Jamal Badawi – Moral Teachings of Islam 3 – Human Nature In Islam

Jamal Badawi
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The host of the Islamophobic Islam program discusses the importance of human nature in achieving spiritual success and the need for pride in actions. They stress the need for pride in sin and forgiveness, as well as the trusteeship of God, which is the relationship between the physical body, spirit, and soul. They also highlight the trusteeship of God as a choice made by humans to fulfill their natural needs and avoid sin. The importance of human responsibility is also emphasized, with a reminder to visit the website for more information.

AI: Summary ©

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			In the name of God the beneficence the Merciful, the creator and Sustainer of the universe, peace
and blessings upon His Messenger and servant Mohammed forever meaning, I bear witness that there is
no god worthy of worship except the one true God. And I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger,
and servant of God. To all of the viewers of the Islamophobic program, I greet you with the
universal greetings of all the profits from Abraham to Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon
them all. Assalamu Aleikum, which means peace be unto you. I'm your host Hama Rashid. Today we have
our third program in our series on moral teachings of Islam. More specifically, we'll be looking at
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			the question of human nature is viewed by Islam. I have joining me on the program as usual, brother
Jamal, brother Dr. Jamal, By the Way of St. Mary's University, brother Jamal Assalamu alaikum.
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			Now, last week in our second program in the series on moral teachings of Islam, we were looking at
the question of religious ethics and more specifically, we were looking at the concept of God and
and in the concept of life in the hereafter. Perhaps before we get into the our questions for
today's program, could you very quickly go back and highlight the main points that we touched upon
in our second program in this series? Okay, the first thing we discussed was the difference between
secular morality and religious morality. And we said that in religious morality, there are some
basic things that are considered like the conception of God, like I said, the belief in the
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			Hereafter, and also some of the ideas about what is the nature of the human being can What is his or
her role on earth?
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			On the question of conception of God, we have seen that how Islam insists on the pure and perfect
monotheism, that Islam rejects the philosophical notion of God. When philosophers perceive of God as
an impersonal being, who is so high and so great that is either totally separate from the universe,
or certainly identical with it says I must have believed in God as a person.
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			On the other hand, we said Islam also rejects the polytheistic notion of God, which believed that
there are other gods beside gods or mine or gods, because he said, That's contradictory to logic and
science, even that the universe apparently is ruled by one ultimate Well, they can be no two
conflicting, or different wills in this universe. Thirdly, we said even when we compare the Islamic
monotheism with the conception of God and the Bible, even find that there are some differences, both
from the Old and New Testament, we discussed again how sometimes in the Old Testament, a person is
left with the impression that God for at least early Israelites was perceived as superhuman,
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			somebody who walks rest after creating the heavens and earth, whose feet are hurt when he walks in
the garden and all that, nor does it also accepts the notion that appears in the right in some of
the writings in the New Testament about the necessity of blood sacrifice in order for God to accept
men or mankind and reconcile it unto himself. Similarly, we have also indicated that the importance
of this pure, consistent belief in God, the importance of having a belief in God, which is free from
any errors or inconsistencies is very essential and related to the ethical outlook of the believer.
The by the similar in a similar way, also we discuss the belief in the hereafter. And again, we say
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			that Islam does not accept the notion of renouncing this world in order to work for the Hereafter,
just to clarify the soul. You don't have to reject one or the other, that both should be coordinated
and harmonized in order for the person really to fulfill his
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			Oh, let's take a look now at another aspect of ethics and that is this question of human nature.
Perhaps before we look at the Islamic viewpoint, it might be helpful to develop the Islamic view or
to develop an appreciation of Islamic view by first looking at some of the
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			other views of human nature some of the common views that are held regarding human nature. Okay, I
think we can perhaps you're fair to the chart we have here,
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			which summarize in a very simple way, at least some of the main or common what they called common
views about the nature of the human. As you notice here, the first one is to view the human being
essentially, as an evolving animal, basically,
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			that the basic nature of the human is material material is the basis of life, that there is no
particular divine plan for the creation of the human on Earth. The second view on the chart is to
view the human as basically and
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			spiritual being emphasizing or over emphasizing to be more accurate, the soul to regard the body or
the physical body as nothing more than an illusion, that this body has to be neglected or at times
even tortured, in order to free the soul, from the shackles of material to get the soul in the
highest level or
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			Nirvana as some religions also call it state of Nirvana.
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			A third approach is to regard the human mainly as an intellectual being, with perhaps even
overemphasis on the intellectual qualities of the human, regarding intellect, as the masters of
everything as the ultimate judge.
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			In fact, in this way of thinking, also, intelligence or intellect is regarded even as the judge over
revelation. That revelation even has to be judged in accordance to what one's intellect tells him.
