Jamal Badawi – Muhammad 6 – Muhammad P Abrahamic Tree 06 Isaiahs And Johns

Jamal Badawi
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AI: Summary ©

The speakers discuss the importance of the third speaker's teachings and the history of their teachings, including the use of the phrase "verbal and pride" in the Bible and their use of "has been" in the Bible. They also discuss the history of the church's use of the word "has been" in the Bible and its historical backers, including those who claim to be Jesus. The speakers express their disbelief at the lack of support for the program and encourage listeners to send questions.

AI: Summary ©

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			AsSalamu Alaikum and welcome you once again to
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			Facebook amisha will be a 600 series, Mohammed, the last messenger of Allah God, and the sixth and
Mohammed and the Abrahamic family tree. Our topic tonight inshallah will be on prophecies in Isaiah.
And in New Testament, I'm your host Bishop in mission he wants to get from St. Mary's University
that we delve into. So I can actually
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			start off with a summary of last week's program. Okay, we continue to clarify that the advent of
Prophet Mohammed was the climax of prophetic tradition, and that this actually has some foundation
in the Bible itself. The focus on the previous program was on the prophecies about the coming of
Prophet Muhammad in Isaiah, we examine the 11th chapter of Isaiah, which speaks about the great
personality to come from the stem of Jessie je SSE, who will combine between spirituality and
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			And that his utterances will have a great impact upon humanity. And we indicated that according to
Encyclopedia biblica, under names, Jessie is the abbreviation of Ishmael, Ishmael in Hebrew,
Ishmael. Yes, she, Jessie.
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			And we said that there is no person who came after Isaiah, who meets those descriptions, but one and
that is the last prophet, Muhammad peace be upon him. Secondly, we examine Isaiah chapter 21, which
speaks about the divine utterances concerning Arabia, and how the people of the land of tema, by the
way tema is one of the descendants of Ishmael,
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			those people welcome the refugees who have sought
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			refuge with them, and how that the oppressors of those refugees would be defeated, and how all these
events actually are connected with Kadar. And we said that Qatar is according to the Bible, and the
second son of Ishmael, so all the events really refers to Arabia, and refers more specifically to
the migration of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him from Mecca. to Medina. There is no other
incident in history that needs first requirement except that one to our knowledge. Thirdly, we began
to examine the 42nd chapters in Isaiah, which praises the elect of God describes him as someone who
would be loving for learning he will be light to the nations and that the villages which are
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			inhabited by Kadar will be very happy for his coming good, joyful, so are the the inhabitants of
Silla LA, and that God will get Vic hit given victory over his adversaries or enemies?
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			very good.
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			Now, summarize as he's pulled out, maybe I'll start off by asking you how the signs that you
mentioned, apply to the Prophet Mohammed May peace be upon him, and why does it not apply to other
Israelite prophets, for example? Okay, um, you know, of course, that they have been other prophets
who came after Isaiah. But the question here is whether any of them really meets those requirements
or description,
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			I would say there is conclusive evidence that it applies only to profit and hammer. There are a
number of reasons for that.
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			The first and foremost is that verse 11. And that Isaiah 42. Connect this prophecy with the villages
which Kadar happens in the Bible, Book of Genesis, chapter 25, verse 13, it gives us guitar as the
name of the second son of Ishmael. So it talks about Arabs about the descendants of Ishmael, and
that is Prophet Mohammed that automatically precludes all the satellite prophets because it's right
that's come from the other branch of the Abrahamic family tree. That's one thing.
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			In addition to this, it mentions also not only the joy and the religious kadesh, but also the people
or the inhabitants it says of Salah as in LA.
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			According to an ancient reference in geography, it's called modular and built in which we quoted
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			Before written by Ilya coochie, and Baghdadi who died in the years 128 in the Christian era. He says
that salah and herbivore Salah equivalent of sola sola is a place which is near Medina, that appears
in volume three, page 236. The second reason is that the description in Isaiah 42 speaks about
someone who would be given a complete code of law, number one, and that his religion or his
teachings would be universal, would be spreading all over the world.
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			Now, there is no prophet that we know of who came after Isaiah, which means automatically after
Moses after David and after Solomon.
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			No prophet meets the requirements except the Prophet, Muhammad peace. We recognize, of course, Jesus
as a great prophet who came after Isaiah. But he was not given a code of law, he say, I came up to
the struggle of the law of prophets, I came to fulfill his teachings were not really basically
similar to Moses or Muhammad, peace be upon them in terms of the comprehensive code of law.
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			It is quite obvious also that there is no prophet at home before Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him
claim that he is the last messenger of God. And that seems to be consistent with verse eight, in
Isaiah 42, which says, God speaks and says, My glory, I will not give to another which means the
revelation, the honor of sending that messenger will not be given to any other after him, because he
is the seal or the last of messengers of God.
