Jamal Badawi – Jesus 46 – Trinity Atonement Blood Sacrifice 13 Crucifixion 5
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The speakers discuss inaccurate prophecies in the Bible, including the use of "monster" instead of" and the misunderstandings of certain words. They also criticize the idea of Jesus being a universal father and the use of "monster" instead of "monster" in the Bible. The speakers stress the importance of fulfilling spiritual goals and avoiding false predictions.
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Welcome once again to assignment focus. This program will be our 46 and Jesus, the beloved messenger of Allah and our 13th on sin, atonement, and the sacrifice will continue today with the Old Testament processes about Jesus. I'm your host Shawnee Mission here once again from St. Mary's University with Dr. Joseph conduction conducted.
We start off with some replays of last week's program. Okay, we continued the second portion of reviewing the orchestral processes that has been sometimes applied by mistake to refer to the coming of Jesus peace be upon him.
More specifically, we discussed how Matthew connected between the order of heroes to kill the children in Bethlehem with the crying of Richard in Jeremiah 31. Between the
Old Testament prophecies in Jeremiah 23, or the second son of David about the kingdom was coming to rule over Israel, and the alleged mocking of Jesus This is the killing of Jews when he was crucified,
or between the silence of Jesus and answering some questions during the so called trial with what Isaiah said in 53, seven that he opened his mouth and he found that he spoke quite eloquently in several occasions according to the Gospels.
We also discussed some variations of the quotations that has been taken from the Old Testament, in some cases with changes in meanings that was significant like the book of Micah chapter five, verse two, which speak about everlasting even though the more accurate translation today is ancient days, or Molokai, three, one, which again changed, preparing the way or before me, ie got to die when referring to Jesus, which changed the meaning quite a bit. The famous quotation from the Psalms of David 110, The Lord said to my Lord set up my right hand, and again we find that this has changed quite a bit in translation and now one Lord is capital L. The second is small L.
We indicated that some of the prophecies also that has been interpreted to apply exclusively to Jesus peace be upon him apply to many other prophets, including those relating to lineage. To the complain of those who mock them hurted. The profit or the fact that she carried lots of their sins and in equities and still interceded on their behalf. Despite their hitting him without a cause. We said that applies to virtually all profits,
and those that relate to the guidance brought by those prophets. And finally, we examine some of the Old Testament prophecies, which in fact, applies to one specific prophet but has been applied to Jesus by mistake. Hosea 11, one applies to Israel has nothing to do with the coming of Jesus peace be upon him, or he's coming from Egypt.
The second some of David's verse seven, today, I have forgotten the as I mentioned, is mentioned there in the Psalms in the context of David. And finally, we said that there are even some prophecies that pertain to the coming of the last prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, which again has been mistakenly interpreted to equate to the coming of the one who preceded him Jesus, peace be upon both of them.
Now, at the end of last week's program made a very interesting statement. And for those viewers who aren't, they're all just refresh there. Or maybe bring it out. You said that the Old Testament prophecies to some of them may be applying to the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. Do you have any evidence to back this up? Okay. I must say first, before I answer that question that few years back, we had this program, a fully eight program series, it's called Mohammed in the Bible. There is a little booklet also and a brochure which is available free of charge to anyone who just asked for it by phoning or writing to the address that usually comes on the screen at the end of the program.
So I cannot Of course report he has to summarize eight programs in a few minutes, but just give a few examples to that to show that there's definitely ever
For that it's not out of the blue as might appear from the beginning really.
Take for example, in the book of Deuteronomy, chapter 18, verse 18, Prophet Moses, please be upon him addressing the Israelites who were already in his presence before his death to the sides were already there. And he's telling them that God will raise for you from amongst your brother in a prophet like unto me.
Now, it's interesting to notice here that in the book of Acts, in chapter three, verses 22, on
the writer of the book of Acts, interpret
the coming of Jesus as fulfillment of that prophecy of Moses, and some even attribute to Jesus as saying that Moses wrote of me.