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			Firstly, we have the view of the human, essentially as a sinful being, that sin is very central, in
human existence, the notion of man or mankind has fallen,
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			one who inherited the sin, and who is looking desperately for salvation, as some scholars, for
example, refer to the writings of Paul, who regarded sin as a universal tendency, and human beings
as people who are really enslaved by their fleshly nature. And by sin, that the wages of sin is
death. And that salvation is not by the law, but only through blood sacrifice. This is like I said,
again, is a very simple, simplified way of looking at some of the common ways of
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			looking at this whole notion of what's the nature of the human. Okay. Looking at some of the going
back to these these common views that are held by various communities. I wonder if perhaps you could
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			give us some idea of how you would evaluate the the fuse that you've just mentioned, from an Islamic
point of view? How Muslim would evaluate kind of critique? Yeah, more or less? Yes. Okay. Let's
defer to them. Again, one by one, first of all, Islam rejects the notion of regarding the human as
essentially, an animal. That's the first point that we discussed before as an evolving animal.
That's, that's not acceptable for the Muslim, that
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			the notion that there is no divine plan behind the creation of mankind is totally unacceptable to
the Muslim. Let me quote you a few citations from the Quran that might perhaps shed some light on
this. In chapter 54, verse 49, God says in the Quran, in Aquila Shai in hallak, now because that is
very old things have recreated in proportion, and measured, as similar verse appear in chapter 25
verse two, it is he that's God, who created all things and order them into proportion. So the notion
of haphazard existence is alien to the mind of the Muslim. The notion of regarding the human being
essentially as an animal or physical body
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			is also described in the Quran as very erroneous. For example, in chapter 47, in verse 12.
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			Parts of the verse says, well, Athena furuya, tamatoa Guna, Karnataka and Han when narooma salam,
that is those who reject God will enjoy this world and eat as cattles eat. In other words, the
matter of just eating or sustaining a physical body, the cattles also
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			have something in common with the human. And then it says a continue, and the fire will be their
home or their abode. So the question of just physical or material existence. Indeed, there is one
citation in the Quran. More specifically, in chapter seven, verse 178, it shows that those who
overemphasize the material existence and forget about the existence of the soul,
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			they are even less guided than animals. It says they are like animals, they are even less guided
than animals, because animals at least do not have that intellect or spirituality and then knowledge
of the truth that God has inspired into them. If we move back again to the second
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			item, or regarding the in the chart, the human being as basically
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			a spiritual being. Again, there is nothing wrong considering the spirit or the soul. But the problem
again, with over emphasis on the spiritual aspect is that usually it's done at the expense of
material. That is to say, as I said before, the torturing the body, thinking that the salvation of
the soul can only be attained by neglecting the body, leading to certain ideas like celibacy, like
monasticism, whereby you escape from life, you just keep away from any pleasures of life. Again, we
find that this goes against human nature, if there are few peoples who can possibly take the
discipline of this highly simply type of behavior, which is commendable in itself, you would not
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			expect that, from an average You and I, most people, even those who have good intentions, they find
that extremely against the human nature effects because following universal What am I just
interrupted, was following a universal basis, why society would be unable to perpetuate itself.
Exactly. That's another point. If you follow that thing, penal civilization, no life to be
perpetual, exactly everybody is required to do this. And once you keep pushing people against that
human nature against their natural needs, which could be partly physical, you're really pushing them
to play around the law, or sometimes when they are pushed or pressures too much. They just blow it
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			up. So that's, again, one reason why Islam doesn't accept that, if you refer back to the third view,
for example, on this list,
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			regarding the human basically as an intellectual being. Now again, when you talk about intellect, we
have discussed in several programs before in different contexts, how
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			useful intellect is, but how deficient also, it may be, that there are lots of sources of knowledge,
intellect is a very important one. But it's not all. There is a relation also that's needed. And
when you talk about intellect, intellect, you mind his hurts, always lack of
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			ultimate, and final standard of right and wrong. And as such, again, to overemphasize intellect is
to worship intellect and to forget that there are other sources of knowledge that are badly needed.
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			Going back again to the chart, you have the fourth item regarding the human century as a sinful
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			Again, that contradicts with Islamic notion, which does not accept any notion of original sin. In
Islam, a human being is not regarded essentially, as a falling,
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			In fact, it is not a phone but rather as
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			human beings are managed, regarded mankind in the generic sense as a special creature who's trying
to rise above his or her shortcoming trying to overcome
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			the difficulties and weaknesses that might be inherent in his or her creation. So the whole notion
of original sin is not necessarily, again, in line with the Islamic idea of man, or this last point,
needs further clarification, because I understand that Muslims also believe in the story of Adam and
Eve, and I wonder, I'd be curious to know, and I'm sure many of our viewers would be curious to know
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			how the how Muslims interpret the story of Adam and Eve without accepting the doctrine or the notion
or concept of original sin. Okay, first of all, the fact that the story of Adam and Eve appears in
the Quran, there is no dispute about it, but the way
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			it's interpreted, is quite different.