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			Also, it speaks about the new style of praising God, when it says, sing a new song unto the Lord.
And obviously, anyone who knows about Islam realizes that with the spread of Islam all over the
world, the end, or the call for prayer, praising God is now and has been for 1400 years heard all
over the world, five times every day. So that speaks also about the preaching of God from all the
corners of the earth. It speaks about people praising God from the top of the mountains. And again,
that would be an apparent reference to the supplication and praise of God, which the Muslim pilgrims
now between one to 2 million every year, for the last 1400 years this practice has been going on
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			during pilgrimage on the Mount of arafat, has is well known.
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			It is obvious also that the description speaking of him as someone
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			who would be loving and encouraging for learning and education, that one would save humanity or
bring it from darkness to light. As we see, for example, in verse three, and that's exactly what
happened. Civilization at the time of coming of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, as described by
some even non Muslim historians, was like a three, which is so rapid that it was just about four. It
was Islam that saved the civilization it said sciences and passed it on to future generations. And
that was the genesis of European renaissance in later centuries. The description say that he will
establish justice on airs on earth.
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			And again, that's an obvious reference to someone who's not just a prophet, but also a statesman, or
ruler. And that's exactly what happened with the advent of Prophet Muhammad and the successes that
they were system of justice that was established.
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			The question here is where else in history after Isaiah, do we find all those signs together?
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			fulfilled, except in the case on the advent of the lowest
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			bidder, you've given us an interpretation.
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			But I'd be interested to know what the objections to this interpretation are. And in your response,
okay. First of all, I have read, for example, in a book written by a Christian priests, almost like
equivalent to a bishop by the name of sad years. He wrote it in Arabic actually. He says, first of
all, this prophecy would not apply to Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Why? Because it says,
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			that Prophet Muhammad participated in fighting in the battlefield against the wicked as we believe,
the pagans. And he says, How could that be consistent with the description given in Isaiah 42, about
that personality, that his voice will not be heard in the street, which is, of course, a metaphor of
decency in person and behavior.
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			But I find that to be a very, very weak type of objection because we all know
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			decency in person and behavior, personal morals is not at all contradictory with courage and
fortitude in the battlefield, especially in the case of legitimate self defense.
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			You can still describe the person as very decent, on the personal level, but courageous also when
the need arises to fight the oppressors. There's no contradiction there at all. For example, as
Muslims, we shared with our Christian Brethren, that believe that the moral character of Prophet
Jesus peace be upon him and his decency just beyond question. Even though the Bible tells us that
when he entered the temple, he started to
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			up, you know,
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			push tables upside down and chase the money changers out of the temple. Of course, he didn't do that
whispering, obviously, there was shouting was use of force even. But it doesn't care to the mind of
a Muslim or a Christian, for that matter, that this contradicts the kindness, gentleness and moral
character of Prophet Jesus. when the need arises for your being strong, that's fine, but there's no
contradiction at all. A second objection that he raises
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			is that he says that in Isaiah 42, it speaks about singing a new song unto the Lord, as it doesn't
apply to Muslim it applies to Jews or Christians, because these are the ones who prays using hymns.
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			But that's a very strange interpretation to me, because what does the term sound mean? Really sound
mean simply like chant, doesn't have to be him in particular, actually, song could also be a
metaphor of Scripture on the new praise of God.
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			And obviously, Muslims do have some chanting also, at the margin, the people who called people to
the prayers, he changed that it's not exactly hymns like in the Christian sense. But these, some
chanting, he actually it's a sing, but we don't use the term sing, but the chance, the call for the
prayers, anyone who'd seen that, even in the beginning of this program, you notice this little
portion from
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			the code for the prayers, and at the end of the program, it's chanting, of course. Furthermore, it
is very, very familiar thing in Muslim countries, to recite the Quran with a very nice melody also,
which also praises God. So it doesn't have to be exactly hymns, but it's still the 10 songs with
would not be really inconsistent with that at all, as a metaphor.
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			Thirdly, and that surprised me coming from a learning priest really, that he says that, that Jesus
peace be upon him, applied those description, in Isaiah 42, to himself. And he refers to the Gospel
according to Matthew, chapter 12, verses 17 through 21.
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			I was surprised when I wanted to check back this quotation that he makes an eye in the Bible.
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			And to my surprise, these were not the words of Jesus, claiming himself to be the fulfilment of
Isaiah 42. But this, in fact, were the words of Matthew.
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			And this is not unusual for Matthew, which we mentioned before, was very obsessed that any prophecy,
in his mind must automatically apply to Jesus, no one else.
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			But in any case, Matthew always used to say, and this happens, so that what has been, you know, said
by the Prophet would be fulfilled. But in any case, the bishop here, dejection Bishop was was not
correct on that, because the Bible doesn't say this word, the word refuses were the word of Matthew.
