mean, they developed over time where they were formulated in a scientific way over
time, like any other science, and the science exists before the classification and the formalization
or the discussion of the science. But these principles are based on evidences from the Quran,
evidences from the headache, the process element and the practices of the Sahaba.
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			And also,
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			which you could call I guess, established logic.
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			So, if you have a headache, the province says, Helen, suppose you're living, for example, in the
second or third century of Islam,
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			like most of the major scholars have had
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			to study this hadith and to say whether or not this hadith is authentic, as I said, you must study
it and see if it meets five basic conditions.
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			The first condition is that you must be able to trace that headed all the way back from you all the
way from your back to the problem system.
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			And the chain of mirrors which is known as the it's not the chain of authorities
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			must be unbroken.
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			And it is not must be
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			meaning there is no one missing.
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			This is long before Darwin ever came along there can be no missing link in the team.
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			And everyone, you must be able to identify everyone who has narrowed this headed back to the time
from offseason.
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			And when we see the other conditions, we will understand why this is an essential condition.
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			If you study for example, the books of the Christians and the Jews, you will see that they cannot
narrate what they have all the way back to for example, Jesus. Even the four gospels, the what are
known as the four gospels, the well known four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and john. None of those
authors Matthew, Mark, Luke and john were companions of the Prophet Isa, they said them, none of
them. None of them were eyewitnesses to what is alleged to them.
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			And so therefore, we have no idea, no way of knowing how they got the information about the life of
Jesus. Who did they get it from? How can they trace it from themselves back to Jesus. But in the
case of Harry's will process alone, as I said, Every narration we have to be able to know who
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			gave it to us and how do we give it how do we get it all the way back to the farmhouse lesson.
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			And with respect to all those narratives in the chain,
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			the second condition is that every one of those narrators must be what is known as either or they
must be people of righteousness and integrity.
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			They must be people who, from Alice work we can see about them, you know, they perform their
obligatory prayers, they stay away. I mean, they perform the obligatory acts, they stay away from
the forbidden acts. They don't have anything in their character, which would make us believe that
perhaps they might lie. Perhaps they are not careful and unoriginal and if they have Taqwa, they
help you Allah subhanho wa Taala. They will prevent them from being careless in the narration of
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			and always need every narrator every Narrator In the chain must be of this quality
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			must be added.
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			And in 90% of the narrator is not sufficient at present 75% every Narrator In the chain must be
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			And the third condition for an authentic hadith
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			is that every Narrator In the chain also must be volatile. He must be proficient.
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			Any For example, when he narrates from his memory, he is known to have a good memory. When he never
reads from his books. He is known to have good writing and he writes down to it properly
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			because it is not sufficient.
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			for someone to be pious
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			and II This is not sufficient to just implies that we will accept this heady
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			because he could be very pious, but he's just not a person
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			of knowledge or is not the person in that field that when he hears something, he can transmit it in
the same way that
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			someone could be verified,
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			but did not live on his narration.
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			In fact, he once said that he plans more lies.
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			Or as as we talked about, Danny from the language of hedges anymore, those things coming from both
people for the most pious
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			because many people that tend to dedicate themselves to worship and concentrate on worship, and they
will not dedicate himself to study
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			and the proper study of Hadith and preserving Hadith and so they are very religious and pious
people, but they had economic substance.
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			And the sun and the scrolls, they used to test each other they used to as in the case of on the hot
tub that we mentioned earlier. It is to study further make sure that people are nearly headed in the
proper fashion, that they were proficient, that they were not making mistakes in their narrations of
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			We can even find an example in the case of Ayesha, the wife of the problem.
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			She wants to she wants to her nephew
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			that Abdullah was coming to make Hajj that used to go to him and ask him some of the Hadees that he
heard from the promises.
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			So Allah went to the lead during the Hajj and asked them for Hadith that he heard from the process
alum. And one of the Hadith that he narrated to Allah
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			was the Hadith. The prophet SAW, Selim stated that Allah subhanaw taala does not take from the
people by snatching it from the heart. But instead he allows the allama to die and they are not
replaced with any New Orleans.
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			So this heavy
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			that Ottawa narrated from under Lebanon Ross. Again, this was something that I was not familiar
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			So two years ago, Lebanon, Ross was coming to make hugs again. And that was a common practice. One
year they would make the glove for Jihad the next year that will make hedge.
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			So he's coming for hedge again. So I suppose all of us to go to a beloved Amara house and to ask him
about the proposed settlement to ask him about those heady days former homeless, awesome.
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			So we work together, and came back to Isaiah, and he narrated the Hadith and exactly the same way
that he narrated the person. So I said, No, I'm certain that you've memorized it exactly. And he's
narrating exactly as he heard it from the from home system. So this was a heading that you will not
know. And you want to make sure that he's narrating it in the same way, every time that this is
really something that he heard directly and memorize directly from the system.
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			And affect the students have had it used to test each other.