But there are a number of reasons to believe that, in fact, this prophecy applies to Prophet Mohammed rather,
first of all, Moses, addressing the Israelites already, he says, from among your blood friend, and the closest brother into the Israelites, or the ishmaelites, from him, can Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.
Secondly, he says, a prophet like unto me, that means there is a great deal of similarity between Moses and that Prophet was going to come to start with, to say that Jesus is the fulfillment of that prophecy is very erroneous, at least insofar as Christian theology goes, because Moses was never regarded as the Son of God. Yes, Jesus also was considered as a prophet, but Moses was considered as a prophet only period, just like Muhammad was considered Prophet, period. It was only Jesus who is believed by his parents have been both a prophet and Son of God. So he's not really a prophet like, is believed to be Son of God, so it doesn't apply at all.
And Jesus, as we all know, was an Israelite prophet himself. So that doesn't apply to the term from your brother in.
Moses and Mohammed both received a complete code of law.
Jesus never claimed to teach the law he was teaching spiritual elements to supplement the law, not doing it, the law actually said, I cannot say destroy the law or prophets I came to fulfill. In that prophecy, also in the economy, it speaks about God, putting the words in the mouth of that prophet like unto Moses, and he says only what he hears, that can hardly apply to any one belief to be God incarnated with a prophet, a human being, who can say anything on his own, but receives revelation. These are only a few. And like I said, In the book, as I mentioned, which will be available free, is called the 100 in the Bible, and there are 10, a table, a list of 10 issues of comparison between
Mohammed Jesus and Moses, which was quite clearly that the Prophet light unto Moses, the closest Genie, in many respects, has been Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.
A second example of this, again of misinterpretation I should say, in my humble understanding, appears in the Gospel of Matthew chapter 12, verses 17 through 21.
Where he says, after you know, referring to Jesus, this was to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah, behold, my servant whom I have chosen, my beloved with whom my soul is well pleased, I will put my spirit on him, apparently it is because he is because this is the quotation actually from Isaiah chapter 42. And any examination of that chapter in context, will show that
Matthew does not interpret it correctly.
For Go on, if any of our viewers with life carrying video cassettes on Mohammed's in the Bible or the book of the South, once again, our phone number I just will be available at the end of the program. I think, you know, would you explain why they, you mentioned that it was explained out of context. Maybe you can elaborate on that. Okay, if you go back, first of all, to the book of Isaiah, chapter 42, which which was quoted actually by Matthew chapter 12,
you will find that it refers to that person to come as the servant of God.
When is, Matthew is prepared to call Jesus, a servant of God, then you cannot also at the same time, consider him to be divine, or God incarnate, because you cannot imagine God to be servant of himself. See?
Some people have tried to give an answer to that by saying no, but Jesus in human form, that's God in human form actually is the servant of God, who is not in the human form the father, but of course that's contrary
Excellent fundamental of Trinity, and theology which says that Jesus was simultaneously full man and full God at the same time. So it doesn't really answer that objection at all. But what is more important is that in verse four, in Isaiah 42, it says about that person that he will not be discouraged, until he has established, established judge justice on Earth, established justice. Now, that means somebody who had the power, second or power was, or combined, the offices of being a prophet, and ruler also says you can enforce the establishment of justice. And according to all the Gospels, according to history, Jesus never played that role. He was a spiritual teacher. Above all,
it says also in the same verse that the aisles or the coastlands, will wait for his law. And again, as mentioned before, Jesus never claimed to teach a law. In Matthew 517. He said, I cannot to destroy the law of prophets, I came to fulfill.
But what is more amazing is that in verse 11, of that very essential in Isaiah 42, it connects the coming of that person, the Messenger of the Select of God, the servants of God, with the joy that will come to the villages which is inhabited by Kadosh ke, V. AR, according to the Bible, in chapter 25, of the book of Genesis, verse 13, to God was the second son of Ishmael, and that has been used to refer to the Arabs. And we know that Prophet Mohammed, the last prophet is a descendant of only Prophet Mohammed may fit of this description, being a descendants of Ishmael.