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			Let me clarify that. When the Quran talks about the story of Adam and Eve, it does not present it
only as a study of the first man and woman.
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			It's rather depict that as the ethical experience, not only of Adam and Eve, but of every human
being, that connects with what I was saying earlier. It is the ethical experience of each one of us,
each and every one of us. That is a human being who has within himself, the Spirit of God, but who's
also created of material
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			matters. how a person tries to reconcile this, how can he try to fulfill his spiritual aspirations,
and yearning, still, with the limitation and shortcomings of the physical body isn't itself the kind
of experience that Adam has gone through? How person would be tempted because of the physical part
of his existence? to disobey God? And how would he be also pulled up by his spirituality, how he
falls and try to overcome that fall, make a mistake and repent. From that mistake, this is something
to start with. In addition to this, when the Quran speaks about the story of Adam and Eve, it talks
also about them, committing the mistake, realizing their mistake, repenting and praying insincerity
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			for God, who forgive both of them as you find, for example, in the Quran in chapter two, verse 37,
as one example, where it shows that the word forgiven, so there was no Original Sin, the matter was
settled there. God who created Adam and Eve, he knew that weaknesses, he knew that there, they can't
help it at times. So he forgives them when they show this sincere attitude and as such, it ended
there's no original sin to be inherited. The Quran is very clear that sin cannot be inherited. That
as it was, it was a currency that no soul can carry the burden of another soul. How could we believe
that the Senate could be inherited or passed on to any future generation in Islam, every child is
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			born fused, just like white cloth. It is what happened to him later on. But nobody really is born
with inherited sin as such, to say that the person is born with tendencies towards sin. That's a
different issue from saying that he's coming in this world, essentially, and largely as a sinful
individual. The other thing about it is that the human existence on earth is not regarded as
punishment is not a wage to pay for the original so called sin because there's no real
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			life on Earth here. As the Quran indicated, it was planned by God that we are destined to live on
Earth. Before even a human being was created, God was telling the engine that he's going to create a
trustee to live on this earth. So it's not here as punishment. It's just the experience or lesson
that Adam and Eve had to go through before coming to this earth.
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			To add one more point, just to clarify, again, your specific question on the question of sin. What
to do, then if we as human beings have this tendency to send one standard approach is very simple
and direct.
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			You make a mistake, you make a sin, you acknowledge your sin, that's one condition, you can sorry
for it. second condition, you earnestly pray for forgiveness and have the determination not to fall
into it. Again, these are three conditions, if the sin involves the rights of some other person, of
course condition would be to return back whatever you took unduly from that person. And that's it.
In fact, the Quran talks about this notion of sin in a very beautiful way, not to condemn the human
being because they send not to say that you have to go through this or that in order for your sins,
to be forgiven. In a very simple and direct approach. We read in the Quran describing those who send
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			that's in chapter three, verse 135. It says, and those who haven't done something to be ashamed of
or wrong, their own souls, earnestly bring God to mind remember him and ask for forgiveness for the
sin and who can forgive sins except God, and they are never obstinate, inconsistent, knowingly in
the wrong they have done. Now would you acknowledge that they
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			If something goes wrong, if I may just give you one more, or two more conditions. For example, in
chapter nine in the Quran, verse 114, it says, Good deeds, remove
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			those that are evil. So you do something bad if you did something good afterwards, and had the
intention not to do the evil things again, the good deed would remove the effect of those bad deeds.
And in a very moving citation also in chapter 20, verse 82, God speaks about himself. But without
doubt, I got, I am also he that forgives again and again, to those who repent, believe and do right,
who in fine are ready to receive true guidance? This is a very simple and direct approach of this
whole notion of sin, Redemption of sin, no difficulty or no
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			particular doctrine or bloodshed is needed. It's simply the direct approach to God who knows our
weakness and limitations?
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			Well, now that we've examined some of the more common notions of what human nature is all about, and
your critique of those notions, to the property, we can now can lend to the Islamic viewpoint of
human nature. Can you comment on that? Sure. could go back to the chart, perhaps you can find there
very concise, hopefully summary. Especially in the first line, when you talk about STEM view, a
human being is regarded by Islam as the trustee of God divinity, most briefly, the trustee or vice
gent of God
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			on earth,
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			most specifically, before they go on and analyze what this trusteeship means, what implications
there may be, let me quote you a couple of key verses from the Quran to justify that statement, not
my own, and just based on what the Quran actually teaches, in the Quran, in chapter two,
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			in verses 30, particularly, it leads what is called a Booker manner.
