Jamal Zarabozo – Extremism Part 4 The Concept Of Extremism
![Jamal Zarabozo](https://artwork.muslimcentral.com/jamal-zarabozo-150x150.jpg)
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The speakers discuss the importance of emotional attachment to Islam and the need for proper engineering to rebuild homes. They stress the importance of protecting one's mental capabilities and avoiding false accusations, as well as the need for a mental background to make a decision. They also touch on the history of the Middle East and the potential conflict between Muslims and Christian counterparts, as well as the importance of learning about one's own Deen for political issues and finding ways to balance one's political behavior. The segment also emphasizes the need for clear leadership and finding ways to balance one's political behavior.
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Hola Shakira, share one common Abdo. So
first of all, I have to apologize, I have pretty strong headache. And I tried my normal cure, which is copied into anything. So I've tried now some medication.
So the result is I think you're gonna get much more mellow me than normally shala. But hopefully the information coming out will still be
to discuss some of the causes
behind the existence of extremism, and in other words, some of the factors that can work
both within the Islamic Society and even outside of the Islamic Society that cause the parents of this phenomenon this month that we have spoken about in some detail yesterday.
First of all, we have to realize that
the causes of extremism are numerous. And there are many things that lead people to take extreme positions
and do extreme acts.
And obviously, we're not going to discuss all of them here.
And in fact, some of them are kind of like things that even non Muslims discuss,
discussing the concept of extremism, like psychological factors that some people might have that may lead them to extreme acts beyond what what they call normal human beings would, would, would go to.
And Shall I want, of course, obviously, to discuss some of the things that are more specific to Islamic cases.
And one of the
key things that we can see
almost every group of extremism in the past or extremist positions, and extremist views.
One of the key things that we see behind them is an ignorance with respect to the religion of Allah subhanho dat.
So ignorance in itself is one of the key factors
that drive people to extremist positions, and extremist acts.
And this brings up the importance of
the fact that an emotional attachment to Islam.
And being Muslim in the sense of loving Islam and wanting the best for Islam
and letting one's emotions drive one's acts. This is not
sufficient in Islam.
Of course, you have to have a love for Islam, you have a love for Allah subhanho wa Taala you have a love for the Prophet Mohammed Salah Salem, you have a love for the other Muslims, your heart feels whenever other Muslims are hurt or suffering.
But when it comes to taking action when it comes to holding views, and beliefs,
you cannot just rely on an emotional attachment to Islam. You have to have the knowledge of what Islam is. And you have to have knowledge of what is then calls for and requires the view under different circumstances.
And in fact many times in emotional attachment to Islam or the result of emotional attachment to Islam can harm Islam much more than benefits.
You know, someone may say that he loves Islam and Islam is really in his heart.
But out of his ignorance he may do something that can damage Islam and damage the Muslims to a great extent
because he's not even though he's in his heart he has love for Islam is not allowing actually the Quran and the Sunnah to guide and to direct his actions.
So this is an essential and very important
point that I must stress here at the outset.
The emotional attachment to Islam of course is part of the man parts of the faith. But when it comes to doing the deeds,
and taking positions and views, that has to be based on the knowledge from Quran
there are people who
go beyond for example, the limits
of the shittier example
set by the Prime Minister.
And they do that as they think they do that out of the love for
Allah for Islam. But as an example that I believe I gave yesterday
and as opposed to the problem house I send him when he remained patient in Mecca. And when the Muslims around him remain patient in Mecca, and they did not resort to the use of force, the legal use of force until law had given them permission to do so. They remain patient
was also out of the love for Allah subhanho wa Taala and their love for this deed.
Because this is what Allah has commanded them under those circumstances.
So out of love for Allah subhanho wa Taala they obeyed what Allah subhana wa tada had ordered him to do. And so therefore, they remain patient, even though sometimes when you're in when you have to be patient, sometimes you may witness events,
you will may witness things that are happening to your brother Muslims that are very hard for your heart to take.
And your heart just cries and cannot continue to watch what is happening to your brother Muslims and sisters for example.
What's your real love for Allah subhanho wa Taala and your real love for this Deen will be demonstrated by the fact that you will not act
in any other way except what is approved by Allah Subhana Allah. And the same way that the problem associated with the Sahaba did not act and behave in any way other than what Allah subhana wa tada had approved for the
and as I said, I think we discussed some of those points yesterday.