That's from Qatar, being someone who is called truly and fully the Servant and Messenger of God, no son of God, no God incarnate notion in the mind of Muslims at all, the one who received the law like Moses, not a prophet after Moses received the comprehensive law, but Mohammed, that the one who is religion split all over the world, one sixth of the world population are Muslim, so the cost land on all over the world, waited for his loan. A third example, just to make a similarity also, with this kind of quotations is what some scholars refer to in the book of Isaiah, chapter 11, verse one in the Old Testament, which speak about someone who is going to come from the descent, or bestehen of
Jessie, je, s s, e, and we find that poem try to interpret that to refer to the coming of Jesus, you find that in his book to the Romans, chapter 515, verse 12.
Now, if you read Isaiah 11, in context, you find again, that it does not speak about the coming of a spiritual teacher, or a prophet only, but someone who will be both a prophet and a ruler, also a temporary ruler. In fact, in verse four, in chapter 11, it speaks about the person who is going to fight to be engaged in warfare with the with the iPad worshippers over the unbelievers. It says, even specifically, that he will kill the wicked.
We know of course, that Jesus never participated in any fighting against the pagans, or any other groups for that matter. So it can never really be a prophecy that relates to Jesus. But what is more important to you?
Is that to say that Jesus come from the stem of Jessie and that just he was the father of David, is very questionable. According to encyclopedia, biblical, edited by Cheyenne, who says that Jesse actually is an abbreviation of Ishmael. Because Ishmael in Hebrew is Ishmael. Ishmael, which means God hears Ishmael. we abbreviate Ishmael. Yes, she in English, Jessie.
And these are just a few of many examples, like I said, was the subject of a whole series that we have covered before. So what I'm saying basically, that
not only are there prophecies in the Old Testament, which apply to many prophets that applies, that were applied mistakenly, to Jesus, but some of them even applied to the Prophet after Jesus, the last prophet, Prophet Mohammed, may peace and blessings be upon them on
the interpretation that you seem to have suggested here. It actually very interesting to me anyway, and I'm probably demands a lot of reflection. I wonder however, whether this line of analysis implies
Let the coming of Jesus was not prophesied in the Old Testament. No,
no, that's that's not exactly the same as carrying too far the ice, I think that would be, you know, stretching what I'm saying, beyond what I'm really specifically indicating, in fact, from a standpoint of a Muslim, there is absolutely no theological or other reasons to try and show that the coming of Jesus was not prophesied, because for the Muslim, on the authority of the Quran alone, lived the Bible everyone on the authority of just the Quran which the Muslim believes that is the word of God given to his last messenger, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
Jesus was a legitimate, honored and respected prophets, there is no question but there is no question about the love and respect and honor accorded to Jesus in the Quran, which Muslim accept as the fundamental source. So there is no reason to say that his coming was or was not expected. I mean, it's okay according to the Quran. But what I've been dealing with really are the errors in extending that too far to pick and choose certain verses or parts in the Old Testament, that may have some wording that somehow may give any indication and say this applies to Jesus. More specifically, I'm dealing with, or I was dealing with three errors of interpretation. One is to
interpret certain prophecies out of context, even though it speaks about a ruler, for example, and say it applies to Jesus.
Secondly, to indicate that some prophecies attributed to Jesus actually applies to many other prophets to be the descendants of Abraham or something of that nature. And that some of them apply to a specific prophet like we have seen in Hosea and in Psalms of David.
So, the third error also is the fact like I said that some of these prophecies or statements, as we have seen before, has been somewhat
changed or misquoted with some editing, in order to prove certain documents like the deity of Prophet Jesus peace be upon him more. In fact, if you read it properly and read the original, Old Testament prophecies, does not bear this claim. First.
There are some Dr. Jamal who would argue that one prophecy refers to one to come who is called the Everlasting Father. Now, this was never claimed to apply to any other profit, assets, the conclude from this, that it must mean Jesus. Now, which would you like to comment on this? Well, this is a perfect example again, where a prior theological commitment seems to conceal even the most fundamental basis of understanding prophecies, even in the context of the Bible. I've heard that argument. And let me first give you again out of an attempt as much as humanly possible to be fair and give the argument also, the counter argument.