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			That is to say, behold, thy Lord said to the incense, I will create a vise journal, or just tea on
Earth. They said that the engine will you place there and one who will make the trip there in and
said blood, while we do celebrate by praise and glorify thy holy name. He said that God, I know what
you know.
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			So here's the term alita. Vikings are thirsty of God is very specifically mentioned as the nature or
essence of the nature of the human being. In a very similar citation also appeared in chapter six
and verse 165.
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			It says, It is He that God has made you as a human being his urgent inheritors, of the earth.
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			In other words, he appointed actually, not that God needs our help,
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			you know, to help him with with any particular work on this earth, but it's the kind of expression
of the dignity that God has endowed with mankind. And that's what appears, if you go back to that
chart again.
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			The essence really, of the kalasa or trusteeship of God starts
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			with the notion that the human being is regarded as the crown of creation, as I have shown from the
Quran. Even angels were commanded by God to bow down in respect to men out man in a sense again of
mankind. The Quran also in chapter 17, verse 17, specifically mentioned Quran never any item that
says we have honored the children, or descendants of Adam. A second point that's related to that
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			is the, the secret for this honoring of mankind that the integration that only the human being has
to integrate and harmonize the various components of integration, his physical body, his intellect,
and his soul, or spirit. You find the Quran, for example, describe the human being as created from
clay, that's the material part. In chapter two, it talks about God teaching mankind that the
knowledge or intellect in for example, in chapter 16, verse 29, talks about the human being, having
the Spirit of God within him that God breathed into him of his spirit, the knowledge of God and the
spiritual that all these components must be harmonized together. The third
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			One that we have often the in the center is that the reason why human beings are dignified. And
given that particular status is that they have free choice. They have the, the potential for good
and evil. A human being is not all devil is not Angel. Sometimes his behavior could fall in either
categories. The Quran explains it very clearly. For example, in chapter 19, verse 10, it says that
God has guided or shown the path, or given the knowledge to the human being about the two paths, the
test of truth and falsehood, right and wrong.
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			In a dynamic study, in Matthew, chapter 76, verse three says that God has shown again, the mankind
the way, either to be thankful and grateful to God or to be arrogant and haughty.
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			In chapter 18, verse 29, it gives the human beings a choice to say, truth has come from your Lord,
whoever wishes to believe, let him believe whatever whoever wishes to reject, let him reject. But of
course, everyone has to take the consequences for that. The first one that we have on the turkey
that to explain again in full what this trusteeship means is this notion of responsibility, that if
it is true, that there is a choice, freedom of choice, then there must be also responsibility to be
to go side by side with this
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			choice. Let me give you a few citations that we still have a couple of minutes in the program,
perhaps to,
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			to make the point clear.
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			First of all, in the Quran, in chapter 7536, verse 36,
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			it raises the question is does humankind or mankind think that he or she will be left uncontrolled
without purpose.
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			So if there is the purpose behind creation, if there is a responsibility to carry on this earth,
then it follows that one should be questioned, and to be questioned for that
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			responsibility. Indeed, another
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			verse in the Quran, it says, a system Anima lochmaben.
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			Down, do you think that is mankind, that we have created you in vain, and that you are not coming
back to us
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			or returning,
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			responding to some of the people who used to talk in price, for example, about their ancestors, in
the Quran, in the context of talking about Prophet Abraham, and other Israelite prophets, and how
many people claim allegiance to them? The Quran says, particularly in chapter two, verse 141, let's
say these are people who have gone already before you, for them what they have earned, and for you,
what you earn. So you can say my ancestor was trying to talk about that. But after all, it is what
you do, not what your ancestors have done, that would really count in terms of individual
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			In the times of the Prophet, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him also, some of the Israelites used
to both also have the fact that
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			after all, even if they are going to fire, the fire will only touch them for a few days. For
example, in chapter two, verse 80, it cost them a thing
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			that they say, the fire cannot touch us, but for a few number days, say, Have you taken a promise
from God? For he never breaks his promise? Or is it that you say of God, that or what you do not
know. So there is no excuse again, neglecting that responsibility, indeed, addressing the Muslims
and to avoid also this attitude of spiritual elegant in chapter code in the Quran, in verse 122, and
1.3, it says, It's simply not your own hope, or wishful thinking, knows the hope of the people in
the book, whoever does something wrong, you will be punished accordingly. And he will not find any
definitive for him before God. In other words, it's very essential when you talk about this notion
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			of trusteeship of mankind on Earth, that you have got a big gap to do and will be responsible for
our performance.
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			Now, that's our coins for today. We want to invite you back. Next week, we will explore the topic of
excitingly continuing our with our report.
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			Thank you for watching.