In particular, when looking at the
that extremists like for example, all the way up in his book, he mentions a number of different aspects in which they are ignorance of the deen and this ignorance has caused them to
stray from the correct path and go to one of the extremes, which we used to have on the board if you know the two extremes, I can just refer to them without writing them up again.
So for example, he talks about the fact that they are ignorant of the book wallets in hand with that they are ignorant of the sooner
they are ignorant with respect to the methodology.
And in this is
this is also this is also very important points.
And in fact,
in particular in the
in the United States or many communities,
and in the methodology of reasoning, or like for example, what is known as
and how to get from the text of the Quran, or the text of the Hadith to a conclusion or belief.
And this process, or this methodology is something well defined in Islam
and is one of the key aspects that we have to study.
What's the call or Islamic legal theory or methodology,
because it is an ignorance of this aspects that lead many people to come to conclusions that are incorrect.
There are also ignorance with respect to the goals of the shittier ignorant with respect to the citizen or society, the laws of Allah subhanho wa Taala they demonstrate English with respect to the Arabic language and history and so forth. I
shall discuss a couple of these
fingers with the respect of the book of Allah subhanaw taala. We already gave the classic example of that yesterday
in which the whole adage in their debating with Ali and when in their discussion about the ID when they concluded that Ali was a disbeliever.
And they were they were basing it on the fact that alien warrior they accepted arbiters to order the Sahaba to try to come together and debate the issue the dispute between them to come to a peaceful solution.
And they told it that if you accept this arbiter happen, then you are actually making because Allah subhana wa Dionysus and in the problem what we really left
the room is only for Allah subhanaw taala. So if you accept anybody else to make a decision, then you are committing
So they are taking a verse of the Quran. And this is one of the dangers of almost every extremist group.
Basically, in general, if someone is going to come to you with false hood, with bottle, he has to make some truth in there or at least make some something that will appeal to.
So when someone comes to you and is quoting verses of the Quran or Hadith, the process sentiment is very strong, it can be very forceful, very effective, even to convince your something which is worth, which is possible. And in fact, I told them, that this statement that you made, this is a statement which is true, but you intend by it, what you mean by it is something which is false.
And to show you the kind of
the kind of ignorance, and how great their ignorance is, ignorance and arrogance, many times go together.
The ignorance is so great when you think about it, and yet their arrogance is so great, even they're talking to one of the companions of problem homosassa
and they're telling him he's a Catholic because he doesn't understand this verse of the Quran.
And unfortunately, many people they may not think about it that way, but they have the same kind of
arrogance when it comes to the Quran.
You tell them the companions understood this way. They're like, what did the companions
and they just live 23 years with the public comment system.
That doesn't mean much. If you go to many places in the Quran, actually even Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us the concept of bringing arbitrators and you can find also how to process them in which the Profit System is accepted the idea that there are human beings who can arbitrary and try to make peace between believers for example, Allah subhanaw taala
and one of the verses Allah subhanho wa Taala says when cooked home she Papa beanie human poop I thought How come I mean Allah He will How come I mean?
You read
you have to pay level vino Houma.
Allah subhanho wa Taala says that if you fear a breach,
between the two talking about between the husband and the wife, then appoint
two arbitrators.
One from appoint, appoint an arbitrator from his family and apart an arbitrator from hertz. And if they wish for peace, Allah will cause them
because they're reconciliation. So here Allah subhanho wa Taala, saying, How come? How come someone who will judge between them make peace with between them? Now, obviously, these people who do this kind of act as in the case between Ali and Maria, they should base the decision on the knowledge of the pronoun soon. But still, they are making a decision they are retreating. And Allah subhanho wa Taala proves that.
This is the same kind of act
that is described in this verse in the Quran, the lead the courage to call alikum.
And when they called him a cafe,
they broke off from the Muslim community, they begin to fight against the Muslims. They said all of these people who are outside of the borders, all of them are q4. All of these Muslims are coupon.
As the processor described them, they applied to people who Islam and they leave
the people of the idols alone.
And if some emotional came to them, and said, I'm a mushrik, and I want to hear what's the book of Allah, they will give him they'll grants and peace and asylum based on the personal Quran that come to you asking to hear the word of Allah then give them respect so they can hear the word. But if they come to them saying that they're Muslim, then they will kill because they're Muslim, but outside of who they are part.