But what is more important, really, is that, to claim that this particular prophecy apply to Prophet
Jesus peace be upon him, is correct, on a number of grounds. One, as we mentioned before, it speaks
about someone who is receiving a complete court of law it says, The I shall wait for his law. Jesus
was never given globe. It speaks about that profit having victory over his enemies, not only more
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			than it's actually about
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			fighting against them. Obviously, that was not the case with Prophet Jesus,
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			that he will live long enough to establish justice on Earth. Prophet Jesus did not have that chance
his mission was short. But what is more important that Jesus is not of the descendants of Gaddafi
and the prophecy connected with Qatar who would be receiving that message?
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			The other objection that sergios raises that he says and that surprises me also he says that Islam
does not spread inshallah, in the islands, or the even the villages that give out inhabits I think
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			simplest information in geography shows that Islam did spread in all of these, Salah is Mecca and
Islam spread maccha the villages that kiddush in Arabia, inhabited Islam spread throughout the
entirety of Arabia is then spread in all islands all over the world. And we know that the largest
Muslim country is the the eyes of Indonesia, let alone Malaysia, Philippines and many other places
where Muslims exist in substantial numbers. It surprises me that he writes in Arabic, and saying
that, unlike Islam, which is confined to me, I think he doesn't know much about the or knows but
doesn't seem to, to wish to admit it. And I wonder how could anyone who lived in Egypt still speaks
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			about Islam as being confined to Arabia, knowing that the entire Arab world is less than 15%
minority is a small minority among Muslims. That is really rather surprising, quite frankly, none of
these objections I find, carry the slightest credibility. There's no way to honestly interpret that
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			prophecy, except that to someone who is a descendant of Kadar syndrome to wish mine, and that is
none but Prophet Muhammad peace.
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			This move at this time to a New Testament, does it corroborate with the Old Testament? Yes, it does.
And let us begin, let's say with the gospel according to john, okay. In chapter one, in verses 19
through 26, we are told what happens when john the baptist came,
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			and the change that the the Jews sent their priests and Levi's to ask john the baptist, who he was.
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			And then it says that they asked him three questions, which shows that the Jews that learn Jews knew
that there are three important personalities yet to come, or at least, to start to come from their
time on.
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			They asked him first, let's ask
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			john the baptist.
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			Are you Elijah?
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			They believe that the second coming of Elijah,
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			but again,
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			john the baptist said, No.
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			Secondly, they asked him, Are you Christ?
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			And he said, No.
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			Then this, they told them if you're Why are you baptizing? If you're not sorry? The third question
first, the third question, Are you that profit?
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			Third person? And he said, No. And then they started asking him, why are you baptizing? If you are
not Elijah, or Christ, or that Prophet? This is a very interesting and very revealing type of
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			First of all, they asked him if he was Elijah, because they expected the second coming of Elijah.
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			Now, why did he say no?
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			The New Testament, in the Gospel according to Matthew, chapter 11, verse 14, we are told that Jesus
peace be upon him, stated that actually, john the baptist was Elijah, that is the second coming of
Elijah. But why did john the baptist say no? Well, there are two possibilities. Either that the
pupil who asked him that question, were asking him in a way that
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			they expected Elijah physically the same in Asia, who ascended into heaven, to be coming back in the
form of john the baptist. And as such, he was right in saying no, is not the same person. And maybe
they fail to understand that the prophecy was actually not the second coming of Elijah, physically,
but another prophet in the power of Elijah, or like unto Elijah.
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			In any case, whatever the reason,
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			it's quite possible also,
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			the, either john detritus was not aware of himself even that he might be the prophet
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			prophesied to be like, Elijah. But in any case, based on later statements by Jesus peace be upon him
whether john the baptist realized it or not, that was one person entity, the second coming of Elijah
in the form of Jonathan, that's one, one person.
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			Second, they asked him, Are you the Christ? Jesus, that's so obvious to make any comments.
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			But the third question is quite revealing. When john the baptist said no, to the first two
questions, they asked him are you
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			Then that profit, that profit could not be interpreted as Jesus peace, because they just finished
asking him are you, Christ?
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			The day mean, just to emphasize the question that means, are you Christ that profit? The answer to
that? No. Because as we mentioned earlier, they continued later and said, Why are you baptizing if
you are not Elijah, and not Christ, and not that Prophet, which means actually, they were speaking
about three different persons.
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			Now, who is that third personality?
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			Except if we connect it with other prophecies discussed in this programs,
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			the prophet like unto Moses, from the revelation of the Israelites, of course, the question that may
arise here is that why did the Jews if they understood brother into me in beige migraines, why did
they ask john the baptist? Who is undecided? Like if he were that Prophet?
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			But a possible answer to this is that maybe they were really puzzled.