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			One of the ways of
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			those two basic ways of studying, one of the ways was for the chef to have either his book in front
of him or from his memory, he will be narrating to the people.
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			And they would be they would have one person who will be in charge of recording the Harris and the
others would listen
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			closely. Because if you record,
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			sometimes you do not grasp everything when you record. So they have one person in charge of
recording, and the others listen
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			intently to what the shift is seen. And then later, they will take that copy that the person
recorded. And they will make their own personal copies from that copy.
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			And even had a system where they would like take roll, they would mark down everyone who was present
at that occasion. And they would mark down the date and so forth and the edits that the chef read on
that day.
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			And in fact, sometimes you will find in some of the early manuscripts after Hadith, you'll find a
circle after the big circle, and then you'll see lines drawn through that. So
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			this represents what they would do is at the end of the Hadees, they would put their circle, and
then every time they will they're headed back to the ship to confirm it's worrying. They will put
another line through the through the heading through the circle. I mean, so sometimes you'll find
that they read the same heavy back to the ship on many occasions to confirm its wording.
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			And a second way of
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			passing our second common way of passing on headache was for the ship to give his book to the
students over
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			The students will bring his own book of the ship. And and the students would read the heading back
to the ship.
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			And the ship would approve of the Harry says as he read it.
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			So sometimes what they would do in order to test the proficiency and to test really whether or not
the person recognizes own is when they're reading headed back to the chef, sometimes they would
include hobbies, or they will include portions of the body that were not for his narration.
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			So the chef just sat there quietly and just said, Yes, that's my head eaters, that sounds good,
that's fine.
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			They will know that he is not
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			a proficient or is not a precise narrator.
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			And if he's not noticing the differences that the student is putting into this headache, then he is
not a proficient or sound narrator
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			sometimes, you need to, to great detail, to try to spot and detect any of the mistakes that might
occur in the idea, for example, sharp
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			one time went
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			to one of the students students have hammered.
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			And he said, I have this the the headache of hammer, I would like to read this to you.
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			So that students, he said, and I have no problem. But yeah, so have you read these headings, to any
other students?
00:26:30 --> 00:26:33
			and show that to them? Yes, I have I read it to 17 of his students.
00:26:36 --> 00:26:39
			So he asked him, you know, you read it to 17 of his students, why
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			are you want to read a note to an 18? students?
00:26:45 --> 00:26:57
			And his answer was, and hammered was known to make some mistakes and have some space in his
narration. So he said, I want to be able to distinguish between the mistakes of a man and the
mistakes of his students.
00:26:59 --> 00:26:59
00:27:00 --> 00:27:14
			this is narrated by Ahmed and he knows from the other scores, that there's a mistake in that
narration from commanded if all of the students of all of these 18 students narrated in the same way
from commanded he knows that that mistake is from him.
00:27:15 --> 00:27:59
			But it is a mistake from the students have hammered 16 of them all, in the same way, the correct way
from commanded but to them narrated incorrectly from Ahmed, he knows that that mistake comes from
those two students and not from him. So he's judging me the AMA is trying to spot the mistakes that
he made. At the same time also is spotting who among students are the best, who among them are
making mistakes in their narration? And who's not? And this kind of process, as I said, and it
continued, or it was on a massive scale. And the purpose of that, again, it was to identify those
narrators who are proficient, those narrators Who are those narratives whose narrations can be
00:27:59 --> 00:28:00
00:28:02 --> 00:28:11
			And that is, again the precondition for how do we say that all of the narratives in the chain must
be bought, all of the narratives in the chain must be proficient.
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			Again, not just any 90% of them or anything like that, but all of them must be proficient.
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			And then the fourth condition
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			is, there cannot be any what is known as shadow in the narration.
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			And basically what is meant by shadow this where
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			and the scores recognize the fact that even trustworthy narrators can make mistakes, sometimes, even
the best narrator, like who's up with you in a class engineering or economics, whatever, even the
best students in that class can make a mistake.
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			So one of the
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			conditions that they put on on the Hadith is that there can be no shadow or shadow than the Hadith
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			this Harry coming from trustworthy narrators cannot contradict anything which comes from stronger
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			For example,
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			as we mentioned before, many times they knew the different settings have had discussions and who
were whose students and what time they were his students and where they met with him and so forth.
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			So suppose for example, among in America,
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			you have or like in the case of hammer that I mentioned earlier, but let's say among Imam Malik
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			if you have a case where it is narrations from
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			Mr. Malik,
00:29:56 --> 00:29:59
			or let's say Malik himself, there's a hadith coming from Mr. Malik.
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			Mr. Malik is there's no question about his soundness and his proficiency and acceptability as a
narrative heavy.
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			But he is one of a class of scholars at that level.
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			Suppose he narrates a headache. And he narrated in a way that contradicts the way that other
scholars have the same time and the same place and the same level
00:30:27 --> 00:30:30
			of authenticity narrative in a slightly