And the whole root of all that the whole root of all that killing all that bloodshed,
goes back to this incident and goes back to this source
that they completely miss understood a verse in the Quran
that if they would just have taken the time to see
what the Quran is saying in other verses and listen to any of the people of knowledge.
They would have easily have seen the forces. That is why actually when some of the Sahaba actually went to the bodies to debate them,
you find sometimes 1000s of the bodies they left there without
Because some people are their intention is good, but they don't have the knowledge. That's why I said that emotional attachment to Islam is not enough.
When even our bas went to debate with a hostage, the some of the narrations, the 1000s of them left there, because it was easy to refute them.
So if you have the good intention, the noise comes through inshallah, you'll come back to the, to the correct to the correct wait.
ignorance of the sooner also, and in the way they
and we talked about that yesterday, the way they misinterpret, for example, the Hadith of the prophets, I send them about a German via and all of these kind of things.
One of the, one of the important aspects
that they show again,
and utter disregard for some of the main principles in the industry.
And that is the concept of
mucociliary are the goals, or the overriding purposes of the Sharia.
The scholars like a sharp have been others they have, in the reading of the Quran, Hadith, they found that the Sharia is trying to protect,
not just protect, but also to establish,
and preserve and improve
basic goals.
And these goals are, for example, the dean, the religion,
the establishment of the gene, and its preservation, this is one of the main goals of the video.
The preserving of life and proper life
is also one of the main goals of the shittier. But religion in general takes precedence over life.
That's why if a religion is attacked, we have jihad in which someone may lose his life.
And the other goals are the shittier, for example, like protecting the mental capabilities and familial relations and lawful or I mean, well,
and it is these things which are grabbed and put on sooner, are based on the fact that even in the sherea
sherea, there is the concept, there's a clear concept
that an act, even if an act is proper and correct, and if so, is that act may lead to more harm than good.
You do not do that.
Especially if we're talking we're talking especially in the in a general sense societal sense of humanity sense.
If, from a Sharia point of view, if the harm of something and again, even that shitty point of view, we're talking about the shitty a definition of harm, is the harm of something. For example, if one of these five things that are meant to be protected.
If the harm of something is greater than the good, then you do not go about with that app.
We gave the example yesterday of the man who came to the process.
And he told the processor them to be just
in the process of imposing more turnover, not just who's going to be just
so when one of the competitors asked him for permission to kill that man.
It is very clear that the prophet SAW Selim did not say that the ruling concerning this man is that he is not supposed to be killed. He didn't say no, you can't kill him because the punishment in this case is not killing. There's nobody said
he said that and he said May Allah not allow it to be the case that people will say that Mohammed is killing his companions
and killing his associates
and the people are becoming Muslim and being being around the problem homosassa them and he kills them.
This of course, will be very district could be used and be very, very detrimental
for the spreading of Islam.
In another case, the prophet SAW sent him towards his wife Ayesha,
probably a lot.
The Kaaba was not
rebuilt on its proper foundations, or I should say on the foundations that Abraham had originally established
So the prophet SAW Selim told Isaiah, that if your people had not recently just recently embraced Islam,
in other words, the Polish,
who even before Islam were devoted to the Kaaba.
And many of them became Muslim, you know, after the conquest of Mecca, the conquest of Mecca. So the prophet SAW sent him said that if your people had not just recently embraced Islam, I would have rebuilt it on its proper foundation.
So in other words, what's the process, Adam was saying that
you're not to cover down
and rebuild it on this proper Foundation, it's good to have it on its proper Foundation, but the fitna and the trial.
And the harm that that's going to cause them building of knocking down the Kaaba, for these people who have now just recently come into Islam
is going to be greater than the benefits of rebuilding the cabins on the foundation.
And the process and we're not for that back, I would have rebuilt.
So this is an essential principle in Islam, especially for the Tao, especially when we're talking about the health and the well being of the Muslim community as a whole.
That you cannot give yourself the right
to do some kind of act when you know that that act is going to bring harm to the Muslim community, to the Muslims as a whole.
And if you think about, for example,
the incidents on September 11,
let us assume that all of the statements about it are true.
And what people claim what government's claims are true.
Just from the Sharia point of view, if you are sitting, for example, you have a band of Muslims, hundreds, maybe 1000s, sitting in some form of land,
with no real weaponry, no real army, no real power to speak of.
And not only that, the opposing country has already threatened you.
And is already upset with you because you gave an oil contract to an Argentine company instead of American company.