The reference normally is near to the book of Isaiah, chapter nine, special verse six,
because it reads on the court, for to us a child is born, to us a son is given. And the government notice here, and the government will be upon his shoulders, and his name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. This is the foundation that sometimes is given. Just as you rightfully said, some people will say, look, you know, how many Hamad Moses Abraham t Stephane them all never were claimed by the foreword to be everlasting or to be mighty God. So doesn't that mean that it's Jesus?
The first thing to keep in mind to start with that Jesus never claimed to be God's mighty rather ever less than five years. I think we discussed that in several previous programs. But aside from that, as indicated in some other programs, in the biblical language, many times that God has been used to refer to human beings not to mean that the human being can be God, but be godlike. In the book of Exodus, chapter seven, verse one, Moses is referred to as being sent as God to the federal. Nobody ever claimed that Moses was divine. In the second in the 82nd, psalm of David in verse six. It describes human beings even as being God's nothing in God's life, not necessarily to be taken,
literally. The second observation
And is that if we interpret or explain this verse in Isaiah, literally, you know that the Everlasting Father, for example, to describe Jesus, we know that it is contrary to the definition of the Trinity. Throughout history, the mainstream of Christianity have considered it a heresy. heresy, to say that Jesus himself was God, in a sense that Jesus is the father. What they say is that the Father is the first person in eternity. Jesus is the second person in Trinity, the Holy Spirit is the third person. So to say that this prophecy applies to Jesus, and that he will be called Everlasting Father is a heresy according to Christianity. It says, that doesn't make much sense.
Unless we take, of course, Everlasting Father,
in terms of the fatherhood of nations, that he will be a universal prophet to be, like a father to all nations, which apply, of course, to the last prophet. The third observation on the on this kind of inferences or interpretation
is that again, if you take that verse in context, rather than pick a few words from the verse and leave the rest, you take the whole verse altogether, out of the section, it says, in the very verse six, that this person will be a ruler really, and will govern. You see the words, exactly say the government shall be upon his shoulders,
that you'll be a ruler that applies to Mohammed applies to Moses, but
doesn't apply to Jesus. And since that prophecy came after Moses, the only logical person it applies to His Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Verse five, speaks about his participation in wars, and his victory over the oppressors. We find that in verse four and five,
and Jesus never thought Moses was involved in fighting what Saul was Prophet Muhammad against the oppressors. It says, also invest seven that there will be no end to his peace. One, this could very easily mean that his message will be final, it will never be superseded by any other prophet coming after him. And we all know that no prophet, any word that measures to the magnitude and importance of Abraham, Moses or Jesus after Muhammad has ever come, and we have already 1400 years since he is coming.
By the way, peace also is one of the derivatives which comes from the slam slam come from the same route as as SPS also. So if you look at Isaiah nine, six in this light, you find that obviously, it speaks about a person
who is going to come, who will fight the oppressors have victory over them, and no other prophets will come after him. So this
or this, it's stretching it too much ready to say that this verse applied to the Prophet Jesus.
While we are armed issue of prophecies, are you familiar with any New Testament prophecy which does not come to pass?
There are several, but I'd like to start with an important reservation.
From my standpoint, as a Muslim,
I believe in Jesus peace be upon him as a truthful prophets.
That if he prophesied anything, it can never be erroneous.
Which means that
if there is any prophecy attributed to Jesus that proved to be inaccurate, or did not come to pass or something contrary to what happened. My belief as a Muslim is that these were words put in the mouth of Jesus, but never really uttered by him. This position on the part of the Muslim is uncompromising. Nobody can convince me that a prophecy, which was not true, was ever uttered by Jesus. He is a threat to profit everything he says, or he has said must be correct. Anything is not correct. And consistent with officemates inconsistent with the facts. It is the not the mistake of Jesus it is the mistake of those who try their best to report What's your thoughts, but as humans we
committed mistakes with this reservation. Let me give you one example, to start with.