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			They asked him if you realize he did know the ascension of Christ, and maybe that was about the time
frame where they expected these two personalities. So when you're desperate, you might just ask even
the unlikely skill, could it be even that prophet even though they know it, even if they knew that
he was to be from the descendants of Ishmael, but they were really positive it? Could it be that
possibly? That's one. The other possibility, of course, is, is that some of the Jews of that time
might have fallen into the same misinterpretation like many contemporary scholars, by interpreting
the prophecy in Deuteronomy 1818, that when God says, of Moses said that God would raise for new a
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			prophet like unto me from your, among your brother in the interpretive brothers to be among
themselves, which we said, again, there's more than one evidence, as we discussed before, to show
that brotherhood actually is a reference to the other branch of the Abrahamic family tree, as
consistent with the prophecy made in Genesis that both branches, the Israelites, and the
ishmaelites, will be blessed. From this analysis, then it's obvious that the three persons are john
the baptist, Jesus, and the third one is Prophet Mohammed, that's about 600 years after Jesus, peace
be upon him. I wonder what how
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			could it be interpreted with the totality of
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			information and evidence? You've asked? How author could be interpreted? How was the interpretive
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			there have been
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			some ways of interpreting this in the past. And this is an issue perhaps we'll
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			be touching upon a little later, actually, that may just be a little premature before at.
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			jumping ahead, let's get back to john about this. Now, what do you say to those who say that john
the baptist identified Jesus, as as the Lamb of God? Okay. I think this might say some problems of
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			The difference perhaps, is usually made to the gospel according to john chapter one, verses 29 and
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			Which says that, when john the baptist saw Jesus, he said, this is the Lamb of God who takes away
the sins of humanity. And that he said that the one who's coming after him is greater than he was.
The problem here is that if you compare the accounts of different gospels
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			take the question, for example of when did john the baptist discovered that Jesus is the Lamb of
God? Okay. Now, we have three different accounts on this one. And the Gospel according to Luke, in
chapter one, verse 44.
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			It says that john the baptist knew Jesus and his identity, when he was a fetus in the womb of his
mother, and that he started to live for joy. When, you know, when Elizabeth was visited by Mary,
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			according to the Gospel of Luke, the same gospel, that's the interesting part of chapter three,
verse 22, we find the different story, which is also the same as found in the Gospel According to
john and chapter one, verses 32 through 34. Now, according to both of these references, it says that
john the baptist realized the personality or the nature of Jesus
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			When he saw a spirit, descending upon Jesus, like a dove.
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			So that's the second
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			The third one actually is different. According to the Gospel of Luke, Also,
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			notice your three different counts in the same gospel even in chapter seven, verse 19.
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			We are told that Gee, that john the baptist did not even know whether Jesus is the one who is to
come. That's a great, long awaited person to come. Or should he wait a little longer? And that was
at the end even of the life of john the baptist? In chapter seven, verse 19, it says, when he sent
his disciples to ask Jesus peace be upon him. And they asked him, Are you he? Who is to come? Or
shall we look for another? And of course, the answer of Jesus, as reported in that chapter seems to
be rather ambiguous, does he say, Yes, I am. But there have been lots of questions or discussion
that doesn't seem to give a very conclusive answer to that question. But the interesting part of it,
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			then, is that john did have this towards the end of his life, even did not know whether Jesus is
really the one that was to come. So how could these three narratives relate? Did he know him? In the
one book, his mother's, when he was baptizing him when the Holy Spirit descended upon him, or even
up till the end of his life, he was not even sure who Jesus was, as far as the statements attributed
to john the baptist, for example, you find that in the Gospel, according to john chapter one and
verse 27,
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			in which he says that, even He who comes after me, the phones, the funk, of whose son, I am not
worthy to untie.
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			Now, some has been has been interpreting that to mean that the one who's coming after and he was
greater than I is Jesus. But what is forgotten here is that Jesus did not come after john the
baptist. They were contemporaries, and they were living together, actually, it was just a matter of
a few months difference in their birth. Which means then, that
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			the question of john the baptist identifying Jesus is something that one has today some question,
really, whether it was some later edition or not. But in any case,
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			there's no question that even Jesus Himself not john the baptist alone did prophesy the coming of
profit from it.
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			Well, that's, that's very interesting.
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			Now, due to the shortage of time, I don't think it's gonna go on to the next question. Okay. And
there's just so much material in this and I just hate to push it into the
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			house. So maybe with your permission, we'll leave on this next week. Thank you all for joining us,
you understand the focus. And as always, we encourage you to please
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			send us your comments.
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			And any questions that you may have, we'd be more than pleased to answer them. Or concerning this
particular program or anything that we have
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			taped in the past or anything we may be taping in the future.
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			these are these are very well appreciated. So from all of us, you understand the focus, so I can
only hope to see you next week.