And they've already threatened you that, look, if you behave with us, we'll send bonds to you.
And so then you go out and you do something like what happened on that?
What positive effect could any Muslim expect from them?
And forget about the question of innocent people being killed, whether it's correct or not surely, and so forth. All of that is irrelevant. If it is clear that there's not going to be any positive outcome from that act whatsoever.
And I don't know what kind of positive outcome any Muslim could have expected from an act of that nature.
And in fact, to the point that one reason why
so many conspiracy theories are wrong, is because it's imaginal imaginable that any Muslims could sit down and think that there's going to be some positive outcome. To give, for example, the call for an excuse to attack another Muslim land.
And for sure, even Israel is going to use that to their advantage also.
While at the same time, you know, you're not going to have anything to defend yourself. The only result is you want to put the Muslim Ummah in a great position
with no real perceivable benefit whatsoever.
This kind of act, you have to look at it in the light of the Sharia. Whether or not the benefits of that kind of act, could it could in any way outweigh the negative result to the Muslim to the to the deen of Islam to the spread of Islam.
This is what this is, this is having knowledge of the Sharia Well, this man with
the real automa They are the ones who understand this point. And they analyze this kind of act within
the guidance of the Sri ovilus.
It's not enough even to say that the act itself is permissible or not.
But even if the act is permissible, what is going to be the long run results for the Muslims. The Muslim home as a whole is going to be positive or is it going to be negative.
We also see many
are unaware of the sun and they will listen Hana with data
and how they're supposed to behave during times of color.
And you're listening to what data we know that Allah subhana wa Taala
has the knowledge is all knowing, all wise.
Then Allah subhana wa Taala
decrees things in this world,
based on laws that He has given us inclusive in the forum was seen.
And we even see
in the stories of the prophets of old and in and in particular in the store and the life of the promises.
And in his actions, we see some of these soon and
we see that there are times in which the Muslims have to be patient.
We see for example, in the case of Ovid,
we see that there are times in which because of the actions of the Muslim themselves, Allah subhanho wa Taala may infect them with some kind of trial, some kind of test,
some kind of defeat.
You know, if you all remember what happened in the battle,
when the archers, when the poet's SLM told them not to leave, no matter how they see the fighting, going, they're not supposed to leave their position.
And yet, when they saw the fighting, turning to the benefits and the victory of the Muslims,
they feared that they were losing out of the conquest. So they left their position and they started going to the fight. And as we know, this is how the kuffaar came from that place, and inflicted at least a partial defeat a real defeat upon the young Muslim almost that time.
This defeat was the result of their own actions for woman and the unpossible.
This is the result of the all of their own actions of the Muslims.
But in general also Allah subhanho wa Taala has told us in many places in the Quran, the trials are going to come to us that we should not expect that Allah subhanaw taala will enter us in the general leavers just by saying that we are believers, as Allah subhanho wa Taala says has given us Roku
afternoon well apart the personality in public him politically argument Latina pseudopodia
Allah subhana wa tada says, Do mankind think that there'll be left alone upon saying we believe and that they will not be put to trials?
We did try those before them and we will certainly and Allah will certainly know and show those who are true from those who are false.
So these trials come from Allah subhanaw taala and they are part of the sunon of Allah subhanho wa Taala.
And the individual
who sees what is happening to the Muslim Ummah
has to realize that this is part of the decree of Allah subhanho wa Taala. He has to take some steps, when he sees what is wrong with the Muslim Ummah, he has to see he has to take some steps, but he cannot go beyond what is allowed for me to not go beyond what is his ability, according to the Quran with
Allah subhanho wa Taala reminds us in times like that, that we have to have Taqwa of Allah subhanho wa Taala but tullahoma still talking
and you have more or less man without according to the best of your ability, given your circumstances. You do what is in obedience to Allah subhanho wa Taala and as long as what you're doing is in obedience to Allah subhana wa tada and you're pleasing, pleasing Allah subhana wa tada and you're x then you leave the rest of Allah subhana wa tada
and he has your goal or does your
It is your responsibility to do the act that is pleasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala within the limits of the Sharia.
It is not for example, your responsibility all of a sudden to create an Islamic State and overthrow the governments that exist and overthrow the Kuiper and defeat the khobar if it is not within your building.
Circle said Amanda said Mohammed was
a shadow on the Mohammed Abdullah, who are
the people who, and who became specialists in the deen, who went to like religious schools and so forth.