In the Gospel according to Matthew, chapter 19, and verses 23 to the end. It describes some discussion that went on between Jesus peace be upon him and the 12 disciples, that is before his entry into Jerusalem.
It is reported that Peter asked Jesus and he said What shall we have, that is after
We have already forsaken everything we have, what is the reward? What are we going to have in return for that? And the answers on the part of Jesus was quite interesting.
As reported by Matthew, I'm not saying the Guardian answers that it reported answer of Jesus, in Matthew 1928, addressing the disciples, quote, you who have followed me, will also sit on thrones, judging the 12 tribes of Israel. We all know that among the 12 disciples was Judas, who betrayed Jesus, and about whom Jesus said war to him. He said, If he had not been born to have been better, as you find the parties in Matthew 26, for example, that leads me and leads any Muslim who believes in Jesus and respect him to say that Jesus could have never uttered a prophecy like that, which is obviously not true.
Furthermore, this words were directed to the disciples, not only the number 12 is inaccurate, but factually speaking, the 11 disciples never sat on the throne to judge the 12 tribes of Israel, nor did they descendents do so.
And this, by the way, was observed not just by a Muslim author, like LACMA to LA in his book is how to talk to service. It was observed by Western Christian theologian like john Central, in his book, St. Matthew, where he noted that Luke when he mentioned the same story, did not copy the same error in Matthew, and did not mention this 12 thrones of the of the Israelites. Oh, that's a good example. While I have you, I lost for some work. Because next time I know, when I mentioned the name of Rama to LA and Hindi, an excellent scholar of comparative religion in his classic work, it's called as harville, Huck truth revealed.
He also makes reference to the Gospel according to Matthew chapter 12, verses 39 to 40. When some scribes and Pharisees came to Jesus and asked him for his silence, and in his answers, he told them that the only signs that will be given to them, and quote, but no sign shall be given to it. That is to this generation, except the sign of prophet Jonah. Notice here, For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, so we'll be three. So we'll be the Son of man be three days, and three nights in the heart of the earth.
Okay, this is quoted from Matthew, but it's also confirmed in chapter 16, same gospel also, verse four.
The first thing to notice here is that the analogy with prophet Jonah is not necessarily an accurate analogy. Because Jonah entered into the belly of the fish alive, stayed there alive, and got out of it alive. That obviously doesn't apply to the story of crucifixion, as reported by the gospel writers. Now, some people say, well, the time factors, it's not the analogy, the time factor is the more important, but again, that's an impossibility. Because Jesus was said to have been crucified on Friday.
And then he was taken and prepared for burial. So according to most scholars, he must have been buried after sunset on Friday, then on Sunday morning, according to three gospels, at least, at dawn time, or about dawn time, he was not there. Now, if you calculated then that you find that Jesus stayed in the earth, Friday night, Saturday day, Saturday night, and by Sunday morning, he was out by any stretch of imagination, it is not three days and three nights, you're really talking about two nights. And in one day, I'll try squeezing the last question.
Any expectations about 30 Christians of the return of Jesus, I mean, were their expectations realized, whereas there are several of them that have been mentioned, for example, in the Gospel of Matthew and chapter 16, verse 28, for example, that Jesus is coming, he says that those who are standing here will not face death before the Son of man come. In Matthew chapter 10, verse 23, again, he said to them, that you should escape from one town to town, if you are persecuted and before you pass through the towns of Israel, the Son of Man will come. Similar statements are made in First Peter chapter four in the first Corinthians
Chapter 10. And actually, in Matthew chapter 24, especially the verses 29 on, we find that all of the description of the darkening of the sun in the Day of Judgment, the moon will not give life. And all of this says that this will happen in the life of this generation, that is the generation of Jesus peace be upon him. We all know that it never happened in the lifetime of those who are addressed, or for 1900 years, almost 2000 years. That leads me again to say that Jesus could have never possibly prophesied that. No, thank you very much tomorrow. Thank you for joining us.