In general, this lot.
This group was made up of
the worst students in the society.
In other words, in many places, basically it was if you cannot get into the more important schools and more important subjects.
If you cannot get into, for example, engineering, sciences, and so forth,
then you're stuck with either Arabic literature or the deme. So what happens is, you get people who
study the deen. And because they started the meeting, because they got some kind of degree, they are respected as
the scores of the dean.
But the people with the best minds in the society,
the people who could really think,
who really has the mental faculties, they were all pushed into other sciences and other areas.
And these are the people that we really need
to analyze the situation of the Muslim Ummah, to analyze events and know how to react to them in the proper Islamic way.
especially the fifth of like what we could call current events, or know how to behave under different circumstances. This requires
an academic background, real mental faculties to be able to understand and analyze, and come to conclusions.
Because not just memorizing text and being able to spit out the text when you're asked about something.
But that actually requires that people have the ability to understand phenomena,
whether it's economic phenomena or political phenomena,
sociological phenomena, however, you have to first understand the concept itself, what is going on, before you can make a conclusion.
And so the best minds of the Muslim oma, they were pushed into other sciences, and the role of the dean and the role of the scholars
or the I should say, the Islamic State agency, these things were left for those people who could not get into those other areas.
And in addition, in addition to that, also,
in many of the schools, also the place that was given to the religious studies,
maybe there'd be one course a day or one course a week, and it would always be like the last course, where everybody's exhausted and just want to get out.
And the quality of the teacher usually also was not the best quality. So the whole,
the whole system, in many Muslim countries for the past 202 100 to two years, was discouraging the real development of scholars, people who have in depth knowledge and understanding so that they could lead the Muslim.
And if you are lacking those kinds of scholars,
or for some reason, the scholars that are there are not trustworthy, or they're not willing to speak.
You know, the famous the
famous quote from a madman
about whether or not the scholar can resort to topia. And he that's, for example, if the scholars ask the question,
Does he have the right to resort to this principle that
out of fear, some negative consequences, so for that he can lie and not say the truth?
So imagine my answer to that was, if the scholar
resorts to tilapia, and the ignorant, is ignorant. When would the truth be told?
And how is the truth going to be known?
If the scholars are not speaking, and you cannot expect the England to know what is the truth?
And if the scholars are fearful, and not willing to speak, then when is the truth going to be spoken? And who is it who's going to come up and say the truth
and this is what has led
to for example, if we're talking let's say in particular the the movement in the in Egypt and by the way, the movement in it
Why is better moving agent is because it's also very relevant to the movement that still exists. Nowadays, the kind of extremist movements that exist nowadays.
So when people don't have them out,
they turn to others like themselves who are ignorant like themselves, and they give what was for each other. And it's like the blind leading the blind.
And what can you expect?
You know, for example, some of these extremist movements in Egypt have developed in the prisons in Egypt, they have some of the same thinking, as the Horus that we talked about.
And when it was pointed out to them by other people in prison, who had maybe a little bit more knowledge, a little bit more experience,
who are trying to advise them and saying, Look, you're going too far.
They will tell them your beliefs, these ideas that you're promoting are the same ideas that were promoted by the florist way back when
they had no clue who are the waters they never heard of before.
And they say for example, if you go to a shahara charlatan, his book on the groups in Islam, you'll find the same arguments that you make.
Listen, you know, I've never heard that
one and said, Oh, I remember seeing that in the library.
So the scores are not fulfilling their role. First of all, we don't have the scores, and you're not developing the real scholars.
And I think I touched upon that, this kind of importance of this in my in my lecture last night, so I'll not get into it here. But obviously, if you don't have the real scholars, and the real scholars are not willing to come out and speak and guide, then you don't have the people who will be able to see what are the extremes? And what is the middle road that is pleasing policy.
So it can be expected under circumstances like that, that people will fall into one extremism or another extreme.
Most of the
factors that I've been speaking about so far,
deals with internal situation within the Muslim ummah.
However, there's no question
that the international arena, the international situation, is also greatly responsible, or a great factor in the development
and the spreading of extremist views among Muslims.
You know, for example, if you if you go through what is quoted from Finland from them,
you know, after the attacks on the World Trade Center, all that stuff about all the hate our freedoms and so forth.
I don't know who came up with that. But
if you go, for example, to the people that they claim are the ones responsible?
What What are they talking about? They're talking about, for example, the situation in Palestine,
the situation in Iraq,
the military presence in, for example, in Saudi Arabia,
even benign refer to the bombing of
Hiroshima in Japan.
What was that even if you and unfortunately, Americans are not really into their own history,
unless you talk about maybe the history of basketball and baseball,
otherwise, they're not even the hit. Even the bombing, the dropping of the atomic bomb in Japan,
is well recognized by many American historians. The purpose of that was not to defeat the Japanese. Because the Japanese were already ready to surrender.
They didn't need to drop those bums in order for the war to come to me. That's the official excuse that they give now. Oh, we dropped those bombs.
Yes, we killed so many hundreds of 1000s. But it was for good cause because to save so many other people from dying.
That historians know that wasn't the case. The war was coming to an end the Japanese were ready to serve.
Now what's the theory of why they dropped the bomb I was
if you want to read about that you can read about it on your on your own.
In general, I don't
discuss political issues,
details or political issues too much.
And the reason I don't discuss it as
the number of reasons. So let me just preface some of the points that I'm going to make by
by giving these
these introductory points.
One of the reasons of course, is that there's so much that we as Muslims need to know about our own Deen itself.
That if you have a conflict of time,
what are you going to spend your time on, it's much better for us Muslims to spend our time law knowing and really understanding what our Deen is telling us.
And what it is we're supposed to believe how we're supposed to behave, and so forth.
And also the when it comes to political, political issues,
it's very easy to go to an extreme
extreme, it's
very easy to go overboard the general principles,
especially of international politics, and so forth, they are clear, just even from the Quran, assume that you can understand what is going on in the world.
But it's very easy to go into detail and political issues. And that will take up your whole time.
If, for example, the Arab Israeli conflict is over 1000 books are in just here in the United States are available.
And if you want to get into it, and you know, say Oh, so and so said this, and such and such date, and, and he this could take up your whole life.
Just studying this, this conference,
I don't think there's any need for us in general to get. And it's not even to speak about the fact that now every day, there's newspapers and the Internet, and all of that other information that if you get if you allow yourself to get too much involved in it.
And it will be something that will, it will cost you it'll cost you in the sense of that time that you're spending, learning all that stuff, you could have been maybe learning just the basics of that and spending your other time learning things which are more important to you.
and this is a very important point.
And when you read about
international politics and what is going on what is going on in the 20th century, what is going on in the 21st century,
especially with respect to the Muslim Ummah, and how the Muslim oma is being
unless you have some good understanding of the Quran sooner, unless you have some basics of a man in your heart,
it is very easy to be overcome by these things such that it will drive you to do some acts, or drive you to some positions which are extremist positions.
And if you just concentrate on reading about these kind of things,
and you do not have the proper, Imani kind of balance in your in your in your heart and in your mind, these kinds of things if you read them. And if you're aware of what has happened to the Muslim oma by the coupon, they can easily drive you to extremist positions, extreme acts.
And it is really one of the major causes. And we have to recognize the fact it is one of the major causes behind the extremism that exists in in the Muslim world.
So you cannot concentrate on studying those things, unless you also concentrate on reading the Quran. And remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala to put the proper balance back into your heart and your mind that you see things in shallow in the correct way.
However, at the same time, to some extent, I think it is important that we study some of these topics. And we understand what is going on because also our judgments of each other
is sometimes colored by the fact that we are ignorant of certain facts, that maybe others are well in the world.
And we judge things based on what we know.
And we make conclusions about others
due to our lack of knowledge of certain things that have occurred.
So we may take positions we may have beliefs based on our lack of knowledge of some things that have occurred and plus, in addition,
you know, Someone once asked me What's the point of
time I lectured about some recent events in the Muslim world of the past in the past century.
And someone asked me know what's the
what's the point of that? You know, Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us in the forum for example, within total time can you hold within the sada had to emulate the home, the Jews and the Christians?
They're not going to be pleased with you, until you follow their way of life.
And clear science from the Quran. And so we don't even need to discuss we know these facts already. But sometimes, as in the story of Abraham alayhis salam, sometimes Seeing is believing,
if you know the facts, and you may think about those issues
on a theoretical level, but when you actually see them and realize what is going on,
your belief in what the Quran is telling you becomes firmer.
And the reality of the problem becomes very clear to
me, for example, on that point, there are many people, Muslims here in the United States that cannot imagine that there's really any hatred between the Christians and Jews via versus Islam, towards Islam. And also, finally,
we have to make sure
that we are not fooled
by the fraud also
be put in situations where they deceive us about their acts. And we come to some conclusions which are not correct.
For example,
there was a there was a young republicans conference, University of Oregon,
if you ever want to source of
humorous anecdotes, just watch a young Republican.
So they the speaker, it was a woman, she's the far right.
SPEAKER I forget, can never remember her name.
Anyway, this was shortly after September 11. And so someone in the audience stood up and asked the question
you know, don't you think that American foreign policy is has something to do with the existence of these terrorists and the act that they perform?
And so the woman she answered
that the last two wars that we've gone to have been on behalf of Muslims.
And it seems like the Muslims are not getting the picture.
The last two wars that America went through, were on behalf of most
American American are Muslims here in this country, they hear this kind of thing. They might be fooled. But
first of all, do you imagine that that
America is really going to go to war on on behalf of Muslims, and that's going to be their real intent behind it. Similarly, in Newsweek magazine, one time they had this issue I forget, I think they had something like a Koran on the cover.
And they had an argue, they had an article and then also the author, the author of that article, article, Christopher Dickey.
He mentioned the fact that Americans defended Muslims against the likes of Saddam Hussein. And slova Slobodan Milosevic, was ignored, because for beenleigh is good for deadlines, * minded purposes, it has to be.
So here again, they're trying to paint America as this great defender of Muslims,
defending Muslims from Saddam Hussein and defending Muslims from Milosevic.
And these are the kind of issues that if you allow yourself just to listen to the mainstream media, and so forth, you might be duped into believing that this is the case
that America is actually our friend.
And they've come to our defense in many in many, many occasions. And I think if you
take the time to analyze it a little bit closer, you'll find that maybe in fact, what they're claiming is not true whatsoever.
However, at the same time,
I must
emphasize the fact that we cannot put the blame for our problems.
We cannot put all the blame for our problems on the disbelievers.
As I talked about before, and in the battle, what the defeat at the Battle of ahead was because of what we as Muslims did, and Allah subhanho wa Taala also another place in the Koran reminds us or masaba comin movement and we'll see within the beaver cassava a vehicle we are one compute,
that anyone will see by any affliction that afflicts you is the result of what your own hands have earned. And he can do lots of
Handle dollar overlooks a lot.
And in other words, the afflictions that come to us, they come to us as a Muslim oma is the result of our own actions.
First and foremost, they are the result of our own actions. Our own turning away from Alyson Hana with
our own ignorance of the guidance of Allah subhanho wa Taala.
So we can never put the blame
on what occurs to us completely at the hands of the report and say all of this is because of the report.
We have to look to ourselves and say, Look, it is because of our own weakness,
of our own negligence
of our own forgetfulness of Allah subhana wa tada that Allah subhanho wa Taala has allowed this to occur to the Muslim.
And in fact, in the Hadith of the Prophet SAW Selim,
the prophet SAW Selim said it will be soon that only one the other nations will come and attack you or come to you like the one who was eating food comes to his plate.
And when the Sahaba
when the when the Sahaba when the Sahabi asked him, you know, is it at that time is this because we want to be in a small I want to be a small number. And that's why they're going to easily come and just attack us like someone eating from a plate.
The province or seller will tell them no, it's not because
of your small number.
But you will become like the froth on the seat. Now we talk so much about we are 1 billion Muslims.
But we are as the Hadees, processing them, describes us.
And we are like the prophecy we are just being pushed around have no strength of our own. And Allah subhanho wa Taala will remove the art from the hearts of your enemies. And we'll put
in your hearts, we'll put one.
And when the poster Selim was asked, What is this one province I sent him said, Junior worker here to mow
the love of this dunya and hatred for
the love of this dunya and hatred for death, when the Muslims begin to just love this dunya and their purpose in their life is for this dunya and they fear just a fear of giving up and sacrificing for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala.
Then Allah subhanho wa Taala allows the other among the other nations, to come to us and to attack us
to devour us like being cold to
me, like people being cold to dinner, so to speak.
In particular,
if you study, for example, in the past century, the last century
if you study
what has been the West's attitude towards Islam, first of all, and that's where we have to start with By the way,
we have to start with the West's attitude towards Islam.
It has been clear
from along
for many years ago,
that the West has recognized that Islam is really a threat to them.
This is first, this first was expressed clearly by the West themselves.
You can trace it back even before much of the Islamic movement is
that they recognize that a threat to them is in fact the West.
Richard Nixon, for example,
which Nixon who was president?
When was he 68 to 72, at least right?
is the one who took us out of Vietnam, right?
It's amazing how history can be changed so easily.
Nixon was this great anti war hero.
Nixon said that Islam is going to become a geopolitical force.
And such a danger to the west, that the West will be forced to cooperate with Moscow to face this opposition in the Islamic world.
The West is going to be able is going to be forced to cooperate with Russia. The Soviet
The communists, the socialists, whatever you want called.
They were not really comments. They weren't anything.
The story, there's a story of a joke of or accidents, a story in Belgrade,
in Belgrade after the fall of socialism or communism, somebody wrote on on a wall, bring us back socialism because you know, life was miserable, miserable when capitalism entered. So someone wrote on the wall, bring us back socialism. And somebody else wrote before we never had socialism. And so the first guy went back, bring us back what we had before.
So here, Richard Nixon is saying, Our arch enemy if you know Richard Nixon,
he was one of those big anti communists, you know, just like, he was like a pre Reagan, Reagan.
He's saying, we're going to have to work with Moscow,
fight this Islamic force.
And that is that Islam and West are opposites. And we have to be the West has to be ready to meet this Islamic challenge.
And actually, when you look at what has happened since the fall of the Soviet Union, they are in fact working together.
To fight
Margaret Thatcher, y'all remember, Margaret Thatcher. Someone who was quoted by someone by the way, is showing that the Hadith of the Prophet system was not being authentic headed. This is the people will not prosper the theatres a ruler. And the person pointed to Margaret Thatcher. Well, people
were after the fall of after the fall of the Soviets.
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO, basically, NATO was a response to the Warsaw Pact. NATO was a response to the so the the socialist pact,
to defend the West against the socialist.
So after the fall of socialism, NATO had no purpose. Really, they had to look for purpose, to continue to exist, and Margaret Thatcher gave them the purpose.
She said that me NATO must be preserved in order to face this lemak danger.
And one of the
one of the CIA officials during the Reagan years
he was talking about while working in the Reagan, he said there was a general genuine, visceral fear of Islam in Washington as a force that was utter utterly alien to American thinking. And that really scared us.
senior people at the Pentagon and elsewhere, were much more concerned about Islam than communism was during the Reagan years.
They were much more concerned about Islam than communism. It was almost obsessive fear, leading to a mentality on our part, that you should use any stick to be the dog to stop the advance of Islamic fundamentals.
So what he's saying here is that they should use any force whatsoever that they have to stop Islamic fundamentalism.
Then he would say Islamic extremism.
It said Islamic fundamentalism use any stick that you can use to stop Islamic fundamentalism.
Anyone wait when we discuss the current situation, and especially when the coupons come to us and discuss the current situation? Why do they hate us? Remember all that talk? Why do they hate us? Why do you also what is the real purpose behind your hatred for Islam in the Muslim world?
Why during the Reagan years that you have such a fear of Islam, that you should, that's one of the CIO visuals could describe it as saying you should use any stick to beat the dog?
Before you even ask, why do they hate us talking about the Muslims hating America? The first question is why does America take this stance towards Islam from the beginning?
What was the rational stance that you are the rationale behind the stance that you've taken
and the steps that you have implemented which are clearly going to to result in violent interaction between the two civilizations? Why do you also what is the real purpose behind your hatred for Islam in the Muslim world?
Why during the Reagan years that you have such a fear of Islam that you should
That's one of the cir visuals could describe it as saying you should use any stick to beat the dog.
Before you even ask why do they hate us talking about the Muslims hating America? The first question is why does America take this stance towards Islam from the beginning? What was the rational stance that you are the rationale behind the stance that you've taken
and the steps that you have implemented, which are clearly going to, to result in violent interaction between the two civilizations.
Point Of course, we can't forget Israel's role
in all of this, and also in propagating this kind of fear among the Americans,
Israel at one time, it had a very important role in the Middle East. And that was to,
to destroy and to fight the kind of Arab nationalism that was growing and developing in that area.
But now its major role
is to help in the fighting against Islamic fundamentalism. And in fact,
soccer have been said that Islamic fundamentalism is spreading out to the Middle East.
The world must follow Israel's role in fighting this movements.